226 lines
7.8 KiB
226 lines
7.8 KiB
/* $Id: console.h,v 1.1 2008-04-01 08:45:42 vsc Exp $
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
E-mail: jan@swi.psy.uva.nl
WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org
Copyright (C): 1985-2002, University of Amsterdam
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef RLC_VENDOR
#define RLC_TITLE_MAX 256 /* max length of window title */
#ifndef _export
#ifdef _MAKE_DLL
#define _export _declspec(dllexport)
#define _export extern
#include <signal.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#if __GNUC__
#include <stdint.h>
#if (_MSC_VER < 1300)
typedef long intptr_t;
typedef unsigned long uintptr_t;
#define RLC_APPTIMER_ID 100 /* >=100: application timer */
typedef struct
{ int first;
int last;
int size; /* size of the buffer */
TCHAR *buffer; /* character buffer */
int flags; /* flags for the queue */
} rlc_queue, *RlcQueue;
#define RLC_EOF 0x1 /* Flags on the queue */
typedef struct
{ int mark_x;
int mark_y;
} rlc_mark, *RlcMark;
typedef struct
{ const TCHAR *title; /* window title */
const TCHAR *key; /* Last part of registry-key */
int width; /* # characters(0: default) */
int height; /* # characters (0: default) */
int x; /* # pixels (0: default) */
int y; /* # pixels (0: default) */
int savelines; /* # lines to save (0: default) */
TCHAR face_name[32]; /* font name */
int font_family; /* family id */
int font_size;
int font_weight;
int font_char_set;
} rlc_console_attr;
typedef void * rlc_console; /* console handle */
typedef void (*RlcUpdateHook)(void); /* Graphics update hook */
typedef void (*RlcTimerHook)(int); /* Timer fireing hook */
typedef int (*RlcRenderHook)(WPARAM); /* Render one format */
typedef void (*RlcRenderAllHook)(void); /* Render all formats */
typedef int (*RlcMain)(rlc_console c, int, TCHAR**); /* main() */
typedef void (*RlcInterruptHook)(rlc_console, int); /* Hook for Control-C */
typedef void (*RlcResizeHook)(int, int); /* Hook for window change */
typedef void (*RlcMenuHook)(rlc_console, const TCHAR *id); /* Hook for menu-selection */
typedef void (*RlcFreeDataHook)(uintptr_t data); /* release data */
#if defined(_WINDOWS_) || defined(_WINDOWS_H) /* <windows.h> is included */
/* rlc_color(which, ...) */
#define RLC_WINDOW (0) /* window background */
#define RLC_TEXT (1) /* text color */
#define RLC_HIGHLIGHT (2) /* selected text background */
#define RLC_HIGHLIGHTTEXT (3) /* selected text */
_export HANDLE rlc_hinstance(void); /* hInstance of WinMain() */
_export HWND rlc_hwnd(rlc_console c); /* HWND of console window */
_export int rlc_window_pos(rlc_console c,
HWND hWndInsertAfter,
int x, int y, int w, int h,
UINT flags); /* resize/reposition window */
_export int rlc_main(HANDLE hI, HANDLE hPrevI,
LPTSTR cmd, int show, RlcMain main, HICON icon);
_export void rlc_icon(rlc_console c, HICON icon); /* Change icon */
_export COLORREF rlc_color(rlc_console c, int which, COLORREF color);
typedef LRESULT (*RlcMessageHook)(HWND hwnd, UINT message,
WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
_export RlcMessageHook rlc_message_hook(RlcMessageHook hook);
#endif /*_WINDOWS_*/
_export RlcUpdateHook rlc_update_hook(RlcUpdateHook updatehook);
_export RlcTimerHook rlc_timer_hook(RlcTimerHook timerhook);
_export RlcRenderHook rlc_render_hook(RlcRenderHook renderhook);
_export RlcRenderAllHook rlc_render_all_hook(RlcRenderAllHook renderallhook);
_export RlcInterruptHook rlc_interrupt_hook(RlcInterruptHook interrupthook);
_export RlcResizeHook rlc_resize_hook(RlcResizeHook resizehook);
_export RlcMenuHook rlc_menu_hook(RlcMenuHook menuhook);
_export int rlc_copy_output_to_debug_output(int docopy);
_export rlc_console rlc_create_console(rlc_console_attr *attr);
_export void rlc_title(rlc_console c,
TCHAR *title, TCHAR *old, int size);
_export void rlc_yield(void);
_export void rlc_word_char(int chr, int isword);
_export int rlc_is_word_char(int chr);
_export int rlc_iswin32s(void); /* check for Win32S */
_export void rlc_free(void *ptr);
_export void * rlc_malloc(size_t size);
_export void * rlc_realloc(void *ptr, size_t size);
_export size_t rlc_read(rlc_console c, TCHAR *buf, size_t cnt);
_export size_t rlc_write(rlc_console c, TCHAR *buf, size_t cnt);
_export int rlc_close(rlc_console c);
_export int rlc_flush_output(rlc_console c);
_export int getch(rlc_console c);
_export int getche(rlc_console c);
_export int getkey(rlc_console c);
_export int kbhit(rlc_console c);
_export void ScreenGetCursor(rlc_console c, int *row, int *col);
_export void ScreenSetCursor(rlc_console c, int row, int col);
_export int ScreenCols(rlc_console c);
_export int ScreenRows(rlc_console c);
_export int rlc_insert_menu_item(rlc_console c,
const TCHAR *menu,
const TCHAR *label,
const TCHAR *before);
_export int rlc_insert_menu(rlc_console c,
const TCHAR *label,
const TCHAR *before);
#define RLC_APPLICATION_THREAD 0 /* thread-handle of application */
#define RLC_APPLICATION_THREAD_ID 1 /* thread id of application */
#define RLC_VALUE(N) (1000+(N))
_export int rlc_get(rlc_console c, int what,
uintptr_t *val);
_export int rlc_set(rlc_console c, int what,
uintptr_t val,
RlcFreeDataHook hook);
typedef struct _line
{ rlc_mark origin; /* origin of edit */
size_t point; /* location of the caret */
size_t size; /* # characters in buffer */
size_t allocated; /* # characters allocated */
size_t change_start; /* start of change */
int complete; /* line is completed */
int reprompt; /* repeat the prompt */
TCHAR *data; /* the data (malloc'ed) */
rlc_console console; /* console I belong to */
} line, *Line;
typedef int (*RlcCompleteFunc)(struct _complete_data *);
typedef struct _complete_data
{ Line line; /* line we are completing */
int call_type; /* COMPLETE_* */
int replace_from; /* index to start replacement */
int quote; /* closing quote */
int case_insensitive; /* if TRUE: insensitive match */
RlcCompleteFunc function; /* function for continuation */
void *ptr_handle; /* pointer handle for client */
intptr_t num_handle; /* numeric handle for client */
} rlc_complete_data, *RlcCompleteData;
_export RlcCompleteFunc rlc_complete_hook(RlcCompleteFunc func);
_export TCHAR *read_line(rlc_console console);
_export int rlc_complete_file_function(RlcCompleteData data);
_export void rlc_init_history(rlc_console c, int size);
_export void rlc_add_history(rlc_console c, const TCHAR *line);
_export int rlc_bind(int chr, const char *fname);
#endif /* _CONSOLE_H_INCLUDED */