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% Logtalk - Open source object-oriented logic programming language
% Release 2.30.7
% configuration file for YAP Prolog 5.1.2 and later versions
% last updated: November 1, 2007
% the following initialization is not needed to run Logtalk altough is
% recommended; you can comment out the set_prolog_flag/2 calls if needed
:- initialization(
(set_prolog_flag(update_semantics, logical),
set_prolog_flag(unknown, error),
'$lgt_hide_predicates' :-
predicate_property(hide_predicate(_), built_in) ->
dynamic('$lgt_before_'/5), hide_predicate('$lgt_before_'/5),
dynamic('$lgt_after_'/5), hide_predicate('$lgt_after_'/5),
dynamic('$lgt_current_protocol_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_current_protocol_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_current_category_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_current_category_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_current_object_'/8), hide_predicate('$lgt_current_object_'/8),
dynamic('$lgt_implements_protocol_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_implements_protocol_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_imports_category_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_imports_category_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_instantiates_class_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_instantiates_class_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_specializes_class_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_specializes_class_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_extends_protocol_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_extends_protocol_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_extends_object_'/3), hide_predicate('$lgt_extends_object_'/3),
dynamic('$lgt_debugging_'/1), hide_predicate('$lgt_debugging_'/1),
dynamic('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'/0), hide_predicate('$lgt_dbg_debugging_'/0),
dynamic('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'/0), hide_predicate('$lgt_dbg_tracing_'/0),
dynamic('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'/0), hide_predicate('$lgt_dbg_skipping_'/0),
dynamic('$lgt_dbg_spying_'/2), hide_predicate('$lgt_dbg_spying_'/2),
dynamic('$lgt_dbg_spying_'/4), hide_predicate('$lgt_dbg_spying_'/4),
dynamic('$lgt_dbg_leashing_'/1), hide_predicate('$lgt_dbg_leashing_'/1),
dynamic('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'/4), hide_predicate('$lgt_obj_lookup_cache_'/4),
dynamic('$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'/4), hide_predicate('$lgt_self_lookup_cache_'/4),
dynamic('$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'/5), hide_predicate('$lgt_super_lookup_cache_'/5),
dynamic('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'/6), hide_predicate('$lgt_db_lookup_cache_'/6),
dynamic('$lgt_static_binding_cache_'/4), hide_predicate('$lgt_static_binding_cache_'/4),
dynamic('$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'/1), hide_predicate('$lgt_pp_warnings_top_argument_'/1),
dynamic('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'/1), hide_predicate('$lgt_pp_comp_warnings_counter_'/1),
dynamic('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'/1), hide_predicate('$lgt_pp_load_warnings_counter_'/1),
dynamic('$lgt_loaded_file_'/2), hide_predicate('$lgt_loaded_file_'/2)
% ISO Prolog Standard predicates that we must define because they are
% not built-in
% add a clause for lgt_iso_predicate/1 declaring each ISO predicate that
% we must define; there must be at least one clause for this predicate
% whose call should fail if we don't define any ISO predicates
% '$lgt_iso_predicate'(?callable).
'$lgt_iso_predicate'(_) :-
% predicate properties
% this predicate must return at least static, dynamic, and built_in
% properties for an existing predicate
% '$lgt_predicate_property'(+callable, ?predicate_property)
'$lgt_predicate_property'(Pred, Prop) :-
predicate_property(Pred, Prop).
% meta-predicates
% call_cleanup(+callable, +callble) -- built-in
% forall(+callable, +callble) -- built-in
forall(Generate, Test) :-
\+ (call(Generate), \+ call(Test)).
% retractall(+callable) -- built-in
% call_with_args/2-9
% use these definitions only if your compiler does
% not provide call_with_args/2-9 as built-in predicates
% call_with_args(F, A) -- built-in
% call_with_args(F, A1, A2) -- built-in
% call_with_args(F, A1, A2, A3) -- built-in
% call_with_args(F, A1, A2, A3, A4) -- built-in
% call_with_args(F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) -- built-in
% call_with_args(F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6) -- built-in
% call_with_args(F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7) -- built-in
% call_with_args(F, A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, A7, A8) -- built-in
% Prolog built-in meta-predicates
% (excluding ISO Prolog Standard meta-predicates)
% '$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(?callable).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(all(*, ::, *)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(call_cleanup(::, ::)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(call_residue(::, *)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(if(::, ::, ::)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(freeze(*, ::)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(time_out(::, *, *)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(when(*, ::)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(thread_create(::, *, *)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(thread_signal(*, ::)).
'$lgt_pl_meta_predicate'(with_mutex(*, ::)).
% file extension predicates
% these extensions are used by Logtalk load/compile predicates
% you may want to change the extension for Prolog files to match
% the one expected by your Prolog compiler
% '$lgt_file_extension'(?atom, ?atom)
'$lgt_file_extension'(logtalk, '.lgt').
'$lgt_file_extension'(prolog, '.pl').
'$lgt_file_extension'(xml, '.xml').
% default flag values
% '$lgt_default_flag'(?atom, ?atom)
% default values for all flags
'$lgt_default_flag'(xmldocs, on).
'$lgt_default_flag'(xslfile, 'lgtxml.xsl').
'$lgt_default_flag'(xmlspec, dtd).
'$lgt_default_flag'(xmlsref, local).
'$lgt_default_flag'(unknown, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(misspelt, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(singletons, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(lgtredef, warning).
'$lgt_default_flag'(plredef, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(portability, silent).
'$lgt_default_flag'(report, on).
'$lgt_default_flag'(smart_compilation, off).
'$lgt_default_flag'(reload, always).
'$lgt_default_flag'(startup_message, flags(verbose)).
'$lgt_default_flag'(underscore_variables, singletons).
'$lgt_default_flag'(code_prefix, '').
'$lgt_default_flag'(debug, off).
'$lgt_default_flag'(break_predicate, true).
'$lgt_default_flag'(events, off).
'$lgt_default_flag'(altdirs, off).
'$lgt_default_flag'(tmpdir, 'lgt_tmp/').
'$lgt_default_flag'(xmldir, 'xml_docs/').
'$lgt_default_flag'(encoding_directive, Encoding) :-
( catch(current_prolog_flag(version_data, _), _, fail) -> % version_data flag added on YAP version 5.1.3
Encoding = full % together with working Unicode support
; Encoding = unsupported
'$lgt_default_flag'(threads, Threads) :-
( current_prolog_flag(system_options, threads) ->
Threads = on
; Threads = off
'$lgt_default_flag'(context_switching_calls, allow).
% list predicates
'$lgt_append'([], List, List).
'$lgt_append'([Head| Tail], List, [Head| Tail2]) :-
'$lgt_append'(Tail, List, Tail2).
'$lgt_member'(Head, [Head| _]).
'$lgt_member'(Head, [_| Tail]) :-
'$lgt_member'(Head, Tail).
'$lgt_member_var'(V, [H| _]) :-
V == H.
'$lgt_member_var'(V, [_| T]) :-
'$lgt_member_var'(V, T).
'$lgt_is_list'([]) :-
'$lgt_is_list'([_| Tail]) :-
'$lgt_is_proper_list'(List) :-
List == [], !.
'$lgt_is_proper_list'([_| Tail]) :-
% file predicates
% '$lgt_file_exists'(+atom)
% checks if a file exist in the current directory
'$lgt_file_exists'(File) :-
% '$lgt_directory_exists'(+atom)
% checks if a directory exists
'$lgt_directory_exists'(Directory) :-
( atom_concat(Directory2, '/', Directory) ->
; Directory2 = Directory
absolute_file_name(Directory2, Path),
file_property(Path, type(directory)).
% '$lgt_current_directory'(-atom)
% gets current working directory
'$lgt_current_directory'(Directory) :-
% '$lgt_change_directory'(+atom)
% changes current working directory
'$lgt_change_directory'(Directory) :-
% '$lgt_make_directory'(+atom)
% makes a new directory; succeeds if the directory already exists
'$lgt_make_directory'(Directory) :-
( '$lgt_directory_exists'(Directory) ->
; make_directory(Directory)
% '$lgt_load_prolog_code'(+atom, +atom)
% compile and load a Prolog file
'$lgt_load_prolog_code'(File, _) :-
% '$lgt_compare_file_mtimes'(?atom, +atom, +atom)
% compare file modification times
'$lgt_compare_file_mtimes'(Result, File1, File2) :-
file_property(File1, mod_time(Time1)),
file_property(File2, mod_time(Time2)),
compare(Result, Time1, Time2).
% sorting predicates
% '$lgt_keysort'(+list, -list)
'$lgt_keysort'(List, Sorted) :-
keysort(List, Sorted).
% '$lgt_sort'(+list, -list)
'$lgt_sort'(List, Sorted) :-
sort(List, Sorted).
% time and date predicates
% if your Prolog compiler does not provide access to the operating system
% time and date just write dummy definitions
% '$lgt_current_date'(?Year, ?Month, ?Day)
'$lgt_current_date'(Year, Month, Day) :-
datime(datime(Year, Month, Day, _, _, _)).
% '$lgt_current_time'(?Hours, ?Mins, ?Secs)
'$lgt_current_time'(Hours, Mins, Secs) :-
datime(datime(_, _, _, Hours, Mins, Secs)).
% timing predicate
% if your Prolog compiler does not provide access to a timing predicate
% just write dummy definition
% '$lgt_cpu_time'(-Seconds)
'$lgt_cpu_time'(Seconds) :-
statistics(cputime, [Miliseconds, _]),
Seconds is Miliseconds/1000.
% comparison predicate
% the usual compare/3 definition
% compare(?atom, @term, @term) -- built-in
% callable predicate
% the usual callable/1 definition
% callable(@term) -- built-in
% read character predicate
% read a single character echoing it and writing a newline after
'$lgt_read_single_char'(Char) :-
( peek_code(10) -> % hack to workaround the lack of built-in
get_code(_) % support for unbuffered character input
; true
% pretty print a term by naming its free variables
% (avoid instantiating variables in term by using double negation if necessary)
'$lgt_pretty_print_vars'(Stream, Term) :-
\+ \+ (
numbervars(Term, 0, _),
write_term(Stream, Term, [numbervars(true)])).
'$lgt_pretty_print_vars_quoted'(Stream, Term) :-
\+ \+ (
numbervars(Term, 0, _),
write_term(Stream, Term, [numbervars(true), quoted(true)])).
% getting stream current line number
% (needed for improved compiler error messages)
% '$lgt_stream_current_line_number'(@stream, -integer)
'$lgt_stream_current_line_number'(Stream, Line) :-
stream_property(Stream, position('$stream_position'(_, Last, _))),
Line is Last + 1.
% handling of Prolog-proprietary directives on Logtalk source files
% '$lgt_ignore_pl_directive'(@callable)
'$lgt_ignore_pl_directive'(load_foreign_files(Files,Libs,InitRoutine)) :-
% '$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive'(@callable, -callable)
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive'(table(PIs), table(CPIs)) :-
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(PIs, CPIs).
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive'(thread_local(PIs), thread_local(CPIs)) :-
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(PIs, CPIs).
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(PIs, _) :-
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'([], []) :-
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'([PI| PIs], [CPI| CPIs]) :-
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(PI, CPI),
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(PIs, CPIs).
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'((PI, PIs), (CPI, CPIs)) :-
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(PI, CPI),
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(PIs, CPIs).
'$lgt_rewrite_and_copy_pl_directive_pis'(Functor/Arity, TFunctor/TArity) :-
'$lgt_pp_object_'(_, Prefix, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _),
'$lgt_construct_predicate_functor'(Prefix, Functor, Arity, TFunctor),
functor(Meta, Functor, Arity),
( '$lgt_pp_meta_predicate_'(Meta) ->
TArity is Arity + 4
; TArity is Arity + 3
% '$lgt_rewrite_and_recompile_pl_directive'(@callable, -callable)
'$lgt_rewrite_and_recompile_pl_directive'(_, _) :-
% multi-threading predicates
% thread_property(+atom, ?nonvar) -- built-in
% thread_self(?atom) -- built-in
% thread_create(@callable, -thread_id, +list) -- built-in
% thread_join(+atom, -nonvar) -- built-in
% thread_detach(+atom) -- built-in
% thread_exit(@term) -- built-in
% thread_send_message(+atom, @callable) -- built-in
% thread_peek_message(+atom, ?callable) -- built-in
% thread_get_message(+atom, ?callable) -- built-in
% thread_get_message(?callable) -- built-in
% thread_sleep(+number) -- built-in
% Shortcut to the Logtalk built-in predicate logtalk_load/1
% defined in the config files in order to be able to comment it out in case
% of conflict with some Prolog native feature; it implies conformance with
% the ISO Prolog standard regarding the definition of the {}/1 syntax
{File, Files} :-
{File} :-
% end!