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% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
% The Computer Language Benchmarks Game
% Contributed by Anthony Borla
% Modified to run with YAP by Glendon Holst
% ----------------------------------------------------------------------
:- yap_flag(unknown,error).
:- initialization(main).
main :-
unix( argv([H|_]) ), number_atom(N,H),
% ------------------------------- %
pidigits(N) :- pidigits_(1, [1, 0, 0, 1], N, 0, 0).
% ------------- %
pidigits_(K, Z, N, Row, Col) :-
(N > 0 ->
next(Z, Y), safe(Z, Y, IsSafe),
(IsSafe ->
prod(Z, Y, RL), N1 is N - 1,
(Col =:= 10 ->
Cf is 1, Rf is 10 + Row, format('\t:~w\n~w', [Rf, Y])
Cf is 1 + Col, Rf is Row, format('~w', [Y])),
!, pidigits_(K, RL, N1, Rf, Cf)
cons(Z, K, RL), K1 is K + 1,
!, pidigits_(K1, RL, N, Row, Col))
NS is 10 - Col, tab(NS), RC is Row + Col, format('\t:~w\n', [RC])).
% ------------- %
next([Q, R, S, T], RV) :- RV is (3 * Q + R) // (3 * S + T).
safe([Q, R, S, T], N, RV) :-
V is ((4 * Q + R) // (4 * S + T)), (V =:= N -> RV = true ; RV = fail).
comp([Q1, R1, S1, T1], [Q2, R2, S2, T2], [QO, RO, SO, TO]) :-
QO is Q1 * Q2 + R1 * S2, RO is Q1 * R2 + R1 * T2,
SO is S1 * Q2 + T1 * S2, TO is S1 * R2 + T1 * T2.
prod(Z, N, RL) :- A2 is -10 * N, comp([10, A2, 0, 1], Z, RL).
cons(Z, K, RL) :- A2 is 4 * K + 2, A4 is 2 * K + 1, comp(Z, [K, A2, 0, A4], RL).
% ------------------------------- %