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% clp(q,r) version 1.3.3 %
% %
% (c) Copyright 1992,1993,1994,1995 %
% Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (OFAI) %
% Schottengasse 3 %
% A-1010 Vienna, Austria %
% %
% File: %
% Author: Christian Holzbaur %
% Answer constraint projection
:- public project_attributes/2. %
% interface predicate
% May be destructive (either acts on a copy or in a failure loop)
project_attributes( TargetVars, Cvas) :-
sort( TargetVars, Tvs), % duplicates ?
sort( Cvas, Avs), % duplicates ?
mark_target( Tvs),
project_nonlin( Tvs, Avs, NlReachable),
( Tvs == [] ->
drop_lin_atts( Avs)
redundancy_vars( Avs), %
make_target_indep( Tvs, Pivots),
mark_target( NlReachable), % after make_indep to express priority
drop_dep( Avs),
fm_elim( Avs, Tvs, Pivots),
impose_ordering( Avs)
mark_target( []).
mark_target( [V|Vs]) :-
put_atts( V, target),
mark_target( Vs).
mark_keep( []).
mark_keep( [V|Vs]) :-
put_atts( V, keep),
mark_keep( Vs).
% Collect the pivots in reverse order
% We have to protect the target variables pivot partners
% from redundancy eliminations triggered by fm_elim,
% in order to allow for reverse pivoting.
make_target_indep( Ts, Ps) :- make_target_indep( Ts, [], Ps).
make_target_indep( [], Ps, Ps).
make_target_indep( [T|Ts], Ps0,Pst) :-
( get_atts( T, [lin(Lin),type(Type)]),
decompose( Lin, H, _, _),
nontarget( H, Nt) ->
Ps1 = [T:Nt|Ps0],
put_atts( Nt, keep),
pivot( T, Nt, Type)
Ps1 = Ps0
make_target_indep( Ts, Ps1,Pst).
nontarget( [V*_|Vs], Nt) :-
( get_atts( V, [-target,-keep_indep]) ->
Nt = V
nontarget( Vs, Nt)
drop_dep( Vs) :- var( Vs), !.
drop_dep( []).
drop_dep( [V|Vs]) :-
drop_dep_one( V),
drop_dep( Vs).
drop_dep_one( V) :-
get_atts( V, [lin(Lin),type(t_none),-target,-keep,-nonzero]),
\+ indep( Lin, V),
put_atts( V, [-lin(_),-type(_),-class(_),-order(_),-strictness(_)]).
drop_dep_one( _).
drop_lin_atts( []).
drop_lin_atts( [V|Vs]) :-
put_atts( V, [-lin(_),-type(_),-class(_),-order(_),-strictness(_)]),
drop_lin_atts( Vs).
impose_ordering( Cvas) :-
systems( Cvas, [], Sys),
impose_ordering_sys( Sys).
impose_ordering_sys( []).
impose_ordering_sys( [S|Ss]) :-
arrangement( S, Arr), %
arrange( Arr, S),
impose_ordering_sys( Ss).
arrange( [], _).
arrange( Arr, S) :- Arr = [_|_],
class_allvars( S, All),
order( Arr, 1, N),
order( All, N, _),
renorm_all( All),
arrange_pivot( All).
order( Xs, N, M) :- var(Xs), !, N=M.
order( [], N, N).
order( [X|Xs], N, M) :-
( get_atts( X, order(O)),
var(O) ->
N1 is N+1,
order( Xs, N1, M)
order( Xs, N, M)
renorm_all( Xs) :- var( Xs), !.
renorm_all( [X|Xs]) :-
( get_atts( X, lin(Lin)) ->
renormalize( Lin, New),
put_atts( X, lin(New)),
renorm_all( Xs)
renorm_all( Xs)
arrange_pivot( Xs) :- var( Xs), !.
arrange_pivot( [X|Xs]) :-
( get_atts( X, [lin(Lin),type(t_none)]),
decompose( Lin, [Y*_|_], _, _),
nf_ordering( Y, X, <) ->
pivot( X, Y, t_none),
arrange_pivot( Xs)
arrange_pivot( Xs)