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* *
* YAP Prolog *
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* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
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* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
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* File: *
* Last rev: *
* mods: *
* comments: BNF grammar for Prolog *
* *
* @file grammar.yap
* @author VITOR SANTOS COSTA <vsc@VITORs-MBP.lan>
* @date Thu Nov 19 10:20:55 2015
* @brief Grammar Rules
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
@defgroup Grammars Grammar Rules
2015-01-04 23:58:23 +00:00
@ingroup builtins
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
Grammar rules in Prolog are both a convenient way to express definite
clause grammars and an extension of the well known context-free grammars.
A grammar rule is of the form:
head --> body
where both \a head and \a body are sequences of one or more items
linked by the standard conjunction operator `,`.
<em>Items can be:</em>
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
a <em>non-terminal</em> symbol may be either a complex term or an atom.
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
a <em>terminal</em> symbol may be any Prolog symbol. Terminals are
written as Prolog lists.
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
an <em>empty body</em> is written as the empty list `[ ]`.
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
<em>extra conditions</em> may be inserted as Prolog procedure calls, by being
written inside curly brackets `{` and `}`.
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
the left side of a rule consists of a nonterminal and an optional list
of terminals.
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
alternatives may be stated in the right-hand side of the rule by using
the disjunction operator `;`.
the <em>cut</em> and <em>conditional</em> symbol (`->`) may be inserted in the
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
right hand side of a grammar rule
Grammar related built-in predicates:
2016-01-20 22:36:16 +00:00
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
:- module( system('$_grammar'), [!/2,
2014-12-24 15:32:06 +00:00
2014-04-09 12:39:29 +01:00
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
:- use_module( library( expand_macros ) ).
2010-08-04 23:32:46 +01:00
% :- meta_predicate ^(?,0,?).
2015-09-29 23:49:03 +01:00
% ^(Xs, Goal, Xs) :- call(Goal).
2009-06-12 14:08:03 -05:00
2010-08-04 23:32:46 +01:00
% :- meta_predicate ^(?,1,?,?).
% ^(Xs0, Goal, Xs0, Xs) :- call(Goal, Xs).
2009-06-12 14:08:03 -05:00
Variables X in grammar rule bodies are translated as
if phrase(X) had been written, where phrase/3 is obvious.
Also, phrase/2-3 check their first argument.
prolog:'$translate_rule'(Rule, (NH :- B) ) :-
source_module( SM ),
'$yap_strip_module'( SM:Rule, M0, (LP-->RP) ),
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
t_head(LP, NH0, NGs, S, SR, (LP-->SM:RP)),
'$yap_strip_module'( M0:NH0, M, NH1 ),
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
( M == SM -> NH = NH1 ; NH = M:NH1 ),
(var(NGs) ->
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body(RP, _, last, S, SR, B1)
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body((RP,{NGs}), _, last, S, SR, B1)
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
t_tidy(B1, B).
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_head(V, _, _, _, _, G0) :- var(V), !,
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_head((H,List), NH, NGs, S, S1, G0) :- !,
t_hgoal(H, NH, S, SR, G0),
t_hlist(List, S1, SR, NGs, G0).
t_head(H, NH, _, S, SR, G0) :-
t_hgoal(H, NH, S, SR, G0).
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_hgoal(V, _, _, _, G0) :- var(V), !,
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_hgoal(M:H, M:NH, S, SR, G0) :- !,
t_hgoal(H, NH, S, SR, G0).
t_hgoal(H, NH, S, SR, _) :-
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_hlist(V, _, _, _, G0) :- var(V), !,
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_hlist([], _, _, true, _).
t_hlist(String, S0, SR, SF, G0) :- string(String), !,
2014-04-09 12:39:29 +01:00
string_codes( String, X ),
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_hlist( X, S0, SR, SF, G0).
t_hlist([H], S0, SR, ('C'(SR,H,S0)), _) :- !.
t_hlist([H|List], S0, SR, ('C'(SR,H,S1),G0), Goal) :- !,
t_hlist(List, S0, S1, G0, Goal).
t_hlist(T, _, _, _, Goal) :-
% Two extra variables:
% ToFill tells whether we need to explictly close the chain of
% variables.
% Last tells whether we are the ones who should close that chain.
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body(Var, filled_in, _, S, S1, phrase(Var,S,S1)) :-
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body(!, to_fill, last, S, S1, (!, S1 = S)) :- !.
t_body(!, _, _, S, S, !) :- !.
t_body([], to_fill, last, S, S1, S1=S) :- !.
t_body([], _, _, S, S, true) :- !.
t_body(X, FilledIn, Last, S, SR, OS) :- string(X), !,
2014-04-09 12:39:29 +01:00
string_codes( X, Codes),
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body(Codes, FilledIn, Last, S, SR, OS).
t_body([X], filled_in, _, S, SR, 'C'(S,X,SR)) :- !.
t_body([X|R], filled_in, Last, S, SR, ('C'(S,X,SR1),RB)) :- !,
t_body(R, filled_in, Last, SR1, SR, RB).
t_body({T}, to_fill, last, S, S1, (T, S1=S)) :- !.
t_body({T}, _, _, S, S, T) :- !.
t_body((T,R), ToFill, Last, S, SR, (Tt,Rt)) :- !,
t_body(T, ToFill, not_last, S, SR1, Tt),
t_body(R, ToFill, Last, SR1, SR, Rt).
t_body((T->R), ToFill, Last, S, SR, (Tt->Rt)) :- !,
t_body(T, ToFill, not_last, S, SR1, Tt),
t_body(R, ToFill, Last, SR1, SR, Rt).
t_body(\+T, ToFill, _, S, SR, (Tt->fail ; S=SR)) :- !,
t_body(T, ToFill, not_last, S, _, Tt).
t_body((T;R), _ToFill, _, S, SR, (Tt;Rt)) :- !,
t_body(T, _, last, S, SR, Tt),
t_body(R, _, last, S, SR, Rt).
t_body((T|R), _ToFill, _, S, SR, (Tt;Rt)) :- !,
t_body(T, _, last, S, SR, Tt),
t_body(R, _, last, S, SR, Rt).
t_body(M:G, ToFill, Last, S, SR, M:NG) :- !,
t_body(G, ToFill, Last, S, SR, NG).
t_body(T, filled_in, _, S, SR, Tt) :-
extend([S,SR], T, Tt).
extend(More, OldT, NewT) :-
OldT =.. OldL,
lists:append(OldL, More, NewL),
NewT =.. NewL.
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_tidy(P,P) :- var(P), !.
t_tidy((P1;P2), (Q1;Q2)) :- !,
t_tidy(P1, Q1),
t_tidy(P2, Q2).
t_tidy((P1->P2), (Q1->Q2)) :- !,
t_tidy(P1, Q1),
t_tidy(P2, Q2).
t_tidy(((P1,P2),P3), Q) :-
t_tidy((P1,(P2,P3)), Q).
t_tidy((true,P1), Q1) :- !,
t_tidy(P1, Q1).
t_tidy((P1,true), Q1) :- !,
t_tidy(P1, Q1).
t_tidy((P1,P2), (Q1,Q2)) :- !,
t_tidy(P1, Q1),
t_tidy(P2, Q2).
t_tidy(A, A).
/** @pred `C`( _S1_, _T_, _S2_)
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
This predicate is used by the grammar rules compiler and is defined as
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
/** @pred phrase(+ _P_, _L_)
This predicate succeeds when _L_ is a phrase of type _P_. The
same as `phrase(P,L,[])`.
Both this predicate and the previous are used as a convenient way to
start execution of grammar rules.
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:phrase(PhraseDef, WordList) :-
prolog:phrase(PhraseDef, WordList, []).
/** @pred phrase(+ _P_, _L_, _R_)
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
This predicate succeeds when the difference list ` _L_- _R_`
is a phrase of type _P_.
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:phrase(P, S0, S) :-
call(P, S0, S).
2012-03-28 10:58:53 +01:00
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:!(S, S).
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:[](S, S).
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:[](H, T, S0, S) :- lists:append([H|T], S, S0).
2012-03-29 22:32:56 +01:00
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:'.'(H,T, S0, S) :-
lists:append([H|T], S, S0).
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:{}(Goal, S0, S) :-
S0 = S.
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
prolog:','(A,B, S0, S) :-
t_body((A,B), _, last, S0, S, Goal),
2014-10-03 08:54:41 +01:00
prolog:';'(A,B, S0, S) :-
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body((A;B), _, last, S0, S, Goal),
2014-10-03 08:54:41 +01:00
prolog:('|'(A,B, S0, S)) :-
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body((A|B), _, last, S0, S, Goal),
2014-10-03 08:54:41 +01:00
prolog:'->'(A,B, S0, S) :-
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body((A->B), _, last, S0, S, Goal),
2014-10-03 08:54:41 +01:00
prolog:'\\+'(A, S0, S) :-
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
t_body(\+ A, _, last, S0, S, Goal),
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
:- multifile system:goal_expansion/2.
:- dynamic system:goal_expansion/2.
:- dynamic prolog:'$goal_expansion_allowed'/0.
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
'$c_built_in_phrase'(NT, Xs0, Xs, Mod, NewGoal) :-
2016-01-31 19:41:10 +00:00
(pseudo_nt --> Mod:NT), Rule),
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
( \+ '$harmless_dcgexception'(Pat),
Rule = (pseudo_nt(Xs0c,Xsc) :- NewGoal0),
2016-01-31 19:41:10 +00:00
Mod:NT \== NewGoal0,
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
% apply translation only if we are safe
\+ '$contains_illegal_dcgnt'(NT),
( var(Xsc), Xsc \== Xs0c
-> Xs = Xsc, NewGoal1 = NewGoal0
; NewGoal1 = (NewGoal0, Xsc = Xs)
( var(Xs0c)
-> Xs0 = Xs0c,
NewGoal2 = NewGoal1
; ( Xs0 = Xs0c, NewGoal1 ) = NewGoal2
'$yap_strip_module'(Mod:NewGoal2, M, NewGoal3),
(nonvar(NewGoal3) -> NewGoal = M:NewGoal3
var(M) -> NewGoal = '$execute_wo_mod'(NewGoal3,M)
NewGoal = '$execute_in_mod'(NewGoal3,M)
2016-01-31 19:41:10 +00:00
system:goal_expansion(Mod:phrase(NT,Xs0, Xs),Mod:NewGoal) :-
nonvar(NT), nonvar(Mod), !,
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
'$c_built_in_phrase'(NT, Xs0, Xs, Mod, NewGoal).
2016-01-31 19:41:10 +00:00
system:goal_expansion(Mod:phrase(NT,Xs),Mod:NewGoal) :-
2016-01-03 02:06:09 +00:00
nonvar(NT), nonvar(Mod),
'$c_built_in_phrase'(NT, [], Xs, Mod, NewGoal).
2014-10-02 14:55:47 +01:00
2014-09-11 14:06:57 -05:00