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* *
* YAP Prolog *
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* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
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* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
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* *
* File: utils.yap *
* Last rev: 8/2/88 *
* mods: *
* comments: Some utility predicates available in yap *
* *
op(P,T,V) :-
'$op'(P, T, V).
'$check_op'(P,T,V,G) :-
var(P) ->
var(T) ->
var(V) ->
\+ integer(P) ->
\+ atom(T) ->
P < 0 ->
P > 1200 ->
\+ '$associativity'(T) ->
2009-11-20 00:33:14 +00:00
'$check_op_name'(V,G) :-
var(V), !,
'$check_op_name'(V,_) :-
atom(V), !.
2009-11-20 00:33:14 +00:00
'$check_op_name'(M:A, G) :-
var(M) ->
var(A) ->
2009-11-20 00:33:14 +00:00
atom(M) ->
'$check_op_name'(A, G)
'$check_op_name'([A|As], G) :-
'$check_op_name'(A, G),
'$check_op_names'(As, G).
'$check_op_names'([], _).
'$check_op_names'([A|As], G) :-
'$check_op_name'(A, G),
'$check_op_names'(As, G).
2009-11-20 00:33:14 +00:00
'$op'(P, T, M:[A|As]) :- !,
'$opl'(P, T, M, [A|As]).
'$op'(P, T, [A|As]) :- !,
2009-11-20 00:33:14 +00:00
'$opl'(P, T, M, [A|As]).
'$op'(P, T, A) :-
2009-11-20 00:33:14 +00:00
'$opl'(P, T, _, []).
'$opl'(P, T, M, [A|As]) :-
'$op2'(P, T, M:A),
'$opl'(P, T, M, As).
'$op2'(P,T,A) :-
atom(A), !,
'$op2'(P,T,A) :-
2009-11-20 00:33:14 +00:00
current_op(X,Y,V) :- var(V), !,
V = M:Z,
current_op(X,Y,M:Z) :- !,
current_op(X,Y,Z) :-
'$current_opm'(X,Y,Z,M) :-
var(Z), !,
'$current_opm'(X,Y,M:Z,_) :- !,
'$current_opm'(X,Y,Z,M) :-
'$do_current_op'(X,Y,Z,M) :-
( M1 = prolog -> true ; M1 = M ).
%%% Operating System utilities
unix(V) :- var(V), !,
unix(argv(L)) :- '$is_list_of_atoms'(L,L), !, '$argv'(L).
unix(argv(V)) :-
unix(cd) :- cd('~').
unix(cd(V)) :- var(V), !,
unix(cd(A)) :- atomic(A), !, cd(A).
unix(cd(V)) :-
unix(environ(X,Y)) :- '$do_environ'(X,Y).
unix(getcwd(X)) :- getcwd(X).
unix(shell(V)) :- var(V), !,
unix(shell(A)) :- atom(A), !, '$shell'(A).
unix(shell(V)) :-
unix(system(V)) :- var(V), !,
unix(system(A)) :- atom(A), !, system(A).
unix(system(V)) :-
unix(shell) :- sh.
unix(putenv(X,Y)) :- '$putenv'(X,Y).
'$is_list_of_atoms'(V,_) :- var(V),!.
'$is_list_of_atoms'([],_) :- !.
'$is_list_of_atoms'([H|L],L0) :- !,
'$is_list_of_atoms'(H,L0) :-
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :-
var(H), !.
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :-
atom(H), !.
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,L0) :-
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :-
var(X), !,
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :- atom(X), !,
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :-
putenv(Na,Val) :-
getenv(Na,Val) :-
%%% Saving and restoring a computation
save(A) :- var(A), !,
save(A) :- atom(A), !, name(A,S), '$save'(S).
save(S) :- '$save'(S).
save(A,_) :- var(A), !,
save(A,OUT) :- atom(A), !, name(A,S), '$save'(S,OUT).
save(S,OUT) :- '$save'(S,OUT).
save_program(A) :- var(A), !,
save_program(A) :- atom(A), !, name(A,S), '$save_program'(S).
save_program(S) :- '$save_program'(S).
save_program(A, G) :- var(A), !,
save_program(A, G) :- var(G), !,
save_program(A, G) :- \+ callable(G), !,
save_program(A, G) :-
( atom(A) -> name(A,S) ; A = S),
restore(A) :- var(A), !,
restore(A) :- atom(A), !, name(A,S), '$restore'(S).
restore(S) :- '$restore'(S).
prolog :-
%%% current ....
recordaifnot(K,T,R) :-
recorded(K,T,R), % force non-det binding to R.
recordaifnot(K,T,R) :-
recordzifnot(K,T,R) :-
recordzifnot(K,T,R) :-
current_atom(A) :- % check
atom(A), !.
current_atom(A) :- % generate
current_atom(A) :- % generate
atom_concat(X,Y,At) :-
nonvar(X), nonvar(Y)
atom(At) ->
var(At) ->
atomic_concat(X,Y,At) :-
nonvar(X), nonvar(Y)
atom(At) ->
number(At) ->
var(At) ->
'$atom_contact_split'(At,Len,Len,X,Y) :- !,
'$atom_contact_split'(At,Len1,_,X,Y) :-
'$atom_contact_split'(At,Len1,Len,X,Y) :-
Len2 is Len1+1,
sub_atom(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt) :-
% extract something from an atom
atom(At), integer(Bef), integer(Size), !,
'$sub_atom_extract'(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt).
sub_atom(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt) :-
% extract subatom from an atom
atom(At), atom(SubAt), !,
'$do_sub_atom_fetch'(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt, 0).
sub_atom(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt) :-
atom(At), !,
atom_codes(At, Atl),
'$sub_atom2'(Bef, Atl, Size, After, SubAt, sub_atom(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt)).
sub_atom(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt) :-
var(At), !,
'$do_error'(instantiation_error,sub_atom(At, Bef, Size,After, SubAt)).
sub_atom(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt) :-
\+ atom(At), !,
'$do_error'(type_error(atom,At),sub_atom(At, Bef, Size,After, SubAt)).
'$do_sub_atom_fetch'(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt, I0) :-
'$sub_atom_fetch'(At, Bef1, Size, After1, SubAt, I0),
Bef = Bef1, After = After1
Next is Bef1+1,
'$do_sub_atom_fetch'(At, Bef, Size, After, SubAt, Next)
'$sub_atom2'(Bef, Atl, Size, After, SubAt, ErrorTerm) :-
var(Bef), !,
'$sub_atombv'(Bef, Size, After, SubAt, Atl, ErrorTerm).
'$sub_atom2'(Bef, Atl, Size, After, SubAt, ErrorTerm) :-
'$sub_atom_get_subchars'(Bef, Atl, NewAtl),
'$sub_atom3'(Size, After, SubAt, NewAtl, ErrorTerm).
% if SubAt is bound, the rest is deterministic.
'$sub_atom3'(Size, After, SubAt, Atl, ErrorTerm) :-
nonvar(SubAt), !,
'$$_length1'(Atls, 0, Size),
'$sub_atom_get_subchars_and_match'(Size, Atl, Atls, NAtl),
% SubAt is unbound, but Size is bound
'$sub_atom3'(Size, After, SubAt, Atl, ErrorTerm) :-
nonvar(Size), !,
'$sub_atom_get_subchars_and_match'(Size, Atl, SubAts, NAtl),
% SubAt and Size are unbound, but After is bound.
'$sub_atom3'(Size, After, SubAt, Atl, ErrorTerm) :-
nonvar(After), !,
Total >= After,
% SubAt, Size, and After are unbound.
'$sub_atom3'(Size, After, SubAt, Atl, _) :-
% Bef is unbound, so we've got three hypothesis
% ok: in the best case we just try to find SubAt in the original atom.
'$sub_atombv'(Bef, Size, After, SubAt, Atl, ErrorTerm) :-
nonvar(SubAt), !,
'$sub_atom_needs_atom'(SubAt, ErrorTerm),
'$sub_atom_search'(SubAts, Atl, 0, Bef, AfterS),
'$$_length1'(SubAts, 0, Size),
'$$_length1'(AfterS, 0, After).
% ok: in the second best case we just get rid of the tail
'$sub_atombv'(Bef, Size, After, SubAt, Atl, ErrorTerm) :-
nonvar(After), !,
'$sub_atom_needs_int'(After, ErrorTerm),
Total >= After,
% ok: just do everything
'$sub_atombv'(Bef, Size, After, SubAt, Atl, _) :-
'$$_length1'(Atl, 0, Len),
'$sub_atom_search'([], AfterS, BefSize, BefSize, AfterS).
'$sub_atom_search'([C|SubAts], [C|Atl], BefSize, BefSize, AfterS) :-
'$sub_atom_search2'(SubAts, Atl, AfterS).
'$sub_atom_search'([C|SubAts], [_|Atl], BefSize, BefSizeF, AfterS) :-
NBefSize is BefSize+1,
'$sub_atom_search'([C|SubAts], Atl, NBefSize, BefSizeF, AfterS).
'$sub_atom_search2'([], AfterS, AfterS).
'$sub_atom_search2'([C|SubAts], [C|Atl], AfterS) :-
'$sub_atom_search2'(SubAts, Atl, AfterS).
'$sub_atom_get_subchars'(0, Atl, Atl) :- !.
'$sub_atom_get_subchars'(I0, [_|Atl], NAtl) :-
I is I0-1,
'$sub_atom_get_subchars'(I, Atl, NAtl).
'$sub_atom_get_subchars'(0, Atl, [], Atl) :- !.
'$sub_atom_get_subchars'(I0, [C|Atl], [C|L], NAtl) :-
I is I0-1,
'$sub_atom_get_subchars'(I, Atl, L, NAtl).
'$sub_atom_get_subchars_and_match'(0, Atl, [], Atl) :- !.
'$sub_atom_get_subchars_and_match'(I0, [C|Atl], [C|Match], NAtl) :-
I is I0-1,
'$sub_atom_get_subchars_and_match'(I, Atl, Match, NAtl).
'$sub_atom_check_length'([_|L],N1) :-
N1 > 0,
N is N1-1,
'$sub_atom_get_last_subchars'([C|Atl],SubAt,After,Total,Size) :-
Total is Total0+1,
( Total > After ->
Size is Size0+1, SubAt = [C|SubAt0]
Size = Size0, SubAt = SubAt0
'$sub_atom_split'([C|Atl],Len,[C|Atls],Size,NAtl,After) :-
Len1 is Len-1,
Size is Size0+1.
'$sub_atom_needs_int'(V,_) :- var(V), !.
'$sub_atom_needs_int'(I,_) :- integer(I), I >= 0, !.
'$sub_atom_needs_int'(I,ErrorTerm) :- integer(I), !,
'$sub_atom_needs_int'(I,ErrorTerm) :-
'$sub_atom_needs_atom'(V,_) :- var(V), !.
'$sub_atom_needs_atom'(A,_) :- atom(A), !.
'$sub_atom_needs_atom'(A,ErrorTerm) :-
'$singletons_in_term'(T,VL) :-
'$sort'(V10, V1),
'$sort'(V20, V2),
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([_|_],[],[]) :- !.
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([V1|VL1],[V2|VL2],VL) :-
V1 == V2, !,
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([V1|VL1],[V2|VL2],[V2|VL]) :-
simple(V) :- var(V), !.
simple(A) :- atom(A), !.
simple(N) :- number(N).
callable(V) :- var(V), !, fail.
callable(V) :- atom(V), !.
callable(V) :- functor(V,_,Ar), Ar > 0.
nth_instance(Key,Index,Ref) :-
nonvar(Key), var(Index), var(Ref), !,
nth_instance(Key,Index,Ref) :-
nth_instance(Key,Index,T,Ref) :-
nonvar(Key), var(Index), var(Ref), !,
nth_instance(Key,Index,T,Ref) :-
nb_current(GlobalVariable, Val) :-
var(GlobalVariable), !,
nb_getval(GlobalVariable, Val).
nb_current(GlobalVariable, Val) :-
nb_getval(GlobalVariable, Val).