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2008-09-30 00:02:31 +01:00
% The world famous EM algorithm, in a nutshell
:- module(clpbn_em, [em/6]).
:- use_module(library(lists),
:- use_module(library('clpbn/learning/learn_utils'),
em(Items, MaxError, MaxIts, Tables, Likelihood) :-
init_em(Items, State),
em_loop(0, 0.0, state(AllVars,AllDists), MaxError, MaxIts, Likelihood),
get_tables(State, Tables).
% This gets you an initial configuration. If there is a lot of evidence
% tables may be filled in close to optimal, otherwise they may be
% close to uniform.
% it also gets you a run for random variables
init_em(Items, state(AllVars, AllDists, AllDistInstances)) :-
different_dists(AllVars, AllDists, AllDistInstances).
% loop for as long as you want.
2008-09-30 00:04:07 +01:00
em_loop(MaxIts, Likelihood, State, _, _, MaxIts, Likelihood) :- !.
2008-09-30 00:02:31 +01:00
em_loop(Its, Likelihood0, State, MaxError, MaxIts, LikelihoodF) :-
maximise(State, Likelihood),
(Likelihood - Likelihood0)/Likelihood < MaxError
Its == MaxIts
LikelihoodF = Likelihood
Its1 is Its+1,
em_loop(Its1, Likelihood, State, MaxError, MaxIts, LikelihoodF)
% collect the different dists we are going to learn next.
different_dists(AllVars, AllDists, AllInfo) :-
all_dists(AllVars, Dists0, AllInfo),
sort(Dists0, Dists1),
group(Dists1, AllInfo).
2008-09-30 00:04:07 +01:00
group([], []).
2008-09-30 00:02:31 +01:00
group([i(Id,V,Ps)|Dists1], [Id-[[V|Ps]|Extra]|AllInfo]) :-
same_id(Dists1, Id, Extra, Rest),
group(Rest, AllInfo).
same_id([i(Id,V,Ps)|Dists1], Id, [[V|Ps]|Extra], Rest) :- !,
same_id(Dists1, Id, Extra, Rest).
same_id(Dists, _, [], Dists).
all_dists([], [], []).
all_dists([V|AllVars], Dists, [i(Id, AllInfo, Parents)|AllInfo]) :-
clpbn:get_atts(V, [dist(Id,_)]),
with_evidence(V, Id, Dists, Dists0), !,
all_dists(AllVars, Dists0, AllInfo).
with_evidence(V, Id) -->
{clpbn:get_atts(V, [evidence(Pos)]) }, !,
{ dist_pos2bin(Pos, Id, Bin) }.
with_evidence(V, Id) -->
estimate(state(Vars,Info,_)) :-
clpbn_solve_graph(Vars, OVars),
marg_vars(Info, Vars).
marg_vars([], _).
marg_vars([d(V,Id)|Vars], AllVs) :-
clpbn_marginalise_in_vars(V, AllVs),
marg_vars(Vars, AllVs).
maximise(state(_,_,DistInstances), Tables, Likelihood) :-
compute_parameters(DistInstances, Tables, 0.0, Likelihood).
compute_parameters([], [], Lik, Lik).
compute_parameters([Id-Samples|Dists], [Tab|Tables], Lik0, Lik) :-
empty_dist(Id, NewTable),
2008-09-30 00:04:07 +01:00
add_samples(Samples, NewTable),
2008-09-30 00:02:31 +01:00
normalise_table(Id, NewTable),
compute_parameters(Dists, Tables, Lik0, Lik).
add_samples([], _).
add_samples([S|Samples], Table) :-
run_sample(S, 1.0, Pos, Tot),
matrix_add(Table, Pos, Tot),
add_samples([_|Samples], Table) :-
2008-09-30 00:04:07 +01:00
add_samples(Samples, Table).
2008-09-30 00:02:31 +01:00
run_sample([], Tot, [], Tot).
run_sample([V|S], W0, [P|Pos], Tot) :-
{clpbn:get_atts(V, [evidence(P)]) }, !,
run_sample(S, W0, Pos, Tot).
run_sample([V|S], W0, [P|Pos], Tot) :-
{clpbn_display:get_atts(V, [posterior,(_,_,Ps,_)]) },
count_cases(Ps, 0, D0, P),
W1 is D0*W0,
run_sample(S, W1, Pos, Tot).
count_cases([D0|Ps], I0, D0, I0).
count_cases([_|Ps], I0, P, W1) :-
I is I0+1,
count_cases(Ps, I, P, W1).