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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2002, University of Amsterdam
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
#include "sgmldefs.h"
#define CH_WHITE 0x0001
#define CH_LCLETTER 0x0002
#define CH_UCLETTER 0x0004
#define CH_CNMSTRT 0x0008 /* may start a name */
#define CH_CNM 0x0010 /* may be in a name */
#define CH_DIGIT 0x0020
#define CH_RE 0x0040
#define CH_RS 0x0080
#define CHR_BLANK 0x1 /* SHORTREF 'B' */
#define CHR_DBLANK 0x2 /* SHORTREF 'BB' */
#define SGML_DTD_MAGIC 0x7364573
typedef enum
{ CF_STAGO = 0, /* < */
CF_STAGC, /* > */
CF_ETAGO1, /* < */
CF_ETAGO2, /* / */
CF_VI, /* = */
CF_NS, /* : (XMLNS) */
CF_LIT, /* " */
CF_LITA, /* ' */
CF_PERO, /* % */
CF_ERO, /* & */
CF_ERC, /* ; */
CF_MDO1, /* < */
CF_MDO2, /* ! (MDO=<!) */
CF_MDC, /* > */
CF_PRO1, /* < */
CF_PRO2, /* ? (PRO=<?) */
CF_PRC, /* > */
CF_GRPO, /* ( */
CF_GRPC, /* ) */
CF_SEQ, /* , */
CF_AND, /* & */
CF_OR, /* | */
CF_OPT, /* ? */
CF_PLUS, /* + */
CF_DSO, /* [ */
CF_DSC, /* ] */
CF_REP, /* * */
CF_RS, /* \n */
CF_RE, /* \r */
CF_CMT, /* - */
CF_NG, /* , or & or | */
CF_ENDTABLE /* to find size */
} charfunc; /* function of characters */
typedef enum
{ SGML_ENC_ISO_LATIN1 = 0, /* ISO Latin-1 */
SGML_ENC_UTF8 /* Multi-byte UTF-8 encoding */
} dtd_char_encoding;
typedef enum
{ C_CDATA, /* pure cdata */
C_PCDATA, /* parsed character data */
C_RCDATA, /* pure cdata + entities */
C_EMPTY, /* empy element */
C_ANY /* element may contain anything */
} contenttype;
typedef enum
{ MC_ONE, /* one time */
MC_OPT, /* optional element (?) */
MC_REP, /* any times (*) */
MC_PLUS /* one-or-more (+) */
} modelcard;
typedef enum
{ MT_UNDEF = 0, /* undefined */
MT_PCDATA, /* Contains PCDATA */
MT_ELEMENT, /* refers to element */
MT_SEQ, /* Sequence (,) */
MT_AND, /* Ony order (&) */
MT_OR /* Disjunction (|) */
} modeltype;
typedef enum
{ AT_CDATA, /* CDATA attribute */
AT_ENTITY, /* entity-name */
AT_ENTITIES, /* entity-name list */
AT_ID, /* identifier */
AT_IDREF, /* identifier reference */
AT_IDREFS, /* list of identifier references */
AT_NAME, /* name token */
AT_NAMES, /* list of names */
AT_NAMEOF, /* one of these names */
AT_NMTOKEN, /* name-token */
AT_NMTOKENS, /* name-token list */
AT_NOTATION, /* notation-name */
AT_NUMBER, /* number */
AT_NUMBERS, /* number list */
AT_NUTOKEN, /* number token */
AT_NUTOKENS /* number token list */
} attrtype;
typedef enum
{ AT_FIXED, /* fixed value */
AT_REQUIRED, /* Required attribute */
AT_CURRENT, /* most recent value */
AT_CONREF, /* cross-reference */
AT_IMPLIED, /* Implied attribute */
AT_DEFAULT /* has default */
} attrdef;
typedef enum
{ ET_SYSTEM, /* System (file) entity */
ET_PUBLIC, /* Public (external) entity */
ET_LITERAL /* Literal text */
} entity_type;
typedef enum
{ EC_SGML, /* SGML data */
EC_STARTTAG, /* SGML start-tag */
EC_ENDTAG, /* SGML end-tag */
EC_CDATA, /* CDATA entity */
EC_SDATA, /* SDATA entity */
EC_NDATA, /* non-sgml data */
EC_PI /* Programming instruction */
} data_type;
typedef enum
{ DL_SGML, /* Use SGML */
DL_XML, /* Use XML */
DL_XMLNS /* Use XML + Namespaces */
} dtd_dialect;
typedef enum
{ OPT_SHORTTAG /* do/don't accept shorttag */
} dtd_option;
typedef enum
{ SP_PRESERVE = 0, /* Preserve all white-space */
SP_DEFAULT, /* Default space handling */
SP_REMOVE, /* Remove all blank CDATA elements */
SP_SGML, /* Compliant SGML mode */
SP_INHERIT /* DTD: inherit from environment */
} dtd_space_mode;
typedef enum
{ NU_TOKEN, /* Treat numbers as tokens */
NU_INTEGER /* Convert to integer */
} dtd_number_mode;
typedef enum
{ ERS_WARNING, /* probably correct result */
ERS_ERROR, /* probably incrorrect result */
ERS_STYLE /* dubious/bad style; correct result */
} dtd_error_severity;
typedef enum
{ ERC_REPRESENTATION, /* Internal limit */
/* id */
ERC_RESOURCE, /* external limit */
/* id */
ERC_LIMIT, /* Exceeded SGML limit */
/* id */
ERC_VALIDATE, /* DTD Validation */
/* Message */
ERC_SYNTAX_ERROR, /* Syntax error */
/* Message, found */
ERC_EXISTENCE, /* Existence error */
/* Type, name */
ERC_REDEFINED /* Redefined object */
/* Type, name */
, /* reopen list */
ERC_SYNTAX_WARNING, /* Syntax warning (i.e. fixed) */
/* Message, found */
ERC_DOMAIN, /* Relative to declared type */
/* Type, found */
/* Element */
/* Element */
/* Element */
/* Element */
/* Text */
/* Element, Attribute */
/* Element, Value */
/* Entity */
/* Implicit, file */
/* file */
} dtd_error_id;
typedef enum
{ IN_NONE, /* unspecified input */
IN_FILE, /* input from file */
IN_ENTITY /* input from entity */
} input_type;
typedef struct _dtd_srcloc
{ input_type type; /* type of input */
{ const ichar *file; /* name of the file */
const ichar *entity; /* name of entity */
} name;
int line; /* 1-based Line no */
int linepos; /* 1-based char */
long charpos; /* 0-based file char */
struct _dtd_srcloc *parent; /* parent location */
} dtd_srcloc;
typedef struct _dtd_error
{ dtd_error_id id; /* ERC_* identifier */
dtd_error_id minor; /* Minor code */
dtd_error_severity severity; /* ERS_* severity */
dtd_srcloc *location; /* location of the error */
wchar_t *plain_message; /* Clean message */
wchar_t *message; /* complete message */
/* (Warning: file:line: <plain>) */
wchar_t *argv[2]; /* context arguments */
} dtd_error;
typedef struct _dtd_symbol
{ const ichar *name; /* name of the atom */
struct _dtd_symbol *next; /* next in atom list */
struct _dtd_element *element; /* connected element (if any) */
struct _dtd_entity *entity; /* connected entity (if any) */
} dtd_symbol;
typedef struct _dtd_symbol_table
{ int size; /* Allocated size */
dtd_symbol **entries; /* Entries */
} dtd_symbol_table;
typedef struct _dtd_entity
{ dtd_symbol *name; /* its name */
entity_type type; /* ET_* */
data_type content; /* EC_* */
int catalog_location; /* what catalog to use for lookup */
int length; /* size of literal value */
ichar *value; /* literal value */
ichar *extid; /* external identifier */
ichar *exturl; /* url to fetch from */
ichar *baseurl; /* base url for exturl */
struct _dtd_entity *next; /* list-link */
} dtd_entity;
typedef struct _dtd_notation
{ dtd_symbol *name; /* name of the notation */
entity_type type; /* ET_{PUBLIC|SYSTEM} */
ichar *public; /* public id */
ichar *system; /* file with info */
struct _dtd_notation *next; /* list-link */
} dtd_notation;
typedef struct _dtd_element_list
{ struct _dtd_element *value; /* element */
struct _dtd_element_list *next; /* next in list */
} dtd_element_list;
typedef struct _dtd_name_list
{ dtd_symbol *value;
struct _dtd_name_list *next;
} dtd_name_list;
typedef struct _dtd_attr
{ dtd_symbol *name; /* name of attribute */
attrtype type; /* type (AT_*) */
attrdef def; /* AT_REQUIRED/AT_IMPLIED */
int islist; /* attribute is a list */
{ dtd_name_list *nameof; /* (name1|name2|...) */
} typeex;
{ ichar *cdata; /* default for CDATA */
ichar *list; /* text for list-data */
dtd_symbol *name; /* AT_NAME or AT_NAMEOF */
long number; /* AT_NUMBER */
} att_def;
int references; /* reference count */
} dtd_attr;
typedef struct _dtd_attr_list
{ dtd_attr *attribute;
struct _dtd_attr_list *next;
} dtd_attr_list;
typedef struct _dtd_model
{ modeltype type; /* MT_* */
modelcard cardinality; /* MC_* */
{ struct _dtd_model *group; /* ,/|/& group */
struct _dtd_element *element; /* element */
} content;
struct _dtd_model *next; /* next in list (for groups) */
} dtd_model;
typedef struct _dtd_edef
{ contenttype type; /* EMPTY, MIXED, ... */
int omit_open; /* allow omitted open tag? */
int omit_close; /* allow omitted close tag? */
dtd_model *content; /* the content model */
dtd_element_list *included; /* +(namegroup) */
dtd_element_list *excluded; /* -(namegroup) */
struct _dtd_state *initial_state; /* Initial state in state engine */
struct _dtd_state *final_state; /* Final state in state engine */
int references; /* #elements using this def */
} dtd_edef;
typedef struct _dtd_map
{ ichar *from; /* mapped text */
int len; /* length of mapped text */
dtd_symbol *to; /* name of symbol mapped onto */
struct _dtd_map *next; /* next in shortref map */
} dtd_map;
typedef struct _dtd_shortref
{ dtd_symbol *name; /* name of SHORTREF map */
dtd_map *map; /* implemented map */
char ends[SHORTMAP_SIZE]; /* ending-characters in map */
int defined; /* has been defined */
struct _dtd_shortref *next; /* next declared shortref */
} dtd_shortref;
typedef struct _dtd_element
{ dtd_symbol *name; /* its name */
dtd_edef *structure; /* content structure of the element */
dtd_attr_list *attributes; /* defined attributes */
dtd_space_mode space_mode; /* How to handle white-space (SP_*) */
dtd_shortref *map; /* SHORTREF map */
int undefined; /* Only implicitely defined */
struct _dtd_element *next; /* in DTD'e element list */
} dtd_element;
typedef struct _dtd_charclass
{ unsigned char class[INPUT_CHARSET_SIZE]; /* ichar --> class-mask */
} dtd_charclass;
typedef struct _dtd_charfunc
{ ichar func[(int)CF_ENDTABLE]; /* CF_ --> ichar */
} dtd_charfunc;
typedef struct _dtd
{ int magic; /* SGML_DTD_MAGIC */
int implicit; /* There is no DTD */
dtd_dialect dialect; /* DL_* */
int case_sensitive; /* Tags are case-sensitive */
int ent_case_sensitive; /* Entities are case-sensitive */
ichar *doctype; /* defined document type */
dtd_symbol_table *symbols; /* symbol-table */
dtd_entity *pentities; /* defined parameter entities */
dtd_entity *entities; /* defined entities */
dtd_entity *default_entity; /* default-entity (if any) */
dtd_notation *notations; /* Declared notations */
dtd_shortref *shortrefs; /* SHORTREF declarations */
dtd_element *elements; /* defined elements */
dtd_charfunc *charfunc; /* CF_ --> ichar */
dtd_charclass *charclass; /* ichar -> CH_-mask */
dtd_char_encoding encoding; /* document encoding */
dtd_space_mode space_mode; /* Default for handling white-space */
dtd_number_mode number_mode; /* How to treat number attributes */
int shorttag; /* support SHORTTAG */
int references; /* destruction reference count */
} dtd;
extern dtd_charfunc *new_charfunc(void); /* default classification */
extern dtd_charclass *new_charclass(void); /* default classification */
extern dtd_symbol* dtd_find_symbol(dtd *dtd, const ichar *name);
extern dtd_symbol* dtd_add_symbol(dtd *dtd, const ichar *name);
#include "parser.h"
dtd * file_to_dtd(const ichar *file, const ichar *doctype,
dtd_dialect dialect);
int sgml_process_file(dtd_parser *p,
const ichar *file, unsigned flags);
int sgml_process_stream(dtd_parser *p, FILE *in,
unsigned flags);
dtd_parser * new_dtd_parser(dtd *dtd);
void free_dtd_parser(dtd_parser *p);
void free_dtd(dtd *dtd);
int load_dtd_from_file(dtd_parser *p, const ichar *file);
dtd * new_dtd(const ichar *doctype);
int set_dialect_dtd(dtd *dtd, dtd_dialect dialect);
int set_option_dtd(dtd *dtd, dtd_option option, int set);
2010-05-06 10:59:09 +01:00
int putchar_dtd_parser(dtd_parser *p, int chr);
int begin_document_dtd_parser(dtd_parser *p);
int end_document_dtd_parser(dtd_parser *p);
void reset_document_dtd_parser(dtd_parser *p);
void set_file_dtd_parser(dtd_parser *p,
input_type in, const ichar *file);
void set_mode_dtd_parser(dtd_parser *p, data_mode mode);
void sgml_cplocation(dtd_srcloc *dst, dtd_srcloc *src);
int xml_set_encoding(dtd_parser *p, const char *enc);
#endif /*DTD_H_INCLUDED*/