2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
* *
* *
* File: rclause.h *
* comments: walk through a clause *
* *
2008-05-12 14:04:23 +00:00
* Last rev: $Date: 2008-05-12 14:04:23 $,$Author: vsc $ *
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
2008-05-12 14:04:23 +00:00
* Revision 1.25 2008/04/01 08:42:46 vsc
* fix restore and small VISTA thingies
2008-04-01 08:42:46 +00:00
* Revision 1.24 2008/03/25 22:03:14 vsc
* fix some icc warnings
2008-03-25 22:03:14 +00:00
* Revision 1.23 2008/01/28 18:12:36 vsc
* fix small bug in restore opcode
2008-01-28 18:12:36 +00:00
* Revision 1.22 2008/01/23 17:57:55 vsc
* valgrind it!
* enable atom garbage collection.
2008-01-23 17:57:56 +00:00
* Revision 1.21 2007/11/26 23:43:09 vsc
* fixes to support threads and assert correctly, even if inefficiently.
2007-11-26 23:43:10 +00:00
* Revision 1.20 2007/11/07 09:25:27 vsc
* speedup meta-calls
2007-11-07 09:25:27 +00:00
* Revision 1.19 2007/11/06 17:02:12 vsc
* compile ground terms away.
2007-11-06 17:02:13 +00:00
* Revision 1.18 2006/11/27 17:42:03 vsc
* support for UNICODE, and other bug fixes.
2006-11-27 17:42:03 +00:00
* Revision 1.17 2006/10/10 14:08:17 vsc
* small fixes on threaded implementation.
2006-10-10 14:08:17 +00:00
* Revision 1.16 2006/09/20 20:03:51 vsc
* improve indexing on floats
* fix sending large lists to DB
2006-09-20 20:03:51 +00:00
* Revision 1.15 2006/04/27 14:13:24 rslopes
* *** empty log message ***
2006-04-27 14:13:24 +00:00
* Revision 1.14 2005/12/17 03:25:39 vsc
* major changes to support online event-based profiling
* improve error discovery and restart on scanner.
2005-12-17 03:25:39 +00:00
* Revision 1.13 2005/11/24 15:35:29 tiagosoares
* removed some compilation warnings related to the cut-c code
2005-11-24 15:35:29 +00:00
* Revision 1.12 2005/09/19 19:14:50 vsc
* fix two instructions that were being read badly: op_fail and
* switch_list_nl.
2005-09-19 19:14:50 +00:00
* Revision 1.11 2005/09/08 21:55:47 rslopes
* BEAM for YAP update...
2005-09-08 21:59:58 +00:00
* Revision 1.10 2005/08/01 15:40:38 ricroc
* TABLING NEW: better support for incomplete tabling
2005-08-01 15:40:39 +00:00
* Revision 1.9 2005/07/06 19:34:11 ricroc
* TABLING: answers for completed calls can now be obtained by loading (new option) or executing (default) them from the trie data structure.
2005-07-06 19:34:12 +00:00
* Revision 1.8 2005/07/06 15:10:15 vsc
* improvements to compiler: merged instructions and fixes for ->
2005-07-06 15:10:18 +00:00
* Revision 1.7 2005/06/04 07:26:43 ricroc
* long int support for tabling
2005-06-04 07:28:24 +00:00
* Revision 1.6 2005/06/03 08:18:25 ricroc
* float support for tabling
2005-06-03 08:19:18 +00:00
* Revision 1.5 2005/06/01 20:25:23 vsc
* == and \= should not need a choice-point in ->
2005-06-01 20:25:23 +00:00
* Revision 1.4 2005/06/01 14:02:52 vsc
* get_rid of try_me?, retry_me? and trust_me? instructions: they are not
* significantly used nowadays.
2005-06-01 14:02:52 +00:00
* Revision 1.3 2005/05/30 03:26:37 vsc
* add some atom gc fixes
2005-05-30 03:26:37 +00:00
* Revision 1.2 2005/04/10 04:01:13 vsc
* bug fixes, I hope!
2005-04-10 04:01:15 +00:00
* Revision 1.1 2005/01/04 02:50:21 vsc
* - allow MegaClauses with blobs
* - change Diffs to be thread specific
* - include Christian's updates
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
* Revision 1.47 2004/12/02 06:06:47 vsc
* fix threads so that they at least start
* allow error handling to work with threads
* replace heap_base by Yap_heap_base, according to Yap's convention for globals.
* Revision 1.46 2004/11/23 21:16:21 vsc
* A few extra fixes for saved states.
* Revision 1.45 2004/10/26 20:16:18 vsc
* More bug fixes for overflow handling
* Revision 1.44 2004/10/06 16:55:47 vsc
* change configure to support big mem configs
* get rid of extra globals
* fix trouble with multifile preds
* Revision 1.43 2004/09/27 20:45:04 vsc
* Mega clauses
* Fixes to sizeof(expand_clauses) which was being overestimated
* Fixes to profiling+indexing
* Fixes to reallocation of memory after restoring
* Make sure all clauses, even for C, end in _Ystop
* Don't reuse space for Streams
* Fix Stream_F on StreaNo+1
* Revision 1.42 2004/06/05 03:37:00 vsc
* coroutining is now a part of attvars.
* some more fixes.
* Revision 1.41 2004/04/29 03:45:50 vsc
* fix garbage collection in execute_tail
* Revision 1.40 2004/03/31 01:03:10 vsc
* support expand group of clauses
* Revision 1.39 2004/03/19 11:35:42 vsc
* trim_trail for default machine
* be more aggressive about try-retry-trust chains.
* - handle cases where block starts with a wait
* - don't use _killed instructions, just let the thing rot by itself.
* *
* *
static void
restore_opcodes(yamop *pc)
do {
op_numbers op = Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->opc);
pc->opc = Yap_opcode(op);
2005-07-06 15:10:18 +00:00
fprintf(stderr, "%s ", Yap_op_names[op]);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
switch (op) {
case _Nstop:
case _Ystop:
fprintf(stderr, "OK\n");
2005-12-17 03:25:39 +00:00
pc->u.l.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.l.l);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type ld */
case _try_me:
case _retry_me:
case _trust_me:
case _profiled_retry_me:
case _profiled_trust_me:
case _count_retry_me:
case _count_trust_me:
case _spy_or_trymark:
case _try_and_mark:
case _profiled_retry_and_mark:
case _count_retry_and_mark:
case _retry_and_mark:
case _try_clause:
case _retry:
case _trust:
#ifdef YAPOR
case _getwork:
case _getwork_seq:
case _sync:
#ifdef TABLING
2005-08-01 15:40:39 +00:00
case _table_load_answer:
case _table_try_answer:
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _table_try_single:
case _table_try_me:
case _table_retry_me:
case _table_trust_me:
case _table_try:
case _table_retry:
case _table_trust:
case _table_answer_resolution:
case _table_completion:
#endif /* TABLING */
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.apl.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.apl.p);
pc->u.apl.d = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.apl.d);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,apl);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2006-10-10 14:08:17 +00:00
case _try_logical:
case _retry_logical:
case _count_retry_logical:
case _profiled_retry_logical:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.aLl.n = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.aLl.n);
pc->u.aLl.d = PtoLUClauseAdjust(pc->u.aLl.d);
pc = pc->u.aLl.n;
2006-10-10 14:08:17 +00:00
2006-11-27 17:42:03 +00:00
case _trust_logical:
case _count_trust_logical:
case _profiled_trust_logical:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.ILl.n = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.ILl.n);
pc->u.ILl.d = PtoLUClauseAdjust(pc->u.ILl.d);
pc->u.ILl.block = PtoLUIndexAdjust(pc->u.ILl.block);
2006-11-27 17:42:03 +00:00
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _enter_lu_pred:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.Ills.I = (LogUpdIndex *)PtoOpAdjust((yamop *)(pc->u.Ills.I));
pc->u.Ills.l1 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.Ills.l1);
pc->u.Ills.l2 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.Ills.l2);
pc = pc->u.Ills.l1;
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type p */
#if !defined(YAPOR)
case _or_last:
case _enter_profiling:
case _retry_profiled:
case _lock_lu:
case _count_call:
case _count_retry:
2005-12-17 03:25:39 +00:00
case _procceed:
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
pc->u.p.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.p.p);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,p);
2005-12-17 03:25:39 +00:00
case _execute:
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _dexecute:
2005-12-17 03:25:39 +00:00
pc->u.pp.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.pp.p);
pc->u.pp.p0 = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.pp.p0);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,pp);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _jump:
case _move_back:
case _skip:
case _jump_if_var:
case _try_in:
case _try_clause2:
case _try_clause3:
case _try_clause4:
case _retry2:
case _retry3:
case _retry4:
2005-06-01 20:25:23 +00:00
case _p_eq:
2005-09-19 19:14:50 +00:00
case _p_dif:
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
pc->u.l.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.l.l);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,l);
/* instructions type EC */
case _jump_if_nonvar:
2005-04-10 04:01:15 +00:00
pc->u.xll.l1 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.xll.l1);
pc->u.xll.l2 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.xll.l2);
pc->u.xll.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xll.x);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xll);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type L */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _alloc_for_logical_pred:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.L.ClBase = (struct logic_upd_clause *)PtoOpAdjust((yamop *)pc->u.L.ClBase);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,L);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type e */
case _unify_idb_term:
case _copy_idb_term:
/* don't need no _Ystop to know we're done */
case _trust_fail:
case _op_fail:
case _cut:
case _cut_t:
case _cut_e:
case _allocate:
case _deallocate:
case _write_void:
case _write_list:
case _write_l_list:
case _pop:
case _index_pred:
2007-11-26 23:43:10 +00:00
case _lock_pred:
2006-04-27 14:13:24 +00:00
#ifdef BEAM
case _retry_eam:
2008-03-25 22:03:14 +00:00
#ifdef THREADS
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _thread_local:
case _expand_index:
case _undef_p:
case _spy_pred:
case _p_equal:
case _p_functor:
case _enter_a_profiling:
case _count_a_call:
case _index_dbref:
case _index_blob:
case _unlock_lu:
#ifdef YAPOR
case _getwork_first_time:
#ifdef TABLING
2005-07-06 19:34:12 +00:00
case _trie_do_null:
case _trie_trust_null:
case _trie_try_null:
case _trie_retry_null:
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _trie_do_var:
case _trie_trust_var:
case _trie_try_var:
case _trie_retry_var:
case _trie_do_val:
case _trie_trust_val:
case _trie_try_val:
case _trie_retry_val:
case _trie_do_atom:
case _trie_trust_atom:
case _trie_try_atom:
case _trie_retry_atom:
case _trie_do_list:
case _trie_trust_list:
case _trie_try_list:
case _trie_retry_list:
case _trie_do_struct:
case _trie_trust_struct:
case _trie_try_struct:
case _trie_retry_struct:
2005-07-06 19:34:12 +00:00
case _trie_do_extension:
case _trie_trust_extension:
case _trie_try_extension:
case _trie_retry_extension:
2005-06-03 08:19:18 +00:00
case _trie_do_float:
case _trie_trust_float:
case _trie_try_float:
case _trie_retry_float:
2005-06-04 07:28:24 +00:00
case _trie_do_long:
case _trie_trust_long:
case _trie_try_long:
case _trie_retry_long:
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
#endif /* TABLING */
case _clause_with_cut:
pc = NEXTOP(pc,e);
/* instructions type x */
case _save_b_x:
case _commit_b_x:
case _get_list:
case _put_list:
case _write_x_var:
case _write_x_val:
case _write_x_loc:
pc->u.x.x = XAdjust(pc->u.x.x);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,x);
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type xl */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _p_atom_x:
case _p_atomic_x:
case _p_integer_x:
case _p_nonvar_x:
case _p_number_x:
case _p_var_x:
case _p_db_ref_x:
case _p_primitive_x:
case _p_compound_x:
case _p_float_x:
case _p_cut_by_x:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.xl.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xl.x);
pc->u.xl.F = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.xl.F);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xl);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _expand_clauses:
Yap_Error(SYSTEM_ERROR, TermNil,
2008-01-23 17:57:56 +00:00
"Invalid Opcode expand_clauses at %p", pc);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type y */
case _save_b_y:
case _commit_b_y:
case _write_y_var:
case _write_y_val:
case _write_y_loc:
pc->u.y.y = YAdjust(pc->u.y.y);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,y);
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type yl */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _p_atom_y:
case _p_atomic_y:
case _p_integer_y:
case _p_nonvar_y:
case _p_number_y:
case _p_var_y:
case _p_db_ref_y:
case _p_primitive_y:
case _p_compound_y:
case _p_float_y:
case _p_cut_by_y:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.yl.y = YAdjust(pc->u.yl.y);
pc->u.yl.F = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.yl.F);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,yl);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type sbpp */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _p_execute:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
if (pc->u.sbmp.mod != 0) {
pc->u.sbmp.mod = AtomTermAdjust(pc->u.sbmp.mod);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.sbmp.p0 = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sbmp.p0);
if (pc->u.sbmp.bmap != NULL) {
pc->u.sbmp.bmap = CellPtoHeapAdjust(pc->u.sbmp.bmap);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sbmp);
case _p_execute_tail:
case _p_execute2:
pc->u.sbpp.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.p);
pc->u.sbpp.p0 = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.p0);
if (pc->u.sbpp.bmap != NULL) {
pc->u.sbpp.bmap = CellPtoHeapAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.bmap);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sbpp);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _fcall:
case _call:
#ifdef YAPOR
case _or_last:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.sbpp.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.p);
if (pc->u.sbpp.bmap != NULL) {
pc->u.sbpp.bmap = CellPtoHeapAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.bmap);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.sbpp.p0 = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.p0);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sbpp);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type sbpp, but for disjunctions */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _either:
case _or_else:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
if (pc->u.sblp.bmap != NULL) {
pc->u.sblp.bmap = CellPtoHeapAdjust(pc->u.sblp.bmap);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.sblp.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sblp.l);
pc->u.sblp.p0 = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sblp.p0);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sblp);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type sbpp, but for functions */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _call_cpred:
case _call_usercpred:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.sbpp.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.p);
pc->u.sbpp.p0 = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.p0);
if (pc->u.sbpp.bmap != NULL) {
pc->u.sbpp.bmap = CellPtoHeapAdjust(pc->u.sbpp.bmap);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sbpp);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type xx */
case _get_x_var:
case _get_x_val:
case _glist_valx:
case _gl_void_varx:
case _gl_void_valx:
case _put_x_var:
case _put_x_val:
pc->u.xx.xr = XAdjust(pc->u.xx.xr);
pc->u.xx.xl = XAdjust(pc->u.xx.xl);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xx);
2005-07-06 15:10:18 +00:00
case _put_xx_val:
pc->u.xxxx.xr1 = XAdjust(pc->u.xxxx.xr1);
pc->u.xxxx.xl1 = XAdjust(pc->u.xxxx.xl1);
pc->u.xxxx.xr2 = XAdjust(pc->u.xxxx.xr2);
pc->u.xxxx.xl2 = XAdjust(pc->u.xxxx.xl2);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xxxx);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type yx */
case _get_y_var:
case _get_y_val:
case _put_y_var:
case _put_y_val:
case _put_unsafe:
pc->u.yx.x = XAdjust(pc->u.yx.x);
pc->u.yx.y = YAdjust(pc->u.yx.y);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,yx);
2006-09-20 20:03:51 +00:00
/* instructions type xd */
case _get_float:
case _put_float:
pc->u.xd.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xd.x);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xd);
/* instructions type xd */
case _get_longint:
case _put_longint:
pc->u.xi.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xi.x);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xi);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type xc */
case _get_atom:
case _get_bigint:
pc->u.xc.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xc.x);
Term t = pc->u.xc.c;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.xc.c = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.xc.c = BlobTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xc);
2008-04-01 08:42:46 +00:00
case _put_atom:
pc->u.xc.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xc.x);
Term t = pc->u.xc.c;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.xc.c = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.xc.c = BlobTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsPairTerm(t))
pc->u.xc.c = CodeComposedTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xc);
case _get_dbterm:
pc->u.xc.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xc.x);
pc->u.xc.c = CodeComposedTermAdjust(pc->u.xc.c);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xc);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _get_2atoms:
Term t = pc->u.cc.c1;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cc.c1 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cc.c1 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cc.c2;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cc.c2 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cc.c2 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,cc);
/* instructions type ccc */
case _get_3atoms:
Term t = pc->u.ccc.c1;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccc.c1 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccc.c1 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.ccc.c2;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccc.c2 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccc.c2 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.ccc.c3;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccc.c3 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccc.c3 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,ccc);
/* instructions type cccc */
case _get_4atoms:
Term t = pc->u.cccc.c1;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c1 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c1 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccc.c2;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c2 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c2 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccc.c3;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c3 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c3 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccc.c4;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c4 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccc.c4 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,cccc);
/* instructions type ccccc */
case _get_5atoms:
Term t = pc->u.ccccc.c1;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c1 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c1 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.ccccc.c2;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c2 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c2 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.ccccc.c3;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c3 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c3 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.ccccc.c4;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c4 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c4 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.ccccc.c5;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c5 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.ccccc.c5 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,ccccc);
/* instructions type cccccc */
case _get_6atoms:
Term t = pc->u.cccccc.c1;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c1 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c1 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccccc.c2;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c2 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c2 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccccc.c3;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c3 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c3 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccccc.c4;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c4 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c4 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccccc.c5;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c5 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c5 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
Term t = pc->u.cccccc.c6;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c6 = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.cccccc.c6 = BlobTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,cccccc);
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type xfa */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _get_struct:
case _put_struct:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.xfa.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xfa.x);
pc->u.xfa.f = FuncAdjust(pc->u.xfa.f);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xfa);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type xy */
case _glist_valy:
case _gl_void_vary:
case _gl_void_valy:
pc->u.xy.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xy.x);
pc->u.xy.y = YAdjust(pc->u.xy.y);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xy);
/* instructions type ox */
case _unify_x_var:
case _unify_x_var_write:
case _unify_l_x_var:
case _unify_l_x_var_write:
case _unify_x_val_write:
case _unify_x_val:
case _unify_l_x_val_write:
case _unify_l_x_val:
case _unify_x_loc_write:
case _unify_x_loc:
case _unify_l_x_loc_write:
case _unify_l_x_loc:
case _save_pair_x_write:
case _save_pair_x:
case _save_appl_x_write:
case _save_appl_x:
pc->u.ox.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.ox.opcw));
pc->u.ox.x = XAdjust(pc->u.ox.x);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,ox);
/* instructions type oxx */
case _unify_x_var2:
case _unify_x_var2_write:
case _unify_l_x_var2:
case _unify_l_x_var2_write:
pc->u.oxx.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.oxx.opcw));
pc->u.oxx.xl = XAdjust(pc->u.oxx.xl);
pc->u.oxx.xr = XAdjust(pc->u.oxx.xr);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,oxx);
/* instructions type oy */
case _unify_y_var:
case _unify_y_var_write:
case _unify_l_y_var:
case _unify_l_y_var_write:
case _unify_y_val_write:
case _unify_y_val:
case _unify_l_y_val_write:
case _unify_l_y_val:
case _unify_y_loc_write:
case _unify_y_loc:
case _unify_l_y_loc_write:
case _unify_l_y_loc:
case _save_pair_y_write:
case _save_pair_y:
case _save_appl_y_write:
case _save_appl_y:
pc->u.oy.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.oy.opcw));
pc->u.oy.y = YAdjust(pc->u.oy.y);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,oy);
/* instructions type o */
case _unify_void_write:
case _unify_void:
case _unify_l_void_write:
case _unify_l_void:
case _unify_list_write:
case _unify_list:
case _unify_l_list_write:
case _unify_l_list:
pc->u.o.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.o.opcw));
pc = NEXTOP(pc,o);
/* instructions type os */
case _unify_n_voids_write:
case _unify_n_voids:
case _unify_l_n_voids_write:
case _unify_l_n_voids:
pc->u.os.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.os.opcw));
pc = NEXTOP(pc,os);
2006-09-20 20:03:51 +00:00
/* instructions type od */
case _unify_float:
case _unify_l_float:
case _unify_float_write:
case _unify_l_float_write:
pc->u.oc.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.oc.opcw));
pc = NEXTOP(pc,od);
/* instructions type oi */
case _unify_longint:
case _unify_l_longint:
case _unify_longint_write:
case _unify_l_longint_write:
pc->u.oc.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.oc.opcw));
pc = NEXTOP(pc,oi);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type oc */
2008-04-01 08:42:46 +00:00
case _unify_dbterm:
case _unify_l_dbterm:
pc->u.oc.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.oc.opcw));
pc->u.oc.c = CodeComposedTermAdjust(pc->u.oc.c);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,oc);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _unify_atom_write:
case _unify_atom:
case _unify_l_atom_write:
case _unify_l_atom:
case _unify_bigint:
case _unify_l_bigint:
pc->u.oc.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.oc.opcw));
Term t = pc->u.oc.c;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.oc.c = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.oc.c = BlobTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,oc);
/* instructions type osc */
case _unify_n_atoms_write:
case _unify_n_atoms:
pc->u.osc.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.osc.opcw));
Term t = pc->u.osc.c;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.osc.c = AtomTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,osc);
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type ofa */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _unify_struct_write:
case _unify_struct:
case _unify_l_struc_write:
case _unify_l_struc:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.ofa.opcw = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.ofa.opcw));
pc->u.ofa.f = FuncAdjust(pc->u.ofa.f);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,ofa);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type s */
case _write_n_voids:
case _pop_n:
2005-09-08 21:59:58 +00:00
#ifdef BEAM
case _run_eam:
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
#ifdef TABLING
case _table_new_answer:
#endif /* TABLING */
pc = NEXTOP(pc,s);
2006-09-20 20:03:51 +00:00
/* instructions type d */
case _write_float:
pc = NEXTOP(pc,d);
/* instructions type i */
case _write_longint:
pc = NEXTOP(pc,i);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type c */
case _write_atom:
Term t = pc->u.c.c;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.c.c = AtomTermAdjust(t);
else if (IsApplTerm(t))
pc->u.c.c = BlobTermAdjust(t);
2008-04-01 08:42:46 +00:00
else if (IsPairTerm(t))
pc->u.c.c = CodeComposedTermAdjust(t);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
pc = NEXTOP(pc,c);
/* instructions type sc */
case _write_n_atoms:
Term t = pc->u.sc.c;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.sc.c = AtomTermAdjust(t);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sc);
/* instructions type f */
case _write_struct:
case _write_l_struc:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.fa.f = FuncAdjust(pc->u.fa.f);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,fa);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type sdlp */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _call_c_wfail:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.sdlp.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.sdlp.p);
pc->u.sdlp.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sdlp.l);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sdlp);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type apFs */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _try_c:
case _try_userc:
/* don't need to do no nothing here, initstaff will do it for us
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.apFs.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.apFs.p);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,apFs);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _retry_c:
case _retry_userc:
/* don't need to do no nothing here, initstaff will do it for us
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.apFs.d = CCodeAdjust(pc->u.apFs.d); */
pc->u.apFs.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.apFs.p);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,apFs);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2005-11-24 15:35:29 +00:00
#ifdef CUT_C
case _cut_c:
case _cut_userc:
/* don't need to do nothing here, because this two instructions
are "phantom" instructions. (see: cut_c implementation paper
on PADL 2006) */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type llll */
case _switch_on_type:
pc->u.llll.l1 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.llll.l1);
pc->u.llll.l2 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.llll.l2);
pc->u.llll.l3 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.llll.l3);
pc->u.llll.l4 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.llll.l4);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,llll);
/* instructions type xllll */
case _switch_list_nl:
pc->u.ollll.pop = Yap_opcode(Yap_op_from_opcode(pc->u.ollll.pop));
2005-09-19 19:14:50 +00:00
pc->u.ollll.l1 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.ollll.l1);
pc->u.ollll.l2 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.ollll.l2);
pc->u.ollll.l3 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.ollll.l3);
pc->u.ollll.l4 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.ollll.l4);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
pc = NEXTOP(pc,ollll);
/* instructions type xllll */
case _switch_on_arg_type:
pc->u.xllll.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xllll.x);
pc->u.xllll.l1 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.xllll.l1);
pc->u.xllll.l2 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.xllll.l2);
pc->u.xllll.l3 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.xllll.l3);
pc->u.xllll.l4 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.xllll.l4);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xllll);
/* instructions type sllll */
case _switch_on_sub_arg_type:
pc->u.sllll.l1 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sllll.l1);
pc->u.sllll.l2 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sllll.l2);
pc->u.sllll.l3 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sllll.l3);
pc->u.sllll.l4 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sllll.l4);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sllll);
/* instructions type lll */
case _if_not_then:
Term t = pc->u.clll.c;
if (IsAtomTerm(t))
pc->u.clll.c = AtomTermAdjust(t);
pc->u.clll.l1 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.clll.l1);
pc->u.clll.l2 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.clll.l2);
pc->u.clll.l3 = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.clll.l3);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,clll);
/* switch_on_func */
case _switch_on_func:
int i, j;
CELL *oldcode, *startcode;
i = pc->u.sssl.s;
startcode = oldcode = (CELL *)(pc->u.sssl.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sssl.l));
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
Functor oldfunc = (Functor)(oldcode[0]);
CODEADDR oldjmp = (CODEADDR)(oldcode[1]);
2008-04-01 08:42:46 +00:00
if (oldfunc) {
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
oldcode[0] = (CELL)FuncAdjust(oldfunc);
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust(oldjmp);
oldcode += 2;
rehash(startcode, i, Funcs);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sssl);
/* switch_on_cons */
case _switch_on_cons:
int i, j;
CELL *oldcode;
2008-03-25 22:03:14 +00:00
#if !defined(USE_OFFSETS)
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
CELL *startcode;
i = pc->u.sssl.s;
2008-03-25 22:03:14 +00:00
#if !defined(USE_OFFSETS)
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
startcode =
oldcode = (CELL *)(pc->u.sssl.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sssl.l));
for (j = 0; j < i; j++) {
Term oldcons = oldcode[0];
CODEADDR oldjmp = (CODEADDR)(oldcode[1]);
if (oldcons != 0x0 && IsAtomTerm(oldcons)) {
oldcode[0] = AtomTermAdjust(oldcons);
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust(oldjmp);
oldcode += 2;
rehash(startcode, i, Atomics);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sssl);
case _go_on_func:
CELL *oldcode = (CELL *)(pc->u.sssl.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sssl.l));
Functor oldfunc = (Functor)(oldcode[0]);
oldcode[0] = (CELL)FuncAdjust(oldfunc);
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust((CODEADDR)oldcode[1]);
oldcode[3] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust((CODEADDR)oldcode[3]);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sssl);
case _go_on_cons:
CELL *oldcode = (CELL *)(pc->u.sssl.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sssl.l));
Term oldcons = oldcode[0];
if (IsAtomTerm(oldcons)) {
oldcode[0] = AtomTermAdjust(oldcons);
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust((CODEADDR)oldcode[1]);
oldcode[3] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust((CODEADDR)oldcode[3]);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sssl);
case _if_func:
CELL *oldcode = (CELL *)(pc->u.sssl.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sssl.l));
Int j;
for (j = 0; j < pc->u.sssl.s; j++) {
Functor oldfunc = (Functor)(oldcode[0]);
CODEADDR oldjmp = (CODEADDR)(oldcode[1]);
oldcode[0] = (CELL)FuncAdjust(oldfunc);
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust(oldjmp);
oldcode += 2;
/* adjust fail code */
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust((CODEADDR)oldcode[1]);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sssl);
case _if_cons:
CELL *oldcode = (CELL *)(pc->u.sssl.l = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.sssl.l));
Int j;
for (j = 0; j < pc->u.sssl.s; j++) {
Term oldcons = oldcode[0];
CODEADDR oldjmp = (CODEADDR)(oldcode[1]);
if (IsAtomTerm(oldcons)) {
oldcode[0] = (CELL)AtomTermAdjust(oldcons);
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust(oldjmp);
oldcode += 2;
/* adjust fail code */
oldcode[1] = (CELL)CodeAddrAdjust((CODEADDR)oldcode[1]);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,sssl);
/* instructions type xxx */
case _p_plus_vv:
case _p_minus_vv:
case _p_times_vv:
case _p_div_vv:
case _p_and_vv:
case _p_or_vv:
case _p_sll_vv:
case _p_slr_vv:
case _p_arg_vv:
case _p_func2s_vv:
case _p_func2f_xx:
pc->u.xxx.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xxx.x);
pc->u.xxx.x1 = XAdjust(pc->u.xxx.x1);
pc->u.xxx.x2 = XAdjust(pc->u.xxx.x2);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xxx);
/* instructions type xxc */
case _p_plus_vc:
case _p_minus_cv:
case _p_times_vc:
case _p_div_cv:
case _p_and_vc:
case _p_or_vc:
case _p_sll_vc:
case _p_slr_vc:
case _p_func2s_vc:
pc->u.xxc.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xxc.x);
pc->u.xxc.xi = XAdjust(pc->u.xxc.xi);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xxc);
case _p_div_vc:
case _p_sll_cv:
case _p_slr_cv:
case _p_arg_cv:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.xxc.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xxc.x);
pc->u.xxc.xi = XAdjust(pc->u.xxc.xi);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xxc);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _p_func2s_cv:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.xxc.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xxc.x);
if (IsAtomTerm(pc->u.xxc.c))
pc->u.xxc.c = AtomTermAdjust(pc->u.xxc.c);
pc->u.xxc.xi = XAdjust(pc->u.xxc.xi);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xxc);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type xxy */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _p_func2f_xy:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.xxy.x = XAdjust(pc->u.xxy.x);
pc->u.xxy.x1 = XAdjust(pc->u.xxy.x1);
pc->u.xxy.y2 = YAdjust(pc->u.xxy.y2);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,xxy);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
/* instructions type yxx */
case _p_plus_y_vv:
case _p_minus_y_vv:
case _p_times_y_vv:
case _p_div_y_vv:
case _p_and_y_vv:
case _p_or_y_vv:
case _p_sll_y_vv:
case _p_slr_y_vv:
case _p_arg_y_vv:
case _p_func2s_y_vv:
case _p_func2f_yx:
pc->u.yxx.y = YAdjust(pc->u.yxx.y);
pc->u.yxx.x1 = XAdjust(pc->u.yxx.x1);
pc->u.yxx.x2 = XAdjust(pc->u.yxx.x2);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,yxx);
/* instructions type yyx */
case _p_func2f_yy:
pc->u.yyx.y1 = YAdjust(pc->u.yyx.y1);
pc->u.yyx.y2 = YAdjust(pc->u.yyx.y2);
pc->u.yyx.x = XAdjust(pc->u.yyx.x);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,yyx);
/* instructions type yxc */
case _p_plus_y_vc:
case _p_minus_y_cv:
case _p_times_y_vc:
case _p_div_y_vc:
case _p_div_y_cv:
case _p_and_y_vc:
case _p_or_y_vc:
case _p_sll_y_vc:
case _p_slr_y_vc:
case _p_func2s_y_vc:
pc->u.yxc.y = YAdjust(pc->u.yxc.y);
pc->u.yxc.xi = XAdjust(pc->u.yxc.xi);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,yxc);
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type yxc */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _p_sll_y_cv:
case _p_slr_y_cv:
case _p_arg_y_cv:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.yxc.y = YAdjust(pc->u.yxc.y);
pc->u.yxc.xi = XAdjust(pc->u.yxc.xi);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,yxc);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _p_func2s_y_cv:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.yxc.y = YAdjust(pc->u.yxc.y);
if (IsAtomTerm(pc->u.yxc.c))
pc->u.yxc.c = AtomTermAdjust(pc->u.yxc.c);
pc->u.yxc.xi = XAdjust(pc->u.yxc.xi);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,yxc);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type plxxs */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _call_bfunc_xx:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.plxxs.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.plxxs.p);
pc->u.plxxs.f = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.plxxs.f);
pc->u.plxxs.x1 = XAdjust(pc->u.plxxs.x1);
pc->u.plxxs.x2 = XAdjust(pc->u.plxxs.x2);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,plxxs);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
/* instructions type plxys */
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _call_bfunc_yx:
case _call_bfunc_xy:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.plxys.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.plxys.p);
pc->u.plxys.f = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.plxys.f);
pc->u.plxys.x = XAdjust(pc->u.plxys.x);
pc->u.plxys.y = YAdjust(pc->u.plxys.y);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,plxys);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
case _call_bfunc_yy:
2008-08-21 13:38:25 +01:00
pc->u.plyys.p = PtoPredAdjust(pc->u.plyys.p);
pc->u.plyys.f = PtoOpAdjust(pc->u.plyys.f);
pc->u.plyys.y1 = YAdjust(pc->u.plyys.y1);
pc->u.plyys.y2 = YAdjust(pc->u.plyys.y2);
pc = NEXTOP(pc,plyys);
2005-01-04 02:50:23 +00:00
} while (TRUE);