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% Preliminary support for some CHR handlers
% Define a stable ordering on variables
% (Term/Var ordering changes under put_atts, delay, etc.)
% Bindings still brake our ordering!
:- module( ordering,
:- use_module( library(terms), [term_variables/2]).
:- use_module( library(atts)).
:- attribute id/1.
% The exception mechanism copies the thrown term.
% Thus we cannot pass the variable to the catcher ...
verify_attributes( X, Y, []) :-
get_atts( X, id(Id)),
( var(Y) ->
( get_atts( Y, id(_)) ->
true % raise_exception( binding_globalized_var)
put_atts( Y, id(Id))
true % raise_exception( binding_globalized_var)
verify_attributes( _, _, []).
globalize( Term) :-
term_variables( Term, Vars),
var_globalize( Vars).
var_globalize( X) :- var( X), !, % indexing only
( get_atts( X, id(_)) ->
put_atts( X, id(_))
var_globalize( []).
var_globalize( [X|Xs]) :-
var_globalize( X),
var_globalize( Xs).
unglobalize( Term) :-
term_variables( Term, Vars),
var_unglobalize( Vars).
var_unglobalize( X) :- var( X), !, % indexing only
put_atts( X, -id(_)).
var_unglobalize( []).
var_unglobalize( [X|Xs]) :-
var_unglobalize( X),
var_unglobalize( Xs).
var_compare( Rel, X, Y) :-
(var(X),get_atts( X, id(IdX)) ->
raise_exception( not_globalized)
(var(Y),get_atts( Y, id(IdY)) ->
raise_exception( not_globalized)
compare( Rel, IdX, IdY).