2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
* *
* SimpleCUDD library ( www . cs . kuleuven . be / ~ theo / tools / simplecudd . html ) *
* SimpleCUDD was developed at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ( www . kuleuven . be ) *
* *
* Copyright T . Mantadelis , A . Kimmig , B . Gutmann *
* and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2008 *
* *
* Author : Theofrastos Mantadelis , Angelika Kimmig , Bernd Gutmann *
* File : ProblogBDD . c *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* The " Artistic License " *
* *
* Preamble *
* *
* The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a *
* Package may be copied , such that the Copyright Holder maintains some *
* semblance of artistic control over the development of the package , *
* while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute *
* the Package in a more - or - less customary fashion , plus the right to make *
* reasonable modifications . *
* *
* Definitions : *
* *
* " Package " refers to the collection of files distributed by the *
* Copyright Holder , and derivatives of that collection of files *
* created through textual modification . *
* *
* " Standard Version " refers to such a Package if it has not been *
* modified , or has been modified in accordance with the wishes *
* of the Copyright Holder as specified below . *
* *
* " Copyright Holder " is whoever is named in the copyright or *
* copyrights for the package . *
* *
* " You " is you , if you ' re thinking about copying or distributing *
* this Package . *
* *
* " Reasonable copying fee " is whatever you can justify on the *
* basis of media cost , duplication charges , time of people involved , *
* and so on . ( You will not be required to justify it to the *
* Copyright Holder , but only to the computing community at large *
* as a market that must bear the fee . ) *
* *
* " Freely Available " means that no fee is charged for the item *
* itself , though there may be fees involved in handling the item . *
* It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it *
* under the same conditions they received it . *
* *
* 1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the *
* Standard Version of this Package without restriction , provided that you *
* duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers . *
* *
* 2. You may apply bug fixes , portability fixes and other modifications *
* derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder . A Package *
* modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version . *
* *
* 3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way , provided *
* that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and *
* when you changed that file , and provided that you do at least ONE of the *
* following : *
* *
* a ) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them *
* Freely Available , such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or *
* an equivalent medium , or placing the modifications on a major archive *
* site such as uunet . uu . net , or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include *
* your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package . *
* *
* b ) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization . *
* *
* c ) rename any non - standard executables so the names do not conflict *
* with standard executables , which must also be provided , and provide *
* a separate manual page for each non - standard executable that clearly *
* documents how it differs from the Standard Version . *
* *
* d ) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder . *
* *
* 4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or *
* executable form , provided that you do at least ONE of the following : *
* *
* a ) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files , *
* together with instructions ( in the manual page or equivalent ) on where *
* to get the Standard Version . *
* *
* b ) accompany the distribution with the machine - readable source of *
* the Package with your modifications . *
* *
* c ) give non - standard executables non - standard names , and clearly *
* document the differences in manual pages ( or equivalent ) , together *
* with instructions on where to get the Standard Version . *
* *
* d ) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder . *
* *
* 5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this *
* Package . You may charge any fee you choose for support of this *
* Package . You may not charge a fee for this Package itself . However , *
* you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other ( possibly *
* commercial ) programs as part of a larger ( possibly commercial ) software *
* distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a *
* product of your own . You may embed this Package ' s interpreter within *
* an executable of yours ( by linking ) ; this shall be construed as a mere *
* form of aggregation , provided that the complete Standard Version of the *
* interpreter is so embedded . *
* *
* 6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as *
* output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall *
* under the copyright of this Package , but belong to whoever generated *
* them , and may be sold commercially , and may be aggregated with this *
* Package . If such scripts or library files are aggregated with this *
* Package via the so - called " undump " or " unexec " methods of producing a *
* binary executable image , then distribution of such an image shall *
* neither be construed as a distribution of this Package nor shall it *
* fall under the restrictions of Paragraphs 3 and 4 , provided that you do *
* not represent such an executable image as a Standard Version of this *
* Package . *
* *
* 7. C subroutines ( or comparably compiled subroutines in other *
* languages ) supplied by you and linked into this Package in order to *
* emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this *
* Package shall not be considered part of this Package , but are the *
* equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6 , provided these subroutines do *
* not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the *
* regression tests for the language . *
* *
* 8. Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always *
* permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded ; that is , *
* when no overt attempt is made to make this Package ' s interfaces visible *
* to the end user of the commercial distribution . Such use shall not be *
* construed as a distribution of this Package . *
* *
* 9. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote *
* products derived from this software without specific prior written *
* permission . *
* *
* *
* The End *
* *
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
# include "simplecudd.h"
# include <signal.h>
typedef struct _parameters {
int loadfile ;
int savedfile ;
int exportfile ;
int inputfile ;
int debug ;
int errorcnt ;
int * error ;
int method ;
int queryid ;
int timeout ;
double sigmoid_slope ;
int online ;
int maxbufsize ;
char * ppid ;
} parameters ;
typedef struct _gradientpair {
double probability ;
double gradient ;
} gradientpair ;
typedef struct _extmanager {
DdManager * manager ;
DdNode * t , * f ;
hisqueue * his ;
namedvars varmap ;
} extmanager ;
int argtype ( const char * arg ) ;
void printhelp ( int argc , char * * arg ) ;
parameters loadparam ( int argc , char * * arg ) ;
parameters params ;
void handler ( int num ) ;
void pidhandler ( int num ) ;
void termhandler ( int num ) ;
double sigmoid ( double x , double slope ) ;
void myexpand ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) ;
double CalcProbability ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) ;
double CalcProbabilitySigmoid ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) ;
gradientpair CalcGradient ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current , int TargetVar , char * TargetPattern ) ;
int patterncalculated ( char * pattern , extmanager MyManager , int loc ) ;
char * extractpattern ( char * thestr ) ;
int main ( int argc , char * * arg ) {
extmanager MyManager ;
DdNode * bdd ;
bddfileheader fileheader ;
int i , ivarcnt , code ;
gradientpair tvalue ;
double probability = - 1.0 ;
char * varpattern ;
varpattern = NULL ;
code = - 1 ;
params = loadparam ( argc , arg ) ;
if ( params . errorcnt > 0 ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < params . errorcnt ; i + + ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: not known or error at parameter %s. \n " , arg [ params . error [ i ] ] ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( params . online = = 0 & & params . loadfile = = - 1 ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: you must specify a loading file. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
if ( params . method ! = 0 & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' g ' & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' p ' & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' o ' & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' l ' ) {
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: you must choose a calculation method beetween [p]robability, [g]radient, [l]ine search, [o]nline. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
if ( params . method ! = 0 & & ( arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] = = ' g ' | | arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] = = ' p ' | | arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] = = ' l ' ) & & params . inputfile = = - 1 ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: an input file is necessary for probability, gradient or line search calculation methods. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
if ( params . debug ) DEBUGON ;
SETMAXBUFSIZE ( params . maxbufsize ) ;
signal ( SIGINT , termhandler ) ;
if ( params . ppid ! = NULL ) {
signal ( SIGALRM , pidhandler ) ;
alarm ( 5 ) ;
} else {
signal ( SIGALRM , handler ) ;
alarm ( params . timeout ) ;
if ( params . online ) {
MyManager . manager = simpleBDDinit ( 0 ) ;
MyManager . t = HIGH ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . f = LOW ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . varmap = InitNamedVars ( 1 , 0 ) ;
bdd = OnlineGenerateBDD ( MyManager . manager , & MyManager . varmap ) ;
ivarcnt = GetVarCount ( MyManager . manager ) ;
} else {
fileheader = ReadFileHeader ( arg [ params . loadfile ] ) ;
switch ( fileheader . filetype ) {
MyManager . manager = simpleBDDinit ( fileheader . varcnt ) ;
MyManager . t = HIGH ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . f = LOW ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . varmap = InitNamedVars ( fileheader . varcnt , fileheader . varstart ) ;
bdd = FileGenerateBDD ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , fileheader ) ;
ivarcnt = fileheader . varcnt ;
break ;
MyManager . manager = simpleBDDinit ( fileheader . varcnt ) ;
MyManager . t = HIGH ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . f = LOW ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . varmap = InitNamedVars ( fileheader . varcnt , fileheader . varstart ) ;
bdd = LoadNodeDump ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , fileheader . inputfile ) ;
ivarcnt = fileheader . varcnt ;
break ;
default :
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: not a valid file format to load. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
break ;
alarm ( 0 ) ;
// problem specifics
if ( bdd ! = NULL ) {
ivarcnt = RepairVarcnt ( & MyManager . varmap ) ;
code = 0 ;
if ( params . inputfile ! = - 1 ) {
if ( LoadVariableData ( MyManager . varmap , arg [ params . inputfile ] ) = = - 1 ) return - 1 ;
if ( ! all_loaded ( MyManager . varmap , 1 ) ) return - 1 ;
MyManager . his = InitHistory ( ivarcnt ) ;
if ( params . method ! = 0 ) {
switch ( arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ) {
case ' g ' :
for ( i = 0 ; i < MyManager . varmap . varcnt ; i + + ) {
if ( MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ! = NULL ) {
varpattern = extractpattern ( MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ) ;
if ( ( varpattern = = NULL ) | | ( ! patterncalculated ( varpattern , MyManager , i ) ) ) {
tvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , bdd , i + MyManager . varmap . varstart , varpattern ) ;
probability = tvalue . probability ;
double factor = sigmoid ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ i ] , params . sigmoid_slope ) * ( 1 - sigmoid ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ i ] , params . sigmoid_slope ) ) * params . sigmoid_slope ;
if ( varpattern = = NULL ) {
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
printf ( " query_gradient(%s,%s,%e). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] , tvalue . gradient * factor ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
} else {
varpattern [ strlen ( varpattern ) - 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
printf ( " query_gradient(%s,%s,%e). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , varpattern , tvalue . gradient * factor ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
ReInitHistory ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varcnt ) ;
if ( varpattern ! = NULL ) free ( varpattern ) ;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: no variable name given for parameter. \n " ) ;
if ( probability < 0.0 ) {
// no nodes, so we have to calculate probability ourself
tvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , bdd , 0 + MyManager . varmap . varstart , NULL ) ;
probability = tvalue . probability ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
printf ( " query_probability(%s,%e). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , probability ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
break ;
case ' l ' :
tvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , bdd , 0 + MyManager . varmap . varstart , NULL ) ;
probability = tvalue . probability ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
printf ( " query_probability(%s,%e). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , probability ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
break ;
case ' p ' :
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
printf ( " probability(%e). \n " , CalcProbability ( MyManager , bdd ) ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
break ;
case ' o ' :
onlinetraverse ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , MyManager . his , bdd ) ;
break ;
default :
myexpand ( MyManager , bdd ) ;
break ;
} else {
myexpand ( MyManager , bdd ) ;
if ( params . savedfile > - 1 ) SaveNodeDump ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , bdd , arg [ params . savedfile ] ) ;
if ( params . exportfile > - 1 ) simpleNamedBDDtoDot ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , bdd , arg [ params . exportfile ] ) ;
ReInitHistory ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varcnt ) ;
free ( MyManager . his ) ;
if ( MyManager . manager ! = NULL ) {
KillBDD ( MyManager . manager ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . ivalue ) ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
if ( MyManager . varmap . dynvalue ! = NULL ) {
for ( i = 0 ; i < MyManager . varmap . varcnt ; i + + )
if ( MyManager . varmap . dynvalue [ i ] ! = NULL ) {
free ( MyManager . varmap . dynvalue [ i ] ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . dynvalue ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < MyManager . varmap . varcnt ; i + + )
free ( MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . vars ) ;
if ( params . error ! = NULL ) free ( params . error ) ;
return code ;
/* Shell Parameters handling */
int argtype ( const char * arg ) {
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -l " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --load " ) = = 0 ) return 0 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -e " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --export " ) = = 0 ) return 2 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -m " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --method " ) = = 0 ) return 3 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -i " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --input " ) = = 0 ) return 4 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -h " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --help " ) = = 0 ) return 5 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -d " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --debug " ) = = 0 ) return 6 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -id " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --queryid " ) = = 0 ) return 7 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -t " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --timeout " ) = = 0 ) return 8 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -sd " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --savedump " ) = = 0 ) return 9 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -sl " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --slope " ) = = 0 ) return 10 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -o " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --online " ) = = 0 ) return 11 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -bs " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --bufsize " ) = = 0 ) return 12 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -pid " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --pid " ) = = 0 ) return 13 ;
return - 1 ;
void printhelp ( int argc , char * * arg ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " \n Usage: %s -l [filename] -i [filename] -o (-s(d) [filename] -e [filename] -m [method] -id [queryid] -sl [double]) (-t [seconds] -d -h) \n " , arg [ 0 ] ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Generates and traverses a BDD \n Mandatory parameters: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -l [filename] \t -> \t filename to load supports two formats: \n \t \t \t \t \t \t 1. script with generation instructions \n \t \t \t \t \t \t 2. node dump saved file \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -i [filename] \t -> \t filename to input problem specifics (mandatory with file formats 1, 2) \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -o \t \t -> \t generates the BDD in online mode instead from a file can be used instead of -l \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Optional parameters: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -sd [filename] \t -> \t filename to save generated BDD in node dump format (fast loading, traverse valid only) \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -e [filename] \t -> \t filename to export generated BDD in dot format \n " ) ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -m [method] \t -> \t the calculation method to be used: none(default), [p]robability, [g]radient, [l]ine search, [o]nline \n " ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -id [queryid] \t -> \t the queries identity name (used by gradient) default: %s \n " , arg [ 0 ] ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -sl [double] \t -> \t the sigmoid slope (used by gradient) default: 1.0 \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Extra parameters: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -t [seconds] \t -> \t the seconds (int) for BDD generation timeout default 0 = no timeout \n " ) ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -pid [pid] \t -> \t a process id (int) to check for termination default 0 = no process to check \n " ) ;
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -bs [bytes] \t -> \t the bytes (int) to use as a maximum buffer size to read files default 0 = no max \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -d \t \t -> \t Run in debug mode (gives extra messages in stderr) \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -h \t \t -> \t Help (displays this message) \n \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Example: %s -l testbdd -i input.txt -m g -id testbdd \n " , arg [ 0 ] ) ;
parameters loadparam ( int argc , char * * arg ) {
int i ;
parameters params ;
params . loadfile = - 1 ;
params . savedfile = - 1 ;
params . exportfile = - 1 ;
params . method = 0 ;
params . inputfile = - 1 ;
params . debug = 0 ;
params . errorcnt = 0 ;
params . queryid = 0 ;
params . timeout = 0 ;
params . sigmoid_slope = 1.0 ;
params . online = 0 ;
params . maxbufsize = 0 ;
params . ppid = NULL ;
params . error = ( int * ) malloc ( argc * sizeof ( int ) ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i + + ) {
switch ( argtype ( arg [ i ] ) ) {
case 0 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . loadfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 2 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . exportfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 3 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . method = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 4 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . inputfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 5 :
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
params . debug = 1 ;
break ;
case 7 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . queryid = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 8 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsPosNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . timeout = atoi ( arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 9 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . savedfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 10 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsRealNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . sigmoid_slope = atof ( arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 11 :
params . online = 1 ;
break ;
case 12 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsPosNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . maxbufsize = atoi ( arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 13 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsPosNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . ppid = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * ( strlen ( arg [ i ] ) + 1 ) ) ;
strcpy ( params . ppid , arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
default :
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
return params ;
/* Error Handlers */
void handler ( int num ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: Timeout %i exceeded. \n " , params . timeout ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
void pidhandler ( int num ) {
char * s ;
if ( params . timeout > 0 ) {
params . timeout - = 5 ;
if ( params . timeout < = 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: Timeout exceeded. \n " ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
s = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * ( 19 + strlen ( params . ppid ) ) ) ;
strcpy ( s , " ps " ) ; strcat ( s , params . ppid ) ; strcat ( s , " >/dev/null " ) ;
if ( system ( s ) ! = 0 ) exit ( 4 ) ;
signal ( SIGALRM , pidhandler ) ;
alarm ( 5 ) ;
free ( s ) ;
void termhandler ( int num ) {
exit ( 3 ) ;
/* General Functions */
double sigmoid ( double x , double slope ) {
return 1 / ( 1 + exp ( - x * slope ) ) ;
/* Debugging traverse function */
void myexpand ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) {
DdNode * h , * l ;
hisnode * Found ;
char * curnode ;
curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , Current ) ;
printf ( " %s \n " , curnode ) ;
if ( ( Current ! = MyManager . t ) & & ( Current ! = MyManager . f ) & &
( ( Found = GetNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current ) ) = = NULL ) ) {
l = LowNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
h = HighNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
printf ( " l(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
myexpand ( MyManager , l ) ;
printf ( " h(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
myexpand ( MyManager , h ) ;
AddNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current , 0.0 , 0 , NULL ) ;
2009-07-31 17:04:11 -05:00
/* Angelicas Algorithm */
2009-03-09 00:42:12 +00:00
double CalcProbability ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) {
DdNode * h , * l ;
hisnode * Found ;
char * curnode ;
double lvalue , hvalue , tvalue ;
if ( params . debug ) {
curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , Current ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s \n " , curnode ) ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . t ) return 1.0 ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . f ) return 0.0 ;
if ( ( Found = GetNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current ) ) ! = NULL ) return Found - > dvalue ;
l = LowNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
h = HighNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " l(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
lvalue = CalcProbability ( MyManager , l ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " h(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
hvalue = CalcProbability ( MyManager , h ) ;
tvalue = MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ GetIndex ( Current ) - MyManager . varmap . varstart ] ;
tvalue = tvalue * hvalue + lvalue * ( 1.0 - tvalue ) ;
AddNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current , tvalue , 0 , NULL ) ;
return tvalue ;
/* Bernds Algorithm */
gradientpair CalcGradient ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current , int TargetVar , char * TargetPattern ) {
DdNode * h , * l ;
hisnode * Found ;
char * curnode ;
gradientpair lvalue , hvalue , tvalue ;
double this_probability ;
double * gradient ;
if ( params . debug ) {
curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , Current ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s \n " , curnode ) ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . t ) {
tvalue . probability = 1.0 ;
tvalue . gradient = 0.0 ;
return tvalue ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . f ) {
tvalue . probability = 0.0 ;
tvalue . gradient = 0.0 ;
return tvalue ;
if ( ( Found = GetNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current ) ) ! = NULL ) {
tvalue . probability = Found - > dvalue ;
tvalue . gradient = * ( ( double * ) Found - > dynvalue ) ;
return tvalue ;
l = LowNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
h = HighNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " l(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
lvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , l , TargetVar , TargetPattern ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " h(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
hvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , h , TargetVar , TargetPattern ) ;
this_probability = sigmoid ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ GetIndex ( Current ) - MyManager . varmap . varstart ] , params . sigmoid_slope ) ;
tvalue . probability = this_probability * hvalue . probability + ( 1 - this_probability ) * lvalue . probability ;
tvalue . gradient = this_probability * hvalue . gradient + ( 1 - this_probability ) * lvalue . gradient ;
if ( ( GetIndex ( Current ) = = TargetVar ) | |
( ( TargetPattern ! = NULL ) & & patternmatch ( TargetPattern , MyManager . varmap . vars [ GetIndex ( Current ) ] ) ) ) {
tvalue . gradient + = hvalue . probability - lvalue . probability ;
gradient = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof ( double ) ) ;
* gradient = tvalue . gradient ;
AddNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current , tvalue . probability , 0 , gradient ) ;
return tvalue ;
char * extractpattern ( char * thestr ) {
char * p ;
int i = 0 , sl = strlen ( thestr ) ;
while ( ( thestr [ i ] ! = ' _ ' ) & & ( i < sl ) ) i + + ;
if ( i = = sl ) return NULL ;
i + + ;
p = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * ( i + 2 ) ) ;
strncpy ( p , thestr , i ) ;
p [ i ] = ' * ' ;
p [ i + 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
return p ;
int patterncalculated ( char * pattern , extmanager MyManager , int loc ) {
int i ;
if ( pattern = = NULL ) return 0 ;
for ( i = loc - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - )
if ( patternmatch ( pattern , MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ) ) return 1 ;
return 0 ;