2001-06-06 19:40:57 +00:00
:- object(message_counter,
:- info([
version is 1.0,
2003-02-05 00:15:28 +00:00
author is 'Paulo Moura',
2001-06-06 19:40:57 +00:00
date is 1998/3/23,
comment is 'Message counter monitor.']).
:- public(report/0).
:- mode(report, one).
:- info(report/0,
[comment is 'Reports current calls and exits message counts.']).
:- public(stop/0).
:- mode(stop, one).
:- info(stop/0,
[comment is 'Stops message counting.']).
:- private(calls/2).
:- dynamic(calls/2).
:- mode(calls(?object, ?integer), zero_or_more).
:- private(calls/3).
:- dynamic(calls/3).
:- mode(calls(?object, ?predicate_indicator,?integer), zero_or_more).
:- private(exits/2).
:- dynamic(exits/2).
:- mode(exits(?object, ?integer), zero_or_more).
:- private(exits/3).
:- dynamic(exits/3).
:- mode(exits(?object, ?predicate_indicator,?integer), zero_or_more).
report :-
::calls(Object, Calls),
(writeq(Object), nl,
write(' total of calls: '), write(Calls), nl,
write(' total of exits: '),
(::exits(Object, Exits) ->
write(Exits), nl, nl
write(0), nl, nl),
::calls(Object, Functor/Arity, Calls2),
(write(' '), writeq(Functor/Arity), nl,
write(' calls: '), write(Calls2), nl,
write(' exits: '),
(::exits(Object, Functor/Arity, Exits2) ->
write(Exits2), nl, nl
write(0), nl, nl))))).
stop :-
::retractall(calls(_, _)),
::retractall(exits(_, _)),
::retractall(calls(_, _, _)),
::retractall(exits(_, _, _)),
before(Object, Message, _) :-
(::retract(calls(Object, Old)) ->
New is Old + 1
New = 1),
::assertz(calls(Object, New)),
functor(Message, Functor, Arity),
(::retract(calls(Object, Functor/Arity, Old2)) ->
New2 is Old2 + 1
New2 = 1 ),
::assertz(calls(Object, Functor/Arity, New2)).
after(Object, Message, _) :-
(::retract(exits(Object, Old)) ->
New is Old + 1
New = 1),
::assertz(exits(Object, New)),
functor(Message, Functor, Arity),
(::retract(exits(Object, Functor/Arity, Old2)) ->
New2 is Old2 + 1
New2 = 1),
::assertz(exits(Object, Functor/Arity, New2)).
:- end_object.