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% Translate html format and send to stdout
pred output_html(+html_term).
% Translates html terms to list of characters and vice-versa
pred html2terms(-string, +html_term).
pred html2terms(+string, -list(html_simple_term)).
% Hook predicate to define macros for html2terms(-,+)
pred html_expansion(+html_term, -html_term)
% Report an error through HTML
pred html_report_error(+html_term).
html_term ===
# start |
# end |
# -- |
# \\ |
# $ |
# comment(string) |
# declare(string) |
# image(html_item) |
# image(html_item, list(attrib)) |
# ref(html_item, html_term) |
# label(html_item, html_term) |
# heading(integer, html_term) |
# itemize(list(html_term)) |
# enumerate(list(html_term)) |
# description(list(html_description)) |
# nice_itemize(html_item, list(html_term)) |
# preformatted(list(html_term)) |
# entity(html_item) |
# start_form |
# start_form(html_item) |
# start_form(html_item, list(attrib)) |
# end_form |
# checkbox(html_item, state) |
# radio(html_item, html_item, html_item) |
# input(html_item, list(attrib)) |
# textinput(html_item, list(attrib), string) |
# menu(html_item, list(attrib), list(option)) |
# cgi_reply |
# verbatim(html_item) |
# nl |
# begin(tag) |
# begin(tag, list(attrib)) |
# end(tag) |
# env(tag, list(attrib), html_term) |
# $(tag,list(attrib)) |
list(html_term) |
any(html_term) |
any(list(attrib), html_term) |
string |
html_simple_term ===
# comment(string) |
# declare(string) |
# env(tag, list(attrib), list(html_simple_term)) |
# $(tag,list(attrib)) |
html_description === #(html_term , html_description) | html_term.
tag === atom.
option === # $(html_item) | html_item.
state === # on | # off.
attrib === atom | #(atom = html_item).
html_item === atom | string.
% Transforms form data to a dictionary
pred get_form_input(-dict).
% Get values in dictionary
pred get_form_value(+dict, +dict_name, -dict_value).
% Transform input from a text area to a list of lines
pred text_lines(+dict_value,-list(string))
% Checks that a value is empty
pred form_empty_value(+dict_value).
% Set form defaults
pred form_default(+term, +term, -term).
% Gives request method of the form
pred form_request_method(-atom).
% Gives the URL of the form
pred my_url(-string).
% Database of useful image addresses
pred icon_address(+atom, -string).
% Computes GET parameters for CGI's
pred url_query(+dict, -string).
dict === list(#(dict_name = dict_value))
dict_name === atom
dict_value === # '$empty' | atomic | list(string) | # file(atom,list(string)).
% Extracts information from a URL, or creates a URL from information
pred url_info(+url, -url_info).
pred url_info(-string, +url_info).
% Extracts information from a URL, relative to a base URL
pred url_info_relative(+url, +url_info, -url_info)
url === atom | string.
url_info === # http(host, port, document).
host === atom.
port === integer.
document === string.
% Fetch a document from an HTTP server
pred fetch_url(+url, +list(http_request), -list(http_response)).
http_request ===
# head | % If we don't what the document, only the header
# timeout(integer) | % Time to wait for the response
# if_modified_since(date) | % Get document only if newer
# user_agent(atom) | % Provide a user-agent field
# authorization(scheme, auth_params) | % For authentication
any(atom). % Any other option (for example from('user@machine'))
http_response ===
# content(string) | % Document content
% Type of response, status code and reason phrase
# status(status_type,status_code,reason_phrase) |
# pragma(string) | % Misc. data
# message_date(date) | % Date of the response
# location(atom) | % Where has moved the document
# http_server(string) | % Server responding
# authenticate(list(challenge)) | % Request for authentication
# allow(list(atom)) | % Methods allowed by the server
# content_encoding(atom) |
# content_length(integer) |
# content_type(type,subtype,list(content_type_param)) |
% Date/time after which the entity should be considered stale
# expires(date) |
% Date/time at which the sender believes the resource was last modified
# last_modified(date) |
any(string). % Any other functor is an extension header
status_type ===
# informational |
# success |
# redirection |
# request_error |
# server_error |
# extension_code.
status_code === integer.
reason_phrase === string.
challenge === # challenge(scheme,realm,challenge_params)
scheme === # basic | atom.
auth_params === string | list(#(atom = string)).
realm = string.
challenge_params === list(#(atom = string)).
type === atom.
subtype === atom.
content_type_param === #(atom = (atom|string)).
date === # date(weekday,day,month,year,hour)
weekday ===
# 'Monday' |
# 'Tuesday' |
# 'Wednesday' |
# 'Thursday' |
# 'Friday' |
# 'Saturday' |
# 'Sunday'.
day === integer. % From 1 to 31
month ===
# 'January' |
# 'February' |
# 'March' |
# 'April' |
# 'May' |
# 'June' |
# 'July' |
# 'August' |
# 'September' |
# 'October' |
# 'November' |
# 'December'.
year === integer. % >= 1000
hour === atom. % Of the form '06:14:02'
% Protect a goal for cgi-bin execution
pred html_protect(+callable).