Logtalk automatically generates a documentation file for each compiled entity (object, protocol, or category) in <ahref="http://www.w3.org/XML/">XML</a> format. Contents of the XML file include the entity name, type, and compilation mode (static or dynamic), the entity relations with other entities, and a description of any declared predicates (name, compilation mode, scope, ...).
The XML documentation files can be enriched with arbitrary user-defined information, either about an entity or about its predicates, by using the two directives described below.
Logtalk supports two documentation directives for providing arbitrary user-defined information about an entity or a predicate. These two directives complement other Logtalk directives that also provide important documentation information like <atitle="Consult reference manual"href="../refman/directives/uses1.html"><code>uses/1</code></a>, <atitle="Consult reference manual"href="../refman/directives/calls1.html"><code>calls/1</code></a>, or <atitle="Consult reference manual"href="../refman/directives/mode2.html"><code>mode/2</code></a>.
Arbitrary user-defined entity information can be represented using the <atitle="Consult reference manual"href="../refman/directives/info1.html"><code>info/1</code></a> directive:
:- info([
Key1 is Value1,
Key2 is Value2,
In this pattern, keys should be atoms and values should be ground terms. The following keys are pre-defined and may be processed specially by Logtalk:
<dd>Names of predicate arguments for pretty print output (a list of atoms).</dd>
<dd>Objects where we should define the predicate. Some possible values are <code>container</code>, <code>descendants</code>, <code>instances</code>, <code>classes</code>, <code>subclasses</code>, and <code>any</code>.</dd>
<dd>Describes if the predicate can be redefined and in what way. Some possible values are <code>never</code>, <code>free</code>, <code>specialize</code>, <code>call_super_first</code>, <code>call_super_last</code>.</dd>
For example:
:- info(color/1, [
comment is 'Table of defined colors.',
argnames is ['Color'],
constraint is 'Only a maximum of four visible colors allowed.']).
Use only the keywords that make sense for your application and remember that you are free to invent your own keywords.
The XML documenting files are (by default) automatically generated when you compile a Logtalk entity. For example, assuming the default filename extensions, compiling a <code>sort1.lgt</code> file generates a <code>sort1.pl</code> Prolog file and a <code>sort1.xml</code> XML file. The filename extension for each kind of file can be changed in the config files via the <code>'$lgt_file_extension'/2</code> predicate.
Each XML file contains references to two other files, a XML specification file and a XSL style-sheet file. The XML specification file can be either a DTD file (<code>logtalk.dtd</code>) or a XML Scheme file (<code>logtalk.xsd</code>). The <ahref="http://www.w3.org/Style/XSL/">XSL</a> style-sheet file is responsible for converting the XML files to some desired format such as HTML or PDF. The default names for the XML specification file and the XSL style-sheet file are defined in the configuration files. The <code>xml</code> sub-directory in the Logtalk installation directory contains the XML specification files described above, along with several sample XSL style-sheet files and sample scripts for converting XML documenting files to several formats. Please read the <code>NOTES</code> file included in the directory for details. You may use the supplied sample files as a starting point for generating the documentation of your Logtalk applications.
There is a set of compilers options, used with the Logtalk <atitle="Consult reference manual"href="../refman/builtins/logtalk_load2.html"><code>logtalk_load/2</code></a> or the <atitle="Consult reference manual"href="../refman/builtins/logtalk_compile2.html"><code>logtalk_compile/2</code></a> built-in predicates, that can be used to control the generation of the XML documentation files. Please see the <ahref="running.html#options">Running Logtalk</a> section of this manual for details.
<p><spanclass="bleft"><ahref="http://validator.w3.org/check/referer">XHTML</a> + <ahref="http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/check/referer">CSS</a></span><spanclass="bright">Last updated on: August 6, 2004</span></p>