2018-04-27 13:01:08 +01:00
- * - mode: compilation ; default - directory: "~/github/yap-6.3/swi/library/" - * -
Compilation started at Fri Apr 27 00 : 11 : 37
make - j - C "/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/build/" install
Scanning dependencies of target Yapsqlite3
Scanning dependencies of target libswi
Scanning dependencies of target libOPTYap
[ 1 % ] Built target sqlite4YAP
[ 5 % ] Built target plmyddas
[ 6 % ] Built target jpl
[ 6 % ] Built target utf8proc
Scanning dependencies of target libYAPOs
Scanning dependencies of target myddas
[ 6 % ] Building C object packages /myddas/s qlite3 /CMakeFiles/ Yapsqlite3 . dir / myddas_sqlite3 . c . o
[ 6 % ] Building C object library /dialect/s wi /fli/ CMakeFiles /libswi.dir/s wi . c . o
[ 7 % ] Building C object library /dialect/s wi /fli/ CMakeFiles /libswi.dir/ blobs . c . o
[ 8 % ] Building C object packages /myddas/ CMakeFiles /myddas.dir/m yddas_initialization . c . o
[ 8 % ] Building C object packages /myddas/ CMakeFiles /myddas.dir/m yddas_shared . c . o
[ 8 % ] Building C object packages /myddas/ CMakeFiles /myddas.dir/m yddas_statistics . c . o
[ 9 % ] Building C object packages /myddas/ CMakeFiles /myddas.dir/m yddas_top_level . c . o
[ 9 % ] Building C object packages /myddas/ CMakeFiles /myddas.dir/m yddas_util . c . o
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:32:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:238:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:32:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:67:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:32:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:785:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapSignals.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:827:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "GitSHA1.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:831:2:In file included from error: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . cembedding: 19 a:
In file included from #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h :directive781
In file included from within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h : macro20 :
argumentsIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . his: 1342 not :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:238:2: #include "YapText.h"
error ^ :
embedding a #include
dire /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:33:2: error: embedding
a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <YapEval.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:34:2: error: embedding
a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <Yatom.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:36:2: error: embedding
a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "swi.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:37:2: error: embedding
a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <YapHeap.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:39:2: error: embedding
a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <YapHandles.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:41:2: error: embedding
a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <YapText.h>
/Users/ [ 10 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . memory . c . o
[ 10 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / opt . preds . c . o
[ 11 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . sba_engine . c . o
[ 11 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . cow_engine . c . o
[ 11 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . scheduler . c . o
[ 13 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . cut . c . o
[ 12 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / tab . tries . c . o
[ 13 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / tab . completion . c . o
ctive within macro arguments is not supported
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:27:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h #include "YapLFlagInfo.h":
20 :
^ In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:238:2: [ 10 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / opt . init . c . o
error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
[ 11 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . copy_engine . c . o
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:27:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:67:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:27:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:785:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments [ 12 % ] Building C object OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . thread_engine . c . o
is not supported
#include "YapSignals.h"
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:19:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:67:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:19:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:785:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapSignals.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:827:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "GitSHA1.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:831:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapText.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:20:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapEval.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:21:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapText.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:22:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "Yatom.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:23:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "cut_c.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:24:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "myddas.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:25:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:26:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdlib.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:27:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <string.h>
827 : 2 : In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . cerror:: 19 embedding:
In file included from a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : #include781 :
directiveIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h : within20 :
macroIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . harguments: 1342 is:
In file included from not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : supported234
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h:101:3: #include "GitSHA1.h"error
: ^ unterminated
function - like macro invocation
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:831:2: error: embedding a #include directive
YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom ,
within ^ macro
arguments is not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : supported231
: 9 : note: macro #include "YapText.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:28:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <Yatom.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:29:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <iopreds.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:30:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:32:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <string.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:34:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapText.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:38:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments In file included from is/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.init.c :not18 :
supportedIn file includ
#include <stdio.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli /blobs.c/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ packages /myddas/m yddas_util . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:: : 431706 ::
: 27 In file included from :: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : errorerror781: : :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hexpectedembedding: 20 identifiera:
In file included from #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h :directive1342 :
within #endifmacro
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ^ arguments:
238 is: 2 not : supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . cerror
:: 706 : 7 embedding: #include "swi.h"aerror
: ^ #include
expecteddirective '}' within
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : arguments233 : is14 : not notesupported:
to match this '{'
typedef enum {
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . cvsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . cIn file included from : In file included from 19 :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli /blobs.c:In file included from / Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ packages /myddas/m yddas_util . c27 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: ::
178142 In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from 2 : In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h781: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h::
: 20 In file included from error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
: In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hembedding:
1342 :
a781In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #include:/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h 234:directive:
67 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . hwithin2: : 94 macro : error41arguments: : embedding is error a: not expected #includesupported
';' directiveafter
within enummacro
#20include <yapio.h>:
^ In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h: booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , 1342 :
In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:234 ^ :
; /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
: 101 : 3 : error: unterminated
function - like macro invocation
argumentsIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /sqlite3/m yddas_sqlite3 . c:19:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
: ^ 1342
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:233:1: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : 231 warning:: 9 typedef: requiresnote : amacro name 'YAP_FLAG' is
defined [ - Wmissing - declarations ]
typedef enum {
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
1 ^ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ library /dialect/s wi /fli/s wi . c
warning and : 1745 error:s2 generated .
: error: embedding
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c : #include169 :directive4 :within errormacro:
arguments expectedis identifiernot
* /
#include <math.h> ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli /blobs.c:169:4: / Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ library /dialect/s wi /fli/s wi . cerror:: 48
: 2 expected: '}' error
: embedding
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : a233 : #include14 :directive notewithin: tomacro matcharguments thisis '{'not
typedef enum {
#include <errno.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:51:2: error: embedding
a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <signal.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c:27:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c781make [ 2 ] : ::
61 In file included from : 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:: 20 error:
: In file included from ** * [ packages /myddas/s qlite3 /CMakeFiles/ Yapsqlite3 . dir /myddas_sqlite3.c.o] Error 1embedding/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / Yatom . h
: 1342 a:
In file included from #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h :directive234 :
within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h : macro94 : arguments41 : is errornot: supportedexpected
';' after
#include <gmp.h>
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) ,
not In file included from supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / blobs . c
: 27 :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
#include <stdio.h>In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h ^ :
20 :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:233:1: warning: typedef requires a In file included from In file included from name /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initialization . cIn file included from In file included from :
make [ 1 ] : 5 :
[ - Wmissing - declarations ] /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c
In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli /swi.c/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / Yap . h1:: :
32781 :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
In file included from In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h785: ** * [ packages /myddas/s qlite3 /CMakeFiles/ Yapsqlite3 . dir / all ] Error 2 :: 781 typedef enum { 20 :
In file included from : ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
error:: : 201342 :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . ha: 1342 #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h:
make [ 1 ] : : directiveIn file included from ** * Waiting for unfinished jobs ... . /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
: within234: :
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h2 :: arguments101 : erroris3: : not errorsupported: embedding
a function - like #include
macro directiveinvocation
within #include "YapSignals.h"macro
arguments ^
is not supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , :
^ 17
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:In file included from : 231 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h827:: : 9202 ::
: In file included from #include "YapLFlagInfo.h" note/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h
error: : ^ : 1342 macro
'YAP_FLAG' a defined /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #include
: 238 directivehere:
2 : within errormacro: arguments embeddingis anot #includesupported
directive ^
within macro #include "GitSHA1.h"
ar [ 19 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / sockets . c . o
guments is not supported
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
: 831 : 2 : error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapText.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c:2:2: error: embedding a
#include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "cut_c.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c:3:2: error: embedding a
#include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdlib.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c:4:2: error: embedding a
#include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <string.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c:6:2: error: embedding a
#include directive within macro1 arguments warning and is 16not error ssupported generated.
In file included from #include "myddas.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/pack[ 15%] Building C object os/CMakeFiles/libYAPOs.dir/chartypes.c.o
[ 16 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / fmem . c . o
[ 17 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / iopreds . c . o
[ 17 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / readline . c . o
[ 17 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / pipes . c . o
[ 17 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / mem . c . o
[ 18 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / random . c . o
[ 18 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / readterm . c . o
[ 18 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / readutil . c . o
[ 19 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / sig . c . o
[ 20 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / streams . c . o
[ 20 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / sysbits . c . o
[ 20 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / time . c . o
make [ 2 ] : [ 21 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / writeterm . c . o
[ 21 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / ypsocks . c . o
** * [ library /dialect/s wi /fli/ CMakeFiles /libswi.dir/ blobs . c . o ] Error 1
make [ 2 ] : ** * Waiting for unfinished jobs ... .
[ 22 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / ypstdio . c . o
[ 24 % ] Built target YAP_KERNEL
ages /myddas/m yddas_shared . c:17:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:67:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:17:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:785:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapSignals.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:827:2: error: embedding a #include
directive [ 14 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / assets . c . o
^ within
macro arguments is not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c : supported7
: 2 : error: #include "GitSHA1.h"embedding
^ a
#include directive/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h :within831 :macro2 :arguments erroris: em[ 14%] Building C object os/CMakeFiles/libYAPOs.dir/alias.c.o
[ 14 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / charsio . c . o
[ 16 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / files . c . o
[ 15 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / console . c . o
[ 16 % ] Building C object os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / format . c . o
bedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapText.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:20:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "Yatom.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:21:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "cut_c.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:22:2: error:
embedding a #include directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "myddas.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:23:2: error:
embedding a #incluIn file included from /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sockets.c:26:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:238:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
denot directive supportedwithin
macro arguments is not supported
#include "myddas_util.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c:26:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:67:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c:1:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli /swi.c/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / Yatom . h:: 13423152 :
: 4 In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : error234: :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h : expected101 : identifier3
: error: unterminated
function - like * / macro
^ invocation
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /library/ dialect /swi/ fli / swi . c:3152:4: error:
expected YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom ,
'}' ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:233:14 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:: 231 note:: 9 to: matchnote : thismacro '{' 'YAP_FLAG'
heretypedef enum {
fatal error #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x:
too ^
many errors emitted , stopping now [ - ferror - limit = ] /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c
: 267 : 7 : error: expected
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c:267:7: error: expected
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hIn file included from : 233 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initialization . c:: 145 ::
noteIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:to781 :
match /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hthis: 67 '{' :
2 : error: embedding atypedef enum {
#include ^
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include <stdio.h>
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_util . c:1:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:234:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h:94:41: error: expected ';' after
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) ,
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /myddas_util.cIn file included from :1/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ packages /myddas/m yddas_shared . c:
: 17 In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:In file included from 781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
: In file included from 781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
: In file included from 20 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
: In file included from 20 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
: In file included from 1342 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
: 1342 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:
: In file included from 233 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:: 1234 ::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . hwarning:: 101 typedef: 3 requires: aerror : nameunterminated
[ - Wmissing - declarations ] function - like
macro invocation
typedef enum {
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom ,
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:231:9: note: macro 'YAP_FLAG' defined
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c20:737 error:s7 generated .
: error:
expected identifier
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:737:7: error:
expected '}'
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:233:14: note: to match this '{'
typedef enum {
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:17:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:234:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h:94:41: error: expected ';' after
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) ,
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_shared . c:17:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from In file included from 1 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h warning: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initialization . c and 20 ::
514 In file included from :
error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hs /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: generated .
: 1342785 :
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h2:: 233 : error1: : embeddingwarning : a typedef #include requiresdirective
a withinname
macro [ - Wmissing - declarations ] arguments
is not supported
typedef enum {
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
#include "YapSignals.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:827:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is notIn file included from supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cow_engine . c:18:
In file included from #include "GitSHA1.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h
: ^ 781
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h20::
831 In file included from In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h2:: 1342 :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6 . make [ 2 ] : 13 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . cmake [ 2 ] : error warning: ** * [ library /dialect/s wi /fli/ CMakeFiles /libswi.dir/s wi . c . o ] Error 1 and 18 :
13 :
errorembeddingsIn file included from generated .
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . ha ** * [ packages /myddas/ CMakeFiles /myddas.dir/m yddas_util . c . o ] Error 1 : 781 #include:
In file included from directive
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
: 20 within:
In file included from macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h : arguments1342 :
ismake [ 2 ] : ** * Waiting for unfinished jobs ... . not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
: supported238
: 2 In file included from : error: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . c:18embedding #include "YapText.h":
aIn file included from ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
781 :
directiveIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hwithin: 20 macro:
In file included from arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h : is1342 :
not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas /myddas_initialization.c :supported6make[1]: :2: *** [library/ dialect /swi/ fli /CMakeFiles/ libswi . dir / all ] Error 2 error
embedding a #include directive within make[2]: macro arguments is*** [packages/myddas/CMakeFiles/myddas.dir/myddas_shared.c.o] Error 1
not supported
#include "myddas.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:238:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initialization . c:5:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:234:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h:101:3: error: unterminated
function - like macro invocation
YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom ,
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:231:9: note: macro 'YAP_FLAG' defined
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initialization . c:111:2: error:
expected identifier
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initialization . c:111:2: error:
expected '}'
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:233:14: note: to match this '{'
typedef enum {
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initialization . c:5:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:20:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:234:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h:94:41: error: expected ';' after
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) ,
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /packages/m yddas / myddas_initia
In file included from lization . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . c:: 185 :
In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: 781781 :
In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:: 2020 :
In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:: 13421342 :
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
: 233 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ^ ::
1238 :: 2 warning:: typedeferror : requires aembedding namea
directive within macro arguments istypedef enum {
not ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c:18:
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:67:2: error: embedding a #include
directive within In file included from In file included from In file included from ed from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . sba_engine . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . copy_engine . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cut . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: In file included from 18 : 18 :
781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . c:
In file included from :
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . memory . cIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:23In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h18: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
781 : In file included from In file included from In file included from :
20 :
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from 781 In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
:: : 781 In file included from 26781 :
18 ::
In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h20In /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hIn file included from file included from In file included from :
: In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h20 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
In file included from In file included from : 212029 In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h::
:: :
In file included from : 20781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h1342:
In file included from In file included from :
1342 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h781In file included from :
:: ::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h671342In file included from 24 ::
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h1342:2:
:: In file included from 238 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap:1In file included from : In file included from macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . cIn file included from warning and /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . c:210arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypsocks . c:: error 1342 : sis:
generated .
18 18 not :
error :
: In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . cIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hsupported:18embedding238781:
: 24 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . ha2In file included from :: :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h 67 In file included from :: #includeerror/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h7812
:: ::
781 #include <stdio.h> In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h ^ : : In file included from aembedding20within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
: #includea In file included from
20 macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
#include:directiveIn file /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h:/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h238make[2]: included from In file included from :238:::2382238:2/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h*** [packages/myddas/CMakeFiles/myddas.dir/myddas_initialization.c.o] Error 12::/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/tab.tries.c1342
:: 18 : :
2 errorerrorerror:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: : : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . herror:785: 238 : embeddingembeddingembedding:2 : 2 aembeddingaa : #include aerror#include#includeerror:
embedding #include embeddingdirective
directiveadirective directivea #include within within withinwithin #includedirective macro
macro macro
macrodirective withinarguments argumentsargumentsarguments within is macroisisis macro not argumentsnotnotarguments is not supported issupportedsupported
supported supported
#include "YapSignals.h"
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"#include "
1342 arguments ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
within directiveerror : is: macrowithin 785 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:argumentsmacroembeddingnot 2 : isargumentssupporteda238:
: #includeis2errornot
: : notsupportedembedding directive
error supported : a
within #includeembeddingmacro directiveaarguments
is #includewithin
#include <stdio.h> not
macrodirective ^ supported
ismacro #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
notarguments ^
#include <stdio.h>
not ^
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"supported
#include "YapSignals.h"
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:827:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "GitSHA1.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:831:2: error: embedding a #include directive
within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapText.h"
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . c:18:
/Users/ vsc /github/ y: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from YapLFlagInfo . h "make[1]: #include " YapLFlagInfo . h "
18 :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . c:
: ^ In file included from 18 ^ ** * [ packages /myddas/ CMakeFiles /myddas.dir/ all ] Error 2 ^ 827
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h2:: : 781785 :
: errorIn file included from 2 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:: embedding 20 error:
In file included from embedding #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h ^: a
1342 directive :
#include withindirective
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hmacro : within238arguments : macro2is : arguments not error is: supported
not embeddingsupported
a #include
#include "GitSHA1.h"directive
^ within
macro #include "YapSignals.h"
^ arguments
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : not831 : supported2
: error: embedding a #include directive/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h
: 827 within: 2 macro: argumentserror : isembedding #include "YapLFlagInfo.h" not aIn file included from In file included from In file included from In file included from ap-6.3/H/Yap.hsupported /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.copy_engine.c/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.memory.c
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . c:: #include:1818:: 785:
18 : In file included from In file included from
2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h 18 : within #include "YapText.h":
: In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h781macro ^ : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h In file included from : :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h781: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h :
: embeddingis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: : 781 anot67 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h67:
:: supported:2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h2 #include:67::
: 67 error2directive:error: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c:2embedding
:: #include "GitSHA1.h" embedding:errora
within20 ^ error
:: macrembeddingIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c
o: : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . c: ^ a:831
embedding2327 #include:
In file included from 2 a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:2 : arguments:781 #includeerror:
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h errorembedding:: within 67 aembeddingdirective: macro a2 #includewithin : #include arguments
error : ismacrodirective embedding not arguments awithin supporteddirective is
notmacro directivesupportedarguments
withinis #include <stdio.h>macro
^ arguments
is #include <stdio.h>not
not ^ supported
macro arguments #include "Yatom.h"is
^ #include <stdio.h>not
^ supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c:28:2: #include "YapText.h"error
: ^ embedding
a #include
directive within macro arguments is not supported
#include "YapHeap.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c:29:2: error: embeddingIn file inaIn file included from In file included from In file included from cluded from In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . copy_engine . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . sba_engine . c: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cut . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . c:18: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . c:: :
18 : #include18:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h231818
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from directive:In file included from :
785 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from : 785 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h2:within:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h7812 785 : macro:
:: 781 In file included from 781 : error:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h error: 2 :
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hembedding: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: embedding: : 20 arguments67error67 a :: : :
2 is2In file included from #includea::embe#include In file included from
dding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cow_engine . c isa:error directive : 18 #include
In file included from embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #includesupported:directivewithin
directive aerror781withinmacro: :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h #includeembedding argumentsmacro:within 67ismacro
arguments : #include "YapSignals.h"a 2
notdirectivearguments: ^
#includeiswithin is
error macro supported: notdirectivenot
embedding arguments supportedsupportedwithin
macronot #include
argumentssupported #include "YapSignals.h"
directive #include "yapio.h"
#include "YapSignals.h" ^within ^
not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
^ #include <stdio.h>macro:supported
^ : arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c2
:: is30 : noterror2 : : supportedembedding #include <stdio.h>
error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . ha ^ : :
827 embedding #include: /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.ha2direcdirective/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h In file included from In file included from 20 :/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.cut.cwithin/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.sba_engine.c: #include:181342tive18 :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : argumentswithinwithin785785 : : macro 234 ::
is 22 macroIn file included from :: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . hnotarguments : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h error101 : :: supported:is
31342 ::
not827embedding : #include errorsupported
a: 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
unterminated:directive: #include <stdio.h>#include
errorwithinfunction - likedirective238 ^ :
macro:embedding macro #include "GitSHA1.h"arguments 2
withinais: invocation ^
macro #includenoterror
: argumentssupporteddirective
isembedding notwithina /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hmacrosupported :
#include <stdlib.h YAP_FLAG(BACK_QUOTES_FLAG, "back_quotes", true, isatom, #include "YapSignals.h"In file included from In file included from arguments>arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . memory . c ^ : ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c
: is
18 is27 :
^ notnot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hsupported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hsupported785
:: 2317812 ::
: 9 In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . herror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c:: note20: #include "GitSHA1.h": :
#include "YapSignals.h"macro /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.hIn file included from ^32:a
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
'YAP_FLAG' ^ 2 : 827 #include
1342 :: :
2 defined : error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hdirective
831 error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h here: : within
embedding:238embedding 2 : macro:a2a : argumentserror #include #include
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . his embedding: errordirect #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x831:directive#include <stdio.h>
not : not
2 ^ supportederror
: ^ :
: macroaembedding arguments #includea isdirective#include #include <stdio.h>#include "YapSignals.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . cdirective
: supported ^ ^ within
macro27within : argumentsmacro errorisarguments: expectednotis #include "GitSHA1.h"
supportednot ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:827 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: #include "GitSHA1.h":2
831 : ^ #include "YapText.h":
2 error ^ ::
#endif /* YAPOR_THREADS */embeddingerror
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . ha ^ embedding:
831 #includea: 2directive#include:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . c: : embeddingmacrowithin584 : argumentsamacro27 : is #includearguments errornotdirectiveis:
expected supportednot withiIn file included from : 2 #includeiveIn file included from /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/alias.c:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cow_engine . c : embedding : within error56directive: a:
embedding18 In file included from within #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.ha
: 24 macro:
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from #includedirective:arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hargumentswithin 785 : directive is781:ismacro 2 within:not:
not arguments supported macroIn file included from supported
erroris /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
:: argumentsnot20embedding :
supportedisIn file included from a
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h #include <unistd.h>not#include
: ^ supporteddirective
within macro arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #include "Yatom.h" :
In file included from 238 ^ is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c
: : 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . c35not:: : 182 supported #include "YapLFlagInfo.h#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"In file included from '}'error In file included from In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c
: error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c:18: ^ 1 :
embeddingembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h35 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hIn file included from : ::
785 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h233aa:: : In file included from 147812 #include :/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h::
: #include
In file included from 781 :
notedirectivedirective /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . herror: In file included from ::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hto20embedding: :
20 match withinaIn file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h thiswithinmacroIn file included from : #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h'{'
1342 : macroarguments:
directive 1342 arguments
is is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hwithintypedef enum { not : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
238 :: n " In file included from
238 :
: error
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ assets . c2: macro:: ^ In file included from embedding32arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h :
: aerroris781 #include "GitSHA1.h" : In file included from #includenot
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
^ In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h supported24:embeddingdirective:
20 In file included from :
awithin /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hmacro
781 :: :
831 #include "YapText.h"arguments:1342
In file included from 2 :
^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hIn file included from
:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h is20:error :
234 : notIn file included from :
embedding #include "YapSignals.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapGFlagInfo.h
^ 1011342
#include: 3directive:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h error #include <stdarg.h>:within:
238 unt ^ : not827supportedIn file included from
:: supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ fmem . c #include 2
error:26 : :
directiveerrorIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapText . hwithinembedding:embedding 32 a:
macroa #include "YapSignals.h"In file included from #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
arguments #include: ^ 781
notIn file included from within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hwithin supported: macro
20 macro :
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h" argumentsIn file included from
arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h ^ is:is
1342 :
notnot supportedsupported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: 238827 :: 22 :: error #include "GitSHA1.h"error:
: ^ #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"embedding
aaIn file included from ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . c #include#include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h18 directive::
831 In file included from : erminated2In file included from ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c2function - like:: error : 21 : macro29: :
embedding2errorinvocation In file included from : :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . ha : 781 error:
: embedding #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sockets.c/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h embedding::adirective50 67
: a: #include 2within
2 #include :
: macro directive error YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , arguments:
errorembeddingdirectiveis ^ :
within embedding notwithin macroa amacro supportedarguments #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #include :
arguments : not9directivedirective is #include "YapText.h"supported:within
within ^ note not
: macro
macromacro supported argumentsarguments
'YAP_FLAG' is isdefinednot
supportednot #include "YapHeap.h"
^ supported
#include "iopreds.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.init.c/Users/vsc/github#include <stdio.h>macroIn file included from /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h#include "YapLFlagInfo.h"withinwithin
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c
:: ^ 27 macro ^ arguments:
781 macro
In file included from argumentsargumentsis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . his 781 not : is :
20 not :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hnotsupportedIn file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hsupported67 #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x:
: 13422 :
: In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ^ : error
234 : :
embedding #include "GitSHA1.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapGFlagInfo.h#include "YapSignals.h"
a ^ 94 ^ :
: directiveerror : within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . cexpected /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: macro:643 ';' 831 : arguments:19after 2 :
is: errornotenumerror
: : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hsupportedexpectedembedding:
#include <stdio.h> In file included from In file included from -6.3/H/Yap.hIn file included from In file included from
a ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ time . c:: :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/sig . c #include272:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypsocks . c:
directiveIn file included from 1 : In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
18 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hIn file included from :: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:
within781 ^ : In file included from :
20 :
In file included from :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hmacroIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h2024781::
1342 In file included from In file included from :
isIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:not1342:781 :
20 :
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 621
In file included from : In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . ha:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . cIn file included from :: : : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h291error: #include "YapText.h":
: #include827781/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.hembedding
: In file included from ^ a785In file included from :: directive2
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h2 #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.copy_engine.c:
:: 20 : 18 directive:
In file included from In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hmacro embedding:: within embedding7811342 :
a In file included from isarguments #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.preds.c :#include:not20 :25 directive:
directive:238In file included from supported2: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
2 :
identifier: 13 /yap-6.3/ OPTYap / tab . tries . cmacro :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , In file included from supported:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
arguments:6722 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c ^ : is13422:
:: 27 ; 2 not :
error #include "YapText.h"
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
: embedding:supported ^ 238
785 errora:: :
22 embedding #include::
a errorerror directive: #include "YapText.h"#include:
embeddingwithin ^ embedding In file included from
macro directivea /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . thread_engine . ca : arguments within #include18#include :
directivemacroIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hnot arguments : directive withinsupported781 is:
within In file included from macro not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h macro : arguments supported20 arguments
: 42 #include "YapText.h".3/H/YapFlags.h withinwithin:
:: is ^ In file included from
238 macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h: notmacro2arguments: error supported:: argumentsis
234 :
errornotis: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . hembeddingsupportednot:
101 asupportedembedding #include "GitSHA1.h":
3 #include ^a:
#include "YapSignals.h": #include "GitSHA1.h"
^ ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h function - likemacro:macro 831 macroarguments:arguments 2 invocationis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:is
: not831errornot: : supported2embeddingsupported
aerror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : : #includeembedding 827 directive:a2
: #include within error directive: macro YAP_FLAG(BACK_QUOTES_FLAG, "back_quotes", true, isatom,
arguments ^ withina
ismacro #include not arguments directive supported
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
: #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"within#inc#include "YapText.h" In file included from
In file included from : ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . cis
embeddingIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cut . c: : 26 a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
18 : not #include1342:
In file included from :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #endif /* YAPOR *//Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h:: :781supported233
781 : ^ :
In file included from 1 within
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: In file included from : macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h20warning :: :
: 20 argumentsIn file included from 20 typedef ::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h is2In file included from : requires : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . c not 1342 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . ha::
: error In file included from 6431342 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : :
:: nameembeddingsupportedIn file includ23419 :
lude "YapLFlagInfo.h" not :
In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . ha: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ^ :
: error24 101231 :
781 :: :
In file included from #include:3/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.hexpected/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h 9: :: directive: '}'error78167
note:within: : In file included from 2 unterminatedmacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
macro: : 20 'YAP_FLAG' 233 errorfunction - likearguments:: 14 :
embedding : In file included from definedmacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . his
notea :: invocationtoherenot #include 1342
thisdirective '{' within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
: macro238 : arguments #include "Yatom.h"2
: istypedef enum { ^
errornot ^ :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . cembedding: YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isat #include "YapEval.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.hIn file included from In file included from #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"In file included from In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . sba_engine . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c ^
:: 238
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/co nsole . c2918 ^ ::
In file included from
35 In file included from In file included from 2 :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c: 781 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h35:
23 : In file included from : : In file included from 24 In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h2:
:: In file included from : 20 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/m em . c781embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
error:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: 26 In file included from a::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h781embedding : In file included fed from In file included from In file included from
In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ files . c #include "YapSignals.h" /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/charsio.c:::[-Wmissing-declarations]27234
46 :
^ ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . hIn file included from
In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: #include "YapHeap.h":10124
781 ::
^ typedef enum { :
3 In file included from
In file included from
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ::
781 error20:
: :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . cunterminatedIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:26 : 20 : function - like1342:
2 :
In file included from : macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h :: invocation1342827error
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:
: :: embedding2382 :: a / Us aom , In file included from #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x 21supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . c
#include ^::is ^18
not2In file included from directive : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h supported : within
error781 #include "YapText.h" : :
macroIn file included from embedding ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h arguments:
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h231
:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . copy_engine . c is9:20 : #include:
not 719 In file included from note /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hdirective:: : 11342 supportedmacrowithin:
In file included from 'YAP_FLAG' macroerror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : : definedarguments234expected
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h #include "YapLFlagInfo.h" identifier:herenot
^ : supported
: ^
error: expected #include "YapHeap.h"';'/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.copy_engine.c
: ^ after #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
: #define YAP_ YAP_FLAG(BACK_QUOTES_FLAG, "back_quotes", true, isatom,#include <stdio.h>In file included from #includerom In file included from In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypstdio . c
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ assets . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c
:: :: ^ 4224 directive
18 :
32 :
withinIn file included from In file included from In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hmacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:: :: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h781arguments78124781::
231 isIn file included from In file included from :
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hIn file included from : not : 920 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h::
1342 : In file included from 20 supported20:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
noteIn file included from : In file included from : :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 :
In file included from In file included from 1 In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ alias . cerror warning: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: 21 : #include and /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.cow_engine.cembedding::
56 : 20 In file included from :
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hIn file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hIn file included from FLAG ( x , NAME , WRITABLE , DEF , INIT , HELPER ) x #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h:: ^/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sig.c2424:
1342 directive1:
^ In file included from In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:In file included from within:781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h781:
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h 238 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h24:: arguments:67:
2 : 67 In file included from is:2: /Users/ v /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c1:
: In file included from : 67 : In file included from 21 macro237 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . cerror:: :
22 : : 1 arguments::
781 expected :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . herror is /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h '}' : embedding:
:: 7851342 234 #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"a:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h 67
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h #include::macro:233 ^
101 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h: : directive: : 'YAP_FLAG' 14 3 error238:within:: defined macronote2
: errorIn file included from toarguments: : unterminated ismatch
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . cerrorhere
:: function - likenotthis21 :
macro '{' embeddingIn file included from supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
781 :
#includetypedef enum {/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h
: ^ #include <stdio.h>67directive
: 2 within #define YIn file included from #include <stdio.h>/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/pipes.c
9 YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
: ^ error
29 sdirective1342 :
errorIn file included from ^ within: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
18 : embeddingmacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h781 :
: aarguments:
238 In file included from : In file included from is #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h2
:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hnot781 ::
directiveerror231In file included from In file included from : : supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h9 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ time . cwithin:
: 20 : embeddingmacro:
2 In file included from note a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
: arguments: macro In file included from 1342 is #include:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hIn file included from 'YAP_FLAG' not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h :: defined error24directivesupported:
234 : :
In file included from
within /Users/ vsc // Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os / sockets . cenum:: In file included from #include <stdio.h>::
embedding316 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . memory . c2error ^ :: :
: 7 embedding:18In file included from :
errorIn file included from error: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hexpected:embeddinga : 781 781 :
In file included from In file included from
#include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h :: booleanFlag, "true", NULL),directivedirective20
^ within #endifIn file included from
In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h ^ ; /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
macro1342within: :
arguments1342In file included from macro :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . his : arguments234not :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . cis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /HIn file included from ers/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h2 generated .
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . scheduler . c ^ :: ::
238 1820 : error:
2 not : :
In file included from : In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:error
: 781 : embedding:
1342 In file included from :
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h embedding: #include 20
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . ha:
: #include "GitSHA1.h"In file included from 238
directive #include: ^
2 within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
: : directive macro1342 error:
withinarguments: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hmacrois /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: embedding 233 : argumentsnot831: a 1 : is : supported2 #include
warning:not : directiveerrortypedefsupported :
withinembeddingrequires macroaa arguments #includename
[ - Wmissing - declarations ] not
within supportedmacro
arguments is typedef enum { not
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sup #include "Yatom.h"
github /yap-6.3/ H /Yap.h#include "YapLFlagInfo.h" / Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / YapGFlagInfo . h supported
sc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hhere
: not
^ :
101 ^
3 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h : error67: : 2 unterminated #include "GitSHA1.h":
^ errorfunction - like
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . cembeddingmacro : #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x a37
invocation : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
#include ^2:
: #include "YapLFlagInfo.h" 831
directiveerror: ^ 2 :
within:embedding macroerrora : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . sba_engine . cargumentsembedding #include:
a is337 directive : YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , #includenot17
: withindirective ^ supported
errormacro : withinexpectedarguments
macro is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #include <stdio.h>identifier :arguments
not231 ^ : is
: not notesupported #endif /* SBA */:
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c #include "YapText.h" embedding2::
aa:22 : ^ #include aerror2In file included from
directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . c #includeembeddingerror:
: a 21 embeddingdirective withindirective :
a #includewithinmacro
withinIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h macro #includearguments:directivemacro 24/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/writeterm.c withindirectivearguments arguments macro is within/YapGFlagInfo.his: is argumentsnot macro notis316argumentssupportednot
: supportednotissupported
7 In file included from
: supportednot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . copy_engine . c
error:supported #include <stdio.h>: 18
In file included from '}' #include "tab.macros.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h
#include <stdio.h>
781 ^ ^ :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
In file included from #include "tab.macros.h":/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h
233 :: ^ 2014
: make [ 2 ] :
portedIn file included from In file included from In file included from ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ fmem . c
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/sig . c:46:26:
1 :
In file included from :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir /or.thread_engine.c.o] Error 1#include "YapText.h"In file included from / Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / YapText . h:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:781 ^ : 32 :
24 :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . sba_engine . cIn file included from :
:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h67337:: :: 785781217 ::
:: 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h :: error67 error: : error: 2 : embeddingexpected:embedding amake [ 2 ] : '}' errora ** * Waiting for unfinished jobs ... .
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c
#includeembedding:#include /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
a:233: : 2 directive #include14within:: 781 wi:
In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . cIn file included from In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypsocks . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:28:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ alias . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c67197:: :: : 21856 In file included from :
In file included from supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #include "YapLFlagInfo.h" :/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h:
: :
In file included from ^ : In file included from to /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
embedding:: #include "Yatom.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h 20
: ^ a:In file included from 234
2 this #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h::
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h '{' errordirective:
: 1342 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . c94 :
embedding:: within In file included from 22 41 a / AP_FLAG ( x , NAME , WRITABLE , DEF , INIT , HELPER ) x 238 #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"
: macromacro 1012 ^ : directive:
3 arguments 1342 : within1 error :
is warningmacroerror: and : notargumentsunterminated9 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h errorsupportedis
generated .
notfunction - like amacrosupported
note #includeinvocation:
todirective matchwithin #include <stdio.h> this
macro ^ '{'
is not supported
typedef enum { #include "YapLFlagInfo.h" YAP_FLAG(BACK_QUOTES_FLAG, "back_quotes", true, isatom,
^ ^ ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:231:9: note: macro #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"'YAP_FLAG'
^ defined
In file included from ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . sba_engine . c
: 18 :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:781:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . memory . cIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h270:: 2050 :
: In file ierror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ assets . c:
thin22 :: typedef enum { :: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h32embedding not
error ^ a: errorIn file included from supported: embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
#include :
embedding 18 24 adirectivemacro:
a :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #includewithinargumentsIn file included from :#include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h #include "YapSignals.h"
785 macrois: :
directive2directive ^ 24 arguments
: within:
within In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h is errormacro macro: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/co nsole . cnot : : 785 arguments 35 arguments:embedding:
supported 2 In file included from
is:is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h aerror:not 24 : not #includeembedding:
supported #include <fcntl.h> In file included from /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.hdirective
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
a: ^
781 Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / YapFlags . h::
within #include2/Users/vsc/gi/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/streams.c:#include "YapLFlagInfo.h" In file included from : :
error34macro : ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c2error: :
: : embeddingarguments27embedding error :
: aisIn file included from embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #include :nota781 :
directivesupported #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h withinis:directive ^ 67 macro : within
notarguments2macro : supportedis arguments
#include "YapSignals.h" error
notis: ^ supportedembedding
not asupported
: 338 #include "GitSHA1.h"directive:
19 ^ within #include "YapHeap.h":
macro ^ error
: argumentsexpected is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hidentifier /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
:: : #include "YapLFlagInfo.h"not82735831
:: : supported2 ^ 22
:: : #endif /* YAPOR */errorerrorerror
: : : ^ embeddingembedding
embedding #include <stdio.h> aa
a ^ #incluIn file included from /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.cut.c
: In file included from ncluded from macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ fmem . c238:: error 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h: 26 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c:arguments::
: 1342 237 :
iserrorIn file included from expected:
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapText . hIn file included from In file included from not : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h32 identifier:: :
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h :: : #include7859467
:: : 2412 directive:: : within #include "YapSignals.h"errorerrorerror
: : : macro ^ embeddingembeddingexpected
#endif /* YAPOR_COPY || YAPOR_COW || YAPOR_SBA */ argumentsa a
';' is ^ #include
#includeafter not
withinwithin macromacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . memo arguments
:: make [ 2 ] : 785
is338 arguments: ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . scheduler . c . o ] Error 1 not : 2
is19 : : supported not
errorerrorsupported: :
embeddingexpected #include "tab.rational.h"
a '}' ^
directive #include "YapSignals.h"#include <stdio.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ^ within ^ :
233 macro: 14 arguments781: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c :
: isIn file included from note208 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: : not : to2 20 : supported:
In file included from error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hthis: : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hembedding1342 '{' : :
827 a: 2 #include#include "YapSignals.h":/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
In file included from typedef enum { :
^ 238 error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c
:: directive ^ : 2 embedding26within: :
aIn file included from macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . herror #include:: arguments 781 directive:
In file included from /Users/ vsc / git #include "tab.macros.h":macro :
a error ^ directive234
: :
expected #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapGFlagInfo.h :
withinis101 ';' : directivemacronot 3 within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . cafter : supported:
39 macroenum:is error
2 arguments: : not unterminated is
errorsupported #include "YapEval.h" :
function - likenotembedding ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c
: #include "YapSignals.h"directive29
: ^ within2 #include <stdio.h>
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) ,
: macro
^ errorarguments
: ; embeddingis
anot #includesupported
YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom ,
directive ^
within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h In file included from : #include "iopreds.h"macro/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/or.copy_engine.c827
:: ^ arguments182
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:I #includeIn file included from booleanFlag, "true", NULL),In file included from In file included from In file included from In file included from /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/pipes.c
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ files . cdirective: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypstdio . c29
:: ^ 3518 :
#include "YapLFlagInfo.h":
In file included from withinIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
; : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h785:
: ^ macro:781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
:: arguments2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h67 : 827 :: is: 267 2 error:: not : : 2 embeddingerrorsupportederror :: : a
In file included from embedding embeddingerror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . sba_engine . c #include : : aaembedding18 directive :
#includea#includeIn file included from
#include "GitSHA1. notwithin/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.hIn file included from 'YAP_FLAG' : macrosupporteddefined827 /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/format.c
:: 2237 hereis::
not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . herror :: supported785embedding
: #include "tab.tries.h" 2
a: ^
#includeerror : directive#include "GitSHA1.h"
not ^ withina
supported #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x
#include ^ arguments
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c : #include <stdio.h>notwithin222
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hmacrosupported2 ^ :
: arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cow_engine . c831 :: erroris2352: :: embeddingnot23 : errorasupported : #include "GitSHA1.h"
error embedding
: #include ^expected
directiveidentifier #include
withindirective #include "YapSignals.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
macro : ^ 831 withinarguments
: 2 macrois: #endif /* YAPOR_COW */ arguments
noterror ^ : i: is n file included from In file included from 2 #include#includeerror/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h : : : /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/chartypes.c notembeddingdirectiveerror:directive :
withinry . ca #include within27 : :
macromacrodirective270In file included from
: arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . carguments #include "YapHeap.h" : 50 ::isis24
within 27 ^ errornot :
In file included from notmacro: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: supportedsupportedexpected781
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c
30 '}' : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . his
:: 2267 not :: #include "YapText.h" #include "YapSignals.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ^ 233
: : ^ :
: embedding827 14 : a:a2 : #include "GitSHA1.h"#includenote
#include: ^
error to
directive: directive
embeddingmatch withiwithinIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hhub /yap-6.3/ H /YapHandles.hIn file included from s / Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os /mem.c::macro / Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ OPTYap / or . cut . c20781 :: :
2618 arguments:
In file included from In file included from isIn file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:: notsupported20: 1342 :
supportedIn file included from :
In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:1342:234:
781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h #include "tab.tries.h":/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h46
:: 233 :
94 ^ #include "YapSignals.h"::/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h167
:: : ^ : 785 2 :
: warning2error : :: error typedefde #include <stdio.h>a/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/tab.tries.c781
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c
: :: In file included from 231 ^ directive8272
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:: : within : 2 #include22macro :: 20: :
directivearguments In file included from
error error: erroris /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h : : withinembedding: embedding1342not embedding:
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hamacro asupported : #include
: directivedirective directive1
is: within within #include "YapText.h"within warning
not macro ^ :
arguments requiresis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . cis #includenota:
36 notnamesupported:directive #include "YapText.h"
2 supported ^ within:
[ - Wmissing - declarations ]
errormacro: #include "tab.tries.h"embeddingarguments
^ #include "GitSHA1.h"ais
typedef enum { ^ #includenot
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ supportednh " /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hdirective :: :
831831 : within: ^ 9 arguments:2
2 : : is: macro error notenoterror: : arguments: embedding macrosupportedembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
isa:a 'YAP_FLAG' 831 not : #include#includedefined 2 supported
directive:directive #include "YapText.h"
here ^ withinerror
within: macro embedding #include "GitSHA1.h"macroarguments
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c ^ argumentsis
: #include31isnot : directive2notsupported
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
supported #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) xerrorwithin
: 831 ^ embeddingmacro
: 2 aarguments #include "YapText.h":
#includeis ^#include "YapText.h"
: ^ directiveembedding
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c
withina: 465 macro #include: 21 arguments:directive
#include "YapText.h"iserror
In file iwithin: In file included from ^ notnot expected
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ alias . c
macro directive : argumentsidentifiersupportedwithinsupported56
macrois /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hargumentsnot: 25 issupported: #include "YapText.h"
2 not
#include "Yatom.h": ^
#endif /* TABLING */
supported ^
: In file included from ^ #include "YapText.h"embedding/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/assets.c
: ^ a32
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c: #include <stdio.h>32 :
#include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h2 ^
25 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c : directive:error2 465 : : within:embedding 21 macroerror:aIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/sig . c embeddingargumentserror: #include 1
: is:
aexpected /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h directive: not #include 25'}'
: supported 2 directive
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h: : withinarguments233error :: macrois14embedding : arguments #inc/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h expected
: : note : requires827 ';' to : embeddinga2aftermatch :
a namethis
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cow_engine . cerror #include: enum[-Wmissing-declarations]embedding
'{' aIn file included from directive
#includewithin/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.preds.c :directivemacro23
typedef enum { argumentstypedef enum {
In file included from within
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ^
macrois781 arguments:
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , not In file included from
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hsupported ^ :
not20 ; :
supportedIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:1342:
#include <stdio.h>In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ^ :
#include "GitSHA1.h"234
^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
: 101 In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/soc kets . c3:: 26 / Us
In file included from within 42 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . c #include:
: macro
21 In file included from arguments:
directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:within: 781 error25:
not : macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h: : 2 arguments67supportedembedding: :
2 isaerror : : not #include embedding #include "YapLFlagInfo.h" errordirective
#include "YapSignals.h" thisembedding
#include ^ ^
within a
'{' directivemacro #include#include "YapHeap.h"
within arguments ^ directive
macro is within typedef enum { arguments not
macro ^ is supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . carguments
not : 24 is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hsupported: :
2 not827: : supported2error
: #include "YapSignals.h":
#include "YapHeap.h"errorembedding
: ^ ^ embedding
#include <stdio.h> a#include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h #include ^ :directive
: within 2 within:macro macroer
ncluded from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ fmem . c:alude "YapHeap.h" arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . cnot2 :
29 is #include: ^ :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h error : directivesupported: 785
: embeddingwithin2 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hamacro #include "yapio.h" :
#includeerrorarguments26 ^: #include "GitSHA1.h"
: directive ^ is2a
: within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c #includenot : errormacrodirective33: supported :
embeddingarguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h 2 : : within831ais : macroerror #include2not:
#include "YapHeap.h" embedding
: ^ directive supportedaarguments
error within: #includeis embedding
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h not : macro directivea 26 supportedarguments: #include <stdio.h>
2 within
#includeis: ^ macrodirective
error not
: arguments embedding supportedwithin is #include "YapSignals.h"
macronot ^ #include
#inc /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/ypsocks.c1:ers/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.hthub/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.his: warning:235 and ::18not831:
67 239 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:2supported: error :
s 25 generated .
errorerror:error: : 2 : embeddingexpected:unterminated
a '}' error
#include "YapHeap.h"function-like: #include
^ macro
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . ha directive: invocation 233 #include
78114 macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h : : directive:
26 arguments : within noteIn file included from 2 : is: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hmacro to : noterror20arguments match:
: supported In file included from
embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hthisis YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , :
1342 '{' a ^ :
notIn file included from #include <stdio.h>#include /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
supported: ^
typedef enum { directive:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFladirectiveIn file included from :
In file included from In file included from ror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ time . cIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c:within:2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c:21 : embedding:
macro 42 :
781 aIn file included from :
arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . harguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #includeis/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h785is
: In file included from :: 827 220 notnotdirective:: :
2 In file included from : supported1errorwithin
In file included from warning error: macro: isembedding embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c and arguments : 9 aanot #include "Yatom.h" is 29 error#include#includesupporteds
generated .
In file included from lude "YapText.h" directive
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
#include <stdlib.h>:
781 within
^ :
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6 . : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hIn file included from In file included from #include:27In file included from ::22
67 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/co nsole . c:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ^ : error2 directive:
35 error: ::
: 27 embeddingIn file included from embedding : within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . herror 2 : a : 24 : macroa:
embedding #include /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h arguments#include:error directive: is785 a
embedding directive not
: a within #include supportedwithin2
macromacro directivedirectiveerrorargumentsarguments : within withinis #include <stdio.h> is macro
macro notnot within arguments ^ argumentssupportedsupported
ismacrois notargumentsnotIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cow_engine . cissupportedsupported: #include "YapText.h"#include "format.h"
^ In file included from ^
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
: 781 #include "Yatom.h":
#include <stdio.h>
/ #include "YapHeap.h":macrogs.hIn file included from a
827 :
^ :
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . memory . carguments231 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h :: :: #include18is9:
785 : In file included from : directivenot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
error2: : 781 notewithinembeddingsupported: ::
macro 26 In file included from macroa : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h 'YAP_FLAG' : 942 #includearguments :20:#include "Yatom.h"defined :
41 directiveiserror:In file included from
^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hembedding
here :
1342 errorawithin:
: : In file included from #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/random.cmacroexpected24/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
: 3 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h234argumentsdirective:: :
';' 785 2 : is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h within: after: not2 #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x
94 error
: macro :: ^ supported41enum
embeddingerr /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ files . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c #include "GitSHA1.h":3/os/streams.cdirectivemake[2]: :
: 241
: ^ 36 : : 27237
2 :: within:2 ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . sba_engine . c . o ] Error 1 :
macroerrordirectiveerror : : error embeddingembedding: argumentswithin a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hembedding : amacro aisarguments #include
#includenot#include831 is :
supported directivenot
make [ 2 ] : directivesupporteddirectivewithin
** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . copy_engine . c . o ] Error 1
macrowithinwithin arguments argumentsmacro #include "GitSHA1.h" ismacro
arguments #include "YapText.h" ^
notargumentsis ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/m em . c
not :
not 26 supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hIn file included from
:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h83127:: : 24 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c22:
: #include "YapSignals.h":/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.In file included from In file included from embedding:/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.preds.cUsers/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/fmem.c /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/ypstdio.c: :20:not::
error 181248 a: :
supported : In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hembedding30 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h #include: ^ :: 1342
785 :
directiveerrora: #include "GitSHA1.h": In file included from 2
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h: ^ expected #include:
or 234 errordirective:
identifier: :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
embedding : embedding within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . ha 94 : macro:831a 41 : #includearguments: #include2isdirective error
:: directive not #endif /* YAPOR || TABLING */
: supported ^ embeddingmacro within
';' a macro after #include
arguments directiveenumis
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . cnot #include "YapSignals.h"within:
1248 #include "YapText.h" 2
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . completion . c ^
not : is
^ : supported
18 : :
#include <unistd.h>supportedembeddingIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ^ ::
a27781 #include "YapText.h" ::
#include2In file included from ^ :#include "YapText.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapHandles.h/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.init.c
directive ::
2620 ^ :
: within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h : ^ 2 macro27:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h827 :: error
: arguments2: 21342 : : embedding:
is In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . haerror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h: : : a28 #include234embedding:not:
aIn file included from : #includesupported /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h
#includedirectiveerror :
: within 24 directive embeddinghdirective:
/Users/ v #include "YapEval.h"#include "YapEval.h"
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , 35
: ^ ^
^ :
within2 ; :
macroa error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c #include: arguments
:: embedding 38 directive:37is #include "YapSignals.h" 2: within:2not
: macro ^ macroerror supported
In file included from error: :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cow_engine . cargumentsembeddingembeddingarguments : a18aisis:
In file included from #includenot/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h#includenot :#include "YapSignals.h"
supported In file included from directive
within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:within :
macro #include "YapText.h"20827 macro
: arguments #include "Yatom.h" :
2 ^
In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h ^ arguments is
: error is1342: not :
embedisIn file included from
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c
: not785:29: :: 941342 :
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:: 41 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:
2 :: 785 error:233 : : error:embedding21: error:: expected: a #include "tab.tries.h" embeddingerror
warning ';' /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: a ^ embedding:
28 #include:a
2 : enum: #include
directive2errordirective ::
within embedding error withinmacro: a embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . cmacroarguments : aargumentsis #include258 booleanFlag, "true", NULL), :directive
2 #include
isnot ^ : booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , directive
supported ; error ^
: sc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
: withinerrora error: #include "YapText.h" : /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h :
macroembedding #include: ^error
827 : : directive2embeddingais : within #includea not
errormacro #include supporteddirective : arguments directive
embedding within
is a withinmacro not #include macroarguments supported directive/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/pipes.c
#include "YapHeap.h"
: argumentsis
30 ^ : withinnotis
2 : macrosupportednot #include <stdarg.h>
: supported ^ embedding
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . cais : a #include "Yatom.h"4 not#include#include :
#include "YapText.h"supported2
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . cdirective
^ ^ error:
: directivewithin38embedding : withinmacro2a #include "GitSHA1.h": /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h
macroarguments: #include ^arguments
28 iserror :
directive2 : is: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c within:errornot notembedding: 47 macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ : not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hIn file included from : argumentserrorsupported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . cut . carguments28: :: supported2is expected
18 : is:
: In file included from noterror ';' /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hnot27 : after:embeddingsupported:supported 2781 #include "YapHeap.h"
^ enum In file included from not
:: 20 supportedembeddingdirective:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . cIn file included from #include "YapSignals.h":/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.ha
within:38 ^ : 1342
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #include "YapSignals.h"argumentsdirective:
233 error is:: ^ within1embedding booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) ,
not macro:
a ^ supported #includewarningarguments
; typedef is
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h directive : requiresnotwithin827 : #include "Yap/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.hmacro2 ;: :/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h:
macro : typedef 233 argumentserror arguments: requires1is: : is a embedding warning #include notnotname: a
typedef supportedsupported In file included from
requires a
: directivea18
nameIn file included from within #include
#include "sysbits.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h
#include "YapText.h":
typedef enum { [ - Wmissing - declarations ] macrodirective781 ^
argumentswithin ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hmacrois: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c20notargumentstypedef enum { ::
In file included from supportedis39 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :
: 2 not1342: :
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . herror
:: 233 #include "GitSHA1.h"embedding:
1 ^ a:
#include#include "tab.tries.h"warning
: ^ typedefdirective
/Users/ vsc / dingaargumentsIn file included from 785 supported #include "YapHeap.h" :a
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o r . memory . ciswithin 2 : #include: 18notmacro directive#include:
error In file included from #include "Yatom.h"supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ^ embeddingdirectiveis:
781 within:
anot #include <signal.h>In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h #includemacrosupported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c
^ ::
: is : 2 In file included from #include "GitSHA1.h" within/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h:
not2 ^ : error:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . c: 1342 supported: :
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . herror:a:
2 233 : : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #include:embedding:
1 error831 a #include "YapEval.h"directive: :
#include "Yatom.h"#includeembedding2
awithin ^
^ :
a macro #includedirectiveerror
: #include /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h/Users/vswithin
embedding #include "YapText.h"Eval.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/tab.tries.c a
^ a :
^ arguments name270
#include:#include "yapio.h"is
[ - Wmissing - declarations ] : ^ directivenot
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h errorwithin
: supported: 29
embedding:macro 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . catypedef enum { :: arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c39 ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ error: #include
: 28
#include "GitSHA1.h":isembedding
directive 2 ^ directivenot:
a supported within
error #includewithin :
macroembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h macro directivearguments : a831 #include "YapEval.h"argumentsis:within
2 #include ^not
: is
macro supported not directive
errorarguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h: withinsupported:embeddingis
29 macro : anot 2 arguments: #includesupported
iserrordirective :
notembedding #include "YapSignals.h"
withinsupporteda ^
#include "yapio.h"macro
#include ^arguments
isdirective ##include "tab.tries.h" /* answer_search_min_max + answer_search_sum + i...In file included from /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h 1within
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ fmem . cwithin warning ^ 45 :
and macro:26macro 29 :
arguments:arguments error In file included from siserror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapText . his generated .
: : not32not embedding:
supported In file included from supported
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
: #include781
In file included from directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h ^ #include "Yatom.h"#include "GitSHA1.h":within
^ :
^ macro
In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . harguments: 1342 is:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . cIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:not: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h:23940 831 :: supported:2:
2 : 2 : 234 : :
error error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h: error: : embedding: #include <unistd.h>embedding101 embedding
: a ^ 3 a a
: #include : arguments/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.hc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.hembedding macro: warning::: is28 2948arguments:typedef a::not2is 22: supportedrequires#includenot
error : : adirectivesupported embedding
embeddingawithin #include "YapHeap.h" [-Wmissing-declarations]
#includemacro within
arguments #include "YapSignals.h"a directive
macro #include ^iswithin
arguments notmacro directive is supportedarguments within
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c nottypedef enum { is: macro
32 supported ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : not
2 : supported #include "YapText.h"is
error ^ not :
#include <ctype.h>embeddingsupported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
^ : a
#include "YapEval.h" 827
#include: ^
#include "yapio.h"directive:
^ within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c
error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:: macro: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c41embedding29 : :: argumentsa4322 : : is: #include2 : errornoterror directive/U
1 : include "YapEval.h"
warningwithinnot and 2
: 9 supportedwithin ^ macro
#include "yapio.h" error
: generated .
arguments ^ embeddingarguments
#include "YapText.h" isa
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c ^ : #includenot
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c29 supported:: directivesupported
25 :: within 2 error
macro:: embeddingargumentserror #include "YapHeap.h": ais
embedding ^ #include "GitSHA1.h"#includenot
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c
a supported: ^ directive
#include 22/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/charsio.c
within:: 248 directivemacro:: #include <stdlib.h>2arguments
within: ^ error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hmacroerror: : : 831 embeddingargumentsembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: : 2 a:isa30: 827 : : #includenoterrorgithub/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h2error :
: :: embeddingsupported expected 831 directive error
a '}' :: within 2
embedding: #includemacro a/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.hdirectiveerror arguments
: #includrequireserror#include#include
: supported :
error directivedirective: directivenamefunction - like
withinwithinembeddingmacro #include "Yatom.h"
[ - Wmissing - declarations ] macro ^ invocationa
In file included from 1 arguments
#include warning/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/tab.tries.c
is and : 18 directivenot9:
error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . htypedef enum { withinsupported:sIn file included from
generated .
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ macro::
2781 arguments::
In file included from is YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
: : not #include "YapText.h" ^embedding20
supported ^ aIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h #include:
1342 :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hdirectiveIn file included from :: #include <stdarg.h> /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h231within240:
:: ^ macro9234
2 ::
: arYap . h : is:
errorsupported embedding:
embedding : not 831 directive a:a embeddingsupported2
: #include within
macrodirective error #includeargumentsdirectivewithin
#include "YapFlags.h" #include
: ^
embeddingiswithin directiveadirective notmacro #include <stdlib.h> ewithin#includesupported within
arguments ^ macro macro
isargumentsarguments withinnotwithin #include "tab.macros.h"ismacrosupported is
not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c macro ^ notsupported:arguments
7 : is #include <wctype.h>supportedarguments2
: ^
error #include "YapHeap.h"not: supported
^ supported
#include "YapHeap.h"a/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/writeterm.c
: ^ #include44
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c
: #include "GitSHA1.h": 2
44 directive: ^ : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c #include "YapText.h"2error
within:: ^ : 23
embedding macro: error 2 awithinarguments: : #includeembeddingismacroerror
: In file included from 1 make [ 2 ] : gumentsis warning /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/co nsole . cmacro and within : 12 ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . cow_engine . c . o ] Error 1 notargumentsis35
not s /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h generated .
supportedis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hsupported
: :
not25101 :: supported23
:: error #include "YapEval.h"error#include "YapText.h":
unterminated ^ embedding ^ make [ 2 ] :
#include "yapio.h"*** [OPTYap/CMakeFiles/libOPTYap.dir/or.memory.c.o] Error 1a
function - like ^ #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hmacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c :: directiveinvocation2949 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c
:: : 2241 within:: : make [ 2 ] : 2 macroerror ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / or . cut . c . o ] Error 1 error: :
: arguments embeddingembedding error is: aa embedding not #include#include a
supported #include
directivedirective YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom ,
sers /vsc/gi thubnote
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h #include "yapio.h"within#include "YapHeap.h": :
^ 50 ^ macro:
'YAP_FLAG' /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c:2
arguments 30 :: defined41:is
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . herror 2 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c:226: here:: In file included from 33
error :: : errorembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . c2: embedding2 :: : a 18 embeddinga:
errorerror #include: : In file included from a
embeddingembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #include:
781 a directive #include a :
#define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) xdirectiveIn file included from within
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hwithin
: directive 20 ^ macro a:
within directive In file included from arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hmacro within #include: is
1342 arguments macro:
notdirective isargumentssupportedwithin /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
not : In f233 1827 make [ 2 ] : : macro: warning 14 macro and 2 arguments: : 16 arguments ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / tab . completion . c . o ] Error 1 error note
iserrors : generated .
notisto: embeddingsupportednotmatch
#include "YapText.h"
within #include "YapHeap.h"#include "yapio.h" ^
typedef enum {
^ ^ ^
is not supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c
: 31 : 2 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ files . cerror45: : #include "GitSHA1.h":27embedding
2 :
^ : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . ha
: error25 #include: :
embedding2 : adirective error #includewithin: /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h
embedding:macro 831 directivea:arguments 2 within #include: is
macro noterrordirective arguments: supported embeddingwithin
is amacronot #includeIn file included from supported arguments/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.preds.c
directive #include "YapText.h":
/yap-6.3/os / sysbits . h #include
#include <unistd.h> :
within 45 macro ^ : directivemacro directive2
: arguments
argumentswithinwithin ^ ismacroerroris
: macro embeddingargumentsnotnot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h arguments:supportedis
supported231 is: :
not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h 9 : not : embedding48supported :
#include "Yatom.h"supported2notea
#include <stdlib.h> ^
: error
#include ^#include <stdlib.h>macro:
directiveembedding ^ 'YAP_FLAG' #include <stdlib.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c
50 ^ #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . cmacro here2:directive
: 45 ile included from 831 : error: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h2supported:: embedding:2342
a:error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x :: error
#include101embedding: :
^ embedding #include <stdarg.h>
3 directive ^ : #include#inotis is
^ : a
notsupportedmacro unterminated
function - like #include <unistd.h>isdirective
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c ^ notmacro :
#include <sys/time.h>supportedwithin 32#include "YapHeap.h" invocation
^ 2 ^
arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c error:is #include "YapText.h"/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h: 10
embedding:: not ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c2 26
a:: supported: 47
2 #include:error:
2 : YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , embeddingdirective:error
: a ^ #include "YapText.h"embeddingwithin
error a ^ #include: /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/readline.cmacro
embedding: #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . ha: arguments: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c directive 2231 : directive: #include 24is
within:within error 2 : macronot:embedding directive supported macroa arguments within
error #includear : 23arguments#include embedding macro:
aIn file included from a withindirectiveis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . harguments : 781 is macronot #include within within
supported notarguments
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ fmem . c supported macrois
: arguments : argumentsnot323is : 57 is 7 supported #include "YapText.h" ::#include <sys/types.h>not2not
^ error supported:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c
: embeddingidentifier #include <stdarg.h>35
: a ^ 2
: #include#include "YapText.h" #include "yapio.h"
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c
^ :: #endif
directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ^ 50
^ : embedding50within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
2 :: : 227 macroa :: 2 argumentserror: #includeerror : /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/fmem.c
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . his: errorembedding:directive:: 323 45 a:embedding:7 within : nclude2 #includeerror:
: errormacroerrordirective : embedding
expected: dire
make [ 2 ] : 9 : directive argumentsisnote directive within: is not macrowithinmacro not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c arguments : macro supported44supportedis 'YAP_FLAG' ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / sockets . c . o ] Error 1 : arguments
2 definednot :
supported errorhere
not :
embedding #include "YapText.h"#include "yapio.h"supported
a ^ ^
#include#include <unistd.h>
^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . cdirective
: #include "YapHeap.h"45within
: make [ 2 ] : ^ 2 macro ** * Waiting for unfinished jobs ... .
arguments #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) xerror
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h: is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c ^ :: :
45 50 embedding:notguments31 : 2 asupported:2 2
:: : #include is
error error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . cdirective: not : #include <unistd.h>:embeddingwithin
embedding301 ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/ tab . tries . c:macro
a supported30:a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c : not : embedding #includeargumentssupported#include
is:directivedirective 2 a not : 1898 within #include:within supported #include "YapText.h"error21
macro: : directive ^ embeddingerror
within: a expected ^ is
arguments #include "YapText.h"supportedidentifier directive
^ within
In file included from not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ time . cmacro : #include "Yatom.h"supported2arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:is
: #endif /* TABLING */27 25
: not : ^ 2 #include <stdlib.h> /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/readline.c2:supported::
error ^ : error:
2 : embedding:embedding aerrora : #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/tab.tries.c#include#include <ctype.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:
1898 : ^ directive: 5721
directive:: not within2 within : errorsupportedmacro :
expectedmacro /Users/ vsc / gith withinisctive #include "Yatom.h"embedding'}'#include <stdarg.h>
within ^ a ^
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
233 is:notdirective 14 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . cnot:supported : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h #include <stdarg.h>
33 supported:
60 ^ within2:
: 2 macro : argumentserror #include "Yatom.h" argumentserror#include <sys/stat.h>
is : ^ is
embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . cembedding ^ : notnot
26 a a : supported 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c #include
: #includesupported
: error 241 directive: directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . c:embedding : 2 within53 #include <unistd.h>: a:within
#include "YapHeap.h"2
^ macroerror ^
: #include :
: isaargumentsembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hdirective :: 4826 anotwithin #include: :is2 supported
: #include macro
directive ererror In file included from '}' argumentsmacroerror: embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypstdio . c:
: embeddingexpectedis18 arguments:
aidentifier In file included from not
is error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #includesupported :
: not
781 : In file included from
directive embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h supportedIn file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hwithina20: :
20 macro #include#endif /* YAPOR || TABLING */ #include <unistd.h>:
In file included from arguments
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
#include <unistd.h>/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h ^:directive ^
: 1342
^ within:
1342 In file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hmacroaIn file included from a: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h234arguments #include ::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . c
234 is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h: :
: #includedirective
301 94 notwithin: note: 30 supported:argumentsror
withinnot : errordirectiveembeddingsupported: argumentsmacro
expectedwithin a arguments #include <ctype.h>macro'}' is
#include ^is
#include "yapio.h"arguments
notdirective ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h is:
within:not 14 macro:supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . carguments #include <errno.h>note #include "YapText.h"::is
: 6634 to:: ^ not
2 #include <sys/select.h>supported: ^:match
this ^ errorerror
: : '{' /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . cembeddingembedding
: #include <stdarg.h> 29a
: ^ a2 #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ writeterm . ctypedef enum {
: #include:
^ 56 directiveerror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
: In file included from : directive2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/m em . cwithin: :: 5026 within:
: macro errorembeddingmacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h: 2 : arguments:25 embeddinga: arguments is 2 #includeerror is:
2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h:within isdirective: is error notwithin101 #include <stdarg.h>macro: not
: embeddingarguments3macro supported ^
: supported
arguments a
error is #include:
notunterminated #include
#include <stdarg.h>#include "Yatom.h" supported
^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hdirective ^
function - like
within:macro 2 macroinvocation: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
#include <fcntl.h> arguments:/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/iopreds.c
error:28 ^ : is:59
2 : embedding #include "Yatom.h"2: not
: ^ a error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c
supported: : error
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . cembeddinga YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , 2 :
: 46 #includedirective#include <unistd.h>: ^
2 aerror
: : embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hdirective #includedirective
error: a: within233withinembeddingdirective : macro14 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . harguments : noteisdirective48: :: not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c2within to:: supported 38 to macro: match error2
match: arguments: embedding thisthis iserror a : '{' '{' not embedding #include "Yatom.h"
a ^
directive #include
typedef enum { typedef enum { within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
: ^ ^ directive28
#include "iopreds.h": macro
2 within ^ : arguments
macro error is: arguments embedding notis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c supporteda:not
34 #include:supportedfatal error2
: : too directive error #include <stdarg.h> many:
within embedding ^ #include <stdarg.h>errors
macro a ^ emitted ,
arguments #include stopping
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . his : nowdirective50not : [ - ferror - limit = ] within2supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c
: :
macro54error :: arguments2embedding : is #include "YapEval.h"a error
not : ^ #include embedding
sIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h not 41 is #include:embedding not: 29
noterrorasupported: :
2 directivesupportedexpected #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/OPTYap/opt.init.c:
';' 18 errorwithin :
directiveafter : In file included from #include <sys/types.h> /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h
#include "yapio.h" :withinarguments
^ enuma ^ 781
is #includemacro:
In file included from not arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h directive : supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c
is20:within :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h242 In file included from : not : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hmacro269: : #include <unistd.h>argumentssupported1342 ::
In file included from 2 ^ : : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
not booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , :
error234supported: ^ #include <stdlib.h>:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ^ ^ : #include "yapio.h"macro
94 :
#include ^:arguments
4148 :: directiveis 2 : withinerrornot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h : errorsupported:macroexpected:
57 embedding:arguments ';' 2 fatal errora:isafter : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
too #includeerrornot: #include "yapio.h"45
: enum
supported ^ : directive
errors error within: emitted , arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . cembedding macro: #include <sys/stat.h> 51astoppingarguments
is: ^ #includenownot2is
[ - ferror - limit = ] supported booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , directive
: embeddingwithin ^ supported
a ; /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hmacro
: #include "YapEval.h"72#includearguments
2 ^ is
: directive #include <stdarg.h>
noterrorwithin ^ : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
29 In file included from arguments:a // H / YapFlags . h directive
aub /yap-6.3/os / streams . c: within : within231errordirective macro #include50: ::argumentsmacrowithin 29is :20:arguments supportedmacro errornotnoteerrors
: : generated .
argumentsembeddingasupported macro is
a 'YAP_FLAG' #include not
#include#include <stdlib.h> defined
directivesupported ^
directive #include <sys/time.h> here
^ macro
within #include <stdlib.h> arguments
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c ^ is:
arguments 36 not : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c is2:supported : 64
not : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . herror2supported:: :
57 embedding #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x :error#include "yapio.h"
: ^ ^ embedding #include
error #include <wctype.h>
embedding ^ directive #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/readline.c
: a within33 directive : #include macro2
within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypstdio . c: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c : : 307 errorargument ; upportedembedding: In file included from
20 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ fmem . cembedding errora:: s a26 generated .
#includeerror :
#include <time.h>: #include
In file included from directive
embedding ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapText . h within
: a directive32 macro :
#includewithinIn file included from In file included from arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . preds . c : macro:directive23is781 :
withinIn file included from In file included from not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . harguments macro: : supported78120is
In file included from In file included from notis /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h :: supportednot201342
#include <stdlib.h>supportedIn file included from In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ^ ::
1342234 :
#include <stdarg.h/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapGFlagInfo.h /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c directiveis #include : :not
50 a within246supported:
directive2macro #include within
: arguments: 94 directiveismacro:error #include <stdlib.h> 41
not : ^ argumentswithin
: macroiserror : embeddingnotargumentsexpected asupportedis ';' /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c #include <stdarg.h>
not : #include
^ supported:
2 directive within macro #include <sys/select.h>
#include <errno.h>arguments ^:
^ iserror
: not embeddingsupportedafter /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c: #include60:enum75
: 57
: 2 : 2 #include <stdlib.h>:directive2:
: ^ withinerror error
error: macro: : embedding embeddingembedding arguments a aa is #include /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h#include
57 directive directive: booleanFlag , directivesupported #include <unistd.h> :: make[2]:
is ^ 1
notembedding: ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / tab . tries . c . o ] Error 1 supported
#include <unistd.h>:
#includeexpected ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h #include "Yatom.h":within
48 ^ : macro ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c
2 : arguments:56 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c:is : 2 error 25 : withinnot: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypstdio . c2 s:supportedmacro:307 :
macroarguments1errormacrois: : isargumentserrorargumentsnot embedding : #include <stdlib.h> not expectedis a
notsupported ^ '}'
#include53In file included from supported
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . cdirective2: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : 1 #include <ctype.h>:within :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c: ^ : 14 #include <sys/types.h>
35 : macro
: within 2 make [ 2 ] : : ^ note arguments :
macroerrorto ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir /writeterm.c.o] Error 1 is/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os /sysbits.h :match/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os /iopreds.c:arguments>directive :66#include "yapio.h"Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /OPTYap/o pt . init . c69: within::
thiswithin ^ 182 ::
macro '{'
macroIn file included from ^ arguments
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h: argumentsis: 781 embeddingisnotis :
typedef enum { notnotsupported
aIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ^ supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h
: #include:6020
2 In file included from directivewithin: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h #include <string.h> macro#include "yapio.h"
: withinerror
^ : 1342 ^ argumentsembedding
macro :
isa /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . harguments : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . cnot233 #includeis::
1 notsupported47 ::
directivesupported 2
fatal error:warningwithin: : tooerrortypedefmacro : #include <fcntl.h> many
embedding #include <sys/stat.h>requiresarguments ^
aa ^ is errors
#include name
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . cnotIn f:is:error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . cerrorIn file included from 59 : 2 :: : not : embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h2 74 :: : supported7812 a:
supported:error In file included from
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h #includeerrorembedding:
: 20
embedding In file included from #includewithin#include <stdarg.h>a/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h
#include <ctype.h>macro
: ^ #include 1342
In file included from arguments
within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hdirectiveis : macro234withinnot :
argumentsmacro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h: is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h39arguments:: : : 66 1012 supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
:: directive embedding 233 error within:: a 1 macroembedding: #include #include "YapText.h" a
warningarguments ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h : : directive #include
45 within : not requires2 /Umacro:directive emitted, ile included from 2a not supported/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os / ypstdio . c stoppingarguments
:: 18 namesupportednow:
: In file included from not [ - ferror - limit = ] embedding [ - Wmissing - declarations ] /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #include <ctype.h>
781 ^ :
2018-11-22 10:23:35 +00:00
#include "YapEncoding.h"
2018-04-27 13:01:08 +01:00
#includeIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h ^ :
directivetypedef enum { 20 #include <unistd.h>
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ withinIn file included from ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hmacro:: : 26134266 arguments::
: 2 In file included from 2 is: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c: :: noterror23438 : : error:
supportedembedding2: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
: embedding:a 94 error:a #include: 41
embedding: #include
directive #include <stdarg.h> errora directive
: within #include ^ expected
macro directive ' macroarguments "true" , NULL ) , /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
: embedding is within 60 a not : [ - Wmissing - declarations ] #include 2
argumentswithin directive error is: macrowithin arguments embeddingnottypedef enum { #include "iopreds.h"macro arguments
supported ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a
is ^
arguments #include not
is error supported: directive #include <ctype.h>
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c embedding ^ within: supported
27 macro : #include <stdarg.h>#include 2
arguments: ^
directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c #include "YapHeap.h"erroris:
: 42 ^ within:embedding
not 2 macro a: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hsupported #include::arguments
26 54 :: : is2directive2 embedding:: not #include <ctype.h> errorwithinaerror
: : ^ embeddingmacro #include
a arguments adirective #include is
notdirective macro directive #include <stdarg.h>/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h
erroris:: embeddingnot ^
3 : not : 2 supported 66 asupported
error2 #include ::
error unterminated: directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . cerror
#include "iopreds.h" embedding
within: : function - like #include <sys/select.h>71 embedding: ^macro
macro 2 ^ invocation:
: a embedding is error #include a:
not embedding #includedirective supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c withindirective: #include 81
macrowithin: 2 directiveargumentsmacro: #include <stdarg.h> YAP_FLAG(BACK_QUOTES_FLAG, "back_quotes", true, isatom,is
^ errorarguments ^
: is embedding arguments not supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ais
: supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h #include50
: not : 2 231 directive:supported: #include <stdlib.h>
9 withinerror
: : ^ macroembeddingnote #include <unistd.h>
#include "iopreds.h"a:
^ ismacro
^ #include
not 'YAP_FLAG' /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c har2 1 ; ' sers /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os /sysbits.h20 warningsupported: :/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os / format . c and errorafter27errors13::
error generated .
: 2 s 251 : generated .
embedding:aenum 2
error:a #include:
error #include embedding:
directive embeddingadirectivewithin a #includewithinmacro
#include argumentsmacro
directive isargumentsdirectivewithin isnotwithinmacro booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) ,
^ supported
notis supportednot
#include <sys/param.h>supported
#include <sys/types.h>
#include "Yatom.h"
^ In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ ypstdio . c #include <stdarg.h>:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h18:: ::
6928 In file included from 56 :: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:22:2::781: :
errorerrorIn file included from error: : / Usembeddingembeddingissupportedwithin1
warningwithin and a notmacro 14 a error #includesupported
s #include <unistd.h>
#include generated.
directive ^
isnotwithindirective #include <sys/types.h>supportednotmacrowithin
^ argumentssupportedmacro
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hisarguments: 48 notis #include <sys/types.h>:
2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hsupportednot ^ : #include "YapText.h"
: 69 supported ^ :
error2: : embeddingerror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h: #include "YapEval.h":aembedding
27 : #include <sys/stat.h> ^
: #includea
^ 2
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
error:withindirective: 29 embedding:macrowithin 2 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . haargumentsmacro: #include "yapio.h" 72
#includeerror: ^
: 2 embedding:directiveIn file included from In file included from aerrorwithin /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c #include: embedding
: types . c29 ^ 46 defined :
49 ; In file included from In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:here #include:/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h2
: within:781 :
781 macrodirectiveerror:
: In file included from argumentsIn file included from withinembedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . his:macro:a 2020 notarguments :
#include In file included from
issupported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h In file included from
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hdirectivenot1342In file included from :
: #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) xwithin1342/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/fmem.c
In file included from supported::
#include <stdlib.h>26
^ :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hIn file included from ^ In file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vs
c /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapText . ha:234make [ 2 ] : : :
234 #include:
embedding ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / sig . c . o ] Error 1
arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
a :: directive is101101 #include ::withinnot
3 3 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h supportedmacro:
: directive error57 arguments :: error within2unterminated: is :
unterminatedmacro #include <wctype.h>
function - like ^ argumentsnot:
error function - likemacro: is 32 supported:
In file included from macroinvocationnota /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c
: invocation #includesupported45
2 : #include <sys/types.h> directive
directive ^ errorwithin
#include <sys/time.h>: within
embeddingmacro ^ macroa
arguments arguments #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h is YAP_FLAG(BACK_QUOTES_FLAG, "back_quotes", true, isatom,:is
YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s treams . c ^
69 : ^
macro #include <sys/select.h>
59 : arguments
2 macro arguments: is ^ arguments
iserrornot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h is: supported not231
not : : supported231supported
9 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
: 9 :: : 75 note #include <sys/stat.h>2:note
: #include "iopreds.h" ^: : 2
#include "Yatom.h"
: macroerror ^ macro
: ^ error embedding
'YAP_FLAG' 'YAP_FLAG' : a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hdefineddefinedembedding:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
#include72 :
a:28here 2 here #include::
2 error:withindirective: embeddingerrormacrowithin : aembeddingargumentsmacro #includeaisarguments
#define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) xnotwithindirective
^ macrosupportedwithin #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x
arguments ^ macro
is #include <sys/stat.h>argumentsnot#include <string.h>
^ is ^ suppo
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . cmake [ 2 ] : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c69macronot: : : ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / opt . preds . c . o ] Error 1173266 supportedarguments
: 2 2 :
is #include <string.h> :
error not ^ : error
: embeddingsupportedexpected
#include "YapEval.h" a
identifier ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/io preds . c : directive86 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hmake [ 2 ] : #include <unistd.h>:} :29
within ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / opt . init . c . o ] Error 1 fatal error2 ^ :
: : In file included from
macrotoo2error : : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . cargumentsmany embedding: error is21aerrors: :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c embeddingnot:emitted , #includeIn file included from a
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hstopping : supported781nowers /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / YapHandles . h
#includedirective :
: [ - ferror - limit = ] In file included from 20
withindirective /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
: In file included from #include <sys/stat.h/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.hmacrowithin/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/format.c/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yap.h directive ::macroisnot268781 supported :supported
2 :
not : In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hsupportedarguments:error
: 20 : #include <stdarg.h>:
embedding1342 #include "yapio.h"
is In file included from
^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h ^ a #include <stdarg.h>
: not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c
1342 ^ ::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h1233
:: 2337 directive:: 1 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h : within:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h50error60 #include <signal.h>macrowarning::::
452 argumentstypedef2 ^ :
requiresis:embedding 2 notaIn file included from error : : namesupported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c embeddinga
: : #includea[-Wmissing-declarations]29
In file included from directive #includefatal error/Users/vsc/github/yap
#include "YapEval.h"a
: rted
^ directive
2 ^
: withinwithin
macroerrormacro : argumentsargumentsexpected #include <sys/select.h>/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/chartypes.cidentifierisis/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/format.c :
: notnot52269 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h :: : supported2 make [ 1 ] :
272 supported: } ::
2 ^ errorerror ** * [ OPTYap /CMakeFiles/ libOPTYap . dir / all ] Error 2
: : :
embeddingembedding #include <sys/types.h> #include <ctype.h>error
^ : ^
embedding #include
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c
: 20 directivea173directive :
: within In file included from 2 within #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h:
macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:macro : 66 error directive : arguments : 21342 within arguments expectedis:
: macro In file included from isnot '}' error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hargumentsnot: :
234 embedding20issupported:
error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hs:anot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h generated .
101 arguments:typedef enum { #include "iopreds.h"#include
errorsupportedis: ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
not a:supported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . cerrordirective:: #include <sys/select.h> 270unterminated
: within #include "yapio.h"
^ 2
: macro ^ function - like
errorargumentsmacro: embeddingisinvocation
anot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h : #includesupported75
: 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hdirective:: 45 withinerror: : 2 macro #include <stdlib.h>embedding: YAP_FLAG(BACK_QUOTES_FLAG, "back_quotes", true, isatom,-6.3/H/Yap.h:
error233 ^ :: :
7811 embedding:
: In file included from awarning /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h : : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . htypedef #include20:
231 requires : In file included from directive9 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . ha :: within 1342 name note:
macro: In file included from macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h [ - Wmissing - declarations ] arguments:
: #include266fatal error234'YAP_FLAG':
too : :
defined /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . hmany too:
2 directive 101 : typedef enum { hereerrorsmany
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 3 errors within: emitted , emitted ,
error stoppingerror: stoppingmacro: expected unterminated nowarguments
'}' now
[ - ferror - limit = ] is function - like
[ - ferror - limit = ] notmacro #define YAP_FLAG(x, NAME, WRITABLE, DEF, INIT, HELPER) x
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hsupportedinvocation ^ :
233 : 14 : note: #include <unistd.h>to
^ match
this /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c '{' :
301 : YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
:: ^ 48 typedef enum {
: 2 ^ expected
: identifiererror /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
: : embedding231 : a9 } :
#include ^
: directivemacro within macro 'YAP_FLAG' /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c arguments:defined 301
is: 2 herenot
: supportederror
: expected '}'
#include <stdarwithin
233 arguments supported ^ : not
is : supported not
note ^ : macro
supported to
arguments matchis #include <unistd.h>thisnot
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c #include "format.h"'{':supported ^
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h480 ^
752 :: 2 typedef enum { :
error #include <sys/time.h>/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h ^:
: error
expected ^ : 48
embedding:identifier 2
a: #includeerror
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c } embedding:directive
48 ^ : awithin
2 : #includemacro
error arguments: directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . cembedding is within: a 480 not macro: #include 2supported
directiveerroris : within expected not macro #include <string.h> '}'supported
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : not233 : #include <stdarg.h>supported14In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c ^ : note
fatal error: 1 : to:
/UIn file included from #include <sys/ types . h > : 1
In file included from
match warningexpected ^ and a ^
this /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c11
: error #include29'{'s
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h
In file included from : generated .
directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h781 ::
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c781withinIn file included from :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hIn file included from macro:: typedef enum { /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h 20
1 arguments:57 ^ :
: is20In file included from warning
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h and not :
2 : In file included from : 9 supported error
errors20make [ 2 ] : : generated .
embedding error sa generated .
** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / assets . c . o ] Error 1 #include <string.h>
#include ^
directive within macro arguments is fatal errornot: toosupported
many errors 20 emitted , errorstopping #include <stdarg.h>s
generated .
now ^
[ - ferror - limit = ] In file included from
g . h > /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ^
directive: ^ :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . c23360 :: : 2914 within2:
: : macroIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hnote /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . herror : :: : 781 arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hto50embedding: : :
matchisIn file included from 2 a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h :: notthis #include <stdarg.h> 20#includeerror'{'
: ^
In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hembeddingdirective: 1342 awithin:
In file included from #includetypedef enum {/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.hmacro
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c #include <sys/types.h>
: arguments:
23455 isdirective ^ ^ :
within2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . hnot
: macro: supported 94 error
arguments:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h 41 embedding:is: 69 a:noterror 2 : #include <ctype.h>#includesupported:expected
error ^ ';' In file included from toosers /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/os / sysbits . h :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c :: 51 identifierafter23750
: 2 In file included from 2 errors: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . henum:
: emitted , error781 error: stopping:
// / @ } : embeddingIn file included from embedding
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hnow /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h : a: a66 20 [ - ferror - limit = ] ::
In file included from #include:: /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/Yatom.h
directiveerror: embedding: 1342 booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , directivewithinembedding:
aIn file included from ^ macro within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
a #include ;:macro
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h directive is: isdirective 101 within not : not within 3 macrosupported : supported
macro arguments
In file included from error arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readline . cis: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h1342make [ 2 ] : #include <sys/stat.h>:is:
In file included from 1342 ^ 29 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / fmem . c . o ] Error 1
function - like:
In file included from 234 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #include <stdlib.h>macro::
781 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
: not ^ In file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:supported:41 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readterm . c
: 20 : :
54 In file included from error: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h: 2 :: 1342 expected /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h :
make [ 2 ] : error #include <sys/stat.h>: /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h57
: ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / ypstdio . c . o ] Error 1 ';' : ^ embedding :
2233 YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , after:
1 ^ 72 a
: error: #includeenumwarning: /Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h
: embedding: 2 typedef72 : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : adirective ^ : directive #include <stdlib.h>
2231 requires:
: #include ^9a
error: within
: namedirectivemacroembeddingnote /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c
:: awithin1233 arguments [ - Wmissing - declarations ] : macro
7 is #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/os/sysbits.h ::
not57arguments : error 2 withinsupporteddirective: istypedef enum { :
expectederror ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ not arguments: 20 '}' embedding
is #include <ctype.h>supported errora
s /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h ^ generated .
: not #include
: supported 14
directive #include <stdarg.h>:
within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c ^ note :
: macro58to : arguments2match #include <sys/select.h> :
is this ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h errornot
:: '{' 60 embeddingsupported
2 a: #includeerrortypedef enum {
#include <stdarg.h>embedding ^directive
fatal error
^ : a
withintoo #includemacromany
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h arguments:erro directiversIn file included from 60 20 notwithinis: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c error : error s: macronot221 generated .
In file included from supportedembeddingarguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . herror
: : isa781embedding :
not #includeIn file included from a
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h #include <sys/types.h> supported#include:#include <wctype.h>
20 directive
^ In file included from directive ^ within /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h
: #include <ctype.h>macrowithin1342
^ argumentsmacroIn file included from
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hisarguments: 234 not /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:
is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h : supported69:not61
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h: 942 : 2 supported:: 66 :
41 : error:error2: : : embeddingerror embedding #include <sys/select.h>: errora#include <ctype.h>expected
: a
^ #include embedding
^ ';'
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , In file included from :
macro #includewithin
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . c
In file included from macroenum: 46 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h
^ directive:
arguments 234 In file included from ; /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hwithinis
defined :
781 macronot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h:
: hereIn file included from arguments94
supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
is:41 20 : not :
In file included from errorsupported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h:
: expected booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , 1342 :
In file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hIn file included from after: ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ random . c
#include <sys/types.h>234
^ 1 ;
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h
#include <sys/select.h> ^
In file included from emitted ,
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hstopping ^ : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h 781
: now:
69 In file included from : [ - ferror - limit = ] /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h2
:: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c20 In file included from ::
error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ readutil . c1181In file included from : : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hembedding:: 721 134275 : booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , :
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hIn file included from error ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h2 #include: ::
expected233781 ::
directiveIn file included from 1 identifier1 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:
within: warning:94 and 20 warning:macro:
: 41 In file included from typedef: // / @}16/ Users /vsc/gi thub /yap-6.3/ H / Yatom . h error :
errorrequiress1342: ^ directive generated .
a /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h:
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . hwithinname66within:: :
233752 : macro:macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c [ - Wmissing - declarations ] 1 : arguments
: : is1181error
: : 7 ; not : warning ';'
embedding: typedef enum { error typedefaftersupporteda :
^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ expected #include a
enum '}'
directive #include <locale.h>/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h[-Wmissing-declarations]within
In file included from 233 ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ pipes . c:macro
: 14 29 : arguments:
In file included from noteistypedef enum { /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h:
: not ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 781 to
booleanFlag , "true" , NULL ) , supported /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . cIn file included from
: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h ^ 76
: this: ; 20 2
'{' : In file included from #include <sys/types.h>
: arguments
error ^ error:
sembeddingtypedef enum { generated .
a : ^ not
embedding #include supported
directive /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h #includewithin:
69 macro:directive #include <sys/stat.h>2 arguments
: within make [ 2 ] : ismacro ^ error ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / iopreds . c . o ] Error 1 :
argumentsnotembedding issupported
anot #includesupported
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hdirective:make [ 2 ] : #include "YapEval.h"72within*** [os/CMakeFiles/libYAPOs.dir/readline.c.o] Error 1
^ 2 #include <string.h>macro
^ arguments
error : is /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . cembedding : not77a : supportedIn file included from 2 make [ 2 ] :
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . c: #include*** [os/CMakeFiles/libYAPOs.dir/sysbits.c.o] Error 1:
237 errorfatal error :
: : directiveIn file included from embeddingtoo /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h #include <sys/stat.h> within :
a many ^ 781 macro:
#includeIn file included from
errors 2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:: 20 argumentsarguments
iserrorIn file included from isdirective : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h not : within notembedding supported1342 macro
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h In file included from supported: #include/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
72 234 : is:
directive2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapGFlagInfo . h : not #include <sys/select.h>within
#include <sys/stat.h>error :supported
94 ^ embeddingarguments:
41 isa : notemitted , #include#include "iopreds.h" error
expected ^ directivenow
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h ';' within [ - ferror - limit = ] :
72 In file included from macroafter #include <string.h>:
2 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c harsio . carguments ^ : :
errornot: In file included from embedding /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hsupported :
a781 :
#includeIn file included from fatal error
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h : 11 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hmake [ 2 ] : #include <sys/select.h>toodirective warning::
20 and 1342 ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / ypsocks . c . o ] Error 1 within:
In file included from 15 macro /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h errorerrors: s: arguments warning233 emitted , and : generated .
1342 is1 19 :
stopping errornot: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h now s: supportedwarning generated .
[ - ferror - limit = ]
: 233
: typedefmake [ 2 ] : 1 requires ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / readterm . c . o ] Error 1 :
awarning : name #include <sys/select.h>typedef
^ [ - Wmissing - declarations ] requires
a namemake [ 2 ] :
** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / streams . c . o ] Error 1
[ - Wmissing - declarations ] /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h
typedef enum { :
75 ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ :
2 : errortypedef enum { :
embedding ^ ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
directive within macro arguments /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . h : is75 : not2 : supported
error: embedding a #include <string.h>#include booleanFlag, "true", NULL),
In file included from 20
1 ^ error
directives /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c ^ generated .
warning42within ; and :
In file included from macro18 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . h error:argumentss781 generated .
isIn file included from /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/s ysbits . hfatal errornot /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . h:: : 75 too20supported: :
2 manyIn file included from : /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . hIn file included from errors: /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/ format . cerror 1342 :: emitted , :
237 embedding In file included from :
#include <string.h> stopping/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapFlags.h
In file included from : a ^ /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yap . hnow234 :
781 #include[-ferror-limit=]/Users/vsc/github/yap-6.3/H/YapGFlagInfo.h:
: In file included from 101 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapHandles . hdirective:: 320 within::
In file included from errorfatal error /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ Yatom . h1macro: :: 2020 unterminatedtoo1342 warning
error error:
and argumentsss 17 /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h make [ 2 ] : erroris:function - likes 233 generated .
notmacro: generated .
1 ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / readutil . c . o ] Error 1 : supportedmanyinvocation
warningerrors: typedefemitted , requiresstopping #include <string.h>anow
^ name [ - ferror - limit = ]
[ - Wmissing - declarations ]
YAP_FLAG ( BACK_QUOTES_FLAG , "back_quotes" , true , isatom , make [ 2 ] :
** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / console . c . o ] Error 1 ^
fatal errortypedef enum { :
too ^ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
many /Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /H/ YapFlags . h : errors231 make [ 2 ] : : emitted , 9 ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / pipes . c . o ] Error 1 :
stopping notenow: macro [ - ferror - limit = ]
'YAP_FLAG' defined
make [ 2 ] : ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / random . c . o ] Error 1 here
generated .
/Users/ vsc /github/ yap - 6.3 /os/c hartypes . c:920:2: error: expected12020make [ 2 ] : warning error and s erroridentifier generated .
19 s
error generated .
** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / alias . c . o ] Error 1 s generated .
make [ 2 ] : ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / charsio . c . o ] Error 1 fatal error
: too many errors emitted , stopping nowmake [ 2 ] : [ - ferror - limit = ] ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / files . c . o ] Error 1
20 errors generated .
make [ 2 ] : ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / mem . c . o ] Error 1
make [ 2 ] : ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / format . c . o ] Error 1
make [ 2 ] : ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / chartypes . c . o ] Error 1
make [ 2 ] : ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / time . c . o ] Error 1
make [ 1 ] : ** * [ os /CMakeFiles/ libYAPOs . dir / all ] Error 2
make: ** * [ all ] Error 2
Compilation exited abnormally with code 2 at Fri Apr 27 00 : 11 : 42