2011-08-09 08:11:23 -03:00
* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V. Santos Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-- *
* *
* *
* File: stdpreds.c *
* comments: quick saver/loader *
* *
* Last rev: $Date: 2011-08-29$,$Author: vsc $ *
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ *
* *
#include "config.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <SWI-Stream.h>
#include <Yap.h>
#include <Yatom.h>
#include <clause.h>
2011-08-09 08:34:23 -03:00
2011-08-09 08:11:23 -03:00
#define NEXTOP(V,TYPE) ((yamop *)(&((V)->u.TYPE.next)))
typedef enum {
} qlf_tag_t;
#define CHECK(F) { size_t r = (F); if (!r) return r; }
static size_t save_bytes(IOSTREAM *stream, void *ptr, size_t sz)
return Sfwrite(ptr, sz, 1, stream);
static size_t restore_bytes(IOSTREAM *stream, void *ptr, size_t sz)
return Sfread(ptr, sz, 1, stream);
static size_t save_uint(IOSTREAM *stream, UInt val)
UInt v = val;
return save_bytes(stream, &v, sizeof(UInt));
static UInt restore_uint(IOSTREAM *stream, context ctx)
UInt v;
restore_bytes(stream, &v, sizeof(UInt));
return v;
static size_t save_int(IOSTREAM *stream, Int val)
Int v = val;
return save_bytes(stream, &v, sizeof(Int));
static Int restore_int(IOSTREAM *stream, context ctx)
UInt v;
restore_bytes(stream, &v, sizeof(Int));
return v;
static size_t save_term(IOSTREAM *stream, Term t)
CELL *oldH = H;
H += 4096;
size_t len = Yap_ExportTerm(t, (char *)oldH, sizeof(CELL)*4096);
H = oldH;
if (len <= 0) return 0;
CHECK(save_uint(stream, len) );
return save_bytes(stream, (char *)H, len);
static Term
restore_term(IOSTREAM *stream, context *ql)
Term t;
CELL *horig = H;
CELL *start, *oldASP = ASP;
UInt len = read_uint(stream, ql);
start = ASP = H-(len/sizeof(CELL)+1);
restore_bytes(stream, start, len);
t = Yap_ImportTerm((char *)start);
return t;
static size_t save_tag(IOSTREAM *stream, qlf_tag_t tag)
return save_bytes(stream, &tag, sizeof(qlf_tag_t));
static qlf_tag_t
restore_tag(IOSTREAM *stream, context *ql)
return save_bytes(stream, &tag, sizeof(qlf_tag_t));
static size_t save_pointer(IOSTREAM *stream, void *ptr)
void *p = ptr;
return save_bytes(stream, &p, sizeof(void *));
static size_t save_atom(IOSTREAM *stream, Atom at)
if (IsWideAtom(at)) {
size_t sz = wcslen(RepAtom(at)->WStrOfAE);
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_WIDE_ATOM));
CHECK(save_uint(stream, sz));
return save_bytes(stream, RepAtom(at)->WStrOfAE, (sz+1)*sizeof(wchar_t));
} else {
size_t sz = strlen(RepAtom(at)->StrOfAE);
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_ATOM));
return save_bytes(stream, RepAtom(at)->StrOfAE, (sz+1)*sizeof(char));
static size_t save_Arity(IOSTREAM *stream, Int a)
return save_uint(stream, a);
static size_t save_CellPtoHeap(IOSTREAM *stream, CELL *ptr)
return save_pointer(stream, ptr);
static size_t save_ConstantTerm(IOSTREAM *stream, Term t)
if (IsIntTerm(t)) {
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_CONSTANT_INT));
return save_int(stream, IntOfTerm(t));
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_CONSTANT_ATOM));
return save_atom(stream, AtomOfTerm(t));
static size_t save_DoubleInCode(IOSTREAM *stream, CELL *t)
return save_bytes(stream, (void *)(t+1), sizeof(double));
static size_t save_Constant(IOSTREAM *stream, COUNT c)
return save_bytes(stream, (void *)&c, sizeof(COUNT));
static size_t save_DBGroundTerm(IOSTREAM *stream, Term t)
return save_term(stream, t);
static size_t save_Func(IOSTREAM *stream, Functor f)
CHECK(save_atom(stream, NameOfFunctor(f)));
return save_Arity(stream, ArityOfFunctor(f));
static size_t save_ExternalFunction(IOSTREAM *stream, CPredicate f)
Yap_Error(INTERNAL_ERROR, TermNil, "trying to save an ExternalFunction");
return 0;
static size_t save_IntegerInCode(IOSTREAM *stream, CELL *t)
return save_int(stream, t[1]);
static size_t save_Integer(IOSTREAM *stream, Int i)
return save_int(stream, i);
static size_t save_PtoLUIndex(IOSTREAM *stream, struct logic_upd_index *p)
Yap_Error(INTERNAL_ERROR, TermNil, "trying to save PtoLUIndex");
return 0;
static size_t save_PtoOp(IOSTREAM *stream, yamop *l)
return save_pointer(stream, (void *)l);
static size_t save_PtoLUClause(IOSTREAM *stream, struct logic_upd_clause *t)
Yap_Error(INTERNAL_ERROR, TermNil, "trying to save PtoLUIndex");
return 0;
static size_t save_BlobTermInCode(IOSTREAM *stream, Term t)
return save_pointer(stream, (void *)RepAppl(t));
static size_t save_Opcode(IOSTREAM *stream, op_numbers op)
return save_int(stream, Yap_op_from_opcode(op));
#ifdef YAPOR
static size_t save_OrArg(IOSTREAM *stream, unsigned int i)
return save_uint(stream, i);
#endif /* YAPOR */
static size_t save_PtoPred(IOSTREAM *stream, struct pred_entry *ap)
if (ap->ModuleOfPred) {
CHECK(save_atom(stream, AtomOfTerm(ap->ModuleOfPred)));
} else {
CHECK(save_atom(stream, AtomProlog));
if (ap->ArityOfPE) {
CHECK(save_int(stream, ap->ArityOfPE));
return save_atom(stream, NameOfFunctor(ap->FunctorOfPred));
} else {
CHECK(save_int(stream, 0));
return save_atom(stream, (Atom)(ap->FunctorOfPred));
static size_t save_Module(IOSTREAM *stream, Term tmod)
if (tmod == 0) {
return save_atom(stream, AtomProlog);
} else {
return save_atom(stream, AtomOfTerm(tmod));
#ifdef TABLING
static size_t save_TabEntry(IOSTREAM *stream, struct table_entry *ap)
return save_pointer(stream, NULL);
#define arg_from_x(I) (((CELL *)(I))-XREGS)
#define arg_from_x(I) (I)
static size_t save_X(IOSTREAM *stream, wamreg reg)
return save_int(stream, arg_from_x(reg));
static size_t save_Y(IOSTREAM *stream, yslot reg)
return save_int(stream, reg);
static size_t
save_code(IOSTREAM *stream, yamop *pc, yamop *max) {
#include "saveclause.h"
if (max && max > pc) {
return save_bytes(stream, pc, (char *)max-(char *)pc);
return 1;
static size_t
save_lu_clause(IOSTREAM *stream, LogUpdClause *cl) {
CHECK(save_uint(stream, cl->ClSize));
CHECK(save_uint(stream, cl->ClFlags));
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_START_CLAUSE));
if (!(cl->ClFlags & FactMask)) {
CHECK(save_term(stream, cl->ClSource->Entry));
return save_code(stream, cl->ClCode, (yamop *)cl->ClSource);
static size_t
save_dynamic_clause(IOSTREAM *stream, DynamicClause *cl) {
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_START_CLAUSE));
return save_code(stream, cl->ClCode, NULL);
static size_t
save_static_clause(IOSTREAM *stream, StaticClause *cl, PredEntry *ap) {
CHECK(save_uint(stream, cl->ClSize));
CHECK(save_uint(stream, cl->ClFlags));
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_START_CLAUSE));
if (!(cl->ClFlags & FactMask) &&
(ap->PredFlags & SourcePredFlag)) {
CHECK(save_term(stream, cl->usc.ClSource->Entry));
return save_code(stream, cl->ClCode, (yamop *)(cl->usc.ClSource));
} else {
return save_code(stream, cl->ClCode, NULL);
static size_t
save_mega_clause(IOSTREAM *stream, MegaClause *cl) {
UInt i;
yamop *ptr;
UInt ncls = cl->ClPred->cs.p_code.NOfClauses;
for (i = 0, ptr = cl->ClCode; i < ncls; i++) {
yamop *nextptr = (yamop *)((char *)ptr + cl->ClItemSize);
CHECK(save_tag(stream, QLF_START_CLAUSE));
CHECK(save_code(stream, ptr, nextptr));
ptr = nextptr;
return 1;
static size_t
save_clauses(IOSTREAM *stream, PredEntry *pp) {
yamop *FirstC, *LastC;
FirstC = pp->cs.p_code.FirstClause;
LastC = pp->cs.p_code.LastClause;
if (FirstC == NULL && LastC == NULL) {
return save_tag(stream, QLF_END_CLAUSES);
if (pp->PredFlags & LogUpdatePredFlag) {
LogUpdClause *cl = ClauseCodeToLogUpdClause(FirstC);
while (cl != NULL) {
CHECK(save_lu_clause(stream, cl));
cl = cl->ClNext;
} else if (pp->PredFlags & MegaClausePredFlag) {
MegaClause *cl = ClauseCodeToMegaClause(FirstC);
CHECK(save_mega_clause(stream, cl));
} else if (pp->PredFlags & DynamicPredFlag) {
yamop *cl = FirstC;
do {
CHECK(save_dynamic_clause(stream, ClauseCodeToDynamicClause(cl)));
if (cl == LastC) return 1;
cl = NextDynamicClause(cl);
} while (TRUE);
} else {
StaticClause *cl = ClauseCodeToStaticClause(FirstC);
do {
CHECK(save_static_clause(stream, cl, pp));
if (cl->ClCode == LastC) return 1;
cl = cl->ClNext;
} while (TRUE);
return save_tag(stream, QLF_END_CLAUSES);
static size_t
save_pred(IOSTREAM *stream, PredEntry *ap) {
return walk_clauses(stream, ap);
CHECK(save_Func(stream, ap->FunctorOfPred));
CHECK(save_uint(stream, ap->ArityOfPE));
CHECK(save_uint(stream, ap->PredFlags));
CHECK(save_uint(stream, ap->cs.p_code.NOfClauses));
return save_clauses(stream, ap);
static size_t
save_module(IOSTREAM *stream, Term mod) {
PredEntry *ap = Yap_ModulePred(mod);
while (ap) {
CHECK(save_pred(stream, ap));
ap = ap->NextPredOfModule;
return 1;
static Int
p_save_module_preds( USES_REGS1 )
IOSTREAM *stream;
Term tmod = Deref(ARG2);
if (!Yap_getOutputStream(Yap_InitSlot(Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS), &stream)) {
return FALSE;
if (IsVarTerm(tmod)) {
return FALSE;
if (!IsAtomTerm(tmod)) {
return FALSE;
return save_module(stream, tmod) != 0;
2011-08-09 08:34:23 -03:00
2011-08-09 08:11:23 -03:00
void Yap_InitQLY(void)
2011-08-09 08:34:23 -03:00
2011-08-09 08:11:23 -03:00
Yap_InitCPred("$save_module_preds", 2, p_save_module_preds, SyncPredFlag|HiddenPredFlag|UserCPredFlag);
2011-08-09 08:34:23 -03:00
2011-08-09 08:11:23 -03:00