Logtalk - Object oriented extension to Prolog
Release 2.29.1
Copyright (c) 1998-2006 Paulo Moura. All Rights Reserved.
% load the example:
| ?- logtalk_load(birthdays(loader)).
% create two new agents, Paul and Nathalie:
| ?- agent::(new(paul, 40, male), new(nathalie, 32, female)).
% make them friends:
| ?- paul::new_friend(nathalie).
% it's birthday for Nathalie:
| ?- nathalie::birthday.
Happy birthday from paul!
Thanks! Here, have a slice of cake, paul.
Thanks for the cake nathalie!
% tell Paul to ask Nathalie her age:
| ?- paul::ask_age(nathalie, Age).
Age = 33