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2010-06-23 11:52:34 +01:00
/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 2008, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(http_open,
[ http_open/3, % +URL, -Stream, +Options
http_set_authorization/2 % +URL, +Authorization
:- use_module(library(url)).
:- use_module(library(readutil)).
:- use_module(library(socket)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- use_module(library(option)).
:- use_module(library(error)).
:- use_module(library(base64)).
:- use_module(library(debug)).
:- expects_dialect(swi).
:- assert(system:swi_io).
user_agent('SWI-Prolog <>').
/** <module> Simple HTTP client
This library provides a light-weight HTTP client library to get the data
from a URL. The functionality of the library can be extended by loading
two additional modules that acts as plugins:
* library(http/http_chunked)
Loading this library causes http_open/3 to support chunked
transfer encoding.
* library(http/http_header)
Loading this library causes http_open/3 to support the =POST= method
in addition to =GET= and =HEAD=.
Here is a simple example to fetch a web-page:
?- http_open('', In, []),
copy_stream_data(In, user_output),
<!doctype html><head><title>prolog - Google Search</title><script>
The example below fetches the modification time of a web-page. Note that
Modified is '' if the web-server does not provide a time-stamp for the
resource. See also parse_time/2.
modified(URL, Stamp) :-
http_open(URL, In,
[ method(head),
header(last_modified, Modified)
Modified \== '',
parse_time(Modified, Stamp).
@see xpath/3
@see http_get/3
@see http_post/4
:- multifile
http:encoding_filter/3, % +Encoding, +In0, -In
http:current_transfer_encoding/1, % ?Encoding
http:http_protocol_hook/7. % +Protocol, +Parts, +In, +Out,
% -NewIn, -NewOut, +Options
%% http_open(+URL, -Stream, +Options) is det.
% Open the data at the HTTP server as a Prolog stream. URL is
% either an atom specifying a URL or a list representing a
% broken-down URL compatible to parse_url/2. After this predicate
% succeeds the data can be read from Stream. After completion this
% stream must be closed using the built-in Prolog predicate
% close/1. Options provides additional options:
% * authorization(+Term)
% Send authorization. Currently only supports basic(User,Password).
% See also http_set_authorization/2.
% * final_url(-FinalURL)
% Unify FinalURL} with the final destination. This differs from
% the original URL if the returned head of the original
% indicates an HTTP redirect (codes 301, 302 or 303). Without a
% redirect, FinalURL is unified with the canonical version of
% URL using:
% ==
% parse_url(URL, Parts),
% parse_url(FinalURL, Parts)
% ==
% * header(Name, -AtomValue)
% If provided, AtomValue is unified with the value of the
% indicated field in the reply header. Name is matched
% case-insensitive and the underscore (_) matches the hyphen
% (-). Multiple of these options may be provided to extract
% multiple header fields. If the header is not available
% AtomValue is unified to the empty atom ('').
% * method(+Method)
% One of =get= (default) or =head=. The =head= message can be
% used in combination with the header(Name, Value) option to
% access information on the resource without actually fetching
% the resource itself. The returned stream must be closed
% immediately. If library(http/http_header) is loaded,
% http_open/3 also supports =post=. See the post(Data) option.
% * size(-Size)
% Size is unified with the integer value of =|Content-Length|=
% in the reply header.
% * timeout(+Timeout)
% If provided, set a timeout on the stream using set_stream/2.
% With this option if no new data arrives within Timeout seconds
% the stream raises an exception. Default is to wait forever
% (=infinite=).
% * post(+Data)
% Provided if library(http/http_header) is also loaded. Data is
% handed to http_post_data/3.
% * proxy(+Host, +Port)
% Use an HTTP proxy to connect to the outside world.
% * proxy_authorization(+Authorization)
% Send authorization to the proxy. Otherwise the same as the
% =authorization= option.
% * request_header(Name = Value)
% Additional name-value parts are added in the order of
% appearance to the HTTP request header. No interpretation is
% done.
% * user_agent(+Agent)
% Defines the value of the =|User-Agent|= field of the HTTP
% header. Default is =|SWI-Prolog (|=.
% @error existence_error(url, Id)
http_open(URL, Stream, Options) :-
atom(URL), !,
parse_url_ex(URL, Parts),
add_authorization(URL, Options, Options1),
http_open(Parts, Stream, Options1).
http_open(Parts, Stream, Options0) :-
memberchk(proxy(Host, ProxyPort), Options0), !,
parse_url_ex(Location, Parts),
Options = [visited(Parts)|Options0],
open_socket(Host:ProxyPort, In, Out, Options),
option(protocol(Protocol), Parts, http),
default_port(Protocol, DefPort),
option(port(Port), Parts, DefPort),
host_and_port(Host, DefPort, Port, HostPort),
add_authorization(Parts, Options, Options1),
send_rec_header(Out, In, Stream, HostPort, Location, Parts, Options1),
http_open(Parts, Stream, Options0) :-
memberchk(host(Host), Parts),
option(protocol(Protocol), Parts, http),
default_port(Protocol, DefPort),
option(port(Port), Parts, DefPort),
http_location(Parts, Location),
Options = [visited(Parts)|Options0],
open_socket(Host:Port, SocketIn, SocketOut, Options),
( http:http_protocol_hook(Protocol, Parts,
SocketIn, SocketOut,
In, Out, Options)
-> true
; In = SocketIn,
Out = SocketOut
host_and_port(Host, DefPort, Port, HostPort),
add_authorization(Parts, Options, Options1),
send_rec_header(Out, In, Stream, HostPort, Location, Parts, Options1),
http:http_protocol_hook(http, _, In, Out, In, Out, _).
default_port(https, 443) :- !.
default_port(_, 80).
host_and_port(Host, DefPort, DefPort, Host) :- !.
host_and_port(Host, _, Port, Host:Port).
%% send_rec_header(+Out, +In, -InStream,
%% +Host, +Location, +Parts, +Options) is det.
% Send header to Out and process reply. If there is an error or
% failure, close In and Out and return the error or failure.
send_rec_header(Out, In, Stream, Host, Location, Parts, Options) :-
( catch(guarded_send_rec_header(Out, In, Stream,
Host, Location, Parts, Options),
E, true)
-> ( var(E)
-> close(Out)
; force_close(In, Out),
; force_close(In, Out),
guarded_send_rec_header(Out, In, Stream, Host, Location, Parts, Options) :-
user_agent(Agent, Options),
method(Options, MNAME),
'~w ~w HTTP/~w\r\n\
Host: ~w\r\n\
User-Agent: ~w\r\n\
Connection: close\r\n',
[MNAME, Location, Version, Host, Agent]),
x_headers(Options, Out),
( option(post(PostData), Options)
-> http_header:http_post_data(PostData, Out, [])
; format(Out, '\r\n', [])
% read the reply header
read_header(In, Code, Comment, Lines),
do_open(Code, Comment, Lines, Options, Parts, In, Stream).
%% http_version(-Version:atom) is det.
% HTTP version we publish. We can only use 1.1 if we support
% chunked encoding, which means must be loaded.
http_version('1.1') :-
http:current_transfer_encoding(chunked), !.
force_close(S1, S2) :-
close(S1, [force(true)]),
close(S2, [force(true)]).
method(Options, MNAME) :-
option(post(_), Options), !,
option(method(M), Options, post),
( map_method(M, MNAME0)
; domain_error(method, M)
method(Options, MNAME) :-
option(method(M), Options, get),
( map_method(M, MNAME0)
; domain_error(method, M)
map_method(get, 'GET').
map_method(head, 'HEAD').
map_method(post, 'POST') :-
%% x_headers(+Options, +Out) is det.
% Emit extra headers from request_header(Name=Value) options in
% Options.
x_headers([], _).
x_headers([H|T], Out) :- !,
x_header(H, Out),
x_headers(T, Out).
x_header(request_header(Name=Value), Out) :- !,
format(Out, '~w: ~w\r\n', [Name, Value]).
x_header(proxy_authorization(ProxyAuthorization), Out) :- !,
auth_header(ProxyAuthorization, 'Proxy-Authorization', Out).
x_header(authorization(Authorization), Out) :- !,
auth_header(Authorization, 'Authorization', Out).
x_header(_, _).
auth_header(basic(User, Password), Header, Out) :- !,
format(codes(Codes), '~w:~w', [User, Password]),
phrase(base64(Codes), Base64Codes),
format(Out, '~w: basic ~s\r\n', [Header, Base64Codes]).
auth_header(Auth, _, _) :-
domain_error(authorization, Auth).
user_agent(Agent, Options) :-
( option(user_agent(Agent), Options)
-> true
; user_agent(Agent)
%% do_open(+HTTPStatusCode, +HTTPStatusComment, +Header,
%% +Options, +Parts, +In, -FinalIn) is det.
% Handle the HTTP status. If 200, we are ok. If a redirect, redo
% the open, returning a new stream. Else issue an error.
% @error existence_error(url, URL)
do_open(200, _, Lines, Options, Parts, In0, In) :- !,
return_size(Options, Lines),
return_fields(Options, Lines),
transfer_encoding_filter(Lines, In0, In),
% properly re-initialise the stream
parse_url_ex(Id, Parts),
set_stream(In, file_name(Id)),
set_stream(In, record_position(true)).
% Handle redirections
do_open(Code, _, Lines, Options, Parts, In, Stream) :-
location(Lines, Location), !,
debug(http(redirect), 'http_open: redirecting to ~w', [Location]),
parse_url_ex(Location, Parts, Redirected),
http_open(Redirected, Stream, [visited(Redirected)|Options]).
% report anything else as error
do_open(Code, Comment, _, _, Parts, _, _) :-
parse_url_ex(Id, Parts),
( map_error_code(Code, Error)
-> Formal =.. [Error, url, Id]
; Formal = existence_error(url, Id)
throw(error(Formal, context(_, status(Code, Comment)))).
%% map_error_code(+HTTPCode, -PrologError) is semidet.
% Map HTTP error codes to Prolog errors.
% @tbd Many more maps. Unfortunately many have no sensible Prolog
% counterpart.
map_error_code(401, permission_error).
map_error_code(403, permission_error).
map_error_code(404, existence_error).
map_error_code(405, permission_error).
map_error_code(407, permission_error).
map_error_code(410, existence_error).
redirect_code(301). % moved permanently
redirect_code(302). % moved temporary
redirect_code(303). % see also
%% open_socket(+Address, -In, -Out, +Options) is det.
% Create and connect a client socket to Address. Options
% * timeout(+Timeout)
% Sets timeout on the stream, *after* connecting the
% socket.
% @tbd Make timeout also work on tcp_connect/4.
% @tbd This is the same as do_connect/4 in
open_socket(Address, In, Out, Options) :-
debug(http(open), 'http_open: Connecting to ~p ...', [Address]),
catch(tcp_connect(Socket, Address, In, Out),
( tcp_close_socket(Socket),
debug(http(open), '\tok ~p --> ~p', [In, Out]),
set_stream(In, record_position(false)),
( memberchk(Options, timeout(Timeout))
-> set_stream(In, timeout(Timeout))
; true
return_size(Options, Lines) :-
memberchk(size(Size), Options), !,
content_length(Lines, Size).
return_size(_, _).
return_fields([], _).
return_fields([header(Name, Value)|T], Lines) :- !,
atom_codes(Name, Codes),
( member(Line, Lines),
phrase(atom_field(Codes, Value), Line)
-> true
; Value = ''
return_fields(T, Lines).
return_fields([_|T], Lines) :-
return_fields(T, Lines).
%% return_final_url(+Options) is semidet.
% If Options contains final_url(URL), unify URL with the final
% URL after redirections.
return_final_url(Options) :-
memberchk(final_url(URL), Options),
var(URL), !,
memberchk(visited(Parts), Options),
parse_url_ex(URL, Parts).
%% transfer_encoding_filter(+Lines, +In0, -In) is det.
% Install filters depending on the encoding.
transfer_encoding_filter(Lines, In0, In) :-
transfer_encoding(Lines, Encoding), !,
( http:encoding_filter(Encoding, In0, In)
-> true
; domain_error(http_encoding, Encoding)
transfer_encoding_filter(_, In, In).
%% transfer_encoding(+Lines, -Encoding) is semidet.
% True if Encoding is the value of the =|Transfer-encoding|=
% header.
transfer_encoding(Lines, Encoding) :-
member(Line, Lines),
phrase(transfer_encoding(Encoding0), Line), !,
debug(http(transfer_encoding), 'Transfer-encoding: ~w', [Encoding0]),
Encoding = Encoding0.
transfer_encoding(Encoding) -->
%% read_header(+In:stream, -Code:int, -Comment:atom, -Lines:list)
% Read the HTTP reply-header.
% @param Code Numeric HTTP reply-code
% @param Comment Comment of reply-code as atom
% @param Lines Remaining header lines as code-lists.
read_header(In, Code, Comment, Lines) :-
read_line_to_codes(In, Line),
phrase(first_line(Code, Comment), Line),
read_line_to_codes(In, Line2),
rest_header(Line2, In, Lines).
rest_header("", _, []) :- !. % blank line: end of header
rest_header(L0, In, [L0|L]) :-
read_line_to_codes(In, L1),
rest_header(L1, In, L).
%% content_length(+Header, -Length:int) is semidet.
% Find the Content-Length in an HTTP reply-header.
content_length(Lines, Length) :-
member(Line, Lines),
phrase(content_length(Length0), Line), !,
Length = Length0.
location(Lines, Location) :-
member(Line, Lines),
phrase(atom_field("location", Location), Line), !.
first_line(Code, Comment) -->
"HTTP/", [_], ".", [_],
atom_field(Name, Value) -->
content_length(Len) -->
field([]) -->
field([H|T]) -->
{ match_header_char(H, C)
match_header_char(C, C) :- !.
match_header_char(C, U) :-
code_type(C, to_lower(U)), !.
match_header_char(0'_, 0'-).
skip_blanks -->
{ code_type(C, white)
}, !,
skip_blanks -->
%% integer(-Int)//
% Read 1 or more digits and return as integer.
integer(Code) -->
{ number_codes(Code, [D0|D])
digit(C) -->
{ code_type(C, digit)
digits([D0|D]) -->
digit(D0), !,
digits([]) -->
%% rest(-Atom:atom)//
% Get rest of input as an atom.
rest(A,L,[]) :-
atom_codes(A, L).
%% http_set_authorization(+URL, +Authorization) is det.
% Set user/password to supply with URLs that have URL as prefix.
% If Authorization is the atom =|-|=, possibly defined
% authorization is cleared. For example:
% ==
% ?- http_set_authorization('',
% basic('John', 'Secret'))
% ==
% @tbd Move to a separate module, so http_get/3, etc. can use this
% too.
:- dynamic
http_set_authorization(URL, Authorization) :-
must_be(atom, URL),
retractall(stored_authorization(URL, _)),
( Authorization = (-)
-> true
; check_authorization(Authorization),
assert(stored_authorization(URL, Authorization))
check_authorization(Var) :-
var(Var), !,
check_authorization(basic(User, Password)) :-
must_be(atom, User),
must_be(atom, Password).
%% authorization(+URL, -Authorization) is semdet.
% True if Authorization must be supplied for URL.
% @tbd Cleanup cache if it gets too big.
authorization(_, _) :-
\+ stored_authorization(_, _), !,
authorization(URL, Authorization) :-
cached_authorization(URL, Authorization), !,
Authorization \== (-).
authorization(URL, Authorization) :-
( stored_authorization(Prefix, Authorization),
sub_atom(URL, 0, _, _, Prefix)
-> assert(cached_authorization(URL, Authorization))
; assert(cached_authorization(URL, -)),
add_authorization(_, Options, Options) :-
option(authorization(_), Options), !.
add_authorization(For, Options0, Options) :-
stored_authorization(_, _) -> % quick test to avoid work
( atom(For)
-> URL = For
; parse_url_ex(URL, For)
authorization(URL, Auth), !,
Options = [authorization(Auth)|Options0].
add_authorization(_, Options, Options).
parse_url_ex(URL, Parts) :-
parse_url(URL, Parts), !.
parse_url_ex(URL, _) :-
domain_error(url, URL). % Syntax error?
parse_url_ex(URL, RelativeTo, Parts) :-
parse_url(URL, RelativeTo, Parts), !.
parse_url_ex(URL, _, _) :-
domain_error(url, URL). % Syntax error?
:- retract(system:swi_io).