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2015-10-13 08:25:49 +01:00
:- module(pltotex,
[ pltotex/2,
:- use_module(library(doc_latex)).
:- use_module(library(main)).
:- use_module(library(error)).
:- use_module(library(apply)).
:- use_module(library(lists)).
:- asserta(user:file_search_path(foreign, .)).
pltotex(File, Options) :-
file_name_extension(_, txt, File), !,
tex_file(File, Out, Options),
doc_latex(File, Out,
[ stand_alone(false)
| Options
pltotex(Lib, Options) :-
( file_name_extension(_, pl, Lib)
-> Spec = Lib
; atom_to_term(Lib, Spec, _)
absolute_file_name(Spec, File,
[ access(read),
tex_file(File, Out, Options),
user:use_module(File), % we want the operators in user
doc_latex(File, Out,
[ stand_alone(false)
| Options
tex_file(_, TeXFile, Options) :-
option(out(Base), Options), !,
file_name_extension(Base, tex, TeXFile).
tex_file(File, TeXFile, _) :-
file_base_name(File, Local),
file_name_extension(Base0, _, Local),
strip(Base0, 0'_, Base),
file_name_extension(Base, tex, TeXFile).
strip(In, Code, Out) :-
atom_codes(In, Codes0),
delete(Codes0, Code, Codes),
atom_codes(Out, Codes).
%% pltotex
% Usage: pl -q -s -g pltotex -- file ...
pltotex :-
main(Argv) :-
partition(is_option, Argv, OptArgs, Files),
maplist(to_option, OptArgs, Options),
maplist(process_file(Options), Files).
is_option(Arg) :-
sub_atom(Arg, 0, _, _, --).
to_option('--section', section_level(section)) :- !.
to_option('--subsection', section_level(subsection)) :- !.
to_option('--subsubsection', section_level(subsubsection)) :- !.
to_option(Arg, Option) :-
atom_concat(--, Opt, Arg),
sub_atom(Opt, B, _, A, =), !,
sub_atom(Opt, 0, B, _, Name),
sub_atom(Opt, _, A, 0, Value),
Option =.. [Name, Value].
process_file(Options, File) :-
pltotex(File, Options).