2010-03-18 16:11:21 +01:00
* *
* SimpleCUDD library ( www . cs . kuleuven . be / ~ theo / tools / simplecudd . html ) *
* SimpleCUDD was developed at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ( www . kuleuven . be ) *
* *
* Copyright T . Mantadelis , A . Kimmig , B . Gutmann *
* and Katholieke Universiteit Leuven 2008 *
* *
* Author : Theofrastos Mantadelis , Angelika Kimmig , Bernd Gutmann *
* File : ProblogBDD . c *
* *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *
* The " Artistic License " *
* *
* Preamble *
* *
* The intent of this document is to state the conditions under which a *
* Package may be copied , such that the Copyright Holder maintains some *
* semblance of artistic control over the development of the package , *
* while giving the users of the package the right to use and distribute *
* the Package in a more - or - less customary fashion , plus the right to make *
* reasonable modifications . *
* *
* Definitions : *
* *
* " Package " refers to the collection of files distributed by the *
* Copyright Holder , and derivatives of that collection of files *
* created through textual modification . *
* *
* " Standard Version " refers to such a Package if it has not been *
* modified , or has been modified in accordance with the wishes *
* of the Copyright Holder as specified below . *
* *
* " Copyright Holder " is whoever is named in the copyright or *
* copyrights for the package . *
* *
* " You " is you , if you ' re thinking about copying or distributing *
* this Package . *
* *
* " Reasonable copying fee " is whatever you can justify on the *
* basis of media cost , duplication charges , time of people involved , *
* and so on . ( You will not be required to justify it to the *
* Copyright Holder , but only to the computing community at large *
* as a market that must bear the fee . ) *
* *
* " Freely Available " means that no fee is charged for the item *
* itself , though there may be fees involved in handling the item . *
* It also means that recipients of the item may redistribute it *
* under the same conditions they received it . *
* *
* 1. You may make and give away verbatim copies of the source form of the *
* Standard Version of this Package without restriction , provided that you *
* duplicate all of the original copyright notices and associated disclaimers . *
* *
* 2. You may apply bug fixes , portability fixes and other modifications *
* derived from the Public Domain or from the Copyright Holder . A Package *
* modified in such a way shall still be considered the Standard Version . *
* *
* 3. You may otherwise modify your copy of this Package in any way , provided *
* that you insert a prominent notice in each changed file stating how and *
* when you changed that file , and provided that you do at least ONE of the *
* following : *
* *
* a ) place your modifications in the Public Domain or otherwise make them *
* Freely Available , such as by posting said modifications to Usenet or *
* an equivalent medium , or placing the modifications on a major archive *
* site such as uunet . uu . net , or by allowing the Copyright Holder to include *
* your modifications in the Standard Version of the Package . *
* *
* b ) use the modified Package only within your corporation or organization . *
* *
* c ) rename any non - standard executables so the names do not conflict *
* with standard executables , which must also be provided , and provide *
* a separate manual page for each non - standard executable that clearly *
* documents how it differs from the Standard Version . *
* *
* d ) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder . *
* *
* 4. You may distribute the programs of this Package in object code or *
* executable form , provided that you do at least ONE of the following : *
* *
* a ) distribute a Standard Version of the executables and library files , *
* together with instructions ( in the manual page or equivalent ) on where *
* to get the Standard Version . *
* *
* b ) accompany the distribution with the machine - readable source of *
* the Package with your modifications . *
* *
* c ) give non - standard executables non - standard names , and clearly *
* document the differences in manual pages ( or equivalent ) , together *
* with instructions on where to get the Standard Version . *
* *
* d ) make other distribution arrangements with the Copyright Holder . *
* *
* 5. You may charge a reasonable copying fee for any distribution of this *
* Package . You may charge any fee you choose for support of this *
* Package . You may not charge a fee for this Package itself . However , *
* you may distribute this Package in aggregate with other ( possibly *
* commercial ) programs as part of a larger ( possibly commercial ) software *
* distribution provided that you do not advertise this Package as a *
* product of your own . You may embed this Package ' s interpreter within *
* an executable of yours ( by linking ) ; this shall be construed as a mere *
* form of aggregation , provided that the complete Standard Version of the *
* interpreter is so embedded . *
* *
* 6. The scripts and library files supplied as input to or produced as *
* output from the programs of this Package do not automatically fall *
* under the copyright of this Package , but belong to whoever generated *
* them , and may be sold commercially , and may be aggregated with this *
* Package . If such scripts or library files are aggregated with this *
* Package via the so - called " undump " or " unexec " methods of producing a *
* binary executable image , then distribution of such an image shall *
* neither be construed as a distribution of this Package nor shall it *
* fall under the restrictions of Paragraphs 3 and 4 , provided that you do *
* not represent such an executable image as a Standard Version of this *
* Package . *
* *
* 7. C subroutines ( or comparably compiled subroutines in other *
* languages ) supplied by you and linked into this Package in order to *
* emulate subroutines and variables of the language defined by this *
* Package shall not be considered part of this Package , but are the *
* equivalent of input as in Paragraph 6 , provided these subroutines do *
* not change the language in any way that would cause it to fail the *
* regression tests for the language . *
* *
* 8. Aggregation of this Package with a commercial distribution is always *
* permitted provided that the use of this Package is embedded ; that is , *
* when no overt attempt is made to make this Package ' s interfaces visible *
* to the end user of the commercial distribution . Such use shall not be *
* construed as a distribution of this Package . *
* *
* 9. The name of the Copyright Holder may not be used to endorse or promote *
* products derived from this software without specific prior written *
* permission . *
* *
* *
* The End *
* *
\ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
2010-03-21 11:49:19 +01:00
/* modified by Fabrizio Riguzzi in 2009 for dealing with multivalued variables:
instead of variables or their negation , the script can contain equations of the
variable = value
Multivalued variables are translated to binary variables by means of a log
2010-03-18 16:11:21 +01:00
# include "simplecudd.h"
# include <signal.h>
# include <time.h>
typedef struct _parameters {
int loadfile ;
int savedfile ;
int exportfile ;
int inputfile ;
int debug ;
int errorcnt ;
int * error ;
int method ;
int queryid ;
int timeout ;
double sigmoid_slope ;
int online ;
int maxbufsize ;
char * ppid ;
} parameters ;
typedef struct _gradientpair {
double probability ;
double gradient ;
} gradientpair ;
typedef struct _extmanager {
DdManager * manager ;
DdNode * t , * f ;
hisqueue * his ;
namedvars varmap ;
} extmanager ;
double ProbBool ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * node , int bits , int nBit , int posBVar , variable v , int comp ) ;
double Prob ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * node , int comp ) ;
int correctPosition ( int index , variable v , int posBVar ) ;
double ret_prob ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * bdd ) ;
int argtype ( const char * arg ) ;
void printhelp ( int argc , char * * arg ) ;
parameters loadparam ( int argc , char * * arg ) ;
parameters params ;
void handler ( int num ) ;
void pidhandler ( int num ) ;
void termhandler ( int num ) ;
double sigmoid ( double x , double slope ) ;
void myexpand ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) ;
double CalcProbability ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) ;
double CalcProbabilitySigmoid ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) ;
gradientpair CalcGradient ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current , int TargetVar , char * TargetPattern ) ;
int patterncalculated ( char * pattern , extmanager MyManager , int loc ) ;
char * extractpattern ( char * thestr ) ;
int main ( int argc , char * * arg ) {
clock_t start , endc , endt ;
double elapsedc , elapsedt ;
extmanager MyManager ;
DdNode * bdd ;
bddfileheader fileheader ;
int i , ivarcnt , code ;
gradientpair tvalue ;
double probability = - 1.0 ;
char * varpattern ;
varpattern = NULL ;
code = - 1 ;
params = loadparam ( argc , arg ) ;
if ( params . errorcnt > 0 ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < params . errorcnt ; i + + ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: not known or error at parameter %s. \n " , arg [ params . error [ i ] ] ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( params . online = = 0 & & params . loadfile = = - 1 ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: you must specify a loading file. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( params . method ! = 0 & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' g ' & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' p ' & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' o ' & & arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ! = ' l ' ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: you must choose a calculation method beetween [p]robability, [g]radient, [l]ine search, [o]nline. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
if ( params . debug ) DEBUGON ;
SETMAXBUFSIZE ( params . maxbufsize ) ;
signal ( SIGINT , termhandler ) ;
if ( params . ppid ! = NULL ) {
signal ( SIGALRM , pidhandler ) ;
alarm ( 5 ) ;
} else {
signal ( SIGALRM , handler ) ;
alarm ( params . timeout ) ;
if ( params . online ) {
MyManager . manager = simpleBDDinit ( 0 ) ;
MyManager . t = HIGH ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . f = LOW ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . varmap = InitNamedVars ( 1 , 0 ) ;
bdd = OnlineGenerateBDD ( MyManager . manager , & MyManager . varmap ) ;
ivarcnt = GetVarCount ( MyManager . manager ) ;
} else {
fileheader = ReadFileHeader ( arg [ params . loadfile ] ) ;
switch ( fileheader . filetype ) {
if ( params . inputfile = = - 1 ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: an input file is necessary for this type of loading file. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
MyManager . manager = simpleBDDinit ( fileheader . varcnt ) ;
MyManager . t = HIGH ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . f = LOW ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . varmap = InitNamedMultiVars ( fileheader . varcnt , fileheader . varstart , fileheader . bvarcnt ) ;
if ( LoadMultiVariableData ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , arg [ params . inputfile ] ) = = - 1 ) return - 1 ;
start = clock ( ) ;
bdd = FileGenerateBDD ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , fileheader ) ;
endc = clock ( ) ;
elapsedc = ( ( double ) ( endc - start ) ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
printf ( " elapsed_construction(%lf). \n " , elapsedc ) ;
ivarcnt = fileheader . varcnt ;
break ;
if ( params . inputfile = = - 1 ) {
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: an input file is necessary for this type of loading file. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
MyManager . manager = simpleBDDinit ( fileheader . varcnt ) ;
MyManager . t = HIGH ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . f = LOW ( MyManager . manager ) ;
MyManager . varmap = InitNamedVars ( fileheader . varcnt , fileheader . varstart ) ;
bdd = LoadNodeDump ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , fileheader . inputfile ) ;
ivarcnt = fileheader . varcnt ;
break ;
default :
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: not a valid file format to load. \n " ) ;
return - 1 ;
break ;
alarm ( 0 ) ;
// problem specifics
if ( bdd ! = NULL ) {
ivarcnt = RepairVarcnt ( & MyManager . varmap ) ;
code = 0 ;
if ( params . inputfile ! = - 1 ) {
if ( LoadVariableData ( MyManager . varmap , arg [ params . inputfile ] ) = = - 1 ) return - 1 ;
if ( ! all_loaded ( MyManager . varmap , 1 ) ) return - 1 ;
} */
MyManager . his = InitHistory ( ivarcnt ) ;
if ( params . method ! = 0 ) {
switch ( arg [ params . method ] [ 0 ] ) {
case ' g ' :
for ( i = 0 ; i < MyManager . varmap . varcnt ; i + + ) {
if ( MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ! = NULL ) {
varpattern = extractpattern ( MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ) ;
if ( ( varpattern = = NULL ) | | ( ! patterncalculated ( varpattern , MyManager , i ) ) ) {
tvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , bdd , i + MyManager . varmap . varstart , varpattern ) ;
probability = tvalue . probability ;
double factor = sigmoid ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ i ] , params . sigmoid_slope ) * ( 1 - sigmoid ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ i ] , params . sigmoid_slope ) ) * params . sigmoid_slope ;
if ( varpattern = = NULL ) {
printf ( " query_gradient(%s,%s,%1.12f). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] , tvalue . gradient * factor ) ;
} else {
varpattern [ strlen ( varpattern ) - 2 ] = ' \0 ' ;
printf ( " query_gradient(%s,%s,%1.12f). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , varpattern , tvalue . gradient * factor ) ;
ReInitHistory ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varcnt ) ;
if ( varpattern ! = NULL ) free ( varpattern ) ;
} else {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: no variable name given for parameter. \n " ) ;
if ( probability < 0.0 ) {
// no nodes, so we have to calculate probability ourself
tvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , bdd , 0 + MyManager . varmap . varstart , NULL ) ;
probability = tvalue . probability ;
printf ( " query_probability(%s,%1.12f). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , probability ) ;
break ;
case ' l ' :
tvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , bdd , 0 + MyManager . varmap . varstart , NULL ) ;
probability = tvalue . probability ;
printf ( " query_probability(%s,%1.12f). \n " , arg [ params . queryid ] , probability ) ;
break ;
case ' p ' :
printf ( " probability(%1.12f). \n " , CalcProbability ( MyManager , bdd ) ) ;
break ;
case ' o ' :
onlinetraverse ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , MyManager . his , bdd ) ;
break ;
default :
myexpand ( MyManager , bdd ) ;
break ;
} else {
start = clock ( ) ;
// simpleNamedBDDtoDot(MyManager.manager, MyManager.varmap, bdd, "bdd.dot");
printf ( " probability(%1.12f). \n " , ret_prob ( MyManager , bdd ) ) ;
endt = clock ( ) ;
elapsedt = ( ( double ) ( endt - start ) ) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC ;
printf ( " elapsed_traversing(%lf). \n " , elapsedt ) ;
// myexpand(MyManager, bdd);
if ( params . savedfile > - 1 ) SaveNodeDump ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , bdd , arg [ params . savedfile ] ) ;
if ( params . exportfile > - 1 ) simpleNamedBDDtoDot ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , bdd , arg [ params . exportfile ] ) ;
ReInitHistory ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varcnt ) ;
free ( MyManager . his ) ;
if ( MyManager . manager ! = NULL ) {
KillBDD ( MyManager . manager ) ;
exit ( code ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . ivalue ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . dynvalue ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < MyManager . varmap . varcnt ; i + + )
free ( MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . mvars [ i ] . probabilities ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . mvars [ i ] . booleanVars ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . vars ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . mvars ) ;
free ( MyManager . varmap . bVar2mVar ) ;
if ( params . error ! = NULL ) free ( params . error ) ;
return code ;
/* Shell Parameters handling */
int argtype ( const char * arg ) {
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -l " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --load " ) = = 0 ) return 0 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -e " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --export " ) = = 0 ) return 2 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -m " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --method " ) = = 0 ) return 3 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -i " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --input " ) = = 0 ) return 4 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -h " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --help " ) = = 0 ) return 5 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -d " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --debug " ) = = 0 ) return 6 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -id " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --queryid " ) = = 0 ) return 7 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -t " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --timeout " ) = = 0 ) return 8 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -sd " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --savedump " ) = = 0 ) return 9 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -sl " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --slope " ) = = 0 ) return 10 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -o " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --online " ) = = 0 ) return 11 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -bs " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --bufsize " ) = = 0 ) return 12 ;
if ( strcmp ( arg , " -pid " ) = = 0 | | strcmp ( arg , " --pid " ) = = 0 ) return 13 ;
return - 1 ;
void printhelp ( int argc , char * * arg ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " \n Usage: %s -l [filename] -i [filename] -o (-s(d) [filename] -e [filename] -m [method] -id [queryid] -sl [double]) (-t [seconds] -d -h) \n " , arg [ 0 ] ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Generates and traverses a BDD \n Mandatory parameters: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -l [filename] \t -> \t filename to load supports two formats: \n \t \t \t \t \t \t 1. script with generation instructions \n \t \t \t \t \t \t 2. node dump saved file \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -i [filename] \t -> \t filename to input problem specifics (mandatory with file formats 1, 2) \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -o \t \t -> \t generates the BDD in online mode instead from a file can be used instead of -l \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Optional parameters: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -sd [filename] \t -> \t filename to save generated BDD in node dump format (fast loading, traverse valid only) \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -e [filename] \t -> \t filename to export generated BDD in dot format \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -m [method] \t -> \t the calculation method to be used: none(default), [p]robability, [g]radient, [o]nline \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -id [queryid] \t -> \t the queries identity name (used by gradient) default: %s \n " , arg [ 0 ] ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -sl [double] \t -> \t the sigmoid slope (used by gradient) default: 1.0 \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Extra parameters: \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -t [seconds] \t -> \t the seconds (int) for BDD generation timeout default 0 = no timeout \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -pid [pid] \t -> \t a process id (int) to check for termination default 0 = no process to check works only under POSIX OS \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -bs [bytes] \t -> \t the bytes (int) to use as a maximum buffer size to read files default 0 = no max \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -d \t \t -> \t Run in debug mode (gives extra messages in stderr) \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " \t -h \t \t -> \t Help (displays this message) \n \n " ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " Example: %s -l testbdd -i input.txt -m g -id testbdd \n " , arg [ 0 ] ) ;
parameters loadparam ( int argc , char * * arg ) {
int i ;
parameters params ;
params . loadfile = - 1 ;
params . savedfile = - 1 ;
params . exportfile = - 1 ;
params . method = 0 ;
params . inputfile = - 1 ;
params . debug = 0 ;
params . errorcnt = 0 ;
params . queryid = 0 ;
params . timeout = 0 ;
params . sigmoid_slope = 1.0 ;
params . online = 0 ;
params . maxbufsize = 0 ;
params . ppid = NULL ;
params . error = ( int * ) malloc ( argc * sizeof ( int ) ) ;
for ( i = 1 ; i < argc ; i + + ) {
switch ( argtype ( arg [ i ] ) ) {
case 0 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . loadfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 2 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . exportfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 3 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . method = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 4 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . inputfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 5 :
printhelp ( argc , arg ) ;
break ;
case 6 :
params . debug = 1 ;
break ;
case 7 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . queryid = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 8 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsPosNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . timeout = atoi ( arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 9 :
if ( argc > i + 1 ) {
i + + ;
params . savedfile = i ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 10 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsRealNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . sigmoid_slope = atof ( arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 11 :
params . online = 1 ;
break ;
case 12 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsPosNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . maxbufsize = atoi ( arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
case 13 :
if ( ( argc > i + 1 ) & & ( IsPosNumber ( arg [ i + 1 ] ) ) ) {
i + + ;
params . ppid = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * ( strlen ( arg [ i ] ) + 1 ) ) ;
strcpy ( params . ppid , arg [ i ] ) ;
} else {
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
default :
params . error [ params . errorcnt ] = i ;
params . errorcnt + + ;
break ;
return params ;
/* Error Handlers */
void handler ( int num ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: Timeout %i exceeded. \n " , params . timeout ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
void pidhandler ( int num ) {
char * s ;
if ( params . timeout > 0 ) {
params . timeout - = 5 ;
if ( params . timeout < = 0 ) {
fprintf ( stderr , " Error: Timeout exceeded. \n " ) ;
exit ( - 1 ) ;
s = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * ( 19 + strlen ( params . ppid ) ) ) ;
strcpy ( s , " ps " ) ; strcat ( s , params . ppid ) ; strcat ( s , " >/dev/null " ) ;
if ( system ( s ) ! = 0 ) exit ( 4 ) ;
signal ( SIGALRM , pidhandler ) ;
alarm ( 5 ) ;
free ( s ) ;
void termhandler ( int num ) {
exit ( 3 ) ;
/* General Functions */
double sigmoid ( double x , double slope ) {
return 1 / ( 1 + exp ( - x * slope ) ) ;
/* Debugging traverse function */
void myexpand ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) {
DdNode * h , * l ;
hisnode * Found ;
char * curnode ;
curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , Current ) ;
printf ( " %s \n " , curnode ) ;
if ( ( Current ! = MyManager . t ) & & ( Current ! = MyManager . f ) & &
( ( Found = GetNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current ) ) = = NULL ) ) {
l = LowNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
h = HighNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
printf ( " l(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
myexpand ( MyManager , l ) ;
printf ( " h(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
myexpand ( MyManager , h ) ;
AddNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current , 0.0 , 0 , NULL ) ;
/* Angelikas Algorithm */
double CalcProbability ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current ) {
DdNode * h , * l ;
hisnode * Found ;
char * curnode ;
double lvalue , hvalue , tvalue ;
if ( params . debug ) {
curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , Current ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s \n " , curnode ) ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . t ) return 1.0 ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . f ) return 0.0 ;
if ( ( Found = GetNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current ) ) ! = NULL ) return Found - > dvalue ;
l = LowNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
h = HighNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " l(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
lvalue = CalcProbability ( MyManager , l ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " h(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
hvalue = CalcProbability ( MyManager , h ) ;
tvalue = MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ GetIndex ( Current ) - MyManager . varmap . varstart ] ;
tvalue = tvalue * hvalue + lvalue * ( 1.0 - tvalue ) ;
AddNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current , tvalue , 0 , NULL ) ;
return tvalue ;
/* Bernds Algorithm */
gradientpair CalcGradient ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * Current , int TargetVar , char * TargetPattern ) {
DdNode * h , * l ;
hisnode * Found ;
char * curnode ;
gradientpair lvalue , hvalue , tvalue ;
double this_probability ;
double * gradient ;
if ( params . debug ) {
curnode = GetNodeVarNameDisp ( MyManager . manager , MyManager . varmap , Current ) ;
fprintf ( stderr , " %s \n " , curnode ) ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . t ) {
tvalue . probability = 1.0 ;
tvalue . gradient = 0.0 ;
return tvalue ;
if ( Current = = MyManager . f ) {
tvalue . probability = 0.0 ;
tvalue . gradient = 0.0 ;
return tvalue ;
if ( ( Found = GetNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current ) ) ! = NULL ) {
tvalue . probability = Found - > dvalue ;
tvalue . gradient = * ( ( double * ) Found - > dynvalue ) ;
return tvalue ;
l = LowNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
h = HighNodeOf ( MyManager . manager , Current ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " l(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
lvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , l , TargetVar , TargetPattern ) ;
if ( params . debug ) fprintf ( stderr , " h(%s)-> " , curnode ) ;
hvalue = CalcGradient ( MyManager , h , TargetVar , TargetPattern ) ;
this_probability = sigmoid ( MyManager . varmap . dvalue [ GetIndex ( Current ) - MyManager . varmap . varstart ] , params . sigmoid_slope ) ;
tvalue . probability = this_probability * hvalue . probability + ( 1 - this_probability ) * lvalue . probability ;
tvalue . gradient = this_probability * hvalue . gradient + ( 1 - this_probability ) * lvalue . gradient ;
if ( ( GetIndex ( Current ) = = TargetVar ) | |
( ( TargetPattern ! = NULL ) & & patternmatch ( TargetPattern , MyManager . varmap . vars [ GetIndex ( Current ) ] ) ) ) {
tvalue . gradient + = hvalue . probability - lvalue . probability ;
gradient = ( double * ) malloc ( sizeof ( double ) ) ;
* gradient = tvalue . gradient ;
AddNode ( MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , Current , tvalue . probability , 0 , gradient ) ;
return tvalue ;
char * extractpattern ( char * thestr ) {
char * p ;
int i = 0 , sl = strlen ( thestr ) ;
while ( ( thestr [ i ] ! = ' _ ' ) & & ( i < sl ) ) i + + ;
if ( i = = sl ) return NULL ;
i + + ;
p = ( char * ) malloc ( sizeof ( char ) * ( i + 2 ) ) ;
strncpy ( p , thestr , i ) ;
p [ i ] = ' * ' ;
p [ i + 1 ] = ' \0 ' ;
return p ;
int patterncalculated ( char * pattern , extmanager MyManager , int loc ) {
int i ;
if ( pattern = = NULL ) return 0 ;
for ( i = loc - 1 ; i > - 1 ; i - - )
if ( patternmatch ( pattern , MyManager . varmap . vars [ i ] ) ) return 1 ;
return 0 ;
double Prob ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * node , int comp )
/* compute the probability of the expression rooted at node
nodes is used to store nodes for which the probability has alread been computed
so that it is not recomputed
int mVarIndex , nBit , index ;
variable v ;
hisnode * Found ;
double res ;
double value ;
if ( Cudd_IsConstant ( node ) )
2010-03-21 11:49:19 +01:00
value = Cudd_V ( node ) ;
if ( comp )
2010-03-18 16:11:21 +01:00
return 0.0 ;
return 1.0 ;
Found = GetNode1 ( MyManager . varmap . bVar2mVar , MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , node ) ;
if ( Found ! = NULL )
return Found - > dvalue ;
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex ( node ) ;
mVarIndex = MyManager . varmap . bVar2mVar [ index ] ;
v = MyManager . varmap . mvars [ mVarIndex ] ;
nBit = v . nBit ;
res = ProbBool ( MyManager , node , 0 , nBit , 0 , v , comp ) ;
AddNode1 ( MyManager . varmap . bVar2mVar , MyManager . his , MyManager . varmap . varstart , node , res , 0 , NULL ) ;
return res ;
double ProbBool ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * node , int bits , int nBit , int posBVar , variable v , int comp )
/* explores a group of binary variables making up the multivalued variable v */
DdNode * T , * F ;
double p , res ;
double * probs ;
int index ;
probs = v . probabilities ;
if ( nBit = = 0 )
if ( bits > = v . nVal )
return 0.0 ;
p = probs [ bits ] ;
res = p * Prob ( MyManager , node , comp ) ;
return res ;
index = Cudd_NodeReadIndex ( node ) ;
if ( correctPosition ( index , v , posBVar ) )
2010-03-21 11:49:19 +01:00
T = Cudd_T ( node ) ;
F = Cudd_E ( node ) ;
2010-03-18 16:11:21 +01:00
bits = bits < < 1 ;
res = ProbBool ( MyManager , T , bits + 1 , nBit - 1 , posBVar + 1 , v , comp ) ;
comp = ( ! comp & & Cudd_IsComplement ( F ) ) | | ( comp & & ! Cudd_IsComplement ( F ) ) ;
res = res +
ProbBool ( MyManager , F , bits , nBit - 1 , posBVar + 1 , v , comp ) ;
return res ;
bits = bits < < 1 ;
res = ProbBool ( MyManager , node , bits + 1 , nBit - 1 , posBVar + 1 , v , comp ) ;
res = res +
ProbBool ( MyManager , node , bits , nBit - 1 , posBVar + 1 , v , comp ) ;
return res ;
int correctPosition ( int index , variable v , int posBVar )
/* returns 1 is the boolean variable with index posBVar is in the correct position
currently explored by ProbBool */
int bvar ;
bvar = v . booleanVars [ posBVar ] ;
return ( bvar = = index ) ;
double ret_prob ( extmanager MyManager , DdNode * bdd )
double prob ;
/* dividend is a global variable used by my_hash
it is equal to an unsigned int with binary representation 11. .1 */
prob = Prob ( MyManager , bdd , Cudd_IsComplement ( bdd ) ) ;
return prob ;