From 01c80d77e015f43e0869cc6fb6da517a6f3460c1 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Vitor Santos Costa Date: Mon, 5 Sep 2011 03:07:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] update latest releaase of ProbLog --- packages/ProbLog/ | 3 + packages/ProbLog/aproblog.yap | 1298 +++++++++++++++++ packages/ProbLog/problog/bdd.yap | 337 +++++ packages/ProbLog/problog/os.yap | 9 +- packages/ProbLog/problog/utils.yap | 2 +- .../problog_examples/ | 229 +++ 6 files changed, 1874 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) create mode 100644 packages/ProbLog/aproblog.yap create mode 100644 packages/ProbLog/problog/bdd.yap create mode 100644 packages/ProbLog/problog_examples/ diff --git a/packages/ProbLog/ b/packages/ProbLog/ index 154eba5f0..76d6ecacd 100644 --- a/packages/ProbLog/ +++ b/packages/ProbLog/ @@ -32,6 +32,7 @@ PROGRAMS= \ $(srcdir)/problog.yap \ $(srcdir)/problog_lfi.yap \ $(srcdir)/dtproblog.yap \ + $(srcdir)/aproblog.yap \ $(srcdir)/problog_learning.yap PROBLOG_PROGRAMS= \ @@ -58,6 +59,7 @@ PROBLOG_PROGRAMS= \ $(srcdir)/problog/termhandling.yap \ $(srcdir)/problog/completion.yap \ $(srcdir)/problog/discrete.yap \ + $(srcdir)/problog/bdd.yap \ $(srcdir)/problog/variables.yap PROBLOG_EXAMPLES = \ @@ -67,6 +69,7 @@ PROBLOG_EXAMPLES = \ $(srcdir)/problog_examples/ \ $(srcdir)/problog_examples/ \ $(srcdir)/problog_examples/ \ + $(srcdir)/problog_examples/ \ $(srcdir)/problog_examples/ MANUAL_NAME = problog diff --git a/packages/ProbLog/aproblog.yap b/packages/ProbLog/aproblog.yap new file mode 100644 index 000000000..d30b2b0ba --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/ProbLog/aproblog.yap @@ -0,0 +1,1298 @@ +%%% -*- Mode: Prolog; -*- +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% $Date: 2011-07-27 17:38:26 +0200 (Wed, 27 Jul 2011) $ +% $Revision: 6461 $ +% +% This file is part of ProbLog +% +% +% ProbLog was developed at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven +% +% Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 +% Katholieke Universiteit Leuven +% +% Main author of this file: +% Angelika Kimmig +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Artistic License 2.0 +% +% Copyright (c) 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation. +% +% Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this +% license document, but changing it is not allowed. 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Definitions +% +% "Copyright Holder" means the individual(s) or organization(s) named in +% the copyright notice for the entire Package. +% +% "Contributor" means any party that has contributed code or other +% material to the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder's +% procedures. +% +% "You" and "your" means any person who would like to copy, distribute, +% or modify the Package. +% +% "Package" means the collection of files distributed by the Copyright +% Holder, and derivatives of that collection and/or of those files. A +% given Package may consist of either the Standard Version, or a +% Modified Version. +% +% "Distribute" means providing a copy of the Package or making it +% accessible to anyone else, or in the case of a company or +% organization, to others outside of your company or organization. +% +% "Distributor Fee" means any fee that you charge for Distributing this +% Package or providing support for this Package to another party. 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At +% your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include a +% Compiled form of the Package. +% +% (3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other +% modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting +% Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such +% will be subject to the Original License. +% +% Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source +% +% (4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis +% or for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the +% Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs +% from the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting +% any non-standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that +% you do at least ONE of the following: +% +% (a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the +% Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright +% Holder may include your modifications in the Standard Version. (b) +% ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the +% user installing or running the Standard Version. In addition, the +% modified Version must bear a name that is different from the name of +% the Standard Version. (c) allow anyone who receives a copy of the +% Modified Version to make the Source form of the Modified Version +% available to others under (i) the Original License or (ii) a license +% that permits the licensee to freely copy, modify and redistribute the +% Modified Version using the same licensing terms that apply to the copy +% that the licensee received, and requires that the Source form of the +% Modified Version, and of any works derived from it, be made freely +% available in that license fees are prohibited but Distributor Fees are +% allowed. +% +% Distribution of Compiled Forms of the Standard Version or +% Modified Versions without the Source +% +% (5) You may Distribute Compiled forms of the Standard Version without +% the Source, provided that you include complete instructions on how to +% get the Source of the Standard Version. Such instructions must be +% valid at the time of your distribution. If these instructions, at any +% time while you are carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you +% must provide new instructions on demand or cease further +% distribution. If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution +% within thirty days after you become aware that the instructions are +% invalid, then you do not forfeit any of your rights under this +% license. +% +% (6) You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without the +% Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to the +% Source of the Modified Version. +% +% Aggregating or Linking the Package +% +% (7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or +% Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting +% aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the +% Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other +% components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license +% apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions +% as included in the aggregation. +% +% (8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with +% other works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to +% build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that +% include the Package, and Distribute the result without restriction, +% provided the result does not expose a direct interface to the Package. +% +% Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version +% +% (9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that +% merely extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause +% the Package to be a Modified Version. In addition, such works are not +% considered parts of the Package itself, and are not subject to the +% terms of this license. +% +% General Provisions +% +% (10) Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or +% Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, +% modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not +% use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this +% license. +% +% (11) If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version +% made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to +% ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of +% this license. +% +% (12) This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, +% service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. +% +% (13) This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, +% free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, +% sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any +% patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily +% infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation +% (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging +% that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent +% infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the +% date that such litigation is filed. +% +% (14) Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT +% HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +% WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A +% PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT +% PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT +% HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, +% INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +% OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% aProbLog prototype +% +% for background, see +% Kimmig et al "An Algebraic Prolog for Reasoning about Possible Worlds" AAAI 2011 +% +% +% includes ProbLog code fragments +% uses the online interface to problogbdd/simplecudd written by Theofrastos Mantadelis (problog/bdd.yap) +% +% NOTE: +% - flags neutral_sum and disjoint_sum decide which inference method is called from aproblog_label/2, they are ignored when calling these underlying methods directly +% - all four methods use the set of explanations found by SLD resolution as covering set of explanations +% - compensation for non-neutral sums is restricted to the variables that occur in some proof of the query by default, +% setting flag compensate_unused to true will activate compensation for all ground unseen variables (throws error in programs with non-ground facts) +% - for disjoint sum, no trie representation of the DNF is built, i.e. n proofs resulting in same explanation appear n times in sum (old versions _on_dnf not exported) +% - BDDs are constructed using dbtries with optimization level 0 (predicates for naive preprocessing can be activated in the source code (search comments on dnf_to_bdd_naive)) +% - dynamic labels are not yet supported (i.e. no L::fact(L).) +% +% hacker's corner: +% - declaring sums to be neutral simulates labels defined in terms of the set of SLD-explanations (not considered in AAAI paper) +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +:- module(aproblog,[op( 550, yfx, :: ), + aproblog_label/2, % decide cases based on flags disjoint_sum and neutral_sum (default: both false -> case 4) + label_neutral_disjoint/2, % case 1: sums are neutral and disjoint + label_disjoint_neutral/2, % synonym for label_neutral_disjoint/2 + label_disjoint/2, % case 2: sums are disjoint but not neutral (also solves case 1, but with overhead) + label_neutral/2, % case 3: sums are neutral but not disjoint (also solves case 1, but with overhead) + label/2, % case 4: sums are not neutral and not disjoint (also solves cases 1-3, but with overhead) + '::'/2, + set_aproblog_flag/2, + aproblog_flag/2, + print_bdd/1, + print_dnf/1]). + +:- style_check(all). +:- yap_flag(unknown,error). + +:- op( 550, yfx, :: ). + +:- multifile('::'/2). + +:- ensure_loaded('problog/ptree'). +:- ensure_loaded('problog/bdd'). +:- ensure_loaded('problog/gflags'). +:- ensure_loaded('problog/flags'). +:- ensure_loaded('problog/os'). +:- ensure_loaded(library(tries)). +:- ensure_loaded(library(terms)). +:- ensure_loaded(library(lists)). + +:- dynamic(aproblog_predicate/2). +:- dynamic(non_ground_fact/1). +:- dynamic calcp/2. % used in lazy evaluation +:- dynamic aproblog_cached/4. % cache in depth first search +:- dynamic aproblog_cache_vars/0. % decides whether cache also contains variables which are then used for compensation + +% by default don't talk, take care of both potential problems, and do not compensate for unused facts +:- initialization(( + problog_define_flag(verbose, problog_flag_validate_boolean, 'display information', false, aproblog), + problog_define_flag(disjoint_sum, problog_flag_validate_boolean, 'sum is disjoint', false, aproblog), + problog_define_flag(neutral_sum, problog_flag_validate_boolean, 'sum is neutral', false, aproblog), + problog_define_flag(compensate_unused, problog_flag_validate_boolean, 'compensate non-neutral sum for unused facts', false, aproblog) +)). + +% directory where problogbdd executable is located +% automatically set during loading -- assumes it is in same place as this file (problog.yap) +:- getcwd(PD), set_problog_path(PD). + +aproblog_flag(F,V) :- + problog_flag(F,V). +set_aproblog_flag(F,V) :- + set_problog_flag(F,V). + + +% backtrack over all labeled facts +% must come before term_expansion +Label::Goal :- + labeled_fact(Label,Goal,_ID). + +% backtrack over all labeled facts +labeled_fact(Label,Goal,ID) :- + ground(Goal), + !, + Goal =.. [F|Args], + atomic_concat('aproblog_',F,F2), + append([ID|Args],[Label],Args2), + Goal2 =..[F2|Args2], + length(Args2,N), + current_predicate(F2/N), + Goal2. +labeled_fact(Label,Goal,ID) :- + get_internal_fact(ID,ProblogTerm,_ProblogName,_ProblogArity), + ProblogTerm =.. [F,_ID|Args], + append(Args2,[Label],Args), + name(F,[_a,_p,_r,_o,_b,_l,_o,_g,_|F2Chars]), + name(F2,F2Chars), + Goal =.. [F2|Args2]. + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% term expansion / core is taken from problog_neg and adapted +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +user:term_expansion(_P::( _Goal :- _Body ), _Error) :- + throw(error('we do not support this (yet?)!')). + +user:term_expansion(P::Goal, aproblog:ProbFact) :- + functor(Goal, Name, Arity), + atomic_concat([aproblog_,Name],AproblogName), + Goal =.. [Name|Args], + append(Args,[P],L1), + labelclause_id(ID), + ProbFact =.. [AproblogName,ID|L1], + ( + ground(P) + -> + assert_static(id_label(ID,P)) % Label is fixed -- assert it for quick retrieval + ; + % Label is a variable... we don't support that yet + throw(error('Variable labels are not (yet) supported! Your program contains':P::Goal)) + ), + ( + ground(Goal) + -> + true; + assert(non_ground_fact(ID)) + ), + aproblog_predicate(Name, Arity, AproblogName). + + +% introduce wrapper clause if predicate seen first time +aproblog_predicate(Name, Arity, _) :- + aproblog_predicate(Name, Arity), !. + +aproblog_predicate(Name, Arity, AproblogName) :- + functor(OriginalGoal, Name, Arity), + OriginalGoal =.. [_|Args], + append(Args,[_],L1), + ProbFact =.. [AproblogName,ID|L1], + prolog_load_context(module,Mod), + + assert( (Mod:OriginalGoal :- ProbFact, + ( + non_ground_fact(ID) + -> + (non_ground_fact_grounding_id(OriginalGoal,G_ID), + atomic_concat([ID,'_',G_ID],ID2)); + ID2=ID + ), + add_to_proof(ID2) + )), + + assert( (Mod:aproblog_not(OriginalGoal) :- ProbFact, + ( + non_ground_fact(ID) + -> + ( non_ground_fact_grounding_id(OriginalGoal,G_ID), + atomic_concat([ID,'_',G_ID],ID2)); + ID2=ID + ), + add_to_proof_negated(ID2) + )), + + assert(aproblog_predicate(Name, Arity)), + ArityPlus2 is Arity+2, + dynamic(aproblog:AproblogName/ArityPlus2). + +% generate next global identifier +:- nb_setval(labelclause_counter,0). +labelclause_id(ID) :- + nb_getval(labelclause_counter,ID), !, + C1 is ID+1, + nb_setval(labelclause_counter,C1), !. + +% managing non-ground facts +non_ground_fact_grounding_id(Goal,ID) :- + ( + ground(Goal) + -> + true; + ( + format(user_error,'The current program uses non-ground facts.~n', []), + format(user_error,'If you query those, you may only query fully-grounded versions of the fact.~n',[]), + format(user_error,'Within the current proof, you queried for ~q which is not ground.~n~n', [Goal]), + throw(error(non_ground_fact(Goal))) + ) + ), + ( + grounding_is_known(Goal,ID) + -> + true; + ( + nb_getval(non_ground_fact_grounding_id_counter,ID), + ID2 is ID+1, + nb_setval(non_ground_fact_grounding_id_counter,ID2), + assert(grounding_is_known(Goal,ID)) + ) + ). + +reset_non_ground_facts :- + nb_setval(non_ground_fact_grounding_id_counter,0), + retractall(grounding_is_known(_,_)). + +% accessing internal information +get_fact_label(ID,Prob) :- + ( + id_label(ID,W) + -> + Prob = W + ; + get_fact_from_id(ID,F), + atom_number(F,N), + id_label(N,Prob) + ). + +get_internal_fact(ID,AproblogTerm,AproblogName,AproblogArity) :- + aproblog_predicate(Name,Arity), + atomic_concat([aproblog_,Name],AproblogName), + AproblogArity is Arity+2, + functor(AproblogTerm,AproblogName,AproblogArity), + arg(1,AproblogTerm,ID), + call(AproblogTerm). % have to keep choicepoint to allow for :: backtracking over all facts + + +get_fact(ID,OutsideTerm) :- + get_internal_fact(ID,AproblogTerm,AproblogName,AproblogArity), + AproblogTerm =.. [_Functor,ID|Args], + atomic_concat('aproblog_',OutsideFunctor,AproblogName), + Last is AproblogArity-1, + nth(Last,Args,_LogProb,OutsideArgs), + OutsideTerm =.. [OutsideFunctor|OutsideArgs]. +% ID of instance of non-ground fact: get fact from grounding table +get_fact(ID,OutsideTerm) :- + recover_grounding_id(ID,GID), + grounding_is_known(OutsideTerm,GID). + +recover_grounding_id(Atom,ID) :- + name(Atom,List), + reverse(List,Rev), + recover_number(Rev,NumRev), + reverse(NumRev,Num), + name(ID,Num). +recover_number([95|_],[]) :- !. % name('_',[95]) +recover_number([A|B],[A|C]) :- + recover_number(B,C). + +get_fact_list([],[]). +get_fact_list([neg(T)|IDs],[not(Goal)|Facts]) :- + !, + aproblog_context(Goal,_,T), + get_fact_list(IDs,Facts). +get_fact_list([ID|IDs],[Fact|Facts]) :- + (ID=not(X) -> Fact=not(Y); Fact=Y, ID=X), + get_fact(X,Y), + get_fact_list(IDs,Facts). + + +% called "inside" probabilistic facts to update current state of proving +% if number of steps exceeded, fail +% if fact used before, succeed and keep status as is +% else update state and succeed +add_to_proof(ID) :- + b_getval(aproblog_steps,MaxSteps), + b_getval(aproblog_current_proof, IDs), + +%%%% Bernd, changes for negated ground facts + \+ memberchk(not(ID),IDs), +%%%% Bernd, changes for negated ground facts + + ( MaxSteps =< 0 -> + fail + ; + ( memberchk(ID, IDs) -> + true + ; + b_setval(aproblog_current_proof, [ID|IDs]) + ), + Steps is MaxSteps-1, + b_setval(aproblog_steps,Steps) + ). + +%%%% Bernd, changes for negated ground facts +add_to_proof_negated(ID) :- + b_getval(aproblog_steps,MaxSteps), + b_getval(aproblog_current_proof, IDs), + + \+ memberchk(ID,IDs), + ( MaxSteps =< 0 -> + fail + ; + ( memberchk(not(ID), IDs) -> + true + ; + b_setval(aproblog_current_proof, [not(ID)|IDs]) + ), + Steps is MaxSteps-1, + b_setval(aproblog_steps,Steps) + ). +%%%% Bernd, changes for negated ground facts + + + +% this is called before the actual aProbLog goal +% to set up environment for proving +init_aproblog :- + reset_non_ground_facts, + b_setval(aproblog_current_proof, []), + b_setval(aproblog_steps,999999). +init_aproblog_trie :- + init_ptree(Trie_Completed_Proofs), + nb_setval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie_Completed_Proofs). + + + +% to call an aProbLog goal, patch all subgoals with the user's module context +% (as logical part is there, but labeled part in aproblog) +aproblog_call(Goal) :- + yap_flag(typein_module,Module), +%%% if user provides init_db, call this before proving goal + (current_predicate(_,Module:init_db) -> call(Module:init_db); true), + put_module(Goal,Module,ModGoal), + call(ModGoal). + +put_module((Mod:Goal,Rest),Module,(Mod:Goal,Transformed)) :- + !, + put_module(Rest,Module,Transformed). +put_module((Goal,Rest),Module,(Module:Goal,Transformed)) :- + !, + put_module(Rest,Module,Transformed). +put_module((Mod:Goal),_Module,(Mod:Goal)) :- + !. +put_module(Goal,Module,Module:Goal). + +% end of core +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% predicates related to DNF construction and evaluation +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% given a query, build the DNF in the trie named aproblog_completed_proofs +%%%%%%%%%%%%% +build_dnf(Goal) :- + init_aproblog, + init_aproblog_trie, + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + aproblog_call(Goal), + add_solution(Trie), + fail. +build_dnf(_). + +add_solution(N) :- + b_getval(aproblog_current_proof, IDs), + (IDs == [] -> R = true ; reverse(IDs,R)), + insert_ptree(R,N). + +delete_dnf :- + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + delete_ptree(Trie). + +print_dnf :- + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + print_ptree(Trie). + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% calculating the label of the DNF: +% iterates over all conjunctions, performing semiring multiplication in conj, semiring addition between conj +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +evaluate_dnf(_) :- + semiring_zero(Zero), + nb_setval(aproblog_label, Zero), + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + traverse_ptree(Trie,Explanation), + update_label(Explanation), + fail. +evaluate_dnf(Label) :- + nb_getval(aproblog_label, Label). + +update_label(Explanation) :- + semiring_one(One), + multiply_label(Explanation,One,Label), + nb_getval(aproblog_label, OldLabel), + semiring_addition(OldLabel,Label,NewLabel), + nb_setval(aproblog_label, NewLabel). + +multiply_label([],Result,Result). +multiply_label([not(First)|Rest],Acc,Result) :- + !, + get_fact_label(First,W), + label_negated(W,WBar), + semiring_multiplication(Acc,WBar,Next), + multiply_label(Rest,Next,Result). +multiply_label([First|Rest],Acc,Result) :- + !, + get_fact_label(First,W), + semiring_multiplication(Acc,W,Next), + multiply_label(Rest,Next,Result). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% calculating the label of the DNF in case the sum is not neutral, +% compensation ignores variables not appearing in DNF +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +evaluate_dnf_with_compensation(_) :- + semiring_zero(Zero), + nb_setval(aproblog_label, Zero), + nb_setval(aproblog_variables, []), + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + traverse_ptree(Trie,Explanation), + update_label_with_compensation(Explanation), + fail. +evaluate_dnf_with_compensation(Label) :- + nb_getval(aproblog_label, Label). + +update_label_with_compensation(Explanation) :- + semiring_one(One), + multiply_label(Explanation,One,LabelI), % LabelI is the label of the i-th explanation... + nb_getval(aproblog_variables, Var), + get_variables(Explanation,VarI), + compensate_label(Var,VarI,LabelI,CLabelI), % ... which is corrected for Var\VarI + nb_getval(aproblog_label, OldLabel), + compensate_label(VarI,Var,OldLabel, COldLabel), % OldLabel gets corrected for VarI\Var + semiring_addition(COldLabel,CLabelI,NewLabel), % now we sum corrected labels up + nb_setval(aproblog_label, NewLabel), + append(Var,VarI,List), + sort(List,NewVar), + nb_setval(aproblog_variables,NewVar). % and update the list of seen variables + +% variant that always compensates for the full set of DNF variables +% does some unnecessary append and sort at the end of each update +evaluate_dnf_with_compensation_naive(_) :- + semiring_zero(Zero), + nb_setval(aproblog_label, Zero), + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + edges_ptree(Trie,Vars), + nb_setval(aproblog_variables, Vars), + traverse_ptree(Trie,Explanation), + update_label_with_compensation(Explanation), + fail. +evaluate_dnf_with_compensation_naive(Label) :- + nb_getval(aproblog_label, Label). + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% predicates related to BDD construction and evaluation +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% dnf to bdd translation using naive preprocessing +% (full conjunctions as intermediate results, one big disjunction at end) +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +dnf_to_bdd_naive :- + bdd_init(FDO, PID), + dnf_to_bdd_naive(FDO), + bdd_kill(FDO, PID, _S). + +dnf_to_bdd_naive(FDO) :- + nb_setval(aproblog_script_lines,[]), + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + traverse_ptree(Trie,Explanation), + add_to_bdd(Explanation, FDO), + fail. +dnf_to_bdd_naive(FDO) :- + nb_getval(aproblog_script_lines,Lines), + ( + Lines = [] % empty trie is false + -> + bdd_line([],'FALSE',_,L) + ; + bdd_OR([], Lines, L) + ), + bdd_laststep(LID), + bdd_commit(FDO, L), + bdd_commit(FDO, LID). + +% trie with single element 'true" +add_to_bdd([true],FDO) :- + !, + bdd_line([],'TRUE',_,L1), + bdd_laststep(L1S), + bdd_commit(FDO, L1), + nb_getval(aproblog_script_lines,SoFar), + nb_setval(aproblog_script_lines,[L1S|SoFar]). +add_to_bdd(AndList,FDO) :- + ids_to_vars(AndList,List),%write(List),nl, + bdd_AND([], List, L1), + bdd_laststep(L1S), + bdd_commit(FDO, L1), + nb_getval(aproblog_script_lines,SoFar), + nb_setval(aproblog_script_lines,[L1S|SoFar]). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% dnf to bdd translation using dbtrie at optimization level 0 +% adapted copy of ptree's trie_to_bdd_trie +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +dnf_to_bdd :- + bdd_init(FDO, PID), + dnf_to_bdd(FDO), + bdd_kill(FDO, PID, _S). + +% taken from ptree.yap's trie_to_bdd_trie and adapted to write to online interface +dnf_to_bdd(FDO) :- + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + trie_to_depth_breadth_trie(Trie, B, LL, 0), % the last one is the optimization level, LL the last definition's name + (ptree:is_label(LL) -> + tell(FDO), + ptree:trie_write(B, LL), + write(LL), nl, + tell(user) + ; + (ptree:is_state(LL) -> + Edges = [] + ; + Edges = [LL] + ), + tell(FDO), + (LL = not(ID) -> + ptree:get_var_name(ID, NLL), + write('L1 = ~'), write(NLL),nl + ; + ptree:get_var_name(LL, NLL), + write('L1 = '), write(NLL),nl + ), + write('L1'), nl, + tell(user) + ). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% core of Theo's BDD traversal with lazy evaluation, adapted to semiring operators +% this does not use caching, so don't try with larger BDDs +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +lazy_eval(FDO,FDI,Value) :- + repeat, + bdd_current(FDO, FDI, N, I, NodeId), + (calcp(R, L) -> + retract(calcp(R, L)), + L = [CP|T], + (bdd_leaf(N) -> + CP = N, + NL = T + ; + CP = s(m(N,PH),m(c(N),PL)), + NL = [PH,PL|T] + ),%write(R),nl, + assert(calcp(R, NL)) + ; + R = s(m(N,PH),m(c(N),PL)), + NL = [PH, PL],%write(R),nl, + assert(calcp(R, NL)) + ), + bdd_nextDFS(FDO), + I = 0, bdd_leaf(N), + bdd_current(FDO, FDI, N, I, NodeId), + !, + calcp(FR, FL), +% write(FR),nl, + evaluate_expression(FR,Value), + retract(calcp(FR, FL)). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% lazy evaluation builds a nested term that needs to be evaluated: +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% attempt to catch base cases +evaluate_expression(s(m('FALSE',_),m(c('FALSE'),_)), Z) :- + !, + semiring_zero(Z). +evaluate_expression(s(m('TRUE',_),m(c('TRUE'),_)), Z) :- + !, + semiring_one(Z). +evaluate_expression(V,Z) :- + var(V), + !, + format(user_error,'~n ERROR: unresolved variable in lazy evaluation, will be assumed zero...~n likely it is a trivial BDD, in which case the result should still be ok, but...~2n',[]), + semiring_zero(Z). +% normal evaluation +evaluate_expression(s(A,B),C) :- + !, + evaluate_expression(A,AE), + evaluate_expression(B,BE), + semiring_addition(AE,BE,C). +evaluate_expression(m(A,B),C) :- + !, + evaluate_expression(A,AE), + evaluate_expression(B,BE), + semiring_multiplication(AE,BE,C). +evaluate_expression(c(A),C) :- + !, + evaluate_expression(A,V), + label_negated(V,C). +evaluate_expression('FALSE',Z) :- + !, + semiring_zero(Z). +evaluate_expression('TRUE',Z) :- + !, + semiring_one(Z). +evaluate_expression(A,C) :- + get_var_label(A,C,_). + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% depth first search in BDD with result caching (dymanic predicate aproblog_cached/4 with args NodeVar, NodeID, Label, SeenVars) +% the first argument of traverse_bdd_caching/3 is a stack remembering how to combine cached results +% - FDO and FDI are the output and input communication channels for the BDD +% - it initially contains a dummy element "root" such that the empty stack indicates the end of the procedure +% - other elements are of form n(Node,High,Low), each argument consisting of VariableID-BDDNodeID (the first two args of the cache) +% key idea: +% - always record the current BDD node in the stack as a child of the current element +% - if current BDD node is cached already +% then pop it from BDD traversal (bdd_ignoreDFS), +% else add it to the stack as new current element and expand it in BDD traversal (bdd_nextDFS) +% - before looking at the next node, reduce the stack +%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +eval_bdd_cached(FDO, FDI, Result,Vars ) :- + retractall(aproblog_cached(_,_,_,_)), + bdd_current(FDO, FDI, N, _I, NodeId), + traverse_bdd_caching([root],FDO, FDI), % normally n(VariableID-BDDNodeID, HighChild, LowChild), but dummy "root" first + aproblog_cached(N,NodeId,Result,Vars). + +traverse_bdd_caching([],_FDO, _FDI). +traverse_bdd_caching([HeadS|RestS],FDO, FDI) :- + bdd_current(FDO, FDI, N, _I, NodeID), + add_child(N-NodeID,HeadS,NewHead), + ( + aproblog_cached(N,NodeID,_,_) + -> + bdd_ignoreDFS(FDO), + NewStack = [NewHead|RestS] + ; + NewStack = [n(N-NodeID,_,_),NewHead|RestS], + bdd_nextDFS(FDO) + ), + reduce_stack(NewStack,RedStack),%write(NewStack),nl,write(RedStack),nl,nl, + traverse_bdd_caching(RedStack, FDO, FDI). + +% recording the current node as the next unknown child +add_child(_Kid,root,root). +add_child(Kid,n(Node,High,Low),n(Node,Kid,Low)) :- + var(High),!. +add_child(Kid,n(Node,High,Low),n(Node,High,Kid)) :- + var(Low). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% reducing the stack and caching the result: +% - whenever the current stack element is either a leaf or ground, the entire subtree below has been evaluated +% and we can calculate and cache the result +% - once the first other element is reached, we know this is the parent of the next visited node +% - "root" is the dummy at the end of the stack that makes it possible to use the empty stack as stopping criterion +%%%%%%%%%%%%% +reduce_stack([root],[]). +reduce_stack([n(N-ID,_,_)|Stack],Red) :- + bdd_leaf(N), + !, + cache_leaf(N,ID), + reduce_stack(Stack,Red). +reduce_stack([n(N-ID,H,L)|Stack],Reduced) :- + ( + ground(n(N-ID,H,L)) + -> + cache_inner_node(N-ID,H,L), + reduce_stack(Stack,Reduced) + ; + Reduced = [n(N-ID,H,L)|Stack] + ). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% evaluation and caching of labels associated to BDD nodes +% - this takes care of keeping variables for compensation if needed +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% leaves +cache_leaf(Var,Node) :- + ( + aproblog_cache_vars + -> + cache_leaf_vars(Var,Node) + ; + cache_leaf_pure(Var,Node) + ). + +cache_leaf_pure('TRUE',ID) :- + semiring_one(W), + assert(aproblog_cached('TRUE',ID,W,na)). +cache_leaf_pure('FALSE',ID) :- + semiring_zero(W), + assert(aproblog_cached('FALSE',ID,W,na)). + +cache_leaf_vars('TRUE',ID) :- + semiring_one(W), + assert(aproblog_cached('TRUE',ID,W,[])). +cache_leaf_vars('FALSE',ID) :- + semiring_zero(W), + assert(aproblog_cached('FALSE',ID,W,[])). + +% for inner nodes, multiply value of children with corresponding label and sum +cache_inner_node(N,H,L) :- + ( + aproblog_cache_vars + -> + cache_inner_node_vars(N,H,L) + ; + cache_inner_node_pure(N,H,L) + ). + +cache_inner_node_pure(N-ID,H-HID,L-LID) :- + aproblog_cached(H,HID,HW,_), + aproblog_cached(L,LID,LW,_), + get_var_label(N,W,_), + label_negated(W,C), + semiring_multiplication(W,HW,HighW), + semiring_multiplication(C,LW,LowW), + semiring_addition(HighW,LowW,Label), + assert(aproblog_cached(N,ID,Label,na)). + +cache_inner_node_vars(N-ID,H-HID,L-LID) :- + aproblog_cached(H,HID,HW,HV), + aproblog_cached(L,LID,LW,LV), + get_var_label(N,W,VarID), + label_negated(W,C), + compensate_label(LV,HV,HW,HighW),%format(user_error,'compensated ~w ~w ~w ~w~n',[LV,HV,HW,HighW]), + semiring_multiplication(W,HighW,HWComp),%format(user_error,'multiplied ~w ~w ~w~n',[W,HighW,HWComp]), + compensate_label(HV,LV,LW,LowW),%format(user_error,'compensated ~w ~w ~w ~w~n',[HV,LV,LW,LowW]), + semiring_multiplication(C,LowW,LWComp),%format(user_error,'multiplied ~w ~w ~w~n',[C,LowW,LWComp]), + semiring_addition(HWComp,LWComp,Label),%format(user_error,'added ~w ~w ~w~n',[HWComp,LWComp,Label]), + append([VarID|HV],LV,AllV), + sort(AllV,SortV),%format(user_error,'cache ~w ~w ~w ~w~n',[N,ID,Label,SortV]), + assert(aproblog_cached(N,ID,Label,SortV)). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% general auxiliaries +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% given list of possibly negated fact identifiers (= random variables), strip off negation +get_variables([],[]). +get_variables([not(V)|Vs],[V|Others]) :- + !, + get_variables(Vs,Others). +get_variables([V|Vs],[V|Others]) :- + get_variables(Vs,Others). + +% for variables in the first but not the second list, we multiply by the sum of their positive and negative label +compensate_label([],_,W,W). +compensate_label([A|Rest],Vars,Acc,Result) :- + memberchk(A,Vars), + !, + compensate_label(Rest,Vars,Acc,Result). +compensate_label([A|Rest],Vars,Acc,Result) :- + get_fact_label(A,W), + label_negated(W,WW), + semiring_addition(W,WW,CA), + semiring_multiplication(CA,Acc,Next), + compensate_label(Rest,Vars,Next,Result). + +% transform a list of possibly negated fact identifiers into the corresponding list of (negated) BDD variables +ids_to_vars([],[]). +ids_to_vars([not(A)|B],[C|D]) :- + !, + atomic_concat(['~x',A],C), + ids_to_vars(B,D). +ids_to_vars([A|B],[C|D]) :- + atomic_concat(['x',A],C), + ids_to_vars(B,D). + +% given a BDD variable, get the associated label and ID +% for ground facts, return just the ID (without quotes - breaks compensation for unseen variables on BDD else!) +% for non-ground facts, return the ID including the grounding ID +get_var_label(XID,Label,VariableName) :- + atom_concat(x,IAtom,XID), + get_fact_from_id(IAtom,NumAtom), + atom_number(NumAtom,FactID), + get_fact_label(FactID,Label), + ( + IAtom == NumAtom + -> + VariableName = FactID + ; + VariableName = IAtom + ). + +% for nonground facts, extract fact id +get_fact_from_id(IAtom,NumAtom) :- + atom_concat(NumAtom,Part2,IAtom), + atom_concat('_',_GID,Part2),!. +get_fact_from_id(I,I). + +conditional_format(_String,_Args) :- + aproblog_flag(verbose,false),!. +conditional_format(String,Args) :- + format(String,Args). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% user needs to provide these five predicates as part of the aproblog program +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +semiring_zero(Z) :- + user:semiring_zero(Z). +semiring_one(Z) :- + user:semiring_one(Z). +semiring_addition(OldLabel,Label,NewLabel) :- + user:semiring_addition(OldLabel,Label,NewLabel). +semiring_multiplication(OldLabel,Label,NewLabel) :- + user:semiring_multiplication(OldLabel,Label,NewLabel). +label_negated(W,Wbar) :- + user:label_negated(W,Wbar). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% top level predicates +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% choose automatically based on flags (default: both false) +aproblog_label(Query,Label) :- + aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,true), + aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,true), + label_neutral_disjoint(Query,Label). +aproblog_label(Query,Label) :- + aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,true), + aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,false), + label_disjoint(Query,Label). +aproblog_label(Query,Label) :- + aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,false), + aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,true), + label_neutral(Query,Label). +aproblog_label(Query,Label) :- + aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,false), + aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,false), + label(Query,Label). + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% query label: if sums are neutral and disjoint, calculate the label on the fly +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% for those not remembering the order :) +label_disjoint_neutral(Query,Label) :- + label_neutral_disjoint(Query,Label). + +label_neutral_disjoint(Query,Label) :- + conditional_format('disjoint and neutral~n',[]), + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + direct_eval(Query,Label), + statistics(walltime,[D,_]), + Time is D - S, + conditional_format('time to calculate label: ~w~n',[Time]). + +direct_eval(Goal,_) :- + init_aproblog, + semiring_zero(Zero), + nb_setval(aproblog_label, Zero), + aproblog_call(Goal), + add_solution_to_eval, + fail. +direct_eval(_,Label) :- + b_getval(aproblog_label, Label). + +add_solution_to_eval :- + b_getval(aproblog_current_proof, IDs), + update_label(IDs). + +% old version: evaluate DNF as is +label_neutral_disjoint_on_dnf(Query,Label) :- + conditional_format('disjoint and neutral~n',[]), + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + build_dnf(Query), + statistics(walltime,[D,_]), + BT is D - S, + conditional_format('time to build DNF: ~w~n',[BT]), + evaluate_dnf(Label), + statistics(walltime,[W,_]), + WT is W - D, + conditional_format('time to calculate label: ~w~n',[WT]), + delete_dnf. + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% query label: if sums are disjoint but not neutral, calculate the label on the fly with compensation; +% compensation ignores labeled facts not used in any proof of the query +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +label_disjoint(Query,Label) :- + conditional_format('disjoint but not neutral~n',[]), + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + direct_eval_with_compensation(Query,Label), + statistics(walltime,[D,_]), + T is D - S, + conditional_format('time to calculate label: ~w~n',[T]). + +direct_eval_with_compensation(Goal,_) :- + init_aproblog, + nb_setval(aproblog_variables, []), + semiring_zero(Zero), + nb_setval(aproblog_label, Zero), + aproblog_call(Goal), + add_solution_to_eval_with_compensation, + fail. +direct_eval_with_compensation(_,Label) :- + b_getval(aproblog_label, LabelOnUsed), + ( + aproblog_flag(compensate_unused, true) + -> + b_getval(aproblog_variables, UsedVars), + compensate_for_unseen_vars(LabelOnUsed, UsedVars, Label) + ; + Label = LabelOnUsed + ). + +add_solution_to_eval_with_compensation :- + b_getval(aproblog_current_proof, IDs), + update_label_with_compensation(IDs). + +compensate_for_unseen_vars(LabelOnUsed, UsedVars, Label) :- + findall(ID,(labeled_fact(_,_,ID),\+non_ground_fact(ID)),AllVars), + compensate_label(AllVars,UsedVars,LabelOnUsed,Label), + ( + non_ground_fact(SomeId) + -> + get_fact(SomeId,SomeIdFact), + SomeIdLabel::SomeIdFact, + format(user_error,'~2nERROR: cannot fully compensate in program with non-ground facts such as ~q::~q!~nResult with respect to used and ground facts is ~q~2n',[SomeIdLabel,SomeIdFact,Label]), + throw(error('tried compensation on non-ground facts')) + ; + true + ). + +% old version: evaluate DNF with compensation +label_disjoint_on_dnf(Query,Label) :- + conditional_format('disjoint but not neutral~n',[]), + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + build_dnf(Query), + statistics(walltime,[D,_]), + BT is D - S, + conditional_format('time to build DNF: ~w~n',[BT]), + evaluate_dnf_with_compensation(Label), + statistics(walltime,[W,_]), + WT is W - D, + conditional_format('time to calculate label: ~w~n',[WT]), + delete_dnf. + +% variant that always compensates for all DNF variables +% intended for debugging purposes, does some redundant list operations in reused code +label_disjoint_naive(Query,Label) :- + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + build_dnf(Query), + statistics(walltime,[D,_]), + BT is D - S, + conditional_format('time to build DNF: ~w~n',[BT]), + evaluate_dnf_with_compensation_naive(Label), + statistics(walltime,[W,_]), + WT is W - D, + conditional_format('time to calculate label: ~w~n',[WT]), + delete_dnf. + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% query label: if sums are neutral but not disjoint, evaluate the BDD; +% using depth first search with caching +%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +label_neutral(Query,Result) :- + conditional_format('not disjoint but neutral~n',[]), + retractall(aproblog_cache_vars), % do not cache variables for compensation + label_internal(Query,Result). + +% variant using lazy evaluation without caching +label_lazy(Query,Label) :- + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + build_dnf(Query), + statistics(walltime,[D,_]), + BT is D - S, + conditional_format('time to build DNF: ~w~n',[BT]), + bdd_init(FDO,FDI, PID), + dnf_to_bdd(FDO), % change to dnf_to_bdd_naive to use naive preprocessing + statistics(walltime,[B,_]), + BBT is B - D, + conditional_format('time to build BDD: ~w~n',[BBT]), + lazy_eval(FDO,FDI,Label), + statistics(walltime,[EB,_]), + EBT is EB - B, + conditional_format('time to lazily calculate label on BDD: ~w~n',[EBT]), + bdd_kill(FDO,FDI, PID, _), + delete_dnf. + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% query label: if sums are neither neutral nor disjoint, evaluate the BDD with compensation; +% using depth first search with caching +% ignores labeled facts not used in any proof of the query +%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +label(Query,Result) :- + conditional_format('neither disjoint nor neutral~n',[]), + retractall(aproblog_cache_vars), + assert(aproblog_cache_vars), % cache variables for compensation + label_internal(Query,Result). + +% shared skeleton of bdd-based methods label_neutral/2 and label/2, controlled by dynamic predicate aproblog_cache_vars/0 +% 1. collect explanations in DNF +% 2. feed DNF to BDD tool +% 3. evaluate BDD with caching +label_internal(Query,Label) :- + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + build_dnf(Query), + statistics(walltime,[D,_]), + BT is D - S, + conditional_format('time to build DNF: ~w~n',[BT]), + bdd_init(FDO,FDI, PID), + dnf_to_bdd(FDO), % change to dnf_to_bdd_naive to use naive preprocessing + statistics(walltime,[B,_]), + BBT is B - D, + conditional_format('time to build BDD: ~w~n',[BBT]), + eval_bdd_cached(FDO, FDI, LabelOnUsed, UsedVars ), + bdd_kill(FDO,FDI, PID, _), % clean up first, as compensate_for_unseen_vars throws error for non-ground facts + retractall(aproblog_cached(_,_,_,_)), + delete_dnf, + ( + (aproblog_flag(compensate_unused, true), aproblog_cache_vars) % only compensate if we're in the general case, not for neutral sums... + -> + compensate_for_unseen_vars(LabelOnUsed, UsedVars, Label) + ; + Label = LabelOnUsed + ), + statistics(walltime,[EB,_]), + EBT is EB - B, + conditional_format('time to calculate label on BDD: ~w~n',[EBT]). + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% structural output only +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% DNF +print_dnf(Query) :- + build_dnf(Query), + print_dnf, + delete_dnf. +% BDD +print_bdd(Query) :- + build_dnf(Query), + dnf_to_bdd, % change to dnf_to_bdd_naive to use naive preprocessing + delete_dnf. + +% random variables / facts used +used_vars(Query,Vars) :- + build_dnf(Query), + nb_getval(aproblog_completed_proofs, Trie), + edges_ptree(Trie,Vars), + delete_dnf. +used_facts(Query,Facts) :- + used_vars(Query,Vars), + get_fact_list(Vars,Facts). + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% testing predicates +%%%%%%%%%%%% +% call all labeling functions +test(Query) :- + label_neutral_disjoint(Query,LND), + format('~nResult: ~q~2n',[LND]), + label_disjoint(Query,LD), + format('~nResult: ~q~2n',[LD]), + label_neutral(Query,LN), + format('~nResult: ~q~2n',[LN]), + label(Query,L), + format('~nResult: ~q~2n',[L]). + +% this works on internal predicates on DNF, which aren't used any more directly +test_inner(Query) :- + statistics(walltime,[S,_]), + build_dnf(Query), + statistics(walltime,[DNF,_]), + DNFTime is DNF - S, + format('time to build DNF: ~w~n',[DNFTime]), + evaluate_dnf(WX), + statistics(walltime,[WXT,_]), + DNFEvalTime is WXT - DNF, + format('time to calculate label on DNF: ~w~2nResult: ~w~2n',[DNFEvalTime,WX]), + statistics(walltime,[StartComp,_]), + evaluate_dnf_with_compensation(DNFwithComp), + statistics(walltime,[EndComp,_]), + Diffwc is EndComp-StartComp, + format('time to calculate label on DNF with compensation: ~w~2nResult: ~w~2n',[Diffwc,DNFwithComp]), + bdd_init(FDO,FDI, PID), + dnf_to_bdd(FDO), % change to dnf_to_bdd_naive to use naive preprocessing + statistics(walltime,[BDD,_]), + BddBuild is BDD - EndComp, + format('time to build BDD: ~w~n',[BddBuild]), + retractall(aproblog_cache_vars), + eval_bdd_cached(FDO, FDI, WS, _Vars ), + statistics(walltime,[TWS,_]), + BddTimeWS is TWS - BDD, + format('time to calculate label on BDD: ~w~2nResult: ~w~2n',[BddTimeWS,WS]), + bdd_reset(FDO), + assert(aproblog_cache_vars), + eval_bdd_cached(FDO, FDI, WS2, _ ), + statistics(walltime,[TWS2,_]), + BddTimeWS2 is TWS2 - TWS, + format('time to calculate label on BDD with compensation: ~w~2nResult: ~w~2n',[BddTimeWS2,WS2]), + bdd_kill(FDO,FDI, PID, _), + delete_dnf. + + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%% trial area %%%%%%%%%% + diff --git a/packages/ProbLog/problog/bdd.yap b/packages/ProbLog/problog/bdd.yap new file mode 100644 index 000000000..a859a279a --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/ProbLog/problog/bdd.yap @@ -0,0 +1,337 @@ +%%% -*- Mode: Prolog; -*- +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% $Date: 2011-07-27 17:38:26 +0200 (Wed, 27 Jul 2011) $ +% $Revision: 6461 $ +% +% This file is part of ProbLog +% +% +% ProbLog was developed at Katholieke Universiteit Leuven +% +% Copyright 2008, 2009, 2010 +% Katholieke Universiteit Leuven +% +% Main author of this file: +% Theofrastos Mantadelis +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% +% Artistic License 2.0 +% +% Copyright (c) 2000-2006, The Perl Foundation. +% +% Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this +% license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble +% +% This license establishes the terms under which a given free software +% Package may be copied, modified, distributed, and/or +% redistributed. The intent is that the Copyright Holder maintains some +% artistic control over the development of that Package while still +% keeping the Package available as open source and free software. +% +% You are always permitted to make arrangements wholly outside of this +% license directly with the Copyright Holder of a given Package. If the +% terms of this license do not permit the full use that you propose to +% make of the Package, you should contact the Copyright Holder and seek +% a different licensing arrangement. Definitions +% +% "Copyright Holder" means the individual(s) or organization(s) named in +% the copyright notice for the entire Package. +% +% "Contributor" means any party that has contributed code or other +% material to the Package, in accordance with the Copyright Holder's +% procedures. +% +% "You" and "your" means any person who would like to copy, distribute, +% or modify the Package. +% +% "Package" means the collection of files distributed by the Copyright +% Holder, and derivatives of that collection and/or of those files. A +% given Package may consist of either the Standard Version, or a +% Modified Version. +% +% "Distribute" means providing a copy of the Package or making it +% accessible to anyone else, or in the case of a company or +% organization, to others outside of your company or organization. +% +% "Distributor Fee" means any fee that you charge for Distributing this +% Package or providing support for this Package to another party. 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At +% your discretion, such verbatim copies may or may not include a +% Compiled form of the Package. +% +% (3) You may apply any bug fixes, portability changes, and other +% modifications made available from the Copyright Holder. The resulting +% Package will still be considered the Standard Version, and as such +% will be subject to the Original License. +% +% Distribution of Modified Versions of the Package as Source +% +% (4) You may Distribute your Modified Version as Source (either gratis +% or for a Distributor Fee, and with or without a Compiled form of the +% Modified Version) provided that you clearly document how it differs +% from the Standard Version, including, but not limited to, documenting +% any non-standard features, executables, or modules, and provided that +% you do at least ONE of the following: +% +% (a) make the Modified Version available to the Copyright Holder of the +% Standard Version, under the Original License, so that the Copyright +% Holder may include your modifications in the Standard Version. (b) +% ensure that installation of your Modified Version does not prevent the +% user installing or running the Standard Version. 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Such instructions must be +% valid at the time of your distribution. If these instructions, at any +% time while you are carrying out such distribution, become invalid, you +% must provide new instructions on demand or cease further +% distribution. If you provide valid instructions or cease distribution +% within thirty days after you become aware that the instructions are +% invalid, then you do not forfeit any of your rights under this +% license. +% +% (6) You may Distribute a Modified Version in Compiled form without the +% Source, provided that you comply with Section 4 with respect to the +% Source of the Modified Version. +% +% Aggregating or Linking the Package +% +% (7) You may aggregate the Package (either the Standard Version or +% Modified Version) with other packages and Distribute the resulting +% aggregation provided that you do not charge a licensing fee for the +% Package. Distributor Fees are permitted, and licensing fees for other +% components in the aggregation are permitted. The terms of this license +% apply to the use and Distribution of the Standard or Modified Versions +% as included in the aggregation. +% +% (8) You are permitted to link Modified and Standard Versions with +% other works, to embed the Package in a larger work of your own, or to +% build stand-alone binary or bytecode versions of applications that +% include the Package, and Distribute the result without restriction, +% provided the result does not expose a direct interface to the Package. +% +% Items That are Not Considered Part of a Modified Version +% +% (9) Works (including, but not limited to, modules and scripts) that +% merely extend or make use of the Package, do not, by themselves, cause +% the Package to be a Modified Version. In addition, such works are not +% considered parts of the Package itself, and are not subject to the +% terms of this license. +% +% General Provisions +% +% (10) Any use, modification, and distribution of the Standard or +% Modified Versions is governed by this Artistic License. By using, +% modifying or distributing the Package, you accept this license. Do not +% use, modify, or distribute the Package, if you do not accept this +% license. +% +% (11) If your Modified Version has been derived from a Modified Version +% made by someone other than you, you are nevertheless required to +% ensure that your Modified Version complies with the requirements of +% this license. +% +% (12) This license does not grant you the right to use any trademark, +% service mark, tradename, or logo of the Copyright Holder. +% +% (13) This license includes the non-exclusive, worldwide, +% free-of-charge patent license to make, have made, use, offer to sell, +% sell, import and otherwise transfer the Package with respect to any +% patent claims licensable by the Copyright Holder that are necessarily +% infringed by the Package. If you institute patent litigation +% (including a cross-claim or counterclaim) against any party alleging +% that the Package constitutes direct or contributory patent +% infringement, then this Artistic License to you shall terminate on the +% date that such litigation is filed. +% +% (14) Disclaimer of Warranty: THE PACKAGE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT +% HOLDER AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS' AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED +% WARRANTIES. THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A +% PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGEMENT ARE DISCLAIMED TO THE EXTENT +% PERMITTED BY YOUR LOCAL LAW. UNLESS REQUIRED BY LAW, NO COPYRIGHT +% HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTOR WILL BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, +% INCIDENTAL, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE +% OF THE PACKAGE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. +% +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% Prolog interface for problogbdd +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +:-use_module(library(system)). +:- dynamic bdd_curinter/1. + +bdd_init(FDO, PID):- + pid(MYPID), + convert_filename_to_problog_path('problogbdd', ProblogBDD), + atomic_concat([ProblogBDD, ' -o -pid ', MYPID], C), + exec(C, [pipe(FDO), std, std], PID). + +bdd_init(FDO, FDI, PID):- + pid(MYPID), + convert_filename_to_problog_path('problogbdd', ProblogBDD), + atomic_concat([ProblogBDD, ' -o -m o -pid ', MYPID], C), + exec(C, [pipe(FDO), pipe(FDI), std], PID). + +bdd_commit(FDO, LINE):- + write(FDO, LINE), + write(FDO, '\n'), + flush_output(FDO). + +bdd_kill(FDO, PID, S):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@e'), + wait(PID, S), + close(FDO). + +bdd_kill(FDO, FDI, PID, S):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@e'), + wait(PID, S), + close(FDO), + close(FDI). + +bdd_line([], X, _, L):- + atomic(X), + X \= [], + (bdd_curinter(N) -> + retract(bdd_curinter(N)) + ; + N = 1 + ), + M is N + 1, + assert(bdd_curinter(M)), + atomic_concat(['L', N, '=', X], L). + +bdd_line(L, X, O, NL):- + atomic(X), + X \= [], + atom(L), + L \= [], + atomic_concat([L, O, X], NL). + +bdd_line(L, [], _, L):-!. + +bdd_line(L, [X|T], O, R):- + bdd_line(L, X, O, NL), + bdd_line(NL, T, O, R). + +bdd_AND(L, X, NL):- + bdd_line(L, X, '*', NL). +bdd_OR(L, X, NL):- + bdd_line(L, X, '+', NL). +bdd_XOR(L, X, NL):- + bdd_line(L, X, '#', NL). +bdd_NAND(L, X, NL):- + bdd_line(L, X, '~*', NL). +bdd_NOR(L, X, NL):- + bdd_line(L, X, '~+', NL). +bdd_XNOR(L, X, NL):- + bdd_line(L, X, '~#', NL). + +bdd_not(X, NX):- + atomic(X), + atomic_concat(['~', X], NX). + +bdd_laststep(L):- + bdd_curinter(N), + M is N - 1, + atomic_concat(['L', M], L), + !. + +bdd_nextDFS(FDO):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@n'). + +bdd_reset(FDO):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@r'). + +bdd_nextBFS(FDO):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@n,BFS'). + +bdd_ignoreDFS(FDO) :- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@t'). + +bdd_current(FDO, FDI, N, Qcnt, NodeId):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@c'), + read(FDI, F), + assert(F), + bdd_temp_value(N, Qcnt, NodeId), + retract(F). + +bdd_highnodeof(FDO, FDI, H):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@h'), + read(FDI, F), + assert(F), + bdd_temp_value(H), + retract(F). + +bdd_lownodeof(FDO, FDI, L):- + bdd_commit(FDO, '@l'), + read(FDI, F), + assert(F), + bdd_temp_value(L), + retract(F). + +bdd_nodevaluesof(FDO, FDI, N, V):- + atomic_concat(['@v,', N], Q), + bdd_commit(FDO, Q), + read(FDI, F), + assert(F), + bdd_temp_value(V), + retract(F). + +nodevalues(_, _, 'TRUE', [1.0, 1, '(null)']):-!. +nodevalues(_, _, 'FALSE', [0.0, 0, '(null)']):-!. +nodevalues(FDO, FDI, N, V):- + bdd_nodevaluesof(FDO, FDI, N, V). + +bdd_leaf('TRUE'):-!. +bdd_leaf('FALSE'):-!. + diff --git a/packages/ProbLog/problog/os.yap b/packages/ProbLog/problog/os.yap index 3067ab854..c5a1872f9 100644 --- a/packages/ProbLog/problog/os.yap +++ b/packages/ProbLog/problog/os.yap @@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % -% $Date: 2010-12-02 15:20:15 +0100 (Thu, 02 Dec 2010) $ -% $Revision: 5043 $ +% $Date: 2011-07-28 15:19:56 +0200 (Thu, 28 Jul 2011) $ +% $Revision: 6462 $ % % This file is part of ProbLog % @@ -288,7 +288,9 @@ calc_md5(Filename,MD5):- catch(calc_md5_intern(Filename,'md5sum',MD5),_,fail), !. calc_md5(Filename,MD5):- - catch(calc_md5_intern(Filename,'md5',MD5),_,fail), + catch(calc_md5_intern(Filename,'md5 -r',MD5),_,fail), + % used in Mac OS + % the -r makes the output conform with md5sum !. calc_md5(Filename,MD5):- throw(md5error(calc_md5(Filename,MD5))). @@ -313,6 +315,7 @@ calc_md5_intern(Filename,Command,MD5) :- -> ( close(S), + wait(PID,_Status), throw(md5error('premature end of output stream, please check os.yap calc_md5/2')) ); true diff --git a/packages/ProbLog/problog/utils.yap b/packages/ProbLog/problog/utils.yap index 68c72c4a7..fad3f2326 100644 --- a/packages/ProbLog/problog/utils.yap +++ b/packages/ProbLog/problog/utils.yap @@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ %======================================================================== delete_file_silently(File) :- - catch(delete_file(File), _, fail), + delete_file(File), !. delete_file_silently(_). diff --git a/packages/ProbLog/problog_examples/ b/packages/ProbLog/problog_examples/ new file mode 100644 index 000000000..6e3bbcdd0 --- /dev/null +++ b/packages/ProbLog/problog_examples/ @@ -0,0 +1,229 @@ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +% four aProbLog example programs corresponding to the four inference settings, all using the ProbLog graph +% (comment out all but one of the four cases to run) +% $Id: 6460 2011-07-27 14:09:46Z bernd $ +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% + +:- use_module('../aproblog'). +:- use_module(library(lists)). + +%%%% +% shared background knowledge +%%%% +% definition of acyclic path using list of visited nodes +path(X,Y) :- path(X,Y,[X],_). + +path(X,X,A,A). +path(X,Y,A,R) :- + X\==Y, + edge(X,Z), + absent(Z,A), + path(Z,Y,[Z|A],R). + +% using directed edges in both directions +edge(X,Y) :- dir_edge(Y,X). +edge(X,Y) :- dir_edge(X,Y). + +% checking whether node hasn't been visited before +absent(_,[]). +absent(X,[Y|Z]):-X \= Y, absent(X,Z). + +%/* +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%%% case 1: disjoint & neutral sums, bottleneck semiring %%% +% ?- aproblog_label(path(1,6),L). +% L = 7 +:- set_aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,true). +:- set_aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,true). + +semiring_zero(-inf). +semiring_one(inf). +label_negated(_W,N) :- + semiring_one(N). +semiring_addition(A,B,C) :- + C is max(A, B). +semiring_multiplication(A,B,C) :- + C is min(A,B). + +9::dir_edge(1,2). +8::dir_edge(2,3). +6::dir_edge(3,4). +7::dir_edge(1,6). +5::dir_edge(2,6). +4::dir_edge(6,5). +7::dir_edge(5,3). +2::dir_edge(5,4). + +%%% end case 1 %%% +%*/ + +/* +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%%% case 2: disjoint & non-neutral sums, most likely interpretation semiring %%% +% ?- aproblog_label(path(1,6),L). +% L = 0.0508032-[[e16],not[e54],[e53],not[e65],[e34],[e23],[e26],[e12]] +:- set_aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,true). +:- set_aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,false). + +% fact labels of form prob-[variable] with a unique "variable" for each fact +% "practical" approach +% - resolves ties by taking first interpretation +% - uses arbitrary list order instead of some canonical representation +semiring_zero(0-[]). +semiring_one(1-[]). +label_negated(W-[A],WW-[not(A)]) :- + WW is 1-W. +semiring_addition(A-L,B-LL,C-LLL) :- + C is max(A, B), + ( + C =:= A + -> + LLL = L + ; + LLL = LL + ). +semiring_multiplication(A-L,B-LL,C-LLL) :- + C is A*B, + append(L,LL,LLL). + +0.9-[[e12]]::dir_edge(1,2). +0.8-[[e23]]::dir_edge(2,3). +0.6-[[e34]]::dir_edge(3,4). +0.7-[[e16]]::dir_edge(1,6). +0.5-[[e26]]::dir_edge(2,6). +0.4-[[e65]]::dir_edge(6,5). +0.7-[[e53]]::dir_edge(5,3). +0.2-[[e54]]::dir_edge(5,4). +%%% end case 2 %%% +*/ + +/* +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%%% case 3: non-disjoint & neutral sums, gradient semiring %%% +% ?- aproblog_label(path(1,6),L). +% L = (0.8667952,[0.185328,0.039744,0.00259200000000001,0.444016,0.2064096,0.079488,0.038016,0.00777600000000005]) +:- set_aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,false). +:- set_aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,true). + +% vector version for parallel computation: first argument is probability, second argument is an ordered list of gradients w.r.t. the different facts (0/1) +% as length varies, zero/one are still non-vector, thus different cases needed in definitions below +semiring_zero((0,0)). +semiring_one((1,0)). +% inverting base cases and lists +label_negated((P,0),(P2,0)) :- + !, + P2 is 1-P. +label_negated((P,1),(P2,-1)) :- + !, + P2 is 1-P. +label_negated((P,[]),(P2,[])) :- + !, + P2 is 1-P. +label_negated((P,[0|R]),(P2,[0|R2])) :- + !, + label_negated((P,R),(P2,R2)). +label_negated((P,[1|R]),(P2,[-1|R2])) :- + label_negated((P,R),(P2,R2)). + +% addition is per element on lists +% both are lists +semiring_addition((A1,[FA|RA]),(B1,[FB|RB]),(C1,Res)) :- + !, + C1 is A1 + B1, + sum_lists_per_el([FA|RA],[FB|RB],Res). +% one is a neutral element +semiring_addition((A1,[FA|RA]),(B1,B2),(C1,Res)) :- + !, + C1 is A1 + B1, + sum_lists_per_el_constant([FA|RA],B2,Res). +semiring_addition((A1,A2),(B1,[FB|RB]),(C1,Res)) :- + !, + C1 is A1 + B1, + sum_lists_per_el_constant([FB|RB],A2,Res). +% both are neutral elements +semiring_addition((A1,A2),(B1,B2),(C1,C2)) :- + C1 is A1 + B1, + C2 is A2 + B2. + +sum_lists_per_el([],[],[]). +sum_lists_per_el([F|R],[FF|RR],[FFF|RRR]) :- + FFF is F+FF, + sum_lists_per_el(R,RR,RRR). + +sum_lists_per_el_constant([],_,[]). +sum_lists_per_el_constant([F|R],C,[FFF|RRR]) :- + FFF is F+C, + sum_lists_per_el_constant(R,C,RRR). + +% similar for multiplication, but need to pass on probabilities as well for product rule +semiring_multiplication((A1,[FA|RA]),(B1,[FB|RB]),(C1,Res)) :- + !, + C1 is A1 * B1, + mult_lists_per_el([FA|RA],[FB|RB],A1,B1,Res). +semiring_multiplication((A1,[FA|RA]),(B1,B2),(C1,Res)) :- + !, + C1 is A1 * B1, + mult_lists_per_el_constant([FA|RA],B2,A1,B1,Res). +semiring_multiplication((A1,A2),(B1,[FB|RB]),(C1,Res)) :- + !, + C1 is A1 * B1, + mult_lists_per_el_constant([FB|RB],A2,B1,A1,Res). +semiring_multiplication((A1,A2),(B1,B2),(C1,C2)) :- + C1 is A1*B1, + C2 is A1*B2 + A2*B1. + +mult_lists_per_el([],[],_,_,[]). +mult_lists_per_el([F|R],[FF|RR],P,PP,[FFF|RRR]) :- + FFF is PP*F+FF*P, + mult_lists_per_el(R,RR,P,PP,RRR). + +mult_lists_per_el_constant([],_,_,_,[]). +mult_lists_per_el_constant([F|R],C,P,PP,[FFF|RRR]) :- + FFF is F*PP+P*C, + mult_lists_per_el_constant(R,C,P,PP,RRR). + +(0.9,[1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0])::dir_edge(1,2). +(0.8,[0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0])::dir_edge(2,3). +(0.6,[0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0])::dir_edge(3,4). +(0.7,[0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0])::dir_edge(1,6). +(0.5,[0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0])::dir_edge(2,6). +(0.4,[0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0])::dir_edge(6,5). +(0.7,[0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0])::dir_edge(5,3). +(0.2,[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1])::dir_edge(5,4). + +%%% end case 3 %%% +*/ + +/* +%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% +%%% case 4: non-disjoint & non-neutral sums, expectation semiring %%% +% ?- aproblog_label(path(1,6),L). +% L = (0.8667952,4.357428) +:- set_aproblog_flag(disjoint_sum,false). +:- set_aproblog_flag(neutral_sum,false). + +% fact labels are tuples of (probability, probability*value) +% NB: this assumes that negative facts have value (and thus expected value) 0 + +semiring_zero((0,0)). +semiring_one((1,0)). +label_negated((P,_),(Q,0)) :- Q is 1-P. +semiring_addition((A1,A2),(B1,B2),(C1,C2)) :- + C1 is A1+B1, + C2 is A2+B2. +semiring_multiplication((A1,A2),(B1,B2),(C1,C2)) :- + C1 is A1*B1, + C2 is A1*B2+B1*A2. + +% positive edges have value 1 +(0.9,0.9*1)::dir_edge(1,2). +(0.8,0.8*1)::dir_edge(2,3). +(0.6,0.6*1)::dir_edge(3,4). +(0.7,0.7*1)::dir_edge(1,6). +(0.5,0.5*1)::dir_edge(2,6). +(0.4,0.4*1)::dir_edge(6,5). +(0.7,0.7*1)::dir_edge(5,3). +(0.2,0.2*1)::dir_edge(5,4). + +%%% end case 4 %%% +*/ \ No newline at end of file