upgrade to Markus' latest.

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Vitor Santos Costa 2010-03-30 12:46:01 +01:00
parent 3f5117d020
commit 03b96b3a60

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@ -436,6 +436,13 @@ cis_times_(inf, A, P) :- cis_times(inf, n(A), P).
cis_times_(sup, A, P) :- cis_times(sup, n(A), P).
cis_times_(n(B), A, n(P)) :- P is A * B.
cis_exp(inf, Y, R) :-
( Y mod 2 =:= 0 -> R = sup
; R = inf
cis_exp(sup, _, sup).
cis_exp(n(N), Y, n(R)) :- R is N^Y.
% compactified is/2 for expressions of interest
goal_expansion(A cis B, Expansion) :-
@ -477,6 +484,10 @@ cis_goals(A0//B0, R) -->
cis_goals(A0, A),
cis_goals(B0, B),
[cis_slash(A, B, R)].
cis_goals(A0^B0, R) -->
cis_goals(A0, A),
cis_goals(B0, B),
[cis_exp(A, B, R)].
list_goal([], true).
list_goal([C|Cs], Goal) :- list_goal_(Cs, C, Goal).
@ -2244,6 +2255,10 @@ gcd([N|Ns], G0, G) :-
G1 is gcd(N, G0),
gcd(Ns, G1, G).
even(N) :- N mod 2 =:= 0.
odd(N) :- \+ even(N).
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
k-th root of N, if N is a k-th power.
@ -2251,12 +2266,12 @@ gcd([N|Ns], G0, G) :-
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
integer_kth_root(N, K, R) :-
( K mod 2 =:= 0 ->
( even(K) ->
N >= 0
; true
( N < 0 ->
K mod 2 =:= 1,
integer_kroot(N, 0, N, K, R)
; integer_kroot(0, N, N, K, R)
@ -2275,6 +2290,35 @@ integer_kroot(L, U, N, K, R) :-
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Largest R such that R^K =< N.
TODO: Replace this when the GMP function becomes available.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
integer_kth_root_leq(N, K, R) :-
( even(K) ->
N >= 0
; true
( N < 0 ->
integer_kroot_leq(N, 0, N, K, R)
; integer_kroot_leq(0, N, N, K, R)
integer_kroot_leq(L, U, N, K, R) :-
( L =:= U -> R = L
; L + 1 =:= U ->
( U^K =< N -> R = U
; R = L
; Mid is (L + U)//2,
( Mid^K > N ->
integer_kroot_leq(L, Mid, N, K, R)
; integer_kroot_leq(Mid, U, N, K, R)
%% ?X #\= ?Y
@ -2550,6 +2594,19 @@ reify_(V in Drep, B) --> !,
{ drep_to_domain(Drep, Dom), fd_variable(V) },
reify_(tuples_in(Tuples, Relation), B) --> !,
{ must_be(list, Tuples),
append(Tuples, Vs),
maplist(fd_variable, Vs),
must_be(list(list(integer)), Relation),
maplist(relation_tuple_b_prop(Relation), Tuples, Bs, Ps),
( Bs == [] -> B = 1
; Bs = [B1|Rest],
bs_and(Rest, B1, And),
And #<==> B
) },
reify_(finite_domain(V), B) --> !,
{ fd_variable(V) },
@ -2615,6 +2672,19 @@ a(B) -->
; []
as([]) --> [].
as([B|Bs]) --> a(B), as(Bs).
bs_and([], A, A).
bs_and([B|Bs], A0, A) :-
bs_and(Bs, A0#/\B, A).
relation_tuple_b_prop(Relation, Tuple, B, p(Prop)) :-
put_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Relation),
make_propagator(reified_tuple_in(Tuple, R, B), Prop),
tuple_freeze(Tuple, Tuple, Prop),
init_propagator(B, Prop).
% Match variables to created skeleton.
skeleton(Vs, Vs-Prop) :-
@ -3070,19 +3140,17 @@ tuples_in(Tuples, Relation) :-
append(Tuples, Vs),
maplist(fd_variable, Vs),
must_be(list(list(integer)), Relation),
tuples_domain(Tuples, Relation),
maplist(relation_tuple(Relation), Tuples),
tuples_domain([], _).
tuples_domain([Tuple|Tuples], Relation) :-
relation_tuple(Relation, Tuple) :-
relation_unifiable(Relation, Tuple, Us, _, _),
( ground(Tuple) -> memberchk(Tuple, Relation)
; tuple_domain(Tuple, Us),
( Tuple = [_,_|_] -> tuple_freeze(Tuple, Us)
; true
tuples_domain(Tuples, Relation).
tuple_domain([], _).
tuple_domain([T|Ts], Relation0) :-
@ -3470,7 +3538,7 @@ run_propagator(pplus(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
; nonvar(Y) -> run_propagator(pplus(Y,X,Z), MState)
; nonvar(Z) ->
( X == Y -> kill(MState), Z mod 2 =:= 0, X is Z // 2
( X == Y -> kill(MState), even(Z), X is Z // 2
; fd_get(X, XD, _),
fd_get(Y, YD, YPs),
domain_negate(XD, XDN),
@ -3869,33 +3937,57 @@ run_propagator(pexp(X,Y,Z), MState) :-
; nonvar(Z), nonvar(Y) ->
integer_kth_root(Z, Y, R),
( Y mod 2 =:= 0 ->
( even(Y) ->
N is -R,
X in N \/ R
; X = R
; nonvar(Y), Y > 0 ->
( Y mod 2 =:= 0 ->
( even(Y) ->
geq(Z, 0)
; true
( fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, _), fd_get(Z, ZD, ZPs) ->
( domain_contains(ZD, 0) -> true
; neq_num(X, 0)
( fd_get(X, XD, XL, XU, _), fd_get(Z, ZD, ZL, ZU, ZPs) ->
( domain_contains(ZD, 0) -> XD1 = XD
; domain_remove(XD, 0, XD1)
( domain_contains(XD, 0) -> true
; neq_num(Z, 0)
( domain_contains(XD, 0) -> ZD1 = ZD
; domain_remove(ZD, 0, ZD1)
( XL = n(NXL), NXL >= 0 ->
NZL is NXL ^ Y,
domain_remove_smaller_than(ZD, NZL, ZD1),
( XU = n(NXU) ->
NZU is NXU ^ Y,
domain_remove_greater_than(ZD1, NZU, ZD2)
; ZD2 = ZD1
( even(Y) ->
( cis_geq_zero(XL) ->
NZL cis XL^Y
; NZL = n(0)
fd_put(Z, ZD2, ZPs)
; true % TODO: propagate more
NZU cis max(abs(XL),abs(XU))^Y,
domains_intersection(ZD1, from_to(NZL,NZU), ZD2)
; ( finite(XL) ->
NZL cis XL^Y,
NZU cis XU^Y,
domains_intersection(ZD1, from_to(NZL,NZU), ZD2)
; ZD2 = ZD1
fd_put(Z, ZD2, ZPs),
( even(Y), ZU = n(Num) ->
integer_kth_root_leq(Num, Y, RU),
( cis_geq_zero(XL), ZL = n(Num1) ->
integer_kth_root_leq(Num1, Y, RL)
; RL is -RU
NXD = from_to(n(RL),n(RU))
; odd(Y), cis_geq_zero(ZL), ZU = n(Num) ->
integer_kth_root_leq(Num, Y, RU),
ZL = n(Num1),
integer_kth_root_leq(Num1, Y, RL),
NXD = from_to(n(RL),n(RU))
; NXD = XD1 % TODO: propagate more
( fd_get(X, XD2, XPs) ->
domains_intersection(XD2, XD1, XD3),
domains_intersection(XD3, NXD, XD4),
fd_put(X, XD4, XPs)
; true
; true
@ -3955,6 +4047,21 @@ run_propagator(reified_in(V,Dom,B), MState) :-
run_propagator(reified_tuple_in(Tuple, R, B), MState) :-
get_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Relation),
( B == 1 -> kill(MState), tuples_in([Tuple], Relation)
; ( ground(Tuple) ->
( memberchk(Tuple, Relation) -> B = 1
; B = 0
; relation_unifiable(Relation, Tuple, Us, _, _),
( Us = [] -> kill(MState), B = 0
; true
run_propagator(reified_fd(V,B), MState) :-
( fd_inf(V, I), I \== inf, fd_sup(V, S), S \== sup ->
@ -4013,6 +4120,7 @@ run_propagator(reified_geq(DX,X,DY,Y,Ps,B), MState) :-
; XU cis_lt n(Y) -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 0
; true
; X == Y -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
; fd_get(X, _, XL, XU, _),
fd_get(Y, _, YL, YU, _),
( XL cis_geq YU -> kill(MState, Ps), B = 1
@ -4195,14 +4303,6 @@ max_divide(L1,U1,L2,U2,Max) :-
CSPs", AAAI-94, Seattle, WA, USA, pp 362--367, 1994
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */
distinct_attach(Ls) :-
must_be(list, Ls),
maplist(fd_variable, Ls),
make_propagator(pdistinct(Ls), Prop),
distinct_attach(Ls, Prop, []),
distinct_attach([], _, _).
distinct_attach([X|Xs], Prop, Right) :-
( var(X) ->
@ -4231,7 +4331,7 @@ distinct_attach([X|Xs], Prop, Right) :-
difference_arcs(Vars, FreeLeft, FreeRight) :-
difference_arcs(Vars, FreeLeft, E, NumVar),
phrase(difference_arcs(Vars, FreeLeft), [E], [NumVar]),
assoc_to_list(NumVar, LsNumVar),
pairs_values(LsNumVar, FreeRight).
@ -4242,32 +4342,32 @@ domain_to_list(split(_, Left, Right)) -->
domain_to_list(empty) --> [].
domain_to_list(from_to(n(F),n(T))) --> { numlist(F, T, Ns) }, list(Ns).
difference_arcs([], [], NumVar, NumVar).
difference_arcs([V|Vs], FL0, NumVar0, NumVar) :-
( fd_get(V, Dom, _), domain_to_list(Dom, Ns) ->
FL0 = [V|FL],
enumerate(Ns, V, NumVar0, NumVar1),
difference_arcs(Vs, FL, NumVar1, NumVar)
; difference_arcs(Vs, FL0, NumVar0, NumVar)
difference_arcs([], []) --> [].
difference_arcs([V|Vs], FL0) -->
( { fd_get(V, Dom, _), domain_to_list(Dom, Ns) } ->
{ FL0 = [V|FL] },
enumerate(Ns, V),
difference_arcs(Vs, FL)
; difference_arcs(Vs, FL0)
enumerate([], _, NumVar, NumVar).
enumerate([N|Ns], V, NumVar0, NumVar) :-
put_attr(F, flow, 0),
( get_assoc(N, NumVar0, Y) ->
get_attr(Y, edges, Es),
put_attr(Y, edges, [flow_from(F,V)|Es]),
NumVar0 = NumVar1
; put_assoc(N, NumVar0, Y, NumVar1),
put_attr(Y, value, N),
put_attr(Y, edges, [flow_from(F,V)])
( get_attr(V, edges, Es1) ->
put_attr(V, edges, [flow_to(F,Y)|Es1])
; put_attr(V, edges, [flow_to(F,Y)])
enumerate(Ns, V, NumVar1, NumVar).
enumerate([], _) --> [].
enumerate([N|Ns], V) -->
state(NumVar0, NumVar),
{ ( get_assoc(N, NumVar0, Y) -> NumVar0 = NumVar
; put_assoc(N, NumVar0, Y, NumVar),
put_attr(Y, value, N)
put_attr(F, flow, 0),
append_edge(Y, edges, flow_from(F,V)),
append_edge(V, edges, flow_to(F,Y)) },
enumerate(Ns, V).
append_edge(V, Attr, E) :-
( get_attr(V, Attr, Es) ->
put_attr(V, Attr, [E|Es])
; put_attr(V, Attr, [E])
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Strategy: Breadth-first search until we find a free right vertex in
@ -4316,7 +4416,7 @@ augmenting_path_to(Level, Levels0, Levels, Right) :-
Levels1 = [Tos|Levels0],
phrase(reachables(Vs), Tos),
Tos = [_|_],
( Level mod 2 =:= 1, member(Free, Tos), get_attr(Free, free, true) ->
( odd(Level), member(Free, Tos), get_attr(Free, free, true) ->
Right = Free, Levels = Levels1
; Level1 is Level + 1,
augmenting_path_to(Level1, Levels1, Levels, Right)
@ -4353,14 +4453,8 @@ g_g0(V) :-
g_g0_(V, flow_to(F,To)) :-
( get_attr(F, flow, 1) ->
( get_attr(V, g0_edges, Es) ->
put_attr(V, g0_edges, [flow_to(F,To)|Es])
; put_attr(V, g0_edges, [flow_to(F,To)])
; ( get_attr(To, g0_edges, Es1) ->
put_attr(To, g0_edges, [flow_to(F,V)|Es1])
; put_attr(To, g0_edges, [flow_to(F,V)])
append_edge(V, g0_edges, flow_to(F,To))
; append_edge(To, g0_edges, flow_to(F,V))
@ -4395,9 +4489,8 @@ distinct(Vars) :-
distinct_clear_attributes(V) :-
( get_attr(V, edges, Es) ->
del_attr(V, edges),
% parent and in_stack are already cleared
maplist(del_attr(V), [index,lowlink,value,visited]),
maplist(del_attr(V), [edges,index,lowlink,value,visited]),
maplist(clear_edge, Es),
( get_attr(V, g0_edges, Es1) ->
del_attr(V, g0_edges),
@ -4541,7 +4634,13 @@ v_in_stack(V) --> { get_attr(V, in_stack, true) }.
% false.
% ==
all_distinct(Ls) :- distinct_attach(Ls).
all_distinct(Ls) :-
must_be(list, Ls),
maplist(fd_variable, Ls),
make_propagator(pdistinct(Ls), Prop),
distinct_attach(Ls, Prop, []),
/* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Weak arc consistent constraint of difference, currently only
@ -4848,9 +4947,9 @@ gcc_global(Vs, KNs) :-
gcc_consistent(T) :-
get_attr(T, edges, Es),
maplist(positive_flow, Es).
maplist(saturated_arc, Es).
positive_flow(arc_from(_,_,_,Flow)) :- get_attr(Flow, flow, F), F > 0.
saturated_arc(arc_from(_,U,_,Flow)) :- get_attr(Flow, flow, U).
gcc_goals([]) --> [].
gcc_goals([Val|Vals]) -->
@ -4983,12 +5082,8 @@ gcc_arcs([Key-Num0|KNs], S, Vals) :-
put_attr(Val, value, Key),
Vals = [Val|Rest],
Edge = arc_to(L, U, Val, F),
put_attr(F, flow, 0),
( get_attr(S, edges, SEs) ->
put_attr(S, edges, [Edge|SEs])
; put_attr(S, edges, [Edge])
append_edge(S, edges, arc_to(L, U, Val, F)),
put_attr(Val, edges, [arc_from(L, U, S, F)]),
variables_with_num_occurrences(Vs, VNs),
maplist(val_to_v(Val), VNs)
@ -5015,26 +5110,14 @@ variables_with_num_occurrences([V|Vs], Prev, Count0, VNs) :-
target_to_v(T, V-Count) :-
( get_attr(V, edges, VarEs) -> true
; VarEs = []
put_attr(F, flow, 0),
put_attr(V, edges, [arc_to(0, Count, T, F)|VarEs]),
TE = arc_from(0, Count, V, F),
( get_attr(T, edges, TEs) ->
put_attr(T, edges, [TE|TEs])
; put_attr(T, edges, [TE])
append_edge(V, edges, arc_to(0, Count, T, F)),
append_edge(T, edges, arc_from(0, Count, V, F)).
val_to_v(Val, V-Count) :-
put_attr(F, flow, 0),
( get_attr(V, edges, VarEs) -> true
; VarEs = []
put_attr(V, edges, [arc_from(0, Count, Val, F)|VarEs]),
get_attr(Val, edges, VEs),
put_attr(Val, edges, [arc_to(0, Count, V, F)|VEs]).
append_edge(V, edges, arc_from(0, Count, Val, F)),
append_edge(Val, edges, arc_to(0, Count, V, F)).
gcc_clear(V) :-
@ -5808,6 +5891,9 @@ attribute_goal_(pzcompare(O,A,B)) --> [zcompare(O,A,B)].
attribute_goal_(reified_in(V, D, B)) -->
[V in Drep #<==> B],
{ domain_to_drep(D, Drep) }.
attribute_goal_(reified_tuple_in(Tuple, R, B)) -->
{ get_attr(R, clpfd_relation, Rel) },
[tuples_in([Tuple], Rel) #<==> B].
attribute_goal_(reified_fd(V,B)) --> [finite_domain(V) #<==> B].
attribute_goal_(reified_neq(DX,X,DY,Y,_,B)) --> conjunction(DX, DY, X#\=Y, B).
attribute_goal_(reified_eq(DX,X,DY,Y,_,B)) --> conjunction(DX, DY, X #= Y, B).