don't split on space, just on tabs.
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,382 +1,384 @@
// Atoms are of the form A Name Normal,FullLookup,String
// Fields are TAB spaced
// Notice that no spaces are allowed
// Atoms are of the form A Name Normal,FullLookup String
// Functors are of the form F Name Atom Arity
// Terms are of the form T FullName Atom
// This is supported by YAP directly
// This is supported by YAP directly
// A Dot N "."
// A Dot N "."
A 3Dots N "..."
A 3Dots N "..."
A Abol F "$abol"
A Abol F "$abol"
A Access N "access"
A Access N "access"
A AfInet N "AF_INET"
A AfInet N "AF_INET"
A AfLocal N "AF_LOCAL"
A AfLocal N "AF_LOCAL"
A AfUnix N "AF_UNIX"
A AfUnix N "AF_UNIX"
A Alarm F "$alarm"
A Alarm F "$alarm"
A Alias N "alias"
A Alias N "alias"
A AltNot N "not"
A AltNot N "not"
A Append N "append"
A Append N "append"
A Arg N "arg"
A Arg N "arg"
A Array N "array"
A Array N "array"
A ArrayAccess F "$array_arg"
A ArrayAccess F "$array_arg"
A ArrayOverflow N "array_overflow"
A ArrayOverflow N "array_overflow"
A ArrayType N "array_type"
A ArrayType N "array_type"
A Arrow N "->"
A Arrow N "->"
A Assert N ":-"
A Assert N ":-"
A At N "at"
A At N "at"
A Atom N "atom"
A Atom N "atom"
A Atomic N "atomic"
A Atomic N "atomic"
A Att F "$att"
A Att F "$att"
A Att1 N "att"
A Att1 N "att"
A AttDo F "$att_do"
A AttDo F "$att_do"
A Attributes N "attributes"
A Attributes N "attributes"
A B F "$last_choice_pt"
A B F "$last_choice_pt"
A Batched N "batched"
A Batched N "batched"
A Between N "between"
A Between N "between"
A BinaryStream N "binary_stream"
A BinaryStream N "binary_stream"
A Braces N "{}"
A Braces N "{}"
A Break F "$break"
A Break F "$break"
A Byte N "byte"
A Byte N "byte"
A CArith F "$c_arith"
A CArith F "$c_arith"
A Call N "call"
A Call N "call"
A CallAndRetryCounter N "call_and_retry_counter"
A CallAndRetryCounter N "call_and_retry_counter"
A CallCounter N "call_counter"
A CallCounter N "call_counter"
A Callable N "callable"
A Callable N "callable"
A Catch F "$catch"
A Catch F "$catch"
A ChangeModule F "$change_module"
A ChangeModule F "$change_module"
A Char N "char"
A Char N "char"
A Character N "character"
A Character N "character"
A CharacterCode N "character_code"
A CharacterCode N "character_code"
A Charsio N "charsio"
A Charsio N "charsio"
A Colomn N ":"
A Colomn N ":"
A Comma N ","
A Comma N ","
A Compound N "compound"
A Compound N "compound"
A ConsistencyError N "consistency_error"
A ConsistencyError N "consistency_error"
A ConsultOnBoot F "$consult_on_boot"
A ConsultOnBoot F "$consult_on_boot"
A Cputime N "cputime"
A Cputime N "cputime"
A Create N "create"
A Create N "create"
A Creep F "$creep"
A Creep F "$creep"
A CryptAtoms N "crypt_atoms"
A CryptAtoms N "crypt_atoms"
A Csult F "$csult"
A Csult F "$csult"
A CurrentModule F "$current_module"
A CurrentModule F "$current_module"
A Cut N "!"
A Cut N "!"
A CutBy F "$cut_by"
A CutBy F "$cut_by"
A DAbort F "$abort"
A DAbort F "$abort"
A DBReference N "db_reference"
A DBReference N "db_reference"
A DBTerm N "db_term"
A DBTerm N "db_term"
A DBref F "$dbref"
A DBref F "$dbref"
A DInteger F "$integer"
A DInteger F "$integer"
A DOUBLE A "Double"
A DOUBLE A "Double"
A Dec10 N "dec10"
A Dec10 N "dec10"
A Default N "default"
A Default N "default"
A DevNull N "/dev/null"
A DevNull N "/dev/null"
A Diff N "\\="
A Diff N "\\="
A DoLogUpdClause F "$do_log_upd_clause"
A DoLogUpdClause F "$do_log_upd_clause"
A DoLogUpdClause0 F "$do_log_upd_clause0"
A DoLogUpdClause0 F "$do_log_upd_clause0"
A DoLogUpdClauseErase F "$do_log_upd_clause_erase"
A DoLogUpdClauseErase F "$do_log_upd_clause_erase"
A DoStaticClause F "$do_static_clause"
A DoStaticClause F "$do_static_clause"
A DollarU N "$u"
A DollarU N "$u"
A DollarUndef F "$undef"
A DollarUndef F "$undef"
A DomainError N "domain_error"
A DomainError N "domain_error"
A E N "e"
A E N "e"
A EOFBeforeEOT N "end_of_file_found_before_end_of_term"
A EOFBeforeEOT N "end_of_file_found_before_end_of_term"
A EQ N "="
A EQ N "="
A EmptyAtom N ""
A EmptyAtom N ""
A EndOfStream N "$end_of_stream"
A EndOfStream N "$end_of_stream"
A Eof N "end_of_file"
A Eof N "end_of_file"
A Eq N "="
A Eq N "="
A Error N "error"
A Error N "error"
A Evaluable N "evaluable"
A Evaluable N "evaluable"
A EvaluationError N "evaluation_error"
A EvaluationError N "evaluation_error"
A ExecAnswers N "exec_answers"
A ExecAnswers N "exec_answers"
A ExecuteInMod F "$execute_in_mod"
A ExecuteInMod F "$execute_in_mod"
A ExecuteWithin F "$execute_within"
A ExecuteWithin F "$execute_within"
A ExecuteWoMod F "$execute_wo_mod"
A ExecuteWoMod F "$execute_wo_mod"
A ExistenceError N "existence_error"
A ExistenceError N "existence_error"
A ExpectedNumber N "expected_number_syntax"
A ExpectedNumber N "expected_number_syntax"
A ExtendFileSearchPath F "$extend_file_search_path"
A ExtendFileSearchPath F "$extend_file_search_path"
A FB N "fb"
A FB N "fb"
A Fail N "fail"
A Fail N "fail"
A False N "false"
A False N "false"
A Fast F "$fast"
A Fast F "$fast"
A Fileerrors N "fileerrors"
A Fileerrors N "fileerrors"
A Float N "float"
A Float N "float"
A FloatFormat N "\%.15g"
A FloatFormat N "\%.15g"
A FloatOverflow N "float_overflow"
A FloatOverflow N "float_overflow"
A FloatUnderflow N "float_underflow"
A FloatUnderflow N "float_underflow"
A Format N "format"
A Format N "format"
A FormatAt F "$format@"
A FormatAt F "$format@"
A Functor N "functor"
A Functor N "functor"
A GT N ">"
A GT N ">"
A GVar N "var"
A GVar N "var"
A Gc F "$gc"
A Gc F "$gc"
A GcMargin F "$gc_margin"
A GcMargin F "$gc_margin"
A GcTrace F "$gc_trace"
A GcTrace F "$gc_trace"
A GcVerbose F "$gc_verbose"
A GcVerbose F "$gc_verbose"
A GcVeryVerbose F "$gc_very_verbose"
A GcVeryVerbose F "$gc_very_verbose"
A GeneratePredInfo F "$generate_pred_info"
A GeneratePredInfo F "$generate_pred_info"
A Getwork F "$getwork"
A Getwork F "$getwork"
A GetworkSeq F "$getwork_seq"
A GetworkSeq F "$getwork_seq"
A Global N "global_sp"
A Global N "global_sp"
A GoalExpansion N "goal_expansion"
A GoalExpansion N "goal_expansion"
A HERE N "\n<====HERE====>\n"
A HERE N "\n <====HERE====> \n"
A HandleThrow F "$handle_throw"
A HandleThrow F "$handle_throw"
A Heap N "heap"
A Heap N "heap"
A HeapUsed N "heapused"
A HeapUsed N "heapused"
A IDB N "idb"
A IDB N "idb"
A IOMode N "io_mode"
A IOMode N "io_mode"
A Id N "id"
A Id N "id"
A Inf N "inf"
A Inf N "inf"
A InitGoal F "$init_goal"
A InitGoal F "$init_goal"
A Input N "input"
A Input N "input"
A InstantiationError N "instantiation_error"
A InstantiationError N "instantiation_error"
A Int N "int"
A Int N "int"
A IntOverflow N "int_overflow"
A IntOverflow N "int_overflow"
A Integer N "integer"
A Integer N "integer"
A InternalCompilerError N "internal_compiler_error"
A InternalCompilerError N "internal_compiler_error"
A Key N "key"
A Key N "key"
A LT N "<"
A LT N "<"
A LastExecuteWithin F "$last_execute_within"
A LastExecuteWithin F "$last_execute_within"
A Leash F "$leash"
A Leash F "$leash"
A List N "list"
A List N "list"
A Live F "$live"
A Live F "$live"
A LoadAnswers N "load_answers"
A LoadAnswers N "load_answers"
A Local N "local_sp"
A Local N "local_sp"
A LocalA N "local"
A LocalA N "local"
A MaxArity N "max_arity"
A MaxArity N "max_arity"
A MegaClause F "$mega_clause"
A MegaClause F "$mega_clause"
A MetaCall F "$call"
A MetaCall F "$call"
A MfClause F "$mf_clause"
A MfClause F "$mf_clause"
A Minus N "-"
A Minus N "-"
A Modify N "modify"
A Modify N "modify"
A MultiFile F "$multi_file"
A MultiFile F "$multi_file"
A Mutable N "mutable"
A Mutable N "mutable"
A MutableVariable F "$mutable_variable"
A MutableVariable F "$mutable_variable"
A MyddasDB F "$myddas_db"
A MyddasDB F "$myddas_db"
A MyddasGoal F "$myddas_goal"
A MyddasGoal F "$myddas_goal"
A MyddasHost F "$myddas_host"
A MyddasHost F "$myddas_host"
A MyddasPass F "$myddas_pass"
A MyddasPass F "$myddas_pass"
A MyddasUser F "$myddas_user"
A MyddasUser F "$myddas_user"
A MyddasVersionName F "$myddas_version_name"
A MyddasVersionName F "$myddas_version_name"
A Nan N "nan"
A Nan N "nan"
A Nb N "nb"
A Nb N "nb"
A NbTerm N "nb_term"
A NbTerm N "nb_term"
A New N "new"
A New N "new"
A NonEmptyList N "non_empty_list"
A NonEmptyList N "non_empty_list"
A Not N "\\+"
A Not N "\\+"
A NotLessThanZero N "not_less_than_zero"
A NotLessThanZero N "not_less_than_zero"
A NotNewline N "not_newline"
A NotNewline N "not_newline"
A NotZero N "not_zero"
A NotZero N "not_zero"
A Number N "number"
A Number N "number"
A Off N "off"
A Off N "off"
A Offline N "offline"
A Offline N "offline"
A On N "on"
A On N "on"
A Online N "online"
A Online N "online"
A Open N "open"
A Open N "open"
A OperatingSystemError N "operating_system_error"
A OperatingSystemError N "operating_system_error"
A Operator N "operator"
A Operator N "operator"
A OperatorPriority N "operator_priority"
A OperatorPriority N "operator_priority"
A OperatorSpecifier N "operator_specifier"
A OperatorSpecifier N "operator_specifier"
A Otherwise N "otherwise"
A Otherwise N "otherwise"
A OutOfAttvarsError N "out_of_attvars_error"
A OutOfAttvarsError N "out_of_attvars_error"
A OutOfAuxspaceError N "out_of_auxspace_error"
A OutOfAuxspaceError N "out_of_auxspace_error"
A OutOfHeapError N "out_of_heap_error"
A OutOfHeapError N "out_of_heap_error"
A OutOfRange N "out_of_range"
A OutOfRange N "out_of_range"
A OutOfStackError N "out_of_stack_error"
A OutOfStackError N "out_of_stack_error"
A OutOfTrailError N "out_of_trail_error"
A OutOfTrailError N "out_of_trail_error"
A Output N "output"
A Output N "output"
A PastEndOfStream N "past_end_of_stream"
A PastEndOfStream N "past_end_of_stream"
A PermissionError N "permission_error"
A PermissionError N "permission_error"
A Pi N "pi"
A Pi N "pi"
A Pipe N "pipe"
A Pipe N "pipe"
A Plus N "+"
A Plus N "+"
A Pointer N "pointer"
A Pointer N "pointer"
A Portray F "$portray"
A Portray F "$portray"
A PredicateIndicator N "predicate_indicator"
A PredicateIndicator N "predicate_indicator"
A Primitive N "primitive"
A Primitive N "primitive"
A PrivateProcedure N "private_procedure"
A PrivateProcedure N "private_procedure"
A Profile F "$profile"
A Profile F "$profile"
A Prolog N "prolog"
A Prolog N "prolog"
A Ptr N "ptr"
A Ptr N "ptr"
A Query N "?-"
A Query N "?-"
A Queue N "queue"
A Queue N "queue"
A Quiet N "quiet"
A Quiet N "quiet"
A Radix N "radix"
A Radix N "radix"
A Random N "random"
A Random N "random"
A Read N "read"
A Read N "read"
A Readutil N "readutil"
A Readutil N "readutil"
A RecordedP F "$recordep"
A RecordedP F "$recordep"
A RecordedWithKey F "$recorded_with_key"
A RecordedWithKey F "$recorded_with_key"
A Repeat N "repeat"
A Repeat N "repeat"
A RepeatSpace N "repeat"
A RepeatSpace N "repeat "
A Reposition N "reposition"
A Reposition N "reposition"
A RepresentationError N "representation_error"
A RepresentationError N "representation_error"
A Resize N "resize"
A Resize N "resize"
A ResourceError N "resource_error"
A ResourceError N "resource_error"
A RestoreRegs F "$restore_regs"
A RestoreRegs F "$restore_regs"
A RetryCounter N "retry_counter"
A RetryCounter N "retry_counter"
A Same N "=="
A Same N "=="
A Semic N ";"
A Semic N ";"
A ShiftCountOverflow N "shift_count_overflow"
A ShiftCountOverflow N "shift_count_overflow"
A SigAlarm N "sig_alarm"
A SigAlarm N "sig_alarm"
A SigBreak N "sig_break"
A SigBreak N "sig_break"
A SigCreep N "sig_creep"
A SigCreep N "sig_creep"
A SigDebug N "sig_debug"
A SigDebug N "sig_debug"
A SigDelayCreep N "sig_delay_creep"
A SigDelayCreep N "sig_delay_creep"
A SigHup N "sig_hup"
A SigHup N "sig_hup"
A SigInt N "sig_int"
A SigInt N "sig_int"
A SigIti N "sig_iti"
A SigIti N "sig_iti"
A SigPending F "$sig_pending"
A SigPending F "$sig_pending"
A SigPipe N "sig_pipe"
A SigPipe N "sig_pipe"
A SigStackDump N "sig_stack_dump"
A SigStackDump N "sig_stack_dump"
A SigStatistics N "sig_statistic"
A SigStatistics N "sig_statistic"
A SigTrace N "sig_trace"
A SigTrace N "sig_trace"
A SigUsr1 N "sig_usr1"
A SigUsr1 N "sig_usr1"
A SigUsr2 N "sig_usr2"
A SigUsr2 N "sig_usr2"
A SigWakeUp N "sig_wake_up"
A SigWakeUp N "sig_wake_up"
A Slash N "/"
A Slash N "/"
A Socket N "socket"
A Socket N "socket"
A SourceSink N "source_sink"
A SourceSink N "source_sink"
A Spy F "$spy"
A Spy F "$spy"
A StackFree N "stackfree"
A StackFree N "stackfree"
A StaticClause F "$static_clause"
A StaticClause F "$static_clause"
A StaticProcedure N "static_procedure"
A StaticProcedure N "static_procedure"
A Stream F "$stream"
A Stream F "$stream"
A StreamOrAlias N "stream_or_alias"
A StreamOrAlias N "stream_or_alias"
A StreamPos F "$stream_position"
A StreamPos F "$stream_position"
A StreamPosition N "stream_position"
A StreamPosition N "stream_position"
A String N "string"
A String N "string"
A Swi N "swi"
A Swi N "swi"
A SyntaxError N "syntax_error"
A SyntaxError N "syntax_error"
A SyntaxErrorHandler N "syntax_error_handler"
A SyntaxErrorHandler N "syntax_error_handler"
A System N "system"
A System N "system"
A SystemError N "system_error"
A SystemError N "system_error"
A SystemLibraryDir N "system_library_directory"
A SystemLibraryDir N "system_library_directory"
A Term N "term"
A Term N "term"
A Terms N "terms"
A Terms N "terms"
A TextStream N "text_stream"
A TextStream N "text_stream"
A Threads N "threads"
A Threads N "threads"
A Throw N "throw"
A Throw N "throw"
A TimeOutSpec N "time_out_spec"
A TimeOutSpec N "time_out_spec"
A TopLevelGoal F "$top_level_goal"
A TopLevelGoal F "$top_level_goal"
A TopThreadGoal F "$top_thread_goal"
A TopThreadGoal F "$top_thread_goal"
A True N "true"
A True N "true"
A Tty N "tty"
A Tty N "tty"
A Ttys N "ttys"
A Ttys N "ttys"
A TypeError N "type_error"
A TypeError N "type_error"
A Undefined N "undefined"
A Undefined N "undefined"
A Undefp F "$undefp"
A Undefp F "$undefp"
A Underflow N "underflow"
A Underflow N "underflow"
A UnsignedByte N "unsigned_byte"
A UnsignedByte N "unsigned_byte"
A UnsignedChar N "unsigned_char"
A UnsignedChar N "unsigned_char"
A User N "user"
A User N "user"
A UserErr N "user_error"
A UserErr N "user_error"
A UserIn N "user_input"
A UserIn N "user_input"
A UserOut N "user_output"
A UserOut N "user_output"
A VBar N "|"
A VBar N "|"
A Var F "$VAR"
A Var F "$VAR"
A Variable N "variable"
A Variable N "variable"
A VersionNumber F "$version_name"
A VersionNumber F "$version_name"
A WakeUpGoal F "$wake_up_goal"
A WakeUpGoal F "$wake_up_goal"
A When F "$when"
A When F "$when"
A Write N "write"
A Write N "write"
A YapHacks N "yap_hacks"
A YapHacks N "yap_hacks"
A ZeroDivisor N "zero_divisor"
A ZeroDivisor N "zero_divisor"
F AfInet AfInet 2
F AfInet AfInet 2
F AfLocal AfLocal 1
F AfLocal AfLocal 1
F AfUnix AfUnix 1
F AfUnix AfUnix 1
F AltNot AltNot 1
F AltNot AltNot 1
F Arg Arg 3
F Arg Arg 3
F ArrayEntry ArrayAccess 3
F ArrayEntry ArrayAccess 3
F Arrow Arrow 2
F Arrow Arrow 2
F Assert Assert 2
F Assert Assert 2
F AtFoundOne FoundVar 2
F AtFoundOne FoundVar 2
F Atom Atom 1
F Atom Atom 1
F Att1 Att1 3
F Att1 Att1 3
F AttGoal AttDo 2
F AttGoal AttDo 2
F Braces Braces 1
F Braces Braces 1
F Call Call 1
F Call Call 1
F Catch Catch 3
F Catch Catch 3
F ChangeModule ChangeModule 1
F ChangeModule ChangeModule 1
F Clist When 4
F Clist When 4
F Comma Comma 2
F Comma Comma 2
F ConsistencyError ConsistencyError 1
F ConsistencyError ConsistencyError 1
F Creep Creep 1
F Creep Creep 1
F Csult Csult 1
F Csult Csult 1
F CurrentModule CurrentModule 1
F CurrentModule CurrentModule 1
F CutBy CutBy 1
F CutBy CutBy 1
F Diff Diff 2
F Diff Diff 2
F DoLogUpdClause DoLogUpdClause 6
F DoLogUpdClause DoLogUpdClause 6
F DoLogUpdClause0 DoLogUpdClause0 6
F DoLogUpdClause0 DoLogUpdClause0 6
F DoLogUpdClauseErase DoLogUpdClauseErase 6
F DoLogUpdClauseErase DoLogUpdClauseErase 6
F DoStaticClause DoStaticClause 5
F DoStaticClause DoStaticClause 5
F DomainError DomainError 2
F DomainError DomainError 2
F Dot Dot 2
F Dot Dot 2
F Dot10 Dot 10
F Dot10 Dot 10
F Dot11 Dot 11
F Dot11 Dot 11
F Dot12 Dot 12
F Dot12 Dot 12
F Dot2 Dot 2
F Dot2 Dot 2
F Dot3 Dot 3
F Dot3 Dot 3
F Dot4 Dot 4
F Dot4 Dot 4
F Dot5 Dot 5
F Dot5 Dot 5
F Dot6 Dot 6
F Dot6 Dot 6
F Dot7 Dot 7
F Dot7 Dot 7
F Dot8 Dot 8
F Dot8 Dot 8
F Dot9 Dot 9
F Dot9 Dot 9
F Eq Eq 2
F Eq Eq 2
F Error Error 2
F Error Error 2
F EvaluationError EvaluationError 1
F EvaluationError EvaluationError 1
F Execute2InMod ExecuteWoMod 2
F Execute2InMod ExecuteWoMod 2
F ExecuteInMod ExecuteInMod 2
F ExecuteInMod ExecuteInMod 2
F ExecuteWithin ExecuteWithin 1
F ExecuteWithin ExecuteWithin 1
F ExistenceError ExistenceError 2
F ExistenceError ExistenceError 2
F Functor Functor 3
F Functor Functor 3
F GAtom Atom 1
F GAtom Atom 1
F GAtomic Atomic 1
F GAtomic Atomic 1
F GCompound Compound 1
F GCompound Compound 1
F GFloat Float 1
F GFloat Float 1
F GFormatAt FormatAt 1
F GFormatAt FormatAt 1
F GInteger Integer 1
F GInteger Integer 1
F GNumber Number 1
F GNumber Number 1
F GPrimitive Primitive 1
F GPrimitive Primitive 1
F GVar GVar 1
F GVar GVar 1
F GeneratePredInfo GeneratePredInfo 4
F GeneratePredInfo GeneratePredInfo 4
F GoalExpansion GoalExpansion 3
F GoalExpansion GoalExpansion 3
F HandleThrow HandleThrow 3
F HandleThrow HandleThrow 3
F Id Id 1
F Id Id 1
F LastExecuteWithin LastExecuteWithin 1
F LastExecuteWithin LastExecuteWithin 1
F List Dot 2
F List Dot 2
F MegaClause MegaClause 2
F MegaClause MegaClause 2
F MetaCall MetaCall 4
F MetaCall MetaCall 4
F Minus Minus 2
F Minus Minus 2
F Module Colomn 2
F Module Colomn 2
F MultiFileClause MfClause 5
F MultiFileClause MfClause 5
F Mutable MutableVariable (sizeof(timed_var)/sizeof(CELL))
F Mutable MutableVariable (sizeof(timed_var)/sizeof(CELL))
F NBQueue Queue 5
F NBQueue Queue 5
F Not Not 1
F Not Not 1
F Or Semic 2
F Or Semic 2
F PermissionError PermissionError 3
F PermissionError PermissionError 3
F Portray Portray 1
F Portray Portray 1
F Query Query 1
F Query Query 1
F RecordedWithKey RecordedWithKey 6
F RecordedWithKey RecordedWithKey 6
F RepresentationError RepresentationError 1
F RepresentationError RepresentationError 1
F ResourceError ResourceError 1
F ResourceError ResourceError 1
F RestoreRegs RestoreRegs 2
F RestoreRegs RestoreRegs 2
F RestoreRegs1 RestoreRegs 1
F RestoreRegs1 RestoreRegs 1
F Same Same 2
F Same Same 2
F Slash Slash 2
F Slash Slash 2
F StaticClause StaticClause 1
F StaticClause StaticClause 1
F Stream Stream 1
F Stream Stream 1
F StreamEOS EndOfStream 1
F StreamEOS EndOfStream 1
F StreamPos StreamPos 5
F StreamPos StreamPos 5
F SyntaxError SyntaxError 7
F SyntaxError SyntaxError 7
F ThreadRun TopThreadGoal 2
F ThreadRun TopThreadGoal 2
F Throw Throw 1
F Throw Throw 1
F TypeError TypeError 2
F TypeError TypeError 2
F UMinus Minus 1
F UMinus Minus 1
F UPlus Plus 1
F UPlus Plus 1
F VBar VBar 2
F VBar VBar 2
F Var Var 1
F Var Var 1
Reference in New Issue
Block a user