more functionality

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Santos Costa 2012-11-05 13:49:15 +00:00
parent eb63f30ab2
commit 06b915d568
3 changed files with 204 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -1,3 +1,8 @@
i = 5
def f(arg=i):
print arg
def multiply(a,b):
print "Will compute", a, "times", b
c = 0

View File

@ -11,12 +11,18 @@ static atom_t ATOM_true,
static functor_t FUNCTOR_dollar1,
static PyObject *py_Main;
@ -32,6 +38,18 @@ proper_ascii_string(const char *s)
return TRUE;
static Py_ssize_t
get_p_int(PyObject *o, Py_ssize_t def) {
if (o == NULL)
return def;
if (PyLong_Check(o)) {
return PyLong_AsLong(o);
} else if (PyInt_Check(o)) {
return PyInt_AsLong(o);
return def;
static PyObject *
term_to_python(term_t t)
@ -128,18 +146,80 @@ term_to_python(term_t t)
return NULL;
/* return __main__,s */
return (PyObject *)ptr;
} else if (fun == FUNCTOR_add2) {
} else if (fun == FUNCTOR_len1) {
term_t targ = PL_new_term_ref();
PyObject *ptr;
if (! PL_get_arg(1, t, targ) )
return NULL;
ptr = term_to_python(targ);
return PyLong_FromLong(PyObject_Length(ptr));
} else if (fun == FUNCTOR_dir1) {
term_t targ = PL_new_term_ref();
PyObject *ptr;
if (! PL_get_arg(1, t, targ) )
return NULL;
ptr = term_to_python(targ);
return PyObject_Dir(ptr);
} else if (fun == FUNCTOR_iter1) {
term_t targ = PL_new_term_ref();
PyObject *ptr;
if (! PL_get_arg(1, t, targ) )
return NULL;
ptr = term_to_python(targ);
return PyObject_GetIter(ptr);
} else if (fun == FUNCTOR_complex2) {
term_t targ = PL_new_term_ref();
PyObject *lhs, *rhs;
double d1, d2;
if (! PL_get_arg(1, t, targ) )
return NULL;
lhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (!PyNumber_Check(lhs))
return NULL;
if (PyFloat_Check(lhs)) {
d1 = PyFloat_AsDouble(lhs);
} else if (PyLong_Check(lhs)) {
d1 = PyLong_AsLong(lhs);
} else if (PyInt_Check(lhs)) {
d1 = PyInt_AsLong(lhs);
} else {
return NULL;
if (! PL_get_arg(2, t, targ) )
return NULL;
rhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (!PyNumber_Check(rhs))
return NULL;
if (PyFloat_Check(rhs)) {
d2 = PyFloat_AsDouble(rhs);
} else if (PyLong_Check(rhs)) {
d2 = PyLong_AsLong(rhs);
} else if (PyInt_Check(rhs)) {
d2 = PyInt_AsLong(rhs);
} else {
return NULL;
return PyComplex_FromDoubles(d1, d2);
} else if (fun == FUNCTOR_plus2) {
term_t targ = PL_new_term_ref();
PyObject *lhs, *rhs;
if (! PL_get_arg(1, t, targ) )
return NULL;
lhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (! PL_get_arg(2, t, targ) )
return NULL;
rhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (PySequence_Check(lhs) && PySequence_Check(rhs)) {
return PySequence_Concat(lhs, rhs);
if (!PyNumber_Check(lhs))
return NULL;
if (!PyNumber_Check(rhs))
return NULL;
return PyNumber_Add(lhs, rhs);
@ -165,12 +245,13 @@ term_to_python(term_t t)
if (! PL_get_arg(1, t, targ) )
return NULL;
lhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (!PyNumber_Check(lhs))
return NULL;
if (! PL_get_arg(2, t, targ) )
return NULL;
rhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (!PyNumber_Check(rhs))
if (PySequence_Check(lhs) && (PyInt_Check(rhs) || PyLong_Check(rhs)) ){
return PySequence_Repeat(lhs, get_p_int(rhs, 0));
if (!PyNumber_Check(lhs)+!PyNumber_Check(rhs))
return NULL;
return PyNumber_Multiply(lhs, rhs);
} else if (fun == FUNCTOR_div2) {
@ -197,8 +278,21 @@ term_to_python(term_t t)
lhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (! PL_get_arg(2, t, targ) || !PL_is_list(targ) || !PL_get_list(targ, trhs, targ) )
return NULL;
rhs = term_to_python(trhs);
return PyObject_GetItem(lhs, rhs);
if (PL_is_functor(trhs, FUNCTOR_colon2) ) {
Py_ssize_t left, right;
if (!PL_get_arg(1, trhs, targ))
return NULL;
left = get_p_int(term_to_python(targ), 0);
if (!PL_get_arg(2, trhs, targ))
return NULL;
right = get_p_int(term_to_python(targ), PyObject_Size(lhs) );
if (!PySequence_Check(lhs))
return NULL;
return PySequence_GetSlice(lhs, left, right);
} else {
rhs = term_to_python(trhs);
return PyObject_GetItem(lhs, rhs);
} else {
atom_t name;
int len;
@ -314,8 +408,21 @@ assign_python(PyObject *root, term_t t, PyObject *e)
lhs = term_to_python(targ);
if (! PL_get_arg(2, t, targ) || !PL_is_list(targ) || !PL_get_list(targ, trhs, targ ) )
return -1;
rhs = term_to_python(trhs);
return PyObject_SetItem(lhs, rhs, e);
if (PL_is_functor(trhs, FUNCTOR_colon2) ) {
Py_ssize_t left, right;
if (!PL_get_arg(1, trhs, targ))
return -1;
left = get_p_int(term_to_python(targ), 0);
if (!PL_get_arg(2, trhs, targ))
return -1;
right = get_p_int(term_to_python(targ), PyObject_Size(lhs) );
if (!PySequence_Check(lhs))
return -1;
return PySequence_SetSlice(lhs, left, right, e);
} else {
rhs = term_to_python(trhs);
return PyObject_SetItem(lhs, rhs, e);
return -1;
@ -338,6 +445,13 @@ python_to_term(PyObject *pVal, term_t t)
} else if (PyFloat_Check(pVal)) {
return PL_unify_float(t, PyFloat_AsDouble(pVal));
} else if (PyComplex_Check(pVal)) {
term_t to = PL_new_term_ref(), t1= PL_new_term_ref(), t2 = PL_new_term_ref();
if (!PL_put_float(t1, PyComplex_RealAsDouble(pVal) ) ||
!PL_put_float(t2, PyComplex_ImagAsDouble(pVal) ) ||
!PL_cons_functor(to, FUNCTOR_complex2, t1, t2) )
return FALSE;
return PL_unify(t, to);
} else if (PyUnicode_Check(pVal)) {
Py_ssize_t sz = PyUnicode_GetSize(pVal)+1;
wchar_t *ptr;
@ -353,8 +467,8 @@ python_to_term(PyObject *pVal, term_t t)
atom_t tmp_atom = PL_new_atom(PyString_AsString(pVal));
return PL_unify_atom(t, tmp_atom);
} else if (PyTuple_Check(pVal)) {
Py_ssize_t i, sz = PyTuple_GET_SIZE(pVal);
functor_t f = PL_new_functor(ATOM_t, 2);
Py_ssize_t i, sz = PyTuple_Size(pVal);
functor_t f = PL_new_functor(ATOM_t, sz);
if (!PL_unify_functor(t, f))
return FALSE;
for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
@ -498,7 +612,7 @@ python_apply(term_t tin, term_t targs, term_t tf)
PyObject *pF, *pValue;
PyObject *pArgs;
int i, arity;
int i, arity, j;
atom_t aname;
foreign_t out;
term_t targ = PL_new_term_ref();
@ -510,6 +624,42 @@ python_apply(term_t tin, term_t targs, term_t tf)
if (! PL_get_name_arity( targs, &aname, &arity) ) {
return FALSE;
if (PyFunction_Check(pF)) {
int tuple_inited = FALSE;
PyObject *pOpt = NULL;
for (j = arity ; j > 0; j--) {
term_t tsubarg = PL_new_term_ref();
PyObject *pArg;
int posx;
Py_ssize_t pos;
if (! PL_get_arg(j, targs, targ) )
return FALSE;
if (! PL_is_functor(targ, FUNCTOR_equal2) )
if (! PL_get_arg(1, targ, tsubarg) || !PL_get_integer(tsubarg, &posx) )
pos = posx;
if (!tuple_inited) {
if ((pOpt = PyFunction_GetDefaults(pF)) == NULL)
tuple_inited = TRUE;
if (! PL_get_arg(2, targ, tsubarg) )
pArg = term_to_python(tsubarg);
if (pArg == NULL)
return FALSE;
/* pArg reference stolen here: */
PyTuple_SetItem(pOpt, pos, pArg);
if (tuple_inited) {
if (PyFunction_SetDefaults(pF, pOpt) < 0) {
return FALSE;
arity = j;
pArgs = PyTuple_New(arity);
for (i = 0 ; i < arity; i++) {
PyObject *pArg;
@ -530,6 +680,7 @@ python_apply(term_t tin, term_t targs, term_t tf)
if (pValue == NULL)
return FALSE;
out = 0;
out = python_to_term(pValue, tf);
return out;
@ -639,11 +790,17 @@ install_python(void)
ATOM_t = PL_new_atom("t");
FUNCTOR_dollar1 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("$"), 1);
FUNCTOR_pointer1 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("__obj__"), 1);
FUNCTOR_add2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("+"), 2);
FUNCTOR_dir1 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("dir"), 1);
FUNCTOR_iter1 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("iter"), 1);
FUNCTOR_len1 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("len"), 1);
FUNCTOR_complex2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("complex"), 2);
FUNCTOR_plus2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("+"), 2);
FUNCTOR_sub2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("-"), 2);
FUNCTOR_mul2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("*"), 2);
FUNCTOR_div2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("/"), 2);
FUNCTOR_hat2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("^"), 2);
FUNCTOR_colon2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom(":"), 2);
FUNCTOR_equal2 = PL_new_functor(PL_new_atom("="), 2);
PL_register_foreign("init_python", 0, init_python, 0);
PL_register_foreign("end_python", 0, end_python, 0);

View File

@ -101,11 +101,36 @@ python_eval_term(Expression, O) :-
functor(Exp, F, _),
python_f(MRef, F, FRef),
python_apply(FRef, Exp, O)
python_check_args(FRef, Exp, NExp),
python_apply(FRef, NExp, O)
python_eval_term(Obj:Field, O) :-
python_access(Obj, Field, O).
python_check_args(FRef, Exp, NExp) :-
functor(Exp, _, Arity),
arg(Arity, Exp, _=_), !,
fetch_args(FRef, Dict),
Exp =.. [F|LArgs],
match_args(LArgs, Dict, NLArgs, _),
NExp =.. [F|NLArgs].
python_check_args(FRef, Exp, NExp).
fetch_args(FRef, Args) :-
python_import('inspect', M),
python_f(M, getargspec, F),
python_apply(F, getargspec(FRef), ExtraArgs),
ExtraArgs=t(Args, _, _, _).
match_args([], _, [], ok).
match_args([A=V|LArgs], Dict, [I=V|NLArgs], OK) :-
match_args(LArgs, Dict, NLArgs, ok), !,
( nth0(I, Dict, A) -> true ; throw(type_error(argument(A=V))) ).
match_args([A|LArgs], Dict, [A|NLArgs], not_ok) :-
match_args(LArgs, Dict, NLArgs, _).
python(Obj, Out) :-
python_eval_term(Obj, Out), !.
python(Obj, OArg) :-
@ -134,7 +159,8 @@ python_command(Cmd) :-
start_python :-
python_command('import sys').
python_command('import sys'),
python_command('import inspect').
add_cwd_to_python :-