diff --git a/C/arith0.c b/C/arith0.c
index 3beb40cf0..3ce6122cb 100644
--- a/C/arith0.c
+++ b/C/arith0.c
@@ -18,8 +18,72 @@
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%";
- * This file implements arithmetic operations
+ @file arith0.c
+ @defgroup arithmetic_operators Arithmetic Functions
+ @ingroup arithmetic
+ YAP implements several arithmetic functions. Arithmetic expressions
+ in YAP may use the following operators:
+ - pi [ISO]
@anchor pi_0
+ An approximation to the value of pi, that is, the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter.
+ - e
@anchor e_0
+ Euler's number, the base of the natural logarithms.
+ - epsilon
@anchor epsilon_0
+ The difference between the float `1.0` and the next largest floating point number.
+ - inf
@anchor inf_0
+ Infinity according to the IEEE Floating-Point standard. Note that evaluating this term will generate a domain error in the `iso` language mode.
+ Note also that YAP supports `+inf` and `-inf`
+ - nan (not a number)
@anchor nan_0
+ Not-a-number according to the IEEE Floating-Point standard. Note that evaluating this term will generate a domain error in the `iso` language mode.
+ - random
@anchor random_0
+ A "random" floating point number between 0 and 1.
+ - cputime
@anchor cputime_0
+ CPU time since YAP was invoked, in seconds.
+ - heapused
@anchor heapused_0
+ Heap (data-base) space used, in bytes.
+ - local
@anchor local_0
+ Local stack in use, in bytes
+ - $b
@anchor b_0
+ current choicepoint
+ - $env
@anchor env_0
+ Environment
+ - $tr
@anchor tr_0
+ Trail in use
+ - $free_stack
@anchor free_stack_0
+ Amount of free stack space, that is, free space between global and local stacks.
+ - global
@anchor global_0
+ Global stack in use, in bytes.
@@ -89,7 +153,7 @@ eval0(Int fi) {
case op_nan:
-#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft's Visual C++ Compiler */
+#ifdef _MSC_VER /* Microsoft's Visual C++ Compiexp( _X_) [ISO] @anchor exp_1
+ Natural exponential.
+ - log( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor log_1
+ Natural logarithm.
+ - log10( _X_)
@anchor log10_1
+ Decimal logarithm.
+ - sqrt( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor sqrt_1
+ Square root.
+ - sin( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor sin_1
+ Sine.
+ - cos( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor cos_1
+ Cosine.
+ - tan( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor tan_1
+ Tangent.
+ - asin( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor asin_1
+ Arc sine.
+ - acos( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor acos_1
+ Arc cosine.
+ - atan( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor atan_1
+ Arc tangent.
+ - sinh( _X_)
@anchor sinh_1
+ Hyperbolic sine.
+ - cosh( _X_)
@anchor cosh_1
+ Hyperbolic cosine.
+ - tanh( _X_)
@anchor tanh_1
+ Hyperbolic tangent.
+ - asinh( _X_)
@anchor asinh_1
+ Hyperbolic arc sine.
+ - acosh( _X_)
@anchor acosh_1
+ Hyperbolic arc cosine.
+ - atanh( _X_)
@anchor atanh_1
+ Hyperbolic arc tangent.
+ - lgamma( _X_)
@anchor lgamma_1
+ Logarithm of gamma function.
+ - erf( _X_)
@anchor erf_1
+ Gaussian error function.
+ - erfc( _X_)
@anchor erfc_1
+ Complementary gaussian error function.
+ - random( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor random_1_op
+ An integer random number between 0 and _X_.
+ In `iso` language mode the argument must be a floating
+ point-number, the result is an integer and it the float is equidistant
+ it is rounded up, that is, to the least integer greater than _X_.
+ - integer( _X_)
@anchor integer_1_op
+ If _X_ evaluates to a float, the integer between the value of _X_ and 0 closest to the value of _X_, else if _X_ evaluates to an
+ integer, the value of _X_.
+ - float( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor float_1_op
+ If _X_ evaluates to an integer, the corresponding float, else the float itself.
+ - float_fractional_part( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor float_fractional_part_1
+ The fractional part of the floating point number _X_, or `0.0` if _X_ is an integer. In the `iso` language mode, _X_ must be an integer.
+ - float_integer_part( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor float_integer_part_1
+ The float giving the integer part of the floating point number _X_, or _X_ if _X_ is an integer. In the `iso` language mode, _X_ must be an integer.
+ - abs( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor abs_1
+ The absolute value of _X_.
+ - ceiling( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor ceiling_1
+ The integer that is the smallest integral value not smaller than _X_.
+ In `iso` language mode the argument must be a floating point-number and the result is an integer.
+ - floor( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor floor_1
+ The integer that is the greatest integral value not greater than _X_.
+ In `iso` language mode the argument must be a floating
+ point-number and the result is an integer.
+ - round( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor round_1
+ The nearest integral value to _X_. If _X_ is equidistant to two integers, it will be rounded to the closest even integral value.
+ In `iso` language mode the argument must be a floating point-number, the result is an integer and it the float is equidistant it is rounded up, that is, to the least integer greater than _X_.
+ - sign( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor sign_1
+ Return 1 if the _X_ evaluates to a positive integer, 0 it if evaluates to 0, and -1 if it evaluates to a negative integer. If _X_
+ evaluates to a floating-point number return 1.0 for a positive _X_, 0.0 for 0.0, and -1.0 otherwise.
+ - truncate( _X_) [ISO]
@anchor truncate_1
+ The integral value between _X_ and 0 closest to _X_.
+ - rational( _X_)
@anchor rational_1_op
+ Convert the expression _X_ to a rational number or integer. The function returns the input on integers and rational numbers. For
+ floating point numbers, the returned rational number exactly represents
+ the float. As floats cannot exactly represent all decimal numbers the
+ results may be surprising. In the examples below, doubles can represent
+ `0.25` and the result is as expected, in contrast to the result of
+ `rational(0.1)`. The function `rationalize/1` gives a more
+ intuitive result.
+?- A is rational(0.25).
+A is 1 rdiv 4
+?- A is rational(0.1).
+A = 3602879701896397 rdiv 36028797018963968
+ - rationalize( _X_)
@anchor rationalize_1
+ Convert the expression _X_ to a rational number or integer. The function is
+ similar to [rational/1](@ref rational_1), but the result is only accurate within the
+ rounding error of floating point numbers, generally producing a much
+ smaller denominator.
+?- A is rationalize(0.25).
+A = 1 rdiv 4
+?- A is rationalize(0.1).
+A = 1 rdiv 10
+ - \\ _X_ [ISO]
+ Integer bitwise negation.
+ - msb( _X_)
@anchor msb_1
+ The most significant bit of the non-negative integer _X_.
+ - lsb( _X_)
@anchor lsb_1
+ The least significant bit of the non-negative integer _X_.
+ - popcount( _X_)
@anchor popcount_1
+ The number of bits set to `1` in the binary representation of the non-negative integer _X_.
+ - [ _X_]
+ Evaluates to _X_ for expression _X_. Useful because character
+strings in Prolog are lists of character codes.
+X is Y*10+C-"0"
+is the same as
+X is Y*10+C-[48].
+which would be evaluated as:
+X is Y*10+C-48.
#include "Yap.h"
#include "Yatom.h"
@@ -694,6 +896,7 @@ eval1(Int fi, Term t USES_REGS) {
+ /// end of switch
diff --git a/C/arith2.c b/C/arith2.c
index 08d8d075d..c5d76b4bc 100644
--- a/C/arith2.c
+++ b/C/arith2.c
@@ -18,10 +18,111 @@
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%";
- * This file implements unary arithmetic operations in YAP
- *
- */
+ @file arith2.c
+ @addtogroup arithmetic_operators
+These are the binary numeric operators currently supported by YAP.
+ - _X_+ _Y_ [ISO]
+ Sum.
+ - _X_- _Y_ [ISO]
+ Difference.
+ - _X_\* _Y_ [ISO]
+ Product.
+ - _X_/ _Y_ [ISO]
+ Quotient.
+ - _X_// _Y_ [ISO]
+ Integer quotient.
+ - _X_ mod _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor mod_2
+ Integer module operator, always positive.
+ - _X_ rem _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor rem_2
+ Integer remainder, similar to `mod` but always has the same sign as `X`.
+ - _X_ div _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor div_2
+ Integer division, as if defined by `( _X_ - _X_ mod _Y_)// _Y_`.
+ - max( _X_, _Y_) [ISO]
@anchor max_2
+ The greater value of _X_ and _Y_.
+ - min( _X_, _Y_) [ISO]
@anchor min_2
+ The lesser value of _X_ and _Y_.
+ - _X_ ^ _Y_ [ISO]
+ _X_ raised to the power of _Y_, (from the C-Prolog syntax).
+ - exp( _X_, _Y_)
@anchor exp_2
+ _X_ raised to the power of _Y_, (from the Quintus Prolog syntax).
+ - _X_ \*\* _Y_ [ISO]
+ _X_ raised to the power of _Y_ (from ISO).
+ - _X_ /\\ _Y_ [ISO]
+ Integer bitwise conjunction.
+ - _X_ \\/ _Y_ [ISO]
+ Integer bitwise disjunction.
+ - _X_ # _Y_
+ Integer bitwise exclusive disjunction.
+ - _X_ \>\< _Y_
+ Integer bitwise exclusive disjunction.
+ - xor( _X_ , _Y_) [ISO]
@anchor xor_2
+ Integer bitwise exclusive disjunction.
+ - _X_ \<\< _Y_
+ Integer bitwise left logical shift of _X_ by _Y_ places.
+ - _X_ \>\> _Y_ [ISO]
+ Integer bitwise right logical shift of _X_ by _Y_ places.
+ - gcd( _X_, _Y_)
@anchor gcd_2
+ The greatest common divisor of the two integers _X_ and _Y_.
+ - atan( _X_, _Y_)
@anchor atan_2
+ Four-quadrant arc tangent. Also available as `atan2/2`.
+ - atan2( _X_, _Y_) [ISO]
@anchor atan2_2
+ Four-quadrant arc tangent.
+ - _X_ rdiv _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor rdiv_2
+ Rational division.
#include "Yap.h"
#include "Yatom.h"
diff --git a/C/cmppreds.c b/C/cmppreds.c
index f48d87c44..0ead85144 100644
--- a/C/cmppreds.c
+++ b/C/cmppreds.c
@@ -14,6 +14,10 @@
* comments: comparing two prolog terms *
* *
+/// @file cmppreds.c
#ifdef SCCS
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%";
@@ -647,6 +651,17 @@ a_cmp(Term t1, Term t2 USES_REGS)
+ @defgroup arithmetic_cmps Arithmetic Comparison Predicates
+ @ingroup arithmetic
+ Comparison of Numeric Expressions. Both arguments must be valid ground expressions at time of call.
+ @{
Yap_acmp(Term t1, Term t2 USES_REGS)
@@ -667,6 +682,15 @@ p_acomp( USES_REGS1 )
return out;
+ @class arith_eq_2
+ @brief =:=/2: Equality of arithmetic expressions
+ + _X_ =:= + _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor ar_eq_2
+ The value of the expression _X_ is less than the value of expression _Y_.
+ */
static Int
a_eq(Term t1, Term t2)
@@ -701,6 +725,15 @@ a_eq(Term t1, Term t2)
return out == 0;
+ @class arith_dif_2
+ @brief =\\=/2: Difference of arithmetic expressions
+ + _X_ =\\= + _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor ar_dif_2
+ The value of the expression _X_ is different from the value of expression _Y_.
+ */
static Int
a_dif(Term t1, Term t2)
@@ -710,6 +743,16 @@ a_dif(Term t1, Term t2)
return out != 0;
+ @class arith_gt_2
+ @brief \>/2: Greater than arithmetic expressions
+ + _X_ \> + _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor qQlg_2
+ The value of the expression _X_ is less than or equal to the value
+ of expression _Y_.
static Int
a_gt(Term t1, Term t2)
{ /* A > B */
@@ -719,6 +762,16 @@ a_gt(Term t1, Term t2)
return out > 0;
+ @class arith_ge_2
+ @brief \>=/2: Greater than or equal to arithmetic expressions
+ + _X_ \>= + _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor gGqQ_2
+ The value of the expression _X_ is greater than or equal to the
+ value of expression _Y_.
static Int
a_ge(Term t1, Term t2)
{ /* A >= B */
@@ -728,6 +781,16 @@ a_ge(Term t1, Term t2)
return out >= 0;
+ @class arith_lt_2
+ @brief \2: Lesser than arithmetic expressions
+ + _X_ \< + _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor sS_2
+ The value of the expression _X_ is less than the value of expression
+ _Y_.
static Int
a_lt(Term t1, Term t2)
{ /* A < B */
@@ -737,6 +800,17 @@ a_lt(Term t1, Term t2)
return out < 0;
+ *
+ @class arith_le_2
+ @brief =\2: Lesser than or equal to arithmetic expressions
+ + _X_ =\< + _Y_ [ISO]
@anchor qQsS_2
+ The value of the expression _X_ is less than or equal to the value
+ of expression _Y_.
static Int
a_le(Term t1, Term t2)
{ /* A <= B */
@@ -746,6 +820,7 @@ a_le(Term t1, Term t2)
return out <= 0;
+/// @}
static Int
a_noteq(Term t1, Term t2)
diff --git a/C/eval.c b/C/eval.c
index cb1a46143..25b5b24a1 100644
--- a/C/eval.c
+++ b/C/eval.c
@@ -18,10 +18,16 @@
static char SccsId[] = "%W% %G%";
- * This file implements arithmetic operations
- *
- */
+ @file eval.c
+ @defgroup arithmetic_preds Arithmetic Predicates
+ @ingroup arithmetic
+ @{
#include "Yap.h"
#include "Yatom.h"
#include "YapHeap.h"
@@ -184,6 +190,23 @@ BEAM_is(void)
+ @class is_2
+ @anchor is_2
+ @brief evaluation of arithmetic expressions
+ ? _X_:number is + _Y_:ground is det
+ This predicate succeeds iff the result of evaluating the expression
+ _Y_ unifies with _X_. This is the predicate normally used to
+ perform evaluation of arithmetic expressions:
+X is 2+3*4
+ succeeds with `X = 14`.
static Int
p_is( USES_REGS1 )
{ /* X is Y */
@@ -204,6 +227,16 @@ p_is( USES_REGS1 )
return Yap_unify_constant(ARG1,out);
+ @class isnan_1
+ @anchor isnan_1
+ @brief True if _X_ is not a number
+ isnan(? _X_:float) is det
+ Interface to the IEE754 `isnan` test.
static Int
p_isnan( USES_REGS1 )
{ /* X is Y */
@@ -232,6 +265,17 @@ p_isnan( USES_REGS1 )
return isnan(FloatOfTerm(out));
+ @class isinf_1
+ @anchor isinf_1
+ @brief True if _X_ is infinity
+ isnan(? _X_:float) is det
+ Interface to the IEE754 `isinf` test.
static Int
p_isinf( USES_REGS1 )
{ /* X is Y */
@@ -260,6 +304,18 @@ p_isinf( USES_REGS1 )
return isinf(FloatOfTerm(out));
+ @class logsum_3
+ @anchor logsum_3
+ @brief sum of two logarithms
+ logsum(+ _Log1_, + _Log2_, - _Out_ ) is det
+True if _Log1_ is the logarithm of the positive number _A1_,
+ _Log2_ is the logarithm of the positive number _A2_, and
+ _Out_ is the logarithm of the sum of the numbers _A1_ and
+ _A2_. Useful in probability computation.
static Int
p_logsum( USES_REGS1 )
{ /* X is Y */
@@ -391,6 +447,25 @@ static Int cont_between( USES_REGS1 )
+ @class between_3
+ @anchor between_3
+ @brief sequence of numbers
+ between(+ _Low_:int, + _High_:int, ? _Value_:int) is nondet
+ _Low_ and _High_ are integers, _High_ \>= _Low_. If
+ _Value_ is an integer, _Low_ =\< _Value_
+ =\< _High_. When _Value_ is a variable it is successively
+ bound to all integers between _Low_ and _High_. If
+ _High_ is inf or infinite [between/3](@ref between_3) is true iff
+ _Value_ \>= _Low_, a feature that is particularly interesting
+ for generating integers from a certain value.
+ @}
static Int
init_between( USES_REGS1 )
diff --git a/H/eval.h b/H/eval.h
index fad52dd3e..fff67560b 100644
--- a/H/eval.h
+++ b/H/eval.h
@@ -15,6 +15,85 @@
* *
+ @defgroup arithmetic Arithmetic in YAP
+ @tableofcontents
+ YAP supports several different numeric types:
+ - Tagged integers
+ YAP supports integers of word size: 32 bits on 32-bit machines, and
+ 64-bits on 64-bit machines.The engine transprently tags smaller
+ integers are tagged so that they fit in a single word. These are the
+ so called tagged integers.
- Large integers
+ Larger integers that still fit in a cell
+ are represented in the Prolog goal stack. The difference between
+ these integers and tagged integers should be transparent to the programmer.
+- Multiple Precision Integers
+When YAP is built using the GNU multiple precision arithmetic library
+(GMP), integer arithmetic is unbounded, which means that the size of
+integers is only limited by available memory. The type of integer
+support can be detected using the Prolog flags bounded, min_integer
+and max_integer. As the use of GMP is default, most of the following
+descriptions assume unbounded integer arithmetic.
- Rational numbers (Q)
Rational numbers are
+quotients of two integers. Rational arithmetic is provided if GMP is
+used. Rational numbers that are returned from is/2 are canonical,
+which means the denominator _M_ is positive and that the numerator _N_
+and _M_ have no common divisors. Rational numbers are introduced in
+the computation using the [rational/1][@ref rational_1],
+[rationalize/1][@ref rationalize_1] or the [rdiv/2][@ref rdiv_2]
+(rational division) function.
+ - Floating point numbers
+Floating point numbers are represented using the C-type double. On
+most today platforms these are 64-bit IEEE-754 floating point
+numbers. YAP now includes the built-in predicates [isinf/1][@ref isinf_1] and to [isnan/1][@ref isnan_1] tests.
+Arithmetic functions that require integer arguments accept, in addition
+to integers, rational numbers with denominator `1' and floating point
+numbers that can be accurately converted to integers. If the required
+argument is a float the argument is converted to float. Note that
+conversion of integers to floating point numbers may raise an overflow
+exception. In all other cases, arguments are converted to the same type
+using the order integer to rational number to floating point number.
+Evaluation generates the following _Call_
+ @exception "error(instantiation_error, Call )" if not ground
+ @exception "type_error(evaluable( V ), Call)" if not evaluable term
+ @exception "type_error(integer( V ), Call)" if must be integer
+ @exception "type_error(float( V ), Call)" if must be float
+ @exception "domain_error(out_of_range( V ), Call)" if argument invalid
+ @exception "domain_error(not_less_than_zero( V ), Call)" if argument must be positive or zero
+ @exception "evaluation_error(undefined( V ), Call)" result is not defined (nan)
+ @exception "evaluation_error(overflow( V ), Call)" result is arithmetic overflow
+@refitem is_2
+@refitem isnan_1
+ **/
/* C library used to implement floating point functions */
diff --git a/Makefile.in b/Makefile.in
index fa838f274..ce93d8e7d 100755
--- a/Makefile.in
+++ b/Makefile.in
@@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ PLCONS_SOURCES = \
pl/arith.yap \
+ pl/arithpreds.yap \
pl/arrays.yap \
pl/attributes.yap \
pl/atoms.yap \
diff --git a/docs/builtins.tex b/docs/builtins.tex
index b9b6d46b1..1ad112d5b 100644
--- a/docs/builtins.tex
+++ b/docs/builtins.tex
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
@node Built-ins, Library, Modules, Top
+@chapter Built-In Predicates Library
Built-ins, Debugging, Syntax, Top
@@ -13,7 +15,7 @@ Built-ins, Debugging, Syntax, Top
* Predicates on Characters:: Manipulating Characters
* Comparing Terms:: Comparison of Terms
* Arithmetic:: Arithmetic in YAP
-* I/O:: Input/Output with YAP
+* Input/Output:: Input/Output with YAP
* Database:: Modifying Prolog's Database
* Sets:: Finding All Possible Solutions
* Grammars:: Grammar Rules
@@ -30,7 +32,7 @@ Built-ins, Debugging, Syntax, Top
@end menu
@node Control, Undefined Procedures, , Top
-@chapter Control Predicates
+@section Control Predicates
This chapter describes the predicates for controlling the execution of
@@ -696,7 +698,7 @@ Translates a message-term into a string object. Primarily intended for SWI-Prolo
@end table
@node Testing Terms, Predicates on Atoms, Messages, Top
-@chapter Predicates on terms
+@section Predicates on terms
@table @code
@@ -1194,8 +1196,7 @@ the call.
@item digit(@var{Weight})
@var{Char} is a digit with value
- @var{Weight}. I.e. @code{char_type(X, digit(6))} yields @code{X =
- '6'}. Useful for parsing numbers.
+ @var{Weight}. I.e. @code{char_type(X, digit(6))} yields @code{X = '6'}. Useful for parsing numbers.
@item xdigit(@var{Weight})
@var{Char} is a hexa-decimal digit with value @var{Weight}. I.e. char_type(a, xdigit(X) yields X = '10'. Useful for parsing numbers.
@@ -1412,9 +1413,21 @@ of length @var{S}.
@end table
-@node Arithmetic, I/O, Comparing Terms, Top
+@node Arithmetic, Input/Output, Comparing Terms, Top
@section Arithmetic
+@copydoc arithmetic
+See @ref arithmetic_preds for the predicates that implement arithment
+See @ref arithmetic_cmps for the arithmetic comparisons supported in YAP
+See @ref arithmetic_operators for how to call arithmetic operations in YAP
+@end ifplaintext
YAP now supports several different numeric types:
@table @code
@@ -1440,7 +1453,8 @@ YAP now supports several different numeric types:
numbers that are returned from is/2 are canonical, which means M
is positive and N and M have no common divisors. Rational numbers
are introduced in the computation using the rational/1,
- rationalize/1 or the rdiv/2 (rational division) function.
+ rationalize/1 or the
+rdiv/2 (rational division) function.
@item float
Floating point numbers are represented using the C-type double. On most today platforms these are 64-bit IEEE floating point numbers.
@@ -1491,8 +1505,7 @@ Integer remainder, similar to @code{mod} but always has the same sign
@item @var{X} div @var{Y} [ISO]
-Integer division, as if defined by @code{(@var{X} - @var{X} mod @var{Y})
-// @var{Y}}.
+Integer division, as if defined by @code{(@var{X} - @var{X} mod @var{Y})// @var{Y}}.
@item exp(@var{X}) [ISO]
Natural exponential.
@@ -1767,6 +1780,7 @@ The primitive YAP predicates involving arithmetic expressions are:
@table @code
@item @var{X} is +@var{Y} [2]
@findex is/2
@syindex is/2
@@ -1780,6 +1794,7 @@ X is 2+3*4
@end example
succeeds with @code{X = 14}.
+@end itemize
@item +@var{X} < +@var{Y} [ISO]
@findex 2
@@ -1852,7 +1867,6 @@ will be thrown back to the top-level.
The following predicates provide counting:
@table @code
@item between(+@var{Low}, +@var{High}, ?@var{Value})
@findex between/3
@syindex between/3
@@ -1907,13 +1921,16 @@ The following predicates provide counting:
@cnindex isinf/1
True if floating point expression @var{Float} evaluates to infinity.
@end table
-@node I/O, Database, Arithmetic, Top
-@chapter I/O Predicates
+@end texinfo
-Some of the I/O predicates described below will in certain conditions
+@node Input/Output, Database, Arithmetic, Top
+@section Input/Output Predicates
+Some of the Input/Output predicates described below will in certain conditions
provide error messages and abort only if the file_errors flag is set.
If this flag is cleared the same predicates will just fail. Details on
setting and clearing this flag are given under 7.7.
@@ -1923,16 +1940,16 @@ setting and clearing this flag are given under 7.7.
Subnodes of Input/Output
* Streams and Files:: Handling Streams and Files
* C-Prolog File Handling:: C-Prolog Compatible File Handling
-* I/O of Terms:: Input/Output of terms
-* I/O of Characters:: Input/Output of Characters
-* I/O for Streams:: Input/Output using Streams
-* C-Prolog to Terminal:: C-Prolog compatible Character I/O to terminal
-* I/O Control:: Controlling your Input/Output
+* Input/Output of Terms:: Input/Output of terms
+* Input/Output of Characters:: Input/Output of Characters
+* Input/Output for Streams:: Input/Output using Streams
+* C-Prolog to Terminal:: C-Prolog compatible Character Input/Output to terminal
+* Input/Output Control:: Controlling your Input/Output
* Sockets:: Using Sockets from YAP
@end menu
-@node Streams and Files, C-Prolog File Handling, , I/O
+@node Streams and Files, C-Prolog File Handling, , Input/Output
@section Handling Streams and Files
@table @code
@@ -2002,7 +2019,7 @@ wide character and encoding issues.
@item representation_errors(+@var{Mode})
Change the behaviour when writing characters to the stream that cannot
be represented by the encoding. The behaviour is one of @code{error}
-(throw and I/O error exception), @code{prolog} (write @code{\u...\}
+(throw and Input/Output error exception), @code{prolog} (write @code{\u...\}
escape code or @code{xml} (write @code{...;} XML character entity).
The initial mode is @code{prolog} for the user streams and
@code{error} for all other streams. See also @ref{Encoding}.
@@ -2048,6 +2065,12 @@ Unify the last modification time of @var{File} with
@var{Time}. @var{Time} is a floating point number expressing the seconds
elapsed since Jan 1, 1970.
+@item access_file(+@var{F},+@var{M})
+@findex access_file/2
+Is the file accessible?
@item absolute_file_name(+@var{Name},+@var{Options}, -@var{FullPath}) absolute_file_name(+@var{Name}, -@var{FullPath},+@var{Options})
@findex absolute_file_name/3
@syindex absolute_file_name/3
@@ -2111,6 +2134,7 @@ If the last argument is a list and the 2nd not, the arguments are
swapped, making the call @code{absolute_file_name}(+@var{Spec}, -@var{Path},
+@var{Options}) valid as well.
@item absolute_file_name(+@var{Name},-@var{FullPath})
@findex absolute_file_name/2
@syindex absolute_file_name/2
@@ -2119,6 +2143,8 @@ Give the path a full path @var{FullPath} YAP would use to consult a file
named @var{Name}. Unify @var{FullPath} with @code{user} if the file
name is @code{user}.
+@end texinfo
@item file_base_name(+@var{Name},-@var{FileName})
@findex file_base_name/2
@snindex file_base_name/2
@@ -2223,7 +2249,7 @@ past-end-of-stream.
@cnindex at_end_of_stream/1
Succeed if the stream @var{S} has stream position end-of-stream or
past-end-of-stream. Note that @var{S} must be a readable stream.
@item set_stream_position(+@var{S}, +@var{POS}) [ISO]
@findex set_stream_position/2
@syindex set_stream_position/2
@@ -2297,7 +2323,7 @@ overview of wide character and encoding issues in YAP.
@item representation_errors(+@var{Mode})
Behaviour when writing characters to the stream that cannot be
represented by the encoding. The behaviour is one of @code{error}
-(throw and I/O error exception), @code{prolog} (write @code{\u...\}
+(throw and Input/Output error exception), @code{prolog} (write @code{\u...\}
escape code or @code{xml} (write @code{...;} XML character entity).
The initial mode is @code{prolog} for the user streams and
@code{error} for all other streams. See also @ref{Encoding} and
@@ -2355,7 +2381,7 @@ Given the packaged stream position term @var{StreamPosition}, unify
@end table
-@node C-Prolog File Handling, I/O of Terms, Streams and Files, I/O
+@node C-Prolog File Handling, Input/Output of Terms, Streams and Files, Input/Output
@section C-Prolog File Handling
@table @code
@@ -2423,7 +2449,8 @@ Closes the current input stream (see 6.7.).
@end table
-@node I/O of Terms, I/O of Characters, C-Prolog File Handling, I/O
+@node Input/Output of Terms, Input/Output of Characters, C-Prolog File Handling, Input/Output
@section Handling Input/Output of Terms
@table @code
@@ -2859,7 +2886,7 @@ X = [104, 101, 108, 108, 111]
@end table
-@node I/O of Characters, I/O for Streams, I/O of Terms, I/O
+@node Input/Output of Characters, Input/Output for Streams, Input/Output of Terms, Input/Output
@section Handling Input/Output of Characters
@table @code
@@ -2988,7 +3015,7 @@ Outputs a new line to the current output stream.
@end table
-@node I/O for Streams, C-Prolog to Terminal, I/O of Characters, I/O
+@node Input/Output for Streams, C-Prolog to Terminal, Input/Output of Characters, Input/Output
@section Input/Output Predicates applied to Streams
@table @code
@@ -3154,8 +3181,8 @@ Outputs a new line to stream @var{S}.
@end table
-@node C-Prolog to Terminal, I/O Control, I/O for Streams, I/O
-@section Compatible C-Prolog predicates for Terminal I/O
+@node C-Prolog to Terminal, Input/Output Control, Input/Output for Streams, Input/Output
+@section Compatible C-Prolog predicates for Terminal Input/Output
@table @code
@@ -3198,7 +3225,7 @@ Outputs a new line to stream @code{user_output}.
@end table
-@node I/O Control, Sockets, C-Prolog to Terminal, I/O
+@node Input/Output Control, Sockets, C-Prolog to Terminal, Input/Output
@section Controlling Input/Output
@table @code
@@ -3223,7 +3250,7 @@ opened or closed.
@syindex fileerrors/0
@cyindex fileerrors/0
Switches on the file_errors flag so that in certain error conditions
-I/O predicates will produce an appropriated message and abort.
+Input/Output predicates will produce an appropriated message and abort.
@item always_prompt_user
@findex always_prompt_user/0
@@ -3235,15 +3262,15 @@ interactive control from a pipe or a socket.
@end table
-@node Sockets, , I/O Control, I/O
+@node Sockets, , Input/Output Control, Input/Output
@section Using Sockets From YAP
YAP includes a SICStus Prolog compatible socket interface. In YAP-6.3
-this uses the @c{clib} package to emulate the old low level interface that
+this uses the @code{clib} package to emulate the old low level interface that
provides direct access to the major socket system calls. These calls
can be used both to open a new connection in the network or connect to
a networked server. Socket connections are described as read/write
-streams, and standard I/O built-ins can be used to write on or read
+streams, and standard Input/Output built-ins can be used to write on or read
from sockets. The following calls are available:
@table @code
@@ -3394,8 +3421,8 @@ address in number and dots notation.
@end table
-@node Database, Sets, I/O, Top
-@chapter Using the Clausal Data Base
+@node Database, Sets, Input/Output, Top
+@section Using the Clausal Data Base
Predicates in YAP may be dynamic or static. By default, when
consulting or reconsulting, predicates are assumed to be static:
@@ -4204,7 +4231,7 @@ no
@end table
@node Grammars, OS, Sets, Top
-@chapter Grammar Rules
+@section Grammar Rules
Grammar rules in Prolog are both a convenient way to express definite
clause grammars and an extension of the well known context-free grammars.
@@ -4319,7 +4346,7 @@ This predicate is used by the grammar rules compiler and is defined as
@end table
@node OS, Term Modification, Grammars, Top
-@chapter Access to Operating System Functionality
+@section Access to Operating System Functionality
The following built-in predicates allow access to underlying
Operating System functionality:
@@ -4548,7 +4575,7 @@ order of dispatch.
@end table
@node Term Modification, Global Variables, OS, Top
-@chapter Term Modification
+@section Term Modification
@cindex updating terms
It is sometimes useful to change the value of instantiated
@@ -4598,7 +4625,7 @@ Set the current value of mutable term @var{M} to term @var{D}.
@end table
@node Global Variables, Profiling, Term Modification, Top
-@chapter Global Variables
+@section Global Variables
@cindex global variables
@@ -4804,7 +4831,7 @@ compound terms.
@node Profiling, Call Counting, Global Variables, Top
-@chapter Profiling Prolog Programs
+@section Profiling Prolog Programs
@cindex profiling
@@ -4938,7 +4965,7 @@ Show profiling info for the top-most @var{N} predicates.
The @code{showprofres/0} and @code{showprofres/1} predicates call a user-defined multifile hook predicate, @code{user:prolog_predicate_name/2}, that can be used for converting a possibly explicitly-qualified callable term into an atom that will used when printing the profiling information.
@node Call Counting, Arrays, Profiling, Top
-@chapter Counting Calls
+@section Counting Calls
@cindex Counting Calls
Predicates compiled with YAP's flag @code{call_counting} set to
@@ -5014,7 +5041,7 @@ exception when @code{l/0} performs more than 10000 reductions.
@node Arrays, Preds, Call Counting , Top
-@chapter Arrays
+@section Arrays
The YAP system includes experimental support for arrays. The
support is enabled with the option @code{YAP_ARRAYS}.
@@ -5223,7 +5250,7 @@ terms.
@end table
@node Preds, Misc, Arrays, Top
-@chapter Predicate Information
+@section Predicate Information
Built-ins that return information on the current predicates and modules:
@@ -5247,7 +5274,7 @@ Succeeds if @var{M} are current modules associated to the file @var{F}.
@end table
@node Misc, , Preds, Top
-@chapter Miscellaneous
+@section Miscellaneous
@table @code
@@ -5322,9 +5349,8 @@ garbage collection and stack shifts time included.
Size of static code in YAP in bytes: @var{Clause Size}, the number of
bytes allocated for clauses, plus
@var{Index Size}, the number of bytes spent in the indexing code. The
-indexing code is divided into main tree, @var{Tree Index
-Size}, tables that implement choice-point manipulation, @var{Choice Point Instructions
-Size}, tables that cache clauses for future expansion of the index
+indexing code is divided into main tree, @var{Tree Index Size},
+tables that implement choice-point manipulation, @var{Choice xsPoint Instructions Size}, tables that cache clauses for future expansion of the index
tree, @var{Expansion Nodes Size}, and
tables such as hash tables that select according to value, @var{Index Switch Size}.
@@ -5388,8 +5414,7 @@ available using @code{yap_flag(gc_trace,verbose)}.
Size of static code in YAP in bytes: @var{Clause Size}, the number of
bytes allocated for clauses, plus
@var{Index Size}, the number of bytes spent in the indexing code. The
-indexing code is divided into a main tree, @var{Tree Index
-Size}, table that cache clauses for future expansion of the index
+indexing code is divided into a main tree, @var{Tree Index Size}, table that cache clauses for future expansion of the index
tree, @var{Expansion Nodes Size}, and and
tables such as hash tables that select according to value, @var{Index Switch Size}.
@@ -5902,7 +5927,6 @@ YAP is booted with the @code{-q} or @code{-L} flag.
consulting files. If @code{false} disable printing these messages. It
is @code{normal} by default except if YAP is booted with the @code{-L}
@item version
@findex version (yap_flag/2 option)
@@ -6058,7 +6082,7 @@ filed are ignored.
Current source module.
@item source (prolog_load_context/2 option)
-@findex file_prolog_load_context/2 option
+@findex source_prolog_load_context/2 option
Full name for the file currently being read in, which may be consulted,
reconsulted, or included.
diff --git a/docs/doxygen.rc b/docs/doxygen.rc
index fc02192c8..3dcb32612 100644
--- a/docs/doxygen.rc
+++ b/docs/doxygen.rc
@@ -51,14 +51,14 @@ PROJECT_BRIEF =
# and the maximum width should not exceed 200 pixels. Doxygen will copy the logo
# to the output directory.
-PROJECT_LOGO = ../misc/icons/yap_96x96x32.png
+PROJECT_LOGO = misc/icons/yap_96x96x32.png
# The OUTPUT_DIRECTORY tag is used to specify the (relative or absolute) path
# into which the generated documentation will be written. If a relative path is
# entered, it will be relative to the location where doxygen was started. If
# left blank the current directory will be used.
-OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ../../doxout
# If the CREATE_SUBDIRS tag is set to YES, then doxygen will create 4096 sub-
# directories (in 2 levels) under the output directory of each output format and
@@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ OUTPUT_DIRECTORY = ../../doxout
# performance problems for the file system.
# The default value is: NO.
# The OUTPUT_LANGUAGE tag is used to specify the language in which all
# documentation generated by doxygen is written. Doxygen will use this
@@ -230,7 +230,12 @@ TAB_SIZE = 4
# "Side Effects:". You can put \n's in the value part of an alias to insert
# newlines.
+ALIASES ="predicate=@brief" \
+ "doxygen=\if english" \
+ "endenglish=\endif" \
+ "dutch=\if dutch" \
+ "enddutch=\endif"
# This tag can be used to specify a number of word-keyword mappings (TCL only).
# A mapping has the form "name=value". For example adding "class=itcl::class"
@@ -244,7 +249,9 @@ TCL_SUBST =
# members will be omitted, etc.
# The default value is: NO.
# Set the OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_JAVA tag to YES if your project consists of Java or
# Python sources only. Doxygen will then generate output that is more tailored
@@ -280,7 +287,7 @@ OPTIMIZE_OUTPUT_VHDL = NO
# Note that for custom extensions you also need to set FILE_PATTERNS otherwise
# the files are not read by doxygen.
# If the MARKDOWN_SUPPORT tag is enabled then doxygen pre-processes all comments
# according to the Markdown format, which allows for more readable
@@ -682,7 +689,7 @@ LAYOUT_FILE =
# search path. Do not use file names with spaces, bibtex cannot handle them. See
# also \cite for info how to create references.
-CITE_BIB_FILES = yap.bib
+CITE_BIB_FILES = docs/yap.bib
# Configuration options related to warning and progress messages
@@ -753,7 +760,7 @@ WARN_LOGFILE =
# spaces.
# Note: If this tag is empty the current directory is searched.
-INPUT = yap.md
+INPUT = docs/yap.md pl/absf.yap C/cmppreds.c C/eval.c H/eval.h C/arith0.c C/arith1.c C/arith2.c pl/arithpreds.yap
# This tag can be used to specify the character encoding of the source files
# that doxygen parses. Internally doxygen uses the UTF-8 encoding. Doxygen uses
@@ -788,6 +795,7 @@ FILE_PATTERNS = *.c \
*.ddl \
*.odl \
*.h \
+ *.h.in \
*.hh \
*.hxx \
*.hpp \
@@ -814,7 +822,9 @@ FILE_PATTERNS = *.c \
*.ucf \
*.qsf \
*.as \
- *.js
+ *.js \
+ *.pl \
+ *.yap
# The RECURSIVE tag can be used to specify whether or not subdirectories should
# be searched for input files as well.
@@ -930,7 +940,7 @@ FILTER_SOURCE_PATTERNS =
# (index.html). This can be useful if you have a project on for instance GitHub
# and want to reuse the introduction page also for the doxygen output.
# Configuration options related to source browsing
@@ -949,7 +959,7 @@ SOURCE_BROWSER = YES
# classes and enums directly into the documentation.
# The default value is: NO.
# Setting the STRIP_CODE_COMMENTS tag to YES will instruct doxygen to hide any
# special comment blocks from generated source code fragments. Normal C, C++ and
@@ -1422,7 +1432,7 @@ DISABLE_INDEX = NO
# The default value is: NO.
# This tag requires that the tag GENERATE_HTML is set to YES.
# The ENUM_VALUES_PER_LINE tag can be used to set the number of enum values that
# doxygen will group on one line in the generated HTML documentation.
diff --git a/docs/load.tex b/docs/load.tex
index f0d09d94f..8ef515982 100644
--- a/docs/load.tex
+++ b/docs/load.tex
@@ -198,6 +198,15 @@ files specified by @var{F} into the file being currently consulted.
@end table
@node Setting the Compiler, Conditional Compilation, Compiling, Loading Programs
+@section Looking for Files
+@ref abs_file_name
+@end ifplaintext
@section Changing the Compiler's Behavior
This section presents a set of built-ins predicates designed to set the
@@ -304,6 +313,8 @@ Puts YAP in state @var{N} (@code{on} or @code{off}) and unify
@code{do_not_compile_expressions}. This predicate was kept to maintain
compatibility with C-Prolog.
@item path(-@var{D})
@findex path/1
@snindex path/1
@@ -333,6 +344,8 @@ YAP, specified by @var{N}. @var{N} must be either of
@cnindex remove_from_path/1
Remove @var{D} from YAP's directory search path.
+@end texinfo
@item style_check(+@var{X})
@findex style_check/1
@snindex style_check/1
@@ -414,6 +427,8 @@ Similar to @code{initialization/1}, but allows for specifying when
restoring a state (not implemented yet).
@end table
@item library_directory(+@var{D})
@findex library_directory/1
@snindex library_directory/1
@@ -428,7 +443,7 @@ directories are the places where files specified in the form
@findex file_search_path/2
@syindex file_search_path/2
@cnindex file_search_path/2
-Allows writing file names as compound terms. The @var{NAME} and
+ Allows writing file names as compound terms. The @var{NAME} and
@var{DIRECTORY} must be atoms. The predicate may generate multiple
solutions. The predicate is originally defined as follows:
@@ -450,6 +465,8 @@ Thus, @code{[library(A)]} will search for a file using
Unify @var{FullPath} with the absolute path YAP would use to consult
file @var{Name}.
+@end texinfo
@item prolog_to_os_filename(+@var{PrologPath},-@var{OsPath})
@findex prolog_to_os_filename/2
@snindex prolog_to_os_filename/2
diff --git a/docs/swi.tex b/docs/swi.tex
index 1c40880c1..1db282231 100644
--- a/docs/swi.tex
+++ b/docs/swi.tex
@@ -7,17 +7,17 @@ default in YAP. This support is loaded with the
@table @code
@item append(?@var{List1},?@var{List2},?@var{List3})
-@findex append/3
-@snindex append/3
-@cnindex append/3
+@findex swi_append/3
+@snindex swi_append/3
+@cnindex swi_append/3
Succeeds when @var{List3} unifies with the concatenation of @var{List1}
and @var{List2}. The predicate can be used with any instantiation
pattern (even three variables).
@item between(+@var{Low},+@var{High},?@var{Value})
-@findex between/3
-@snindex between/3
-@cnindex between/3
+@findex swi_between/3
+@snindex swi_between/3
+@cnindex swi_between/3
@var{Low} and @var{High} are integers, @var{High} less or equal than
@var{Low}. If @var{Value} is an integer, @var{Low} less or equal than
@@ -67,9 +67,9 @@ L = [gnu, gnat]
@end example
@item nth1(+@var{Index},?@var{List},?@var{Elem})
-@findex nth1/3
-@snindex nth1/3
-@cnindex nth1/3
+@findex swi_nth1/3
+@snindex swi_nth1/3
+@cnindex swi_nth1/3
Succeeds when the @var{Index}-th element of @var{List} unifies with
@var{Elem}. Counting starts at 1.
@@ -79,18 +79,18 @@ passed to @code{shell/[0-2]} and can be requested using @code{getenv/2}.
They also influence @code{expand_file_name/2}.
@item setenv(+@var{Name},+@var{Value})
-@findex setenv/2
-@snindex setenv/2
-@cnindex setenv/2
+@findex swi_setenv/2
+@snindex swi_setenv/2
+@cnindex swi_setenv/2
Set environment variable. @var{Name} and @var{Value} should be
instantiated to atoms or integers. The environment variable will be
passed to @code{shell/[0-2]} and can be requested using @code{getenv/2}.
They also influence @code{expand_file_name/2}.
@item term_to_atom(?@var{Term},?@var{Atom})
-@findex term_to_atom/2
-@snindex term_to_atom/2
-@cnindex term_to_atom/2
+@findex swi_term_to_atom/2
+@snindex swi_term_to_atom/2
+@cnindex swi_term_to_atom/2
Succeeds if @var{Atom} describes a term that unifies with @var{Term}. When
@var{Atom} is instantiated @var{Atom} is converted and then unified with
@var{Term}. If @var{Atom} has no valid syntax, a @code{syntax_error}
@@ -98,9 +98,9 @@ exception is raised. Otherwise @var{Term} is ``written'' on @var{Atom}
using @code{write/1}.
@item working_directory(-@var{Old},+@var{New})
-@findex working_directory/2
-@snindex working_directory/2
-@cnindex working_directory/2
+@findex swi_working_directory/2
+@snindex swi_working_directory/2
+@cnindex swi_working_directory/2
Unify @var{Old} with an absolute path to the current working directory
and change working directory to @var{New}. Use the pattern
@@ -136,26 +136,26 @@ we will phrase this as ``@var{Predicate} is applied on ...''
@table @code
@item maplist(+@var{Pred},+@var{List})
-@findex maplist/2
-@snindex maplist/2
-@cnindex maplist/2
+@findex swi_maplist/2
+@snindex swi_maplist/2
+@cnindex swi_maplist/2
@var{Pred} is applied successively on each element of @var{List} until
the end of the list or @var{Pred} fails. In the latter case
@code{maplist/2} fails.
@item maplist(+@var{Pred},+@var{List1},+@var{List2})
-@findex maplist/3
-@snindex maplist/3
-@cnindex maplist/3
+@findex swi_maplist/3
+@snindex swi_maplist/3
+@cnindex swi_maplist/3
Apply @var{Pred} on all successive pairs of elements from
@var{List1} and
@var{List2}. Fails if @var{Pred} can not be applied to a
pair. See the example above.
@item maplist(+@var{Pred},+@var{List1},+@var{List2},+@var{List4})
-@findex maplist/4
-@snindex maplist/4
-@cnindex maplist/4
+@findex swi_maplist/4
+@snindex swi_maplist/4
+@cnindex swi_maplist/4
Apply @var{Pred} on all successive triples of elements from @var{List1},
@var{List2} and @var{List3}. Fails if @var{Pred} can not be applied to a
triple. See the example above.
@@ -174,9 +174,10 @@ triple. See the example above.
@table @code
@item forall(+@var{Cond},+@var{Action})
-@findex forall/2
-@snindex forall/2
-@cnindex forall/2
+@findex swi_forall/2
+@snindex swi_forall/2
+@snindex swi_forall/2
+@cnindex swi_forall/2
For all alternative bindings of @var{Cond} @var{Action} can be proven.
The next example verifies that all arithmetic statements in the list
@@ -233,9 +234,9 @@ threads that are created @emph{after} the registration.
@table @code
@item b_setval(+@var{Name},+@var{Value})
-@findex b_setval/2
-@snindex b_setval/2
-@cnindex b_setval/2
+@findex swi_b_setval/2
+@snindex swi_b_setval/2
+@cnindex swi_b_setval/2
Associate the term @var{Value} with the atom @var{Name} or replaces
the currently associated value with @var{Value}. If @var{Name} does
not refer to an existing global variable a variable with initial value
@@ -243,31 +244,28 @@ not refer to an existing global variable a variable with initial value
assignment is reversed.
@item b_getval(+@var{Name},-@var{Value})
-@findex b_getval/2
-@snindex b_getval/2
-@cnindex b_getval/2
+@findex swi_b_getval/2
+@snindex swi_b_getval/2
+@cnindex swi_b_getval/2
Get the value associated with the global variable @var{Name} and unify
it with @var{Value}. Note that this unification may further instantiate
the value of the global variable. If this is undesirable the normal
precautions (double negation or @code{copy_term/2}) must be taken. The
@code{b_getval/2} predicate generates errors if @var{Name} is not an atom or
the requested variable does not exist.
-@end table
-@table @code
@item nb_setval(+@var{Name},+@var{Value})
-@findex nb_setval/2
-@snindex nb_setval/2
-@cnindex nb_setval/2
+@findex swi_nb_setval/2
+@snindex swi_nb_setval/2
+@cnindex swi_nb_setval/2
Associates a copy of @var{Value} created with @code{duplicate_term/2}
with the atom @var{Name}. Note that this can be used to set an
initial value other than @code{[]} prior to backtrackable assignment.
@item nb_getval(+@var{Name},-@var{Value})
-@findex nb_getval/2
-@snindex nb_getval/2
-@cnindex nb_getval/2
+@findex swi_nb_getval/2
+@snindex swi_nb_getval/2
+@cnindex swi_nb_getval/2
The @code{nb_getval/2} predicate is a synonym for b_getval/2, introduced for
compatibility and symmetry. As most scenarios will use a particular
global variable either using non-backtrackable or backtrackable
@@ -297,9 +295,9 @@ variable is used non-backtrackable.
@c \end{code}
@item nb_current(?@var{Name},?@var{Value})
-@findex nb_current/2
-@snindex nb_current/2
-@cnindex nb_current/2
+@findex swi_nb_current/2
+@snindex swi_nb_current/2
+@cnindex swi_nb_current/2
Enumerate all defined variables with their value. The order of
enumeration is undefined.
diff --git a/docs/conv/texi2doxy b/docs/texi2doxy
similarity index 86%
rename from docs/conv/texi2doxy
rename to docs/texi2doxy
index 864d3d0f3..45d4c4adb 100644
--- a/docs/conv/texi2doxy
+++ b/docs/texi2doxy
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@ scan_file( Inp ) :-
line_count( S, Lines ),
read_line_to_string(S, Line0),
-%( Lines = 416 %string(Line0),sub_string( Line0,_,_,_, "\secref{unicodesyntax}") -> trace ; true ),
assert_static( source( Inp, Lines, Line0 ) ),
( Line0 == end_of_file ->
@@ -131,7 +130,9 @@ out( _S ) :-
nb_setval( min, 0 ),
out( S ) :-
- line( F, Pos, Line),
+ line( F, Pos, Line0),
+%( Pos = 5770 -> trace ; true ),
+ jmp_blanks( Line0, Line),
b_setval( line, F:Pos:Line ),
process( Line , NewLine, F:Pos),
offset( N ),
@@ -141,8 +142,8 @@ out( S ) :-
NewLine == ""
-% nb_getval( old_line, OldLine ),
-% OldLine \= "",
+ nb_getval( old_line, OldLine ),
+ OldLine \= "",
format(string(SN), '~n', [])
NewLine == force
@@ -185,6 +186,9 @@ singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@itemize",_R,L), !.
singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@enumerate",_R,L), !.
singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@table",_R,L), !.
singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@example",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ).
+singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@ifplaintext",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ).
+singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@pl_example",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ).
+singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@c_example",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ).
singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@simpleexample",_R,L), !, assert( singletons ).
singleton_line(L) :- string_concat("@end",R,L), !,
( sub_string(R, _, _, _, "example") -> retract( singletons ) ; true ).
@@ -200,16 +204,20 @@ process( Line , S, F:Pos ) :-
first_word(Line, "@end", Rest)
- first_word(Rest, Env1, _Rest2),
- ( Env1 == "example" ; Env1 == "smallexample" )
+ first_word(Rest, Env1, _Rest2),
+ sub_string( Env1, _, _, 0, "example" )
( S = "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" ;
pop( skip, verbatim ), fail
-% fail in other ends
-% ;
-% Env1 = "cartouche"
+ ;
+ first_word(Rest, Env1, _Rest2),
+ sub_string( Env1, _, _, 0, "plaintext" )
+ ->
+ ( S = "" ;
+ pop( skip, verbatim ), fail
+ )
first_word(Line, "@cartouche", Rest)
@@ -224,8 +232,12 @@ process( Line , "", _Pos ) :-
first_word(Line, Word, Rest),
Word == "@end",
first_word(Rest, Word2, _Rest),
- W2 = Word2,
- pop( skip, W2 ).
+ ( W2 = Word2
+ ->
+ pop( skip, W2 )
+ ;
+ true
+ ).
% command: flush and continue
process( Command , NewLine , Pos) :-
do_buffer(Command, NewLine, Pos ).
@@ -254,36 +266,49 @@ command( Line, Word, Rest ) :-
clause( process( Word, _, _, _, _ ), _),
+process("@item", _Line, _Rest, NewLine , _FilePos) :-
+ speek( list, it(_Env, _Item, _Pos, Numb)),
+ Numb > 1,
+ NewLine = "".
process("@item", Line, Rest, NewLine , FilePos) :-
pop( list, it(Env, Item, Pos, Numb)), !,
NNumb is Numb+1,
run( Text, Rest ),
- jmp_blanks( Rest, First ),
- item_type(Item, Numb, Marker ),
+ jmp_blanks( Text, First ),
+ Pos1 is Pos,
+% item_type(Item, Numb, Marker ),
+ Marker = "",
- Env = "table",
+ Env = "@table",
atom_string( A, Line ),
pred( _Pred, Key, A, FilePos )
push( list, it(Env, Item, Pos, NNumb) ),
% sendout the comand
- format(string(NewLine), '~t~s ~*|~s @anchor ~a', [Marker, Pos, First, Key]),
+ format(string(NewLine), '~t~s ~*+~s @anchor ~a', [Marker, Pos1, First, Key]),
push( indent, done )
NewLine = force
- format(string(NewLine), '~t~s ~*|~s', [ Marker, Pos, First]),
+ format(string(NewLine), '~t~s ~*+~s', [ Marker, Pos, First]),
push( list, it(Env, Item, Pos, NNumb) ),
push( indent, done )
- ).
+ ). %, writeln(+FilePos:Line), listing(stack).
+process("@end", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :-
+ once( speek(list,it(_Env,_,_LL,_)) ).
process("@end", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :-
+ ( Env = "@enumerate" ->
+ NewLine = ""
+ ;
+ NewLine = ""
+ ),
sub_string( Env, 1, _, 0, Env1 ),
sub_string( Rest, _, _, _, Env1), !, % check
- pop( list, it(Env, _, _, _) ),
- NewLine = "".
+% writeln(_Pos:_Line), listing(stack),
+ pop( list, it(Env, _, _, _) ).
process("@end", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :-
sub_string(Line, _, _, 0, "ifnottex"), !, % check
NewLine = "\\endhtmlonly".
@@ -304,7 +329,11 @@ process("@end", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :-
process("@author", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !,
jmp_blanks( Rest, Firs ),
format( string( NewLine), '\\author ~s', [ Firs ] ).
-process("@*", _Line, _Rest, ¨¨ , _Pos) :- !.
+process("@*", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos).
+process("@*", _Line, Rest, Line , _Pos) :-
+ !,
+ jmp_blanks( Rest, Firs ),
+ run( Line, Firs ).
process("@c", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !,
gen_comment( Rest, NewLine ).
process("@comment", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !,
@@ -320,7 +349,8 @@ process("@chapter", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
run( Title, Firs ),
nb_setval( level, 1 ),
title_from_words(Firs, Id, _Pos),
- format(string(NewLine), '@section ~s ~s', [Id,Title]).
+ title( '@chapter', _, TitleDox ),
+ format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s ~s', [TitleDox, Id,Title]).
% ( format( string(NewLine), '~s', [Title] ) ; NewLine = "======" ).
process("@cindex", _Line, _Rest, no , _Pos) :- !.
process("@caindex", _Line, _Rest, no, _Pos ) :- !.
@@ -329,6 +359,9 @@ process("@defindex", Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !,
process("@direntry", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
gen_comment( Line, NewLine ),
push(skip, "direntry" ).
+process("@texinfo", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
+ gen_comment( Line, NewLine ),
+ push(skip, "texinfo" ).
process("@documentencoding", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !.
% jmp_blanks( Rest, NewString ),
% format( string( NewLine), '', [ NewString ] ).
@@ -340,7 +373,16 @@ process("@enumerate", _Line, _Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :-
process("@example", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos).
process("@example", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" , _Pos) :- !,
push( skip, verbatim).
+process("@ifplaintext", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !,
+ push( skip, verbatim).
+process("@pl_example", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos).
+process("@pl_example", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.prolog}" , _Pos) :- !,
+ push( skip, verbatim).
+process("@c_example", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos).
+process("@c_example", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~{.c}" , _Pos) :- !,
+ push( skip, verbatim).
process("@format", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !.
+process("@alias", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !.
process("@dircategory", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !.
process("@smallexample", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos).
process("@smallexample", _Line, _Rest, "~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~" , _Pos) :- !,
@@ -373,8 +415,9 @@ process("@section", _Line, Rest, NewLine, Pos ) :- !,
run( NewTitle, Title ),
nb_setval( level, 2 ),
% format(string(NewLine), '# ~s #', [NewTitle]).
+ title( '@section', _, TitleDox ),
title_from_words(NewTitle, Id, Pos),
- format(string(NewLine), '@subsection ~s ~s', [Id,NewTitle]).
+ format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s ~s', [TitleDox,Id,NewTitle]).
% format(string(NewLine), '# ~s #', [NewTitle]).
process("@appendix", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ),
@@ -384,8 +427,9 @@ process("@subsection", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ),
run( NewTitle, Title ),
nb_setval( level, 3 ),
+ title( '@subsection', _, TitleDox ),
title_from_words(NewTitle, Id, _Pos),
- format(string(NewLine), '@subsubsection ~s ~s', [Id,NewTitle]).
+ format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s ~s', [TitleDox,Id,NewTitle]).
% format(string(NewLine), '## ~s ##', [NewTitle]).
process("@unnumberedsubsubsec", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
nb_setval( level, 4 ),
@@ -394,8 +438,9 @@ process("@subsubsection", _Line, Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
nb_setval( level, 4 ),
jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ),
run( NewTitle, Title ),
+ title( '@subsubsection', _, TitleDox ),
title_from_words(NewTitle, Id, _Pos),
- format(string(NewLine), '@paragraph ~s ~s', [Id,NewTitle]).
+ format(string(NewLine), '~a ~s', [TitleDox,Id,NewTitle]).
% format(string(NewLine), '### ~s ###', [NewTitle]).
process("@set", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !,
first_word( Rest, V, SecC),
@@ -416,16 +461,7 @@ process("@setchapternewpage", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
gen_comment( Line, NewLine ).
process("@setfilename", Line, _Rest, NewLine, _Pos ) :- !,
gen_comment( Line, NewLine ).
-process("@settitle", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !,
- jmp_blanks( Rest, Title ),
- ( format(string(NewLine), '~s {#mainpage}', [Title]) ; NewLine = "=================="; NewLine = "" ;
- NewLine = "";
- NewLine = "[TOC]";
- NewLine = "";
-NewLine = "@secreflist" ;
- NewLine = "";
-NewLine = "@endsecreflist"
+process("@settitle", _Line, _Rest, "" , _Pos) :- !.
process("@subtitle", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !.
process("@include", _Line, _Rest, "", _Pos ) :- !.
process("@table", _Line, Rest, NewLine , _Pos) :- !,
@@ -461,21 +497,25 @@ get_second( Rest, Title ) :-
% clear the buffer first.
list( Env, Line, New, _Pos) :-
- writeln(_Pos),
first_word( Line, V, Rest),
jmp_blanks( Rest, End ),
- speek( list, it(_, _,Pos, _) ) ->
- Pos1 is Pos + 6
+ speek( list, it(_, _, _Pos, _) ) ->
+ Pos1 is 0 % Pos + 4
- Pos1 = 6
+ Pos1 = 0 %4
push( list, it( Env, V, Pos1, 1 ) ),
% b_getval( pos, _Pos ),
% writeln(add:_Pos:Env:Pos1:End),
% listing(stack),
run( New, End).
+list( Env, _Line, NewLine, _Pos) :-
+ ( Env = "@enumerate" ->
+ NewLine = ""
+ ;
+ NewLine = ""
+ ).
item_type("@bullet", _, "-" ).
item_type("@code", _, "-" ).
@@ -521,9 +561,11 @@ from_word( Line, Id ) :-
simplify( C1, C0, []),
string_codes( Id, C1 ).
-simplify( [0'_|L]) --> " ", !,
+simplify( [0'_|L]) --> " ", !, %'
-simplify( [0'a,0'A|L]) --> "@", !,
+simplify( [0's,0'T|L]) --> "*", !, %'
+ simplify(L).
+simplify( [0'a,0'A|L]) --> "@", !,
simplify( [0'b,0'A|L]) --> "'", !,
@@ -637,7 +679,7 @@ pop(Type, Val) :-
stack(T, V), !,
T = Type,
V = Val,
- retract(stack(T,V)).
+ once( retract(stack(T,V)) ).
push(Type, Val) :-
@@ -706,11 +748,17 @@ run( L) --> "@value{", !,
run( L) --> "@pxref{", !,
argument(AL, 0'{, 0'}),
- { format(codes(L, R), '`see ~s`', [AL] ) }, %'
+ {
+ string_codes(S, AL),
+ from_word(S, Id),
+ format(codes(L, R), ' (see [~s](@ref ~s))', [AL,Id] ) }, %' %
run( L) --> "@ref{", !,
argument(AL, 0'{, 0'}),
- { format(codes(L, R), '[~s](@ref ~s)', [AL,AL] ) }, %'
+ {
+ string_codes(S, AL),
+ from_word(S, Id),
+ format(codes(L, R), '[~s](@ref ~s)', [AL,Id] ) }, %'
run( L) --> "@strong{", !,
argument(AL, 0'{, 0'}),
@@ -808,11 +856,9 @@ argument(L, _C0, _C, L, []) :-
format(user_error, 'Line ~w :-~n argument ~c~s~c does not close in same line.~n', [Line, _C0, L, _C]).
argument0([], 0, _, C ) --> [C], !.
-%:- start_low_level_trace.
argument0([C|L], I0, C0, C ) --> [C], !,
{ I0 > 0, I is I0-1 },
argument0( L, I, C0, C).
-%:- stop_low_level_trace.
argument0([C0|L], I0, C0, C ) --> [C0], !,
{ I is I0+1 },
argument0( L, I, C0, C).
@@ -854,11 +900,18 @@ id(X) :-
X1 is X+100,
-title(1, page).
-title(2, section).
-title(3, subsection).
-title(4, subsubsection).
-title(5, paragraph).
-title(6, paragraph).
+title(TexTitle, Level, DoxTitle) :-
+ title( Level, TexTitle),
+% Level1 is Level + 1,
+ title( Level, DoxTitle ), !.
+title(1, '@page' ).
+title(1, '@chapter' ).
+title(2, '@section' ).
+title(3, '@subsection' ).
+title(4, '@subsubsection' ).
+title(5, '@paragraph' ).
+title(6, '@paragraph' ).
%:- spy title_from_words.
diff --git a/docs/yap.tex b/docs/yap.tex
index 13c94952c..e9022daa9 100644
--- a/docs/yap.tex
+++ b/docs/yap.tex
@@ -28,6 +28,8 @@
@c Index for predicates sort of (almost) in SICStus Prolog
@defindex sa
+@alias pl_example=example
+@alias c_example=example
@setchapternewpage odd
@c @smallbook
@@ -79,6 +81,55 @@ Machine), with several optimizations for better performance. YAP follows
the Edinburgh tradition, and is largely compatible with DEC-10 Prolog,
Quintus Prolog, and especially with C-Prolog.
+- @subpage Install discusses how to download, compile and install
+ YAP for your platform.
+- @subpage Syntax describes the syntax of YAP.
+- @subpage Run describes how to invoke YAP
+- @subpage Syntax describe the syntax of YAP.
+- @subpage Loading_Programs presents the main predicates and
+directives available to load files and to control the Prolog
- @subpage abs_file_name explains how to find a file full path.
+ Built-Ins
+@subpage page_arithmetic describes how arithmetic works in YAP.
+- @subpage Control describes the predicates for controlling the execution of Prolog programs.
+- @subpage Testing_Terms describes the main predicates on terms
+- @subpage Input_Output goes into Input/Ouput.
+- @subpage Database discusses the clausal data-base
+- @subpage Grammars presents Grammar rules in Prolog
+ that are both a convenient way to express definite clause grammars
+ and an extension
+ of the well known context-free grammars.
+- @subpage OS discusses access to Operating System functionality
+@end ifplaintext
This file contains extracts of the SWI-Prolog manual, as written by Jan
Wielemaker. Our thanks to the author for his kind permission in allowing
us to include his text in this document.
@@ -124,7 +175,7 @@ Built In Predicates
* Predicates on Characters:: Manipulating Characters
* Comparing Terms:: Comparison of Terms
* Arithmetic:: Arithmetic in YAP
-* I/O:: Input/Output with YAP
+* Input/Output:: Input/Output with YAP
* Database:: Modifying Prolog's Database
* Sets:: Finding All Possible Solutions
* Grammars:: Grammar Rules
@@ -180,11 +231,11 @@ Subnodes of Modules
Subnodes of Input/Output
* Streams and Files:: Handling Streams and Files
* C-Prolog File Handling:: C-Prolog Compatible File Handling
-* I/O of Terms:: Input/Output of terms
-* I/O of Characters:: Input/Output of Characters
-* I/O for Streams:: Input/Output using Streams
-* C-Prolog to Terminal:: C-Prolog compatible Character I/O to terminal
-* I/O Control:: Controlling your Input/Output
+* Input/Output of Terms:: Input/Output of terms
+* Input/Output of Characters:: Input/Output of Characters
+* Input/Output for Streams:: Input/Output using Streams
+* C-Prolog to Terminal:: C-Prolog compatible Character Input/Output to terminal
+* Input/Output Control:: Controlling your Input/Output
* Sockets:: Using Sockets from YAP
Subnodes of Database
@@ -222,7 +273,7 @@ Subnodes of Library
* RegExp:: Regular Expression Manipulation
* shlib:: SWI Prolog shlib library
* Splay Trees:: Splay Trees
-* String I/O:: Writing To and Reading From Strings
+* String Input/Output:: Writing To and Reading From Strings
* System:: System Utilities
* Terms:: Utilities on Terms
* Cleanup:: Call With registered Cleanup Calls
@@ -343,9 +394,8 @@ Tables
@end ifnottex
@node Intro, Install, , Top
-@unnumbered Introduction
+@section Introduction
This document provides User information on version @value{VERSION} of
YAP (@emph{Yet Another Prolog}). The YAP Prolog System is a
@@ -356,7 +406,7 @@ Porto. YAP provides several important features:
@item Speed: YAP is widely considered one of the fastest available
Prolog systems.
- @item Functionality: it supports stream I/O, sockets, modules,
+ @item Functionality: it supports stream Input/Output, sockets, modules,
exceptions, Prolog debugger, C-interface, dynamic code, internal
database, DCGs, saved states, co-routining, arrays, threads.
@@ -503,7 +553,7 @@ Library, Extensions, Built-ins, Top
* RegExp:: Regular Expression Manipulation
* shlib:: SWI Prolog shlib library
* Splay Trees:: Splay Trees
-* String I/O:: Writing To and Reading From Strings
+* String Input/Output:: Writing To and Reading From Strings
* System:: System Utilities
* Terms:: Utilities on Terms
* Timeout:: Call With Timeout
@@ -532,10 +582,10 @@ aggregation operations are counting, computing the sum, minimum,
maximum, a bag of solutions and a set of solutions. We first give a
simple example, computing the country with the smallest area:
smallest_country(Name, Area) :-
aggregate(min(A, N), country(N, A), min(Area, Name)).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
There are four aggregation predicates, distinguished on two properties.
@@ -557,9 +607,9 @@ There are four aggregation predicates, distinguished on two properties.
all countries we do not want to lose results because two countries
have the same population. Therefore we use:
aggregate(sum(P), Name, country(Name, P), Total)
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@end table
@@ -636,12 +686,12 @@ The predicates are:
any variables that are not shared with Generator.
Here is an example:
?- foreach(between(1,4,X), dif(X,Y)), Y = 5.
Y = 5
?- foreach(between(1,4,X), dif(X,Y)), Y = 3.
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Notice that @var{Goal} is copied repeatedly, which may cause
problems if attributed variables are involved.
@@ -877,19 +927,19 @@ integers.
The package is activated by @code{udi} declarations that state what is
the argument of interest:
:- udi(diagnoses(exo_interval,?,?)).
:- load_files(db, [consult(exo)]).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
It is designed to optimise the following type of queries:
?- max(X, diagnoses(X, 9, Y), X).
?- min(X, diagnoses(X, 9, 36211117), X).
?- X #< Y, min(X, diagnoses(X, 9, 36211117), X ), diagnoses(Y, 9, _).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
The first argument gives the time, the second the patient, and the
third the condition code. The first query should find the last time
the patient 9 had any code reported, the second looks for the first
@@ -913,18 +963,18 @@ of gecode and to have an higher level interface,
@subsection The Gecode Interface
This text is due to Denys Duchier. The gecode interface requires
:- use_module(library(gecode)).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Several example programs are available with the distribution.
@table @code
A space is gecodes data representation for a store of constraints:
Space := space
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@@ -933,27 +983,27 @@ Unlike in Gecode, variable objects are not bound to a specific Space. Each one
actually contains an index with which it is possible to access a Space-bound
Gecode variable. Variables can be created using the following expressions:
IVar := intvar(Space,SPEC...)
BVar := boolvar(Space)
SVar := setvar(Space,SPEC...)
-@end example
+@end pl_example
where SPEC... is the same as in Gecode. For creating lists of variables use
the following variants:
IVars := intvars(Space,N,SPEC...)
BVars := boolvars(Space,N,SPEC...)
SVars := setvars(Space,N,SPEC...)
-@end example
+@end pl_example
where N is the number of variables to create (just like for XXXVarArray in
Gecode). Sometimes an IntSet is necessary:
ISet := intset([SPEC...])
-@end example
+@end pl_example
where each SPEC is either an integer or a pair (I,J) of integers. An IntSet
describes a set of ints by providing either intervals, or integers (which stand
@@ -961,10 +1011,10 @@ for an interval of themselves). It might be tempting to simply represent an
IntSet as a list of specs, but this would be ambiguous with IntArgs which,
here, are represented as lists of ints.
Space += keep(Var)
Space += keep(Vars)
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Variables can be marked as "kept". In this case, only such variables will be
explicitly copied during search. This could bring substantial benefits in
@@ -980,16 +1030,16 @@ Gecode. Wherever a XXXArgs or YYYSharedArray is expected, simply use a list.
At present, there is no support for minimodel-like constraint posting.
Constraints and branchings are added to a space using:
-@end example
+@end pl_example
For example:
Space += rel(X,'IRT_EQ',Y)
-@end example
+@end pl_example
arrays of variables are represented by lists of variables, and constants are
@@ -998,17 +1048,17 @@ represented by atoms with the same name as the Gecode constant
SolSpace := search(Space)
-@end example
+@end pl_example
This is a backtrackable predicate that enumerates all solution spaces
(SolSpace). It may also take options:
SolSpace := search(Space,Options)
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Options is a list whose elements maybe:
@@ -1034,7 +1084,7 @@ solutions. Below are methods for looking up information about variables. Each
of these methods can either take a variable as argument, or a list of
variables, and returns resp. either a value, or a list of values:
Val := assigned(Space,X)
Val := min(Space,X)
@@ -1061,7 +1111,7 @@ variables, and returns resp. either a value, or a list of values:
Val := glb_values(Space,V)
Val := lub_values(Space,V)
Val := unknown_values(Space,V)
- @end example
+ @end pl_example
@@ -1069,9 +1119,9 @@ variables, and returns resp. either a value, or a list of values:
Disjunctors provide support for disjunctions of clauses, where each clause is a
conjunction of constraints:
C1 or C2 or ... or Cn
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Each clause is executed "speculatively": this means it does not affect the main
@@ -1083,70 +1133,70 @@ Example:
Consider the problem where either X=Y=0 or X=Y+(1 or 2) for variable X and Y
that take values in 0..3.
Space := space,
[X,Y] := intvars(Space,2,0,3),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
First, we must create a disjunctor as a manager for our 2 clauses:
Disj := disjunctor(Space),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
We can now create our first clause:
C1 := clause(Disj),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
This clause wants to constrain X and Y to 0. However, since it must be
executed "speculatively", it must operate on new variables X1 and Y1 that
shadow X and Y:
[X1,Y1] := intvars(C1,2,0,3),
C1 += forward([X,Y],[X1,Y1]),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
The forward(...) stipulation indicates which global variable is shadowed by
which clause-local variable. Now we can post the speculative clause-local
constraints for X=Y=0:
C1 += rel(X1,'IRT_EQ',0),
C1 += rel(Y1,'IRT_EQ',0),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
We now create the second clause which uses X2 and Y2 to shadow X and Y:
C2 := clause(Disj),
[X2,Y2] := intvars(C2,2,0,3),
C2 += forward([X,Y],[X2,Y2]),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
However, this clause also needs a clause-local variable Z2 taking values 1 or
2 in order to post the clause-local constraint X2=Y2+Z2:
Z2 := intvar(C2,1,2),
C2 += linear([-1,1,1],[X2,Y2,Z2],'IRT_EQ',0),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Finally, we can branch and search:
Space += branch([X,Y],'INT_VAR_SIZE_MIN','INT_VAL_MIN'),
SolSpace := search(Space),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
and lookup values of variables in each solution:
[X_,Y_] := val(SolSpace,[X,Y]).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@end table
@@ -1155,9 +1205,9 @@ and lookup values of variables in each solution:
The gecode/clp(fd) interface is designed to use the GECODE functionality
in a more CLP like style. It requires
:- use_module(library(gecode/clpfd)).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Several example programs are available with the distribution.
Integer variables are declared as:
@@ -1196,17 +1246,17 @@ implication (=>), equivalence (<=>), and xor. The @t{sum} constraint allows a t
@code{where} conditional, in Zinc style.
The send more money equation may be written as:
1000*S + 100*E + 10*N + D +
1000*M + 100*O + 10*R + E #=
10000*M + 1000*O + 100*N + 10*E + Y,
-@end example
+@end pl_example
This example uses @code{where} to select from
column @var{I} the elements that have value under @var{M}:
OutFlow[I] #= sum(J in 1..N where D[J,I] B.
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Note that not all constraints may be reifiable.
@item element(@var{X}, @var{Vs} )
@@ -1296,11 +1346,11 @@ first to the last argument emitting the middle argument, and a final
The swedish-drinkers protocol is represented as follows:
A = [X,Y,Z],
dfa( 0, [t(0,0,0),t(0,1,1),t(1,0,0),t(-1,0,0)], [0], C),
in_dfa( A, C ),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
This code will enumeratae the valid tuples of three emissions.
@item extensional constraints
@@ -1308,10 +1358,10 @@ Constraints can also be represented as lists of tuples.
The previous example
would be written as:
extensional_constraint([[0,0,0],[0,1,0],[1,0,0]], C),
in_relation( A, C ),
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item minimum(@var{X}, @var{Vs})
@item min(@var{X}, @var{Vs})
@@ -1486,13 +1536,13 @@ identical to @var{Element} deleted.
Flatten a list of lists @var{List} into a single list
?- flatten([[1],[2,3],[4,[5,6],7,8]],L).
L = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] ? ;
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item last(+@var{List},?@var{Last})
@findex last/2
@@ -1565,8 +1615,7 @@ Unifies @var{Elem} with the Nth element of @var{List}, counting from 1,
and @var{Rest} with the other elements. It can be used to select the
Nth element of @var{List} (yielding @var{Elem} and @var{Rest}), or to
insert @var{Elem} before the Nth (counting from 1) element of
-@var{Rest}, when it yields @var{List}, e.g. @code{nth(3, List, c,
-[a,b,d,e])} unifies List with @code{[a,b,c,d,e]}. @code{nth/4}
+@var{Rest}, when it yields @var{List}, e.g. @code{nth(3, List, c, [a,b,d,e])} unifies List with @code{[a,b,c,d,e]}. @code{nth/4}
can be used to insert @var{Elem} after the Nth element of @var{Rest}.
@item nth(?@var{N}, ?@var{List}, ?@var{Elem}, ?@var{Rest})
@@ -1620,11 +1669,11 @@ stay in the same order).
@cnindex selectchk/3
Semi-deterministic selection from a list. Steadfast: defines as
selectchk(Elem, List, Residue) :-
select(Elem, List, Rest0), !,
Rest = Rest0.
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item sublist(?@var{Sublist}, ?@var{List})
@@ -1750,13 +1799,13 @@ the remainder of the line.
Unify @var{Words} with a set of strings obtained from @var{Line} by
using the character codes in @var{Separators} as separators. As an
example, consider:
?- split("Hello * I am free"," *",S).
S = ["Hello","I","am","free"] ?
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item split(+@var{Line},-@var{Split})
@findex split/2
@@ -1775,11 +1824,11 @@ Unify @var{Words} with a set of strings obtained from @var{Line} by
using the character codes in @var{Separators} as separators for
fields. If two separators occur in a row, the field is considered
empty. As an example, consider:
?- fields("Hello I am free"," *",S).
S = ["Hello","","I","am","","free"] ?
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item fields(+@var{Line},-@var{Split})
@findex fields/2
@@ -2086,12 +2135,12 @@ result in @var{X}, @var{Y}, @var{Z} and @var{W}.
Left scan of list. The scanl family of higher order list
operations is defined by:
scanl(P, [X11,...,X1n], ..., [Xm1,...,Xmn], V0, [V0,V1,...,Vn]) :-
P(X11, ..., Xm1, V0, V1),
P(X1n, ..., Xmn, Vn-1, Vn).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item scanl(:@var{Pred}, +@var{List1}, +@var{List2}, ?@var{V0}, ?@var{Vs})
@@ -2168,7 +2217,7 @@ of @code{<}, @code{=} or @code{>}. @code{Pred} must be deterministic.
plus(X,Y,Z) :- Z is X + Y.
plus_if_pos(X,Y,Z) :- Y > 0, Z is X + Y.
@@ -2194,7 +2243,7 @@ checknodes(\==(T), p(X,p(Y,X),Z)).
sumnodes(vars, [c(X), p(X,Y), q(Y)], [], [Y,Y,X,X]).
% another one
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@node matrix, MATLAB, MapList, Library
@section Matrix Library
@@ -2359,9 +2408,9 @@ Variables in the goal are assumed to be global, ie, share a single value
in the execution. The exceptions are the iteration indices. Moreover, if
the goal is of the form @code{@var{Locals}^@var{G}} all variables
occurring in @var{Locals} are marked as local. As an example:
foreach([I,J] ins 1..N, A^(A <==M[I,J], N[I] <== N[I] + A*A) )
-@end example
+@end pl_example
the variables @var{I}, @var{J} and @var{A} are duplicated for every
call (local), whereas the matrices @var{M} and @var{N} are shared
throughout the execution (global).
@@ -2794,16 +2843,16 @@ Read or set MATLAB @var{MatVar}(@var{X},@var{Y}) from/to @var{Val}. Use
@code{C} notation for matrix access (ie, starting from 0).
@item matlab_item1(+@var{MatVar}, +@var{X}, ?@var{Val})
-@findex matlab_item/3
-@snindex matlab_item/3
-@cnindex matlab_item/3
+@findex matlab_item1/3
+@snindex matlab_item1/3
+@cnindex matlab_item1/3
Read or set MATLAB @var{MatVar}(@var{X}) from/to @var{Val}. Use
MATLAB notation for matrix access (ie, starting from 1).
@item matlab_item1(+@var{MatVar}, +@var{X}, +@var{Y}, ?@var{Val})
-@findex matlab_item/4
-@snindex matlab_item/4
-@cnindex matlab_item/4
+@findex matlab_item1/4
+@snindex matlab_item1/4
+@cnindex matlab_item1/4
Read or set MATLAB @var{MatVar}(@var{X},@var{Y}) from/to @var{Val}. Use
MATLAB notation for matrix access (ie, starting from 1).
@@ -3375,9 +3424,9 @@ read_header_data(_, Stream, Tail) :-
@end example
@item read_stream_to_codes(+@var{Stream}, -@var{Codes})
-@findex read_stream_to_codes/3
-@snindex read_stream_to_codes/3
-@cnindex read_stream_to_codes/3
+@findex read_stream_to_codes/2
+@snindex read_stream_to_codes/2
+@cnindex read_stream_to_codes/2
Read all input until end-of-file and unify the result to @var{Codes}.
@item read_stream_to_codes(+@var{Stream}, -@var{Codes}, ?@var{Tail})
@@ -3614,12 +3663,6 @@ associated with @var{Val}.
@var{Previous} is the previous element after @var{Key} in @var{T}, and is
associated with @var{Val}.
-@item list_to_rbtree(+@var{L}, -@var{T})
-@findex list_to_rbtree/2
-@snindex list_to_rbtree/2
-@cnindex list_to_rbtree/2
-@var{T} is the red-black tree corresponding to the mapping in list @var{L}.
@item ord_list_to_rbtree(+@var{L}, -@var{T})
@findex list_to_rbtree/2
@snindex list_to_rbtree/2
@@ -3771,7 +3814,7 @@ One of the files provides a global function @code{install_mylib()} that
initialises the module using calls to @code{PL_register_foreign()}. Here is a
simple example file @code{mylib.c}, which creates a Windows MessageBox:
@@ -3792,7 +3835,7 @@ install_t
@{ PL_register_foreign("say_hello", 1, pl_say_hello, 0);
-@end example
+@end c_example
Now write a file mylib.pl:
@@ -3888,7 +3931,7 @@ loaded shared libraries.
@c @code{qsave_program/2}).
@end table
-@node Splay Trees, String I/O, shlib, Library
+@node Splay Trees, String Input/Output, shlib, Library
@section Splay Trees
@cindex splay trees
@@ -3956,12 +3999,12 @@ greater than @var{Key}. This operations destroys @var{Tree}.
@end table
-@node String I/O, System, Splay Trees, Library
+@node String Input/Output, System, Splay Trees, Library
@section Reading From and Writing To Strings
-@cindex string I/O
+@cindex string Input/Output
From Version 4.3.2 onwards YAP implements SICStus Prolog compatible
-String I/O. The library allows users to read from and write to a memory
+String Input/Output. The library allows users to read from and write to a memory
buffer as if it was a file. The memory buffer is built from or converted
to a string of character codes by the routines in library. Therefore, if
one wants to read from a string the string must be fully instantiated
@@ -4127,7 +4170,7 @@ importing these built-ins.
YAP does not currently support opening a @code{charsio} stream in
@code{append} mode, or seeking in such a stream.
-@node System, Terms, String I/O, Library
+@node System, Terms, String Input/Output, Library
@section Calling The Operating System from YAP
@cindex Operating System Utilities
@@ -4179,8 +4222,7 @@ X = 991081786 ? ;
@syindex delete_file/1
@cnindex delete_file/1
The @code{delete_file/1} procedure removes file @var{File}. If
-@var{File} is a directory, remove the directory @emph{and all its
+@var{File} is a directory, remove the directory @emph{and all its subdirectories}.
?- delete_file(x).
@@ -4271,9 +4313,9 @@ Create file @var{OldFile} to @var{NewFile}. This predicate uses the
@item environ(?@var{EnvVar},+@var{EnvValue})
-@findex environ/2
-@syindex environ/2
-@cnindex environ/2
+@findex sys_environ/2
+@syindex sys_environ/2
+@cnindex sys_environ/2
Unify environment variable @var{EnvVar} with its value @var{EnvValue},
if there is one. This predicate is backtrackable in Unix systems, but
not currently in Win32 configurations.
@@ -4380,11 +4422,11 @@ command.
The following example demonstrates the use of @code{popen/3} to process
the output of a command, as @code{exec/3} would do:
?- popen(ls,read,X),repeat, get0(X,C), (C = -1, ! ; put(C)).
X = 'C:\\cygwin\\home\\administrator' ?
-@end example
+@end pl_example
The WIN32 implementation of @code{popen/3} relies on @code{exec/3}.
@@ -4409,9 +4451,9 @@ the shell given by the environment variable @code{SHELL} with the option
@code{SHELL} is undefined, in this case with the option @code{" /c "}.
@item shell(+@var{Command},-@var{Status})
-@findex shell/1
-@syindex shell/1
-@cnindex shell/1
+@findex shell/2
+@syindex shell/2
+@cnindex shell/2
Execute command @var{Command} under a new shell and unify @var{Status}
with the exit for the command. YAP will be in background until the
command completes. In Unix environments YAP uses the shell given by the
@@ -4696,9 +4738,9 @@ Declares the predicate @var{P}=@t{[module:]name/arity} as a fragile
predicate, module is optional, default is the current
typein_module. Whenever such a fragile predicate is used in a query
it will be called through call_cleanup/1.
:- fragile foo/1,bar:baz/2.
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item call_cleanup(:@var{Goal})
@findex call_cleanup/1
@@ -4738,7 +4780,7 @@ required to execute @var{Goal}, close file-descriptors, etc. The example
below provides a non-deterministic search for a term in a file, closing
the stream as needed.
term_in_file(Term, File) :-
setup_call_cleanup(open(File, read, In),
term_in_stream(Term, In),
@@ -4751,7 +4793,7 @@ term_in_stream(Term, In) :-
-> !, fail
; T = Term
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Note that it is impossible to implement this predicate in Prolog other than
by reading all terms into a list, close the file and call @code{member/2}.
@@ -4932,20 +4974,20 @@ Given a graph with a set of vertices @var{Vertices} and a set of edges
s-representation. Note that the vertices without edges will appear in
@var{Vertices} but not in @var{Edges}. Moreover, it is sufficient for a
vertex to appear in @var{Edges}.
?- vertices_edges_to_ugraph([],[1-3,2-4,4-5,1-5],L).
L = [1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[]] ?
-@end example
+@end pl_example
In this case all edges are defined implicitly. The next example shows
three unconnected edges:
?- vertices_edges_to_ugraph([6,7,8],[1-3,2-4,4-5,1-5],L).
L = [1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[],6-[],7-[],8-[]] ?
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item vertices(+@var{Graph}, -@var{Vertices})
@findex vertices/2
@@ -4953,11 +4995,11 @@ L = [1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[],6-[],7-[],8-[]] ?
@cnindex vertices/2
Unify @var{Vertices} with all vertices appearing in graph
@var{Graph}. In the next example:
?- vertices([1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[]], V).
L = [1,2,3,4,5]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item edges(+@var{Graph}, -@var{Edges})
@findex edges/2
@@ -4965,11 +5007,11 @@ L = [1,2,3,4,5]
@cnindex edges/2
Unify @var{Edges} with all edges appearing in graph
@var{Graph}. In the next example:
?- vertices([1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[]], V).
L = [1,2,3,4,5]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item add_vertices(+@var{Graph}, +@var{Vertices}, -@var{NewGraph})
@findex add_vertices/3
@@ -4977,7 +5019,7 @@ L = [1,2,3,4,5]
@cnindex add_vertices/3
Unify @var{NewGraph} with a new graph obtained by adding the list of
vertices @var{Vertices} to the graph @var{Graph}. In the next example:
?- add_vertices([1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],
@@ -4985,7 +5027,7 @@ vertices @var{Vertices} to the graph @var{Graph}. In the next example:
NG = [0-[],1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[],
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item del_vertices(+@var{Graph}, +@var{Vertices}, -@var{NewGraph})
@findex del_vertices/3
@@ -4994,12 +5036,12 @@ NG = [0-[],1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[],
Unify @var{NewGraph} with a new graph obtained by deleting the list of
vertices @var{Vertices} and all the edges that start from or go to a
vertex in @var{Vertices} to the graph @var{Graph}. In the next example:
?- del_vertices([2,1],[1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],
NL = [3-[],4-[5],5-[],6-[],7-[6],8-[]]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item add_edges(+@var{Graph}, +@var{Edges}, -@var{NewGraph})
@findex add_edges/3
@@ -5007,12 +5049,12 @@ NL = [3-[],4-[5],5-[],6-[],7-[6],8-[]]
@cnindex add_edges/3
Unify @var{NewGraph} with a new graph obtained by adding the list of
edges @var{Edges} to the graph @var{Graph}. In the next example:
?- add_edges([1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[],6-[],
NL = [1-[3,5,6],2-[3,4],3-[2],4-[5],5-[7],6-[],7-[],8-[]]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item del_edges(+@var{Graph}, +@var{Edges}, -@var{NewGraph})
@findex del_edges/3
@@ -5021,13 +5063,13 @@ NL = [1-[3,5,6],2-[3,4],3-[2],4-[5],5-[7],6-[],7-[],8-[]]
Unify @var{NewGraph} with a new graph obtained by removing the list of
edges @var{Edges} from the graph @var{Graph}. Notice that no vertices
are deleted. In the next example:
?- del_edges([1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[],
NL = [1-[5],2-[4],3-[],4-[],5-[],6-[],7-[],8-[]]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item transpose(+@var{Graph}, -@var{NewGraph})
@findex transpose/3
@@ -5036,12 +5078,12 @@ NL = [1-[5],2-[4],3-[],4-[],5-[],6-[],7-[],8-[]]
Unify @var{NewGraph} with a new graph obtained from @var{Graph} by
replacing all edges of the form @var{V1-V2} by edges of the form
@var{V2-V1}. The cost is @code{O(|V|^2)}. In the next example:
?- transpose([1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],
4-[5],5-[],6-[],7-[],8-[]], NL).
NL = [1-[],2-[],3-[1],4-[2],5-[1,4],6-[],7-[],8-[]]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Notice that an undirected graph is its own transpose.
@item neighbors(+@var{Vertex}, +@var{Graph}, -@var{Vertices})
@@ -5051,13 +5093,13 @@ Notice that an undirected graph is its own transpose.
Unify @var{Vertices} with the list of neighbors of vertex @var{Vertex}
in @var{Graph}. If the vertice is not in the graph fail. In the next
?- neighbors(4,[1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],
NL = [1,2,7,5]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item neighbours(+@var{Vertex}, +@var{Graph}, -@var{Vertices})
@findex neighbours/3
@@ -5065,12 +5107,12 @@ NL = [1,2,7,5]
@cnindex neighbours/3
Unify @var{Vertices} with the list of neighbours of vertex @var{Vertex}
in @var{Graph}. In the next example:
?- neighbours(4,[1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],
4-[1,2,7,5],5-[],6-[],7-[],8-[]], NL).
NL = [1,2,7,5]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item complement(+@var{Graph}, -@var{NewGraph})
@findex complement/2
@@ -5078,14 +5120,14 @@ NL = [1,2,7,5]
@cnindex complement/2
Unify @var{NewGraph} with the graph complementary to @var{Graph}.
In the next example:
?- complement([1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],
4-[1,2,7,5],5-[],6-[],7-[],8-[]], NL).
NL = [1-[2,4,6,7,8],2-[1,3,5,6,7,8],3-[1,2,4,5,6,7,8],
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item compose(+@var{LeftGraph}, +@var{RightGraph}, -@var{NewGraph})
@findex compose/3
@@ -5093,11 +5135,11 @@ NL = [1-[2,4,6,7,8],2-[1,3,5,6,7,8],3-[1,2,4,5,6,7,8],
@cnindex compose/3
Compose the graphs @var{LeftGraph} and @var{RightGraph} to form @var{NewGraph}.
In the next example:
?- compose([1-[2],2-[3]],[2-[4],3-[1,2,4]],L).
L = [1-[4],2-[1,2,4],3-[]]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item top_sort(+@var{Graph}, -@var{Sort})
@findex top_sort/2
@@ -5106,11 +5148,11 @@ L = [1-[4],2-[1,2,4],3-[]]
Generate the set of nodes @var{Sort} as a topological sorting of graph
@var{Graph}, if one is possible.
In the next example we show how topological sorting works for a linear graph:
?- top_sort([_138-[_219],_219-[_139], _139-[]],L).
L = [_138,_219,_139]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item top_sort(+@var{Graph}, -@var{Sort0}, -@var{Sort})
@findex top_sort/3
@@ -5126,11 +5168,11 @@ sorting of graph @var{Graph}, if one is possible.
Generate the graph @var{Closure} as the transitive closure of graph
In the next example:
?- transitive_closure([1-[2,3],2-[4,5],4-[6]],L).
L = [1-[2,3,4,5,6],2-[4,5,6],4-[6]]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@item reachable(+@var{Node}, +@var{Graph}, -@var{Vertices})
@findex reachable/3
@@ -5138,11 +5180,11 @@ L = [1-[2,3,4,5,6],2-[4,5,6],4-[6]]
@cnindex reachable/3
Unify @var{Vertices} with the set of all vertices in graph
@var{Graph} that are reachable from @var{Node}. In the next example:
?- reachable(1,[1-[3,5],2-[4],3-[],4-[5],5-[]],V).
V = [1,3,5]
-@end example
+@end pl_example
@end table
@@ -5364,16 +5406,16 @@ The path @var{Path} is a path starting at vertex @var{Vertex} in graph
@item dgraph_path(+@var{Vertex}, +@var{Vertex1}, +@var{Graph}, ?@var{Path})
-@findex dgraph_path/3
-@snindex dgraph_path/3
-@cnindex dgraph_path/3
+@findex dgraph_path/4
+@snindex dgraph_path/4
+@cnindex dgraph_path/4
The path @var{Path} is a path starting at vertex @var{Vertex} in graph
@var{Graph} and ending at path @var{Vertex2}.
@item dgraph_reachable(+@var{Vertex}, +@var{Graph}, ?@var{Edges})
-@findex dgraph_path/3
-@snindex dgraph_path/3
-@cnindex dgraph_path/3
+@findex dgraph_reachable/3
+@snindex dgraph_reachable/3
+@cnindex dgraph_reachable/3
The path @var{Path} is a path starting at vertex @var{Vertex} in graph
@@ -5504,9 +5546,9 @@ Give general overview of data-base usage in the system.
List memory usage for every static predicate.
@item db_static(+@var{Threshold})
-@findex db_static/0
-@snindex db_static/0
-@cnindex db_static/0
+@findex db_static/1
+@snindex db_static/1
+@cnindex db_static/1
List memory usage for every static predicate. Predicate must use more
than @var{Threshold} bytes.
@@ -5517,9 +5559,9 @@ than @var{Threshold} bytes.
List memory usage for every dynamic predicate.
@item db_dynamic(+@var{Threshold})
-@findex db_dynamic/0
-@snindex db_dynamic/0
-@cnindex db_dynamic/0
+@findex db_dynamic/1
+@snindex db_dynamic/1
+@cnindex db_dynamic/1
List memory usage for every dynamic predicate. Predicate must use more
than @var{Threshold} bytes.
@@ -5536,11 +5578,11 @@ lambda expressions to simplify higher order programming based on @code{call/N}.
Lambda expressions are represented by ordinary Prolog terms. There are
two kinds of lambda expressions:
Free+\X1^X2^ ..^XN^Goal
\X1^X2^ ..^XN^Goal
-@end example
+@end pl_example
The second is a shorthand for@code{ t+\X1^X2^..^XN^Goal}, where @code{Xi} are the parameters.
@@ -5556,20 +5598,20 @@ currently not checked. Violations may lead to unexpected bindings.
In the following example the parentheses around @code{X>3} are necessary.
?- use_module(library(lambda)).
?- use_module(library(apply)).
?- maplist(\X^(X>3),[4,5,9]).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
In the following @var{X} is a variable that is shared by both instances
of the lambda expression. The second query illustrates the cooperation
of continuations and lambdas. The lambda expression is in this case a
continuation expecting a further argument.
?- Xs = [A,B], maplist(X+\Y^dif(X,Y), Xs).
Xs = [A, B],
dif(X, A),
@@ -5580,25 +5622,25 @@ Xs = [A, B],
dif(X, A),
dif(X, B).
-@end example
+@end pl_example
The following queries are all equivalent. To see this, use
the fact @code{f(x,y)}.
?- call(f,A1,A2).
?- call(\X^f(X),A1,A2).
-?- call(\X^Y^f(X,Y), A1,A2).
+?- call(\X^Y^f(X,Y), A1,A2).
?- call(\X^(X+\Y^f(X,Y)), A1,A2).
?- call(call(f, A1),A2).
?- call(f(A1),A2).
?- f(A1,A2).
A1 = x,
A2 = y.
-@end example
+@end pl_example
Further discussions
-at @url{http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ulrich/Prolog-inedit/ISO-Hiord}.
+at Ulrich Neumerker's page in @url{http://www.complang.tuwien.ac.at/ulrich/Prolog-inedit/ISO-Hiord}.
@node LAM, BDDs, Lambda, Library
@@ -5761,9 +5803,9 @@ Broadcasts the message @var{Data} with tag @var{Tag} from the process with rank
to all other processes.
@item mpi_ibcast(+@var{Root}, +@var{Data}, +@var{Tag})
-@findex mpi_bcast/3
-@snindex mpi_bcast/3
-@cnindex mpi_bcast/3
+@findex mpi_ibcast/3
+@snindex mpi_ibcast/3
+@cnindex mpi_ibcast/3
Non-blocking operation. Broadcasts the message @var{Data} with tag @var{Tag}
from the process with rank @var{Root} to all other processes.
@@ -5861,8 +5903,7 @@ logical or
@item bdd_tree(+@var{BDDHandle}, @var{Term})
@findex bdd_tree/2
Convert the BDD or ADD represented by @var{BDDHandle} to a Prolog term
-of the form @code{bdd(@var{Dir}, @var{Nodes}, @var{Vars})} or @code{
-mtbdd(@var{Nodes}, @var{Vars})}, respectively. The arguments are:
+of the form @code{bdd(@var{Dir}, @var{Nodes}, @var{Vars})} or @code{mtbdd(@var{Nodes}, @var{Vars})}, respectively. The arguments are:
@var{Dir} direction of the BDD, usually 1
@@ -5971,9 +6012,9 @@ The result will be a file in dot format.
You can make a pdf at the shell by asking @code{dot -Tpdf filename > output.pdf}.
@item make_diagram(+inputfilename, +ouputfilename, +predicate, +depth, +extension)
-@findex make_diagram/2
-@snindex make_diagram/2
-@cnindex make_diagram/2
+@findex make_diagram/5
+@snindex make_diagram/5
+@cnindex make_diagram/5
The same as @code{make_diagram/2} but you can define how many of the imported/exporeted predicates will be shown with predicate, and how deep the crawler is allowed to go with depth. The extension is used if the file use module directives do not include a file extension.
@@ -6159,7 +6200,7 @@ no
@end table
@node Attributed Variables, CLPR, Co-routining, Extensions
-@chapter Attributed Variables
+@section Attributed Variables
@cindex attributed variables
@@ -6242,6 +6283,7 @@ attribute_goals(X) -->
Before explaining the code we give some example queries:
@multitable @columnfractions .70 .30
@item @code{?- domain(X, [a,b]), X = c}
@tab @code{fail}
@@ -6250,6 +6292,8 @@ Before explaining the code we give some example queries:
@item @code{domain(X, [a,b,c]), domain(X, [a,c]).}
@tab @code{domain(X, [a,c]).}
@end multitable
+@end texinfo
The predicate @code{domain/2} fetches (first clause) or assigns
(second clause) the variable a @emph{domain}, a set of values it can
@@ -6269,15 +6313,6 @@ these attributes.
@table @code
-@item attvar(?@var{Term})
-@findex attvar/1
-@snindex attvar/1
-@cnindex attvar/1
-Succeeds if @code{Term} is an attributed variable. Note that @code{var/1} also
-succeeds on attributed variables. Attributed variables are created with
@item put_attr(+@var{Var},+@var{Module},+@var{Value})
@findex put_attr/3
@snindex put_attr/3
@@ -6555,7 +6590,7 @@ It is up to the user to define which actions may be performed by
unified with @var{Value}. If @t{verify_attributes/3} fails, the
unification will fail.
-Notice that the @t{verify_attributes/3} may be called even if @var{Var}
+Notice that the @t{verify_attributes/3} may be called even if @var{Var}<
has no attributes in module @t{Module}. In this case the routine should
simply succeed with @var{Goals} unified with the empty list.
@@ -6583,14 +6618,6 @@ Prolog top-level to display attributes:
User-defined procedure, called to convert the attributes in @var{Var} to
a @var{Goal}. Should fail when no interpretation is available.
-@item @var{Module}:project_attributes(@var{-QueryVars}, @var{+AttrVars})
-@findex project_attributes/2
-@syindex project_attributes/2
-@cnindex project_attributes/2
-User-defined procedure, called to project the attributes in the query,
-@var{AttrVars}, given that the set of variables in the query is
@end table
@node Projecting Attributes, Attribute Examples, Displaying Attributes, Old Style Attribute Declarations
@@ -6820,7 +6847,7 @@ attributes from other known solvers/modules via the module prefix in
@include chr.tex
@node Logtalk, MYDDAS, CHR, Extensions
-@chapter Logtalk
+@section Logtalk
@cindex Logtalk
The Logtalk object-oriented extension is available after running its
@@ -6830,7 +6857,7 @@ program group in the Start Menu on Windows systems. For more information
please see the URL @url{http://logtalk.org/}.
@node MYDDAS, Threads, Logtalk, Extensions
-@chapter MYDDAS
+@section MYDDAS
@cindex MYDDAS
The MYDDAS database project was developed within a FCT project aiming at
@@ -7582,7 +7609,7 @@ You can see the available SQL Modes at the MySQL homepage at
@node Threads, Parallelism, MYDDAS, Extensions
-@chapter Threads
+@section Threads
YAP implements a SWI-Prolog compatible multithreading
library. Like in SWI-Prolog, Prolog threads have their own stacks and
@@ -8257,7 +8284,7 @@ Enumerates all existing mutexes. If the mutex is held by some thread,
@node Parallelism, Tabling, Threads, Extensions
-@chapter Parallelism
+@section Parallelism
@cindex parallelism
@cindex or-parallelism
@@ -8296,7 +8323,7 @@ We expect that some of these restrictions will be removed in future
@node Tabling, Low Level Tracing, Parallelism , Extensions
-@chapter Tabling
+@section Tabling
@cindex tabling
@strong{YAPTab} is the tabling engine that extends YAP's execution
@@ -8449,7 +8476,7 @@ Prints statistics on space used by all tables.
@node Low Level Tracing, Low Level Profiling, Tabling, Extensions
-@chapter Tracing at Low Level
+@section Tracing at Low Level
It is possible to follow the flow at abstract machine level if
YAP is compiled with the flag @code{LOW_LEVEL_TRACER}. Note
@@ -8468,16 +8495,16 @@ deactivate low level tracing:
Begin display of messages at procedure entry and retry.
@item stop_low_level_trace
-@findex start_low_level_trace/0
-@snindex start_low_level_trace/0
-@cnindex start_low_level_trace/0
+@findex stop_low_level_trace/0
+@snindex stop_low_level_trace/0
+@cnindex stop_low_level_trace/0
Stop display of messages at procedure entry and retry.
@end table
Note that this compile-time option will slow down execution.
@node Low Level Profiling, , Low Level Tracing, Extensions
-@chapter Profiling the Abstract Machine
+@section Profiling the Abstract Machine
Implementors may be interested in detecting on which abstract machine
instructions are executed by a program. The @code{ANALYST} flag can give
@@ -8509,7 +8536,7 @@ label @var{A}. The label must be an atom.
@end table
@node Debugging,Efficiency,Extensions,Top
-@chapter Debugging
+@section Debugging
* Deb Preds:: Debugging Predicates
@@ -8792,10 +8819,10 @@ shows the active goal using display/1
+ true ; atom(TrueFileName), TrueFileName \= [] ), !,
+ absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName).
+ absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName) :-
+ '$absolute_file_name'(File,Opts,TrueFileName,absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName)).
- @brief absolute_file_name(+Name:atom,+Options:list) is nondet
+ absolute_file_name(+Name:atom,+Path:atom) is nondet
Converts the given file specification into an absolute path, using default options. See absolute_file_name/3 for details on the options.
@@ -58,79 +136,7 @@ absolute_file_name(File0,File) :-
- @brief absolute_file_name(+File:atom, +Options:list, +Path:atom) is nondet
- @brief absolute_file_name(-File:atom, +Path:atom, +Options:list) is nondet
- Option is a list of options to guide the conversion:
- - extensions(+ListOfExtensions)
- List of file-extensions to try. Default is `''`. For each
- extension, absolute_file_name/3 will first add the extension and then
- verify the conditions imposed by the other options. If the condition
- fails, the next extension of the list is tried. Extensions may be
- specified both as `.ext` or plain `ext`.
- - relative_to(+FileOrDir)
- Resolve the path relative to the given directory or directory the
- holding the given file. Without this option, paths are resolved
- relative to the working directory (see [working_directory/2](@ref working_directory/2)) or,
- if Spec is atomic and `absolute_file_name/[2,3]` is executed
- in a directive, it uses the current source-file as reference.
- - access(+Mode)
- Imposes the condition access_file(File, Mode). Mode is one of `read`, `write`, `append`, `exist` or
- `none` (default).
- See also `access_file/2`.
- - file_type(+Type)
- Defines extensions. Current mapping: `txt` implies `['']`,
- `prolog` implies `['.yap', '.pl', '.prolog', '']`, `executable`
- implies `['.so', '']`, `qlf` implies `['.qlf', '']` and
- `directory` implies `['']`. The file-type `source`
- is an alias for `prolog` for compatibility to SICStus Prolog.
- See also `prolog_file_type/2`.
- Notice also that this predicate only
- returns non-directories, unless the option `file_type(directory)` is
- specified, or unless `access(none)`.
- - file_errors(`fail`/`error`)
- If `error` (default), throw and `existence_error` exception
- if the file cannot be found. If `fail`, stay silent.
- - solutions(`first`/`all`)
- If `first` (default), the predicates leaves no choice-point.
- Otherwise a choice-point will be left and backtracking may yield
- more solutions.
- - expand(`true`/`false`)
- If `true` (default is `false`) and Spec is atomic,
- call [expand_file_name/2](@ref expand_file_name2) followed by [member/2](@ref member2) on Spec before
- proceeding. This is originally a SWI-Prolog extension.
-Compatibility considerations to common argument-order in ISO as well
-as SICStus absolute_file_name/3 forced us to be flexible here.
-If the last argument is a list and the 2nd not, the arguments are
-swapped, making the call `absolute_file_name`(+Spec, -Path,
-+Options) valid as well.
-absolute_file_name(File,TrueFileName,Opts) :-
- ( var(TrueFileName) -> true ; atom(TrueFileName), TrueFileName \= [] ),
- !,
- absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName).
-absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName) :-
- '$absolute_file_name'(File,Opts,TrueFileName,absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName)).
'$absolute_file_name'(File, _Opts, _TrueFileName, G) :- var(File), !,
'$do_error'(instantiation_error, G).
'$absolute_file_name'(File,Opts,TrueFileName, G) :-
@@ -219,7 +225,7 @@ absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName) :-
'$check_fn_errors'(T,G) :- !,
'$check_fn_solutions'(V,G) :- var(V), !,
'$do_error'(instantiation_error, G).
'$check_fn_solutions'(first,_) :- !.
@@ -455,7 +461,8 @@ absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName) :-
'$add_file_to_dir'(P0,A,Atoms,NFile) :-
-/** @brief path(-Directories:list) is det [DEPRECATED]
+ path(-Directories:list) is det,deprecated
YAP specific procedure that returns a list of user-defined directories
in the library search-path.
@@ -467,11 +474,18 @@ path(Path) :- findall(X,'$in_path'(X),Path).
( S = "" -> X = '.' ;
atom_codes(X,S) ).
-/** @brief add_to_path(+Directory:atom) is det [DEPRECATED]
+ add_to_path(+Directory:atom) is det,deprecated
+ YAP-specific predicate to include directory in library search path.
add_to_path(New) :- add_to_path(New,last).
+ add_to_path(+Directory:atom, +Position:atom) is det,deprecated
+ YAP-specific predicate to include directory in front or back of library search path.
add_to_path(New,Pos) :-
atom(New), !,
@@ -482,7 +496,7 @@ add_to_path(New,Pos) :-
'$add_to_path'(New,last) :- !, recordz('$path',New,_).
'$add_to_path'(New,first) :- recorda('$path',New,_).
-/** @brief remove_from_path(+Directory:atom) is det [DEPRECATED]
+/** remove_from_path(+Directory:atom) is det,deprecated
remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
@@ -494,7 +508,15 @@ remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
'$check_path'([Ch],[Ch,A]) :- !, integer(Ch), '$dir_separator'(A).
'$check_path'([N|S],[N|SN]) :- integer(N), '$check_path'(S,SN).
-/** @brief user:library_directory(Directory:atom)
+ user:library_directory(?Directory:atom) is nondet, dynamic
+ Dynamic, multi-file predicate that succeeds when _Directory_ is a
+ current library directory name. Asserted in the user module.
+ Library directories are the places where files specified in the form
+ `library( _File_)` are searched by the predicates consult/1,
+ reconsult/1, use_module/1, ensure_loaded/1, and load_files/2.
@@ -502,7 +524,8 @@ remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
:- dynamic user:library_directory/1.
-/** @brief user:commons_directory(Directory:atom)
+ user:commons_directory(?Directory:atom) is nondet, dynamic
@@ -510,7 +533,8 @@ remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
:- dynamic user:commons_directory/1.
-/** @brief user:prolog_file_type(Suffix:atom, Handler:atom)
+ user:prolog_file_type(?Suffix:atom, ?Handler:atom) is nondet, dynamic
@@ -531,7 +555,25 @@ user:prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :-
user:prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
-/** @brief user:file_search_path(+Type:atom, -Directory:atom)
+ user:file_search_path(+Name:atom, -Directory:atom) is nondet
+ Allows writing file names as compound terms. The _Name_ and
+ _DIRECTORY_ must be atoms. The predicate may generate multiple
+ solutions. The predicate is originally defined as follows:
+file_search_path(library,A) :-
+ library_directory(A).
+file_search_path(system,A) :-
+ prolog_flag(host_type,A).
+ Thus, `compile(library(A))` will search for a file using
+ library_directory/1 to obtain the prefix,
+ whereas 'compile(system(A))` would look at the `host_type` flag.
diff --git a/pl/arith.yap b/pl/arith.yap
index ccf3f5e1d..77ec97cee 100644
--- a/pl/arith.yap
+++ b/pl/arith.yap
@@ -298,125 +298,4 @@ expand_expr(Op, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
'$preprocess_args_for_non_commutative'(X, Y, Z, W, E) :-
'$do_and'(Z = X, Y = W, E).
-/* Arithmetics */
-% M and N nonnegative integers, N is the successor of M
-succ(M,N) :-
- (
- var(M)
- ->
- (
- integer(N),
- N > 0
- ->
- '$plus'(N,-1,M)
- ;
- '$succ_error'(M,N)
- )
- ;
- integer(M),
- M >= 0
- ->
- (
- var(N)
- ->
- '$plus'(M,1,N)
- ;
- integer(N),
- N > 0
- ->
- '$plus'(M,1,N)
- ;
- '$succ_error'(M,N)
- )
- ;
- '$succ_error'(M,N)
- ).
-'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
- var(M),
- var(N), !,
- '$do_error'(instantiation_error,succ(M,N)).
-'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
- nonvar(M),
- \+ integer(M),
- '$do_error'(type_error(integer, M),succ(M,N)).
-'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
- nonvar(M),
- M < 0,
- '$do_error'(domain_error(not_less_than_zero, M),succ(M,N)).
-'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
- nonvar(N),
- \+ integer(N),
- '$do_error'(type_error(integer, N),succ(M,N)).
-'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
- nonvar(N),
- N < 0,
- '$do_error'(domain_error(not_less_than_zero, N),succ(M,N)).
-plus(X, Y, Z) :-
- (
- var(X)
- ->
- (
- integer(Y), integer(Z)
- ->
- '$minus'(Z,Y,X)
- ;
- '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
- )
- ;
- integer(X)
- ->
- (
- var(Y)
- ->
- (
- integer(Z)
- ->
- '$minus'(Z,X,Y)
- ;
- '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
- )
- ;
- integer(Y)
- ->
- (
- integer(Z)
- ->
- '$minus'(Z,Y,X)
- ;
- var(Z)
- ->
- '$plus'(X,Y,Z)
- ;
- '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
- )
- ;
- '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
- )
- ;
- '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
- ).
-'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
- nonvar(X),
- \+ integer(X),
- '$do_error'(type_error(integer, X),plus(X,Y,Z)).
-'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
- nonvar(Y),
- \+ integer(Y),
- '$do_error'(type_error(integer, Y),plus(X,Y,Z)).
-'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
- nonvar(Z),
- \+ integer(Z),
- '$do_error'(type_error(integer, Z),plus(X,Y,Z)).
-'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
- '$do_error'(instantiation_error,plus(X,Y,Z)).
diff --git a/pl/arithpreds.yap b/pl/arithpreds.yap
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..51944851f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pl/arithpreds.yap
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+* *
+* YAP Prolog *
+* *
+* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
+* *
+* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
+* *
+* *
+* File: arithpreds.yap *
+* Last rev: *
+* mods: *
+* comments: arithmetical predicates *
+* *
+ @file arithpreds.yap
+ @addtogroup arithmetic_preds
+ @{
+:- system_module(arithmetic_predicates, [
+ plus/3,
+ succ/2], []).
+:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
+/** succ(? _Int1_:int, ? _Int2_:int) is det
+ *
+ True if _Int2_ = _Int1_ + 1 and _Int1_ \>= 0. At least
+ one of the arguments must be instantiated to a natural number. This
+ predicate raises the domain-error not_less_than_zero if called with
+ a negative integer. E.g. `succ(X, 0)` fails silently and `succ(X, -1)`
+ raises a domain-error. The behaviour to deal with natural numbers
+ only was defined by Richard O'Keefe to support the common
+ count-down-to-zero in a natural way.
+ */
+% M and N nonnegative integers, N is the successor of M
+succ(M,N) :-
+ (
+ var(M)
+ ->
+ (
+ integer(N),
+ N > 0
+ ->
+ '$plus'(N,-1,M)
+ ;
+ '$succ_error'(M,N)
+ )
+ ;
+ integer(M),
+ M >= 0
+ ->
+ (
+ var(N)
+ ->
+ '$plus'(M,1,N)
+ ;
+ integer(N),
+ N > 0
+ ->
+ '$plus'(M,1,N)
+ ;
+ '$succ_error'(M,N)
+ )
+ ;
+ '$succ_error'(M,N)
+ ).
+'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
+ var(M),
+ var(N), !,
+ '$do_error'(instantiation_error,succ(M,N)).
+'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
+ nonvar(M),
+ \+ integer(M),
+ '$do_error'(type_error(integer, M),succ(M,N)).
+'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
+ nonvar(M),
+ M < 0,
+ '$do_error'(domain_error(not_less_than_zero, M),succ(M,N)).
+'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
+ nonvar(N),
+ \+ integer(N),
+ '$do_error'(type_error(integer, N),succ(M,N)).
+'$succ_error'(M,N) :-
+ nonvar(N),
+ N < 0,
+ '$do_error'(domain_error(not_less_than_zero, N),succ(M,N)).
+/** plus(? _Int1_:int, ? _Int2_:int, ? _Int3_:int) is det
+ True if _Int3_ = _Int1_ + _Int2_. At least two of the
+ three arguments must be instantiated to integers.
+ @}
+ */
+plus(X, Y, Z) :-
+ (
+ var(X)
+ ->
+ (
+ integer(Y), integer(Z)
+ ->
+ '$minus'(Z,Y,X)
+ ;
+ '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
+ )
+ ;
+ integer(X)
+ ->
+ (
+ var(Y)
+ ->
+ (
+ integer(Z)
+ ->
+ '$minus'(Z,X,Y)
+ ;
+ '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
+ )
+ ;
+ integer(Y)
+ ->
+ (
+ integer(Z)
+ ->
+ '$minus'(Z,Y,X)
+ ;
+ var(Z)
+ ->
+ '$plus'(X,Y,Z)
+ ;
+ '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
+ )
+ ;
+ '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
+ )
+ ;
+ '$plus_error'(X,Y,Z)
+ ).
+'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
+ nonvar(X),
+ \+ integer(X),
+ '$do_error'(type_error(integer, X),plus(X,Y,Z)).
+'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
+ nonvar(Y),
+ \+ integer(Y),
+ '$do_error'(type_error(integer, Y),plus(X,Y,Z)).
+'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
+ nonvar(Z),
+ \+ integer(Z),
+ '$do_error'(type_error(integer, Z),plus(X,Y,Z)).
+'$plus_error'(X,Y,Z) :-
+ '$do_error'(instantiation_error,plus(X,Y,Z)).
diff --git a/pl/init.yap b/pl/init.yap
index 18aa4c8a0..38860349a 100755
--- a/pl/init.yap
+++ b/pl/init.yap
@@ -114,6 +114,7 @@ otherwise.
+ 'arithpreds,yap',
% modules must be after preds, otherwise we will have trouble
% with meta-predicate expansion being invoked