more debugging fixes

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Santos Costa 2015-03-23 16:16:48 +00:00
parent 4eeacd8b7b
commit 16c8d54f0e

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@ -674,24 +674,26 @@ be lost.
'$do_spy'(G, Mod, CP, spy).
* '$debugger_input': set the input for debugging
* @pred debugger_input.
* name of stream used for debugging,
* must be always connected to a tty.
* try to connect the debugger to an open terminal.
* '$debugger_input': try to connect the debugger to an open terminal.
'$debugger_input' :-
'$debugger_input' :-
'$debugger_input' :-
current_prolog_flag(unix, true ), !,
open('/dev/tty', read, S, [alias(debugger_stream)]).
open('/dev/tty', read, _S, [alias(debugger_input)]).
'$debugger_input' :-
current_prolog_flag(windows, true ), !,
open('CONIN$', read, S, [alias(debugger_stream)]).
open('CONIN$', read, _S, [alias(debugger_input)]).
% last argument to do_spy says that we are at the end of a context. It
@ -968,7 +970,7 @@ be lost.
put_code(user_error, 10)
write(user_error,' ? '), get_code(user_input,C),
write(user_error,' ? '), get_code(debugger_input,C),
(Debug = on
@ -1021,7 +1023,7 @@ be lost.
'$action'(10,_,_,_,_,on) :- !, % newline creep
'$action'(0'!,_,_,_,_,_) :- !, % ! 'g execute
read(debugger_input, G),
% don't allow yourself to be caught by creep.
'$swi_current_prolog_flag'(debug, OldDeb),
'$swi_set_prolog_flag'(debug, false),
@ -1265,15 +1267,15 @@ be lost.
'$deb_inc_in_sterm_oldie'(94,L0,CN) :- !,
get_code( debugger_input_input,CN),
get_code( debugger_input,CN),
( recorded('$debug_sub_skel',L0,_) -> true ;
CN = [] ).
'$get_sterm_list'(L0,C,N,L) :-
( C =:= "^", N =\= 0 -> get_code(CN),
( C =:= "^", N =\= 0 -> get_code(debugger_input, CN),
'$get_sterm_list'([N|L0],CN,0,L) ;
C >= "0", C =< "9" -> NN is 10*N+C-"0", get_code(CN),
C >= "0", C =< "9" -> NN is 10*N+C-"0", get_code(debugger_input, CN),
C =:= 10 -> (N =:= 0 -> L = L0 ; L=[N|L0]) ).