update scripts
This commit is contained in:
@ -278,14 +278,10 @@ BpSolver::calculateFactor2VariableMsg (SpLink* link)
const SpLinkSet& links = ninf(src)->getLinks();
// calculate the product of messages that were sent
// to factor `src', except from var `dst'
Params::size_type msgSize = 1;
unsigned msgSize = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
msgSize *= links[i]->getVariable()->range();
if (msgSize > Util::maxUnsigned()) {
cout << "error: an overflow occurred when sending bp message" << endl;
unsigned repetitions = 1;
Params msgProduct (msgSize, LogAware::multIdenty());
if (Globals::logDomain) {
@ -84,14 +84,6 @@ CTNode::childSymbols (void) const
CTNode::updateChildLevels (CTNode* n, unsigned level)
n->setLevel (level);
const CTChilds& childs = n->childs();
for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin();
chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) {
updateChildLevels (*chIt, level + 1);
CTNodes stack;
stack.push_back (n);
n->setLevel (level);
@ -134,16 +126,6 @@ CTNode::copySubtree (const CTNode* root1)
return root2;
CTNode* newNode = new CTNode (*root1);
const CTChilds& childs = root1->childs();
newNode->childs().reserve (childs.size());
for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = childs.begin();
chIt != childs.end(); ++ chIt) {
newNode->childs().push_back ((copySubtree (*chIt)));
return newNode;
@ -329,9 +311,8 @@ ConstraintTree::join (ConstraintTree* ct, bool oneTwoOne)
CTNodes::const_iterator appendIt = appendNodes.begin();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < tuples.size(); ++ i, ++ appendIt) {
bool tupleFounded = join (root_, tuples[i], 0, *appendIt);
if (oneTwoOne) {
assert (tupleFounded);
tupleFounded = true; // hack to avoid gcc warning
if (oneTwoOne && tupleFounded == false) {
assert (false);
@ -378,10 +359,6 @@ ConstraintTree::rename (LogVar X_old, LogVar X_new)
ConstraintTree::applySubstitution (const Substitution& theta)
LogVars discardedLvs = theta.getDiscardedLogVars();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < discardedLvs.size(); i++) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < logVars_.size(); i++) {
logVars_[i] = theta.newNameFor (logVars_[i]);
@ -422,17 +399,6 @@ ConstraintTree::remove (const LogVarSet& X)
ConstraintTree::ConstraintTree::isSingleton (LogVar X)
const CTNodes& nodes = getNodesAtLevel (getLevel (X));
Symbol symb = nodes.front()->symbol();
for (CTNodes::const_iterator it = nodes.begin();
it != nodes.end(); ++ it) {
if ((*it)->symbol() != symb) {
return false;
return true;
Symbol symb;
unsigned level = getLevel (X);
CTNodes stack;
@ -487,12 +453,39 @@ ConstraintTree::tupleSet (unsigned stopLevel) const
ConstraintTree::tupleSet (const LogVars& lvs)
ConstraintTree::tupleSet (const LogVars& originalLvs)
LogVars uniqueLvs;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < originalLvs.size(); i++) {
if (Util::contains (uniqueLvs, originalLvs[i]) == false) {
uniqueLvs.push_back (originalLvs[i]);
Tuples tuples;
moveToTop (lvs);
unsigned stopLevel = lvs.size();
moveToTop (uniqueLvs);
unsigned stopLevel = uniqueLvs.size();
getTuples (root_, Tuples(), stopLevel, tuples, CTNodes() = {});
if (originalLvs.size() != uniqueLvs.size()) {
vector<int> indexes;
indexes.reserve (originalLvs.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < originalLvs.size(); i++) {
indexes.push_back (Util::vectorIndex (uniqueLvs, originalLvs[i]));
Tuples tuples2;
tuples2.reserve (tuples.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < tuples.size(); i++) {
Tuple t;
t.reserve (originalLvs.size());
for (unsigned j = 0; j < originalLvs.size(); j++) {
t.push_back (tuples[i][indexes[j]]);
tuples2.push_back (t);
return TupleSet (tuples2);
return TupleSet (tuples);
@ -625,12 +618,13 @@ ConstraintTree::getConditionalCounts (const LogVarSet& Ys)
ConstraintTree::isCarteesianProduct (const LogVarSet& Xs) const
ConstraintTree::isCarteesianProduct (const LogVarSet& Xs)
assert (logVarSet_.contains (Xs));
if (Xs.size() <= 1) {
return true;
moveToTop (Xs.elements());
for (unsigned i = 1; i < Xs.size(); i++) {
CTNodes nodes = getNodesAtLevel (i);
for (unsigned j = 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
@ -648,24 +642,29 @@ ConstraintTree::isCarteesianProduct (const LogVarSet& Xs) const
ConstraintTree::split (
const Tuple& tuple,
unsigned stopLevel)
ConstraintTree::split (const Tuple& tuple)
// assumes that my log vars are already on top
LogVars lvs (logVars_.begin(), logVars_.begin() + tuple.size());
ConstraintTree tempCt (logVars_, {tuple});
return split (&tempCt, stopLevel);
return split (lvs, &tempCt, lvs);
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*>
ConstraintTree::split (
const ConstraintTree* ct,
unsigned stopLevel) const
const LogVars& lvs1,
ConstraintTree* ct,
const LogVars& lvs2)
assert (stopLevel <= logVars_.size());
assert (stopLevel <= ct->logVars_.size());
assert (lvs1.size() == lvs2.size());
assert (lvs1.size() == LogVarSet (lvs1).size());
assert (lvs2.size() == LogVarSet (lvs2).size());
assert (logVarSet_.contains (lvs1));
assert (ct->logVarSet().contains (lvs2));
CTChilds commChilds, exclChilds;
unsigned stopLevel = lvs1.size();
split (root_, ct->root(), commChilds, exclChilds, stopLevel);
ConstraintTree* commCt = new ConstraintTree (commChilds, logVars_);
ConstraintTree* exclCt = new ConstraintTree (exclChilds, logVars_);
@ -804,32 +803,6 @@ ConstraintTree::jointCountNormalize (
ConstraintTree::identical (
const ConstraintTree* ct1,
const ConstraintTree* ct2,
unsigned stopLevel)
TupleSet ts1 = ct1->tupleSet (stopLevel);
TupleSet ts2 = ct2->tupleSet (stopLevel);
return ts1 == ts2;
ConstraintTree::disjoint (
const ConstraintTree* ct1,
const ConstraintTree* ct2,
unsigned stopLevel)
TupleSet ts1 = ct1->tupleSet (stopLevel);
TupleSet ts2 = ct2->tupleSet (stopLevel);
return (ts1 & ts2).empty();
ConstraintTree::expand (LogVar X)
@ -886,6 +859,21 @@ ConstraintTree::ground (LogVar X)
ConstraintTree::copyLogVar (LogVar X_1, LogVar X_2)
moveToBottom ({X_1});
CTNodes leafs = getNodesAtLevel (logVars_.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < leafs.size(); i++) {
leafs[i]->childs().push_back (
new CTNode (leafs[i]->symbol(), leafs[i]->level() + 1));
logVars_.push_back (X_2);
logVarSet_.insert (X_2);
ConstraintTree::countTuples (const CTNode* n) const
@ -930,23 +918,6 @@ ConstraintTree::getNodesAtLevel (unsigned level) const
if (level == 0) {
return { root_ };
CTNodes nodes;
queue<CTNode*> queue;
queue.push (root_);
while (queue.empty() == false) {
CTNode* node = queue.front();
if (node->level() == level) {
nodes.push_back (node);
} else {
for (CTChilds::const_iterator chIt = node->childs().begin();
chIt != node->childs().end(); ++ chIt) {
queue.push (*chIt);
CTNodes stack;
CTNodes nodes;
stack.push_back (root_);
@ -185,28 +185,23 @@ class ConstraintTree
TinySet<unsigned> getConditionalCounts (const LogVarSet&);
bool isCarteesianProduct (const LogVarSet&) const;
bool isCarteesianProduct (const LogVarSet&);
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split (const Tuple&);
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split (
const Tuple&, unsigned);
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split (
const ConstraintTree*, unsigned) const;
const LogVars&, ConstraintTree*, const LogVars&);
ConstraintTrees countNormalize (const LogVarSet&);
ConstraintTrees jointCountNormalize (
ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*, LogVar, LogVar, LogVar);
static bool identical (
const ConstraintTree*, const ConstraintTree*, unsigned);
static bool disjoint (
const ConstraintTree*, const ConstraintTree*, unsigned);
LogVars expand (LogVar);
ConstraintTrees ground (LogVar);
void copyLogVar (LogVar,LogVar);
unsigned countTuples (const CTNode*) const;
@ -90,9 +90,8 @@ class TFactor
for (unsigned i = 0; i < g_args.size(); i++) {
int idx = indexOf (g_args[i]);
if (idx == -1) {
Params::size_type newSize = params_.size() * g_ranges[i];
if (newSize > Util::maxUnsigned()) {
// factor will become to bigger, is not worth to continue
ullong newSize = params_.size() * g_ranges[i];
if (newSize > params_.max_size()) {
cerr << "error: an overflow occurred on factor multiplication" ;
cerr << endl;
@ -211,7 +210,7 @@ class TFactor
return true;
double& operator[] (unsigned idx)
double& operator[] (psize_t idx)
assert (idx < params_.size());
return params_[idx];
@ -13,17 +13,23 @@ LiftedOperator::getValidOps (
const Grounds& query)
vector<LiftedOperator*> validOps;
vector<SumOutOperator*> sumOutOps;
vector<CountingOperator*> countOps;
vector<GroundOperator*> groundOps;
vector<ProductOperator*> multOps;
sumOutOps = SumOutOperator::getValidOps (pfList, query);
countOps = CountingOperator::getValidOps (pfList);
groundOps = GroundOperator::getValidOps (pfList);
multOps = ProductOperator::getValidOps (pfList);
validOps.insert (validOps.end(), multOps.begin(), multOps.end());
if (Globals::verbosity > 1 || multOps.empty()) {
vector<SumOutOperator*> sumOutOps;
vector<CountingOperator*> countOps;
vector<GroundOperator*> groundOps;
sumOutOps = SumOutOperator::getValidOps (pfList, query);
countOps = CountingOperator::getValidOps (pfList);
groundOps = GroundOperator::getValidOps (pfList);
validOps.insert (validOps.end(), sumOutOps.begin(), sumOutOps.end());
validOps.insert (validOps.end(), countOps.begin(), countOps.end());
validOps.insert (validOps.end(), groundOps.begin(), groundOps.end());
validOps.insert (validOps.end(), sumOutOps.begin(), sumOutOps.end());
validOps.insert (validOps.end(), countOps.begin(), countOps.end());
validOps.insert (validOps.end(), groundOps.begin(), groundOps.end());
return validOps;
@ -44,17 +50,9 @@ LiftedOperator::printValidOps (
LiftedOperator::getAllGroupss (ParfactorList& )
return { };
LiftedOperator::getParfactorsWithGroup (
ParfactorList& pfList, unsigned group)
ParfactorList& pfList, unsigned group)
vector<ParfactorList::iterator> iters;
ParfactorList::iterator pflIt = pfList.begin();
@ -69,6 +67,105 @@ LiftedOperator::getParfactorsWithGroup (
ProductOperator::getLogCost (void)
return std::log (0.0);
ProductOperator::apply (void)
Parfactor* g1 = *g1_;
Parfactor* g2 = *g2_;
g1->multiply (*g2);
pfList_.remove (g1_);
pfList_.removeAndDelete (g2_);
pfList_.addShattered (g1);
ProductOperator::getValidOps (ParfactorList& pfList)
vector<ProductOperator*> validOps;
ParfactorList::iterator it1 = pfList.begin();
ParfactorList::iterator penultimate = -- pfList.end();
set<Parfactor*> pfs;
while (it1 != penultimate) {
if (Util::contains (pfs, *it1)) {
++ it1;
ParfactorList::iterator it2 = it1;
++ it2;
while (it2 != pfList.end()) {
if (Util::contains (pfs, *it2)) {
++ it2;
} else {
if (validOp (*it1, *it2)) {
pfs.insert (*it1);
pfs.insert (*it2);
validOps.push_back (new ProductOperator (
it1, it2, pfList));
if (Globals::verbosity < 2) {
return validOps;
++ it2;
++ it1;
return validOps;
ProductOperator::toString (void)
stringstream ss;
ss << "just multiplicate " ;
ss << (*g1_)->getAllGroups();
ss << " x " ;
ss << (*g2_)->getAllGroups();
ss << " [cost=" << std::exp (getLogCost()) << "]" << endl;
return ss.str();
ProductOperator::validOp (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
TinySet<unsigned> g1_gs (g1->getAllGroups());
TinySet<unsigned> g2_gs (g2->getAllGroups());
if (g1_gs.contains (g2_gs) || g2_gs.contains (g1_gs)) {
TinySet<unsigned> intersect = g1_gs & g2_gs;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < intersect.size(); i++) {
if (g1->nrFormulasWithGroup (intersect[i]) != 1 ||
g2->nrFormulasWithGroup (intersect[i]) != 1) {
return false;
int idx1 = g1->indexOfGroup (intersect[i]);
int idx2 = g2->indexOfGroup (intersect[i]);
if (g1->range (idx1) != g2->range (idx2)) {
return false;
return Parfactor::canMultiply (g1, g2);
return false;
SumOutOperator::getLogCost (void)
@ -84,7 +181,8 @@ SumOutOperator::getLogCost (void)
++ pfIter;
if (nrProdFactors == 1) {
return std::log (0.0); // best possible case
// best possible case
return std::log (0.0);
double cost = 1.0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < groupSet.size(); i++) {
@ -190,25 +288,20 @@ SumOutOperator::validOp (
if (isToEliminate (*pfIters[0], group, query) == false) {
return false;
unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned> groupToRange;
int range = -1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pfIters.size(); i++) {
if ((*pfIters[i])->nrFormulasWithGroup (group) > 1) {
return false;
int fIdx = (*pfIters[i])->indexOfGroup (group);
if ((*pfIters[i])->argument (fIdx).contains (
(*pfIters[i])->elimLogVars()) == false) {
return false;
vector<unsigned> ranges = (*pfIters[i])->ranges();
vector<unsigned> groups = (*pfIters[i])->getAllGroups();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < groups.size(); i++) {
unordered_map<unsigned, unsigned>::iterator it;
it = groupToRange.find (groups[i]);
if (it == groupToRange.end()) {
groupToRange.insert (make_pair (groups[i], ranges[i]));
} else {
if (it->second != ranges[i]) {
return false;
if (range == -1) {
range = (*pfIters[i])->range (fIdx);
} else if ((int)(*pfIters[i])->range (fIdx) != range) {
return false;
return true;
@ -252,8 +345,23 @@ CountingOperator::getLogCost (void)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < counts.size(); i++) {
cost += size * HistogramSet::nrHistograms (counts[i], range);
if ((*pfIter_)->nrArguments() == 1) {
cost *= 3; // avoid counting conversion in the beginning
unsigned group = (*pfIter_)->argument (fIdx).group();
int lvIndex = Util::vectorIndex (
(*pfIter_)->argument (fIdx).logVars(), X_);
assert (lvIndex != -1);
ParfactorList::iterator pfIter = pfList_.begin();
while (pfIter != pfList_.end()) {
if (pfIter != pfIter_) {
int fIdx2 = (*pfIter)->indexOfGroup (group);
if (fIdx2 != -1) {
LogVar Y = ((*pfIter)->argument (fIdx2).logVars()[lvIndex]);
if ((*pfIter)->canCountConvert (Y) == false) {
// the real cost should be the cost of grounding Y
cost *= 10.0;
++ pfIter;
return std::log (cost);
@ -295,6 +403,7 @@ CountingOperator::getValidOps (ParfactorList& pfList)
if (validOp (*it, candidates[i])) {
validOps.push_back (new CountingOperator (
it, candidates[i], pfList));
} else {
++ it;
@ -337,12 +446,7 @@ CountingOperator::validOp (Parfactor* g, LogVar X)
bool countNormalized = g->constr()->isCountNormalized (X);
if (countNormalized) {
unsigned condCount = g->constr()->getConditionalCount (X);
bool cartProduct = g->constr()->isCarteesianProduct (
g->countedLogVars() | X);
if (condCount == 1 || cartProduct == false) {
return false;
return g->canCountConvert (X);
return true;
@ -425,6 +529,11 @@ GroundOperator::apply (void)
delete pf;
ParfactorList::iterator pflIt = pfList_.begin();
while (pflIt != pfList_.end()) {
++ pflIt;
@ -612,6 +721,39 @@ FoveSolver::countNormalize (
FoveSolver::calcGroundMultiplication (Parfactor pf)
LogVarSet lvs = pf.constr()->logVarSet();
lvs -= pf.constr()->singletons();
Parfactors newPfs = {new Parfactor (pf)};
for (unsigned i = 0; i < lvs.size(); i++) {
Parfactors pfs = newPfs;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < pfs.size(); j++) {
bool countedLv = pfs[j]->countedLogVars().contains (lvs[i]);
if (countedLv) {
pfs[j]->fullExpand (lvs[i]);
newPfs.push_back (pfs[j]);
} else {
ConstraintTrees cts = pfs[j]->constr()->ground (lvs[i]);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < cts.size(); k++) {
newPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (pfs[j], cts[k]));
delete pfs[j];
ParfactorList pfList (newPfs);
Parfactors groundShatteredPfs (pfList.begin(),pfList.end());
for (unsigned i = 1; i < groundShatteredPfs.size(); i++) {
groundShatteredPfs[0]->multiply (*groundShatteredPfs[i]);
return Parfactor (*groundShatteredPfs[0]);
FoveSolver::runSolver (const Grounds& query)
@ -652,6 +794,7 @@ FoveSolver::runSolver (const Grounds& query)
cout << "largest cost = " << std::exp (largestCost_) << endl;
cout << endl;
(*pfList_.begin())->reorderAccordingGrounds (query);
@ -756,8 +899,11 @@ FoveSolver::shatterAgainstQuery (const Grounds& query)
while (it != pfList_.end()) {
if ((*it)->containsGround (query[i])) {
found = true;
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split =
(*it)->constr()->split (query[i].args(), query[i].arity());
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split;
LogVars queryLvs (
(*it)->constr()->logVars().begin() + query[i].arity());
split = (*it)->constr()->split (query[i].args());
ConstraintTree* commCt = split.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt = split.second;
newPfs.push_back (new Parfactor (*it, commCt));
@ -813,8 +959,11 @@ FoveSolver::absorve (
g->constr()->moveToTop (formulas[i].logVars());
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> res
= g->constr()->split (&(obsFormula.constr()), formulas[i].arity());
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> res;
res = g->constr()->split (
ConstraintTree* commCt = res.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt = res.second;
@ -19,14 +19,37 @@ class LiftedOperator
static void printValidOps (ParfactorList&, const Grounds&);
static vector<unsigned> getAllGroupss (ParfactorList&);
static vector<ParfactorList::iterator> getParfactorsWithGroup (
ParfactorList&, unsigned group);
class ProductOperator : public LiftedOperator
ProductOperator (
ParfactorList::iterator g1, ParfactorList::iterator g2,
ParfactorList& pfList) : g1_(g1), g2_(g2), pfList_(pfList) { }
double getLogCost (void);
void apply (void);
static vector<ProductOperator*> getValidOps (ParfactorList&);
string toString (void);
static bool validOp (Parfactor*, Parfactor*);
ParfactorList::iterator g1_;
ParfactorList::iterator g2_;
ParfactorList& pfList_;
class SumOutOperator : public LiftedOperator
@ -123,6 +146,8 @@ class FoveSolver
static Parfactors countNormalize (Parfactor*, const LogVarSet&);
static Parfactor calcGroundMultiplication (Parfactor pf);
void runSolver (const Grounds&);
@ -16,15 +16,17 @@ class Factor;
class VarNode;
class FacNode;
typedef vector<double> Params;
typedef unsigned VarId;
typedef vector<VarId> VarIds;
typedef vector<Var*> Vars;
typedef vector<VarNode*> VarNodes;
typedef vector<FacNode*> FacNodes;
typedef vector<Factor*> Factors;
typedef vector<string> States;
typedef vector<unsigned> Ranges;
typedef vector<double> Params;
typedef unsigned VarId;
typedef vector<VarId> VarIds;
typedef vector<Var*> Vars;
typedef vector<VarNode*> VarNodes;
typedef vector<FacNode*> FacNodes;
typedef vector<Factor*> Factors;
typedef vector<string> States;
typedef vector<unsigned> Ranges;
typedef Params::size_type psize_t;
typedef unsigned long long ullong;
enum InfAlgorithms
@ -68,6 +68,7 @@ int createLiftedNetwork (void)
Util::printHeader ("INITIAL PARFACTORS");
for (unsigned i = 0; i < parfactors.size(); i++) {
cout << endl;
@ -137,14 +137,20 @@ class Substitution
LogVar newNameFor (LogVar X) const
assert (Util::contains (subs_, X));
return subs_.find (X)->second;
unordered_map<LogVar, LogVar>::const_iterator it;
it = subs_.find (X);
if (it != subs_.end()) {
return subs_.find (X)->second;
return X;
bool containsReplacementFor (LogVar X) const
return Util::contains (subs_, X);
unsigned nrReplacements (void) const { return subs_.size(); }
LogVars getDiscardedLogVars (void) const;
@ -193,6 +193,32 @@ Parfactor::multiply (Parfactor& g)
alignAndExponentiate (this, &g);
TFactor<ProbFormula>::multiply (g);
constr_->join (g.constr(), true);
assert (constr_->isCarteesianProduct (countedLogVars()));
Parfactor::canCountConvert (LogVar X)
if (nrFormulas (X) != 1) {
return false;
int fIdx = indexOfLogVar (X);
if (args_[fIdx].isCounting()) {
return false;
if (constr_->isCountNormalized (X) == false) {
return false;
if (constr_->getConditionalCount (X) == 1) {
return false;
if (constr_->isCarteesianProduct (countedLogVars() | X) == false) {
return false;
return true;
@ -201,11 +227,10 @@ void
Parfactor::countConvert (LogVar X)
int fIdx = indexOfLogVar (X);
assert (fIdx != -1);
assert (constr_->isCountNormalized (X));
assert (constr_->getConditionalCount (X) > 1);
assert (constr_->isCarteesianProduct (countedLogVars() | X));
assert (canCountConvert (X));
unsigned N = constr_->getConditionalCount (X);
unsigned R = ranges_[fIdx];
unsigned H = HistogramSet::nrHistograms (N, R);
@ -245,6 +270,7 @@ Parfactor::countConvert (LogVar X)
++ mapIndexer;
args_[fIdx].setCountedLogVar (X);
simplifyCountingFormulas (fIdx);
@ -307,10 +333,9 @@ Parfactor::fullExpand (LogVar X)
unsigned N = constr_->getConditionalCount (X);
unsigned R = args_[fIdx].range();
vector<Histogram> originHists = HistogramSet::getHistograms (N, R);
vector<Histogram> expandHists = HistogramSet::getHistograms (1, R);
assert (ranges_[fIdx] == originHists.size());
vector<unsigned> sumIndexes;
sumIndexes.reserve (N * R);
@ -496,6 +521,20 @@ Parfactor::indexOfGroup (unsigned group) const
Parfactor::nrFormulasWithGroup (unsigned group) const
unsigned count = 0;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args_.size(); i++) {
if (args_[i].group() == group) {
count ++;
return count;
Parfactor::getAllGroups (void) const
@ -547,6 +586,7 @@ Parfactor::print (bool printParams) const
if (printParams == false) {
cout << "Params: " ;
if (params_.size() <= 32) {
cout << params_ << endl;
} else {
cout << "|" << params_.size() << "|" << endl;
@ -556,35 +596,56 @@ Parfactor::print (bool printParams) const
copy.moveToTop (copy.logVarSet().elements());
cout << "Tuples: " << copy.tupleSet() << endl;
if (printParams) {
vector<string> jointStrings;
StatesIndexer indexer (ranges_);
while (indexer.valid()) {
stringstream ss;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args_.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) ss << ", " ;
if (args_[i].isCounting()) {
unsigned N = constr_->getConditionalCount (
HistogramSet hs (N, args_[i].range());
unsigned c = 0;
while (c < indexer[i]) {
c ++;
ss << hs;
} else {
ss << indexer[i];
jointStrings.push_back (ss.str());
++ indexer;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < params_.size(); i++) {
cout << "f(" << jointStrings[i] << ")" ;
cout << " = " << params_[i] << endl;
Parfactor::printParameters (void) const
vector<string> jointStrings;
StatesIndexer indexer (ranges_);
while (indexer.valid()) {
stringstream ss;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args_.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) ss << ", " ;
if (args_[i].isCounting()) {
unsigned N = constr_->getConditionalCount (
HistogramSet hs (N, args_[i].range());
unsigned c = 0;
while (c < indexer[i]) {
c ++;
ss << hs;
} else {
ss << indexer[i];
jointStrings.push_back (ss.str());
++ indexer;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < params_.size(); i++) {
cout << "f(" << jointStrings[i] << ")" ;
cout << " = " << params_[i] << endl;
Parfactor::printProjections (void) const
ConstraintTree copy (*constr_);
LogVarSet Xs = copy.logVarSet();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < Xs.size(); i++) {
cout << "-> projection of " << Xs[i] << ": " ;
cout << copy.tupleSet ({Xs[i]}) << endl;
cout << endl;
@ -595,9 +656,8 @@ Parfactor::expandPotential (
unsigned newRange,
const vector<unsigned>& sumIndexes)
Params::size_type newSize = (params_.size() / ranges_[fIdx]) * newRange;
if (newSize > Util::maxUnsigned()) {
// factor will become to bigger, is not worth to continue
ullong newSize = (params_.size() / ranges_[fIdx]) * newRange;
if (newSize > params_.max_size()) {
cerr << "error: an overflow occurred when performing expansion" ;
cerr << endl;
@ -651,22 +711,119 @@ Parfactor::expandPotential (
Parfactor::alignAndExponentiate (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
Parfactor::simplifyCountingFormulas (int fIdx)
LogVars X_1, X_2;
const ProbFormulas& formulas1 = g1->arguments();
const ProbFormulas& formulas2 = g2->arguments();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < formulas1.size(); i++) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < formulas2.size(); j++) {
if (formulas1[i].group() == formulas2[j].group()) {
Util::addToVector (X_1, formulas1[i].logVars());
Util::addToVector (X_2, formulas2[j].logVars());
// check if we can simplify the parfactor
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args_.size(); i++) {
if ((int)i != fIdx &&
args_[i].isCounting() &&
args_[i].group() == args_[fIdx].group()) {
// if they only differ in the name of the counting log var
if ((args_[i].logVarSet() - args_[i].countedLogVar()) ==
(args_[fIdx].logVarSet()) - args_[fIdx].countedLogVar() &&
ranges_[i] == ranges_[fIdx]) {
simplifyParfactor (fIdx, i);
LogVarSet Y_1 = g1->logVarSet() - LogVarSet (X_1);
LogVarSet Y_2 = g2->logVarSet() - LogVarSet (X_2);
// counting log vars were already raised on counting conversion
Parfactor::simplifyGrounds (void)
LogVarSet singletons = constr_->singletons();
for (int i = 0; i < (int)args_.size() - 1; i++) {
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < args_.size(); j++) {
if (args_[i].group() == args_[j].group() &&
singletons.contains (args_[i].logVarSet()) &&
singletons.contains (args_[j].logVarSet())) {
simplifyParfactor (i, j);
i --;
Parfactor::canMultiply (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
std::pair<LogVars, LogVars> res = getAlignLogVars (g1, g2);
LogVarSet Xs_1 (res.first);
LogVarSet Xs_2 (res.second);
LogVarSet Y_1 = g1->logVarSet() - Xs_1;
LogVarSet Y_2 = g2->logVarSet() - Xs_2;
Y_1 -= g1->countedLogVars();
Y_2 -= g2->countedLogVars();
return g1->constr()->isCountNormalized (Y_1) &&
g2->constr()->isCountNormalized (Y_2);
Parfactor::simplifyParfactor (unsigned fIdx1, unsigned fIdx2)
Params copy = params_;
StatesIndexer indexer (ranges_);
while (indexer.valid()) {
if (indexer[fIdx1] == indexer[fIdx2]) {
params_.push_back (copy[indexer]);
++ indexer;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < args_[fIdx2].logVars().size(); i++) {
if (nrFormulas (args_[fIdx2].logVars()[i]) == 1) {
constr_->remove ({ args_[fIdx2].logVars()[i] });
args_.erase (args_.begin() + fIdx2);
ranges_.erase (ranges_.begin() + fIdx2);
std::pair<LogVars, LogVars>
Parfactor::getAlignLogVars (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
LogVars Xs_1, Xs_2;
TinySet<unsigned> matchedI;
TinySet<unsigned> matchedJ;
ProbFormulas& formulas1 = g1->arguments();
ProbFormulas& formulas2 = g2->arguments();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < formulas1.size(); i++) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < formulas2.size(); j++) {
if (formulas1[i].group() == formulas2[j].group() &&
g1->range (i) == g2->range (j) &&
matchedI.contains (i) == false &&
matchedJ.contains (j) == false) {
Util::addToVector (Xs_1, formulas1[i].logVars());
Util::addToVector (Xs_2, formulas2[j].logVars());
matchedI.insert (i);
matchedJ.insert (j);
return make_pair (Xs_1, Xs_2);
Parfactor::alignAndExponentiate (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
alignLogicalVars (g1, g2);
LogVarSet comm = g1->logVarSet() & g2->logVarSet();
LogVarSet Y_1 = g1->logVarSet() - comm;
LogVarSet Y_2 = g2->logVarSet() - comm;
Y_1 -= g1->countedLogVars();
Y_2 -= g2->countedLogVars();
assert (g1->constr()->isCountNormalized (Y_1));
@ -675,26 +832,27 @@ Parfactor::alignAndExponentiate (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
unsigned condCount2 = g2->constr()->getConditionalCount (Y_2);
LogAware::pow (g1->params(), 1.0 / condCount2);
LogAware::pow (g2->params(), 1.0 / condCount1);
// the alignment should be done in the end or else X_1 and X_2
// will refer to the old log var names on the code above
align (g1, X_1, g2, X_2);
Parfactor::align (
Parfactor* g1, const LogVars& alignLvs1,
Parfactor* g2, const LogVars& alignLvs2)
Parfactor::alignLogicalVars (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
LogVar freeLogVar = 0;
std::pair<LogVars, LogVars> res = getAlignLogVars (g1, g2);
const LogVars& alignLvs1 = res.first;
const LogVars& alignLvs2 = res.second;
// cout << "ALIGNING :::::::::::::::::" << endl;
// g1->print();
// cout << "AND" << endl;
// g2->print();
// cout << "-> align lvs1 = " << alignLvs1 << endl;
// cout << "-> align lvs2 = " << alignLvs2 << endl;
LogVar freeLogVar (0);
Substitution theta1, theta2;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < alignLvs1.size(); i++) {
bool b1 = theta1.containsReplacementFor (alignLvs1[i]);
bool b2 = theta2.containsReplacementFor (alignLvs2[i]);
// handle this type of situation:
// g1 = p(X), q(X) ; X in {x1}
// g2 = p(X), q(Y) ; X in {x1}, Y in {x1}
if (b1 == false && b2 == false) {
theta1.add (alignLvs1[i], freeLogVar);
theta2.add (alignLvs2[i], freeLogVar);
@ -705,6 +863,7 @@ Parfactor::align (
theta2.add (alignLvs2[i], theta1.newNameFor (alignLvs1[i]));
const LogVarSet& allLvs1 = g1->logVarSet();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < allLvs1.size(); i++) {
if (theta1.containsReplacementFor (allLvs1[i]) == false) {
@ -719,6 +878,31 @@ Parfactor::align (
++ freeLogVar;
// handle this type of situation:
// g1 = p(X), q(X) ; X in {(p1),(p2)}
// g2 = p(X), q(Y) ; (X,Y) in {(p1,p2),(p2,p1)}
LogVars discardedLvs1 = theta1.getDiscardedLogVars();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < discardedLvs1.size(); i++) {
if (g1->constr()->isSingleton (discardedLvs1[i]) &&
g1->nrFormulas (discardedLvs1[i]) == 1) {
g1->constr()->remove (discardedLvs1[i]);
} else {
LogVar X_new = ++ g1->constr()->logVarSet().back();
theta1.rename (discardedLvs1[i], X_new);
LogVars discardedLvs2 = theta2.getDiscardedLogVars();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < discardedLvs2.size(); i++) {
if (g2->constr()->isSingleton (discardedLvs2[i]) &&
g2->nrFormulas (discardedLvs2[i]) == 1) {
g2->constr()->remove (discardedLvs2[i]);
} else {
LogVar X_new = ++ g2->constr()->logVarSet().back();
theta2.rename (discardedLvs2[i], X_new);
// cout << "theta1: " << theta1 << endl;
// cout << "theta2: " << theta2 << endl;
g1->applySubstitution (theta1);
@ -50,6 +50,8 @@ class Parfactor : public TFactor<ProbFormula>
void multiply (Parfactor&);
bool canCountConvert (LogVar X);
void countConvert (LogVar);
void expand (LogVar, LogVar, LogVar);
@ -76,22 +78,40 @@ class Parfactor : public TFactor<ProbFormula>
int indexOfGroup (unsigned) const;
unsigned nrFormulasWithGroup (unsigned) const;
vector<unsigned> getAllGroups (void) const;
void print (bool = false) const;
void printParameters (void) const;
void printProjections (void) const;
string getLabel (void) const;
void simplifyGrounds (void);
static bool canMultiply (Parfactor*, Parfactor*);
void simplifyCountingFormulas (int fIdx);
void simplifyParfactor (unsigned fIdx1, unsigned fIdx2);
static std::pair<LogVars, LogVars> getAlignLogVars (
Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2);
void expandPotential (int fIdx, unsigned newRange,
const vector<unsigned>& sumIndexes);
static void alignAndExponentiate (Parfactor*, Parfactor*);
static void align (
Parfactor*, const LogVars&, Parfactor*, const LogVars&);
static void alignLogicalVars (Parfactor*, Parfactor*);
ConstraintTree* constr_;
@ -98,6 +98,9 @@ ParfactorList::isAllShattered (void) const
return true;
vector<Parfactor*> pfs (pfList_.begin(), pfList_.end());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pfs.size(); i++) {
assert (isShattered (pfs[i]));
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pfs.size() - 1; i++) {
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < pfs.size(); j++) {
if (isShattered (pfs[i], pfs[j]) == false) {
@ -117,11 +120,48 @@ ParfactorList::print (void) const
std::sort (pfVec.begin(), pfVec.end(), sortByParams());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < pfVec.size(); i++) {
cout << endl;
ParfactorList::isShattered (const Parfactor* g) const
const ProbFormulas& formulas = g->arguments();
if (formulas.size() < 2) {
return true;
ConstraintTree ct (*g->constr());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < formulas.size() - 1; i++) {
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < formulas.size(); j++) {
if (formulas[i].group() == formulas[j].group()) {
if (identical (
formulas[i], *(g->constr()),
formulas[j], *(g->constr())) == false) {
cout << "-> not identical on positions " ;
cout << i << " and " << j << endl;
return false;
} else {
if (disjoint (
formulas[i], *(g->constr()),
formulas[j], *(g->constr())) == false) {
cout << "-> not disjoint on positions " ;
cout << i << " and " << j << endl;
return false;
return true;
ParfactorList::isShattered (
const Parfactor* g1,
@ -130,18 +170,28 @@ ParfactorList::isShattered (
assert (g1 != g2);
const ProbFormulas& fms1 = g1->arguments();
const ProbFormulas& fms2 = g2->arguments();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < fms1.size(); i++) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < fms2.size(); j++) {
if (fms1[i].group() == fms2[j].group()) {
if (identical (
fms1[i], *(g1->constr()),
fms2[j], *(g2->constr())) == false) {
cout << "^" << endl;
cout << "-> not identical on group " << fms1[i].group() << endl;
return false;
} else {
if (disjoint (
fms1[i], *(g1->constr()),
fms2[j], *(g2->constr())) == false) {
cout << "^" << endl;
cout << "-> not disjoint on groups " << fms1[i].group();
cout << " and " << fms2[j].group() << endl;
return false;
@ -180,7 +230,12 @@ ParfactorList::addToShatteredList (Parfactor* g)
if (pfSplitted == false) {
addShattered (pf);
Parfactors res = shatterAgainstMySelf (pf);
if (res.empty()) {
addShattered (pf);
} else {
Util::addToQueue (residuals, res);
assert (isAllShattered());
@ -188,6 +243,150 @@ ParfactorList::addToShatteredList (Parfactor* g)
ParfactorList::shatterAgainstMySelf (Parfactor* g)
Parfactors pfs;
queue<Parfactor*> residuals;
residuals.push (g);
bool shattered = true;
while (residuals.empty() == false) {
Parfactor* pf = residuals.front();
Parfactors res = shatterAgainstMySelf2 (pf);
if (res.empty()) {
assert (isShattered (pf));
if (shattered) {
return { };
pfs.push_back (pf);
} else {
shattered = false;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < res.size(); i++) {
assert (res[i]->constr()->empty() == false);
residuals.push (res[i]);
delete pf;
return pfs;
ParfactorList::shatterAgainstMySelf2 (Parfactor* g)
// slip a parfactor with overlapping formulas:
// e.g. {s(X),s(Y)}, with (X,Y) in {(p1,p2),(p1,p3),(p4,p1)}
const ProbFormulas& formulas = g->arguments();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < formulas.size() - 1; i++) {
for (unsigned j = i + 1; j < formulas.size(); j++) {
if (formulas[i].sameSkeletonAs (formulas[j])) {
Parfactors res = shatterAgainstMySelf (g, i, j);
if (res.empty() == false) {
return res;
return Parfactors();
ParfactorList::shatterAgainstMySelf (
Parfactor* g,
unsigned fIdx1,
unsigned fIdx2)
cout << "-> SHATTERING" << endl;
cout << "-> ON: " << g->argument (fIdx1) << "|" ;
cout << g->constr()->tupleSet (g->argument (fIdx1).logVars()) << endl;
cout << "-> ON: " << g->argument (fIdx2) << "|" ;
cout << g->constr()->tupleSet (g->argument (fIdx2).logVars()) << endl;
ProbFormula& f1 = g->argument (fIdx1);
ProbFormula& f2 = g->argument (fIdx2);
if (f1.isAtom()) {
cerr << "error: a ground occurs twice in a parfactor" << endl;
cerr << endl;
assert (g->constr()->empty() == false);
ConstraintTree ctCopy (*g->constr());
if (f1.group() == f2.group()) {
assert (identical (f1, *(g->constr()), f2, ctCopy));
return { };
g->constr()->moveToTop (f1.logVars());
ctCopy.moveToTop (f2.logVars());
std::pair<ConstraintTree*,ConstraintTree*> split1 =
g->constr()->split (f1.logVars(), &ctCopy, f2.logVars());
ConstraintTree* commCt1 = split1.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt1 = split1.second;
if (commCt1->empty()) {
// disjoint
delete commCt1;
delete exclCt1;
return { };
unsigned newGroup = ProbFormula::getNewGroup();
Parfactors res1 = shatter (g, fIdx1, commCt1, exclCt1, newGroup);
if (res1.empty()) {
res1.push_back (g);
Parfactors res;
ctCopy.moveToTop (f1.logVars());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < res1.size(); i++) {
res1[i]->constr()->moveToTop (f2.logVars());
std::pair<ConstraintTree*, ConstraintTree*> split2;
split2 = res1[i]->constr()->split (f2.logVars(), &ctCopy, f1.logVars());
ConstraintTree* commCt2 = split2.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt2 = split2.second;
if (commCt2->empty()) {
if (res1[i] != g) {
res.push_back (res1[i]);
delete commCt2;
delete exclCt2;
newGroup = ProbFormula::getNewGroup();
Parfactors res2 = shatter (res1[i], fIdx2, commCt2, exclCt2, newGroup);
if (res2.empty()) {
if (res1[i] != g) {
res.push_back (res1[i]);
} else {
Util::addToVector (res, res2);
for (unsigned j = 0; j < res2.size(); j++) {
if (res1[i] != g) {
delete res1[i];
if (res.empty()) {
g->argument (fIdx2).setGroup (g->argument (fIdx1).group());
updateGroups (f2.group(), f1.group());
return res;
std::pair<Parfactors, Parfactors>
ParfactorList::shatter (Parfactor* g1, Parfactor* g2)
@ -218,17 +417,18 @@ ParfactorList::shatter (
ProbFormula& f1 = g1->argument (fIdx1);
ProbFormula& f2 = g2->argument (fIdx2);
// cout << endl;
// Util::printDashedLine();
// cout << "-> SHATTERING (#" << g1 << ", #" << g2 << ")" << endl;
// g1->print();
// cout << "-> WITH" << endl;
// g2->print();
// cout << "-> ON: " << f1 << "|" ;
// cout << g1->constr()->tupleSet (f1.logVars()) << endl;
// cout << "-> ON: " << f2 << "|" ;
// cout << g2->constr()->tupleSet (f2.logVars()) << endl;
// Util::printDashedLine();
cout << "-> SHATTERING" << endl;
cout << "-> WITH" << endl;
cout << "-> ON: " << f1 << "|" ;
cout << g1->constr()->tupleSet (f1.logVars()) << endl;
cout << "-> ON: " << f2 << "|" ;
cout << g2->constr()->tupleSet (f2.logVars()) << endl;
if (f1.isAtom()) {
f2.setGroup (f1.group());
updateGroups (f2.group(), f1.group());
@ -245,7 +445,7 @@ ParfactorList::shatter (
g2->constr()->moveToTop (f2.logVars());
std::pair<ConstraintTree*,ConstraintTree*> split1 =
g1->constr()->split (g2->constr(), f1.arity());
g1->constr()->split (f1.logVars(), g2->constr(), f2.logVars());
ConstraintTree* commCt1 = split1.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt1 = split1.second;
@ -257,12 +457,12 @@ ParfactorList::shatter (
std::pair<ConstraintTree*,ConstraintTree*> split2 =
g2->constr()->split (g1->constr(), f2.arity());
g2->constr()->split (f2.logVars(), g1->constr(), f1.logVars());
ConstraintTree* commCt2 = split2.first;
ConstraintTree* exclCt2 = split2.second;
assert (commCt1->tupleSet (f1.arity()) ==
commCt2->tupleSet (f2.arity()));
assert (commCt1->tupleSet (f1.logVars()) ==
commCt2->tupleSet (f2.logVars()));
// unsigned static count = 0; count ++;
// stringstream ss1; ss1 << "" << count << "_A.dot" ;
@ -374,19 +574,19 @@ ParfactorList::updateGroups (unsigned oldGroup, unsigned newGroup)
ParfactorList::proper (
const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree c1,
const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree c2) const
const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree ct1,
const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree ct2) const
return disjoint (f1, c1, f2, c2)
|| identical (f1, c1, f2, c2);
return disjoint (f1, ct1, f2, ct2)
|| identical (f1, ct1, f2, ct2);
ParfactorList::identical (
const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree c1,
const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree c2) const
const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree ct1,
const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree ct2) const
if (f1.sameSkeletonAs (f2) == false) {
return false;
@ -394,28 +594,26 @@ ParfactorList::identical (
if (f1.isAtom()) {
return true;
c1.moveToTop (f1.logVars());
c2.moveToTop (f2.logVars());
return ConstraintTree::identical (
&c1, &c2, f1.arity());
TupleSet ts1 = ct1.tupleSet (f1.logVars());
TupleSet ts2 = ct2.tupleSet (f2.logVars());
return ts1 == ts2;
ParfactorList::disjoint (
const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree c1,
const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree c2) const
const ProbFormula& f1, ConstraintTree ct1,
const ProbFormula& f2, ConstraintTree ct2) const
if (f1.sameSkeletonAs (f2) == false) {
return true;
if (f1.isAtom()) {
return true;
return false;
c1.moveToTop (f1.logVars());
c2.moveToTop (f2.logVars());
return ConstraintTree::disjoint (
&c1, &c2, f1.arity());
TupleSet ts1 = ct1.tupleSet (f1.logVars());
TupleSet ts2 = ct2.tupleSet (f2.logVars());
return (ts1 & ts2).empty();
@ -59,9 +59,18 @@ class ParfactorList
bool isShattered (const Parfactor*) const;
bool isShattered (const Parfactor*, const Parfactor*) const;
void addToShatteredList (Parfactor*);
Parfactors shatterAgainstMySelf (Parfactor* g);
Parfactors shatterAgainstMySelf2 (Parfactor* g);
Parfactors shatterAgainstMySelf (
Parfactor* g, unsigned fIdx1, unsigned fIdx2);
std::pair<Parfactors, Parfactors> shatter (
Parfactor*, Parfactor*);
@ -99,9 +99,9 @@ ProbFormula::rename (LogVar oldName, LogVar newName)
bool operator== (const ProbFormula& f1, const ProbFormula& f2)
return f1.group_ == f2.group_;
//return functor_ == f.functor_ && logVars_ == f.logVars_ ;
return f1.group_ == f2.group_ &&
f1.logVars_ == f2.logVars_;
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
#include "LiftedUtils.h"
#include "Horus.h"
typedef unsigned PrvGroup;
class ProbFormula
@ -1,13 +1,4 @@
- Refactor sum out in factor
- Add a way to sum out several vars at the same time
- Receive ranges as a constant reference in Indexer
- Merge TinySet and SortedVector classes
- Check if evidence remains in the compressed factor graph
- Check is this doesn't happen phi(smokes(p1),smokes(p1))
- Handle {p(X),q(X)} * {p(X),q(Y)}, X={x_1,...,x_n}, Y={x_1,...,x_n}
- Handle {p(X),p(Y)}, where constraint = (x1,x2),(x2,x1)
- Add a constant for the maximum factor size
- Add a lifted multiply operation to FoveSolver
- Maybe directly hashs instead of vectors of colors to calculate the groups in
counting bp
- add a way to calculate combinations and factorials with large numbers
- refactor sumOut in parfactor -> is really ugly code
- Indexer: start receiving ranges as constant reference
@ -55,10 +55,7 @@ stringToUnsigned (string str)
stringstream ss;
ss << str;
ss >> val;
if (val < 0) {
cerr << "error: the value tried to read is negative" << endl;
abort ("error: the value tried to read is negative", val < 0);
return static_cast<unsigned> (val);
@ -297,6 +294,17 @@ setHorusFlag (string key, string value)
abort (string msg, bool b)
if (b) {
cerr << msg << endl;
printHeader (string header, std::ostream& os)
@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ template <typename T> bool contains (const set<T>&, const T&);
template <typename K, typename V> bool contains (
const unordered_map<K, V>&, const K&);
template <typename T> int vectorIndex (const vector<T>&, const T&);
template <typename T> std::string toString (const T&);
template <> std::string toString (const bool&);
@ -76,6 +78,8 @@ vector<string> getStateLines (const Vars&);
bool setHorusFlag (string key, string value);
void abort (string msg, bool = true);
void printHeader (string, std::ostream& os = std::cout);
void printSubHeader (string, std::ostream& os = std::cout);
@ -138,6 +142,19 @@ Util::contains (const unordered_map<K, V>& m, const K& k)
template <typename T> int
Util::vectorIndex (const vector<T>& v, const T& e)
int pos = std::distance (v.begin(),
std::find (v.begin(), v.end(), e));
if (pos == (int)v.size()) {
pos = -1;
return pos;
template <typename T> std::string
Util::toString (const T& t)
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#! /home/tiago/bin/yap -L --
#! /home/tgomes/bin/yap -L --
:- initialization(main).
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ SOLVER="bp"
function run_all_graphs
write_header $1
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ SOLVER="cbp"
function run_all_graphs
write_header $1
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ SOLVER="fove"
function run_all_graphs
write_header $1
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
@ -8,13 +8,13 @@ SOLVER="hve"
function run_all_graphs
write_header $1
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p1000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p5000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p10000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p20000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p30000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p40000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
run_solver p50000w$N_WORKSHOPS $2
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/home/tiago/bin/yap -L --
#!/home/tgomes/bin/yap -L --
:- initialization(main).
@ -10,12 +10,15 @@ function run_all_graphs
write_header $1
run_solver pop25 $2
run_solver pop50 $2
run_solver pop75 $2
run_solver pop100 $2
run_solver pop125 $2
run_solver pop150 $2
#run_solver pop75 $2
#run_solver pop100 $2
#run_solver pop125 $2
#run_solver pop150 $2
run_all_graphs "hve(elim_heuristic=min_neighbors) " min_neighbors
#run_all_graphs "hve(elim_heuristic=min_weight) " min_weight
#run_all_graphs "hve(elim_heuristic=min_fill) " min_fill
#run_all_graphs "hve(elim_heuristic=weighted_min_fill) " weighted_min_fill
@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
#!/home/tiago/bin/yap -L --
#!/home/tgomes/bin/yap -L --
:- use_module(library(lists)).
@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
:- use_module(library(pfl)).
:- set_pfl_flag(solver,fove).
%:- set_pfl_flag(solver,bp), clpbn_horus:set_horus_flag(inf_alg,ve).
%:- set_pfl_flag(solver,bp), clpbn_horus:set_horus_flag(inf_alg,bp).
%:- set_pfl_flag(solver,bp), clpbn_horus:set_horus_flag(inf_alg,cbp).
% p(ann,t).
markov p(X)::[t,f] ; [0.1, 0.3] ; [t(X)].
% use standard Prolog queries: provide evidence first.
?- p(ann,t), p(ann,X).
% ?- p(ann,X).
Reference in New Issue
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