diff --git a/README.EAM.html b/README.EAM.html
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+ BEAM How-to-get-started
+This document gives you an introduction on how to use the EAM withing YAP.
+We start by explaining how to prepare YAP to use the EAM.
+Then we present some code examples that you can use to try
+out the EAM.
+1. Compiling Yap to support the EAM.
+If you want to use the BEAM prototype you must compile YAP using the
+flag --enable-eam
+tar -xvzf yapfile.tar.gz <- will extract yap to $YAPDIR
+mkdir tmp
+cd tmp
+../YAPDIR/configure --enable-eam <- prepare yap to compilation
+make <- compile yap
+su <- enter as root
+make install <- install yap
+You are now ready to try YAP-BEAM. Just run "yap" on the
+command line.
+2. Quick start + Examples...
+Quick example on how to run a Prolog program using the EAM.
+First you must enable the EAM using the comand
+?- eam.
+then you should load your program, and make your queries
+using ?- eam(query).
+You can write the query normally as in normal Prolog mode, but
+in this case you will only receive the first solution (or yes or no).
+Small example:
+Supose that you have the file Example.pl with the Prolog code:
+Here is an execution example:
+[user]$ ./yap
+% Restoring file /.../startup
+YAP version Yap-5.0.0
+ ?- eam.
+ ?- [t].
+ % consulting /.../t.pl...
+ % consulted /.../t.pl in module user, 1 msec 1328 bytes
+ ?- eam(f(X)).
+[ EAM execution started to solve f/1 ]
+X = 1 ? ;
+X = 2 ? ;
+X = 3 ? ;
+ ?- f(X).
+[ EAM execution started to solve f/1 ]
+X = 1 ? ;
+ ?-
+A bigger example:
+You can try out the next example, the well-known benchmark scanner.pl
+that behaves badly in standard Prolog systems.
+Just run the demos... (demo1, demo2, demo3 or demo4).
+Remember to enable the EAM before loading the program.
+After running the examples, try restarting YAP and
+loading the program without the EAM enabled. Try to run
+the demo4... :)
+demo1:- demo(tiny).
+demo2:- demo(small).
+demo3:- demo(data).
+demo4:- demo(snake).
+ scannerdata(Data,R,C,D1,D2),
+ write('Rows '), write(R),nl,
+ write('Columns '), write(C),nl,
+ write('Left diagonals '), write(D1),nl,
+ write('Right diagonals '), write(D2),nl,nl,
+ scanner(R,C,D1,D2,Image), !,
+ displi(Image).
+ samples(Spec,Samples),
+ cat(Samples,Images), !,
+ displ(Images).
+samples([],Samples):- !, Samples=[].
+samples([S|Spec],Samples):- !,
+ scannerdata(S,R,C,D1,D2),
+ Samples=[sample(R,C,D1,D2)|Smpls],
+ samples(Spec,Smpls).
+cat([],Images):- !, Images=[].
+cat([Sample|Samples], Images):- !,
+ image(Sample,Image),
+ Images=[Image|Imgs],
+ cat(Samples,Imgs).
+image(sample(R,C,D1,D2), Image):-
+ scanner(proc,R,C,D1,D2,I), !,
+ Image=I.
+displ([]):- nl, nl.
+displ([I|Imgs]):- nl, displi(I), nl, displ(Imgs).
+displi([]):- nl .
+displi([R|Rws]):- write(' '),displr(R), displi(Rws).
+displr([]):- nl.
+displr([on|R]):- write('X '), displr(R).
+displr([off|R]):- write('_ '), displr(R).
+scannerdata(tiny, [1,1],[2,0],[1,1,0],[0,1,1]).
+scannerdata(small, [1,2,1],[2,1,1],[1,1,1,0,1],[0,0,3,1,0]).
+ [2,2,3,2,2,1],
+ [1,3,3,1,3,1],
+ [0,1,1,2,1,2,3,1,1,0,0],
+ [0,2,0,1,2,2,2,1,2,0,0]).
+ [4,2,6,2,4,4,3,2],
+ [3,5,5,3,2,3,3,3],
+ [1,2,2,1,1,2,5,2,2,3,3,2,1,0,0],
+ [0,1,0,3,2,2,4,3,3,3,1,3,2,0,0]).
+scanner(RwData,ClData,D1Data, D2Data, Rws):-
+ llength(RwData,R),
+ llength(ClData,C),
+ board(R,C,All,Rws,Cls,D1,D2),
+ check(RwData,Rws),
+ check(ClData,Cls),
+ check(D1Data,D1),
+ check(D2Data,D2).
+ llength(R,L),
+ line(K,L,R),
+ check(RwsD,Rws).
+ K > 0,
+ K1 is K - 1,
+ L1 is L - 1,
+ line(K1,L1,R).
+ L > K,
+ L1 is L - 1,
+ line(K,L1,R).
+ C > 0,
+ C1 is C - 1,
+ seed(C,Cls),
+ seed(C1,D).
+ R > 0,
+ R1 is R - 1,
+ row(C, Row),
+ all2(Row,Al,All),
+ column(Row,Cls,Cols),
+ diagonal(Row,Rdg,Rdiag),
+ rev(Row,[],Rev),
+ diagonal(Rev,Ldg,Ldiag),
+ board(R1,C,Al,Rws,Cls,Rdg,Ldg).
+seed(C,[[]|S1]):- C > 0, C1 is C -1 , seed(C1,S1).
+all2([H|Row],Al,[H|All]):- all2(Row,Al,All).
+row(C,[_|R]):- C > 0, C1 is C -1, row(C1,R).
+column([H|R],[Cl|Cls],[[H|Cl]|Columns]):- column(R,Cls,Columns).
+diagonal([H|Row],Dg, [[H]|Diag]):- column(Row,Dg,Diag).
+rev([H|T],Y,Z):- rev(T,[H|Y],Z).
+llength([A|R],N):- llength(R,M), N is M+1.
+3. Some notes...
+- BEAM create the indexing code (try, retry and trust) only
+considering the first argument and only when the predicates are first called.
+So the first time you run a query there can be a slowdown, because the
+EAM is indexing the code.
+- A lot of builtins/code are not yet supported...
+For example var(X), not , ; (or), ...
+You will have a internal compiler error for these cases.
+and the clause that uses the builtin/code not supported will always fail.
+Example: consider the code:
+ tst(X):- var(X), X=1.
+ tst(2).
+You will receive a warning that there is unsupported code.
+Although you can still use the tst predicate, the first alternative
+will always fail...
+ ?- tst(X).
+[ EAM execution started to solve tst/1 ]
+X = 2 ? ;
+- The EAM prefers deterministic instead of non-deterministic.
+and thus can change the order of goals of your code to delay
+non-deterministic bindings.
+So, you must be careful when using builtins that have side-effects,
+or that may expect variables to be bound.
+For example, supose that you have the following Prolog code:
+tst(Y):- f(X), Y is X+1.
+Normal prolog would be fine, but the EAM can not execute this
+code correctly because since f(X) is non-deterministic,
+Y is X+1 is executed before X being bound. The result would be:
+?- tst(X).
+[ EAM execution started to solve tst/1 ]
+% INSTANTIATION ERROR- in arithmetic at user:tst/1 (clause 1): expected bound value
+The solution for this case is to force the EAM to wait for X to be bound.
+So the code correct code would be:
+tst(Y):- f(X), skip_while_var(X), Y is X+1.
+That means that the code Y is X+1 should be skipped
+while X is var. Note that in this case there is no more
+after Y is X+1. If there were, execution would continue
+on that code.
+Another alternative is to use:
+tst(Y):- f(X), wait_while_var(X), Y is X+1.
+that means what execution can not proceed while X is not bound.
+- To support the EAM within the YAP the WAM compilation was
+specially the classification of permanent variables.
+This code was adapted from the initial BEAM implementation and is not
+yet completed.
+I've have already discover some code examples where the variables
+should are not being classified as permanent, and as result the BEAM
+returns false solutions. We are also working on this problem...
+Expect more info soon...