manual for yap version
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K.~R. Apt and M.~Bezem.
\newblock Acyclic programs.
\newblock {\em New Generation Comput.}, 9(3/4):335--364, 1991.
\newblock Probabilistic logical models for mendel's experiments: An exercise.
\newblock In {\em Inductive Logic Programming ({ILP} 2004), Work in Progress
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Weidong Chen and David~Scott Warren.
\newblock Tabled evaluation with delaying for general logic programs.
\newblock {\em J. ACM}, 43(1):20--74, 1996.
L.~De~Raedt, A.~Kimmig, and H.~Toivonen.
\newblock Problog: A probabilistic prolog and its application in link
\newblock In {\em Proceedings of the 20th International Joint Conference on
Artificial Intelligence}, pages 2462--2467, 2007.
L.~Getoor, N.~Friedman, D.~Koller, and A.~Pfeffer.
\newblock Learning probabilistic relational models.
\newblock In Saso Dzeroski and Nada Lavrac, editors, {\em Relational Data
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L.~Getoor, N.~Friedman, D.~Koller, and B.~Taskar.
\newblock Learning probabilistic models of relational structure.
\newblock {\em Journal of Machine Learning Research}, 3:679--707, December
Fabrizio Riguzzi.
\newblock A top down interpreter for lpad and cp-logic.
\newblock In {\em 10th Congress of the Italian Association for Artificial
Intelligence}. Springer, 2007.
Fabrizio Riguzzi.
\newblock A top down interpreter for lpad and cp-logic.
\newblock In {\em The 14th RCRA workshop Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms
for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion}, 2007.
V.~Santos~Costa, D.~Page, M.~Qazi, and J.~Cussens.
\newblock {CLP(BN)}: Constraint logic programming for probabilistic knowledge.
\newblock In {\em Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence ({UAI} 2003)}, 2003.
J.~Vennekens, M.~Denecker, and M.~Bruynooghe.
\newblock Representing causal information about a probabilistic process.
\newblock In {\em 10th European Conference on Logics in Artificial
Intelligence, JELIA 2006}, LNAI. Springer, September 2006.
J.~Vennekens and S.~Verbaeten.
\newblock Logic programs with annotated disjunctions.
\newblock Technical Report CW386, K. U. Leuven, 2003.
J.~Vennekens, S.~Verbaeten, and M.~Bruynooghe.
\newblock Logic programs with annotated disjunctions.
\newblock In {\em The 20th International Conference on Logic Programming
({ICLP} 2004)}, 2004.
Joost Vennekens, Marc Denecker, and Maurice Bruynooge.
\newblock Extending the role of causality in probabilistic modeling.
||||$\sim$joost/cplogic.pdf}, 2006.
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\title{\texttt{cplint} Manual}
\subtitle{Yap Version}
\author{Fabrizio Riguzzi\\
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\texttt{cplint} is a suite of programs for reasoning with ICL \cite{DBLP:journals/ai/Poole97}, LPADs \cite{VenVer03-TR,VenVer04-ICLP04-IC} and CP-logic programs \cite{VenDenBru-JELIA06,DBLP:journals/tplp/VennekensDB09}. It contains programs both for inference and learning.
\texttt{cplint} is available in two versions, one for Yap Prolog and one for SWI-Prolog. They differ slightly in the features offered.
This manual is about the Yap version. You can find the manual for the SWI-Prolog version at \url{}.
\texttt{cplint} is distributed in source code in the source code development tree of Yap. It includes Prolog and C files. Download it by following the instruction in \url{\string ~vsc/Yap/downloads.html}.
\texttt{cplint} is distributed in the source code development tree of Yap. It includes Prolog and C files. Download it by following the instruction in \url{\string ~vsc/Yap/downloads.html}.
\texttt{cplint} requires \href{\string ~fabio/CUDD/}{CUDD}.
You can download CUDD from \url{}.
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