checker fixes

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Vitor Santos Costa 2016-06-03 16:54:17 +01:00
parent 32743f3731
commit 52801b660f
1 changed files with 43 additions and 50 deletions

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@ -76,70 +76,63 @@ The style_check/1 built-in is now deprecated. Please use
style_check(V) :- var(V), !, fail.
style_check(V) :-
style_check_(V), !.
style_check(V) :-
\+atom(V), \+ list(V), V \= + _, V \= + _, !,
\+ is_list(V),
V \= + _,
V \= - _, !,
'$do_error'( type_error('+|-|?(Flag)', V), style_check(V) ).
style_check(V) :-
\+atom(V), \+ list(V), V \= + _, V \= + _, !,
\+ is_list(V),
V \= + _,
V \= + _, !,
'$do_error'( domain_error(style_name, V), style_check(V) ).
style_check_(all) :-
'$style_checker'( [ singleton, discontiguous, multiple ] ).
style_check_(single_var) :-
'$style_checker'( [ singleton ] ).
style_check_(singleton) :-
'$style_checker'( [ singleton ] ).
style_check_(+single_var) :-
'$style_checker'( [ singleton ] ).
style_check_(+singleton) :-
'$style_checker'( [ singleton ] ).
style_check_(-single_var) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -singleton ] ).
style_check_(-singleton) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -singleton ] ).
style_check_(discontiguous) :-
'$style_checker'( [ discontiguous ] ).
style_check_(+discontiguous) :-
'$style_checker'( [ discontiguous ] ).
style_check_(-discontiguous) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -discontiguous ] ).
style_check_(multiple) :-
'$style_checker'( [ multiple ] ).
style_check_(+multiple) :-
'$style_checker'( [ multiple ] ).
style_check_(-multiple) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -multiple ] ).
style_check_(no_effect) :-
'$style_checker'( [ no_effect ] ).
style_check_(+no_effect) :-
'$style_checker'( [ no_effect ] ).
style_check_(-no_effect) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -no_effect ] ).
style_check_(var_branches) :-
style_check(all) :-
style_check( [ singleton, discontiguous, multiple ] ).
style_check(+X) :-
style_check(single_var) :-
style_check( singleton ).
style_check(singleton) :-
yap_flag( single_var_warnings, true ).
style_check(-single_var) :-
yap_flag( single_var_warnings, false ).
style_check(-singleton) :-
yap_flag( single_var_warnings, false ).
style_check(discontiguous) :-
yap_flag( discontiguous_warnings, true ).
style_check(-discontiguous) :-
yap_flag( discontiguous_warnings, false ).
style_check(multiple) :-
yap_flag( redefine_warnings, true ).
style_check(-multiple) :-
yap_flag( redefine_warnings, false ).
style_check(+no_effect) .
style_check(+var_branches) :-
'$style_checker'( [ var_branches ] ).
style_check_(+var_branches) :-
'$style_checker'( [ var_branches ] ).
style_check_(-var_branches) :-
style_check(-var_branches) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -var_branches ] ).
style_check_(atom) :-
style_check(+atom) :-
'$style_checker'( [ atom ] ).
style_check_(+atom) :-
'$style_checker'( [ atom ] ).
style_check_(-atom) :-
style_check(-atom) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -atom ] ).
style_check_(charset) :-
style_check(charset) :-
'$style_checker'( [ charset ] ).
style_check_(+charset) :-
style_check(+charset) :-
'$style_checker'( [ charset ] ).
style_check_(-charset) :-
style_check(-charset) :-
'$style_checker'( [ -charset ] ).
style_check_('?'(Info) ) :-
style_check('?'(Info) ) :-
L = [ singleton, discontiguous, multiple ],
( lists:member(Style, L ) -> Info = +Style ; Info = -Style ).
style_check_([H|T]) :- style_check(H), style_check(T).
style_check([H|T]) :- style_check(H), style_check(T).
/** @pred no_style_check(+ _X_)