use copy_term compatible with SWI.

This commit is contained in:
Vitor Santos Costa 2010-03-27 10:56:35 +00:00
parent 50b380c2aa
commit 568c541874

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@ -166,10 +166,68 @@ prolog:call_residue_vars(Goal,Residue) :-
'$ord_remove'([V1|Vss], Vs0s, Residue) '$ord_remove'([V1|Vss], Vs0s, Residue)
). ).
prolog:copy_term(Term, Copy, Goals) :- %% from SWI
term_variables(Term, TVars), %% copy_term(+Term, -Copy, -Gs) is det.
'$get_goalist_from_attvars'(TVars, Goals0), %
copy_term_nat([Term|Goals0], [Copy|Goals]). % Creates a regular term Copy as a copy of Term (without any
% attributes), and a list Gs of goals that when executed reinstate
% all attributes onto Copy. The nonterminal attribute_goals//1, as
% defined in the modules the attributes stem from, is used to
% convert attributes to lists of goals.
prolog:copy_term(Term, Copy, Gs) :-
term_attvars(Term, Vs),
( Vs == []
-> Gs = [],
copy_term(Term, Copy)
; findall(Term-Gs,
( attvars_residuals(Vs, Gs, []),
attvars_residuals([]) --> [].
attvars_residuals([V|Vs]) -->
( { get_attrs(V, As) }
-> attvar_residuals(As, V)
; []
attvar_residuals([], _) --> [].
attvar_residuals(att(Module,Value,As), V) -->
( { nonvar(V) }
-> % a previous projection predicate could have instantiated
% this variable, for example, to avoid redundant goals
; ( { current_predicate(Module:attribute_goals/3) }
-> { '$notrace'(Module:attribute_goals(V, Goals, [])) },
; { current_predicate(Module:attribute_goal/2) }
-> { '$notrace'(Module:attribute_goal(V, Goal)) },
; [put_attr(V, Module, Value)]
attvar_residuals(As, V).
list([]) --> [].
list([L|Ls]) --> [L], list(Ls).
dot_list((A,B)) --> !, dot_list(A), dot_list(B).
dot_list(A) --> [A].
delete_attributes(Term) :-
term_attvars(Term, Vs),
delete_attributes_([V|Vs]) :-
prolog:call_residue(Goal,Residue) :- prolog:call_residue(Goal,Residue) :-
var(Goal), !, var(Goal), !,
@ -184,27 +242,17 @@ prolog:call_residue(Goal,Residue) :-
call_residue(Goal,Module,Residue) :- call_residue(Goal,Module,Residue) :-
call(Module:Goal). call(Module:Goal).
project_delayed_goals(G,LGs) :- project_delayed_goals(G) :-
( '$undefined'(modules_with_attributes(_),attributes), !.
'$undefined'(modules_with_attributes(_),attributes) project_delayed_goals(G) :-
attributed(G, NLAV),
NLAV = [_|_]
% SICStus compatible step, % SICStus compatible step,
% just try to simplify store by projecting constraints % just try to simplify store by projecting constraints
% over query variables. % over query variables.
% called by top_level to find out about delayed goals % called by top_level to find out about delayed goals
attributes:all_attvars(LAV), attributes:all_attvars(LAV),
LAV = [_|_], LAV = [_|_],
!, project_attributes(LAV, G), !.
project_attributes(LAV, G), project_delayed_goals(_).
% now get a list of frozen goals.
get_goalist_from_attvars(NLAV, LGs).
attributed(G, Vs) :- attributed(G, Vs) :-
@ -242,64 +290,3 @@ project_module([Mod|LMods], LIV, LAV) :-
project_module([_|LMods], LIV, LAV) :- project_module([_|LMods], LIV, LAV) :-
project_module(LMods,LIV,LAV). project_module(LMods,LIV,LAV).
% given a list of attributed variables, generate a conjunction of goals.
get_conj_from_attvars(TVars, Goals) :-
get_goalist_from_attvars(TVars, [], GoalList, []),
list_to_conjunction(GoalList, Goals).
% same, but generate list
get_goalist_from_attvars(TVars, GoalList) :-
get_goalist_from_attvars(TVars, GoalList, []).
get_goalist_from_attvars([]) --> [].
get_goalist_from_attvars([V|TVars]) -->
get_goalist_from_attvar(V) --> { attvar(V) }, !,
{ attributes:get_all_atts(V, AllAtts) },
all_atts_to_goals(AllAtts, V).
get_goalist_from_attvar(_) --> [].
all_atts_to_goals(AllAtts, _) --> { var(AllAtts) }, !.
all_atts_to_goals(AllAtts, V) -->
functor(AllAtts, Mod, _),
arg(1, AllAtts, MoreAtts)
attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, AllAtts),
all_atts_to_goals(MoreAtts, V).
% check constraints for variable
attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, _Gs, GoalListF, GoalList0) :-
% SWI, HProlog
'$pred_exists'(attribute_goals(V,GoalListF,GoalList0), Mod), !,
GoalListF = GoalList0
attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, _, GoalListF, GoalList0) :-
% SICStus
'$pred_exists'(attribute_goal(V,G),Mod), !,
GoalListF = [G|GoalList0]
GoalListF = GoalList0
attgoals_for_module(Mod, V, _, GoalList, GoalList).
list_to_conjunction([], true).
list_to_conjunction([G], G) :- !.
list_to_conjunction([G|GoalList], (G,Goals0)) :-
list_to_conjunction(GoalList, Goals0).