Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
This commit is contained in:
@ -1110,8 +1110,8 @@ Yap_plwrite(Term t, int (*mywrite) (int, wchar_t), int flags, int priority)
wglb.Quote_illegal = flags & Quote_illegal_f;
wglb.Handle_vars = flags & Handle_vars_f;
wglb.Use_portray = flags & Use_portray_f;
wglb.MaxDepth = 3L;
wglb.MaxArgs = 3L;
wglb.MaxDepth = 10L;
wglb.MaxArgs = 10L;
/* notice: we must have ASP well set when using portray, otherwise
we cannot make recursive Prolog calls */
wglb.keep_terms = (flags & (Use_portray_f|To_heap_f));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
/* This file, dlocals.h, was generated automatically by "yap -L misc/buildheap"
please do not update, update misc/LOCALS instead */
#define Yap_c_input_stream WL->c_input_stream
#define Yap_c_output_stream WL->c_output_stream
#define Yap_c_error_stream WL->c_error_stream
#define OldASP WL->rinfo.old_ASP
#define OldLCL0 WL->rinfo.old_LCL0
#define OldTR WL->rinfo.old_TR
#define OldGlobalBase WL->rinfo.old_GlobalBase
#define OldH WL->rinfo.old_H
#define OldH0 WL->rinfo.old_H0
#define OldTrailBase WL->rinfo.old_TrailBase
#define OldTrailTop WL->rinfo.old_TrailTop
#define OldHeapBase WL->rinfo.old_HeapBase
#define OldHeapTop WL->rinfo.old_HeapTop
#define ClDiff WL->rinfo.cl_diff
#define GDiff WL->rinfo.g_diff
#define HDiff WL->rinfo.h_diff
#define GDiff0 WL->rinfo.g_diff0
#define GSplit WL->rinfo.g_split
#define LDiff WL->rinfo.l_diff
#define TrDiff WL->rinfo.tr_diff
#define XDiff WL->rinfo.x_diff
#define DelayDiff WL->rinfo.delay_diff
#define BaseDiff WL->rinfo.base_diff
#define ReductionsCounter WL->call_counters.reductions
#define PredEntriesCounter WL->call_counters.reductions_retries
#define RetriesCounter WL->call_counters.retries
#define ReductionsCounterOn WL->call_counters.reductions_on
#define PredEntriesCounterOn WL->call_counters.reductions_retries_on
#define RetriesCounterOn WL->call_counters.retries_on
#define Yap_InterruptsDisabled WL->interrupts_disabled
#define ConsultSp WL->consultsp
#define ConsultCapacity WL->consultcapacity
#define ConsultBase WL->consultbase
#define ConsultLow WL->consultlow
#define GlobalArena WL->global_arena
#define GlobalArenaOverflows WL->global_arena_overflows
#define DelayArenaOverflows WL->delay_arena_overflows
#define ArenaOverflows WL->arena_overflows
#define DepthArenas WL->depth_arenas
#define ArithError WL->arith_error
#define LastAssertedPred WL->last_asserted_pred
#define DebugOn WL->debug_on
#define FormatInfo WL->f_info
#define ScannerStack WL->scanner_stack
#define ScannerExtraBlocks WL->scanner_extra_blocks
#define BallTerm WL->ball_term
#define ActiveSignals WL->active_signals
#define IPredArity WL->i_pred_arity
#define ProfEnd WL->prof_end
#define UncaughtThrow WL->uncaught_throw
#define DoingUndefp WL->doing_undefp
#define StartLine WL->start_line
#define ScratchPad WL->scratchpad
#define WokenGoals WL->woken_goals
#define AttsMutableList WL->atts_mutable_list
#define GcGeneration WL->gc_generation
#define GcPhase WL->gc_phase
#define GcCurrentPhase WL->gc_current_phase
#define GcCalls WL->gc_calls
#define TotGcTime WL->tot_gc_time
#define TotGcRecovered WL->tot_gc_recovered
#define LastGcTime WL->last_gc_time
#define LastSSTime WL->last_ss_time
#define Yap_total_choicepoints WL->total_cps
#if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS)
#define SignalLock WL->signal_lock
#define WPP WL->wpp
#define total_marked WL->tot_marked
#define total_oldies WL->tot_oldies
#define total_smarked WL->tot_smarked
#define current_B WL->wl_current_B
#define prev_HB WL->wl_prev_HB
#define HGEN WL->hgen
#define iptop WL->ip_top
#define Yap_bp WL->b_p
#if defined(TABLING) || defined(SBA)
#define sTR WL->wl_sTR
#define sTR0 WL->wl_sTR0
#define new_TR WL->new_tr
#define sTR WL->wl_sTR
#define sTR0 WL->wl_sTR0
#define new_TR WL->new_tr
#define cont_top0 WL->conttop0
#define cont_top WL->conttop
#define discard_trail_entries WL->disc_trail_entries
#define gc_ma_hash_table WL->Gc_ma_hash_table
#define gc_ma_h_top WL->Gc_ma_h_top
#define gc_ma_h_list WL->Gc_ma_h_list
#define gc_timestamp WL->Gc_timestamp
#define db_vec WL->DB_vec
#define db_vec0 WL->DB_vec0
#define db_root WL->DB_root
#define db_nil WL->DB_nil
#endif /* defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) */
#define Yap_gc_restore WL->gc_restore
#define DynamicArrays WL->dynamic_arrays
#define StaticArrays WL->static_arrays
#define GlobalVariables WL->global_variables
#define Yap_AllowRestart WL->allow_restart
#define Yap_CMemFirstBlock WL->cmem_first_block
#define Yap_CMemFirstBlockSz WL->cmem_first_block_sz
#define Yap_LabelFirstArray WL->label_first_array
#define Yap_LabelFirstArraySz WL->label_first_array_sz
#define PL_local_data_p WL->Yap_ld_
#define execution WL->_execution
#if (defined(YAPOR) || defined(TABLING)) && defined(THREADS)
#define WORKER WL->worker
#ifdef THREADS
#define ThreadHandle WL->thread_handle
#define FOREIGN_ThreadHandle(wid) (Yap_WLocal[(wid)]->thread_handle)
#define MY_ThreadHandle (Yap_WLocal[worker_id]->thread_handle)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
/* This file, hlocals.h, was generated automatically by "yap -L misc/buildheap"
please do not update, update misc/LOCALS instead */
typedef struct worker_local {
int c_input_stream;
int c_output_stream;
int c_error_stream;
restoreinfo rinfo;
struct reduction_counters call_counters;
int interrupts_disabled;
union CONSULT_OBJ* consultsp;
UInt consultcapacity;
union CONSULT_OBJ* consultbase;
union CONSULT_OBJ* consultlow;
Term global_arena;
UInt global_arena_overflows;
Int delay_arena_overflows;
Int arena_overflows;
Int depth_arenas;
int arith_error;
struct pred_entry* last_asserted_pred;
int debug_on;
struct format_status* f_info;
char* scanner_stack;
struct scanner_extra_alloc* scanner_extra_blocks;
struct DB_TERM *ball_term;
UInt active_signals;
UInt i_pred_arity;
yamop* prof_end;
int uncaught_throw;
int doing_undefp;
Int start_line;
scratch_block scratchpad;
Term woken_goals;
Term atts_mutable_list;
Term gc_generation;
Term gc_phase;
UInt gc_current_phase;
UInt gc_calls;
Int tot_gc_time;
YAP_ULONG_LONG tot_gc_recovered;
Int last_gc_time;
Int last_ss_time;
Int total_cps;
#if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS)
lockvar signal_lock;
struct pred_entry* wpp;
Int tot_marked;
Int tot_oldies;
UInt tot_smarked;
struct choicept *wl_current_B;
CELL* wl_prev_HB;
CELL* hgen;
CELL** ip_top;
char* b_p;
#if defined(TABLING) || defined(SBA)
struct trail_frame* wl_sTR;
struct trail_frame* wl_sTR0;
struct trail_frame* new_tr;
Term *wl_sTR;
Term *wl_sTR0;
Term *new_tr;
struct gc_mark_continuation* conttop0;
struct gc_mark_continuation* conttop;
int disc_trail_entries;
gc_ma_hash_entry Gc_ma_hash_table[GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE];
gc_ma_hash_entry* Gc_ma_h_top;
gc_ma_hash_entry* Gc_ma_h_list;
UInt Gc_timestamp;
ADDR DB_vec;
ADDR DB_vec0;
struct RB_red_blk_node* DB_root;
struct RB_red_blk_node* DB_nil;
#endif /* defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) */
sigjmp_buf gc_restore;
struct array_entry* dynamic_arrays;
struct static_array_entry* static_arrays;
struct global_entry* global_variables;
int allow_restart;
struct mem_blk* cmem_first_block;
UInt cmem_first_block_sz;
Int* label_first_array;
UInt label_first_array_sz;
struct PL_local_data *Yap_ld_;
struct open_query_struct* _execution;
#if (defined(YAPOR) || defined(TABLING)) && defined(THREADS)
struct worker worker;
#ifdef THREADS
struct thandle thread_handle;
#define FOREIGN_ThreadHandle(wid) (Yap_WLocal[(wid)]->thread_handle)
#define MY_ThreadHandle (Yap_WLocal[worker_id]->thread_handle)
} w_local;
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
/* This file, ilocals.h, was generated automatically by "yap -L misc/buildheap"
please do not update, update misc/LOCALS instead */
static void InitWorker(int wid) {
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->c_input_stream = 0;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->c_output_stream = 1;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->c_error_stream = 2;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_ASP = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_LCL0 = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_TR = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_GlobalBase = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_H = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_H0 = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_TrailBase = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_TrailTop = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_HeapBase = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.old_HeapTop = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.cl_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.g_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.h_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.g_diff0 = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.g_split = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.l_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.tr_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.x_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.delay_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->rinfo.base_diff = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->call_counters.reductions = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->call_counters.reductions_retries = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->call_counters.retries = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->call_counters.reductions_on = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->call_counters.reductions_retries_on = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->call_counters.retries_on = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->interrupts_disabled = FALSE;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->consultsp = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->consultbase = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->consultlow = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->global_arena = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->global_arena_overflows = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->delay_arena_overflows = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->arena_overflows = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->depth_arenas = 0;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->arith_error = FALSE;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->last_asserted_pred = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->debug_on = FALSE;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->f_info = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->scanner_stack = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->scanner_extra_blocks = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->ball_term = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->active_signals = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->i_pred_arity = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->prof_end = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->uncaught_throw = FALSE;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->doing_undefp = FALSE;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->start_line = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->woken_goals = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->atts_mutable_list = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_generation = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_phase = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_current_phase = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_calls = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->tot_gc_time = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->tot_gc_recovered = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->last_gc_time = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->last_ss_time = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->total_cps = 0;
#if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS)
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->wpp = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->tot_marked = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->tot_oldies = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->tot_smarked = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->wl_current_B = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->wl_prev_HB = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->hgen = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->ip_top = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->b_p = NULL;
#if defined(TABLING) || defined(SBA)
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->wl_sTR = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->wl_sTR0 = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->new_tr = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->wl_sTR = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->wl_sTR0 = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->new_tr = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->conttop0 = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->conttop = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->disc_trail_entries = 0;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->Gc_ma_h_top = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->Gc_ma_h_list = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->Gc_timestamp = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->DB_vec = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->DB_vec0 = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->DB_root = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->DB_nil = NULL;
#endif /* defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) */
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->dynamic_arrays = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->static_arrays = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->global_variables = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->allow_restart = FALSE;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->cmem_first_block = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->cmem_first_block_sz = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->label_first_array = NULL;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->label_first_array_sz = 0L;
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->Yap_ld_ = Yap_InitThreadIO(wid);
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->_execution = NULL;
#if (defined(YAPOR) || defined(TABLING)) && defined(THREADS)
#ifdef THREADS
#define FOREIGN_ThreadHandle(wid) (Yap_WLocal[(wid)]->thread_handle)
#define MY_ThreadHandle (Yap_WLocal[worker_id]->thread_handle)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
/* This file, rlocals.h, was generated automatically by "yap -L misc/buildheap"
please do not update, update misc/LOCALS instead */
static void RestoreWorker(int wid USES_REGS) {
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->global_arena = TermToGlobalOrAtomAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->global_arena);
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->woken_goals = TermToGlobalAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->woken_goals);
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->atts_mutable_list = TermToGlobalAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->atts_mutable_list);
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_generation = TermToGlobalAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_generation);
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_phase = TermToGlobalAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->gc_phase);
#if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS)
#if defined(TABLING) || defined(SBA)
#endif /* defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) */
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->dynamic_arrays = PtoArrayEAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->dynamic_arrays);
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->static_arrays = PtoArraySAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->static_arrays);
FOREIGN_WL(wid)->global_variables = PtoGlobalEAdjust(FOREIGN_WL(wid)->global_variables);
#if (defined(YAPOR) || defined(TABLING)) && defined(THREADS)
#ifdef THREADS
#define FOREIGN_ThreadHandle(wid) (Yap_WLocal[(wid)]->thread_handle)
#define MY_ThreadHandle (Yap_WLocal[worker_id]->thread_handle)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
// Stuff that must be considered local to a thread or worker
// Streams
int c_input_stream Yap_c_input_stream =0
int c_output_stream Yap_c_output_stream =1
int c_error_stream Yap_c_error_stream =2
/* shifts and restore: per local data-structure */
restoreinfo rinfo
. rinfo.old_ASP OldASP =NULL
. rinfo.old_LCL0 OldLCL0 =NULL
. rinfo.old_TR OldTR =NULL
. rinfo.old_GlobalBase OldGlobalBase =NULL
. rinfo.old_H OldH =NULL
. rinfo.old_H0 OldH0 =NULL
. rinfo.old_TrailBase OldTrailBase =NULL
. rinfo.old_TrailTop OldTrailTop =NULL
. rinfo.old_HeapBase OldHeapBase =NULL
. rinfo.old_HeapTop OldHeapTop =NULL
. rinfo.cl_diff ClDiff =0L
. rinfo.g_diff GDiff =0L
. rinfo.h_diff HDiff =0L
. rinfo.g_diff0 GDiff0 =0L
. rinfo.g_split GSplit =NULL
. rinfo.l_diff LDiff =0L
. rinfo.tr_diff TrDiff =0L
. rinfo.x_diff XDiff =0L
. rinfo.delay_diff DelayDiff =0L
. rinfo.base_diff BaseDiff =0L
struct reduction_counters call_counters
. call_counters.reductions ReductionsCounter =0L
. call_counters.reductions_retries PredEntriesCounter =0L
. call_counters.retries RetriesCounter =0L
. call_counters.reductions_on ReductionsCounterOn =0L
. call_counters.reductions_retries_on PredEntriesCounterOn =0L
. call_counters.retries_on RetriesCounterOn =0L
int interrupts_disabled Yap_InterruptsDisabled =FALSE
// support for consulting files
/* current consult stack */
union CONSULT_OBJ* consultsp ConsultSp =NULL
/* current maximum number of cells in consult stack */
UInt consultcapacity ConsultCapacity void
/* top of consult stack */
union CONSULT_OBJ* consultbase ConsultBase =NULL
/* low-water mark for consult */
union CONSULT_OBJ* consultlow ConsultLow =NULL
//global variables
Term global_arena GlobalArena =0L TermToGlobalOrAtomAdjust
UInt global_arena_overflows GlobalArenaOverflows =0L
Int delay_arena_overflows DelayArenaOverflows =0L
Int arena_overflows ArenaOverflows =0L
Int depth_arenas DepthArenas =0
int arith_error ArithError =FALSE
struct pred_entry* last_asserted_pred LastAssertedPred =NULL
int debug_on DebugOn =FALSE
struct format_status* f_info FormatInfo =NULL
char* scanner_stack ScannerStack =NULL
struct scanner_extra_alloc* scanner_extra_blocks ScannerExtraBlocks =NULL
struct DB_TERM *ball_term BallTerm =NULL RestoreBallTerm(wid)
UInt active_signals ActiveSignals =0L
UInt i_pred_arity IPredArity =0L
yamop* prof_end ProfEnd =NULL
int uncaught_throw UncaughtThrow =FALSE
int doing_undefp DoingUndefp =FALSE
Int start_line StartLine =0L
scratch_block scratchpad ScratchPad InitScratchPad(wid)
Term woken_goals WokenGoals =0L TermToGlobalAdjust
Term atts_mutable_list AttsMutableList =0L TermToGlobalAdjust
// gc_stuff
Term gc_generation GcGeneration =0L TermToGlobalAdjust
Term gc_phase GcPhase =0L TermToGlobalAdjust
UInt gc_current_phase GcCurrentPhase =0L
UInt gc_calls GcCalls =0L
Int tot_gc_time TotGcTime =0L
YAP_ULONG_LONG tot_gc_recovered TotGcRecovered =0L
Int last_gc_time LastGcTime =0L
Int last_ss_time LastSSTime =0L
Int total_cps Yap_total_choicepoints =0
// global variables that cannot be global in a thread/or-p implementation
#if defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS)
lockvar signal_lock SignalLock MkLock
struct pred_entry* wpp WPP =NULL
/* in a single gc */
Int tot_marked total_marked =0L
Int tot_oldies total_oldies =0L
UInt tot_smarked total_smarked =0L
struct choicept *wl_current_B current_B =NULL
CELL* wl_prev_HB prev_HB =NULL
CELL** ip_top iptop =NULL
char* b_p Yap_bp =NULL
#if defined(TABLING) || defined(SBA)
struct trail_frame* wl_sTR sTR =NULL
struct trail_frame* wl_sTR0 sTR0 =NULL
struct trail_frame* new_tr new_TR =NULL
Term *wl_sTR sTR =NULL
Term *wl_sTR0 sTR0 =NULL
Term *new_tr new_TR =NULL
struct gc_mark_continuation* conttop0 cont_top0 =NULL
struct gc_mark_continuation* conttop cont_top =NULL
int disc_trail_entries discard_trail_entries =0
gc_ma_hash_entry Gc_ma_hash_table[GC_MAVARS_HASH_SIZE] gc_ma_hash_table void
gc_ma_hash_entry* Gc_ma_h_top gc_ma_h_top =NULL
gc_ma_hash_entry* Gc_ma_h_list gc_ma_h_list =NULL
UInt Gc_timestamp gc_timestamp =0L
ADDR DB_vec db_vec =NULL
ADDR DB_vec0 db_vec0 =NULL
struct RB_red_blk_node* DB_root db_root =NULL
struct RB_red_blk_node* DB_nil db_nil =NULL
#endif /* defined(YAPOR) || defined(THREADS) */
sigjmp_buf gc_restore Yap_gc_restore void
struct array_entry* dynamic_arrays DynamicArrays =NULL PtoArrayEAdjust
struct static_array_entry* static_arrays StaticArrays =NULL PtoArraySAdjust
struct global_entry* global_variables GlobalVariables =NULL PtoGlobalEAdjust
int allow_restart Yap_AllowRestart =FALSE
// Thread Local Area for Fast Storage of Intermediate Compiled Code.
struct mem_blk* cmem_first_block Yap_CMemFirstBlock =NULL
UInt cmem_first_block_sz Yap_CMemFirstBlockSz =0L
// Thread Local Area for Labels.
Int* label_first_array Yap_LabelFirstArray =NULL
UInt label_first_array_sz Yap_LabelFirstArraySz =0L
// Thread Local Area for SWI-Prolog emulation routines.
struct PL_local_data *Yap_ld_ PL_local_data_p =Yap_InitThreadIO(wid)
struct open_query_struct* _execution execution =NULL
// Ricardo's stuff
#if (defined(YAPOR) || defined(TABLING)) && defined(THREADS)
struct worker worker WORKER void
#ifdef THREADS
struct thandle thread_handle ThreadHandle InitThreadHandle(wid)
#define FOREIGN_ThreadHandle(wid) (Yap_WLocal[(wid)]->thread_handle)
#define MY_ThreadHandle (Yap_WLocal[worker_id]->thread_handle)
@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 121c0909062150dc547c271a9e44827c45459b4f
Subproject commit c9d945820be9d1a9d6bc3e216721668f6b311feb
Reference in New Issue
Block a user