This commit is contained in:
@ -138,3 +138,4 @@ Release
@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
@addtogroup absolute_file_name
@pred absolute_file_name(+File:atom, +Options:list, +Path:atom) is nondet
@pred absolute_file_name(-File:atom, +Path:atom, +Options:list) is nondet
_Options_ is a list of options to guide the conversion:
- extensions(+ _ListOfExtensions_)
List of file-name suffixes to add to try adding to the file. The
Default is the empty suffix, `''`. For each extension,
absolute_file_name/3 will first add the extension and then verify
the conditions imposed by the other options. If the condition
fails, the next extension of the list is tried. Extensions may
be specified both with dot, as `.ext`, or without, as plain
- relative_to(+ _FileOrDir_ )
Resolve the path relative to the given directory or directory the
holding the given file. Without this option, paths are resolved
relative to the working directory (see working_directory/2) or,
if _Spec_ is atomic and absolute_file_name/3 is executed
in a directive, it uses the current source-file as reference.
- access(+ _Mode_ )
Imposes the condition access_file( _File_ , _Mode_ ). _Mode_ is one of `read`, `write`, `append`, `exist` or
`none` (default).
See also access_file/2.
- file_type(+ _Type_ )
Defines suffixes matching one of several pre-specified type of files. Default mapping is as follows:
1. `txt` implies `[ '' ]`,
2. `prolog` implies `['.yap', '.pl', '.prolog', '']`,
3. `executable` implies `['.so', ',dylib', '.dll']` depending on the Operating system,
4. `qly` implies `['.qly', '']`,
5. `directory` implies `['']`,
6. The file-type `source` is an alias for `prolog` designed to support compatibility with SICStus Prolog. See also prolog_file_type/2.
Notice that this predicate only
returns non-directories, unless the option `file_type(directory)` is
specified, or unless `access(none)`.
- file_errors(`fail`/`error`)
If `error` (default), throw `existence_error` exception
if the file cannot be found. If `fail`, stay silent.
- solutions(`first`/`all`)
If `first` (default), commit to the first solution. Otherwise
absolute_file_name will enumerate all solutions via backtracking.
- expand(`true`/`false`)
If `true` (default is `false`) and _Spec_ is atomic, call
expand_file_name/2 followed by member/2 on _Spec_ before
proceeding. This is originally a SWI-Prolog extension, but
whereas SWI-Prolog implements its own conventions, YAP uses the
shell's `glob` primitive.
- glob(`Pattern`)
If _Pattern_ is atomic, add the pattern as a suffix to the current expansion, and call
expand_file_name/2 followed by member/2 on the result. This is originally a SICStus Prolog exception.
Both `glob` and `expand` rely on the same underlying
mechanism. YAP gives preference to `glob`.
- verbose_file_search(`true`/`false`)
If `true` (default is `false`) output messages during
search. This is often helpful when debugging. Corresponds to the
SWI-Prolog flag `verbose_file_search` (also available in YAP).
Compatibility considerations to common argument-order in ISO as well
as SICStus absolute_file_name/3 forced us to be flexible here.
If the last argument is a list and the second not, the arguments are
swapped, making the call
absolute_file_name(+ _Spec_ , - _Path_ ,+ _Options_ )
valid as well.
@pred user:library_directory(?Directory:atom) is nondet, dynamic
Dynamic, multi-file predicate that succeeds when _Directory_ is a
current library directory name. Asserted in the user module.
Library directories are the places where files specified in the form
`library( _File_ )` are searched by the predicates consult/1,
reconsult/1, use_module/1, ensure_loaded/1, and load_files/2.
This directory is initialized by a rule that calls the system predicate
@ -8,10 +8,14 @@
* *
%% @file absf.yap
%% @author L.Damas, V.S.Costa
%% @{
@file absf.yap
@author L.Damas, V.S.Costa
:- system_module( absf, [absolute_file_name/2,
@ -21,186 +25,124 @@
remove_from_path/1], ['$full_filename'/3,
/** @defgroup absf File Name Resolution
@ingroup builtins
@defgroup AbsoluteFileName File Name Resolution
@ingroup builtins
Support for file name resolution through absolute_file_name/3 and
Support for file name resolution through absolute_file_name/3 and
friends. These utility built-ins describe a list of directories that
are used by load_files/2 to search. They include pre-compiled paths
plus user-defined directories, directories based on environment
variables and registry information to search for files.
:- use_system_module( '$_boot', ['$system_catch'/4]).
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
:- use_system_module( '$_lists', [member/2]).
:- multifile user:library_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:library_directory/1.
%% user:library_directory( ?Dir )
% Specifies the set of directories where
% one can find Prolog libraries.
% 1. honor YAPSHAREDIR
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
getenv( 'YAPSHAREDIR', Dir0),
absolute_file_name( Dir0, [file_type(directory), expand(true),file_errors(fail)], Dir ).
%% 2. honor user-library
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
absolute_file_name( '~/share/Yap', [file_type(directory), expand(true),file_errors(fail)], Dir ).
%% 3. honor current directory
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
absolute_file_name( '.', [file_type(directory), expand(true),file_errors(fail)], Dir ).
%% 4. honor default location.
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
system_library( Dir ).
@pred user:commons_directory(? _Directory_:atom) is nondet, dynamic
State the location of the Commons Prolog Initiative.
@pred absolute_file_name( -File:atom, +Path:atom, +Options:list) is nondet
This directory is initialized as a rule that calls the system predicate
_Options_ is a list of options to guide the conversion:
- extensions(+ _ListOfExtensions_)
List of file-name suffixes to add to try adding to the file. The
Default is the empty suffix, `''`. For each extension,
absolute_file_name/3 will first add the extension and then verify
the conditions imposed by the other options. If the condition
fails, the next extension of the list is tried. Extensions may
be specified both with dot, as `.ext`, or without, as plain
- relative_to(+ _FileOrDir_ )
Resolve the path relative to the given directory or directory the
holding the given file. Without this option, paths are resolved
relative to the working directory (see working_directory/2) or,
if _Spec_ is atomic and absolute_file_name/3 is executed
in a directive, it uses the current source-file as reference.
- access(+ _Mode_ )
Imposes the condition access_file( _File_ , _Mode_ ). _Mode_ is one of `read`, `write`, `append`, `exist` or
`none` (default).
See also access_file/2.
- file_type(+ _Type_ )
Defines suffixes matching one of several pre-specified type of files. Default mapping is as follows:
1. `txt` implies `[ '' ]`,
2. `prolog` implies `['.yap', '.pl', '.prolog', '']`,
3. `executable` implies `['.so', ',dylib', '.dll']` depending on the Operating system,
4. `qly` implies `['.qly', '']`,
5. `directory` implies `['']`,
6. The file-type `source` is an alias for `prolog` designed to support compatibility with SICStus Prolog. See also prolog_file_type/2.
Notice that this predicate only
returns non-directories, unless the option `file_type(directory)` is
specified, or unless `access(none)`.
- file_errors(`fail`/`error`)
If `error` (default), throw `existence_error` exception
if the file cannot be found. If `fail`, stay silent.
- solutions(`first`/`all`)
If `first` (default), commit to the first solution. Otherwise
absolute_file_name will enumerate all solutions via backtracking.
- expand(`true`/`false`)
If `true` (default is `false`) and _Spec_ is atomic, call
expand_file_name/2 followed by member/2 on _Spec_ before
proceeding. This is originally a SWI-Prolog extension, but
whereas SWI-Prolog implements its own conventions, YAP uses the
shell's `glob` primitive.
Notice that in `glob` mode YAP will fail if it cannot find a matching file, as `glob`
implicitely tests for existence when checking for patterns.
- glob(`Pattern`)
If _Pattern_ is atomic, add the pattern as a suffix to the current expansion, and call
expand_file_name/2 followed by member/2 on the result. This is originally a SICStus Prolog exception.
Both `glob` and `expand` rely on the same underlying
mechanism. YAP gives preference to `glob`.
- verbose_file_search(`true`/`false`)
If `true` (default is `false`) output messages during
search. This is often helpful when debugging. Corresponds to the
SWI-Prolog flag `verbose_file_search` (also available in YAP).
Compatibility considerations to common argument-order in ISO as well
as SICStus absolute_file_name/3 forced us to be flexible here.
If the last argument is a list and the second not, the arguments are
swapped, thus the call
?- absolute_file_name( 'pl/absf.yap', [], Path)
is valid as well.
:- multifile user:commons_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:commons_directory/1.
user:commons_directory( Path ):-
system_commons( Path ).
@pred user:foreign_directory(? _Directory_:atom) is nondet, dynamic
State the location of the Foreign Prolog Initiative.
This directory is initialized as a rule that calls the system predicate
:- multifile user:foreign_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:foreign_directory/1.
user:foreign_directory( Path ):-
system_foreign( Path ).
@pred user:prolog_file_type(?Suffix:atom, ?Handler:atom) is nondet, dynamic
This multifile/dynamic predicate relates a file extension _Suffix_
to a language or file type _Handler_. By
default, it supports the extensions yap, pl, and prolog for prolog files and
uses one of dll, so, or dylib for shared objects. Initial definition is:
prolog_file_type(yap, prolog).
prolog_file_type(pl, prolog).
prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog).
prolog_file_type(qly, prolog).
prolog_file_type(qly, qly).
prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :-
current_prolog_flag(associate, A),
A \== prolog,
A \==pl,
A \== yap.
prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
:- multifile user:prolog_file_type/2.
:- dynamic user:prolog_file_type/2.
user:prolog_file_type(yap, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(pl, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :-
current_prolog_flag(associate, A),
A \== prolog,
A \== pl,
A \== yap.
user:prolog_file_type(qly, qly).
user:prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
@pred user:file_search_path(+Name:atom, -Directory:atom) is nondet
Allows writing file names as compound terms. The _Name_ and
_DIRECTORY_ must be atoms. The predicate may generate multiple
solutions. The predicate is originally defined as follows:
file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
file_search_path(commons, Dir) :-
file_search_path(swi, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
file_search_path(yap, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
file_search_path,(system, Dir) :-
prolog_flag(host_type, Dir).
file_search_path(foreign, Dir) :-
file_search_path(path, C) :-
( getenv('PATH', A),
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A)
; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A)
lists:member(C, B)
Thus, `compile(library(A))` will search for a file using
library_directory/1 to obtain the prefix,
whereas 'compile(system(A))` would look at the `host_type` flag.
:- multifile user:file_search_path/2.
:- dynamic user:file_search_path/2.
user:file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(commons, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(swi, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
user:file_search_path(yap, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
user:file_search_path(system, Dir) :-
prolog_flag(host_type, Dir).
user:file_search_path(foreign, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(foreign, yap('lib/Yap')).
user:file_search_path(path, C) :-
( getenv('PATH', A),
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A)
; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A)
lists:member(C, B)
absolute_file_name(File,TrueFileName,Opts) :-
( var(TrueFileName) ->
true ;
@ -361,7 +303,9 @@ absolute_file_name(File0,File) :-
atom_concat( [File1, DA, Glob], File2 ),
expand_file_name(File2, ExpFiles),
'$enumerate_glob'(File1, ExpFiles, ExpFile)
% glob is not very much into failing
[File2] \== ExpFiles,
'$enumerate_glob'(File2, ExpFiles, ExpFile)
Expand == true
@ -570,6 +514,8 @@ add_to_path(New,Pos) :-
/** @pred remove_from_path(+Directory:atom) is det,deprecated
remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
recorded('$path',Path,R), erase(R).
@ -579,3 +525,186 @@ remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
'$check_path'([Ch],[Ch]) :- '$dir_separator'(Ch), !.
'$check_path'([Ch],[Ch,A]) :- !, integer(Ch), '$dir_separator'(A).
'$check_path'([N|S],[N|SN]) :- integer(N), '$check_path'(S,SN).
@defgroup pathconf Configuration of the Prolog file search path
@ingroup AbsoluteFileName
Prolog systems search follow a complex search on order to track down files.
@pred user:library_directory(?Directory:atom) is nondet, dynamic
Dynamic, multi-file predicate that succeeds when _Directory_ is a
current library directory name. Asserted in the user module.
Library directories are the places where files specified in the form
`library( _File_ )` are searched by the predicates consult/1,
reconsult/1, use_module/1, ensure_loaded/1, and load_files/2.
This directory is initialized by a rule that calls the system predicate
:- multifile user:library_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:library_directory/1.
%% Specifies the set of directories where
% one can find Prolog libraries.
% 1. honor YAPSHAREDIR
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
getenv( 'YAPSHAREDIR', Dir0),
absolute_file_name( Dir0, [file_type(directory), expand(true),file_errors(fail)], Dir ).
%% 2. honor user-library
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
absolute_file_name( '~/share/Yap', [file_type(directory), expand(true),file_errors(fail)], Dir ).
%% 3. honor current directory
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
absolute_file_name( '.', [file_type(directory), expand(true),file_errors(fail)], Dir ).
%% 4. honor default location.
user:library_directory( Dir ) :-
system_library( Dir ).
@pred user:commons_directory(? _Directory_:atom) is nondet, dynamic
State the location of the Commons Prolog Initiative.
This directory is initialized as a rule that calls the system predicate
:- multifile user:commons_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:commons_directory/1.
user:commons_directory( Path ):-
system_commons( Path ).
@pred user:foreign_directory(? _Directory_:atom) is nondet, dynamic
State the location of the Foreign Prolog Initiative.
This directory is initialized as a rule that calls the system predicate
:- multifile user:foreign_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:foreign_directory/1.
user:foreign_directory( Path ):-
system_foreign( Path ).
@pred user:prolog_file_type(?Suffix:atom, ?Handler:atom) is nondet, dynamic
This multifile/dynamic predicate relates a file extension _Suffix_
to a language or file type _Handler_. By
default, it supports the extensions yap, pl, and prolog for prolog files and
uses one of dll, so, or dylib for shared objects. Initial definition is:
prolog_file_type(yap, prolog).
prolog_file_type(pl, prolog).
prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog).
prolog_file_type(qly, prolog).
prolog_file_type(qly, qly).
prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :-
current_prolog_flag(associate, A),
A \== prolog,
A \==pl,
A \== yap.
prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
:- multifile user:prolog_file_type/2.
:- dynamic user:prolog_file_type/2.
user:prolog_file_type(yap, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(pl, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :-
current_prolog_flag(associate, A),
A \== prolog,
A \== pl,
A \== yap.
user:prolog_file_type(qly, qly).
user:prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
@pred user:file_search_path(+Name:atom, -Directory:atom) is nondet
Allows writing file names as compound terms. The _Name_ and
_DIRECTORY_ must be atoms. The predicate may generate multiple
solutions. The predicate is originally defined as follows:
file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
file_search_path(commons, Dir) :-
file_search_path(swi, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
file_search_path(yap, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
file_search_path,(system, Dir) :-
prolog_flag(host_type, Dir).
file_search_path(foreign, Dir) :-
file_search_path(path, C) :-
( getenv('PATH', A),
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A)
; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A)
lists:member(C, B)
Thus, `compile(library(A))` will search for a file using
library_directory/1 to obtain the prefix,
whereas 'compile(system(A))` would look at the `host_type` flag.
:- multifile user:file_search_path/2.
:- dynamic user:file_search_path/2.
user:file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(commons, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(swi, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
user:file_search_path(yap, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
user:file_search_path(system, Dir) :-
prolog_flag(host_type, Dir).
user:file_search_path(foreign, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(foreign, yap('lib/Yap')).
user:file_search_path(path, C) :-
( getenv('PATH', A),
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A)
; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A)
lists:member(C, B)
%% @}
@ -15,7 +15,9 @@
* *
% the default mode is on
% the default mode is on
%% @file arith.yap
:- system_module( '$_arith', [compile_expressions/0,
@ -112,7 +114,7 @@ q(A):-
A is 22.
do_not_compile_expressions :- set_value('$c_arith',[]).
'$c_built_in'(IN, M, H, OUT) :-
@ -15,8 +15,6 @@
* *
%% @{
@defgroup YAPControl Control Predicates
@ -24,6 +22,8 @@
%% @{
/** @pred :_P_ ; :_Q_ is iso
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ files and to set-up the Prolog environment. We discuss
@pred load_files(+ _Files_, + _Options_)
@pred load_files(+_Files_, +_Options_)
Implementation of the consult/1 family. Execution is controlled by the
following flags:
@ -81,10 +81,10 @@
@addtogroup YAPControl
%% @{
@ -23,8 +23,9 @@
is_of_type/2 % +Type, +Term
/** @defgroup error Error generating support
@ingroup builtin
@defgroup error Error generating support
@ingroup YAPError
This SWI module provides predicates to simplify error generation and
checking. Adapted to use YAP built-ins.
@ -36,6 +37,9 @@ predicates are simple wrappers around throw/1 to simplify throwing the
most common ISO error terms.
YAP reuses the code with some extensions, and supports interfacing to some C-builtins.
:- multifile
@ -255,3 +259,5 @@ must_be_instantiated(X) :-
must_be_instantiated(X, Comment) :-
( var(X) -> instantiation_error(X, Comment) ; true).
%% @}
@ -11,210 +11,84 @@
* File: errors.yap *
* comments: error messages for YAP *
* *
* Last rev: $Date: 2008-07-22 23:34:50 $,$Author: vsc $ *
* $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $
* Revision 1.89 2008/06/12 10:55:52 vsc
* fix syntax error messages
* Revision 1.88 2008/04/04 10:02:44 vsc
* implement thread_cancel using signals
* use duplicate_term instead of copy_term in throw: throw may lose
* reference to term.
* Revision 1.87 2008/03/17 12:08:28 vsc
* avoid silly message
* Revision 1.86 2008/02/23 01:32:31 vsc
* fix chr bootstrap.
* Revision 1.85 2008/02/22 15:08:37 vsc
* Big update to support more SICStus/SWI like message handling
* fix yap.tex (Bernd)
* Revision 1.84 2008/01/23 17:57:55 vsc
* valgrind it!
* enable atom garbage collection.
* Revision 1.83 2007/11/26 23:43:10 vsc
* fixes to support threads and assert correctly, even if inefficiently.
* Revision 1.82 2007/09/27 23:02:00 vsc
* encoding/1
* Revision 1.81 2007/09/27 15:25:34 vsc
* upgrade JPL
* Revision 1.80 2007/01/24 14:20:04 vsc
* Fix typos across code
* Change debugger to backtrack more alike byrd model
* Fix typo in debugger option f
* Revision 1.79 2006/12/13 16:10:26 vsc
* several debugger and CLP(BN) improvements.
* Revision 1.78 2006/05/22 16:12:01 tiagosoares
* MYDDAS: MYDDAS version boot message
* Revision 1.77 2006/04/10 19:24:52 vsc
* fix syntax error message handling
* improve redblack trees and use it to reimplement association lists and
* to have better implementation of several graph algorithms.
* Revision 1.76 2006/04/05 00:16:55 vsc
* Lots of fixes (check logfile for details
* Revision 1.75 2006/02/24 14:26:37 vsc
* fix informational_messages
* Revision 1.74 2006/01/26 19:20:00 vsc
* syntax error was giving the offset
* Revision 1.73 2006/01/20 04:35:28 vsc
* fix error message
* Revision 1.72 2005/11/23 13:24:00 vsc
* cleanups in OS interface predicates.
* Revision 1.71 2005/11/10 01:27:12 vsc
* fix debugger message for EOF input
* fix fix to setof
* fix profiler spewing out hidden atoms.
* Revision 1.70 2005/11/03 18:27:10 vsc
* fix quote
* Revision 1.69 2005/11/01 18:54:06 vsc
* small fixes
* Revision 1.68 2005/10/29 01:28:37 vsc
* make undefined more ISO compatible.
* Revision 1.67 2005/10/28 17:38:50 vsc
* sveral updates
* Revision 1.66 2005/10/18 17:04:43 vsc
* 5.1:
* - improvements to GC
* 2 generations
* generic speedups
* - new scheme for attvars
* - hProlog like interface also supported
* - SWI compatibility layer
* - extra predicates
* - global variables
* - moved to Prolog module
* - CLP(R) by Leslie De Koninck, Tom Schrijvers, Cristian Holzbaur, Bart
* Demoen and Jan Wielemacker
* - load_files/2
* from 5.0.1
* - WIN32 missing include files (untested)
* - -L trouble (my thanks to Takeyuchi Shiramoto-san)!
* - debugging of backtrable user-C preds would core dump.
* - redeclaring a C-predicate as Prolog core dumps.
* - badly protected YapInterface.h.
* - break/0 was failing at exit.
* - YAP_cut_fail and YAP_cut_succeed were different from manual.
* - tracing through data-bases could core dump.
* - cut could break on very large computations.
* - first pass at BigNum issues (reported by Roberto).
* - debugger could get go awol after fail port.
* - weird message on wrong debugger option.
* Revision 1.65 2005/05/25 21:43:33 vsc
* fix compiler bug in 1 << X, found by Nuno Fonseca.
* compiler internal errors get their own message.
* Revision 1.64 2005/05/25 18:18:02 vsc
* fix error handling
* configure should not allow max-memory and use-malloc at same time
* some extensions for jpl
* Revision 1.63 2005/04/20 20:06:26 vsc
* try to improve error handling and warnings from within consults.
* Revision 1.62 2005/04/07 17:55:05 ricroc
* Adding tabling support for mixed strategy evaluation (batched and local scheduling)
* UPDATE: compilation flags -DTABLING_BATCHED_SCHEDULING and -DTABLING_LOCAL_SCHEDULING removed. To support tabling use -DTABLING in the Makefile or --enable-tabling in configure.
* NEW: yap_flag(tabling_mode,MODE) changes the tabling execution mode of all tabled predicates to MODE (batched, local or default).
* NEW: tabling_mode(PRED,MODE) changes the default tabling execution mode of predicate PRED to MODE (batched or local).
* Revision 1.61 2005/02/21 16:50:21 vsc
* amd64 fixes
* library fixes
* Revision 1.60 2005/01/28 23:14:41 vsc
* move to Yap-4.5.7
* Fix clause size
* Revision 1.59 2005/01/13 05:47:27 vsc
* lgamma broke arithmetic optimisation
* integer_y has type y
* pass original source to checker (and maybe even use option in parser)
* use warning mechanism for checker messages.
* Revision 1.58 2004/11/19 21:32:53 vsc
* change abort so that it won't be caught by handlers.
* Revision 1.57 2004/10/27 15:56:34 vsc
* bug fixes on memory overflows and on clauses :- fail being ignored by clause.
* Revision 1.56 2004/10/04 18:56:20 vsc
* fixes for thread support
* fix indexing bug (serious)
* Revision 1.55 2004/09/17 19:34:53 vsc
* simplify frozen/2
* Revision 1.54 2004/07/22 21:32:22 vsc
* debugger fixes
* initial support for JPL
* bad calls to garbage collector and gc
* debugger fixes
* Revision 1.53 2004/06/23 17:24:20 vsc
* New comment-based message style
* Fix thread support (at least don't deadlock with oneself)
* small fixes for coroutining predicates
* force Yap to recover space in arrays of dbrefs
* use private predicates in debugger.
* Revision 1.52 2004/06/18 15:41:19 vsc
* fix extraneous line in yes/no messages
* Revision 1.51 2004/06/09 03:32:03 vsc
* fix bugs
* Revision 1.50 2004/04/27 16:21:25 vsc
* stupid bug
* *
* *
/** @defgroup YAPError Error Handling
@ingroup YAPControl
The error handler is called when there is an execution error or a
warning needs to be displayed. The handlers include a number of hooks
to allow user-control.
Errors are terms of the form:
- error( domain_error( Domain, Culprit )`
- error( evaluation_error( Expression, Culprit )`
- error( existence_error( Object, Culprit )`
- error( instantiation_error )`
- error( permission_error( Error, Permission, Culprit)`
- error( representation_error( Domain, Culprit )`
- error( resource_error( Resource, Culprit )`
- error( syntax_error( Error )`
- error( system_error( Domain, Culprit )`
- error( type_error( Type, Culprit )`
- error( uninstantiation_error( Culprit )`
:- system_module( '$_errors', [message_to_string/2,
print_message/2], ['$Error'/1,
:- system_module( '$_errors', [system_error/2], ['$Error'/1,
:- use_system_module( '$messages', [file_location/2,
* @pred system_error( +Error, +Cause)
* Generate a system error _Error_, informing the possible cause _Cause_.
system_error(Type,Goal) :-
'$do_error'(Type,Goal) :-
% format('~w~n', [Type]),
ancestor_location(Call, Caller),
throw(error(Type, [
* @pred system_error( +Error, +Cause, +Culprit)
* Generate a system error _Error_, informing the source goal _Cause_ and a possible _Culprit_.
* ~~~~~~~~~~
* ~~~~~~~~~~
system_error(Type,Goal,Culprit) :-
% format('~w~n', [Type]),
ancestor_location(Call, Caller),
throw(error(Type, [
'$do_error'(Type,Goal) :-
@ -263,3 +137,5 @@ to allow user-control.
print_message(error,error(Msg, Where)), !.
'$process_error'(Throw, _) :-
%% @}
@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ right hand side of a grammar rule
Grammar related built-in predicates:
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@
* *
%% @file pl/hacks.yap
:- module('$hacks',
@ -24,8 +24,12 @@
:- use_system_module( '$_modules', ['$do_import'/3]).
/** @defgroup LoadForeign Access to Foreign Language Programs
@ingroup builtins
@defgroup LoadForeign Access to Foreign Language Programs
@ingroup fli
@ -49,7 +53,6 @@ if defined, or in the default library.
YAP also supports the SWI-Prolog interface to loading foreign code:
load_foreign_files(Objs,Libs,Entry) :-
@ -205,5 +208,5 @@ call_shared_object_function( Handle, Function) :-
'$call_shared_object_function'( Handle, Function),
prolog_load_context(module, M),
ignore( recordzifnot( '$foreign', M:'$swi_foreign'( Handle, Function ), _) ).
%%! @}
%% @}
@ -28,8 +28,6 @@
@defgroup Messages Message Handling
@ingroup YAPControl
@ -67,6 +65,7 @@ messages that do not produce output but that can be intercepted by hooks.
The next table shows the main predicates and hooks associated to message
handling in YAP:
@ -269,6 +268,9 @@ main_message(error(representation_error), _Source) -->
main_message(error(type_error(Type,Who), _What), _Source) -->
[ '~*|!!! ~q should be of type ~a' - [8,Who,Type]],
[ nl ].
main_message(error(system_error(Who), _What), _Source) -->
[ '~*|!!! ~q error' - [8,Who]],
[ nl ].
main_message(error(uninstantiation_error(T),_), _Source) -->
[ '~*|!!! found ~q, expected unbound variable ' - [8,T], nl ].
@ -528,7 +530,8 @@ domain_error(Domain, Opt) -->
extra_info( error(_,Extra), _ ) -->
{lists:memberchk([i|Msg], Extra)}, !,
[' ~w~nx.' - [Msg] ].
['~*|user provided data is: ~q' - [10,Msg]],
extra_info( _, _ ) -->
@ -587,7 +590,7 @@ list_of_preds([P|L]) -->
syntax_error_term(between(_I,_J,_L),LTaL) -->
% ['found at line ~d to line ~d' - [_I,_L], nl ],
['error found at line ~d to line ~d' - [_I,_L], nl ],
syntax_error_tokens([]) --> [].
@ -22,8 +22,6 @@
], [] ).
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
%% @{
@defgroup YAPOS Access to Operating System Functionality
@ingroup builtins
@ -31,6 +29,8 @@
The following built-in predicates allow access to underlying
Operating System functionality.
%% @{
/** @pred cd
@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
* *
%% @file pl/profile.yap
:- system_module( '$_profile', [profile_data/3,
showprofres/1], []).
/** @defgroup The_Count_Profiler The Count Profiler
@ingroup Profiling
@ -28,8 +34,8 @@ backtracking. It provides exact information:
are maintained. This may change in the future.
+ As an example, the following user-level program gives a list of
the most often called procedures in a program. The procedure
`list_profile` shows all procedures, irrespective of module, and
the procedure `list_profile/1` shows the procedures being used in
list_profile/0 shows all procedures, irrespective of module, and
the procedure list_profile/1 shows the procedures being used in
a specific module.
@ -63,11 +69,6 @@ These are the current predicates to access and clear profiling data:
:- system_module( '$_profile', [profile_data/3,
showprofres/1], []).
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
@ -76,7 +77,7 @@ These are the current predicates to access and clear profiling data:
% describing a predicate; used e.g. on the tick profiler defined below
:- multifile(user:prolog_predicate_name/2).
/** @pred profile_data(? _Na/Ar_, ? _Parameter_, - _Data_)
/** @pred profile_data( ?Na/Ar, ?Parameter, -Data_)
Give current profile data on _Parameter_ for a predicate described
@ -14,6 +14,9 @@
* comments: fast save/restore *
* *
%% @file qly.yap
:- system_module( '$_qly', [qload_module/1,
@ -55,6 +58,8 @@ saved.
YAP always tries to find saved states from the current directory
first. If it cannot it will use the environment variable [YAPLIBDIR](@ref YAPLIBDIR), if
defined, or search the default library directory.
/** @pred save_program(+ _F_)
@ -778,3 +783,5 @@ qload_file( F0 ) :-
'$process_directives'( _FilePl ) :-
%% @}
@ -25,9 +25,16 @@
:- system_module( '$_setof', [(^)/2,
setof/3], []).
@defgroup Sets Collecting Solutions to a Goal
@ingroup builtins
@ -40,41 +47,36 @@ predicates instead of writing his own routines. findall/3 gives you
the fastest, but crudest solution. The other built-in predicates
post-process the result of the query in several different ways:
:- system_module( '$_setof', [(^)/2,
setof/3], []).
:- use_system_module( '$_boot', ['$catch'/3]).
:- use_system_module( '$_errors', ['$do_error'/2]).
% The "existential quantifier" symbol is only significant to bagof
% and setof, which it stops binding the quantified variable.
% op(200, xfy, ^) is defined during bootstrap.
% this is used by the all predicate
:- op(50,xfx,same).
%% @pred ^/2
% The "existential quantifier" symbol is only significant to bagof
% and setof, which it stops binding the quantified variable.
% op(200, xfy, ^) is defined during bootstrap.
_^Goal :-
% findall/3 is a simplified version of bagof which has an implicit
% existential quantifier on every variable.
/** @pred findall( _T_,+ _G_,- _L_) is iso
findall/3 is a simplified version of bagof which has an implicit
existential quantifier on every variable.
Unifies _L_ with a list that contains all the instantiations of the
term _T_ satisfying the goal _G_.
Reference in New Issue
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