This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
Running YAP
We next describe how to invoke YAP in Unix systems.
@section Running_YAP_Interactively Running YAP Interactively
Most often you will want to use YAP in interactive mode. Assuming that
YAP is in the user's search path, the top-level can be invoked under
Unix with the following command:
yap [-s n] [-h n] [-a n] [-c IP_HOST port ] [filename]
All the arguments and flags are optional and have the following meaning:
+ -?
print a short error message.
+ -s _Size_
allocate _Size_ KBytes for local and global stacks. The user may
specify <tt>M</tt> bytes.
+ -h _Size_
allocate _Size_ KBytes for heap and auxiliary stacks
+ -t _Size_
allocate _Size_ KBytes for the trail stack
+ -L _Size_
SWI-compatible option to allocate _Size_ K bytes for local and global stacks, the local stack
cannot be expanded. To avoid confusion with the load option, _Size_
must immediately follow the letter `L`.
+ -G _Size_
SWI-compatible option to allocate _Size_ K bytes for local and global stacks; the global
stack cannot be expanded
+ -T _Size_
SWI-compatible option to allocate _Size_ K bytes for the trail stack; the trail cannot be expanded.
+ -l _YAP_FILE_
compile the Prolog file _YAP_FILE_ before entering the top-level.
compile the Prolog file _YAP_FILE_ and then halt. This option is
useful for implementing scripts.
+ -g _Goal_
run the goal _Goal_ before top-level. The goal is converted from
an atom to a Prolog term.
+ -z _Goal_
run the goal _Goal_ as top-level. The goal is converted from
an atom to a Prolog term.
+ -b _BOOT_FILE_
boot code is in Prolog file _BOOT_FILE_. The filename must define
the predicate `'$live'/0`.
+ -c <tt>IP_HOST</tt> <tt>port</tt>
connect standard streams to host <tt>IP_HOST</tt> at port <tt>port</tt>
+ filename
restore state saved in the given file
+ -f
do not consult initial files
+ -q
do not print informational messages
+ --
separator for arguments to Prolog code. These arguments are visible
through the unix/1 built-in predicate.
Note that YAP will output an error message on the following conditions:
a file name was given but the file does not exist or is not a saved
YAP state;
the necessary amount of memory could not be allocated;
the allocated memory is not enough to restore the state.
When restoring a saved state, YAP will allocate the
same amount of memory as that in use when the state was saved, unless a
different amount is specified by flags in the command line. By default,
YAP restores the file startup.yss from the current directory or from
the YAP library.
YAP usually boots from a saved state. The saved state will use the default
installation directory to search for the YAP binary unless you define
the environment variable YAPBINDIR.
YAP always tries to find saved states from the current directory
first. If it cannot it will use the environment variable YAPLIBDIR, if
defined, or search the default library directory.
YAP will try to find library files from the YAPSHAREDIR/library
@section Running_Prolog_Files Running Prolog Files
YAP can also be used to run Prolog files as scripts, at least in
Unix-like environments. A simple example is shown next (do not forget
that the shell comments are very important):
#!/usr/local/bin/yap -L --
# Hello World script file using YAP
# put a dot because of syntax errors .
:- write('Hello World'), nl.
The `#!` characters specify that the script should call the binary
file YAP. Notice that many systems will require the complete path to the
YAP binary. The `-L` flag indicates that YAP should consult the
current file when booting and then halt. The remaining arguments are
then passed to YAP. Note that YAP will skip the first lines if they
start with `#` (the comment sign for Unix's shell). YAP will
consult the file and execute any commands.
A slightly more sophisticated example is:
#!/usr/bin/yap -L --
# Hello World script file using YAP
# .
:- initialization(main).
main :- write('Hello World'), nl.
The `initialization` directive tells YAP to execute the goal main
after consulting the file. Source code is thus compiled and `main`
executed at the end. The `.` is useful while debugging the script
as a Prolog program: it guarantees that the syntax error will not
propagate to the Prolog code.
Notice that the `--` is required so that the shell passes the extra
arguments to YAP. As an example, consider the following script
#!/usr/bin/yap -L --
main( [] ).
main( [H|T] ) :-
write( H ), nl,
main( T ).
:- unix( argv(AllArgs) ), main( AllArgs ).
If you this run this script with the arguments:
./dump_args -s 10000
the script will start an YAP process with stack size `10MB`, and
the list of arguments to the process will be empty.
Often one wants to run the script as any other program, and for this it
is convenient to ignore arguments to YAP. This is possible by using
`L --` as in the next version of `dump_args`:
#!/usr/bin/yap -L --
main( [] ).
main( [H|T] ) :-
write( H ), nl,
main( T ).
:- unix( argv(AllArgs) ), main( AllArgs ).
The `--` indicates the next arguments are not for YAP. Instead,
they must be sent directly to the argv built-in. Hence, running
./dump_args test
will write `test` on the standard output.
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,513 @@
@defgroup YAPSyntax YAP Syntax
@ingroup mainpage
We will describe the syntax of YAP at two levels. We first will
describe the syntax for Prolog terms. In a second level we describe
the \a tokens from which Prolog \a terms are
@section Formal_Syntax Syntax of Terms
Below, we describe the syntax of YAP terms from the different
classes of tokens defined above. The formalism used will be <em>BNF</em>,
extended where necessary with attributes denoting integer precedence or
operator type.
term ----> subterm(1200) end_of_term_marker
subterm(N) ----> term(M) [M <= N]
term(N) ----> op(N, fx) subterm(N-1)
| op(N, fy) subterm(N)
| subterm(N-1) op(N, xfx) subterm(N-1)
| subterm(N-1) op(N, xfy) subterm(N)
| subterm(N) op(N, yfx) subterm(N-1)
| subterm(N-1) op(N, xf)
| subterm(N) op(N, yf)
term(0) ----> atom '(' arguments ')'
| '(' subterm(1200) ')'
| '{' subterm(1200) '}'
| list
| string
| number
| atom
| variable
arguments ----> subterm(999)
| subterm(999) ',' arguments
list ----> '[]'
| '[' list_expr ']'
list_expr ----> subterm(999)
| subterm(999) list_tail
list_tail ----> ',' list_expr
| ',..' subterm(999)
| '|' subterm(999)
+ \a op(N,T) denotes an atom which has been previously declared with type
\a T and base precedence \a N.
+ Since ',' is itself a pre-declared operator with type \a xfy and
precedence 1000, is \a subterm starts with a '(', \a op must be
followed by a space to avoid ambiguity with the case of a functor
followed by arguments, e.g.:
+ (a,b) [the same as '+'(','(a,b)) of arity one]
+(a,b) [the same as '+'(a,b) of arity two]
In the first rule for term(0) no blank space should exist between
\a atom and '('.
Each term to be read by the YAP parser must end with a single
dot, followed by a blank (in the sense mentioned in the previous
paragraph). When a name consisting of a single dot could be taken for
the end of term marker, the ambiguity should be avoided by surrounding the
dot with single quotes.
@section Tokens Prolog Tokens
Prolog tokens are grouped into the following categories:
@subsection Numbers Numbers
Numbers can be further subdivided into integer and floating-point numbers.
@subsubsection Integers
Integer numbers
are described by the following regular expression:
<integer> := {<digit>+<single-quote>|0{xXo}}<alpha_numeric_char>+
where {...} stands for optionality, \a + optional repetition (one or
more times), \a \\\<digit\\\> denotes one of the characters 0 ... 9, \a |
denotes or, and \a \\\<single-quote\\\> denotes the character "'". The digits
before the \a \\\<single-quote\\\> character, when present, form the number
basis, that can go from 0, 1 and up to 36. Letters from `A` to
`Z` are used when the basis is larger than 10.
Note that if no basis is specified then base 10 is assumed. Note also
that the last digit of an integer token can not be immediately followed
by one of the characters 'e', 'E', or '.'.
Following the ISO standard, YAP also accepts directives of the
form `0x` to represent numbers in hexadecimal base and of the form
`0o` to represent numbers in octal base. For usefulness,
YAP also accepts directives of the form `0X` to represent
numbers in hexadecimal base.
the following tokens all denote the same integer
10 2'1010 3'101 8'12 16'a 36'a 0xa 0o12
Numbers of the form `0'a` are used to represent character
constants. So, the following tokens denote the same integer:
0'd 100
YAP (version 6.3.4) supports integers that can fit
the word size of the machine. This is 32 bits in most current machines,
but 64 in some others, such as the Alpha running Linux or Digital
Unix. The scanner will read larger or smaller integers erroneously.
@subsubsection Floats
Floating-point numbers are described by:
<float> := <digit>+{<dot><digit>+}
where \a \\\<dot\\\> denotes the decimal-point character '.',
\a \\\<exponent-marker\\\> denotes one of 'e' or 'E', and \a \\\<sign\\\> denotes
one of '+' or '-'.
10.0 10e3 10e-3 3.1415e+3
Floating-point numbers are represented as a double in the target
machine. This is usually a 64-bit number.
@subsection Strings Character Strings
Strings are described by the following rules:
string --> '"' string_quoted_characters '"'
string_quoted_characters --> '"' '"' string_quoted_characters
string_quoted_characters --> '\'
escape_sequence string_quoted_characters
string_quoted_characters -->
string_character string_quoted_characters
escape_sequence --> 'a' | 'b' | 'r' | 'f' | 't' | 'n' | 'v'
escape_sequence --> '\' | '"' | ''' | '`'
escape_sequence --> at_most_3_octal_digit_seq_char '\'
escape_sequence --> 'x' at_most_2_hexa_digit_seq_char '\'
where `string_character` in any character except the double quote
and escape characters.
"" "a string" "a double-quote:"""
The first string is an empty string, the last string shows the use of
double-quoting. The implementation of YAP represents strings as
lists of integers. Since YAP 4.3.0 there is no static limit on string
Escape sequences can be used to include the non-printable characters
`a` (alert), `b` (backspace), `r` (carriage return),
`f` (form feed), `t` (horizontal tabulation), `n` (new
line), and `v` (vertical tabulation). Escape sequences also be
include the meta-characters `\\`, `"`, `'`, and
```. Last, one can use escape sequences to include the characters
either as an octal or hexadecimal number.
The next examples demonstrates the use of escape sequences in YAP:
"\x0c\" "\01\" "\f" "\\"
The first three examples return a list including only character 12 (form
feed). The last example escapes the escape character.
Escape sequences were not available in C-Prolog and in original
versions of YAP up to 4.2.0. Escape sequences can be disable by using:
:- yap_flag(character_escapes,false).
@subsection Atoms Atoms
Atoms are defined by one of the following rules:
atom --> solo-character
atom --> lower-case-letter name-character*
atom --> symbol-character+
atom --> single-quote single-quote
atom --> ''' atom_quoted_characters '''
atom_quoted_characters --> ''' ''' atom_quoted_characters
atom_quoted_characters --> '\' atom_sequence string_quoted_characters
atom_quoted_characters --> character string_quoted_characters
<solo-character> denotes one of: ! ;
<symbol-character> denotes one of: # & * + - . / : <
= > ? @ \ ^ ~ `
<lower-case-letter> denotes one of: a...z
<name-character> denotes one of: _ a...z A...Z 0....9
<single-quote> denotes: '
and `string_character` denotes any character except the double quote
and escape characters. Note that escape sequences in strings and atoms
follow the same rules.
a a12x '$a' ! => '1 2'
Version `4.2.0` of YAP removed the previous limit of 256
characters on an atom. Size of an atom is now only limited by the space
available in the system.
@subsection Variables Variables
Variables are described by:
<variable-starter> denotes one of: _ A...Z
<variable-character> denotes one of: _ a...z A...Z
If a variable is referred only once in a term, it needs not to be named
and one can use the character `_` to represent the variable. These
variables are known as anonymous variables. Note that different
occurrences of `_` on the same term represent <em>different</em>
anonymous variables.
@subsection Punctuation_Tokens Punctuation Tokens
Punctuation tokens consist of one of the following characters:
( ) , [ ] { } |
These characters are used to group terms.
@subsection Layout Layout
Any characters with ASCII code less than or equal to 32 appearing before
a token are ignored.
All the text appearing in a line after the character \a % is taken to
be a comment and ignored (including \a %). Comments can also be
inserted by using the sequence `/\*` to start the comment and
`\*` followed by `/` to finish it. In the presence of any sequence of comments or
layout characters, the YAP parser behaves as if it had found a
single blank character. The end of a file also counts as a blank
character for this purpose.
@section Encoding Wide Character Support
YAP now implements a SWI-Prolog compatible interface to wide
characters and the Universal Character Set (UCS). The following text
was adapted from the SWI-Prolog manual.
YAP now supports wide characters, characters with character
codes above 255 that cannot be represented in a single byte.
<em>Universal Character Set</em> (UCS) is the ISO/IEC 10646 standard
that specifies a unique 31-bits unsigned integer for any character in
any language. It is a superset of 16-bit Unicode, which in turn is
a superset of ISO 8859-1 (ISO Latin-1), a superset of US-ASCII. UCS
can handle strings holding characters from multiple languages and
character classification (uppercase, lowercase, digit, etc.) and
operations such as case-conversion are unambiguously defined.
For this reason YAP, following SWI-Prolog, has two representations for
atoms. If the text fits in ISO Latin-1, it is represented as an array
of 8-bit characters. Otherwise the text is represented as an array of
wide chars, which may take 16 or 32 bits. This representational issue
is completely transparent to the Prolog user. Users of the foreign
language interface sometimes need to be aware of these issues though.
Character coding comes into view when characters of strings need to be
read from or written to file or when they have to be communicated to
other software components using the foreign language interface. In this
section we only deal with I/O through streams, which includes file I/O
as well as I/O through network sockets.
@subsection Stream_Encoding Wide character encodings on streams
Although characters are uniquely coded using the UCS standard
internally, streams and files are byte (8-bit) oriented and there are a
variety of ways to represent the larger UCS codes in an 8-bit octet
stream. The most popular one, especially in the context of the web, is
UTF-8. Bytes 0...127 represent simply the corresponding US-ASCII
character, while bytes 128...255 are used for multi-byte
encoding of characters placed higher in the UCS space. Especially on
MS-Windows the 16-bit Unicode standard, represented by pairs of bytes is
also popular.
Prolog I/O streams have a property called <em>encoding</em> which
specifies the used encoding that influence `get_code/2` and
`put_code/2` as well as all the other text I/O predicates.
The default encoding for files is derived from the Prolog flag
`encoding`, which is initialised from the environment. If the
environment variable `LANG` ends in "UTF-8", this encoding is
assumed. Otherwise the default is `text` and the translation is
left to the wide-character functions of the C-library (note that the
Prolog native UTF-8 mode is considerably faster than the generic
`mbrtowc()` one). The encoding can be specified explicitly in
load_files/2 for loading Prolog source with an alternative
encoding, `open/4` when opening files or using `set_stream/2` on
any open stream (not yet implemented). For Prolog source files we also
provide the `encoding/1` directive that can be used to switch
between encodings that are compatible to US-ASCII (`ascii`,
`iso_latin_1`, `utf8` and many locales).
additional information and Unicode resources, please visit
YAP currently defines and supports the following encodings:
+ octet
Default encoding for <em>binary</em> streams. This causes
the stream to be read and written fully untranslated.
+ ascii
7-bit encoding in 8-bit bytes. Equivalent to `iso_latin_1`,
but generates errors and warnings on encountering values above
+ iso_latin_1
8-bit encoding supporting many western languages. This causes
the stream to be read and written fully untranslated.
+ text
C-library default locale encoding for text files. Files are read and
written using the C-library functions `mbrtowc()` and
`wcrtomb()`. This may be the same as one of the other locales,
notably it may be the same as `iso_latin_1` for western
languages and `utf8` in a UTF-8 context.
+ utf8
Multi-byte encoding of full UCS, compatible to `ascii`.
See above.
+ unicode_be
Unicode Big Endian. Reads input in pairs of bytes, most
significant byte first. Can only represent 16-bit characters.
+ unicode_le
Unicode Little Endian. Reads input in pairs of bytes, least
significant byte first. Can only represent 16-bit characters.
Note that not all encodings can represent all characters. This implies
that writing text to a stream may cause errors because the stream
cannot represent these characters. The behaviour of a stream on these
errors can be controlled using `open/4` or `set_stream/2` (not
implemented). Initially the terminal stream write the characters using
Prolog escape sequences while other streams generate an I/O exception.
@subsection BOM BOM: Byte Order Mark
From Stream Encoding, you may have got the impression that
text-files are complicated. This section deals with a related topic,
making live often easier for the user, but providing another worry to
the programmer. *BOM* or <em>Byte Order Marker</em> is a technique
for identifying Unicode text-files as well as the encoding they
use. Such files start with the Unicode character `0xFEFF`, a
non-breaking, zero-width space character. This is a pretty unique
sequence that is not likely to be the start of a non-Unicode file and
uniquely distinguishes the various Unicode file formats. As it is a
zero-width blank, it even doesn't produce any output. This solves all
problems, or ...
Some formats start of as US-ASCII and may contain some encoding mark to
switch to UTF-8, such as the `encoding="UTF-8"` in an XML header.
Such formats often explicitly forbid the the use of a UTF-8 BOM. In
other cases there is additional information telling the encoding making
the use of a BOM redundant or even illegal.
The BOM is handled by the `open/4` predicate. By default, text-files are
probed for the BOM when opened for reading. If a BOM is found, the
encoding is set accordingly and the property `bom(true)` is
available through stream_property/2. When opening a file for
writing, writing a BOM can be requested using the option
`bom(true)` with `open/4`.
@subsection Operators Summary of YAP Predefined Operators
The Prolog syntax caters for operators of three main kinds:
+ prefix;
+ infix;
+ postfix.
Each operator has precedence in the range 1 to 1200, and this
precedence is used to disambiguate expressions where the structure of the
term denoted is not made explicit using brackets. The operator of higher
precedence is the main functor.
If there are two operators with the highest precedence, the ambiguity
is solved analyzing the types of the operators. The possible infix types are:
_xfx_, _xfy_, and _yfx_.
With an operator of type _xfx_ both sub-expressions must have lower
precedence than the operator itself, unless they are bracketed (which
assigns to them zero precedence). With an operator type _xfy_ only the
left-hand sub-expression must have lower precedence. The opposite happens
for _yfx_ type.
A prefix operator can be of type _fx_ or _fy_.
A postfix operator can be of type _xf_ or _yf_.
The meaning of the notation is analogous to the above.
a + b * c
a + (b * c)
as + and \* have the following types and precedences:
Now defining
a ++ b =:= c
a ++ (b =:= c)
The following is the list of the declarations of the predefined operators:
:-op(1200,fx,['?-', ':-']).
:-op(900,fy,['\+', not]).
:-op(900,fx,[nospy, spy]).
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
# Testing {#testing}
Hello world!
@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ This file documents the YAP Prolog System version 6.3.4, a high-performance Prol
+ @ref run
+ @ref YAPSyntax
+ @ref consult
+ @ref builtins
@ -33,14 +35,14 @@ This file documents the YAP Prolog System version 6.3.4, a high-performance Prol
\author Rúben Azevedo
© 1989-2014 L. Damas, V. Santos Costa and Universidade
© 1989-201 L. Damas, V. Santos Costa and Universidade
do Porto.
Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.


This file contains extracts of the SWI-Prolog manual, as written by Jan
@ -450,7 +452,7 @@ Compiling WIN32 packages depends on a number of parameters: chosen compiler,
packages to install, directory setup. You may have to change these ones that
control the `mkwin` script:
* `VER`: major/minor number
* `VER`: major/minor number
* `PATCHID`: third digit
* `SRC`: directory containing yap sources, in the local environment notation.
* `SRC_WIN`: same, but in WIN32 standard notation.
@ -1116,5 +1118,3 @@ being designed to work with the swig (www.swig.orgv) interface compiler.
+ The @ref swi-c-interface emulates Jan Wielemaker's SWI foreign language interface.
+ The @ref yap-cplus-interface is desiged to interface with the SWI ackage \cite x Object-Oriented systems.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user