add support for inclusion-exclusion
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ OrNode::weight (void) const
double lw = leftBranch_->weight();
double rw = rightBranch_->weight();
cout << ">>>> OR NODE res = " << lw << " + " << rw << endl;
return Globals::logDomain ? Util::logSum (lw, rw) : lw + rw;
@ -28,7 +27,6 @@ double
SetOrNode::weight (void) const
assert (false);
return 0.0;
@ -38,11 +36,10 @@ SetOrNode::weight (void) const
SetAndNode::weight (void) const
unsigned nrGroundings = 2; // FIXME
double w = follow_->weight();
return Globals::logDomain
? w * nrGroundings
: std::pow (w, nrGroundings);
? w * nrGroundings_
: std::pow (w, nrGroundings_);
@ -108,7 +105,9 @@ LiftedCircuit::LiftedCircuit (const LiftedWCNF* lwcnf)
//ccc.push_back (c2);
//compile (&root_, lwcnf->clauses());
compile (&root_, ccc);
Clauses cccc = {ccc[6],ccc[4]};
cccc.front().removeLiteral (2);
compile (&root_, cccc);
@ -189,6 +188,10 @@ LiftedCircuit::compile (
if (tryInclusionExclusion (follow, clauses)) {
if (tryIndepPartialGrounding (follow, clauses)) {
@ -309,9 +312,9 @@ LiftedCircuit::tryShannonDecomp (
stringstream explanation;
explanation << " SD on " << literals[j];
OrNode* orNode = new OrNode (clauses, explanation.str());
(*follow) = orNode;
compile (orNode->leftBranch(), leftClauses);
compile (orNode->rightBranch(), rightClauses);
(*follow) = orNode;
return true;
@ -321,6 +324,56 @@ LiftedCircuit::tryShannonDecomp (
LiftedCircuit::tryInclusionExclusion (
CircuitNode** follow,
Clauses& clauses)
for (size_t i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) {
const Literals& literals = clauses[i].literals();
for (size_t j = 0; j < literals.size(); j++) {
bool indep = true;
for (size_t k = 0; k < literals.size(); k++) {
LogVarSet intersect = literals[j].logVarSet()
& literals[k].logVarSet();
if (j != k && intersect.empty() == false) {
indep = false;
if (indep) {
// TODO i am almost sure that this will
// have to be count normalized too!
ConstraintTree really = clauses[i].constr();
Clause c1 (really.projectedCopy (
c1.addLiteral (literals[j]);
Clause c2 = clauses[i];
c2.removeLiteral (j);
Clauses plus1Clauses = clauses;
Clauses plus2Clauses = clauses;
Clauses minusClauses = clauses;
plus1Clauses.erase (plus1Clauses.begin() + i);
plus2Clauses.erase (plus2Clauses.begin() + i);
minusClauses.erase (minusClauses.begin() + i);
plus1Clauses.push_back (c1);
plus2Clauses.push_back (c2);
minusClauses.push_back (c1);
minusClauses.push_back (c2);
IncExcNode* ieNode = new IncExcNode (clauses);
compile (ieNode->plus1Branch(), plus1Clauses);
compile (ieNode->plus2Branch(), plus2Clauses);
compile (ieNode->minusBranch(), minusClauses);
*follow = ieNode;
return true;
return false;
LiftedCircuit::tryIndepPartialGrounding (
CircuitNode** follow,
@ -328,7 +381,6 @@ LiftedCircuit::tryIndepPartialGrounding (
// assumes that all literals have logical variables
// else, shannon decomp was possible
vector<unsigned> lvIndices;
LogVarSet lvs = clauses[0].ipgCandidates();
for (size_t i = 0; i < lvs.size(); i++) {
@ -503,9 +555,13 @@ LiftedCircuit::getCircuitNodeType (const CircuitNode* node) const
} else if (dynamic_cast<const AndNode*>(node) != 0) {
type = CircuitNodeType::AND_NODE;
} else if (dynamic_cast<const SetOrNode*>(node) != 0) {
assert (false);
type = CircuitNodeType::SET_OR_NODE;
} else if (dynamic_cast<const SetAndNode*>(node) != 0) {
type = CircuitNodeType::SET_AND_NODE;
} else if (dynamic_cast<const IncExcNode*>(node) != 0) {
type = CircuitNodeType::INC_EXC_NODE;
} else if (dynamic_cast<const LeafNode*>(node) != 0) {
type = CircuitNodeType::LEAF_NODE;
} else if (dynamic_cast<const SmoothNode*>(node) != 0) {
@ -611,7 +667,8 @@ LiftedCircuit::exportToGraphViz (CircuitNode* node, ofstream& os)
case SET_OR_NODE: {
assert (false); // not yet implemented
assert (false);
case SET_AND_NODE: {
@ -639,6 +696,43 @@ LiftedCircuit::exportToGraphViz (CircuitNode* node, ofstream& os)
case INC_EXC_NODE: {
IncExcNode* casted = dynamic_cast<IncExcNode*>(node);
const Clauses& clauses = node->clauses();
os << escapeNode (node) << " [shape=box,label=\"" ;
for (size_t i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) {
if (i != 0) os << "\\n" ;
os << clauses[i];
os << "\"]" ;
os << endl;
os << auxNode << " [label=\"IncExc\"]" << endl;
os << escapeNode (node) << " -> " << auxNode;
os << " [label=\"" << node->explanation() << "\"]" ;
os << endl;
os << auxNode << " -> " ;
os << escapeNode (*casted->plus1Branch());
os << " [label=\" " << (*casted->plus1Branch())->weight() << "\"]" ;
os << endl;
os << auxNode << " -> " ;
os << escapeNode (*casted->plus2Branch());
os << " [label=\" " << (*casted->plus2Branch())->weight() << "\"]" ;
os << endl;
os << auxNode << " -> " ;
os << escapeNode (*casted->minusBranch()) << endl;
os << " [label=\" " << (*casted->minusBranch())->weight() << "\"]" ;
os << endl;
exportToGraphViz (*casted->plus1Branch(), os);
exportToGraphViz (*casted->plus2Branch(), os);
exportToGraphViz (*casted->minusBranch(), os);
case LEAF_NODE: {
os << escapeNode (node);
os << " [shape=box,label=\"" ;
@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ class SetAndNode : public CircuitNode
SetAndNode (unsigned nrGroundings, const Clauses& clauses)
: CircuitNode (clauses, "IPG"), nrGroundings_(nrGroundings),
: CircuitNode (clauses, " IPG"), nrGroundings_(nrGroundings),
follow_(0) { }
double weight (void) const;
@ -122,13 +122,20 @@ class SetAndNode : public CircuitNode
class IncExclNode : public CircuitNode
class IncExcNode : public CircuitNode
IncExcNode (const Clauses& clauses)
: CircuitNode (clauses), plus1Branch_(0),
plus2Branch_(0), minusBranch_(0) { }
CircuitNode** plus1Branch (void) { return &plus1Branch_; }
CircuitNode** plus2Branch (void) { return &plus2Branch_; }
CircuitNode** minusBranch (void) { return &minusBranch_; }
CircuitNode* xFollow_;
CircuitNode* yFollow_;
CircuitNode* zFollow_;
CircuitNode* plus1Branch_;
CircuitNode* plus2Branch_;
CircuitNode* minusBranch_;
@ -156,7 +163,7 @@ class SmoothNode : public CircuitNode
class TrueNode : public CircuitNode
TrueNode () : CircuitNode ({}) { }
TrueNode (void) : CircuitNode ({}) { }
double weight (void) const;
@ -190,6 +197,7 @@ class LiftedCircuit
bool tryUnitPropagation (CircuitNode** follow, Clauses& clauses);
bool tryIndependence (CircuitNode** follow, Clauses& clauses);
bool tryShannonDecomp (CircuitNode** follow, Clauses& clauses);
bool tryInclusionExclusion (CircuitNode** follow, Clauses& clauses);
bool tryIndepPartialGrounding (CircuitNode** follow, Clauses& clauses);
bool tryIndepPartialGroundingAux (Clauses& clauses, ConstraintTree& ct,
vector<unsigned>& indices);
@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ std::ostream& operator<< (ostream &os, const Clause& clause)
os << clause.literals_[i].toString (clause.ipgLogVars_);
if (clause.constr_.empty() == false) {
ConstraintTree copy = clause.constr_;
ConstraintTree copy (clause.constr_);
copy.moveToTop (copy.logVarSet().elements());
os << " | " << copy.tupleSet();
@ -25,8 +25,10 @@ class Literal
LiteralId lid (void) const { return lid_; }
LogVars logVars (void) const { return logVars_; }
LogVarSet logVarSet (void) const { return LogVarSet (logVars_); }
// FIXME not log aware :(
// FIXME this is not log aware :(
double weight (void) const { return weight_ < 0.0 ? 1.0 : weight_; }
void negate (void) { negated_ = !negated_; }
@ -96,8 +98,9 @@ class Clause
friend std::ostream& operator<< (ostream &os, const Clause& clause);
void removeLiteral (size_t idx);
LogVarSet getLogVarSetExcluding (size_t idx) const;
Reference in New Issue
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