include new arithmetic optimiser.

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Santos Costa 2008-12-04 23:37:25 +00:00
parent e737599dc4
commit 8bcafd417a
3 changed files with 585 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -197,6 +197,7 @@ PL_SOURCES= \
$(srcdir)/pl/depth_bound.yap \
$(srcdir)/pl/directives.yap \
$(srcdir)/pl/eam.yap \
$(srcdir)/pl/eval.yap \
$(srcdir)/pl/errors.yap $(srcdir)/pl/grammar.yap \
$(srcdir)/pl/ground.yap \
$(srcdir)/pl/hacks.yap \

pl/eval.yap Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,582 @@
:- style_check(all).
:- yap_flag(unknown,error).
:- source.
:- module('$eval',
'$compile_arithmetic'((Head :- Body), (Head :- NBody)) :-
term_variables(Head, LVs),
process_body(Body, LVs, NBody).
process_body((G,Body), InputVs, NewBody) :-
arithmetic_exp(G), !,
term_variables(G, UnsortedExpVs),
sort(UnsortedExpVs, ExpVs),
fetch_more(Body, ExpVs, LGs, Gs, _, RBody),
term_variables(RBody, ExtraVs),
compile_arith([G|LGs], InputVs, ExtraVs, (G,Gs), ArithComp),
RBody = true
NewBody = ArithComp
NewBody = (ArithComp,MBody),
term_variables(InputVs+G, NewInputVs),
process_body(RBody, NewInputVs, MBody)
process_body((G,Body), InputVs, (G,NewBody)) :- !,
term_variables(InputVs+G, NewInputVs),
process_body(Body, NewInputVs, NewBody).
process_body(G, InputVs, NewBody) :-
arithmetic_exp(G), !,
term_variables(G, _),
compile_arith([G], InputVs, [], G, ArithComp),
NewBody = ArithComp.
process_body(G, _, G).
fetch_more((G,Gs), ExpVs, [G|LGs], (G,AGs), AllExpVs, RGs) :-
sort(Vs, SVs),
intersect_vars(SVs,ExpVs), !,
fetch_more(Gs, MoreExpVs, LGs, AGs, AllExpVs, RGs).
fetch_more((G,Gs), ExpVs, [], true, ExpVs, (G,Gs)) :- !.
fetch_more(G, ExpVs, [G], (G), MoreExpVs, true) :-
intersect_vars(SVs,ExpVs), !,
fetch_more(G, ExpVs, [], true, ExpVs, G).
arithmetic_exp((_ is _)).
arithmetic_exp((_ =:= _)).
arithmetic_exp((_ < _)).
arithmetic_exp((_ > _)).
arithmetic_exp((_ >= _)).
arithmetic_exp((_ =< _)).
intersect_vars([V1|R1],[V2|R2]) :-
V1 == V2
V1 @< V2
join_vars([V1|R1],[V2|R2],O) :-
V1 == V2
O = [V1|RO],
join_vars(R1, R2, RO)
V1 @< V2
O = [V1|RO],
join_vars(R1,[V2|R2], RO)
O = [V2|RO],
join_vars([V1|R1],R2, RO)
compile_arith(LGs, InputVs, ExtraVs, Gs, ArithComp) :-
join_vars(S1, S2, S),
visit(LGs, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, S, FlatExps, []),
FlatExps = [_,_|_],
Regs < 32,
compile_ops(FlatExps, Gs, ArithComp), !.
compile_arith(_, _, _, Gs, Gs).
add_type_slots([V|ExpVs],[t(V,_,_)|TypesVs]) :-
visit([], TypedVs, TypedVs, _) --> [].
visit([Exp|Exps], TypedVs, NewTypedVs, ExtraVs) -->
visit_pred(Exp, TypedVs, ITypedVs, ExtraVs),
visit(Exps, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, ExtraVs).
visit_pred((X is _), _, _, _) -->
{ nonvar(X) }, !,
{ fail }.
visit_pred((_ is T), _, _, _) -->
{ var(T) }, !,
visit_pred((X is T), TypedVs, ExtraTypedVs, LeftBodyVars) -->
% check the expression
visit_exp(T, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP, Type),
({ tmember(X, TypedVs, Type, TMP) }
{ NewTypedVs = ExtraTypedVs }
{ ExtraTypedVs = [t(X,Type,TMP)|NewTypedVs] }
% final code
( { vmember(X, LeftBodyVars) } ->
visit_pred((X =:= T), TypedVs, NewTypedVs, _) -->
% check the expression
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, TMP1, Type),
visit_exp(T, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP2, Type),
% assign the type to X, if any
% final code
visit_pred((X < T), TypedVs, NewTypedVs, _) -->
% check the expression
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, TMP1, Type),
visit_exp(T, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP2, Type),
% assign the type to X, if any
% final code
visit_pred((X > T), TypedVs, NewTypedVs, _) -->
% check the expression
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, TMP1, Type),
visit_exp(T, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP2, Type),
% assign the type to X, if any
% final code
visit_exp(V, TypedVs, TypedVs, TMP, Type) -->
var(V), !,
tmember(V, TypedVs, Type, TMP)
% must have been defined before
{ var(TMP) } ->
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(V, TypedVs, TypedVs, V, Type) -->
}, !,
{ Type = float }.
visit_exp(V, TypedVs, TypedVs, V, Type) -->
}, !,
{ Type = int }.
visit_exp(V, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP, Type) -->
NV is V
visit_exp(NV, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP, Type).
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, TypedVs, TMP, Type) -->
atom(X), !,
visit_exp(X+Y, TypedVs, [t(_,Type,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, Type) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, T1),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, T2),
{ forward_type(T1, T2, Type) },
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X-Y, TypedVs, [t(_,Type,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, Type) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, T1),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, T2),
{ forward_type(T1, T2, Type) },
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X*Y, TypedVs, [t(_,Type,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, Type) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, T1),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, T2),
{ forward_type(T1, T2, Type) },
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X/Y, TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, _),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, _),
visit_exp(X//Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
{ Y\== 0},
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X mod Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
{ Y\== 0},
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X rem Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
{ Y\== 0},
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X /\ Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X \/ Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X # Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X << Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X >> Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, int),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X ^ Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, _),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(X ** Y, TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, _),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, _),
visit_exp(exp(X,Y), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, _),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(max(X,Y), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, _),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, _),
visit_exp(min(X,Y), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, _),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(gcd(X,Y), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, ITypedVs, V1, _),
visit_exp(Y, ITypedVs, NewTypedVs, V2, _),
visit_exp(+X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP, T) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP, T).
visit_exp(-X, TypedVs, [t(_,T,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, T) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, T),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(\(X), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(exp(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(log(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(log10(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(sqrt(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(sin(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(cos(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(tan(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(asin(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(atan(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(atan2(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(acos(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(sinh(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(cosh(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(tanh(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(asinh(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(acosh(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(atanh(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(floor(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(abs(X), TypedVs, [t(_,T,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, T) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, T),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(integer(X), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(truncate(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(round(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(ceiling(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(msb(X), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(random(X), TypedVs, [t(_,int,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, int) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, int),
{ TMP = x(_) },
visit_exp(lgamma(X), TypedVs, [t(_,float,TMP)|NewTypedVs], TMP, float) -->
visit_exp(X, TypedVs, NewTypedVs, TMP1, _),
{ TMP = x(_) },
forward_type(T1, _, Type) :- T1 == float, !, Type = float.
forward_type(_, T2, Type) :- T2 == float, !, Type = float.
forward_type(T1, T2, Type) :- T1 == int, T2 == int, !, Type = int.
forward_type(_, _, _).
tmember(X, [t(X1,Type,Tmp)|_], Type, Tmp) :-
X == X1, !.
tmember(X, [_|TypesVs], Type, Tmp) :-
tmember(X, TypesVs, Type, Tmp).
stmember(X, [t(X,Type,Tmp1)|_], Type, Tmp) :-
Tmp == Tmp1, !.
stmember(X, [_|TypesVs], Type, Tmp) :-
stmember(X, TypesVs, Type, Tmp).
vmember(X, [X1|_]) :-
X == X1, !.
vmember(X, [_|Vs]) :-
vmember(X, Vs).
add_type(random, float).
add_type(pi, float).
add_type(inf, float).
add_type(nan, float).
add_type(random, float).
add_type(cputime, float).
add_type(heapused, int).
add_type(local_sp, int).
add_type(global_sp, int).
add_type(stackfree, int).
noatoms(N) :-
N =.. [_|Ns],
noatom_in_list([El|Els]) :-
\+ atom(El),
El =.. [_|LEl],
alloc_regs([t(_,_,no)|NewTypedVs], R0, RF) :- !,
alloc_regs(NewTypedVs, R0, RF).
alloc_regs([t(_,_,x(R0))|NewTypedVs], R0, RF) :- !,
R1 is R0+1,
alloc_regs(NewTypedVs, R1, RF).
alloc_regs([t(_,_,x(_))|NewTypedVs], R0, RF) :-
alloc_regs(NewTypedVs, R0, RF).
compile_ops([], Gs, '$escape'(Gs)).
compile_ops([Op|Exps], Gs, (COp,More)) :-
compile_op(Op , COp),
compile_ops(Exps, Gs, More).
compile_op(export(x(A),V,any), get_opres(A,V)) :- !.
compile_op(export(x(A),V,int), get_opres_int(A,V)).
compile_op(export(x(A),V,float), get_opres_float(A,V)).
compile_op(eq(x(A),F), eqc_float(A,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(eq(x(A),I), eqc_int(A,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(eq(x(A),x(B)), eq(A,B)).
compile_op(lt(x(A),F), ltc_float(A,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(lt(x(A),I), ltc_int(A,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(lt(F,x(A)), gtc_float(A,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(lt(I,x(A)), gtc_int(A,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(lt(x(A),x(B)), lt(A,B)).
compile_op(get(x(A),V,any), get_opinp(A,V)) :- !.
compile_op(get(x(A),V,int), get_opinp_int(A,V)) :- !.
compile_op(get(x(A),V,float), get_opinp_float(A,V)).
compile_op(zerop(x(A),Op), zerop(A,Op)).
compile_op(add(x(A),F,x(B)), add_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(add(x(A),I,x(B)), add_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(add(x(A),x(B),F), add_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(add(x(A),x(B),I), add_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(add(x(A),x(B),x(C)), add(A,B,C)).
compile_op(sub(x(A),F,x(B)), sub_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(sub(x(A),I,x(B)), sub_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(sub(x(A),x(B),F), add_float_c(A,B,F1)) :- float(F), !, F1 is -F.
compile_op(sub(x(A),x(B),I), add_int_c(A,B,I1)) :- integer(I), !, I1 is -I.
compile_op(sub(x(A),x(B),x(C)), sub(A,B,C)).
compile_op(mul(x(A),F,x(B)), mul_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(mul(x(A),I,x(B)), mul_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(mul(x(A),x(B),F), mul_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(mul(x(A),x(B),I), mul_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(mul(x(A),x(B),x(C)), mul(A,B,C)).
compile_op(fdiv(x(A),F,x(B)), fdiv_c1(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(fdiv(x(A),I,x(B)), fdiv_c1(A,B,F)) :- integer(I), !, F is truncate(I).
compile_op(fdiv(x(A),x(B),F), fdiv_c2(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(fdiv(x(A),x(B),I), fdiv_c2(A,B,F)) :- integer(I), !, F is truncate(I).
`compile_op(fdiv(x(A),x(B),x(C)), fdiv(A,B,C)).
compile_op(idiv(x(A),I,x(B)), idiv_c1(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(idiv(x(A),x(B),I), idiv_c2(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(idiv(x(A),x(B),x(C)), idiv(A,B,C)).
compile_op(mod(x(A),I,x(B)), mod_c1(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(mod(x(A),x(B),I), mod_c2(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(mod(x(A),x(B),x(C)), mod(A,B,C)).
compile_op(rem(x(A),I,x(B)), rem_c1(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(rem(x(A),x(B),I), rem_c2(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(rem(x(A),x(B),x(C)), rem(A,B,C)).
compile_op(and(x(A),I,x(B)), and_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(and(x(A),x(B),I), and_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(and(x(A),x(B),x(C)), and(A,B,C)).
compile_op(or(x(A),I,x(B)), or_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(or(x(A),x(B),I), or_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(or(x(A),x(B),x(C)), or(A,B,C)).
compile_op(xor(x(A),I,x(B)), xor_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(xor(x(A),x(B),I), xor_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(xor(x(A),x(B),x(C)), xor(A,B,C)).
compile_op(uminus(x(A),x(B)), uminus(A,B)).
compile_op(sr(x(A),I,x(B)), sr_c1(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(sr(x(A),x(B),I), sr_c2(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(sr(x(A),x(B),x(C)), sr(A,B,C)).
compile_op(sl(x(A),I,x(B)), sl_c1(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(sl(x(A),x(B),I), sl_c2(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(sl(x(A),x(B),x(C)), sl(A,B,C)).
compile_op(exp(x(A),F,x(B)), exp_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(exp(x(A),I,x(B)), exp_c(A,B,F)) :- integer(I), !, F is truncate(I).
compile_op(exp(x(A),x(B),F), exp_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(exp(x(A),x(B),I), exp_c(A,B,F)) :- integer(I), !, F is truncate(I).
compile_op(exp(x(A),x(B),x(C)), exp(A,B,C)).
compile_op(max(x(A),F,x(B)), max_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(max(x(A),I,x(B)), max_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(max(x(A),x(B),F), max_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(max(x(A),x(B),I), max_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(max(x(A),x(B),x(C)), max(A,B,C)).
compile_op(min(x(A),F,x(B)), min_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(min(x(A),I,x(B)), min_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(min(x(A),x(B),F), min_float_c(A,B,F)) :- float(F), !.
compile_op(min(x(A),x(B),I), min_int_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(min(x(A),x(B),x(C)), min(A,B,C)).
compile_op(gcd(x(A),I,x(B)), gcd_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(gcd(x(A),x(B),I), gcd_c(A,B,I)) :- integer(I), !.
compile_op(gcd(x(A),x(B),x(C)), gcd(A,B,C)).
compile_op(unot(x(A),x(B)), unot(A,B)).
compile_op(exp1(x(A),x(B)), exp1(A,B)).
compile_op(log(x(A),x(B)), log(A,B)).
compile_op(log10(x(A),x(B)), log10(A,B)).
compile_op(sqrt(x(A),x(B)), sqrt(A,B)).
compile_op(sin(x(A),x(B)), sin(A,B)).
compile_op(cos(x(A),x(B)), cos(A,B)).
compile_op(tan(x(A),x(B)), tan(A,B)).
compile_op(asin(x(A),x(B)), asin(A,B)).
compile_op(acos(x(A),x(B)), acos(A,B)).
compile_op(atan(x(A),x(B)), atan(A,B)).
compile_op(atan2(x(A),x(B)), atan2(A,B)).
compile_op(sinh(x(A),x(B)), sinh(A,B)).
compile_op(cosh(x(A),x(B)), cosh(A,B)).
compile_op(tanh(x(A),x(B)), tanh(A,B)).
compile_op(asinh(x(A),x(B)), asinh(A,B)).
compile_op(acosh(x(A),x(B)), acosh(A,B)).
compile_op(atanh(x(A),x(B)), atanh(A,B)).
compile_op(floor(x(A),x(B)), floor(A,B)).
compile_op(abs(x(A),x(B)), abs(A,B)).
compile_op(integer(x(A),x(B)), integer(A,B)).
compile_op(truncate(x(A),x(B)), truncate(A,B)).
compile_op(round(x(A),x(B)), round(A,B)).
compile_op(ceiling(x(A),x(B)), ceiling(A,B)).
compile_op(msb(x(A),x(B)), msb(A,B)).
compile_op(random(x(A),x(B)), random(A,B)).
compile_op(lgamma(x(A),x(B)), lgamma(A,B)).

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@ -48,7 +48,8 @@ otherwise.
:- compile_expressions.
:- [ 'yio.yap',
:- [ 'eval.yap',