Ensure module files are seen as a singe instance, even if called from different modules

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Santos Costa 2015-04-21 16:08:58 -06:00
parent 9b0c606de3
commit 94e2d3cf22
4 changed files with 71 additions and 71 deletions

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@ -422,10 +422,10 @@ load_files(Files,Opts) :-
'$lf'(user, Mod, _, TOpts) :- !,
b_setval('$source_file', user_input),
'$do_lf'(Mod, user_input, user_input, TOpts).
'$do_lf'(Mod, user_input, user_input, user_input, TOpts).
'$lf'(user_input, Mod, _, TOpts) :- !,
b_setval('$source_file', user_input),
'$do_lf'(Mod, user_input, user_input, TOpts).
'$do_lf'(Mod, user_input, user_input, user_input, TOpts).
'$lf'(File, Mod, Call, TOpts) :-
'$lf_opt'(stream, TOpts, Stream),
b_setval('$source_file', File),
@ -442,24 +442,24 @@ load_files(Files,Opts) :-
'$lf_opt'(if, TOpts, If),
( var(If) -> If = true ; true ),
'$lf_opt'(imports, TOpts, Imports),
'$start_lf'(If, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, Reexport, Imports),
'$start_lf'(If, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, Y, Reexport, Imports),
'$lf'(X, _, Call, _) :-
'$start_lf'(not_loaded, Mod, Stream, TOpts, UserFile, Reexport,Imports) :-
'$file_loaded'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$start_lf'(not_loaded, Mod, _Stream, TOpts, UserFile, File, Reexport,Imports) :-
'$file_loaded'(File, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, not_loaded, _, _File, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, _File ).
'$start_lf'(changed, Mod, Stream, TOpts, UserFile, Reexport, Imports) :-
'$file_unchanged'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, changed, _, File, _Dir, Opts),
'$loaded'(File, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, not_loaded, _, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, File ).
'$start_lf'(_, Mod, PlStream, TOpts, File, Reexport, ImportList) :-
'$start_lf'(changed, Mod, _Stream, TOpts, UserFile, File, Reexport, Imports) :-
'$file_unchanged'(File, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(File, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, changed, _, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, File ).
'$start_lf'(_, Mod, PlStream, TOpts, _UserFile, File, Reexport, ImportList) :-
% check if there is a qly file
open( F, read, Stream , [type(binary)] ),
@ -488,8 +488,8 @@ load_files(Files,Opts) :-
close( Stream),
'$start_lf'(_, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, _Reexport, _Imports) :-
'$do_lf'(Mod, Stream, File, TOpts).
'$start_lf'(_, Mod, Stream, TOpts, UserFile, File, _Reexport, _Imports) :-
'$do_lf'(Mod, Stream, UserFile, File, TOpts).
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ db_files(Fs) :-
'$extract_minus'(Fs, MFs).
'$do_lf'(ContextModule, Stream, UserFile, TOpts) :-
'$do_lf'(ContextModule, Stream, UserFile, File, TOpts) :-
'$lf_opt'('$context_module', TOpts, ContextModule),
'$lf_opt'(reexport, TOpts, Reexport),
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity),
@ -663,7 +663,7 @@ db_files(Fs) :-
'$lf_opt'(consult, TOpts, Reconsult0),
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, SourceModule, ParentF, Line, Reconsult0, Reconsult, File, Dir, Opts),
'$loaded'(File, UserFile, SourceModule, ParentF, Line, Reconsult0, Reconsult, Dir, Opts),
working_directory(OldD, Dir),
H0 is heapused, '$cputime'(T0,_),
'$set_current_loop_stream'(OldStream, Stream),
@ -839,7 +839,7 @@ db_files(Fs) :-
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity),
'$full_filename'(X, Y , ( :- include(X)) ),
'$lf_opt'(stream, TOpts, OldStream),
source_location(F, L),
source_location(Y, L),
( open(Y, read, Stream) ->
true ;
@ -847,7 +847,8 @@ db_files(Fs) :-
'$set_current_loop_stream'(OldStream, Stream),
H0 is heapused, '$cputime'(T0,_),
'$loaded'(Stream, X, Mod, F, L, include, _, Y, _Dir, []),
'$full_filename'(X, Y,include(X) ),
'$loaded'(Y, X, Mod, L, include, _, Y, _Dir, []),
( '$nb_getval'('$included_file', OY, fail ) -> true ; OY = [] ),
'$lf_opt'(encoding, TOpts, Encoding),
'$set_encoding'(Stream, Encoding),
@ -889,7 +890,7 @@ db_files(Fs) :-
source_file(FileName) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'(FileName, _, _),_).
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'(FileName, _, _),_).
source_file(Mod:Pred, FileName) :-
@ -998,47 +999,43 @@ prolog_load_context(term_position, Position) :-
% if the file exports a module, then we can
% be imported from any module.
'$file_loaded'(Stream, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$file_name'(Stream, F0),
'$file_loaded'(F0, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
%format( 'L=~w~n', [(F0)] ),
atom_concat(Prefix, '.qly', F0 )
atom_concat(Prefix, '.qly', F0 ),
F0 = F
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M, F1),
% format( 'IL=~w~n', [(F1:Imports->M)] ),
'$import_to_current_module'(F1, M, Imports, _, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M),
'$import_to_current_module'(F, M, Imports, _, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, _M, F1) :-
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'(F1, _, _),_),
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'(F1, _, _),_),
same_file(F1, F), !.
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M, F1) :-
% loaded from the same module, but does not define a module.
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'(F1, _, M),_),
same_file(F1, F), !.
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M) :-
% loaded from the same module, but does not define a module.
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'(F, _Age, NM), _R),
% make sure: it either defines a new module or it was loaded in the same context
( M == NM -> true ; recorded('$module','$module'(F,NM,_Source,_P,_),_) ), !.
% if the file exports a module, then we can
% be imported from any module.
'$file_unchanged'(Stream, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$file_name'(Stream, F),
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M, F1),
'$file_unchanged'(F, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M),
% format( 'IU=~w~n', [(F1:Imports->M)] ),
'$import_to_current_module'(F1, M, Imports, _, TOpts).
'$import_to_current_module'(F, M, Imports, _, TOpts).
% module can be reexported.
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, _M, F1) :-
same_file(F1,F), !,
'$file_is_unchanged'(F, R, Age).
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M, F1) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'(F1, Age, M),R),
same_file(F1,F), !,
'$file_is_unchanged'(F, R, Age).
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M) :-
% loaded from the same module, but does not define a module.
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'(F, Age, NM), R), writeln(M:NM),
% make sure: it either defines a new module or it was loaded in the same context
'$file_is_unchanged'(F, R, Age),
( M == NM -> true ; recorded('$module','$module'(F,NM,_Source,_P,_),_) ), !.
'$file_is_unchanged'(F, R, Age) :-
@ -1046,17 +1043,14 @@ prolog_load_context(term_position, Position) :-
% inform the file has been loaded and is now available.
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, M, OldF, Line, Reconsult0, Reconsult, F, Dir, Opts) :-
'$file_name'(Stream, F0),
( F0 == user_input, nonvar(UserFile) -> UserFile = F
; F = F0 ),
'$loaded'(F, UserFile, M, OldF, Line, Reconsult0, Reconsult, Dir, Opts) :-
( F == user_input -> working_directory(Dir,Dir) ; file_directory_name(F, Dir) ),
nb_setval('$consulting_file', F ),
Reconsult0 \== consult,
Reconsult0 \== not_loaded,
Reconsult \== changed,
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'(F, _,_),R),
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'(F, _,_),R),
@ -1079,7 +1073,10 @@ prolog_load_context(term_position, Position) :-
Reconsult = Reconsult0
( F == user_input -> Age = 0 ; time_file64(F, Age) ),
( recordaifnot('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, Age, M), _) -> true ; true ),
% modules are logically loaded only once
( recorded('$module','$module'(F,_DonorM,_SourceF, _AllExports, _Line),_) -> true ;
recordaifnot('$source_file','$source_file'( F, Age, M), _) -> true ;
true ),
recorda('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, M, Reconsult, UserFile, OldF, Line, Opts), _).
'$set_encoding'(Encoding) :-
@ -1174,13 +1171,13 @@ source_file_property( File0, Prop) :-
'$source_file_property'( OldF, includes(F, Age)) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, _M, include, _File, OldF, _Line, _), _),
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, Age, _), _).
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'( F, Age, _), _).
'$source_file_property'( F, included_in(OldF, Line)) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, _M, include, _File, OldF, Line, _), _).
'$source_file_property'( F, load_context(OldF, Line, Options)) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, _M, V, _File, OldF, Line, Options), _), V \== include.
'$source_file_property'( F, modified(Age)) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, Age, _), _).
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'( F, Age, _), _).
'$source_file_property'( F, module(M)) :-
@ -1200,7 +1197,7 @@ unload_file( F0 ) :-
%next multi-file.
'$unload_file'( FileName, _F0 ) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( FileName, _Age, _), R),
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'( FileName, _Age, _), R),
'$unload_file'( FileName, _F0 ) :-

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@ -212,6 +212,7 @@ yap_hacks:cut_by(CP) :- '$$cut_by'(CP).
% cleanup ensure loaded and recover some data-base space.
:- ( recorded('$lf_loaded',_,R), erase(R), fail ; true ).
:- ( recorded('$lf_loaded',_,R), erase(R), fail ; true ).
:- ( recorded('$module',_,R), erase(R), fail ; true ).
:- set_value('$user_module',user), '$protect'.

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@ -502,7 +502,9 @@ of predicates.
'$add_to_imports'(TranslationTab, DonorM, DonorM), % insert ops, at least for now
% last, export everything to the host: if the loading crashed you didn't actually do
% no evil.
recorda('$module','$module'(DonorF,DonorM,SourceF, AllExports, Line),_).
recorda('$module','$module'(DonorF,DonorM,SourceF, AllExports, Line),_),
( recorded('$source_file','$source_file'( DonorF, Time, _), R), erase(R),
recorda('$source_file','$source_file'( DonorF, Time, DonorM), _) ).
'$extend_exports'(HostF, Exports, DonorF ) :-
( recorded('$module','$module'( DonorF, DonorM, _,DonorExports, _),_) -> true ; DonorF = user_input ),

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@ -742,18 +742,18 @@ qload_file( F0 ) :-
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _F, FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( FilePl, _Age, SourceModule), _),
recorded('$source_file','$source_file'( FilePl, _Age, SourceModule), _),
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _F, FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
( FilePl == user_input -> Age = 0 ; time_file64(FilePl, Age) ),
recorda('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( FilePl, Age, SourceModule), _),
recordaifnot('$source_file','$source_file'( FilePl, Age, SourceModule), _),
'$qload_file'(S, _SourceModule, _File, _FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, F, _FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
user:'$file_property'( '$lf_loaded'( F, Age, _ ) ),
recordaifnot('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, Age, SourceModule), _),
recordaifnot('$source_file','$source_file'( F, Age, SourceModule), _),
'$qload_file'(_S, _SourceModule, _File, FilePl, F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
b_setval('$source_file', F0 ),