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Vítor Santos Costa 2012-10-02 15:16:30 +01:00
parent 237976cf30
commit a3757ddbd7

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@ -166,5 +166,31 @@ stream([H|T]) :- i(H), stream(T).
i(s(N)) :- i(N).
% Are there infinitely many "occurrences" of arg1 in arg2?
:- coinductive comember/2.
comember(X, L) :-
drop(X, L, L1),
comember(X, L1).
% Drop some prefix of arg2 upto an "occurrence" of arg1 from arg2,
% yielding arg3.
% ("Occurrence" of X = something unifiable with X.)
%:- table(drop/3). % not working; needs tabling supporting cyclic terms!
drop(H, [H| T], T).
drop(H, [_| T], T1) :-
drop(H, T, T1).
% X = [1, 2, 3| X], comember(E, X).
user:p(E) :-
X = [1, 2, 3| X],
comember(E, X),