fixes for qly loading.

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Santos Costa 2014-10-08 00:28:14 +01:00
parent bcc8fea458
commit bd35580713
2 changed files with 50 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -422,36 +422,6 @@ load_files(Files,Opts) :-
'$lf'(user_input, Mod, _, TOpts) :- !,
b_setval('$source_file', user_input),
'$do_lf'(Mod, user_input, user_input, TOpts).
'$lf'(File, Mod, _Call, TOpts) :-
'$lf_opt'(stream, TOpts, Stream),
var( Stream ),
H0 is heapused, '$cputime'(T0,_),
% check if there is a qly files
open( F, read, Stream , [type(binary)] ),
( '$q_header'( Stream, Type ),
Type == file
time_file64(F, T0F),
time_file64(FilePl, T0Fl),
T0F >= T0Fl,
file_directory_name(F, Dir),
working_directory(OldD, Dir),
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity),
'$lf_opt'(imports, TOpts, ImportList),
'$qload_file'(Stream, Mod, F, FilePl, File, ImportList),
close( Stream ),
H is heapused-H0, '$cputime'(TF,_), T is TF-T0,
'$current_module'(M, Mod),
working_directory( _, OldD),
print_message(Verbosity, loaded( loaded, F, M, T, H)),
close( Stream),
'$lf'(File, Mod, Call, TOpts) :-
'$lf_opt'(stream, TOpts, Stream),
b_setval('$source_file', File),
@ -462,29 +432,58 @@ load_files(Files,Opts) :-
stream_property(Stream, file_name(Y))
), !,
( '$size_stream'(Stream, Pos) -> true ; Pos = 0),
'$set_lf_opt'('$source_pos', TOpts, Pos),
'$lf_opt'(reexport, TOpts, Reexport),
'$lf_opt'(if, TOpts, If),
( var(If) -> If = true ; true ),
'$lf_opt'(imports, TOpts, Imports),
'$start_lf'(If, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, Reexport, Imports),
character_count(Stream, Pos),
'$set_lf_opt'('$source_pos', TOpts, Pos),
'$lf'(X, _, Call, _) :-
'$start_lf'(not_loaded, Mod, Stream, TOpts, UserFile, Reexport,Imports) :-
'$file_loaded'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, not_loaded, _, _File, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, _File ).
'$file_loaded'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, not_loaded, _, _File, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, _File ).
'$start_lf'(changed, Mod, Stream, TOpts, UserFile, Reexport, Imports) :-
'$file_unchanged'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, changed, _, _File, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, _File ).
'$file_unchanged'(Stream, Mod, Imports, TOpts), !,
'$lf_opt'('$options', TOpts, Opts),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:Line),
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, Mod, ParentF, Line, changed, _, File, _Dir, Opts),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, Imports, File ).
'$start_lf'(_, Mod, PlStream, TOpts, File, Reexport, ImportList) :-
% check if there is a qly file
open( F, read, Stream , [type(binary)] ),
H0 is heapused, '$cputime'(T0,_),
( '$q_header'( Stream, Type ),
Type == file
time_file64(F, T0F),
stream_property(PlStream, file_name(FilePl)),
time_file64(FilePl, T0Fl),
T0F >= T0Fl,
file_directory_name(F, Dir),
working_directory(OldD, Dir),
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity),
'$qload_file'(Stream, Mod, F, FilePl, File, ImportList, TOpts),
close( Stream ),
H is heapused-H0, '$cputime'(TF,_), T is TF-T0,
'$current_module'(M, Mod),
working_directory( _, OldD),
'$lf_opt'('$location', TOpts, ParentF:_Line),
'$reexport'( TOpts, ParentF, Reexport, ImportList, File ),
print_message(Verbosity, loaded( loaded, F, M, T, H)),
close( Stream),
'$start_lf'(_, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, _Reexport, _Imports) :-
'$do_lf'(Mod, Stream, File, TOpts).
@ -722,7 +721,7 @@ db_files(Fs) :-
'$q_do_save_file'(File, UserF, TOpts ) :-
'$lf_opt'(qcompile, TOpts, QComp),
'$lf_opt'('$source_pos', TOpts, Pos),
( QComp == auto ; QComp == large, Pos > 100*1024),
( QComp == auto ; QComp == large, Pos > 100*1024),
'$qsave_file_'( File, UserF, F ).

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@ -730,7 +730,7 @@ qload_file( F0 ) :-
'$qload_module'(S , Mod, File, SourceModule)
Type == file ->
'$qload_file'(S, SourceModule, File, FilePl, F0, all)
'$qload_file'(S, SourceModule, File, FilePl, F0, all, TOpts)
working_directory( _, OldD),
@ -739,26 +739,26 @@ qload_file( F0 ) :-
print_message(Verbosity, loaded(EndMsg, File, Mod, T, H)),
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _F, FilePl, _F0, _ImportList) :-
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _F, FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
recorded('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( FilePl, _Age, SourceModule), _),
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _F, FilePl, _F0, _ImportList) :-
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _F, FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
( FilePl == user_input -> Age = 0 ; time_file64(FilePl, Age) ),
recorda('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( FilePl, Age, SourceModule), _),
'$qload_file'(S, _SourceModule, _File, _FilePl, _F0, _ImportList) :-
'$qload_file'(S, _SourceModule, _File, _FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, F, _FilePl, _F0, _ImportList) :-
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, F, _FilePl, _F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
user:'$file_property'( '$lf_loaded'( F, Age, _ ) ),
recordaifnot('$lf_loaded','$lf_loaded'( F, Age, SourceModule), _),
'$qload_file'(_S, _SourceModule, _File, FilePl, F0, _ImportList) :-
'$qload_file'(_S, _SourceModule, _File, FilePl, F0, _ImportList, _TOpts) :-
b_setval('$source_file', F0 ),
'$process_directives'( FilePl ),
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _File, FilePl, _F0, ImportList) :-
'$import_to_current_module'(FilePl, SourceModule, ImportList, _, _TOpts).
'$qload_file'(_S, SourceModule, _File, FilePl, _F0, ImportList, TOpts) :-
'$import_to_current_module'(FilePl, SourceModule, ImportList, _, TOpts).
'$process_directives'( FilePl ) :-
user:'$file_property'( '$lf_loaded'( FilePl, M, Reconsult, UserFile, OldF, Line, Opts) ),