check for mistypes

This commit is contained in:
Vitor Santos Costa 2014-04-06 17:05:17 +01:00
parent a6c115b248
commit cc84cd8cb5
22 changed files with 781 additions and 556 deletions

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@ -15,7 +15,40 @@
* *
absolute_file_name(V,Out) :- var(V), !,
:- module( absolute_file_name, [ absolute_file_name/2,
remove_from_path/1] ).
* @mainpage Index YAP Main Page
* These are a few Prolog Built-ins
* @subsection sub:AbsFileName File Name Resolution in Prolog
Support for file name resolution through absolute_file_name/3 and
friends. These utility built-ins are used by load_files/2 to search
in the library directories. They use pre-compiled paths plus
environment variables and registry information to search for files.
:- use_module( library(lists) , [member/2] ).
@predicate absolute_file_name(+<var>Name</var>:atom,+<var>Options</var>:list) is nondet
Converts the given file specification into an absolute path, using default options. See absolute_file_name/3 for details on the options.
absolute_file_name(V,Out) :- var(V), !, % absolute_file_name needs commenting.
'$do_error'(instantiation_error, absolute_file_name(V, Out)).
absolute_file_name(user,user) :- !.
absolute_file_name(File0,File) :-
@ -24,7 +57,73 @@ absolute_file_name(File0,File) :-
'$full_filename'(F0,F,G) :-
% fix wrong argument order, TrueFileName should be last.
@predicate absolute_file_name(+File:atom, +Options:list, +Path:atom) is nondet
@predicate absolute_file_name(-File:atom, +Path:atom, +Options:list) is nondet
<var>Option</var> is a list of options to guide the conversion:
- extensions(+<var>ListOfExtensions</var>)
List of file-extensions to try. Default is `''`. For each
extension, absolute_file_name/3 will first add the extension and then
verify the conditions imposed by the other options. If the condition
fails, the next extension of the list is tried. Extensions may be
specified both as `.ext` or plain `ext`.
- relative_to(+<var>FileOrDir</var>)
Resolve the path relative to the given directory or directory the
holding the given file. Without this option, paths are resolved
relative to the working directory (see [working_directory/2](@ref working_directory/2)) or,
if <var>Spec</var> is atomic and `absolute_file_name/[2,3]` is executed
in a directive, it uses the current source-file as reference.
- access(+<var>Mode</var>)
Imposes the condition access_file(<var>File</var>, <var>Mode</var>). <var>Mode</var> is one of `read`, `write`, `append`, `exist` or
`none` (default).
See also `access_file/2`.
- file_type(+<var>Type</var>)
Defines extensions. Current mapping: `txt` implies `['']`,
`prolog` implies `['.yap', '.pl', '.prolog', '']`, `executable`
implies `['.so', '']`, `qlf` implies `['.qlf', '']` and
`directory` implies `['']`. The file-type `source`
is an alias for `prolog` for compatibility to SICStus Prolog.
See also `prolog_file_type/2`.
Notice also that this predicate only
returns non-directories, unless the option `file_type(directory)` is
specified, or unless `access(none)`.
- file_errors(`fail`/`error`)
If `error` (default), throw and `existence_error` exception
if the file cannot be found. If `fail`, stay silent.
- solutions(`first`/`all`)
If `first` (default), the predicates leaves no choice-point.
Otherwise a choice-point will be left and backtracking may yield
more solutions.
- expand(`true`/`false`)
If `true` (default is `false`) and <var>Spec</var> is atomic,
call [expand_file_name/2](@ref expand_file_name2) followed by [member/2](@ref member2) on <var>Spec</var> before
proceeding. This is originally a SWI-Prolog extension.
Compatibility considerations to common argument-order in ISO as well
as SICStus absolute_file_name/3 forced us to be flexible here.
If the last argument is a list and the 2nd not, the arguments are
swapped, making the call `absolute_file_name`(+<var>Spec</var>, -<var>Path</var>,
+<var>Options</var>) valid as well.
absolute_file_name(File,TrueFileName,Opts) :-
( var(TrueFileName) -> true ; atom(TrueFileName), TrueFileName \= [] ),
@ -253,7 +352,7 @@ absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName) :-
'$system_library_directories'(foreign, Dir) :-
getenv('YAPLIBDIR', Dirs),
'$split_by_sep'(0, 0, Dirs, Dir).
'$system_commons_directories'(commons, Dir) :-
'$system_library_directories'(commons, Dir) :-
getenv('YAPCOMMONSDIR', Dirs),
'$split_by_sep'(0, 0, Dirs, Dir).
% windows has stuff installed in the registry
@ -356,4 +455,107 @@ absolute_file_name(File,Opts,TrueFileName) :-
'$add_file_to_dir'(P0,A,Atoms,NFile) :-
/** @predicate path(-Directories:list) is det [DEPRECATED]
YAP specific procedure that returns a list of user-defined directories
in the library search-path.
path(Path) :- findall(X,'$in_path'(X),Path).
'$in_path'(X) :- recorded('$path',Path,_),
( S = "" -> X = '.' ;
atom_codes(X,S) ).
/** @predicate add_to_path(+Directory:atom) is det [DEPRECATED]
add_to_path(New) :- add_to_path(New,last).
add_to_path(New,Pos) :-
atom(New), !,
'$add_to_path'(New,_) :- recorded('$path',New,R), erase(R), fail.
'$add_to_path'(New,last) :- !, recordz('$path',New,_).
'$add_to_path'(New,first) :- recorda('$path',New,_).
/** @predicate remove_from_path(+Directory:atom) is det [DEPRECATED]
remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
recorded('$path',Path,R), erase(R).
'$check_path'(At,SAt) :- atom(At), !, atom_codes(At,S), '$check_path'(S,SAt).
'$check_path'([Ch],[Ch]) :- '$dir_separator'(Ch), !.
'$check_path'([Ch],[Ch,A]) :- !, integer(Ch), '$dir_separator'(A).
'$check_path'([N|S],[N|SN]) :- integer(N), '$check_path'(S,SN).
/** @predicate user:library_directory(Directory:atom)
:- multifile user:library_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:library_directory/1.
/** @predicate user:commons_directory(Directory:atom)
:- multifile user:commons_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:commons_directory/1.
/** @predicate user:prolog_file_type(Suffix:atom, Handler:atom)
:- multifile user:prolog_file_type/2.
:- dynamic user:prolog_file_type/2.
user:prolog_file_type(yap, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(pl, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :-
current_prolog_flag(associate, A),
A \== prolog,
A \==pl,
A \== yap.
%user:prolog_file_type(qlf, prolog).
%user:prolog_file_type(qlf, qlf).
user:prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
/** @predicate user:file_search_path(+Type:atom, -Directory:atom)
:- multifile user:file_search_path/2.
:- dynamic user:file_search_path/2.
user:file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(commons, Dir) :-
user:file_search_path(swi, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
user:file_search_path(yap, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
user:file_search_path(system, Dir) :-
prolog_flag(host_type, Dir).
user:file_search_path(foreign, yap('lib/Yap')).
user:file_search_path(path, C) :-
( getenv('PATH', A),
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A)
; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A)
lists:member(C, B)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,16 @@
* *
:- module( '$arithmetic' , [ expand_exprs/2,
plus/3] ).
% the default mode is on
expand_exprs(Old,New) :-
@ -32,96 +42,96 @@ do_not_compile_expressions :- set_value('$c_arith',[]).
'$c_built_in'(IN, M, OUT) :-
get_value('$c_arith',true), !,
'$do_c_built_in'(IN, M, OUT).
do_c_built_in(IN, M, OUT).
'$c_built_in'(IN, _, IN).
'$do_c_built_in'(G, M, OUT) :- var(G), !,
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G, M, OUT).
'$do_c_built_in'(Mod:G, _, OUT) :-
do_c_built_in(G, M, OUT) :- var(G), !,
do_c_built_metacall(G, M, OUT).
do_c_built_in(Mod:G, _, OUT) :-
strip_module(Mod:G, M, G1),
( var(G1) -> M = M2, G1 = G2 ; G1 = M2:G2), !,
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G2, M2, OUT).
'$do_c_built_in'(\+ G, _, OUT) :-
do_c_built_metacall(G2, M2, OUT).
do_c_built_in(\+ G, _, OUT) :-
G = (A = B),
OUT = (A \= B).
'$do_c_built_in'(call(G), _, OUT) :-
do_c_built_in(call(G), _, OUT) :-
G = (Mod:G1), !,
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G1, Mod, OUT).
'$do_c_built_in'(call(G), Mod, OUT) :-
do_c_built_metacall(G1, Mod, OUT).
do_c_built_in(call(G), Mod, OUT) :-
var(G), !,
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G, Mod, OUT).
'$do_c_built_in'(depth_bound_call(G,D), M, OUT) :- !,
'$do_c_built_in'(G, M, NG),
do_c_built_metacall(G, Mod, OUT).
do_c_built_in(depth_bound_call(G,D), M, OUT) :- !,
do_c_built_in(G, M, NG),
% make sure we don't have something like (A,B) -> $depth_next(D), A, B.
( '$composed_built_in'(NG) ->
OUT = depth_bound_call(NG,D)
OUT = ('$set_depth_limit_for_next_call'(D),NG)
'$do_c_built_in'(once(G), M, (yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP),NG,'$$cut_by'(CP))) :- !,
do_c_built_in(once(G), M, (yap_hacks:current_choice_point(CP),NG,'$$cut_by'(CP))) :- !,
'$clean_cuts'(NG0, NG).
'$do_c_built_in'(forall(Cond,Action), M, \+((NCond, \+(NAction)))) :- !,
do_c_built_in(forall(Cond,Action), M, \+((NCond, \+(NAction)))) :- !,
'$clean_cuts'(ICond, NCond),
'$clean_cuts'(IAction, NAction).
'$do_c_built_in'(ignore(Goal), M, (NGoal -> true ; true)) :- !,
do_c_built_in(ignore(Goal), M, (NGoal -> true ; true)) :- !,
'$clean_cuts'(IGoal, NGoal).
'$do_c_built_in'(if(G,A,B), M, (yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP),NG,yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP),NA; NB)) :- !,
do_c_built_in(if(G,A,B), M, (yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP),NG,yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP),NA; NB)) :- !,
'$clean_cuts'(NG0, NG),
'$do_c_built_in'((G*->A;B), M, (yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP),NG,yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP),NA; NB)) :- !,
do_c_built_in((G*->A;B), M, (yap_hacks:current_choicepoint(DCP),NG,yap_hacks:cut_at(DCP),NA; NB)) :- !,
'$clean_cuts'(NG0, NG),
'$do_c_built_in'((G*->A), M, (NG,NA)) :- !,
do_c_built_in((G*->A), M, (NG,NA)) :- !,
'$clean_cuts'(NG0, NG),
'$do_c_built_in'('C'(A,B,C), _, (A=[B|C])) :- !.
'$do_c_built_in'(X is Y, M, P) :-
do_c_built_in('C'(A,B,C), _, (A=[B|C])) :- !.
do_c_built_in(X is Y, M, P) :-
primitive(X), !,
'$do_c_built_in'(X =:= Y, M, P).
'$do_c_built_in'(X is Y, M, (P,A=X)) :-
do_c_built_in(X =:= Y, M, P).
do_c_built_in(X is Y, M, (P,A=X)) :-
nonvar(X), !,
'$do_c_built_in'(A is Y, M, P).
'$do_c_built_in'(X is Y, _, P) :-
do_c_built_in(A is Y, M, P).
do_c_built_in(X is Y, _, P) :-
nonvar(Y), % Don't rewrite variables
number(Y) ->
P = ( X = Y); % This case reduces to an unification
'$expand_expr'(Y, P0, X0),
expand_expr(Y, P0, X0),
'$drop_is'(X0, X, P0, P)
'$do_c_built_in'(Comp0, _, R) :- % now, do it for comparisons
do_c_built_in(Comp0, _, R) :- % now, do it for comparisons
'$compop'(Comp0, Op, E, F),
'$compop'(Comp, Op, U, V),
'$expand_expr'(E, P, U),
'$expand_expr'(F, Q, V),
expand_expr(E, P, U),
expand_expr(F, Q, V),
'$do_and'(P, Q, R0),
'$do_and'(R0, Comp, R).
'$do_c_built_in'(P, _, P).
do_c_built_in(P, _, P).
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G1, Mod, '$execute_wo_mod'(G1,Mod)) :-
do_c_built_metacall(G1, Mod, '$execute_wo_mod'(G1,Mod)) :-
var(Mod), !.
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G1, Mod, '$execute_in_mod'(G1,Mod)) :-
do_c_built_metacall(G1, Mod, '$execute_in_mod'(G1,Mod)) :-
var(G1), atom(Mod), !.
'$do_c_built_metacall'(Mod:G1, _, OUT) :- !,
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G1, Mod, OUT).
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G1, Mod, '$execute_in_mod'(G1,Mod)) :-
do_c_built_metacall(Mod:G1, _, OUT) :- !,
do_c_built_metacall(G1, Mod, OUT).
do_c_built_metacall(G1, Mod, '$execute_in_mod'(G1,Mod)) :-
atom(Mod), !.
'$do_c_built_metacall'(G1, Mod, call(Mod:G1)).
do_c_built_metacall(G1, Mod, call(Mod:G1)).
'$do_and'(true, P, P) :- !.
'$do_and'(P, true, P) :- !.
@ -163,34 +173,34 @@ do_not_compile_expressions :- set_value('$c_arith',[]).
% first argument is the expression not expanded,
% second argument the expanded expression
% third argument unifies with the result from the expression
'$expand_expr'(V, true, V) :-
expand_expr(V, true, V) :-
var(V), !.
'$expand_expr'([T], E, V) :- !,
'$expand_expr'(T, E, V).
'$expand_expr'(String, _E, V) :-
expand_expr([T], E, V) :- !,
expand_expr(T, E, V).
expand_expr(String, _E, V) :-
string( String ), !,
string_codes(String, [V]).
'$expand_expr'(A, true, A) :-
expand_expr(A, true, A) :-
atomic(A), !.
'$expand_expr'(T, E, V) :-
expand_expr(T, E, V) :-
T =.. [O, A], !,
'$expand_expr'(A, Q, X),
'$expand_expr'(O, X, V, Q, E).
'$expand_expr'(T, E, V) :-
expand_expr(A, Q, X),
expand_expr(O, X, V, Q, E).
expand_expr(T, E, V) :-
T =.. [O, A, B], !,
'$expand_expr'(A, Q, X),
'$expand_expr'(B, R, Y),
'$expand_expr'(O, X, Y, V, Q, S),
expand_expr(A, Q, X),
expand_expr(B, R, Y),
expand_expr(O, X, Y, V, Q, S),
'$do_and'(R, S, E).
% expanding an expression of the form:
% O is Op(X),
% after having expanded into Q
% and giving as result P (the last argument)
'$expand_expr'(Op, X, O, Q, Q) :-
expand_expr(Op, X, O, Q, Q) :-
number(X), !,
is( O, Op, X).
'$expand_expr'(Op, X, O, Q, P) :-
expand_expr(Op, X, O, Q, P) :-
'$do_and'(Q, is( O, IOp, X), P).
@ -201,58 +211,58 @@ do_not_compile_expressions :- set_value('$c_arith',[]).
% included is some optimization for:
% incrementing and decrementing,
% the elementar arithmetic operations [+,-,*,//]
'$expand_expr'(Op, X, Y, O, Q, Q) :-
expand_expr(Op, X, Y, O, Q, Q) :-
number(X), number(Y), !,
is( O, Op, X, Y).
'$expand_expr'(+, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(+, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$plus'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(-, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
expand_expr(-, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
var(X), number(Y),
Z is -Y, !,
'$expand_expr'(+, Z, X, O, Q, P).
'$expand_expr'(-, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(+, Z, X, O, Q, P).
expand_expr(-, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_non_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$minus'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(*, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(*, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$times'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(//, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
expand_expr(//, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
nonvar(Y), Y == 0, !,
'$do_and'(Q, is(O,IOp,X,Y), P).
'$expand_expr'(//, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(//, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_non_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$div'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(/\, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(/\, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$and'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(\/, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(\/, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$or'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(<<, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
expand_expr(<<, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
var(X), number(Y), Y < 0,
Z is -Y, !,
'$expand_expr'(>>, X, Z, O, Q, P).
'$expand_expr'(<<, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(>>, X, Z, O, Q, P).
expand_expr(<<, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_non_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$sll'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(>>, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
expand_expr(>>, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
var(X), number(Y), Y < 0,
Z is -Y, !,
'$expand_expr'(<<, X, Z, O, Q, P).
'$expand_expr'(>>, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
expand_expr(<<, X, Z, O, Q, P).
expand_expr(>>, X, Y, O, Q, P) :- !,
'$preprocess_args_for_non_commutative'(X, Y, X1, Y1, E),
'$do_and'(E, '$slr'(X1,Y1,O), F),
'$do_and'(Q, F, P).
'$expand_expr'(Op, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
expand_expr(Op, X, Y, O, Q, P) :-
'$do_and'(Q, is(O,IOp,X,Y), P).

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@ -15,6 +15,12 @@
* *
:- module( '$arrays',
static_array_properties/3] ).
% These are the array built-in predicates. They will only work if
% YAP_ARRAYS is defined in Yap.h.m4.

pl/atoms.yap Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-2014 *
* *
* @short: Atom, and Atomic manipulation predicates in YAP
*/ *
:- module( '$atoms', [ atom_concat/2,
current_atom/1 ] ).
atom_concat(Xs,At) :-
( var(At) ->
'$atom_concat'(Xs, At )
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, 0, At, Unbound),
% the constraints are of the form hole: HoleAtom, Begin, Atom, End
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At], 0, At, []) :- !.
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0], mid(Next, At), At, [hole(At0, Next, At, end)]) :- !.
% just slice first atom
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], 0, At, Unbound) :-
atom(At0), !,
sub_atom(At, 0, Sz, L, At0 ),
sub_atom(At, _, L, 0, Atr ), %remainder
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, 0, Atr, Unbound).
% first hole: Follow says whether we have two holes in a row, At1 will be our atom
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], 0, At, [hole(At0, 0, At, Next)|Unbound]) :-
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, mid(Next,At1), At, Unbound).
% end of a run
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], mid(end, At1), At, Unbound) :-
atom(At0), !,
sub_atom(At, Next, Sz, L, At0),
sub_atom(At, 0, Next, Next, At1),
sub_atom(At, _, L, 0, Atr), %remainder
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, 0, Atr, Unbound).
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], mid(Next,At1), At, Next, [hole(At0, Next, At, Follow)|Unbound]) :-
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, mid(NextFollow, At1), At, Unbound).
'$process_atom_holes'([hole(At0, Next, At1, End)|Unbound]) :- End == end, !,
sub_atom(At1, Next, _, 0, At0),
'$process_atom_holes'([hole(At0, Next, At1, Follow)|Unbound]) :-
sub_atom(At1, Next, Sz, _Left, At0),
Follow is Next+Sz,
atomic_list_concat(L,At) :-
atomic_concat(L, At).
atomic_list_concat(L, El, At) :-
var(El), !,
atomic_list_concat(L, El, At) :-
nonvar(L), !,
atomic_concat(LEl, At).
atomic_list_concat(L, El, At) :-
nonvar(At), !,
atom_codes(At, S),
atom_codes(El, [ElS]),
'$split_elements'(S, ElS, SubS),
'$atomify_list'(SubS, L).
'$add_els'([A,B|L],El,[A,El|NL]) :- !,
'$split_elements'(E.S, E, SubS) :- !,
'$split_elements'(S, E, SubS).
'$split_elements'(E1.S, E, [E1|L].SubS) :- !,
'$split_elements'(S, E, L, SubS).
'$split_elements'([], _, []).
'$split_elements'([], _, [], []).
'$split_elements'(E.S, E, [], SubS) :- !,
'$split_elements'(S, E, SubS).
'$split_elements'(E1.S, E, E1.L, SubS) :-
'$split_elements'(S, E, L, SubS).
'$atomify_list'([], []).
'$atomify_list'(S.SubS, A.L) :-
atom_codes(A, S),
'$atomify_list'(SubS, L).
% small compatibility hack
'$singletons_in_term'(T,VL) :-
'$sort'(V10, V1),
'$sort'(V20, V2),
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([_|_],[],[]) :- !.
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([V1|VL1],[V2|VL2],VL) :-
V1 == V2, !,
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([V1|VL1],[V2|VL2],[V2|VL]) :-
current_atom(A) :- % check
atom(A), !.
current_atom(A) :- % generate
current_atom(A) :- % generate

View File

@ -270,11 +270,6 @@ true :- true.
'$repeat' :- '$repeat'.
'$start_corouts' :-
Name \= main,
'$start_corouts' :-
@ -547,7 +542,7 @@ true :- true.
'$out_neg_answer' :-
( '$undefined'(print_message(_,_),prolog) ->
'$present_answer'(user_error,'false.~n', [])
@ -1046,6 +1041,7 @@ bootstrap(F) :-
working_directory(_, OldD),
'$current_module'(_, prolog),
'$swi_current_prolog_flag'(verbose_load, silent)
@ -1101,6 +1097,29 @@ bootstrap(F) :-
'$abort_loop'(Stream) :-
'$do_error'(permission_error(input,closed_stream,Stream), loop).
system_module(M, SysExps, Decls) :-
'$current_module'(prolog, M), !,
'$export_preds'(SysExps, prolog),
'$export_preds'(Decls, M).
'$export_preds'([], _).
'$export_preds'([N/A|Decls], M) :-
functor(S, N, A),
'$sys_export'(S, M),
'$export_preds'(Decls, M).
import_system_module(M, SysExps) :-
'$current_module'(M0, _M),
'$import_system'(SysExps, M0, M).
'$import_system'([], _, _).
'$import_system'([N/A|Decls], M0, M) :-
functor(S, N, A),
'$assert_static'((G :- M0:G), M, last, _, assert_static((M:G :- M0:G))),
'$import_system'(Decls, M0, M).
/* General purpose predicates */
'$head_and_body'((H:-B),H,B) :- !.
@ -1162,7 +1181,7 @@ expand_term(Term,Expanded) :-
'$expand_array_accesses_in_term'(Expanded0,ExpandedF) :-
'$c_arrays'(Expanded0,ExpandedF), !.
'$arrays':'$c_arrays'(Expanded0,ExpandedF), !.

View File

@ -241,84 +241,5 @@ no_style_check([H|T]) :- no_style_check(H), no_style_check(T).
'$multiple_has_been_defined'(Fil,P,M) :-
multifile(P) :-
'$multifile'(P, M).
'$multifile'(V, _) :- var(V), !,
'$multifile'((X,Y), M) :- !, '$multifile'(X, M), '$multifile'(Y, M).
'$multifile'(Mod:PredSpec, _) :- !,
'$multifile'(PredSpec, Mod).
'$multifile'(N//A, M) :- !,
A1 is A+2,
'$multifile'(N/A1, M).
'$multifile'(N/A, M) :-
'$multifile'(N/A, M) :-
'$is_multifile'(S, M), !.
'$multifile'(N/A, M) :- !,
'$multifile'([H|T], M) :- !,
'$multifile'(P, M) :-
discontiguous(V) :-
var(V), !,
discontiguous(M:F) :- !,
discontiguous(F) :-
'$discontiguous'(V,M) :- var(V), !,
'$discontiguous'((X,Y),M) :- !,
'$discontiguous'(M:A,_) :- !,
'$discontiguous'(N//A1, M) :- !,
integer(A1), !,
A is A1+2,
'$discontiguous'(N/A, M).
'$discontiguous'(N/A, M) :- !,
( recordzifnot('$discontiguous_defs','$df'(N,A,M),_) ->
'$discontiguous'(P,M) :-
% did we declare multifile properly?
'$check_multifile_pred'(Hd, M, _) :-
source_location(F, _),
recorded('$multifile_defs','$defined'(F,Na,Ar,M),_), !.
% oops, we did not.
'$check_multifile_pred'(Hd, M, Fl) :-
% so this is not a multi-file predicate any longer.
NFl is \(0x20000000) /\ Fl,
'$warn_mfile'(F,A) :-
write(user_error,'% Warning: predicate '),
write(user_error,F/A), write(user_error,' was a multifile predicate '),
write(user_error,' (line '),
'$start_line'(LN), write(user_error,LN),

View File

@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ load_files(Files,Opts) :-
Val == false -> true ;
'$do_error'(domain_error(unimplemented_option,must_be_module(Val)),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(stream, Val, Call) :-
( current_stream(Val) -> true ;
( current_stream(_,_,Val) -> true ;
'$do_error'(type_error(stream,Val),Call) ).
'$process_lf_opt'(register, Val, Call) :-
( Val == false -> true ;
@ -303,12 +303,21 @@ exo_files(Fs) :-
db_files(Fs) :-
'$load_files'(Fs, [consult(db), if(not_loaded)], exo_files(Fs)).
use_module(F) :-
'$load_files'(F, [if(not_loaded),must_be_module(true)], use_module(F)).
% stub to prevent modules defined within the prolog module.
module(Mod, Decls) :-
'$current_module'(prolog, Mod), !,
use_module(F,Is) :-
'$load_files'(F, [if(not_loaded),must_be_module(true),imports(Is)], use_module(F,Is)).
'$export_preds'([N/A|Decls]) :-
functor(S, N, A),
'$sys_export'(S, prolog),
% prevent modules within the kernel module...
use_module(M,F,Is) :-
@ -650,7 +659,7 @@ prolog_load_context(source, F0) :-
'$top_file'(Context, F0, F) */.
prolog_load_context(stream, Stream) :-
'$nb_setval'('$consulting_file', _, fail),
'$nb_getval'('$consulting_file', _, fail),
% return this term for SWI compatibility.
prolog_load_context(term_position, '$stream_position'(0,Line,0,0,0)) :-
@ -697,35 +706,6 @@ prolog_load_context(term_position, '$stream_position'(0,Line,0,0,0)) :-
( (Age == CurrentAge ; Age = -1) -> true; erase(R), fail).
path(Path) :- findall(X,'$in_path'(X),Path).
'$in_path'(X) :- recorded('$path',Path,_),
( S = "" -> X = '.' ;
atom_codes(X,S) ).
add_to_path(New) :- add_to_path(New,last).
add_to_path(New,Pos) :-
atom(New), !,
'$add_to_path'(New,_) :- recorded('$path',New,R), erase(R), fail.
'$add_to_path'(New,last) :- !, recordz('$path',New,_).
'$add_to_path'(New,first) :- recorda('$path',New,_).
remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
recorded('$path',Path,R), erase(R).
'$check_path'(At,SAt) :- atom(At), !, atom_codes(At,S), '$check_path'(S,SAt).
'$check_path'([Ch],[Ch]) :- '$dir_separator'(Ch), !.
'$check_path'([Ch],[Ch,A]) :- !, integer(Ch), '$dir_separator'(A).
'$check_path'([N|S],[N|SN]) :- integer(N), '$check_path'(S,SN).
% add_multifile_predicate when we start consult
'$add_multifile'(Name,Arity,Module) :-

View File

@ -194,9 +194,6 @@ garbage_collect_atoms :-
'$good_character_code'(X) :- var(X), !.
'$good_character_code'(X) :- integer(X), X > -2, X < 256.
(initialization) :-
prolog_initialization(G) :- var(G), !,
prolog_initialization(T) :- callable(T), !,

View File

@ -657,7 +657,7 @@ debugging :-
'$action'(0'A,_,_,_,_,_) :- !, % 'b break
'$action'(0'c,_,_,_,_,on) :- !, % 'c creep

View File

@ -86,6 +86,7 @@
'$exec_directive'(include(F), Status, _, _, _) :-
'$include'(F, Status).
% don't declare modules into Prolog Module
'$exec_directive'(module(N,P), Status, _, _, _) :-
'$exec_directive'(module(N,P,Op), Status, _, _, _) :-
@ -120,13 +121,13 @@
'$exec_directive'(consult(Fs), _, M, _, _) :-
'$load_files'(M:Fs, [consult(consult)], consult(Fs)).
'$exec_directive'(use_module(F), _, M, _, _) :-
'$load_files'(M:F, [if(not_loaded),must_be_module(true)],use_module(F)).
'$exec_directive'(reexport(F), _, M, _, _) :-
'$load_files'(M:F, [if(not_loaded), silent(true), reexport(true),must_be_module(true)], reexport(F)).
'$exec_directive'(reexport(F,Spec), _, M, _, _) :-
'$load_files'(M:F, [if(changed), silent(true), imports(Spec), reexport(true),must_be_module(true)], reexport(F, Spec)).
'$exec_directive'(use_module(F,Is), _, M, _, _) :-
'$load_files'(M:F, [if(not_loaded),imports(Is),must_be_module(true)],use_module(F,Is)).
'$exec_directive'(use_module(F, Is), _, M, _, _) :-
use_module(M:F, Is).
'$exec_directive'(use_module(Mod,F,Is), _, _, _, _) :-
'$exec_directive'(block(BlockSpec), _, _, _, _) :-

View File

@ -20,9 +20,10 @@
prolog:'$stack_dump' :-
'$stack_dump' :-

View File

@ -29,12 +29,6 @@
the GNU General Public License.
:- module('$history',
[ %read_history/6,
%% read_history(+History, +Help, +DontStore, +Prompt, -Term, -Bindings)
% Give a prompt using Prompt. The sequence '%w' is substituted with the
@ -49,7 +43,7 @@
% call Goal and pretend it has not seen anything. This hook is used
% by the GNU-Emacs interface to for communication between GNU-EMACS
% and SWI-Prolog.
prolog:read_history(History, Help, DontStore, Prompt, Term, Bindings) :-
read_history(History, Help, DontStore, Prompt, Term, Bindings) :-
catch('$raw_read'(user_input, Raw), E,

View File

@ -15,6 +15,8 @@
* *
% This is yap's init file
% should be consulted first step after booting
@ -67,13 +69,17 @@ otherwise.
:- bootstrap('errors.yap').
:- bootstrap('lists.yap').
:- bootstrap('consult.yap').
:- bootstrap('preddecls.yap').
:- bootstrap('atoms.yap').
:- bootstrap('os.yap').
:- bootstrap('absf.yap').
:- [ 'utils.yap',
:- compile_expressions.
@ -156,14 +162,6 @@ yap_hacks:cut_by(CP) :- '$$cut_by'(CP).
:- '$swi_set_prolog_flag'(generate_debug_info,true).
:- multifile user:library_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:library_directory/1.
:- multifile user:commons_directory/1.
:- dynamic user:commons_directory/1.
:- recorda('$dialect',yap,_).
@ -200,24 +198,6 @@ yap_hacks:cut_by(CP) :- '$$cut_by'(CP).
:- dynamic system:goal_expansion/2.
:- multifile user:prolog_file_type/2.
:- dynamic user:prolog_file_type/2.
user:prolog_file_type(yap, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(pl, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(prolog, prolog).
user:prolog_file_type(A, prolog) :-
current_prolog_flag(associate, A),
A \== prolog,
A \==pl,
A \== yap.
%user:prolog_file_type(qlf, prolog).
%user:prolog_file_type(qlf, qlf).
user:prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
current_prolog_flag(shared_object_extension, A).
:- multifile goal_expansion/2.
:- dynamic goal_expansion/2.
@ -230,10 +210,6 @@ user:prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
:- dynamic system:term_expansion/2.
:- multifile file_search_path/2.
:- dynamic file_search_path/2.
:- multifile swi:swi_predicate_table/4.
:- multifile user:message_hook/3.
@ -248,27 +224,9 @@ user:prolog_file_type(A, executable) :-
:- dynamic user:exception/3.
file_search_path(library, Dir) :-
file_search_path(commons, Dir) :-
file_search_path(swi, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
file_search_path(yap, Home) :-
current_prolog_flag(home, Home).
file_search_path(system, Dir) :-
prolog_flag(host_type, Dir).
file_search_path(foreign, yap('lib/Yap')).
file_search_path(path, C) :-
( getenv('PATH', A),
( current_prolog_flag(windows, true)
-> atomic_list_concat(B, ;, A)
; atomic_list_concat(B, :, A)
lists:member(C, B)
:- yap_flag(user:unknown,error).
:- stream_property(user_input, tty(true)) -> set_prolog_flag(readline, true) ; true.

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@ -20,9 +20,10 @@
:- multifile prolog:message/3.
:- multifile message/3.
:- multifile user:generate_message_hook/3.
@ -36,7 +37,6 @@ file_position(user_input,LN) -->
file_position(FileName,LN) -->
[ 'at line ~d in ~a,' - [LN,FileName] ].
translate_message(Term) -->
generate_message(Term), !.
translate_message(Term) -->

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@ -16,6 +16,20 @@
% module handling
:- '$purge_clauses'(module(_,_), prolog).
:- '$purge_clauses'('$module'(_,_), prolog).
:- '$purge_clauses'(use_module(_), prolog).
:- '$purge_clauses'(use_module(_,_), prolog).
% start using default definition of module.
use_module(F) :-
'$load_files'(F, [if(not_loaded),must_be_module(true)], use_module(F)).
use_module(F,Is) :-
'$load_files'(F, [if(not_loaded),must_be_module(true),imports(Is)], use_module(F,Is)).
'$module'(_,N,P) :-

pl/os.yap Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
* *
:- module( '$os', [
] ).
* @short YAP core Operating system interface.
cd :-
cd(F) :-
absolute_file_name(F, Dir, [file_type(directory),file_errors(fail),access(execute),expand(true)]),
working_directory(_, Dir).
getcwd(Dir) :- working_directory(Dir, Dir).
ls :-
'$load_system_ls'(X,L) :-
'$undefined'(directory_files(X, L), operating_system_support),
'$load_system_ls'(X,L) :-
operating_system_support:directory_files(X, L).
'$do_print_files'([]) :-
'$do_print_files'([F| Fs]) :-
'$do_print_file'('.') :- !.
'$do_print_file'('..') :- !.
'$do_print_file'(F) :- atom_concat('.', _, F), !.
'$do_print_file'(F) :-
write(F), write(' ').
pwd :-
write(X), nl.
unix(V) :- var(V), !,
unix(argv(L)) :- '$is_list_of_atoms'(L,L), !, '$argv'(L).
unix(argv(V)) :-
unix(cd) :- cd('~').
unix(cd(A)) :- cd(A).
unix(environ(X,Y)) :- '$do_environ'(X,Y).
unix(getcwd(X)) :- getcwd(X).
unix(shell(V)) :- var(V), !,
unix(shell(A)) :- atom(A), !, '$shell'(A).
unix(shell(V)) :-
unix(system(V)) :- var(V), !,
unix(system(A)) :- atom(A), !, system(A).
unix(system(V)) :-
unix(shell) :- sh.
unix(putenv(X,Y)) :- '$putenv'(X,Y).
'$is_list_of_atoms'(V,_) :- var(V),!.
'$is_list_of_atoms'([],_) :- !.
'$is_list_of_atoms'([H|L],L0) :- !,
'$is_list_of_atoms'(H,L0) :-
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :-
var(H), !.
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :-
atom(H), !.
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,L0) :-
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :-
var(X), !,
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :- atom(X), !,
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :-
putenv(Na,Val) :-
getenv(Na,Val) :-
setenv(Na,Val) :-

pl/preddecls.yap Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
* *
* YAP Prolog *
* *
* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
* *
* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
* *
* *
* File: preds.yap *
* Last rev: 8/2/88 *
* mods: *
* comments: Predicate Manipulation for YAP: declaration support *
* *
% can only do as goal in YAP mode.
dynamic(X) :- '$access_yap_flags'(8, 0), !,
'$dynamic'(X, M).
dynamic(X) :-
'$dynamic'(X,M) :- var(X), !,
'$dynamic'(Mod:Spec,_) :- !,
'$dynamic'([], _) :- !.
'$dynamic'([H|L], M) :- !, '$dynamic'(H, M), '$dynamic'(L, M).
'$dynamic'((A,B),M) :- !, '$dynamic'(A,M), '$dynamic'(B,M).
'$dynamic'(X,M) :-
'$dynamic2'(X, Mod) :- '$log_upd'(Stat), Stat\=0, !,
'$logical_updatable'(X, Mod).
'$dynamic2'(A//N1, Mod) :-
N is N1+2,
'$dynamic2'(A/N, Mod).
'$dynamic2'(A/N, Mod) :-
integer(N), atom(A), !,
functor(T,A,N), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,F),
% LogUpd,BinaryTest,Safe,C,Dynamic,Compiled,Standard,Asm,
( F/\ 0x19D1FA80 =:= 0, '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> NF is F \/ 0x00002000, '$flags'(T, Mod, F, NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
F /\ 0x00002000 =:= 0x00002000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod); % dynamic
F /\ 0x08000000 =:= 0x08000000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod) ; % LU
F /\ 0x00000400 =:= 0x00000400, '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> F1 is F /\ \(0x400), N1F is F1 \/ 0x00002000, NF is N1F /\ \(0x00400000), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
'$dynamic2'(X,Mod) :-
'$logical_updatable'(A//N,Mod) :- integer(N), !,
N1 is N+2,
'$logical_updatable'(A/N,Mod) :- integer(N), atom(A), !,
functor(T,A,N), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,F),
F/\ 0x19D1FA80 =:= 0, '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> NF is F \/ 0x08000400, '$flags'(T,Mod,F,NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
F /\ 0x08000000 =:= 0x08000000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod) ; % LU
F /\ 0x00002000 =:= 0x00002000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod); % dynamic
F /\ 0x00000400 =:= 0x00000400 , '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> N1F is F \/ 0x08000000, NF is N1F /\ \(0x00400000), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
'$logical_updatable'(X,Mod) :-
multifile(P) :-
'$multifile'(P, M).
'$multifile'(V, _) :- var(V), !,
'$multifile'((X,Y), M) :- !, '$multifile'(X, M), '$multifile'(Y, M).
'$multifile'(Mod:PredSpec, _) :- !,
'$multifile'(PredSpec, Mod).
'$multifile'(N//A, M) :- !,
A1 is A+2,
'$multifile'(N/A1, M).
'$multifile'(N/A, M) :-
'$multifile'(N/A, M) :-
'$is_multifile'(S, M), !.
'$multifile'(N/A, M) :- !,
'$multifile'([H|T], M) :- !,
'$multifile'(P, M) :-
discontiguous(V) :-
var(V), !,
discontiguous(M:F) :- !,
discontiguous(F) :-
'$discontiguous'(V,M) :- var(V), !,
'$discontiguous'((X,Y),M) :- !,
'$discontiguous'(M:A,_) :- !,
'$discontiguous'(N//A1, M) :- !,
integer(A1), !,
A is A1+2,
'$discontiguous'(N/A, M).
'$discontiguous'(N/A, M) :- !,
( recordzifnot('$discontiguous_defs','$df'(N,A,M),_) ->
'$discontiguous'(P,M) :-
% did we declare multifile properly?
'$check_multifile_pred'(Hd, M, _) :-
source_location(F, _),
recorded('$multifile_defs','$defined'(F,Na,Ar,M),_), !.
% oops, we did not.
'$check_multifile_pred'(Hd, M, Fl) :-
% so this is not a multi-file predicate any longer.
NFl is \(0x20000000) /\ Fl,
'$warn_mfile'(F,A) :-
write(user_error,'% Warning: predicate '),
write(user_error,F/A), write(user_error,' was a multifile predicate '),
write(user_error,' (line '),
'$start_line'(LN), write(user_error,LN),

View File

@ -311,31 +311,6 @@ clause(V,Q,R) :-
% just create a choice-point
% the 6th argument marks the time-stamp.
'$do_log_upd_clause'(A,B,C,D,E,_) :-
'$do_log_upd_clause_erase'(A,B,C,D,E,_) :-
'$do_log_upd_clause0'(A,B,C,D,_,_) :-
'$do_static_clause'(A,B,C,D,E) :-
'$init_preds' :-
@ -663,61 +638,6 @@ abolish(X) :-
'$purge_clauses'(G, M), fail.
'$abolishs'(_, _).
% can only do as goal in YAP mode.
dynamic(X) :- '$access_yap_flags'(8, 0), !,
'$dynamic'(X, M).
dynamic(X) :-
'$dynamic'(X,M) :- var(X), !,
'$dynamic'(Mod:Spec,_) :- !,
'$dynamic'([], _) :- !.
'$dynamic'([H|L], M) :- !, '$dynamic'(H, M), '$dynamic'(L, M).
'$dynamic'((A,B),M) :- !, '$dynamic'(A,M), '$dynamic'(B,M).
'$dynamic'(X,M) :-
'$dynamic2'(X, Mod) :- '$log_upd'(Stat), Stat\=0, !,
'$logical_updatable'(X, Mod).
'$dynamic2'(A//N1, Mod) :-
N is N1+2,
'$dynamic2'(A/N, Mod).
'$dynamic2'(A/N, Mod) :-
integer(N), atom(A), !,
functor(T,A,N), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,F),
% LogUpd,BinaryTest,Safe,C,Dynamic,Compiled,Standard,Asm,
( F/\ 0x19D1FA80 =:= 0, '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> NF is F \/ 0x00002000, '$flags'(T, Mod, F, NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
F /\ 0x00002000 =:= 0x00002000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod); % dynamic
F /\ 0x08000000 =:= 0x08000000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod) ; % LU
F /\ 0x00000400 =:= 0x00000400, '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> F1 is F /\ \(0x400), N1F is F1 \/ 0x00002000, NF is N1F /\ \(0x00400000), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
'$dynamic2'(X,Mod) :-
'$logical_updatable'(A//N,Mod) :- integer(N), !,
N1 is N+2,
'$logical_updatable'(A/N,Mod) :- integer(N), atom(A), !,
functor(T,A,N), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,F),
F/\ 0x19D1FA80 =:= 0, '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> NF is F \/ 0x08000400, '$flags'(T,Mod,F,NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
F /\ 0x08000000 =:= 0x08000000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod) ; % LU
F /\ 0x00002000 =:= 0x00002000 -> '$mk_d'(T,Mod); % dynamic
F /\ 0x00000400 =:= 0x00000400 , '$undefined'(T,Mod) -> N1F is F \/ 0x08000000, NF is N1F /\ \(0x00400000), '$flags'(T,Mod,F,NF), '$mk_d'(T,Mod);
'$logical_updatable'(X,Mod) :-
dynamic_predicate(P,Sem) :-
'$bad_if_is_semantics'(Sem, dynamic(P,Sem)).
dynamic_predicate(P,Sem) :-

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@ -238,9 +238,16 @@ writeln(M:B),
% make sure library_directory is open.
\+ clause(user:library_directory(_),_),
'$init_path_extensions' :-
% make sure library_directory is open.
\+ clause(user:library_directory(_),_),
% then we can execute the programs.

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
%%% Saving and restoring a computation
save(A) :- save(A,_).
save(A,_) :- var(A), !,
@ -81,3 +81,4 @@ restore(A) :- var(A), !,
restore(A) :- atom(A), !, name(A,S), '$restore'(S).
restore(S) :- '$restore'(S).

View File

@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
'$do_signal'(sig_stack_dump, [M|G]) :-
% Unix signals
'$do_signal'(sig_alarm, G) :-

View File

@ -213,103 +213,6 @@ current_op(X,Y,Z) :-
%%% Operating System utilities
cd :-
cd(F) :-
absolute_file_name(F, Dir, [file_type(directory),file_errors(fail),access(execute),expand(true)]),
working_directory(_, Dir).
getcwd(Dir) :- working_directory(Dir, Dir).
ls :-
'$load_system_ls'(X,L) :-
'$undefined'(directory_files(X, L), operating_system_support),
'$load_system_ls'(X,L) :-
operating_system_support:directory_files(X, L).
'$do_print_files'([]) :-
'$do_print_files'([F| Fs]) :-
'$do_print_file'('.') :- !.
'$do_print_file'('..') :- !.
'$do_print_file'(F) :- atom_concat('.', _, F), !.
'$do_print_file'(F) :-
write(F), write(' ').
pwd :-
write(X), nl.
unix(V) :- var(V), !,
unix(argv(L)) :- '$is_list_of_atoms'(L,L), !, '$argv'(L).
unix(argv(V)) :-
unix(cd) :- cd('~').
unix(cd(A)) :- cd(A).
unix(environ(X,Y)) :- '$do_environ'(X,Y).
unix(getcwd(X)) :- getcwd(X).
unix(shell(V)) :- var(V), !,
unix(shell(A)) :- atom(A), !, '$shell'(A).
unix(shell(V)) :-
unix(system(V)) :- var(V), !,
unix(system(A)) :- atom(A), !, system(A).
unix(system(V)) :-
unix(shell) :- sh.
unix(putenv(X,Y)) :- '$putenv'(X,Y).
'$is_list_of_atoms'(V,_) :- var(V),!.
'$is_list_of_atoms'([],_) :- !.
'$is_list_of_atoms'([H|L],L0) :- !,
'$is_list_of_atoms'(H,L0) :-
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :-
var(H), !.
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,_) :-
atom(H), !.
'$check_if_head_may_be_atom'(H,L0) :-
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :-
var(X), !,
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :- atom(X), !,
'$do_environ'(X, Y) :-
putenv(Na,Val) :-
getenv(Na,Val) :-
setenv(Na,Val) :-
prolog :-
@ -331,113 +234,9 @@ recordzifnot(K,T,R) :-
recordzifnot(K,T,R) :-
current_atom(A) :- % check
atom(A), !.
current_atom(A) :- % generate
current_atom(A) :- % generate
atom_concat(Xs,At) :-
( var(At) ->
'$atom_concat'(Xs, At )
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, 0, At, Unbound),
% the constraints are of the form hole: HoleAtom, Begin, Atom, End
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At], 0, At, []) :- !.
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0], mid(Next, At), At, [hole(At0, Next, At, end)]) :- !.
% just slice first atom
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], 0, At, Unbound) :-
atom(At0), !,
sub_atom(At, 0, Sz, L, At0 ),
sub_atom(At, _, L, 0, Atr ), %remainder
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, 0, Atr, Unbound).
% first hole: Follow says whether we have two holes in a row, At1 will be our atom
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], 0, At, [hole(At0, 0, At, Next)|Unbound]) :-
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, mid(Next,At1), At, Unbound).
% end of a run
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], mid(end, At1), At, Unbound) :-
atom(At0), !,
sub_atom(At, Next, Sz, L, At0),
sub_atom(At, 0, Next, Next, At1),
sub_atom(At, _, L, 0, Atr), %remainder
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, 0, Atr, Unbound).
'$atom_concat_constraints'([At0|Xs], mid(Next,At1), At, Next, [hole(At0, Next, At, Follow)|Unbound]) :-
'$atom_concat_constraints'(Xs, mid(NextFollow, At1), At, Unbound).
'$process_atom_holes'([hole(At0, Next, At1, End)|Unbound]) :- End == end, !,
sub_atom(At1, Next, _, 0, At0),
'$process_atom_holes'([hole(At0, Next, At1, Follow)|Unbound]) :-
sub_atom(At1, Next, Sz, _Left, At0),
Follow is Next+Sz,
callable(A) :-
( var(A) -> fail ; number(A) -> fail ; true ).
atomic_list_concat(L,At) :-
atomic_concat(L, At).
atomic_list_concat(L, El, At) :-
var(El), !,
atomic_list_concat(L, El, At) :-
nonvar(L), !,
atomic_concat(LEl, At).
atomic_list_concat(L, El, At) :-
nonvar(At), !,
atom_codes(At, S),
atom_codes(El, [ElS]),
'$split_elements'(S, ElS, SubS),
'$atomify_list'(SubS, L).
'$add_els'([A,B|L],El,[A,El|NL]) :- !,
'$split_elements'(E.S, E, SubS) :- !,
'$split_elements'(S, E, SubS).
'$split_elements'(E1.S, E, [E1|L].SubS) :- !,
'$split_elements'(S, E, L, SubS).
'$split_elements'([], _, []).
'$split_elements'([], _, [], []).
'$split_elements'(E.S, E, [], SubS) :- !,
'$split_elements'(S, E, SubS).
'$split_elements'(E1.S, E, E1.L, SubS) :-
'$split_elements'(S, E, L, SubS).
'$atomify_list'([], []).
'$atomify_list'(S.SubS, A.L) :-
atom_codes(A, S),
'$atomify_list'(SubS, L).
% small compatibility hack
'$singletons_in_term'(T,VL) :-
'$sort'(V10, V1),
'$sort'(V20, V2),
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([_|_],[],[]) :- !.
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([V1|VL1],[V2|VL2],VL) :-
V1 == V2, !,
'$subtract_lists_of_variables'([V1|VL1],[V2|VL2],[V2|VL]) :-
simple(V) :- var(V), !.
simple(A) :- atom(A), !.
simple(N) :- number(N).