first cut at detecting error source

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Santos Costa 2015-09-29 23:09:12 +01:00
parent b3a262910f
commit cd7d654cca
3 changed files with 120 additions and 160 deletions

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@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ static char tmpbuf[YAP_BUF_SIZE];
#include "YapErrors.h"
* @brief Yap_Error__
* @brief Yap_Errorp
* This function handles errors in the C code. Check errors.yap for the
*corresponding Prolog code.
@ -313,7 +313,9 @@ static char tmpbuf[YAP_BUF_SIZE];
* The list includes the following options:
* + c=c(file, line, function): where the bug was detected;
* + p=p(mod, name, arity, file, line): the prolog procedure that caused the bug,
* + e=p(mod, name, arity, cl, file, lin): where the code was entered;
* + p=p(mod, name, arity, cl, file, line): the prolog procedure that caused the bug,
*and optionally,
* + g=g(Goal): the goal that created this mess
@ -327,7 +329,7 @@ yamop *Yap_Error__(const char *file, const char *function, int lineno,
CELL nt[3];
Functor fun;
bool serious;
Term tf, error_t;
Term tf, error_t, comment, culprit;
/* disallow recursive error handling */
if (LOCAL_PrologMode & InErrorMode) {
@ -362,39 +364,7 @@ yamop *Yap_Error__(const char *file, const char *function, int lineno,
/* must do this here */
|| !Yap_heap_regs
|| !Yap_HeapBase
)) {
va_start(ap, where);
char *format = NULL;
format = va_arg(ap, char *);
/* now build the error string */
if (format) {
(void)vsnprintf(tmpbuf, YAP_BUF_SIZE, format, ap);
(void)vsprintf(tmpbuf, format, ap);
} else {
tmpbuf[0] = '\0';
if (LOCAL_PrologMode == UserCCallMode) {
fprintf(stderr, "%%\n%%\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%% YAP OOOPS in USER C-CODE: %s.\n", tmpbuf);
fprintf(stderr, "%%\n%%\n");
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "%%\n%%\n");
fprintf(stderr, "%% YAP OOOPS: %s.\n", tmpbuf);
fprintf(stderr, "%%\n%%\n");
if (LOCAL_PrologMode == BootMode) {
Yap_detect_bug_location(P, FIND_PRED_FROM_ANYWHERE, (char *)HR, 256);
fprintf(stderr, "%%\n%% PC: %s\n", (char *)HR);
Yap_detect_bug_location(CP, FIND_PRED_FROM_ANYWHERE, (char *)HR, 256);
@ -440,8 +410,11 @@ yamop *Yap_Error__(const char *file, const char *function, int lineno,
(void)vsprintf(tmpbuf, format, ap);
} else
comment = MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom(tmpbuf));
} else {
tmpbuf[0] = '\0';
comment = TermNil;
if (LOCAL_PrologMode & BootMode) {
@ -521,28 +494,36 @@ yamop *Yap_Error__(const char *file, const char *function, int lineno,
LOCAL_ErrorMessage = LOCAL_ErrorSay;
if (LOCAL_ErrorSay && LOCAL_ErrorSay[0])
comment = MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom( LOCAL_ErrorSay ) );
comment = TermNil;
switch (type) {
nt[1] = MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom(tmpbuf));
comment = MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom(tmpbuf));
Term stack_dump;
if ((stack_dump = Yap_all_calls()) == 0L) {
stack_dump = TermNil;
LOCAL_Error_Size = 0L;
nt[1] = MkPairTerm(MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom(tmpbuf)),
MkPairTerm(stack_dump, TermNil));
if (type == SYNTAX_ERROR) {
nt[1] = MkPairTerm(where, nt[1]);
nt[1] = TermNil;
if (comment != TermNil)
nt[1] = MkPairTerm(MkPairTerm(MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom("i")),comment), nt[1]);
if (file && function) {
Term ts[3], t3;
ts[0] = MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom(file));
ts[1] = MkIntegerTerm(lineno);
ts[2] = MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom(function));
t3 = Yap_MkApplTerm(Yap_MkFunctor(Yap_LookupAtom("c"),3),3,ts);
nt[1] = MkPairTerm(MkPairTerm(MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom("c")),t3), nt[1]);
if ((culprit=Yap_pc_location( P, B, ENV)) != TermNil ) {
nt[1] = MkPairTerm(MkPairTerm(MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom("p")),culprit), nt[1]);
if ((culprit=Yap_env_location( CP, B, ENV, 0)) != TermNil ) {
nt[1] = MkPairTerm(MkPairTerm(MkAtomTerm(Yap_LookupAtom("e")),culprit), nt[1]);
/* disable active signals at this point */
LOCAL_Signals = 0;

View File

@ -217,19 +217,13 @@ to allow user-control.
'$do_error'(Type,Message) :-
'$do_error'(Type,Goal) :-
format('~w~n', [Type]),
% stop_low_level_trace,
% '$stack_dump',
'$compose_context'(Message, Location, CMessage),
'$compose_context'(context(Culprit), Caller, context(Culprit, Caller) ) :-
'$compose_context'(Culprit, _Caller, context(Culprit) ).
ancestor_location(Call, Caller),
throw(error(Type, [
'$do_pi_error'(type_error(callable,Name/0),Message) :- !,

View File

@ -44,7 +44,11 @@ generic informational messages
help messages (not currently implemented in YAP)
+ `query`
query used in query processing (not currently implemented in YAP)
+ `silent`
+ `silent`,M,Na,Ar,File, FilePos]],
[nl, nl].
caller( error(_,Term), _) -->
{ lists:memberchk([g|g(Call)], Term) },
['~*|called from
messages that do not produce output but that can be intercepted by hooks.
@ -192,130 +196,107 @@ compose_message(version(Version), _Leve) -->
[ '~a' - [Version] ].
compose_message(myddas_version(Version), _Leve) -->
[ 'MYDDAS version ~a' - [Version] ].
compose_message(yes, _Leve) --> !,
compose_message(yes, _Level) --> !,
[ 'yes'- [] ].
compose_message(Term, Level) -->
{ Level == error -> true ; Level == warning },
file_location(Term, Cause),
main_message(Term, Cause),
stack_dump( Term ),
extra_info( Term ),
location(Term, Level),
main_message( Term, Level ),
c_goal( Term, Level ),
caller( Term, Level ),
extra_info( Term, Level ),
compose_message(A-L, _Level) -->
{ format(user_error,A,L) }.
file_location(error(_,syntax_error(_,between(_,LN,_),FileName,_) ), _ ) -->
location( error(_,Term), Level ) -->
{ lists:memberchk([p|p(M,Na,Ar,File,FilePos)], Term ) },
[ '~a:~d:0 ~a in ~a:~q/~d:'-[File, FilePos,Level,M,Na,Ar] ],
location(error(_,syntax_error(_,between(_,LN,_),FileName,_) ), _ ) -->
[ '~a:~d:0: ' - [FileName,LN] ] .
file_location(warning(_,syntax_error(_,between(_,LN,_),FileName,_) ), _ ) -->
location(warning(_,syntax_error(_,between(_,LN,_),FileName,_) ), _ ) -->
[ '~a:~d:0: ' - [FileName,LN] ] .
file_location(style_check(_,LN,FileName,_ ), _ ) -->
location(style_check(_,LN,FileName,_ ), _ ) -->
% { stream_position_data( line_count, LN) },
[ '~a:~d:0: ' - [FileName,LN] ] .
file_location(error(_,L), Goal )-->
clause_to_indicator(G, Goal)
lists:memberchk(context(G,_P), L),
clause_to_indicator(G, Goal)
( var(Goal) -> Goal = Mod:Ind ; true )
prolog_load_context(file, FileName),
stream_property( Stream, alias(loop_stream) ),
stream_property( Stream, line_count( LN ) )
user_input = S,
stream_property( S, line_count( LN ) ),
stream_property( S, file_name( FileName ) )
Ind = 'system:0'
[ '~d:0: ' - [FileName,LN] ].
%file_location(Info,query) -->
% { format( user_error, 'information available is: ~n~q.~n~n ' , [Info])} .
/*print_message(error, error(Msg,[Info|local_sp(P,CP,Envs,CPs)])) :- !,
recorda(sp_info,local_sp(Msg, P,CP,PP,Envs,CPs),R),
print_message(error, error(Msg, Info)),
%message(loaded(Past,AbsoluteFileName,user,Msec,Bytes), Prefix, Suffix) :- !,
main_message( error(syntax_error,syntax_error(Msg,between(L0,LM,LF),_Stream,Term)), _ ) -->
['syntax error: ~s' - [Msg]],
['~*|!!! syntax error: ~s' - [10,Msg]],
% [prefix(' ')],
( syntax_error_term( between(L0,LM,LF), Term )
-> []
['failed_processing ~w' - [Term],
['failed_processing ~w' - [Term]],
main_message(style_check(singleton(SVs),_S,_W,P), I) -->
main_message(style_check(singleton(SVs),_S,_W,P), _) -->
{ clause_to_indicator(P, I) },
[ 'singleton variable~*c ~s in ~q.' - [ NVs, 0's, SVsL, I] ], % '
[ '~*|!!! singleton variable~*c ~s in ~q.' - [ 10, NVs, 0's, SVsL, I] ],
{ svs(SVs,SVsL,[]),
( SVs = [_] -> NVs = 0 ; NVs = 1 )
main_message(style_check(multiple(N,A,Mod,I0),_L,File,_),_I) -->
[ '~a redefines ~q from ~a.' - [File, Mod:N/A, I0] ].
main_message(style_check(multiple(N,A,Mod,I0),_L,File,_),_) -->
[ '~*|!!! ~a redefines ~q from ~a.' - [8,File, Mod:N/A, I0] ].
main_message(style_check(discontiguous(N,A,Mod),_P,_T,_M), _) -->
[ 'discontiguous definition for ~p.' - [Mod:N/A] ].
[ '~*|!!! !!! discontiguous definition for ~p.' - [8,Mod:N/A] ].
main_message(error(Msg,Info), _) --> {var(Info)}, !,
[ nl, '~internal YAP problem, incomplete message ~w~n.' - [Msg], nl ].
main_message(error(consistency_error(Who), [Where|_]), _Source) -->
[ 'argument ~a not consistent with ~q.'-[Who,Where] ].
[ nl, '~*|!!! found internal YAP problem, incomplete message ~w~n.' - [8,Msg], nl ].
main_message(error(consistency_error(Who)), _Source) -->
[ '~*|!!! has argument ~a not consistent with type.'-[8,Who] ].
main_message(error(domain_error(Who , Type), _Where), _Source) -->
[ 'value ~a should be in ~q,' - [Who,Type], nl ].
[ '~*|!!! ~q does not belong to domain ~a,' - [8,Who,Type], nl ].
main_message(error(evaluation_error(What), _Where), _Source) -->
[ ' ~a during evaluation of arithmetic expressions,' - [What], nl ].
main_message(error(existence_error(Who , Type), _Where), _Source) -->
[ '~a ~q could not be found,' - [Who, Type], nl ].
[ '~*|!!! caused ~a during evaluation of arithmetic expressions,' - [8,What], nl ].
main_message(error(existence_error(Type , Who), _Where), _Source) -->
[ '~*|!!! ~q ~a could not be found,' - [8,Type, Who], nl ].
main_message(error(permission_error(Op, Type, Id), _Where), _Source) -->
[ ' ~q not allowed in ~a ~q,' - [Id, Type, Op], nl ].
main_message(error(instantiation_error), _Source) -->
[ 'unbound variable' - [], nl ].
[ '~*|!!! ~q is not allowed in ~a ~q,' - [8, Op, Type,Id], nl ].
main_message(error(instantiation_error, _Where), _Source) -->
[ '~*|!!! unbound variable' - [8], nl ].
main_message(error(representation_error), _Source) -->
[ 'unbound variable' - [], nl ].
[ '~*|!!! unbound variable' - [8], nl ].
main_message(error(type_error(Type,Who), _What), _Source) -->
[ ' ~q should be of type ~a' - [Who,Type], nl ].
[ '~*|!!! ~q should be of type ~a' - [8,Who,Type], nl ].
main_message(error(uninstantiation_error(T),_), _Source) -->
[ 'found ~q, expected unbound variable ' - [T], nl ].
[ '~*|!!! found ~q, expected unbound variable ' - [8,T], nl ].
stack_dump(_) --> !.
stack_dump(error(_,_)) -->
{ fail },
{ recorded(sp_info,local_sp(_Msg,_P,CP,_PP,Envs,CPs),_) },
{ Envs = [_|_] ; CPs = [_|_] }, !,
caller( error(_,Term), _) -->
{ lists:memberchk([p|p(M,Na,Ar,File,FilePos)], Term ) },
{ lists:memberchk([g|g(Call)], Term) },
['~*|goal was ~q' - [10,Call]],
'$hacks':display_stack_info(CPs, Envs, 20, CP).
['~*|exception raised from ~a:~q/~d, ~a:~d:0. '-[10,M,Na,Ar,File, FilePos]],
caller( error(_,Term), _) -->
{ lists:memberchk([e|p(M,Na,Ar,File,FilePos)], Term ) },
['~*|exception raised from ~a:~q/~d, ~a:~d:0. '-[10,M,Na,Ar,File, FilePos]],
caller( error(_,Term), _) -->
{ lists:memberchk([g|g(Call)], Term) },
['~*|goal ~q '-[10,Call]],
caller( _, _) -->
c_goal( error(_,Term), Level ) -->
{ lists:memberchk([c|c(File, Line, Func)], Term ) },
['~*|~a raised at C-function ~a() in ~a/~d:0. '-[10, Level, Func, File, Line]],
c_goal( _, _Level ) --> [].
prolog_message(X) -->
@ -386,8 +367,7 @@ system_message(error(permission_error(access,static_procedure,P), Where)) -->
system_message(error(permission_error(alias,new,P), Where)) -->
[ 'PERMISSION ERROR- ~w: cannot create alias ~w' - [Where,P] ].
system_message(error(permission_error(create,Name,P), Where)) -->
{ object_name(Name, ObjName) },
[ 'PERMISSION ERROR- ~w: cannot create ~a ~w' - [Where,ObjName,P] ].
[ 'PERMISSION ERROR- ~w: cannot create ~a ~w' - [Where,Name,P] ].
system_message(error(permission_error(import,M1:I,redefined,SecondMod), Where)) -->
[ 'PERMISSION ERROR- loading ~w: modules ~w and ~w both define ~w' - [Where,M1,SecondMod,I] ].
system_message(error(permission_error(input,binary_stream,Stream), Where)) -->
@ -536,7 +516,11 @@ domain_error(write_option, Opt) --> !,
domain_error(Domain, Opt) -->
[ '~w not a valid element for ~w' - [Opt,Domain] ].
extra_info( _ ) --> [].
extra_info( error(_,Extra), _ ) -->
{lists:memberchk([i|Msg], Extra)}, !,
[' Comments: ~s~nx.' - [Msg] ].
extra_info( _, _ ) -->
object_name(array, array).
object_name(atom, atom).
@ -553,6 +537,7 @@ object_name(float, float).
object_name(in_byte, byte).
object_name(in_character, character).
object_name(integer, integer).
object_name(key, 'database key').
object_name(leash_mode, 'leash mode').
object_name(library, library).