move to SWI like interface.

This commit is contained in:
Vitor Santos Costa 2010-03-08 09:24:24 +00:00
parent 53b4828000
commit dd3645b5c8
1 changed files with 15 additions and 41 deletions

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@ -37,17 +37,27 @@
'$project_and_delayed_goals'(G,LGs) :-
'$att_vars'(G, LAV),
LAV = [_|_], !,
% SICStus compatible step,
% just try to simplify store by projecting constraints
% over query variables.
'$project_attributes'(LAV, G),
% now get a list of frozen goals.
'$att_vars'(G, NLAV),
'$get_goalist_from_attvars'(NLAV, LGs).
'$att_vars'(Term, LAV) :-
term_variables(Term, TVars),
'$select_atts'(TVars, LAV).
'$select_atts'([], []).
'$select_atts'(V.TVars, V.LAV) :-
attvar(V), !,
'$select_atts'(TVars, LAV).
'$select_atts'(V.TVars, LAV) :-
'$select_atts'(TVars, LAV).
% wake_up_goal is called by the system whenever a suspended goal
@ -553,7 +563,8 @@ frozen(V, LG) :-
'$fetch_same_done_goals'(G0, D0, LV, GF).
call_residue_vars(Goal,Residue) :-
call_residue_vars(Goal,Vars) :-
@ -575,50 +586,13 @@ call_residue_vars(Goal,Residue) :-
'$ord_remove'([V1|Vss], Vs0s, Residue)
copy_term(Term, Copy, Goals) :-
term_variables(Term, TVars),
'$get_goalist_from_attvars'(TVars, Goals0),
copy_term_nat([Term|Goals0], [Copy|Goals]).
call_residue(Goal,Residue) :-
var(Goal), !,
call_residue(Module:Goal,Residue) :-
atom(Module), !,
call_residue(Goal,Residue) :-
'$call_residue'(Goal,Module,Residue) :-
copy_term_nat(Goal, NGoal),
( '$set_svar_list'(CurrentAttsList),
'$add_vs_to_vlist'(Residue0, Residue),
( '$set_svar_list'(OldAttsList),
copy_term_nat(NGoal+NResidue, Goal+Residue)
'$set_svar_list'(CurrentAttsList), fail
'$set_svar_list'(OldAttsList), fail
'$add_vs_to_vlist'([], []).
'$add_vs_to_vlist'([G|Residue0], [Vs-G|Residue]) :-
term_variables(G, TVs),
'$pick_att_vars'(TVs, Vs),
'$add_vs_to_vlist'(Residue0, Residue).
% make sure we set the suspended goal list to its previous state!
'$residue_catch_trap'(Error,OldAttsList) :-
% make sure we have installed a SICStus like constraint solver.
'$project_attributes'(_, _) :-
'$undefined'(modules_with_attributes(_),attributes), !.