missing variable when converting from P to S representation.

git-svn-id: https://yap.svn.sf.net/svnroot/yap/trunk@641 b08c6af1-5177-4d33-ba66-4b1c6b8b522a
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vsc 2002-10-17 19:06:44 +00:00
parent b1b021d168
commit e19f91db60
1 changed files with 3 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -233,19 +233,19 @@ p_to_s_graph(P_Graph, S_Graph) :-
p_to_s_group(VertexSet, EdgeSet, S_Graph).
p_to_s_vertices([], []) :- !.
p_to_s_vertices([], []).
p_to_s_vertices([A-Z|Edges], [A,Z|Vertices]) :-
p_to_s_vertices(Edges, Vertices).
p_to_s_group([], _, []) :- !.
p_to_s_group([], _, []).
p_to_s_group([Vertex|Vertices], EdgeSet, [Vertex-Neibs|G]) :-
p_to_s_group(EdgeSet, Vertex, Neibs, RestEdges),
p_to_s_group(Vertices, RestEdges, G).
p_to_s_group([V1-X|Edges], V2, [X|Neibs], RestEdges) :- V1 == V2, !,
p_to_s_group(Edges, V, Neibs, RestEdges).
p_to_s_group(Edges, V2, Neibs, RestEdges).
p_to_s_group(Edges, _, [], Edges).