allow unification not to bound a variable.

This commit is contained in:
Vitor Santos Costa 2009-09-09 17:59:49 -05:00
parent 1e905eb5ef
commit e1a724e456

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@ -164,9 +164,22 @@ woken_att_do(AttVar, Binding) :-
modules_with_attributes(Mods), modules_with_attributes(Mods),
find_used(Mods,Mods0,[],ModsI), find_used(Mods,Mods0,[],ModsI),
do_verify_attributes(ModsI, AttVar, Binding, Goals), do_verify_attributes(ModsI, AttVar, Binding, Goals),
bind_attvar(AttVar), process_goals(Goals, NGoals, DoNotBind),
( DoNotBind == true
do_hook_attributes(SWIAtts, Binding), do_hook_attributes(SWIAtts, Binding),
lcall(Goals). lcall(NGoals).
% dirty trick to be able to unbind a variable that has been constrained.
process_goals([], [], _).
process_goals((M:do_not_bind_variable(Gs)).Goals, (M:Gs).NGoals, true) :- !,
process_goals(Goals, NGoals, _).
process_goals(G.Goals, G.NGoals, Do) :-
process_goals(Goals, NGoals, Do).
find_used([],_,L,L). find_used([],_,L,L).
find_used([M|Mods],Mods0,L0,Lf) :- find_used([M|Mods],Mods0,L0,Lf) :-