more SWI emulation.

This commit is contained in:
Vítor Santos Costa 2010-06-23 11:49:34 +01:00
parent f5b006a94b
commit efa64ba6c4
7 changed files with 2627 additions and 2 deletions

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srcdir=@srcdir@ srcdir=@srcdir@
PROGRAMS= $(srcdir)/ \ PROGRAMS= $(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \ $(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \ $(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \ $(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \ $(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \ $(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ $(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \
$(srcdir)/ \
install: $(PROGRAMS) install: $(PROGRAMS)

LGPL/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2007, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(base64,
[ base64/2, % ?PlainText, ?Encoded
base64//1 % ?PlainText
/** <module> Base64 encoding and decoding
Prolog-based base64 encoding using DCG rules. Encoding according to
rfc2045. For example:
1 ?- base64('Hello World', X).
X = 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ='
2 ?- base64(H, 'SGVsbG8gV29ybGQ=').
H = 'Hello World'
@tbd Stream I/O
@tbd White-space introduction and parsing
@author Jan Wielemaker
%% base64(+Plain, -Encoded) is det.
%% base64(-Plain, +Encoded) is det.
% Translates between plaintext and base64 encoded atom or string.
% See also base64//1.
base64(Plain, Encoded) :-
nonvar(Plain), !,
atom_codes(Plain, PlainCodes),
phrase(base64(PlainCodes), EncCodes),
atom_codes(Encoded, EncCodes).
base64(Plain, Encoded) :-
nonvar(Encoded), !,
atom_codes(Encoded, EncCodes),
phrase(base64(PlainCodes), EncCodes),
atom_codes(Plain, PlainCodes).
base64(_, _) :-
throw(error(instantiation_error, _)).
%% base64(+PlainText)// is det.
%% base64(-PlainText)// is det.
% Encode/decode list of character codes using _base64_. See also
% base64/2.
base64(Input) -->
{ nonvar(Input) }, !,
base64(Output) -->
encode([I0, I1, I2|Rest]) --> !,
[O0, O1, O2, O3],
{ A is (I0<<16)+(I1<<8)+I2,
O00 is (A>>18) /\ 0x3f,
O01 is (A>>12) /\ 0x3f,
O02 is (A>>6) /\ 0x3f,
O03 is A /\ 0x3f,
base64_char(O00, O0),
base64_char(O01, O1),
base64_char(O02, O2),
base64_char(O03, O3)
encode([I0, I1]) --> !,
[O0, O1, O2, 0'=],
{ A is (I0<<16)+(I1<<8),
O00 is (A>>18) /\ 0x3f,
O01 is (A>>12) /\ 0x3f,
O02 is (A>>6) /\ 0x3f,
base64_char(O00, O0),
base64_char(O01, O1),
base64_char(O02, O2)
encode([I0]) --> !,
[O0, O1, 0'=, 0'=],
{ A is (I0<<16),
O00 is (A>>18) /\ 0x3f,
O01 is (A>>12) /\ 0x3f,
base64_char(O00, O0),
base64_char(O01, O1)
encode([]) -->
decode(Text) -->
[C0, C1, C2, C3], !,
{ base64_char(B0, C0),
base64_char(B1, C1)
}, !,
{ C3 == 0'=
-> ( C2 == 0'=
-> A is (B0<<18) + (B1<<12),
I0 is (A>>16) /\ 0xff,
Text = [I0|Rest]
; base64_char(B2, C2)
-> A is (B0<<18) + (B1<<12) + (B2<<6),
I0 is (A>>16) /\ 0xff,
I1 is (A>>8) /\ 0xff,
Text = [I0,I1|Rest]
; base64_char(B2, C2),
base64_char(B3, C3)
-> A is (B0<<18) + (B1<<12) + (B2<<6) + B3,
I0 is (A>>16) /\ 0xff,
I1 is (A>>8) /\ 0xff,
I2 is A /\ 0xff,
Text = [I0,I1,I2|Rest]
decode([]) -->
base64_char(00, 0'A).
base64_char(01, 0'B).
base64_char(02, 0'C).
base64_char(03, 0'D).
base64_char(04, 0'E).
base64_char(05, 0'F).
base64_char(06, 0'G).
base64_char(07, 0'H).
base64_char(08, 0'I).
base64_char(09, 0'J).
base64_char(10, 0'K).
base64_char(11, 0'L).
base64_char(12, 0'M).
base64_char(13, 0'N).
base64_char(14, 0'O).
base64_char(15, 0'P).
base64_char(16, 0'Q).
base64_char(17, 0'R).
base64_char(18, 0'S).
base64_char(19, 0'T).
base64_char(20, 0'U).
base64_char(21, 0'V).
base64_char(22, 0'W).
base64_char(23, 0'X).
base64_char(24, 0'Y).
base64_char(25, 0'Z).
base64_char(26, 0'a).
base64_char(27, 0'b).
base64_char(28, 0'c).
base64_char(29, 0'd).
base64_char(30, 0'e).
base64_char(31, 0'f).
base64_char(32, 0'g).
base64_char(33, 0'h).
base64_char(34, 0'i).
base64_char(35, 0'j).
base64_char(36, 0'k).
base64_char(37, 0'l).
base64_char(38, 0'm).
base64_char(39, 0'n).
base64_char(40, 0'o).
base64_char(41, 0'p).
base64_char(42, 0'q).
base64_char(43, 0'r).
base64_char(44, 0's).
base64_char(45, 0't).
base64_char(46, 0'u).
base64_char(47, 0'v).
base64_char(48, 0'w).
base64_char(49, 0'x).
base64_char(50, 0'y).
base64_char(51, 0'z).
base64_char(52, 0'0).
base64_char(53, 0'1).
base64_char(54, 0'2).
base64_char(55, 0'3).
base64_char(56, 0'4).
base64_char(57, 0'5).
base64_char(58, 0'6).
base64_char(59, 0'7).
base64_char(60, 0'8).
base64_char(61, 0'9).
base64_char(62, 0'+).
base64_char(63, 0'/).

LGPL/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2006, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(broadcast,
[ listen/3, % Listener x Templ x Goal
listen/2, % Templ x Goal
unlisten/1, % Listener
unlisten/2, % Listener x Templ
unlisten/3, % Listener x Templ x Goal
listening/3, % Listener x Templ x Goal
broadcast/1, % Templ
broadcast_request/1 % Templ
:- meta_predicate
listen(+, :),
listen(+, +, :),
unlisten(+, +, :).
:- dynamic
/** <module> Event service
Generic broadcasting service. Broadcasts are made using the predicate
broadcast(+Templ). All registered `listeners' will have their goal
called. Success or failure of this is ignored. The listener can not bind
This library is particulary useful for disconnecting modules in an
application. Modules can broadcast events such as changes, anticipating
other modules need to react on such changes. For example,
broadcasts changes to settings, allowing dependent modules to react on
:- listing(setting(changed(http:workers, New)),
change_workers(New) :-
setting(http:port, Port),
http_workers(Port, New).
%% listen(+Listener, +Templ, :Goal) is det.
%% listen(+Templ, :Goal) is det.
% Open a channel for listening for events of the given `Templ'.
listen(Listener0, Templ, Goal) :-
canonical_listener(Listener0, Listener),
strip_module(Goal, Module, TheGoal),
assert_listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal).
listen(Templ, Goal) :-
strip_module(Goal, Module, TheGoal),
assert_listener(Templ, Module, Module, TheGoal).
%% unlisten(+Listener) is det.
%% unlisten(+Listener, +Templ) is det.
%% unlisten(+Listener, +Templ, :Goal) is det.
% Destroy a channel. All arguments may be variables, removing the
% all matching listening channals.
unlisten(Listener0) :-
canonical_listener(Listener0, Listener),
retractall(listener(_, Listener, _, _)).
unlisten(Listener0, Templ) :-
canonical_listener(Listener0, Listener),
retractall(listener(Templ, Listener, _, _)).
unlisten(Listener0, Templ, Goal) :-
canonical_listener(Listener0, Listener),
( var(Goal)
-> true
; strip_module(Goal, Module, TheGoal)
retract_listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal).
%% listening(?Listener, ?Templ, ?Goal) is nondet.
% returns currently open channels
listening(Listener0, Templ, Module:Goal) :-
canonical_listener(Listener0, Listener),
listener(Templ, Listener, Module, Goal).
%% broadcast(+Templ) is det.
% Broadcast given event.
broadcast(Templ) :-
( listener(Templ, _Listener, Module, Goal),
( Module:Goal
-> fail
; true
%% broadcast_request(+Templ) is nonet.
% Broadcast given event till accepted. Succeeds then, fail if no
% listener accepts the call. Bindings made by the listener goal
% are maintained. May be used to make broadcast requests.
broadcast_request(Templ) :-
listener(Templ, _Listener, Module, Goal),
% {assert,retract}_listener(+Templ, +Listener, +Module, +Goal)
% Implemented as sub-predicate to ensure storage in this module.
% Second registration is ignored. Is this ok? It avoids problems
% using multiple registration of global listen channels.
assert_listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal) :-
listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal), !.
assert_listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal) :-
asserta(listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal)).
retract_listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal) :-
retractall(listener(Templ, Listener, Module, TheGoal)).
%% canonical_listener(+Raw, -Canonical)
% Entry for later optimization.
canonical_listener(Templ, Templ).
:- multifile
user:goal_expansion(listen(L,T,G0), listen(L,T,G)) :-
expand_goal(G0, G).
user:goal_expansion(listen(T,G0), listen(T,G)) :-
expand_goal(G0, G).
user:goal_expansion(unlisten(L,T,G0), unlisten(L,T,G)) :-
expand_goal(G0, G).

LGPL/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2008, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(quintus,
[ % unix/1,
% file_exists/1,
% statistics/2, % Please access as quintus:statistics/2
date/1, % -date(Year, Month, Day)
current_stream/3, % ?File, ?Mode, ?Stream
stream_position/3, % +Stream, -Old, +New
skip_line/1, % +Stream
compile/1, % +File(s)
midstring/3, % ABC, B, AC
midstring/4, % ABC, B, AC, LenA
midstring/5, % ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB
midstring/6, % ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, LenC
raise_exception/1, % +Exception
on_exception/3 % +Ball, :Goal, :Recover
:- use_module(library(lists), [member/2]).
/** <module> Quintus compatibility
This module defines several predicates from the Quintus Prolog
libraries. Note that our library structure is totally different. If this
library were complete, Prolog code could be ported by removing the
use_module/1 declarations, relying on the SWI-Prolog autoloader.
Bluffers guide to porting:
* Remove =|use_module(library(...))|=
* Run =|?- list_undefined.|=
* Fix problems
Of course, this library is incomplete ...
% %% unix(+Action)
% % interface to Unix.
% unix(system(Command)) :-
% shell(Command).
% unix(shell(Command)) :-
% shell(Command).
% unix(shell) :-
% shell.
% unix(access(File, 0)) :-
% access_file(File, read).
% unix(cd) :-
% expand_file_name(~, [Home]),
% working_directory(_, Home).
% unix(cd(Dir)) :-
% working_directory(_, Dir).
% unix(args(L)) :-
% current_prolog_flag(argv, L).
% unix(argv(L)) :-
% current_prolog_flag(argv, S),
% maplist(to_prolog, S, L).
% to_prolog(S, A) :-
% name(S, L),
% name(A, L).
%% otherwise
% For (A -> B ; otherwise -> C)
% otherwise.
%% abs(+Number, -Absolute)
% Unify `Absolute' with the absolute value of `Number'.
abs(Number, Absolute) :-
Absolute is abs(Number).
%% sin(+Angle, -Sine) is det.
%% cos(+Angle, -Cosine) is det.
%% tan(+Angle, -Tangent) is det.
%% log(+X, -NatLog) is det.
%% log10(+X, -Log) is det.
% Math library predicates. SWI-Prolog (and ISO) support these as
% functions under is/2, etc.
sin(A, V) :- V is sin(A).
cos(A, V) :- V is cos(A).
tan(A, V) :- V is tan(A).
log(A, V) :- V is log(A).
log10(X, V) :- V is log10(X).
pow(X,Y,V) :- V is X**Y.
ceiling(X, V) :- V is ceil(X).
floor(X, V) :- V is floor(X).
round(X, V) :- V is round(X).
sqrt(X, V) :- V is sqrt(X).
acos(X, V) :- V is acos(X).
asin(X, V) :- V is asin(X).
atan(X, V) :- V is atan(X).
atan2(Y, X, V) :- V is atan(Y, X).
sign(X, V) :- V is sign(X).
%% genarg(?Index, +Term, ?Arg) is nondet.
% Generalised version of ISO arg/3. SWI-Prolog's arg/3 is already
% genarg/3.
genarg(N, T, A) :- % SWI-Prolog arg/3 is generic
arg(N, T, A).
%% prolog_flag(?Flag, ?Value) is nondet.
% Same as ISO current_prolog_flag/2. Maps =version=.
% @bug Should map relevant Quintus flag identifiers.
% prolog_flag(version, Version) :- !,
% current_prolog_flag(version_data, swi(Major, Minor, Patch, _)),
% current_prolog_flag(arch, Arch),
% current_prolog_flag(compiled_at, Compiled),
% atomic_list_concat(['SWI-Prolog ',
% Major, '.', Minor, '.', Patch,
% ' (', Arch, '): ', Compiled], Version).
% prolog_flag(Flag, Value) :-
% current_prolog_flag(Flag, Value).
% Here used to be a definition of Quintus statistics/2 in traditional
% SWI-Prolog statistics/2. The current built-in emulates Quintus
% almost completely.
%% date(-Date) is det.
% Get current date as date(Y,M,D)
date(Date) :-
stamp_date_time(T, DaTime, local),
date_time_value(date, DaTime, Date).
%% no_style_check(Style) is det.
% Same as SWI-Prolog =|style_check(-Style)|=. The Quintus option
% =single_var= is mapped to =singleton=.
% @see style_check/1.
q_style_option(single_var, singleton) :- !.
q_style_option(Option, Option).
% no_style_check(QOption) :-
% q_style_option(QOption, SWIOption),
% style_check(-SWIOption).
% :- op(1150, fx, [(mode), (public)]).
% mode(_).
% public(_).
%% simple(@Term) is semidet.
% Term is atomic or a variable.
% simple(X) :-
% ( atomic(X)
% -> true
% ; var(X)
% ).
%% current_stream(?Object, ?Mode, ?Stream)
% SICStus/Quintus and backward compatible predicate. New code should
% be using the ISO compatible stream_property/2.
% current_stream(Object, Mode, Stream) :-
% stream_property(Stream, mode(FullMode)),
% stream_mode(FullMode, Mode),
% ( stream_property(Stream, file_name(Object0))
% -> true
% ; stream_property(Stream, file_no(Object0))
% -> true
% ; Object0 = []
% ),
% Object = Object0.
% stream_mode(read, read).
% stream_mode(write, write).
% stream_mode(append, write).
% stream_mode(update, write).
% %% stream_position(+Stream, -Old, +New)
% stream_position(Stream, Old, New) :-
% stream_property(Stream, position(Old)),
% set_stream_position(Stream, New).
%% skip_line is det.
%% skip_line(Stream) is det.
% Skip the rest of the current line (on Stream). Same as
% =|skip(0'\n)|=.
skip_line :-
skip_line(Stream) :-
skip(Stream, 10).
%% compile(+Files) is det.
% Compile files. SWI-Prolog doesn't distinguish between
% compilation and consult.
% @see load_files/2.
% :- meta_predicate
% compile(:).
% compile(Files) :-
% consult(Files).
%% atom_char(+Char, -Code) is det.
%% atom_char(-Char, +Code) is det.
% Same as ISO char_code/2.
atom_char(Char, Code) :-
char_code(Char, Code).
%% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC) is nondet.
%% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA) is nondet.
%% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB) is nondet.
%% midstring(?ABC, ?B, ?AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) is nondet.
% Too difficult to explain. See the Quintus docs. As far as I
% understand them the code below emulates this function just fine.
midstring(ABC, B, AC) :-
midstring(ABC, B, AC, _, _, _).
midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA) :-
midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, _, _).
midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB) :-
midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, _).
midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) :- % -ABC, +B, +AC
var(ABC), !,
atom_length(AC, LenAC),
( nonvar(LenA) ; nonvar(LenC)
-> plus(LenA, LenC, LenAC)
; true
sub_atom(AC, 0, LenA, _, A),
LenC is LenAC - LenA,
sub_atom(AC, _, LenC, 0, C),
atom_length(B, LenB),
atomic_list_concat([A,B,C], ABC).
midstring(ABC, B, AC, LenA, LenB, LenC) :-
sub_atom(ABC, LenA, LenB, LenC, B),
sub_atom(ABC, 0, LenA, _, A),
sub_atom(ABC, _, LenC, 0, C),
atom_concat(A, C, AC).
%% raise_exception(+Term)
% Quintus compatible exception handling
% raise_exception(Term) :-
% throw(Term).
%% on_exception(+Template, :Goal, :Recover)
:- meta_predicate
on_exception(+, 0, 0).
% on_exception(Except, Goal, Recover) :-
% catch(Goal, Except, Recover).

LGPL/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,629 @@
/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2007, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(settings,
[ setting/4, % :Name, +Type, +Default, +Comment
setting/2, % :Name, ?Value
set_setting/2, % :Name, +Value
set_setting_default/2, % :Name, +Value
restore_setting/1, % :Name
load_settings/1, % +File
load_settings/2, % +File, +Options
save_settings/1, % +File
current_setting/1, % Module:Name
setting_property/2, % ?Setting, ?Property
convert_setting_text/3 % +Type, +Text, -Value
:- use_module(library(error)).
:- use_module(library(broadcast)).
:- use_module(library(debug)).
:- use_module(library(option)).
/** <module> Setting management
This library allows management of configuration settings for Prolog
applications. Applications define settings in one or multiple files
using the directive setting/4 as illustrated below:
:- use_module(library(setting)).
:- setting(version, atom, '1.0', 'Current version').
:- setting(timeout, number, 20, 'Timeout in seconds').
The directive is subject to term_expansion/2, which guarantees proper
synchronisation of the database if source-files are reloaded. This
implies it is *not* possible to call setting/4 as a predicate.
Settings are local to a module. This implies they are defined in a
two-level namespace. Managing settings per module greatly simplifies
assembling large applications from multiple modules that configuration
through settings. This settings management library ensures proper
access, loading and saving of settings.
@see library(config) distributed with XPCE provides an alternative
aimed at graphical applications.
@author Jan Wielemaker
:- dynamic
st_value/3, % Name, Module, Value
st_default/3, % Name, Module, Value
local_file/1. % Path
:- multifile
current_setting/6. % Name, Module, Type, Default, Comment, Source
:- meta_predicate
setting(:, +, +, +),
setting(:, ?),
set_setting(:, +),
set_setting_default(:, +),
curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default, Comment) :-
current_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default0, Comment, _Src),
( st_default(Name, Module, Default1)
-> Default = Default1
; Default = Default0
%% setting(Name, Type, Default, Comment) is det.
% Define a setting. Name denotes the name of the setting, Type its
% type. Default is the value before it is modified. Default refer
% to environment variables and use arithmetic expressions as
% defined by eval_default/4.
% @param Name Name of the setting (an atom)
% @param Type Type for setting. One of =any= or a type defined
% by must_be/2.
% @param Default Default value for the setting.
% @param Comment Atom containing a (short) descriptive note.
setting(Name, Type, Default, Comment) :-
setting(Name, Type, Default, Comment)),
:- multifile
system:term_expansion((:- setting(QName, Type, Default, Comment)),
Expanded) :-
prolog_load_context(module, M0),
strip_module(M0:QName, Module, Name),
must_be(atom, Name),
to_atom(Comment, CommentAtom),
eval_default(Default, Module, Type, Value),
check_type(Type, Value),
( current_setting(Name, Module, _, _, _, OldLoc)
-> format(string(Message),
'Already defined at: ~w', [OldLoc]),
throw(error(permission_error(redefine, setting, Module:Name),
context(Message, _)))
; source_location(File, Line)
-> Expanded = settings:current_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default,
CommentAtom, File:Line)
to_atom(Atom, Atom) :-
atom(Atom), !.
to_atom(String, Atom) :-
format(atom(Atom), '~s', String).
%% setting(:Name, ?Value) is nondet.
% True if Name is a currently defined setting with Value.
% @error existence_error(setting, Name)
setting(QName, Value) :-
strip_module(QName, Module, Name),
( ground(Name)
-> ( st_value(Name, Module, Value0)
-> Value = Value0
; curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default, _)
-> eval_default(Default, Module, Type, Value)
; existence_error(setting, Module:Name)
; current_setting(Name, Module, _, _, _, _),
setting(Module:Name, Value)
:- dynamic
:- volatile
%% clear_setting_cache is det.
% Clear the cache for evaluation of default values.
clear_setting_cache :-
%% eval_default(+Default, +Module, +Type, -Value) is det.
% Convert the settings default value. The notation allows for some
% `function-style' notations to make the library more generic:
% * env(Name)
% Get value from the given environment variable. The value
% is handed to convert_setting_text/3 to convert the
% textual representation into a Prolog term. Raises an
% existence_error of the variable is not defined.
% * env(Name, Default)
% As env(Name), but uses the value Default if the variable
% is not defined.
% * setting(Name)
% Ask the value of another setting.
% * Expression
% If Type is numeric, evaluate the expression. env(Var)
% evaluates to the value of an environment variable.
% If Type is =atom=, concatenate A+B+.... Elements of the
% expression can be env(Name).
:- multifile
eval_default/3. % +Default, +Type, -Value
eval_default(Default, _, Type, Value) :-
eval_default(Default, Type, Val), !,
Value = Val.
eval_default(Default, _, _, Value) :-
atomic(Default), !,
Value = Default.
eval_default(Default, _, Type, Value) :-
setting_cache(Default, Type, Val), !,
Value = Val.
eval_default(env(Name), _, Type, Value) :- !,
( getenv(Name, TextValue)
-> convert_setting_text(Type, TextValue, Val),
assert(setting_cache(env(Name), Type, Val)),
Value = Val
; existence_error(environment_variable, Name)
eval_default(env(Name, Default), _, Type, Value) :- !,
( getenv(Name, TextValue)
-> convert_setting_text(Type, TextValue, Val)
; Value = Default
assert(setting_cache(env(Name), Type, Val)),
Value = Val.
eval_default(setting(Name), Module, Type, Value) :- !,
strip_module(Module:Name, M, N),
setting(M:N, Value),
must_be(Type, Value).
eval_default(Expr, _, Type, Value) :-
numeric_type(Type, Basic), !,
Val0 is Expr,
( Basic == float
-> Val is float(Val0)
; Basic = integer
-> Val is round(Val0)
; Val = Val0
assert(setting_cache(Expr, Type, Val)),
Value = Val.
eval_default(A+B, Module, atom, Value) :- !,
phrase(expr_to_list(A+B, Module), L),
atomic_list_concat(L, Val),
assert(setting_cache(A+B, atom, Val)),
Value = Val.
eval_default(List, Module, list(Type), Value) :- !,
eval_list_default(List, Module, Type, Val),
assert(setting_cache(List, list(Type), Val)),
Value = Val.
eval_default(Default, _, _, Default).
%% eval_list_default(+List, +Module, +ElementType, -DefaultList)
% Evaluate the default for a list of values.
eval_list_default([], _, _, []).
eval_list_default([H0|T0], Module, Type, [H|T]) :-
eval_default(H0, Module, Type, H),
eval_list_default(T0, Module, Type, T).
%% expr_to_list(+Expression, +Module)// is det.
% Process the components to create an atom. Atom concatenation is
% expressed as A+B. Components may refer to envrionment variables.
expr_to_list(A+B, Module) --> !,
expr_to_list(A, Module),
expr_to_list(B, Module).
expr_to_list(env(Name), _) --> !,
( { getenv(Name, Text) }
-> [Text]
; { existence_error(environment_variable, Name) }
expr_to_list(env(Name, Default), _) --> !,
( { getenv(Name, Text) }
-> [Text]
; [Default]
expr_to_list(setting(Name), Module) --> !,
{ strip_module(Module:Name, M, N),
setting(M:N, Value)
[ Value ].
expr_to_list(A, _) -->
%% env(+Name:atom, -Value:number) is det.
%% env(+Name:atom, +Default:number, -Value:number) is det
% Evaluate environment variables on behalf of arithmetic
% expressions.
:- arithmetic_function(env/1).
:- arithmetic_function(env/2).
env(Name, Value) :-
( getenv(Name, Text)
-> convert_setting_text(number, Text, Value)
; existence_error(environment_variable, Name)
env(Name, Default, Value) :-
( getenv(Name, Text)
-> convert_setting_text(number, Text, Value)
; Value = Default
%% numeric_type(+Type, -BaseType)
% True if Type is a numeric type and BaseType is the associated
% basic Prolog type. BaseType is one of =integer=, =float= or
% =number=.
numeric_type(integer, integer).
numeric_type(nonneg, integer).
numeric_type(float, float).
numeric_type(between(L,_), Type) :-
( integer(L) -> Type = integer ; Type = float ).
%% set_setting(:Name, +Value) is det.
% Change a setting. Performs existence and type-checking for the
% setting. If the effective value of the setting is changed it
% broadcasts the event below.
% settings(changed(Module:Name, Old, New))
% @error existence_error(setting, Name)
% @error type_error(Type, Value)
set_setting(QName, Value) :-
strip_module(QName, Module, Name),
must_be(atom, Name),
( curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default0, _Comment),
eval_default(Default0, Module, Type, Default)
-> ( Value == Default
-> retract_setting(Module:Name)
; st_value(Name, Module, Value)
-> true
; check_type(Type, Value)
-> setting(Module:Name, Old),
assert_setting(Module:Name, Value),
broadcast(settings(changed(Module:Name, Old, Value))),
clear_setting_cache % might influence dependent settings.
; existence_error(setting, Name)
retract_setting(Module:Name) :-
retractall(st_value(Name, Module, _)).
assert_setting(Module:Name, Value) :-
assert(st_value(Name, Module, Value)).
%% restore_setting(:Name) is det.
% Restore the value of setting Name to its default. Broadcast a
% change like set_setting/2 if the current value is not the
% default.
restore_setting(QName) :-
strip_module(QName, Module, Name),
must_be(atom, Name),
( st_value(Name, Module, Old)
-> retract_setting(Module:Name),
setting(Module:Name, Value),
( Old \== Value
-> broadcast(settings(changed(Module:Name, Old, Value)))
; true
; true
%% set_setting_default(:Name, +Default) is det.
% Change the default for a setting. The effect is the same as
% set_setting/2, but the new value is considered the default when
% saving and restoring a setting. It is intended to change
% application defaults in a particular context.
set_setting_default(QName, Default) :-
strip_module(QName, Module, Name),
must_be(atom, Name),
( current_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default0, _Comment, _Src)
-> retractall(settings:st_default(Name, Module, _)),
( Default == Default0
-> true
; assert(settings:st_default(Name, Module, Default))
eval_default(Default, Module, Type, Value),
set_setting(Module:Name, Value)
; existence_error(setting, Module:Name)
%% check_type(+Type, +Term)
% Type checking for settings. Currently simply forwarded to
% must_be/2.
check_type(Type, Term) :-
must_be(Type, Term).
* FILE *
%% load_settings(File) is det.
%% load_settings(File, +Options) is det.
% Load local settings from File. Succeeds if File does not exist,
% setting the default save-file to File. Options are:
% * undefined(+Action)
% Define how to handle settings that are not defined. When
% =error=, an error is printed and the setting is ignored.
% when =load=, the setting is loaded anyway, waiting for a
% definition.
load_settings(File) :-
load_settings(File, []).
load_settings(File, Options) :-
absolute_file_name(File, Path,
[ access(read),
]), !,
open(Path, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]),
read_setting(In, T0),
call_cleanup(load_settings(T0, In, Options), close(In)),
load_settings(File, _) :-
absolute_file_name(File, Path,
[ access(write),
]), !,
load_settings(_, _).
load_settings(end_of_file, _, _) :- !.
load_settings(Setting, In, Options) :-
catch(store_setting(Setting, Options), E,
print_message(warning, E)),
read_setting(In, Next),
load_settings(Next, In, Options).
read_setting(In, Term) :-
read_term(In, Term,
[ errors(dec10)
%% store_setting(Term, +Options)
% Store setting loaded from file in the Prolog database.
store_setting(setting(Module:Name, Value), _) :-
curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default0, _Commentm), !,
eval_default(Default0, Module, Type, Default),
( Value == Default
-> true
; check_type(Type, Value)
-> retractall(st_value(Name, Module, _)),
assert(st_value(Name, Module, Value)),
broadcast(settings(changed(Module:Name, Default, Value)))
store_setting(setting(Module:Name, Value), Options) :- !,
( option(undefined(load), Options, load)
-> retractall(st_value(Name, Module, _)),
assert(st_value(Name, Module, Value))
; existence_error(setting, Module:Name)
store_setting(Term, _) :-
type_error(setting, Term).
%% save_settings is det.
%% save_settings(+File) is det.
% Save modified settings to File.
save_settings :-
local_file(File), !,
save_settings(File) :-
absolute_file_name(File, Path,
[ access(write)
]), !,
open(Path, write, Out,
[ encoding(utf8),
forall(current_setting(Name, Module, _, _, _, _),
save_setting(Out, Module:Name)),
write_setting_header(Out) :-
format_time(string(Date), '%+', Now),
format(Out, '/* Saved settings~n', []),
format(Out, ' Date: ~w~n', [Date]),
format(Out, '*/~n~n', []).
save_setting(Out, Module:Name) :-
curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default, Comment),
( st_value(Name, Module, Value),
\+ ( eval_default(Default, Module, Type, DefValue),
debug(setting, '~w <-> ~w~n', [DefValue, Value]),
DefValue =@= Value
-> format(Out, '~n% ~w~n', [Comment]),
format(Out, 'setting(~q:~q, ~q).~n', [Module, Name, Value])
; true
%% current_setting(?Setting) is nondet.
% True if Setting is a currently defined setting
current_setting(Setting) :-
ground(Setting), !,
strip_module(Setting, Module, Name),
current_setting(Name, Module, _, _, _, _).
current_setting(Module:Name) :-
current_setting(Name, Module, _, _, _, _).
%% setting_property(+Setting, +Property) is det.
%% setting_property(?Setting, ?Property) is nondet.
% Query currently defined settings. Property is one of
% * comment(-Atom)
% * type(-Type)
% Type of the setting.
% * default(-Default)
% Default value. If this is an expression, it is
% evaluated.
setting_property(Setting, Property) :-
ground(Setting), !,
Setting = Module:Name,
curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default, Comment), !,
setting_property(Property, Module, Type, Default, Comment).
setting_property(Setting, Property) :-
Setting = Module:Name,
curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default, Comment),
setting_property(Property, Module, Type, Default, Comment).
setting_property(type(Type), _, Type, _, _).
setting_property(default(Default), M, Type, Default0, _) :-
eval_default(Default0, M, Type, Default).
setting_property(comment(Comment), _, _, _, Comment).
%% list_settings
% List settings to =current_output=.
list_settings :-
format('~w~t~20| ~w~w~t~40| ~w~n', ['Name', 'Value (*=modified)', '', 'Comment']),
list_setting(Module:Name) :-
curr_setting(Name, Module, Type, Default0, Comment),
eval_default(Default0, Module, Type, Default),
setting(Module:Name, Value),
( Value \== Default
-> Modified = (*)
; Modified = ''
format('~w~t~20| ~q~w~t~40| ~w~n', [Module:Name, Value, Modified, Comment]).
%% convert_setting_text(+Type, +Text, -Value)
% Converts from textual form to Prolog Value. Used to convert
% values obtained from the environment. Public to provide support
% in user-interfaces to this library.
% @error type_error(Type, Value)
:- multifile
convert_text/3. % +Type, +Text, -Value
convert_setting_text(Type, Text, Value) :-
convert_text(Type, Text, Value), !.
convert_setting_text(atom, Value, Value) :- !,
must_be(atom, Value).
convert_setting_text(boolean, Value, Value) :- !,
must_be(boolean, Value).
convert_setting_text(integer, Atom, Number) :- !,
term_to_atom(Term, Atom),
Number is round(Term).
convert_setting_text(float, Atom, Number) :- !,
term_to_atom(Term, Atom),
Number is float(Term).
convert_setting_text(between(L,U), Atom, Number) :- !,
( integer(L)
-> convert_setting_text(integer, Atom, Number)
; convert_setting_text(float, Atom, Number)
must_be(between(L,U), Number).
convert_setting_text(Type, Atom, Term) :-
term_to_atom(Term, Atom),
must_be(Type, Term).

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/* $Id$
Part of SWI-Prolog
Author: Jan Wielemaker
Copyright (C): 1985-2005, University of Amsterdam
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
As a special exception, if you link this library with other files,
compiled with a Free Software compiler, to produce an executable, this
library does not by itself cause the resulting executable to be covered
by the GNU General Public License. This exception does not however
invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be covered by
the GNU General Public License.
:- module(utf8,
[ utf8_codes//1 % ?String
%% utf8_codes(?Codes)// is det.
% DCG translating between a Unicode code-list and its UTF-8
% encoded byte-string. The DCG works two ways. Encoding a
% code-list to a UTF-8 byte string is achieved using
% phrase(utf8_codes(Codes), UTF8)
% The algorithm is a close copy of the C-algorithm used
% internally and defined in src/pl-utf8.c
% NOTE: in many cases you can avoid this library and leave
% encoding and decoding to I/O streams. If only part of the data
% is to be encoded the encoding of a stream can be switched
% temporary using set_stream(Stream, encoding(utf8))
utf8_codes([H|T]) -->
utf8_code(H), !,
utf8_codes([]) -->
utf8_code(C) -->
{ nonvar(C0) }, !, % decoding version
( {C0 < 0x80}
-> {C = C0}
; {C0/\0xe0 =:= 0xc0}
-> utf8_cont(C1, 0),
{C is (C0/\0x1f)<<6\/C1}
; {C0/\0xf0 =:= 0xe0}
-> utf8_cont(C1, 6),
utf8_cont(C2, 0),
{C is ((C0/\0xf)<<12)\/C1\/C2}
; {C0/\0xf8 =:= 0xf0}
-> utf8_cont(C1, 12),
utf8_cont(C2, 6),
utf8_cont(C3, 0),
{C is ((C0/\0x7)<<18)\/C1\/C2\/C3}
; {C0/\0xfc =:= 0xf8}
-> utf8_cont(C1, 18),
utf8_cont(C2, 12),
utf8_cont(C3, 6),
utf8_cont(C4, 0),
{C is ((C0/\0x3)<<24)\/C1\/C2\/C3\/C4}
; {C0/\0xfe =:= 0xfc}
-> utf8_cont(C1, 24),
utf8_cont(C2, 18),
utf8_cont(C3, 12),
utf8_cont(C4, 6),
utf8_cont(C5, 0),
{C is ((C0/\0x1)<<30)\/C1\/C2\/C3\/C4\/C5}
utf8_code(C) -->
{ nonvar(C) }, !, % encoding version
( { C < 0x80 }
-> [C]
; { C < 0x800 }
-> { C0 is 0xc0\/((C>>6)/\0x1f),
C1 is 0x80\/(C/\0x3f)
; { C < 0x10000 }
-> { C0 is 0xe0\/((C>>12)/\0x0f),
C1 is 0x80\/((C>>6)/\0x3f),
C2 is 0x80\/(C/\0x3f)
; { C < 0x200000 }
-> { C0 is 0xf0\/((C>>18)/\0x07),
C1 is 0x80\/((C>>12)/\0x3f),
C2 is 0x80\/((C>>6)/\0x3f),
C3 is 0x80\/(C/\0x3f)
; { C < 0x4000000 }
-> { C0 is 0xf8\/((C>>24)/\0x03),
C1 is 0x80\/((C>>18)/\0x3f),
C2 is 0x80\/((C>>12)/\0x3f),
C3 is 0x80\/((C>>6)/\0x3f),
C4 is 0x80\/(C/\0x3f)
; { C < 0x80000000 }
-> { C0 is 0xfc\/((C>>30)/\0x01),
C1 is 0x80\/((C>>24)/\0x3f),
C2 is 0x80\/((C>>18)/\0x3f),
C3 is 0x80\/((C>>12)/\0x3f),
C4 is 0x80\/((C>>6)/\0x3f),
C5 is 0x80\/(C/\0x3f)
utf8_cont(Val, Shift) -->
{ C/\0xc0 =:= 0x80,
Val is (C/\0x3f)<<Shift