duplcated data is bad
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
Installing YAP {#install}
YAP=6.3.4 is a [`cmake`]() based system. We discuss how to use `cmake`
to install YAP, and what are the major options.
Compiling YAP {#CompilingYAP}
To compile YAP it should be sufficient to:
2 create a directory, say `Build` and `cd` to the directory (`cd Build`).
obs: avoid compiling YAP in the src directory, some packages do not allow for that.
1 run `cmake`, ideally using a cmake above 3.0.
2 `make`.
3 If the compilation succeeds, try `./yap`.
4 If you feel satisfied with the result, do `make install`.
5 In most systems you will need to be superuser in order to do
`make install` and `make info` on the standard directories.
Tuning the Functionality of YAP
By default, YAP supports tabling, depth first search, and most features found in
modern Prologs. In some cases, you may want to suport extra features, or reduce system size.
`cmake`provides an graphical interface for doing so. From the commmand line, a typical example could be:
The first argument says that this is a release, compiled with full optimisation. The second argument says YAP should install under the ~ drectory. In this case, YAP will add the binaries to ~/bin, include files to `~/include/Yap`, Prolog files to `~/share/Yap`, and ay DLL to `~/lib/Yap`.
Options include:
+ `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`: the two main options are `Debug`, for system development, and Release. to use the system.
+ `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`: where to install YAP, by default `/usr/local`.
+ WITH_DEPTH_LIMIT allows depth limited evaluation, say for
implementing iterative deepening (default)
+ `WITH_CALL_TRACER` allows support for tracing all calls,
retries, and backtracks in the system. This can help in debugging your
application, but results in performance loss (enabled in Debug).
+ `WITH_WAM_PROFILER` allows profiling of abstract machine
instructions. This is useful when developing YAP, should not be so
useful for normal users (not currently supportted)
+ `WITH_YAP_CONDOR` allows using the Condor system that
support High Throughput Computing (HTC) on large collections of
distributively owned computing resources (not yet available)
+ `WITH_TABLING` allows tabling support (default)
+ `WITH_YAPOR_COPY` allows
or-parallelism according to the Muse-based, YapOR model. This option is
still highly experimental.
+ `WITH_GMP` give a path to where one can find the
`GMP` library if not installed in the default path.
It is highly advised to have GMP in your compilation environment.
+ `WITH_READLINE` give a path to where one can find the
`readline` library if not installed in the default path.
It is highly advised in Unix-like environments but not useful in Windows.
+ `-WITH_Threads` allows using of the multi-threading
predicates provided by YAP.
You may also want to use a different compilation environment. As an example:
cmake -GXcode ..
will generate files for compilation of YAP within Apple's Xcode IDE.
You can also use `xcodebuild` from the command line.
@ -1,165 +1,115 @@

NOTE: this version of YAP is stil experimental, documentation may be out of date.
This directory contains a release of the YAP 6.3.* Prolog system,
originally developed at the Universidade do Porto by Luis Damas and
Vitor Santos Costa. YAP contains the SWI-Prolog I/O library anad a
number of SWI-Prolog packages, originally developed by Jan Wielemaker
and other. It includes contributions from the Edinburgh Prolog
library, the C-Prolog manual authors, Ricardo Lopes, Ricardo Rocha,
M. Hermenegildo, D. Cabeza, Eric Alphonse, Paulo Moura, Nuno Fonseca,
Jan Wielemaker, Paul Singleton, Fred Dushin, Markus Triska, Ulrich
Neumerkel, and many others. You should read the rest of this file for
information on what YAP is and for instructions on how to build it.
## Introduction
YAP 6 has been built with several versions on GCC on a variety of
Linux, BDS, and MacOSX configurations. It has been built on Windows7
using the mingw toolkit and cygwin from Cygnus Solutions.
This document provides User information on version 6.3.4 of
YAP (<em>Yet Another Prolog</em>). The YAP Prolog System is a
high-performance Prolog compiler developed at Universidade do
Porto. YAP supports stream Input/Output, sockets, modules,
exceptions, Prolog debugger, C-interface, dynamic code, internal
database, DCGs, saved states, co-routining, arrays, threads.
The main core of the YAP distribution is distributed under a dual
license: the Perl Artistic license 2 and the FSF's LGPL. The YAP
distribution also contains files distributed under the LGPL
exclusively, and under the GPL.
We explicitly allow both commercial and non-commercial use of YAP.
The YAP distribution includes several packages ported to YAP. We would
like to take the opportunity to thank the developers of these packages
for their generosity in allowing YAP to distribute these packages. Any
bugs in these packages are probably our fault.
If you have a question about this software, desire to add code, found
a bug, want to request a feature, or wonder how to get further
assistance, please send e-mail to yap-users@lists.sourceforge.net. To
subscribe to the mailing list or access the list archives, please see
Online documentation is available for YAP at:
Recent versions of YAP, including both source and selected binaries,
can be found from this same URL.
## What is YAP
The YAP Prolog System is a high-performance Prolog compiler developed
at LIACC, Universidade do Porto. YAP provides several important
o speed: YAP is widely considered one of the fastest available Prolog
o functionality: it supports stream I/O, sockets, modules,
exceptions, Prolog debugger, C-interface, dynamic code, internal
database, DCGs, saved states, co-routining, arrays.
o we explicitly allow both commercial and non-commercial use of YAP.
YAP is based on the David H. D. Warren's WAM (Warren Abstract
Machine), with several optimizations for better performance. YAP
follows the Edinburgh tradition, and was originally designed to be
largely compatible with DEC-10 Prolog, Quintus Prolog, and especially
with C-Prolog.
YAP is based on the David H. D. Warren's WAM (Warren Abstract Machine),
with several optimizations for better performance. YAP follows the
Edinburgh tradition, and was originally designed to be largely
compatible with DEC-10 Prolog, Quintus Prolog, and especially with
C-Prolog. More recently, we have worked on being compatible with SICStus Prolog and with SWI-Prolog.
YAP implements most of the ISO-Prolog standard. We are striving at
full compatibility. Moreover, we are working on integrating YAP on
multi-programming language environments.
## Obtaining YAP's development sources.
full compatibility, and the manual describes what is still
The document is intended neither as an introduction to Prolog nor to the
implementation aspects of the compiler. A good introduction to
programming in Prolog is the book @cite TheArtOfProlog , by
L. Sterling and E. Shapiro, published by "The MIT Press, Cambridge
MA". Other references should include the classical @cite ProgrammingInProlog , by W.F. Clocksin and C.S. Mellish, published by
YAP is now being maintained using the git source management system. A
public repository is available at
YAP 6.3.4 has been built with the gcc and clang compilers on Linux and OSX machines. We expect to recover support for WIN32 machines and
Android next.
The overall copyright and permission notice for YAP4.3 can be found in
the Artistic file in this directory. YAP follows the Perl Artistic
license, and it is thus non-copylefted freeware. Some components of YAP have been obtained from SWI Prolog and ciao, and have
different licenses.
Please use
If you have a question about this software, desire to add code, found a
bug, want to request a feature, or wonder how to get further assistance,
please send e-mail to <yap-users AT lists.sourceforge.net>. To
subscribe to the mailing list, visit the page
git clone git://git.code.sf.net/p/yap/yap-6.3
to obtain a copy of the current YAP tree.
Notice that the current version of YAP does not use submodules
3. How to compile YAP
First, make sure you have gmp and readline *development* packages
installed (that is, the headers and libraries). If you are in a WIN32
environment you will still need GMP.
Now, to compile YAP from the source directory just do:
(1) ./configure
(2) check the Makefile for any extensions or changes you want to make.
(3) make
(4) If the compilation succeeds, try ./yap
(5) Happy? "make install"
(6) "make install_info" will create the info files in the standard
info directory.
(7) "make html" will create documentation in html format in the
current directory.
In most systems you will need to be superuser so that "make
install" can write on the standard system directories.
# Where to install YAP
YAP now uses cmake. Still, YAP try to follow GNU conventions on where
to place software. By default, the home location is /usr/local on Unix,
Linux, and OS/X machines.
You can use the `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX` variable to set the YAP default
home directory. Use the graphical interface to cmake, or from the command line
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/home/xpto
# Which YAP to compile
Compiling YAP with the standard options give you a Prolog with
tabling. You can tune YAP to use extra functionality by using the
following options to configure:
Compilation options:
* -`DWITH_Threads=ON` enables POSIX thread support. The threads library
mostly follows the SWI design: each thread has its own stack, and
they all share the same data-base.
* -`DWITH_CALL_TRACER=ON` allows support for tracing all calls,
retries, and backtracks in the system. This can help in debugging a
application, but results in performance loss. It is default in debug mode.
# Packages and Interface Libraries
YAP includes a number of interface libraries. Some, like the Java
interface JPL, have been ported from other Prologs (often from
SWI-Prolog). Others, like the python and swig interface, have been
developed within YAP.
As an example:
`-DWITH_CUDD` enables compilation of the CUDD library, used by
packages such as PFL/CLP(BN) and ProbLog. The source of the CUDD
package is available from:
Fedora Linux and MacPorts have cudd packages. In the case of Fedora,
install cudd-devel. Ask vsc@dcc.fc.up.pt for a WIN32/WIN64 port
The cmake graphical interface lists all currently available external packages.
On-line documentation is available for [YAP](http://www.dcc.fp.pt/~vsc/yap/)
We are happy to include in YAP several excellent packages developed
under separate licenses. Our thanks to the authors for their kind
authorization to include these packages.
The packages are, in alphabetical order:
+ The CHR package developed by Tom Schrijvers,
Christian Holzbaur, and Jan Wielemaker.
+ The CLP(BN) package and Horus toolkit developed by Tiago Gomes, and Vítor Santos Costa.
+ The CLP(R) package developed by Leslie De Koninck, Bart Demoen, Tom
Schrijvers, and Jan Wielemaker, based on the CLP(Q,R) implementation
by Christian Holzbaur.
+ The CPLint package developed by Fabrizio Riguzzi's research
laboratory at the [University of Ferrara](http://www.ing.unife.it/Docenti/FabrizioRiguzzi/)
+ The CUDA interface package developed by Carlos Martínez, Jorge
Buenabad, Inês Dutra and Vítor Santos Costa.
+ The [GECODE](http://www.gecode.org) interface package developed by Denys Duchier and Vítor Santos Costa.
+ The [JPL](http://www.swi-prolog.org/packages/jpl/) (Java-Prolog Library) package developed by .
The minisat SAT solver interface developed by Michael Codish,
Vitaly Lagoon, and Peter J. Stuckey.
+ The MYDDAS relational data-base interface developed at the
Universidade do Porto by Tiago Soares, Michel Ferreira, and Ricardo Rocha.
+ The [PRISM](http://rjida.meijo-u.ac.jp/prism/) logic-based
programming system for statistical modeling developed at the Sato
Research Laboratory, TITECH, Japan.
+ The ProbLog 1 system developed by the [ProbLog](https://dtai.cs.kuleuven.be/problog) team in the
DTAI group of KULeuven.
+ The [R](http://stoics.org.uk/~nicos/sware/packs/real/) interface package developed by Nicos Angelopoulos,
Vítor Santos Costa, João Azevedo, Jan Wielemaker, and Rui Camacho.
Downloading YAP {#download}
The latest development version of Yap-6 is yap-6.3.4 and can be
obtained from the repositories
YAP-6.3.4 does not use modules. Please just use `git clone` to obtain the distribution.
Most of these repositories are basically copies of the original
repositories at the SWI-Prolog site. YAP-6 will work either with or
without these packages.
@ -41,64 +41,6 @@ Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual prov
Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.
Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions.

This file contains extracts of the SWI-Prolog manual, as written by Jan
Wielemaker. Our thanks to the author for his kind permission in allowing
us to include his text in this document.
## Introduction
This document provides User information on version 6.3.4 of
YAP (<em>Yet Another Prolog</em>). The YAP Prolog System is a
high-performance Prolog compiler developed at Universidade do
Porto. YAP supports stream Input/Output, sockets, modules,
exceptions, Prolog debugger, C-interface, dynamic code, internal
database, DCGs, saved states, co-routining, arrays, threads.
We explicitly allow both commercial and non-commercial use of YAP.
YAP is based on the David H. D. Warren's WAM (Warren Abstract Machine),
with several optimizations for better performance. YAP follows the
Edinburgh tradition, and was originally designed to be largely
compatible with DEC-10 Prolog, Quintus Prolog, and especially with
C-Prolog. More recently, we have worked on being compatible with SICStus Prolog and with SWI-Prolog.
YAP implements most of the ISO-Prolog standard. We are striving at
full compatibility, and the manual describes what is still
The document is intended neither as an introduction to Prolog nor to the
implementation aspects of the compiler. A good introduction to
programming in Prolog is the book @cite TheArtOfProlog , by
L. Sterling and E. Shapiro, published by "The MIT Press, Cambridge
MA". Other references should include the classical @cite ProgrammingInProlog , by W.F. Clocksin and C.S. Mellish, published by
YAP 6.3.4 has been built with the gcc and clang compilers on Linux and OSX machines. We expect to recover support for WIN32 machines and
Android next.
The overall copyright and permission notice for YAP4.3 can be found in
the Artistic file in this directory. YAP follows the Perl Artistic
license, and it is thus non-copylefted freeware. Some components of YAP have been obtained from SWI Prolog and ciao, and have
different ;icenses.
If you have a question about this software, desire to add code, found a
bug, want to request a feature, or wonder how to get further assistance,
please send e-mail to <yap-users AT lists.sourceforge.net>. To
subscribe to the mailing list, visit the page
On-line documentation is available for YAP at:
Recent versions of YAP, including both source and selected binaries,
can be found from this same URL.
This manual was written by Vítor Santos Costa,
Luís Damas, Rogério Reis, and Rúben Azevedo. The
manual is largely based on the DECsystem-10 Prolog User's Manual by
@ -110,438 +52,7 @@ from
Jan Wielemaker. We would also like to gratefully
acknowledge the contributions from Ashwin Srinivasian.
We are happy to include in YAP several excellent packages developed
under separate licenses. Our thanks to the authors for their kind
authorization to include these packages.
The packages are, in alphabetical order:
+ The CHR package developed by Tom Schrijvers,
Christian Holzbaur, and Jan Wielemaker.
+ The CLP(BN) package and Horus toolkit developed by Tiago Gomes, and Vítor Santos Costa.
+ The CLP(R) package developed by Leslie De Koninck, Bart Demoen, Tom
Schrijvers, and Jan Wielemaker, based on the CLP(Q,R) implementation
by Christian Holzbaur.
+ The CPLint package developed by Fabrizio Riguzzi's research
laboratory at the University of Ferrara. Please see
+ The CUDA interface package developed by Carlos Martínez, Jorge
Buenabad, Inês Dutra and Vítor Santos Costa.
+ The GECODE interface package developed by Denys Duchier and Vítor Santos Costa.
+ The JPL (Java-Prolog Library) package developed by .
The minisat SAT solver interface developed by Michael Codish,
Vitaly Lagoon, and Peter J. Stuckey.
+ The MYDDAS relational data-base interface developed at the
Universidade do Porto by Tiago Soares, Michel Ferreira, and Ricardo Rocha.
+ The PRISM logic-based
programming system for statistical modeling developed at the Sato
Research Laboratory, TITECH, Japan.
+ The ProbLog 1 system developed by the ProbLog team in the
DTAI group of KULeuven. For general information on ProbLog 1 and 2, please see
+ The `real` R interface package developed by Nicos Angelopoulos,
Vítor Santos Costa, João Azevedo, Jan Wielemaker, and Rui Camacho.
+ YAP includes the `yap2swi` library that ports to YAP code from
of SWI's PL interface. This includes the Input/Output Layer, the SWI
Foreign Language Interface, and the RDF, archive, clib, http, odbc, plunit,
semweb, sgml, and zlib packages written by Jan Wielemaker.
Downloading YAP {#download}
The latest development version of Yap-6 is yap-6.3.4 and can be
obtained from the repositories
YAP-6.3.4 does not use repositories. Please just use `git clone` to obtain the distribution.
Most of these repositories are basically copies of the original
repositories at the SWI-Prolog site. YAP-6 will work either with or
without these packages.
Installing YAP {#install}
YAP is a `ccmake` based system. We discuss how to use `cmake`
to install YAP, and what are the major options.
Compiling YAP {#CompilingYAP}
To compile YAP it should be sufficient to:
2 create a directory, say `Build`.
obs: please avoid compiling YAP in the src directory, some packages do not allow for that.
1 run `cmake`, ideally using a cmake above 3.0.
2 `make`.
3 If the compilation succeeds, try `./yap`.
4 If you feel satisfied with the result, do `make install`.
5 In most systems you will need to be superuser in order to do
`make install` and `make info` on the standard directories.
Tuning the Functionality of YAP
By default, YAP supports tabling, depth first search, and most features found in
modern Prologs. In some cases, you may want to suport extra features, or reduce system size.
`cmake`provides an graphical interface for doing so. From the commmand line, a typical example could be:
Options include:
+ `CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE`: the two main options are Debug, for system development, and Release. to use the system.
+ `CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX`: where to install YAP
+ WITH_DEPTH_LIMIT allows depth limited evaluation, say for
implementing iterative deepening (default)
+ `WITH_CALL_TRACER` allows support for tracing all calls,
retries, and backtracks in the system. This can help in debugging your
application, but results in performance loss (enabled in Debug).
+ `WITH_WAM_PROFILER` allows profiling of abstract machine
instructions. This is useful when developing YAP, should not be so
useful for normal users (not currently supportted)
+ `WITH_YAP_CONDOR` allows using the Condor system that
support High Throughput Computing (HTC) on large collections of
distributively owned computing resources (not yet available)
+ `WITH_TABLING` allows tabling support (default)
+ `WITH_YAPOR_COPY` allows
or-parallelism according to the Muse-based, YapOR model. This option is
still highly experimental.
/*+ `--with-max-workers` allows definition of the maximum
number of parallel processes (its value can be consulted at runtime
using the flag `max_workers`).*/
+ `WITH_GMP` give a path to where one can find the
`GMP` library if not installed in the default path. It is highly advised to have GMP in your compilation environment.
+ `WITH_READLINE` give a path to where one can find the
`readline` library if not installed in the default path. It is highly advised in Unix-like environments.
+ `-WITH_Threads` allows using of the multi-threading
predicates provided by YAP. Depending on the operating system, the
option `--enable-pthread-locking` may also need to be used.
/*+ `--with-max-threads` allows definition of the maximum
number of threads (the default value is 1024; its value can be consulted
at runtime using the flag [max_threads](@ref max_threads)).*/
Next section discusses machine dependent details, and it is out-of-date.
Tuning YAP for a Particular Machine and Compiler {#Machine_Options}
The default options should give you best performance under
`GCC`. Although the system is tuned for this compiler
we have been able to compile versions of YAP under lcc in Linux,
Sun's cc compiler, IBM's xlc, SGI's cc, and Microsoft's Visual C++
### Tuning YAP for `GCC`. {#Tuning_for_GCC}
YAP has been developed to take advantage of `GCC` (but not to
depend on it). The major advantage of `GCC` is threaded code and
explicit register reservation.
YAP is set by default to compile with the best compilation flags we
know. Even so, a few specific options reduce portability. The option
+ `--enable-max-performance=yes` will try to support the best
available flags for a specific architectural model. Currently, the option
assumes a recent version of `GCC`.
+ `--enable-debug-yap` compiles YAP so that it can be debugged
by tools such as `dbx` or `gdb`.
Here follow a few hints:
On x86 machines the flags:
tells us to use the `%bp` register (frame-pointer) as the emulator's
program counter. This seems to be stable and is now default.
On Sparc/Solaris2 use:
and YAP will get two extra registers! This trick does not work on
SunOS 4 machines.
Note that versions of GCC can be tweaked to recognize different
processors within the same instruction set, e.g. 486, Pentium, and
PentiumPro for the x86; or Ultrasparc, and Supersparc for
Sparc. Unfortunately, some of these tweaks do may make YAP run slower or
not at all in other machines with the same instruction set, so they
cannot be made default.
Last, the best options also depends on the version of GCC you are using, and
it is a good idea to consult the GCC manual under the menus "Invoking
GCC"/"Submodel Options". Specifically, you should check
`-march=XXX` for recent versions of GCC/EGCS. In the case of
`GCC2.7` and other recent versions of `GCC` you can check:
+ 486:
In order to take advantage of 486 specific optimizations in GCC 2.7.\*:
YAP_EXTRAS= ... -m486 -DBP_FREE=1
+ Pentium:
YAP_EXTRAS= ... -m486 -malign-loops=2 -malign-jumps=2 \
+ PentiumPro and other recent Intel and AMD machines:
PentiumPros are known not to require alignment. Check your version of
`GCC` for the best `-march` option.
+ Super and UltraSparcs:
YAP_EXTRAS= ... -msupersparc
+ MIPS: if have a recent machine and you need a 64 bit wide address
space you can use the abi 64 bits or eabi option, as in:
CC="gcc -mabi=64" ./configure --...
Be careful. At least for some versions of `GCC`, compiling with
`-g` seems to result in broken code.
### Compiling Under MINGW's GCC {#Compiling_under_mingw}
AT the time of this writing (Nov 2014), YAP uses the mkwin script to
compile in WIN32. The script requires either a WIN32 environment, or a
cross-compiler/emulator package.
YAP has been known to compile under VISUAL C++, and should compile and
work under cygwin, but the favorite approach is to use a native
msys/mingw environment. This approach has two key advantages:
+ it does not need an interface layer and a DLL, like cygwin.
+ it enables cross-compilation.
YAP uses rge `mkwin` script to generate a new YAP installer. The script is
controlled by a set of of variables that should be defined early on in
the text. It executes by first calling `configure`, next running `make`, and
last (if all went well) executing `nsys`.
In more detail, the following mingw based environments have been
tested to develop YAP:
* MSYS 1 and mingw32/64: most WIN32 development did occur in this
native environment. Best results were achieved with
MSYS-1.0.* and TDM-GCC:
mingw: http://www.mingw.org/
original msys: http://www.mingw.org/wiki/MSYS
mingw64: http://mingw-w64.sourceforge.net/
TDM-GCC: http://tdm-gcc.tdragon.net/
* This distribution was compiled with the MSYS2 integrated
development, that supports 32 and 64 bit compilation. Setting up
MSYS2 should be done with care, but it is worth it as the
distribution works nicely in MINGW32 and MINGW64 mode. A third
compilation mode, MSYS mode, has problems with compiling sockets.
msys2: http://sourceforge.net/projects/msys2/
* cygwin and cygwin64 now can generate native applications
cygwin: https://www.cygwin.com/
* Linux has a nice cross-compilation environment, with some of the best
work done for Fedora.
fedora mingw cross-compiler: http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/MinGW/CrossCompilerFramework
One problem is that this environment requires emulation of WIN32
executables to generate the initial saved state and to compile
`chr`. `wine` sometimes does the task, but it sometimes fails.
* OSX has the `mxe` package, a port of mingw that is in active
mxe: http://mxe.cc/
Note that OSX has technical limitations that preclude porting
wine64. wine32 is distributed with package managers such as ports
and brew.
### Setting up WIN32 compilation
Compiling WIN32 packages depends on a number of parameters: chosen compiler,
packages to install, directory setup. You may have to change these ones that
control the `mkwin` script:
* `VER`: major/minor number
* `PATCHID`: third digit
* `SRC`: directory containing yap sources, in the local environment notation.
* `SRC_WIN`: same, but in WIN32 standard notation.
* `THREADS`: yes or no? controllable from the command line.
* `ABI`: "32" or "64", controllable from the command line.
* `NSIS`: installer generator, usually "/c/Program Files (x86)/NSIS/makensis".
* `DOCS_DIR`: where you have the doxygen output.
* `GCC_DIR`: root of gcc seup.
* `HOST`: argument to `--host` configure command.
* `BUILD`: build directory
* `GMP`: multi-precision package; yes, no, or the installation directory; usually in the distribution.
* `CUDD`: BDD package, usually in the distribution.
* `JAVA`: Java sdk directory, usually in the distribution.
* `PYTHON`: Python package, usually in the distribution.
* `R`: R environment package, usually in the distribution.
* `GECODE`: constraint solver package, usually not in the WIN32 distribution.
### Compiling Under Visual C++ {#Compiling_Under_Visual_C}
YAP used to compile cleanly under Microsoft's Visual C++ release 6.0. We next
give a step-by-step review on how the core YAP compiled manually using this
environment. Newer versions of YAP will use cmake for this purpose.
First, it is a good idea to build YAP as a DLL:
+ create a project named yapdll using File.New. The project will be a
DLL project, initially empty.
Notice that either the project is named yapdll or you must replace the
preprocessors variable _$YAPDLL_EXPORTS_ to match your project names
in the files YAPInterface.h and `c_interface.c`.
+ add all .c files in the $YAPSRC/C directory and in the
$YAPSRC\\OPTYAP directory to the Project's `Source Files` (use
+ add all .h files in the _$YAPSRC/H_ directory,
_$YAPSRC\\include_ directory and in the _$YAPSRC\\OPTYAP_
subdirectory to the Project's `Header Files`.
+ Ideally, you should now use `m4` to generate extra .h from .m4 files and use
`configure` to create a `config.h`. Or, you can be lazy, and
fetch these files from _$YAPSRC\\VC\\include_.
+ You may want to go to `Build.Set Active Configuration` and
set `Project Type` to `Release`
+ To use YAP's own include directories you have to set the Project
option `Project.Project Settings.C/C++.Preprocessor.Additional Include Directories` to include the directories _$YAPSRC\\H_,
_$YAPSRC\\VC\\include_, _$YAPSRC\\OPTYAP_ and
_$YAPSRC\\include_. The syntax is:
+ Build: the system should generate an yapdll.dll and an yapdll.lib.
+ Copy the file yapdll.dll to your path. The file
yapdll.lib should also be copied to a location where the linker can find it.
Now you are ready to create a console interface for YAP:
<li>create a second project say `wyap` with `File.New`. The project will be a
WIN32 console project, initially empty.
+ add _$YAPSRC\\console\\yap.c_ to the `Source Files`.
+ add _$YAPSRC\\VC\\include\\config.h_ and the files in _$YAPSRC\\include_ to
the `Header Files`.
+ You may want to go to `Build.Set Active Configuration` and set
`Project Type` to `Release`.
+ you will eventually need to bootstrap the system by booting from
`boot.yap`, so write:
-b $YAPSRC\pl\boot.yap
in `Project.Project Settings.Debug.Program Arguments`.
+ You need the sockets and yap libraries. Add
ws2_32.lib yapdll.lib
to `Project.Project Settings.Link.Object/Library Modules`
You may also need to set the `Link Path` so that VC++ will find `yapdll.lib`.
+ set `Project.Project Settings.C/C++.Preprocessor.Additional Include Directories` to include the
_$YAPSRC/VC/include_ and
The syntax is:
$YAPSRC\VC\include, $YAPSRC\include
+ Build the system.
+ Use `Build.Start Debug` to boot the system, and then create the saved state with
That's it, you've got YAP and the saved state!
Loading and Organising YAP Programs {#consult}
Reference in New Issue
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