add missing files

This commit is contained in:
Tiago Gomes 2012-04-05 23:04:27 +01:00
parent d1b25f0864
commit f1d52c0389
4 changed files with 892 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,496 @@
#include <cassert>
#include <limits>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>
#include "BpSolver.h"
#include "FactorGraph.h"
#include "Factor.h"
#include "Indexer.h"
#include "Horus.h"
BpSolver::BpSolver (const FactorGraph& fg) : Solver (fg)
factorGraph_ = &fg;
BpSolver::~BpSolver (void)
for (unsigned i = 0; i < varsI_.size(); i++) {
delete varsI_[i];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facsI_.size(); i++) {
delete facsI_[i];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
delete links_[i];
BpSolver::runSolver (void)
clock_t start;
if (Constants::COLLECT_STATS) {
start = clock();
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 2) {
cout << endl;
if (nIters_ < BpOptions::maxIter) {
cout << "Sum-Product converged in " ;
cout << nIters_ << " iterations" << endl;
} else {
cout << "The maximum number of iterations was hit, terminating..." ;
cout << endl;
unsigned size = factorGraph_->varNodes().size();
if (Constants::COLLECT_STATS) {
unsigned nIters = 0;
bool loopy = factorGraph_->isTree() == false;
if (loopy) nIters = nIters_;
double time = (double (clock() - start)) / CLOCKS_PER_SEC;
Statistics::updateStatistics (size, loopy, nIters, time);
BpSolver::getPosterioriOf (VarId vid)
assert (factorGraph_->getVarNode (vid));
VarNode* var = factorGraph_->getVarNode (vid);
Params probs;
if (var->hasEvidence()) {
probs.resize (var->range(), LogAware::noEvidence());
probs[var->getEvidence()] = LogAware::withEvidence();
} else {
probs.resize (var->range(), LogAware::multIdenty());
const SpLinkSet& links = ninf(var)->getLinks();
if (Globals::logDomain) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
Util::add (probs, links[i]->getMessage());
LogAware::normalize (probs);
Util::fromLog (probs);
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
Util::multiply (probs, links[i]->getMessage());
LogAware::normalize (probs);
return probs;
BpSolver::getJointDistributionOf (const VarIds& jointVarIds)
int idx = -1;
VarNode* vn = factorGraph_->getVarNode (jointVarIds[0]);
const FactorNodes& factorNodes = vn->neighbors();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < factorNodes.size(); i++) {
if (factorNodes[i]->factor()->contains (jointVarIds)) {
idx = i;
if (idx == -1) {
return getJointByConditioning (jointVarIds);
} else {
Factor res (*factorNodes[idx]->factor());
const SpLinkSet& links = ninf(factorNodes[idx])->getLinks();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
Factor msg (links[i]->getVariable()->varId(),
getVar2FactorMsg (links[i]));
res.multiply (msg);
res.sumOutAllExcept (jointVarIds);
res.reorderArguments (jointVarIds);
Params jointDist = res.params();
if (Globals::logDomain) {
Util::fromLog (jointDist);
return jointDist;
BpSolver::runLoopySolver (void)
nIters_ = 0;
while (!converged() && nIters_ < BpOptions::maxIter) {
nIters_ ++;
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 2) {
Util::printHeader (" Iteration " + nIters_);
cout << endl;
switch (BpOptions::schedule) {
case BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_RANDOM:
random_shuffle (links_.begin(), links_.end());
// no break
case BpOptions::Schedule::SEQ_FIXED:
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
calculateAndUpdateMessage (links_[i]);
case BpOptions::Schedule::PARALLEL:
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
calculateMessage (links_[i]);
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
case BpOptions::Schedule::MAX_RESIDUAL:
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 2) {
cout << endl;
BpSolver::initializeSolver (void)
const VarNodes& varNodes = factorGraph_->varNodes();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < varsI_.size(); i++) {
delete varsI_[i];
varsI_.reserve (varNodes.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < varNodes.size(); i++) {
varsI_.push_back (new SPNodeInfo());
const FactorNodes& facNodes = factorGraph_->factorNodes();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facsI_.size(); i++) {
delete facsI_[i];
facsI_.reserve (facNodes.size());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facNodes.size(); i++) {
facsI_.push_back (new SPNodeInfo());
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
delete links_[i];
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
FactorNode* src = links_[i]->getFactor();
VarNode* dst = links_[i]->getVariable();
ninf (dst)->addSpLink (links_[i]);
ninf (src)->addSpLink (links_[i]);
BpSolver::createLinks (void)
const FactorNodes& facNodes = factorGraph_->factorNodes();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < facNodes.size(); i++) {
const VarNodes& neighbors = facNodes[i]->neighbors();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < neighbors.size(); j++) {
links_.push_back (new SpLink (facNodes[i], neighbors[j]));
BpSolver::converged (void)
if (links_.size() == 0) {
return true;
if (nIters_ == 0 || nIters_ == 1) {
return false;
bool converged = true;
if (BpOptions::schedule == BpOptions::Schedule::MAX_RESIDUAL) {
double maxResidual = (*(sortedOrder_.begin()))->getResidual();
if (maxResidual > BpOptions::accuracy) {
converged = false;
} else {
converged = true;
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
double residual = links_[i]->getResidual();
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 2) {
cout << links_[i]->toString() + " residual = " << residual << endl;
if (residual > BpOptions::accuracy) {
converged = false;
if (Constants::DEBUG == 0) break;
return converged;
BpSolver::maxResidualSchedule (void)
if (nIters_ == 1) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
calculateMessage (links_[i]);
SortedOrder::iterator it = sortedOrder_.insert (links_[i]);
linkMap_.insert (make_pair (links_[i], it));
for (unsigned c = 0; c < links_.size(); c++) {
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 2) {
cout << "current residuals:" << endl;
for (SortedOrder::iterator it = sortedOrder_.begin();
it != sortedOrder_.end(); it ++) {
cout << " " << setw (30) << left << (*it)->toString();
cout << "residual = " << (*it)->getResidual() << endl;
SortedOrder::iterator it = sortedOrder_.begin();
SpLink* link = *it;
if (link->getResidual() < BpOptions::accuracy) {
updateMessage (link);
sortedOrder_.erase (it);
linkMap_.find (link)->second = sortedOrder_.insert (link);
// update the messages that depend on message source --> destin
const FactorNodes& factorNeighbors = link->getVariable()->neighbors();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < factorNeighbors.size(); i++) {
if (factorNeighbors[i] != link->getFactor()) {
const SpLinkSet& links = ninf(factorNeighbors[i])->getLinks();
for (unsigned j = 0; j < links.size(); j++) {
if (links[j]->getVariable() != link->getVariable()) {
calculateMessage (links[j]);
SpLinkMap::iterator iter = linkMap_.find (links[j]);
sortedOrder_.erase (iter->second);
iter->second = sortedOrder_.insert (links[j]);
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 2) {
BpSolver::calculateFactor2VariableMsg (SpLink* link) const
const FactorNode* src = link->getFactor();
const VarNode* dst = link->getVariable();
const SpLinkSet& links = ninf(src)->getLinks();
// calculate the product of messages that were sent
// to factor `src', except from var `dst'
unsigned msgSize = 1;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
msgSize *= links[i]->getVariable()->range();
unsigned repetitions = 1;
Params msgProduct (msgSize, LogAware::multIdenty());
if (Globals::logDomain) {
for (int i = links.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (links[i]->getVariable() != dst) {
Util::add (msgProduct, getVar2FactorMsg (links[i]), repetitions);
repetitions *= links[i]->getVariable()->range();
} else {
unsigned ds = links[i]->getVariable()->range();
Util::add (msgProduct, Params (ds, 1.0), repetitions);
repetitions *= ds;
} else {
for (int i = links.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (links[i]->getVariable() != dst) {
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << " message from " << links[i]->getVariable()->label();
cout << ": " << endl;
Util::multiply (msgProduct, getVar2FactorMsg (links[i]), repetitions);
repetitions *= links[i]->getVariable()->range();
} else {
unsigned ds = links[i]->getVariable()->range();
Util::multiply (msgProduct, Params (ds, 1.0), repetitions);
repetitions *= ds;
Factor result (src->factor()->arguments(),
result.multiply (*(src->factor()));
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << " message product: " << msgProduct << endl;
cout << " original factor: " << src->params() << endl;
cout << " factor product: " << result.params() << endl;
result.sumOutAllExcept (dst->varId());
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << " marginalized: " ;
cout << result.params() << endl;
const Params& resultParams = result.params();
Params& message = link->getNextMessage();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < resultParams.size(); i++) {
message[i] = resultParams[i];
LogAware::normalize (message);
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << " curr msg: " << link->getMessage() << endl;
cout << " next msg: " << message << endl;
BpSolver::getVar2FactorMsg (const SpLink* link) const
const VarNode* src = link->getVariable();
const FactorNode* dst = link->getFactor();
Params msg;
if (src->hasEvidence()) {
msg.resize (src->range(), LogAware::noEvidence());
msg[src->getEvidence()] = LogAware::withEvidence();
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << msg;
} else {
msg.resize (src->range(), LogAware::one());
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << msg;
const SpLinkSet& links = ninf (src)->getLinks();
if (Globals::logDomain) {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
if (links[i]->getFactor() != dst) {
Util::add (msg, links[i]->getMessage());
} else {
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links.size(); i++) {
if (links[i]->getFactor() != dst) {
Util::multiply (msg, links[i]->getMessage());
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << " x " << links[i]->getMessage();
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 5) {
cout << " = " << msg;
return msg;
BpSolver::getJointByConditioning (const VarIds& jointVarIds) const
VarNodes jointVars;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < jointVarIds.size(); i++) {
assert (factorGraph_->getVarNode (jointVarIds[i]));
jointVars.push_back (factorGraph_->getVarNode (jointVarIds[i]));
FactorGraph* fg = new FactorGraph (*factorGraph_);
BpSolver solver (*fg);
Params prevBeliefs = solver.getPosterioriOf (jointVarIds[0]);
VarIds observedVids = {jointVars[0]->varId()};
for (unsigned i = 1; i < jointVarIds.size(); i++) {
assert (jointVars[i]->hasEvidence() == false);
Params newBeliefs;
Vars observedVars;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < observedVids.size(); j++) {
observedVars.push_back (fg->getVarNode (observedVids[j]));
StatesIndexer idx (observedVars, false);
while (idx.valid()) {
for (unsigned j = 0; j < observedVars.size(); j++) {
observedVars[j]->setEvidence (idx[j]);
++ idx;
BpSolver solver (*fg);
Params beliefs = solver.getPosterioriOf (jointVarIds[i]);
for (unsigned k = 0; k < beliefs.size(); k++) {
newBeliefs.push_back (beliefs[k]);
int count = -1;
for (unsigned j = 0; j < newBeliefs.size(); j++) {
if (j % jointVars[i]->range() == 0) {
count ++;
newBeliefs[j] *= prevBeliefs[count];
prevBeliefs = newBeliefs;
observedVids.push_back (jointVars[i]->varId());
return prevBeliefs;
BpSolver::printLinkInformation (void) const
for (unsigned i = 0; i < links_.size(); i++) {
SpLink* l = links_[i];
cout << l->toString() << ":" << endl;
cout << " curr msg = " ;
cout << l->getMessage() << endl;
cout << " next msg = " ;
cout << l->getNextMessage() << endl;
cout << " residual = " << l->getResidual() << endl;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
#ifndef HORUS_BpSolver_H
#define HORUS_BpSolver_H
#include <set>
#include <vector>
#include <sstream>
#include "Solver.h"
#include "Factor.h"
#include "FactorGraph.h"
#include "Util.h"
using namespace std;
class SpLink
SpLink (FactorNode* fn, VarNode* vn)
fac_ = fn;
var_ = vn;
v1_.resize (vn->range(), LogAware::tl (1.0 / vn->range()));
v2_.resize (vn->range(), LogAware::tl (1.0 / vn->range()));
currMsg_ = &v1_;
nextMsg_ = &v2_;
msgSended_ = false;
residual_ = 0.0;
virtual ~SpLink (void) { };
FactorNode* getFactor (void) const { return fac_; }
VarNode* getVariable (void) const { return var_; }
const Params& getMessage (void) const { return *currMsg_; }
Params& getNextMessage (void) { return *nextMsg_; }
bool messageWasSended (void) const { return msgSended_; }
double getResidual (void) const { return residual_; }
void clearResidual (void) { residual_ = 0.0; }
void updateResidual (void)
residual_ = LogAware::getMaxNorm (v1_,v2_);
virtual void updateMessage (void)
swap (currMsg_, nextMsg_);
msgSended_ = true;
string toString (void) const
stringstream ss;
ss << fac_->getLabel();
ss << " -- " ;
ss << var_->label();
return ss.str();
FactorNode* fac_;
VarNode* var_;
Params v1_;
Params v2_;
Params* currMsg_;
Params* nextMsg_;
bool msgSended_;
double residual_;
typedef vector<SpLink*> SpLinkSet;
class SPNodeInfo
void addSpLink (SpLink* link) { links_.push_back (link); }
const SpLinkSet& getLinks (void) { return links_; }
SpLinkSet links_;
class BpSolver : public Solver
BpSolver (const FactorGraph&);
virtual ~BpSolver (void);
void runSolver (void);
virtual Params getPosterioriOf (VarId);
virtual Params getJointDistributionOf (const VarIds&);
virtual void initializeSolver (void);
virtual void createLinks (void);
virtual void maxResidualSchedule (void);
virtual void calculateFactor2VariableMsg (SpLink*) const;
virtual Params getVar2FactorMsg (const SpLink*) const;
virtual Params getJointByConditioning (const VarIds&) const;
virtual void printLinkInformation (void) const;
SPNodeInfo* ninf (const VarNode* var) const
return varsI_[var->getIndex()];
SPNodeInfo* ninf (const FactorNode* fac) const
return facsI_[fac->getIndex()];
void calculateAndUpdateMessage (SpLink* link, bool calcResidual = true)
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 3) {
cout << "calculating & updating " << link->toString() << endl;
calculateFactor2VariableMsg (link);
if (calcResidual) {
void calculateMessage (SpLink* link, bool calcResidual = true)
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 3) {
cout << "calculating " << link->toString() << endl;
calculateFactor2VariableMsg (link);
if (calcResidual) {
void updateMessage (SpLink* link)
if (Constants::DEBUG >= 3) {
cout << "updating " << link->toString() << endl;
struct CompareResidual
inline bool operator() (const SpLink* link1, const SpLink* link2)
return link1->getResidual() > link2->getResidual();
SpLinkSet links_;
unsigned nIters_;
vector<SPNodeInfo*> varsI_;
vector<SPNodeInfo*> facsI_;
const FactorGraph* factorGraph_;
typedef multiset<SpLink*, CompareResidual> SortedOrder;
SortedOrder sortedOrder_;
typedef unordered_map<SpLink*, SortedOrder::iterator> SpLinkMap;
SpLinkMap linkMap_;
void runLoopySolver (void);
bool converged (void);
#endif // HORUS_BpSolver_H

View File

@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
#include <algorithm>
#include <sstream>
#include "Var.h"
using namespace std;
unordered_map<VarId, VarInfo> Var::varsInfo_;
Var::Var (const Var* v)
varId_ = v->varId();
range_ = v->range();
evidence_ = v->getEvidence();
index_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
Var::Var (VarId varId, unsigned range, int evidence)
assert (range != 0);
assert (evidence < (int) range);
varId_ = varId;
range_ = range;
evidence_ = evidence;
index_ = std::numeric_limits<unsigned>::max();
Var::isValidState (int stateIndex)
return stateIndex >= 0 && stateIndex < (int) range_;
Var::isValidState (const string& stateName)
States states = Var::getVarInformation (varId_).states;
return Util::contains (states, stateName);
Var::setEvidence (int ev)
assert (ev < (int) range_);
evidence_ = ev;
Var::setEvidence (const string& ev)
States states = Var::getVarInformation (varId_).states;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < states.size(); i++) {
if (states[i] == ev) {
evidence_ = i;
assert (false);
Var::label (void) const
if (Var::variablesHaveInformation()) {
return Var::getVarInformation (varId_).label;
stringstream ss;
ss << "x" << varId_;
return ss.str();
Var::states (void) const
if (Var::variablesHaveInformation()) {
return Var::getVarInformation (varId_).states;
States states;
for (unsigned i = 0; i < range_; i++) {
stringstream ss;
ss << i ;
states.push_back (ss.str());
return states;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
#ifndef HORUS_Var_H
#define HORUS_Var_H
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include "Util.h"
#include "Horus.h"
using namespace std;
struct VarInfo
VarInfo (string l, const States& sts) : label(l), states(sts) { }
string label;
States states;
class Var
Var (const Var*);
Var (VarId, unsigned, int = Constants::NO_EVIDENCE);
virtual ~Var (void) { };
unsigned varId (void) const { return varId_; }
unsigned range (void) const { return range_; }
int getEvidence (void) const { return evidence_; }
unsigned getIndex (void) const { return index_; }
void setIndex (unsigned idx) { index_ = idx; }
operator unsigned () const { return index_; }
bool hasEvidence (void) const
return evidence_ != Constants::NO_EVIDENCE;
bool operator== (const Var& var) const
assert (!(varId_ == var.varId() && range_ != var.range()));
return varId_ == var.varId();
bool operator!= (const Var& var) const
assert (!(varId_ == var.varId() && range_ != var.range()));
return varId_ != var.varId();
bool isValidState (int);
bool isValidState (const string&);
void setEvidence (int);
void setEvidence (const string&);
string label (void) const;
States states (void) const;
static void addVariableInformation (
VarId vid, string label, const States& states)
assert (Util::contains (varsInfo_, vid) == false);
varsInfo_.insert (make_pair (vid, VarInfo (label, states)));
static VarInfo getVarInformation (VarId vid)
assert (Util::contains (varsInfo_, vid));
return varsInfo_.find (vid)->second;
static bool variablesHaveInformation (void)
return varsInfo_.size() != 0;
static void clearVariablesInformation (void)
VarId varId_;
unsigned range_;
int evidence_;
unsigned index_;
static unordered_map<VarId, VarInfo> varsInfo_;
#endif // BP_Var_H