fix reexport adding to export list
This commit is contained in:
@ -247,8 +247,6 @@ load_files(Files,Opts) :-
), !,
'$lf_opt'(if, TOpts, If),
( var(If) -> If = true ; true ),
'$lf_opt'(encoding, TOpts, Encoding),
'$set_encoding'(Stream, Encoding),
'$lf_opt'(imports, TOpts, Imports),
'$start_lf'(If, Mod, Stream, TOpts, File, Imports),
@ -333,6 +331,8 @@ use_module(M,F,Is) :-
'$lf_opt'('$context_module', TOpts, ContextModule),
'$msg_level'( TOpts, Verbosity),
% format( 'I=~w~n', [Verbosity=UserFile] ),
'$lf_opt'(encoding, TOpts, Encoding),
'$set_encoding'(Stream, Encoding),
% export to process
b_setval('$lf_status', TOpts),
@ -392,12 +392,13 @@ use_module(M,F,Is) :-
'$bind_module'(Mod, UseModule),
% ( File = '/Users/vsc/Yap/bins/threads/share/Yap/' -> start_low_level_trace ; stop_low_level_trace ),
'$lf_opt'(imports, TOpts, Imports),
'$import_to_current_module'(File, ContextModule, Imports, TOpts),
'$import_to_current_module'(File, ContextModule, Imports, _, TOpts),
'$lf_opt'(reexport, TOpts, Reexport),
( Reexport == false -> true ;
'$lf_opt'('$parent_topts', TOpts, OldTOpts),
'$lf_opt'('$context_module', OldTOpts, OldContextModule),
'$import_to_current_module'(File, OldContextModule, Imports, TOpts)
'$import_to_current_module'(File, OldContextModule, Imports, _, TOpts),
'$extend_exports'(ContextModule, Imports)
( LC == 0 -> prompt(_,' |: ') ; true),
( OldMode == off -> '$exit_system_mode' ; true ),
@ -441,20 +442,13 @@ use_module(M,F,Is) :-
'$bind_module'(_, load_files).
'$bind_module'(Mod, use_module(Mod)).
'$import_to_current_module'(File, ContextModule, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$import_to_current_module'(File, ContextModule, Imports, RemainingImports, TOpts) :-
recorded('$module','$module'(File, Module, ModExports),_),
Module \= ContextModule, !,
'$lf_opt'('$call', TOpts, Call),
'$convert_for_export'(Imports, ModExports, Module, ContextModule, TranslationTab, _RemainingImports, Goal),
% format( 'O=~w~n', [(TranslationTab,ContextModule)] ),
'$convert_for_export'(Imports, ModExports, Module, ContextModule, TranslationTab, RemainingImports, Goal),
'$add_to_imports'(TranslationTab, Module, ContextModule).
'$import_to_current_module'(_, _, _, _).
'$reexport_lf'(Imports, TOpts, Mod, ContextModule) :-
'$lf_opt'('$call', TOpts, Goal),
( var(Imports) -> Imports = all ; true ),
'$reexport'(Imports, Mod, ContextModule, Goal).
'$import_to_current_module'(_, _, _, _, _).
'$start_reconsulting'(F) :-
@ -658,14 +652,15 @@ prolog_load_context(term_position, '$stream_position'(0,Line,0,0,0)) :-
% be imported from any module.
'$file_loaded'(Stream, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$file_name'(Stream, F),
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M, Imports, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M, F1),
% format( 'IL=~w~n', [(F1:Imports->M)] ),
'$import_to_current_module'(F1, M, Imports, _, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, M, F1) :-
same_file(F1,F), !,
'$import_to_current_module'(F1, M, Imports, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, _M, _, _TOpts) :-
same_file(F1,F), !.
'$ensure_file_loaded'(F, _M, F1) :-
same_file(F1,F), !.
@ -674,16 +669,16 @@ prolog_load_context(term_position, '$stream_position'(0,Line,0,0,0)) :-
% be imported from any module.
'$file_unchanged'(Stream, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$file_name'(Stream, F),
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M, Imports, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M, F1),
% format( 'IU=~w~n', [(F1:Imports->M)] ),
'$import_to_current_module'(F1, M, Imports, _, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M, Imports, TOpts) :-
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, M, F1) :-
same_file(F1,F), !,
'$file_is_unchanged'(F, R, Age),
% format( 'I=~w~n', [M=Imports] ),
'$import_to_current_module'(F1, M, Imports, TOpts).
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, _M, _, _TOpts) :-
'$file_is_unchanged'(F, R, Age).
'$ensure_file_unchanged'(F, _M, F1) :-
same_file(F1,F), !,
'$file_is_unchanged'(F, R, Age).
@ -752,7 +747,7 @@ remove_from_path(New) :- '$check_path'(New,Path),
% inform the file has been loaded and is now available.
'$loaded'(Stream, UserFile, M, OldF, Line, Reconsult, F, Dir, Opts) :-
'$file_name'(Stream, F0),
( F0 == user_input, nonvar(UserFile) -> UserFile = F ; F = F0 ),
@ -85,6 +85,22 @@ module(N) :-
sort( AllExports0, AllExports ),
'$extend_exports'(Module, NewExports) :-
'$convert_for_export'(all, NewExports, Module, Module, _TranslationTab, NewExports1, load_files),
'$add_exports'( NewExports1, OriginalExports, Exports ),
sort( Exports, AllExports ),
'$extend_exports'(_F, _Module, _NewExports).
'$add_exports'( [], Exports, Exports ).
'$add_exports'( [PI|NewExports], OriginalExports, [PI|Exports] ) :-
% do not check for redefinitions, at least for now.
'$add_exports'( NewExports, OriginalExports, Exports ).
% redefining a previously-defined file, no problem.
'$add_preexisting_module_on_file'(F, F, Mod, Exports, R) :- !,
@ -654,29 +670,29 @@ export_resource(Resource) :-
export_list(Module, List) :-
'$convert_for_export'(all, Exports, _Module, _ContextModule, Tab, Exports, _) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab).
'$convert_for_export'(all, Exports, _Module, _ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, _) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, MyExports).
'$convert_for_export'([], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :-
'$clean_conversion'([], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal).
'$convert_for_export'([P1|Ps], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :-
'$clean_conversion'([P1|Ps], Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal).
'$convert_for_export'(except(Excepts), Exports, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal) :-
'$neg_conversion'(Excepts, Exports, Module, ContextModule, MyExports, Goal),
'$simple_conversion'(MyExports, Tab).
'$simple_conversion'(MyExports, Tab, _).
'$simple_conversion'([], []).
'$simple_conversion'([F/N|Exports], [F/N-F/N|Tab]) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab).
'$simple_conversion'([F//N|Exports], [F/N2-F/N2|Tab]) :-
'$simple_conversion'([], [], []).
'$simple_conversion'([F/N|Exports], [F/N-F/N|Tab], [F/N|E]) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E).
'$simple_conpversion'([F//N|Exports], [F/N2-F/N2|Tab], [F/N2|E]) :-
N2 is N+1,
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab).
'$simple_conversion'([F/N as NF|Exports], [F/N-NF/N|Tab]) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab).
'$simple_conversion'([F//N as BF|Exports], [F/N2-NF/N2|Tab]) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E).
'$simple_conversion'([F/N as NF|Exports], [F/N-NF/N|Tab], [NF/N|E]) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E).
'$simple_conversion'([F//N as BF|Exports], [F/N2-NF/N2|Tab], [NF/N2|E]) :-
N2 is N+1,
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab).
'$simple_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Exports], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Tab]) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab).
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E).
'$simple_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Exports], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Tab], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|E]) :-
'$simple_conversion'(Exports, Tab, E).
'$clean_conversion'([], _, _, _, [], [], _).
'$clean_conversion'([(N1/A1 as N2)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A1-N2/A1|Tab], [N2/A1|MyExports], Goal) :- !,
@ -684,7 +700,7 @@ export_list(Module, List) :-
'$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal)
'$bad_export'(N1/A1, Module, ContextModule)
'$bad_export'((N1/A1 as A2), Module, ContextModule)
'$clean_conversion'([N1/A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A1-N1/A1|Tab], [N1/A1|MyExports], Goal) :- !,
@ -694,7 +710,7 @@ export_list(Module, List) :-
'$bad_export'(N1/A1, Module, ContextModule)
'$clean_conversion'([N1//A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A2-N1/A2|Tab], [P1|MyExports], Goal) :- !,
'$clean_conversion'([N1//A1|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N1/A2-N1/A2|Tab], [N1/A2|MyExports], Goal) :- !,
A2 is A1+2,
lists:memberchk(N1/A2, List)
@ -703,6 +719,15 @@ export_list(Module, List) :-
'$bad_export'(N1//A1, Module, ContextModule)
'$clean_conversion'([N1//A1 as N2|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [N2/A2-N1/A2|Tab], [N2/A2|MyExports], Goal) :- !,
A2 is A1+2,
lists:memberchk(N2/A2, List)
'$clean_conversion'(Ps, List, Module, ContextModule, Tab, MyExports, Goal)
'$bad_export'((N1//A1 as A2), Module, ContextModule)
'$clean_conversion'([op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Ps], List, Module, ContextModule, [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|Tab], [op(Prio,Assoc,Name)|MyExports], Goal) :- !,
lists:memberchk(op(Prio,Assoc,Name), List)
Reference in New Issue
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