diff --git a/C/stdpreds.c b/C/stdpreds.c
index 8ffa8c46f..e14d54e9d 100755
--- a/C/stdpreds.c
+++ b/C/stdpreds.c
@@ -1592,6 +1592,7 @@ void Yap_InitCPreds(void) {
+ Yap_InitTermCPreds();
diff --git a/C/terms.c b/C/terms.c
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b6aa1768f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/C/terms.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1534 @@
+* *
+* YAP Prolog *
+* *
+* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
+* *
+* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
+* *
+* *
+* File: utilpreds.c *
+* Last rev: 4/03/88 *
+* mods: *
+* comments: new utility predicates for YAP *
+* *
+#ifdef SCCS
+static char SccsId[] = "@(#)utilpreds.c 1.3";
+ * @file C/terms.c
+ *
+ * @brief applications of the tree walker pattern.
+ *
+ * @addtogroup Terms
+ * @{
+ */
+#include "absmi.h"
+#include "YapHeap.h"
+#include "yapio.h"
+#include "attvar.h"
+#include "string.h"
+static int
+expand_vts( int args USES_REGS )
+ UInt expand = LOCAL_Error_Size;
+ yap_error_number yap_errno = LOCAL_Error_TYPE;
+ LOCAL_Error_Size = 0;
+ if (yap_errno == RESOURCE_ERROR_TRAIL) {
+ /* Trail overflow */
+ if (!Yap_growtrail(expand, FALSE)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else if (yap_errno == RESOURCE_ERROR_AUXILIARY_STACK) {
+ /* Aux space overflow */
+ if (expand > 4*1024*1024)
+ expand = 4*1024*1024;
+ if (!Yap_ExpandPreAllocCodeSpace(expand, NULL, TRUE)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (!Yap_gcl(expand, 3, ENV, gc_P(P,CP))) {
+ Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_STACK, TermNil, "in term_variables");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ return TRUE;
+static inline void
+clean_tr(tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS) {
+ if (TR != TR0) {
+ do {
+ Term p = TrailTerm(--TR);
+ } while (TR != TR0);
+ }
+static inline void
+clean_dirty_tr(tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS) {
+ tr_fr_ptr pt0 = TR;
+ while (pt0 != TR0) {
+ Term p = TrailTerm(--pt0);
+ if (IsApplTerm(p)) {
+ CELL *pt = RepAppl(p);
+ pt[0] = TrailVal(pt0);
+ pt[0] = TrailTerm(pt0 - 1);
+ pt0 --;
+#endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ TR = TR0;
+/// @brief recover original term while fixing direct refs.
+/// @param USES_REGS
+static inline void
+clean_complex_tr(tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS) {
+ tr_fr_ptr pt0 = TR;
+ while (pt0 != TR0) {
+ Term p = TrailTerm(--pt0);
+ if (IsApplTerm(p)) {
+ /// pt: points to the address of the new term we may want to fix.
+ CELL *pt = RepAppl(p);
+ if (pt >= HB && pt < HR) { /// is it new?
+ Term v = pt[0];
+ if (IsApplTerm(v)) {
+ /// yes, more than a single ref
+ *pt = (CELL)RepAppl(v);
+ }
+ pt0 --;
+#endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */
+ continue;
+ }
+ pt[0] = TrailVal(pt0);
+ pt[0] = TrailTerm(pt0 - 1);
+ pt0 --;
+#endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ TR = TR0;
+typedef struct {
+ Term old_var;
+ Term new_var;
+} *vcell;
+typedef struct non_single_struct_t {
+ CELL *ptd0;
+ CELL d0;
+ CELL *pt0, *pt0_end;
+} non_singletons_t;
+ if (IsPairTerm(d0)) { \
+ if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) { \
+ goto aux_overflow; \
+ } \
+ LIST0; \
+ ptd0 = RepPair(d0); \
+ if (*ptd0 == TermFreeTerm) continue; \
+ to_visit->pt0 = pt0; \
+ to_visit->pt0_end = pt0_end; \
+ to_visit->ptd0 = ptd0; \
+ to_visit->d0 = *ptd0; \
+ to_visit ++; \
+ d0 = ptd0[0]; \
+ pt0 = ptd0; \
+ *ptd0 = TermFreeTerm; \
+ pt0_end = pt0 + 1; \
+ if (pt0 <= pt0_end) \
+ goto list_loop; \
+ } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) { \
+ register Functor f; \
+ register CELL *ap2; \
+ /* store the terms to visit */ \
+ ap2 = RepAppl(d0); \
+ f = (Functor)(*ap2); \
+ \
+ if (IsExtensionFunctor(f) || \
+ IsAtomTerm((CELL)f)) { \
+ \
+ continue; \
+ } \
+ STRUCT0; \
+ if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) { \
+ goto aux_overflow; \
+ } \
+ to_visit->pt0 = pt0; \
+ to_visit->pt0_end = pt0_end; \
+ to_visit->ptd0 = ap2; \
+ to_visit->d0 = *ap2; \
+ to_visit ++; \
+ \
+ *ap2 = TermNil; \
+ d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f); \
+ pt0 = ap2; \
+ pt0_end = ap2 + d0; \
+ }
+#define def_trail_overflow() \
+ trail_overflow:{ \
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) { \
+ to_visit --; \
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0; \
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0; \
+ } \
+ pop_text_stack(lvl); \
+ LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *); \
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS); \
+ HR = InitialH; \
+ return 0L; \
+ }
+#define def_aux_overflow() \
+ aux_overflow:{ \
+ size_t d1 = to_visit-to_visit0; \
+ size_t d2 = to_visit_max-to_visit0; \
+ to_visit0 = Realloc(to_visit0,(d2+128)*sizeof(struct non_single_struct_t)); \
+ to_visit = to_visit0+d1; \
+ to_visit_max = to_visit0+(d2+128); \
+ pt0--; \
+ goto restart; \
+ }
+#define def_global_overflow() \
+ global_overflow:{ \
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) { \
+ to_visit --; \
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0; \
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0; \
+ } \
+ pop_text_stack(lvl); \
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS); \
+ HR = InitialH; \
+ LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL); \
+ return false; }
+static Int var_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0,
+ register CELL *pt0_end,
+ Term v USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit0 = to_visit,
+ *to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ restart:
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, var_in_term_unk);
+ var_in_term_nvar:
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ deref_body(d0, ptd0, var_in_term_unk, var_in_term_nvar);
+ if ((CELL)ptd0 == v) { /* we found it */
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ }
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return false;
+ def_aux_overflow();
+static Int
+var_in_term(Term v, Term t USES_REGS) /* variables in term t */
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ return(v == t);
+ } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ return(FALSE);
+ } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
+ return(var_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
+ RepPair(t)+1,v PASS_REGS));
+ }
+ else return(var_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
+ RepAppl(t)+
+ ArityOfFunctor(FunctorOfTerm(t)),v PASS_REGS));
+static Int
+p_var_in_term( USES_REGS1 )
+ return(var_in_term(Deref(ARG2), Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS));
+ @brief routine to locate all variables in a term, and its applications */
+static Term vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit0 = to_visit,
+ *to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
+ register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
+ loop:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ restart:
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
+ vars_in_term_nvar:
+ continue ;
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
+ /* do or pt2 are unbound */
+ *ptd0 = TermNil;
+ /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
+ if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
+ goto global_overflow;
+ }
+ HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
+ HR += 2;
+ HR[-2] = (CELL)ptd0;
+ /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ /* Trail overflow */
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ if (HR != InitialH) {
+ /* close the list */
+ Term t2 = Deref(inp);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t2)) {
+ Yap_unify((CELL)(HR-1),inp);
+ } else {
+ HR[-1] = t2; /* don't need to trail */
+ }
+ return(output);
+ } else {
+ return(inp);
+ }
+ def_trail_overflow();
+ def_aux_overflow();
+ def_global_overflow();
+static Int
+p_variables_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
+ Term out, inp;
+ int count;
+ restart:
+ count = 0;
+ inp = Deref(ARG2);
+ while (!IsVarTerm(inp) && IsPairTerm(inp)) {
+ Term t = HeadOfTerm(inp);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ CELL *ptr = VarOfTerm(t);
+ *ptr = TermFoundVar;
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = t;
+ count++;
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ clean_tr(TR-count PASS_REGS);
+ if (!Yap_growtrail(count*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), FALSE)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ }
+ inp = TailOfTerm(inp);
+ }
+ do {
+ Term t = Deref(ARG1);
+ out = vars_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t),
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ clean_tr(TR-count PASS_REGS);
+ return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
+/** @pred term_variables(? _Term_, - _Variables_, +_ExternalVars_) is iso
+ Unify the difference list between _Variables_ and _ExternaVars_
+ with the list of all variables of term _Term_. The variables
+ occur in the order of their first appearance when traversing the
+ term depth-first, left-to-right.
+static Int
+p_term_variables3( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
+ Term out;
+ do {
+ Term t = Deref(ARG1);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ Term out = Yap_MkNewPairTerm();
+ return
+ Yap_unify(t,HeadOfTerm(out)) &&
+ Yap_unify(ARG3, TailOfTerm(out)) &&
+ Yap_unify(out, ARG2);
+ } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ return Yap_unify(ARG2, ARG3);
+ } else {
+ out = vars_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t), ARG3 PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ return Yap_unify(ARG2,out);
+ * Exports a nil-terminated list with all the variables in a term.
+ * @param[t] the term
+ * @param[arity] the arity of the calling predicate (required for exact garbage collection).
+ * @param[USES_REGS] threading
+ */
+Yap_TermVariables( Term t, UInt arity USES_REGS ) /* variables in term t */
+ Term out;
+ do {
+ t = Deref(t);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ return MkPairTerm(t, TermNil);
+ } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ return TermNil;
+ } else {
+ out = vars_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t), TermNil PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ if (!expand_vts( arity PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ return out;
+/** @pred term_variables(? _Term_, - _Variables_) is iso
+ Unify _Variables_ with the list of all variables of term
+ _Term_. The variables occur in the order of their first
+ appearance when traversing the term depth-first, left-to-right.
+static Int
+p_term_variables( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
+ Term out;
+ if (!Yap_IsListOrPartialListTerm(ARG2)) {
+ Yap_Error(TYPE_ERROR_LIST,ARG2,"term_variables/2");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ do {
+ Term t = Deref(ARG1);
+ out = vars_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t), TermNil PASS_REGS);
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ return Yap_unify(ARG2,out);
+/** routine to locate attributed variables */
+typedef struct att_rec {
+ CELL *beg, *end;
+ CELL oval;
+} att_rec_t;
+static Term attvars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit0 = to_visit,
+ *to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
+ register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
+ restart:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, attvars_in_term_unk);
+ attvars_in_term_nvar:
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, attvars_in_term_unk, attvars_in_term_nvar);
+ if (IsAttVar(ptd0)) {
+ /* do or pt2 are unbound */
+ attvar_record *a0 = RepAttVar(ptd0);
+ if (a0->AttFunc ==(Functor) TermNil) continue;
+ /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
+ if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
+ goto global_overflow;
+ }
+ HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
+ HR += 2;
+ HR[-2] = (CELL)&(a0->Done);
+ /* store the terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) {
+ goto aux_overflow;
+ }
+ ptd0 = (CELL*)a0;
+ to_visit->pt0 = pt0;
+ to_visit->pt0_end = pt0_end;
+ to_visit->d0 = *ptd0;
+ to_visit->ptd0 = ptd0;
+ to_visit ++;
+ *ptd0 = TermNil;
+ pt0_end = &RepAttVar(ptd0)->Atts;
+ pt0 = pt0_end-1;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ if (HR != InitialH) {
+ /* close the list */
+ Term t2 = Deref(inp);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t2)) {
+ Yap_unify((CELL)(HR-1), t2);
+ } else {
+ HR[-1] = t2; /* don't need to trail */
+ }
+ return(output);
+ } else {
+ return(inp);
+ }
+ def_aux_overflow();
+ def_global_overflow();
+ /** @pred term_attvars(+ _Term_,- _AttVars_)
+ _AttVars_ is a list of all attributed variables in _Term_ and
+ its attributes. I.e., term_attvars/2 works recursively through
+ attributes. This predicate is Cycle-safe.
+ */
+static Int
+p_term_attvars( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
+ Term out;
+ do {
+ Term t = Deref(ARG1);
+ if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ return Yap_unify(TermNil, ARG2);
+ } else {
+ out = attvars_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t), TermNil PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return false;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ return Yap_unify(ARG2,out);
+/** @brief output the difference between variables in _T_ and variables in some list.
+ */
+static Term new_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit0 = to_visit,
+ *to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
+ register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
+ to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ while (!IsVarTerm(inp) && IsPairTerm(inp)) {
+ Term t = HeadOfTerm(inp);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ CELL *ptr = VarOfTerm(t);
+ *ptr = TermFoundVar;
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = t;
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inp = TailOfTerm(inp);
+ }
+ restart:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, vars_within_term_unk);
+ vars_within_term_nvar:
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_within_term_unk, vars_within_term_nvar);
+ /* do or pt2 are unbound */
+ *ptd0 = TermNil;
+ /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
+ if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
+ goto global_overflow;
+ }
+ HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
+ HR += 2;
+ HR[-2] = (CELL)ptd0;
+ /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ /* Trail overflow */
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ if (HR != InitialH) {
+ HR[-1] = TermNil;
+ return output;
+ } else {
+ return TermNil;
+ }
+ def_trail_overflow();
+ def_aux_overflow();
+ def_global_overflow();
+/** @pred new_variables_in_term(+_CurrentVariables_, ? _Term_, -_Variables_)
+ Unify _Variables_ with the list of all variables of term
+ _Term_ that do not occur in _CurrentVariables_. The variables occur in the order of their first
+ appearance when traversing the term depth-first, left-to-right.
+static Int
+p_new_variables_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables within term t */
+ Term out;
+ do {
+ Term t = Deref(ARG2);
+ if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t))
+ out = TermNil;
+ else {
+ out = new_vars_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t), Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
+static Term vars_within_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit0 = to_visit,
+ *to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
+ register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
+ to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ while (!IsVarTerm(inp) && IsPairTerm(inp)) {
+ Term t = HeadOfTerm(inp);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ CELL *ptr = VarOfTerm(t);
+ *ptr = TermFoundVar;
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = t;
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ inp = TailOfTerm(inp);
+ }
+ restart:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, vars_within_term_unk);
+ vars_within_term_nvar:
+ {
+ else if (d0 == TermFoundVar) {
+ /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
+ if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
+ goto global_overflow;
+ }
+ HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
+ HR += 2;
+ HR[-2] = (CELL)ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = TermNil;
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_within_term_unk, vars_within_term_nvar);
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ if (HR != InitialH) {
+ HR[-1] = TermNil;
+ return output;
+ } else {
+ return TermNil;
+ }
+ def_trail_overflow();
+ def_aux_overflow();
+ def_global_overflow();
+/** @pred variables_within_term(+_CurrentVariables_, ? _Term_, -_Variables_)
+ Unify _Variables_ with the list of all variables of term
+ _Term_ that *also* occur in _CurrentVariables_. The variables occur in the order of their first
+ appearance when traversing the term depth-first, left-to-right.
+This predicate performs the opposite of new_variables_in_term/3.
+static Int
+p_variables_within_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables within term t */
+ Term out;
+ do {
+ Term t = Deref(ARG2);
+ if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t))
+ out = TermNil;
+ else {
+ out = vars_within_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t), Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
+static Term free_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit0 = to_visit,
+ *to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
+ Term o = TermNil;
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ restart:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, vars_within_term_unk);
+ vars_within_term_nvar:
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_within_term_unk, vars_within_term_nvar);
+ /* do or pt2 are unbound */
+ *ptd0 = TermNil;
+ /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
+ if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
+ o = TermNil;
+ goto global_overflow;
+ }
+ HR[0] = (CELL)ptd0;
+ HR[1] = o;
+ o = AbsPair(HR);
+ HR += 2;
+ /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ /* Trail overflow */
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return o;
+ def_trail_overflow();
+ def_aux_overflow();
+ def_global_overflow();
+static Term bind_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS)
+ register CELL **to_visit0,
+ **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ loop:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ deref_head(d0, vars_within_term_unk);
+ vars_within_term_nvar:
+ {
+ if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
+ if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
+ goto aux_overflow;
+ }
+ to_visit[0] = pt0;
+ to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
+ to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
+ to_visit += 3;
+ *pt0 = TermNil;
+ if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ to_visit[0] = pt0;
+ to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
+ to_visit += 2;
+ }
+ pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
+ pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
+ } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
+ register Functor f;
+ register CELL *ap2;
+ /* store the terms to visit */
+ ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
+ f = (Functor)(*ap2);
+ if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ /* store the terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
+ goto aux_overflow;
+ }
+ to_visit[0] = pt0;
+ to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
+ to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
+ to_visit += 3;
+ *pt0 = TermNil;
+ if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ to_visit[0] = pt0;
+ to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
+ to_visit += 2;
+ }
+ d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
+ pt0 = ap2;
+ pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_within_term_unk, vars_within_term_nvar);
+ /* do or pt2 are unbound */
+ *ptd0 = TermFoundVar;
+ /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ /* Trail overflow */
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit -= 3;
+ pt0 = to_visit[0];
+ pt0_end = to_visit[1];
+ *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
+ to_visit -= 2;
+ pt0 = to_visit[0];
+ pt0_end = to_visit[1];
+ goto loop;
+ }
+ Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
+ return TermNil;
+ trail_overflow:
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit -= 3;
+ pt0 = to_visit[0];
+ *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
+ }
+ LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
+ HR = InitialH;
+ return 0L;
+ aux_overflow:
+ LOCAL_Error_Size = (to_visit-to_visit0)*sizeof(CELL **);
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit -= 3;
+ pt0 = to_visit[0];
+ *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
+ }
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
+ HR = InitialH;
+ return 0L;
+static Int
+p_free_variables_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables within term t */
+ Term out;
+ Term t, t0;
+ Term found_module = 0L;
+ do {
+ tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
+ t = t0 = Deref(ARG1);
+ while (!IsVarTerm(t) && IsApplTerm(t)) {
+ Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
+ if (f == FunctorHat) {
+ out = bind_vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
+ RepAppl(t)+1, TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ } else if (f == FunctorModule) {
+ found_module = ArgOfTerm(1, t);
+ } else if (f == FunctorCall) {
+ t = ArgOfTerm(1, t);
+ continue;
+ } else if (f == FunctorExecuteInMod) {
+ found_module = ArgOfTerm(2, t);
+ t = ArgOfTerm(1, t);
+ continue;
+ } else {
+ break;
+ }
+ t = ArgOfTerm(2,t);
+ }
+ if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t))
+ out = TermNil;
+ else {
+ out = free_vars_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t), TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out == 0L) {
+ trail_overflow:
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ } while (out == 0L);
+ if (found_module && t!=t0) {
+ Term ts[2];
+ ts[0] = found_module;
+ ts[1] = t;
+ t = Yap_MkApplTerm(FunctorModule, 2, ts);
+ }
+ return
+ Yap_unify(ARG2, t) &&
+ Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
+static Term non_singletons_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t *to_visit0,
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit_max;
+ register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
+ to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ to_visit_max = to_visit0+1024;
+ restart:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
+ vars_in_term_nvar:
+ {
+ else if (d0 == TermFoundVar) {
+ CELL *pt2 = pt0;
+ while(IsVarTerm(*pt2))
+ pt2 = (CELL *)(*pt2);
+ HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
+ HR[0] = (CELL)pt2;
+ HR += 2;
+ *pt2 = TermRefoundVar;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
+ /* do or pt2 are unbound */
+ *ptd0 = TermFoundVar;
+ /* next make sure we can recover the variable again */
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ if (HR != InitialH) {
+ /* close the list */
+ HR[-1] = Deref(ARG2);
+ return output;
+ } else {
+ return ARG2;
+ }
+ def_aux_overflow();
+static Int
+p_non_singletons_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* non_singletons in term t */
+ Term t;
+ Term out;
+ while (TRUE) {
+ t = Deref(ARG1);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ out = ARG2;
+ } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ out = ARG2;
+ } else {
+ out = non_singletons_in_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t) PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out != 0L) {
+ return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
+ } else {
+ if (!Yap_ExpandPreAllocCodeSpace(0, NULL, TRUE)) {
+ Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_AUXILIARY_STACK, ARG1, "overflow in singletons");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static Int ground_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t *to_visit0,
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit_max;
+ to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ to_visit_max = to_visit0+1024;
+ restart:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
+ vars_in_term_nvar:
+ continue;
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit --;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ }
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return false;
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return true;
+ def_aux_overflow();
+bool Yap_IsGroundTerm(Term t)
+ while (TRUE) {
+ Int out;
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ return FALSE;
+ } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ return TRUE;
+ } else {
+ if ((out =ground_complex_term(&(t)-1,
+ &(t) PASS_REGS)) >= 0) {
+ return out != 0;
+ }
+ if (out < 0) {
+ *HR++ = t;
+ if (!Yap_ExpandPreAllocCodeSpace(0, NULL, TRUE)) {
+ Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_AUXILIARY_STACK, ARG1, "overflow in ground");
+ return false;
+ }
+ t = *--HR;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /** @pred ground( _T_) is iso
+ Succeeds if there are no free variables in the term _T_.
+ */
+static Int
+p_ground( USES_REGS1 ) /* ground(+T) */
+ return Yap_IsGroundTerm(Deref(ARG1));
+static Term
+numbervar(Int id USES_REGS)
+ Term ts[1];
+ ts[0] = MkIntegerTerm(id);
+ return Yap_MkApplTerm(FunctorDollarVar, 1, ts);
+static Term
+ Term ts[1];
+ ts[0] = MkIntegerTerm(-1);
+ return Yap_MkApplTerm(FunctorDollarVar, 1, ts);
+static void
+renumbervar(Term t, Int id USES_REGS)
+ Term *ts = RepAppl(t);
+ ts[1] = MkIntegerTerm(id);
+ if (singles && ap2 >= InitialH && ap2 < HR) { \
+ renumbervar(d0, numbv++ PASS_REGS); \
+ continue; \
+ }
+static Int numbervars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Int numbv, int singles USES_REGS)
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ struct non_single_struct_t
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof( struct non_single_struct_t)),
+ *to_visit0 = to_visit,
+ *to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
+ register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
+ CELL *InitialH = HR;
+ to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ to_visit_max = to_visit0+1024;
+ restart:
+ while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
+ register CELL d0;
+ register CELL *ptd0;
+ ++ pt0;
+ ptd0 = pt0;
+ d0 = *ptd0;
+ list_loop:
+ deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
+ vars_in_term_nvar:
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
+ /* do or pt2 are unbound */
+ if (singles)
+ *ptd0 = numbervar_singleton( PASS_REGS1 );
+ else
+ *ptd0 = numbervar(numbv++ PASS_REGS);
+ /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
+ if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
+ goto global_overflow;
+ }
+ /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
+ if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
+ /* Trail overflow */
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ goto trail_overflow;
+ }
+ }
+#if defined(TABLING) || defined(YAPOR_SBA)
+ TrailVal(TR) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ }
+ /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
+ if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
+ to_visit--;
+ pt0 = to_visit->pt0;
+ pt0_end = to_visit->pt0_end;
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0;
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ prune(B PASS_REGS);
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return numbv;
+ def_trail_overflow();
+ def_aux_overflow();
+ def_global_overflow();
+Yap_NumberVars( Term inp, Int numbv, bool handle_singles ) /*
+ * numbervariables in term t */
+ Int out;
+ Term t;
+ restart:
+ t = Deref(inp);
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ CELL *ptd0 = VarOfTerm(t);
+ TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
+ if (handle_singles) {
+ *ptd0 = numbervar_singleton( PASS_REGS1 );
+ return numbv;
+ } else {
+ *ptd0 = numbervar(numbv PASS_REGS);
+ return numbv+1;
+ }
+ } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ return numbv;
+ } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
+ out = numbervars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
+ RepPair(t)+1, numbv, handle_singles PASS_REGS);
+ } else {
+ Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
+ out = numbervars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
+ RepAppl(t)+
+ ArityOfFunctor(f), numbv, handle_singles PASS_REGS);
+ }
+ if (out < numbv) {
+ if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
+ return FALSE;
+ goto restart;
+ }
+ /** @pred numbervars( _T_,+ _N1_,- _Nn_)
+ Instantiates each variable in term _T_ to a term of the form:
+ `$VAR( _I_)`, with _I_ increasing from _N1_ to _Nn_.
+ */
+static Int
+p_numbervars( USES_REGS1 )
+ Term t2 = Deref(ARG2);
+ Int out;
+ if (IsVarTerm(t2)) {
+ Yap_Error(INSTANTIATION_ERROR,t2,"numbervars/3");
+ return FALSE;
+ }
+ if (!IsIntegerTerm(t2)) {
+ Yap_Error(TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER,t2,"numbervars/3");
+ return(FALSE);
+ }
+ if ((out = Yap_NumberVars(ARG1, IntegerOfTerm(t2), FALSE)) < 0)
+ return FALSE;
+ return Yap_unify(ARG3, MkIntegerTerm(out));
+void Yap_InitTermCPreds(void)
+ Yap_InitCPred("term_variables", 2, p_term_variables, 0);
+ Yap_InitCPred("term_variables", 3, p_term_variables3, 0);
+ Yap_InitCPred("$variables_in_term", 3, p_variables_in_term, 0);
+ Yap_InitCPred("$free_variables_in_term", 3, p_free_variables_in_term, 0);
+ Yap_InitCPred("term_attvars", 2, p_term_attvars, 0);
+ CurrentModule = TERMS_MODULE;
+ Yap_InitCPred("variable_in_term", 2, p_var_in_term, 0);
+ Yap_InitCPred("variables_within_term", 3, p_variables_within_term, 0);
+ Yap_InitCPred("new_variables_in_term", 3, p_new_variables_in_term, 0);
+ CurrentModule = PROLOG_MODULE;
+ Yap_InitCPred("$non_singletons_in_term", 3, p_non_singletons_in_term, 0);
+ Yap_InitCPred("ground", 1, p_ground, SafePredFlag);
+ Yap_InitCPred("numbervars", 3, p_numbervars, 0);
diff --git a/C/utilpreds.c b/C/utilpreds.c
index bcb42b72d..d78470071 100644
--- a/C/utilpreds.c
+++ b/C/utilpreds.c
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-* *
-* YAP Prolog *
-* *
-* Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
-* *
-* Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
-* *
-* *
-* File: utilpreds.c *
-* Last rev: 4/03/88 *
-* mods: *
-* comments: new utility predicates for YAP *
-* *
+ * *
+ * YAP Prolog *
+ * *
+ * Yap Prolog was developed at NCCUP - Universidade do Porto *
+ * *
+ * Copyright L.Damas, V.S.Costa and Universidade do Porto 1985-1997 *
+ * *
+ **************************************************************************
+ * *
+ * File: utilpreds.c * Last rev: 4/03/88
+ ** mods: * comments: new utility predicates for YAP *
+ * *
+ *************************************************************************/
#ifdef SCCS
static char SccsId[] = "@(#)utilpreds.c 1.3";
+ * @file utilpreds.c
+ *
* @addtogroup Terms
@@ -30,21 +30,55 @@ static char SccsId[] = "@(#)utilpreds.c 1.3";
#include "string.h"
-typedef struct {
- Term old_var;
- Term new_var;
-} *vcell;
+typedef struct non_single_struct_t {
+ CELL *ptd0;
+ CELL d0;
+ CELL *pt0, *pt0_end;
+} non_singletons_t;
+#define def_trail_overflow() \
+ trail_overflow:{ \
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) { \
+ to_visit --; \
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0; \
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0; \
+ } \
+ pop_text_stack(lvl); \
+ LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *); \
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS); \
+ HR = InitialH; \
+ return 0L; \
+ }
+#define def_aux_overflow() \
+ aux_overflow:{ \
+ size_t d1 = to_visit-to_visit0; \
+ size_t d2 = to_visit_max-to_visit0; \
+ to_visit0 = Realloc(to_visit0,(d2+128)*sizeof(struct non_single_struct_t)); \
+ to_visit = to_visit0+d1; \
+ to_visit_max = to_visit0+(d2+128); \
+ pt0--; \
+ goto restart; \
+ }
+#define def_global_overflow() \
+ global_overflow:{ \
+ while (to_visit > to_visit0) { \
+ to_visit --; \
+ CELL *ptd0 = to_visit->ptd0; \
+ *ptd0 = to_visit->d0; \
+ } \
+ pop_text_stack(lvl); \
+ clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS); \
+ HR = InitialH; \
+ LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL); \
+ return false; }
-static int copy_complex_term(CELL *, CELL *, int, int, CELL *, CELL * CACHE_TYPE);
-static CELL vars_in_complex_term(CELL *, CELL *, Term CACHE_TYPE);
-static Int p_non_singletons_in_term( USES_REGS1);
-static CELL non_singletons_in_complex_term(CELL *, CELL * CACHE_TYPE);
-static Int p_variables_in_term( USES_REGS1 );
-static Int ground_complex_term(CELL *, CELL * CACHE_TYPE);
-static Int p_ground( USES_REGS1 );
static Int p_copy_term( USES_REGS1 );
-static Int var_in_complex_term(CELL *, CELL *, Term CACHE_TYPE);
#ifdef DEBUG
static Int p_force_trail_expansion( USES_REGS1 );
@@ -62,145 +96,268 @@ clean_tr(tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS) {
static inline void
clean_dirty_tr(tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS) {
- if (TR != TR0) {
- tr_fr_ptr pt = TR0;
- do {
- Term p = TrailTerm(pt++);
+ tr_fr_ptr pt0 = TR;
+ while (pt0 != TR0) {
+ Term p = TrailTerm(--pt0);
+ if (IsApplTerm(p)) {
+ CELL *pt = RepAppl(p);
+ pt[0] = TrailVal(pt0);
+ pt[0] = TrailTerm(pt0 - 1);
+ pt0 --;
+#endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */
+ } else {
- } while (pt != TR);
- TR = TR0;
- }
+ }
+ }
+ TR = TR0;
-static int
-copy_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, int share, int newattvs, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow USES_REGS)
+/// @brief recover original term while fixing direct refs.
+/// @param USES_REGS
+static inline void
+clean_complex_tr(tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS) {
+ tr_fr_ptr pt0 = TR;
+ while (pt0 != TR0) {
+ Term p = TrailTerm(--pt0);
+ if (IsApplTerm(p)) {
+ /// pt: points to the address of the new term we may want to fix.
+ CELL *pt = RepAppl(p);
+ if (pt >= HB && pt < HR) { /// is it new?
+ Term v = pt[0];
+ if (IsApplTerm(v)) {
+ /// yes, more than a single ref
+ *pt = (CELL)RepAppl(v);
+ }
+ pt0 --;
+#endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */
+ continue;
+ }
+ pt[0] = TrailVal(pt0);
+ pt[0] = TrailTerm(pt0 - 1);
+ pt0 --;
+#endif /* FROZEN_STACKS */
+ } else {
+ }
+ }
+ TR = TR0;
+#define expand_stack(S0,SP,SF,TYPE) \
+ { size_t sz = SF-S0, used = SP-S0; \
+ S0 = Realloc(S0, (1024+sz)*sizeof(TYPE) PASS_REGS); \
+ SP = S0+used; SF = S0+sz; }
+#define MIN_ARENA_SIZE (1048L)
+int Yap_copy_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end,
+ bool share, Term *split, bool copy_att_vars, CELL *ptf,
+ // fprintf(stderr,"+++++++++\n");
+ //CELL *x = pt0; while(x != pt0_end) Yap_DebugPlWriteln(*++ x);
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
+ Term o = TermNil;
+ struct cp_frame *to_visit0,
+ *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof(struct cp_frame));
+ struct cp_frame *to_visit_max;
- struct cp_frame *to_visit0, *to_visit = (struct cp_frame *)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace() ;
tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- int ground = TRUE;
+ int ground = true;
- HB = HR;
+ HB = HLow;
to_visit0 = to_visit;
+ to_visit_max = to_visit+1024;
while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
register CELL d0;
register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
+ ptd0 = ++pt0;
d0 = *ptd0;
+ deref:
deref_head(d0, copy_term_unk);
- copy_term_nvar:
- {
+ copy_term_nvar : {
if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- CELL *ap2 = RepPair(d0);
- if (ap2 >= HB && ap2 < HR) {
- /* If this is newer than the current term, just reuse */
- *ptf++ = d0;
+ CELL *headp = RepPair(d0);
+ Term head = *headp;
+ if (IsPairTerm(head) && RepPair(head) >= HB && RepPair(head) < HR) {
+ if (split) {
+ Term v = Yap_MkNewApplTerm(FunctorEq, 2);
+ RepAppl(v)[1] = AbsPair(ptf);
+ *headp = *ptf++ = RepAppl(v)[0];
+ o = MkPairTerm( v, o );
+ } else {
+ *ptf++ = RepPair(head)[0];;
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else if (IsApplTerm(head) && RepAppl(head) >= HB && RepAppl(head) < HR) {
+ *ptf++ = RepAppl(head)[0];
- *ptf = AbsPair(HR);
- ptf++;
- if (to_visit+1 >= (struct cp_frame *)AuxSp) {
- goto heap_overflow;
+ *ptf++ = AbsPair(HR);
+ if (to_visit >= to_visit_max-32) {
+ expand_stack(to_visit0, to_visit, to_visit_max, struct cp_frame);
to_visit->start_cp = pt0;
to_visit->end_cp = pt0_end;
to_visit->to = ptf;
- to_visit->oldv = *pt0;
+ to_visit->curp = headp;
+ d0 = to_visit->oldv = head;
to_visit->ground = ground;
- /* fool the system into thinking we had a variable there */
- *pt0 = AbsPair(HR);
- to_visit ++;
- ground = TRUE;
- pt0 = ap2 - 1;
- pt0_end = ap2 + 1;
+ to_visit++;
+ // move to new list
+ if (share) {
+ TrailedMaBind(headp,AbsPair(HR));
+ } else {
+ /* If this is newer than the current term, just reuse */
+ *headp = AbsPair(HR);
+ }
+ if (split) {
+ TrailedMaBind(ptf,AbsPair(HR));
+ }
+ pt0 = headp;
+ pt0_end = headp + 1;
ptf = HR;
+ ground = true;
HR += 2;
- if (HR > ASP - 2048) {
+ if (HR > ASP - MIN_ARENA_SIZE) {
goto overflow;
+ d0 = head;
+ goto deref;
} else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
+ Functor f;
+ CELL *headp, head;
/* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- if (ap2 >= HB && ap2 <= HR) {
- /* If this is newer than the current term, just reuse */
+ headp = RepAppl(d0);
+ head = *headp;
+ if (IsPairTerm(head)) {
+ if (split) {
+ Term v = Yap_MkNewApplTerm(FunctorEq, 2);
+ RepAppl(v)[1] = AbsPair(ptf);
+ *headp = *ptf++ = RepAppl(v)[0];
+ o = MkPairTerm( v, o );
+ } else {
+ *ptf++ = RepPair(head)[0];;
+ }
+ continue;
+ } else if (IsApplTerm(head)) {
+ *ptf++ = RepAppl(head)[0];
+ continue;
+ }
+ f = (Functor)(head);
+ if (share && (ground || IsExtensionFunctor(f))) {
*ptf++ = d0;
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
+ /* store the terms to visit */
+ *ptf = AbsAppl(HR);
+ ptf++;
+ to_visit->start_cp = pt0;
+ to_visit->end_cp = pt0_end;
+ to_visit->to = ptf;
+ to_visit->curp = headp;
+ to_visit->oldv = head;
+ to_visit->ground = ground;
+ if (++to_visit >= to_visit_max-32) {
+ expand_stack(to_visit0, to_visit, to_visit_max, struct cp_frame);
+ }
if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- if (f == FunctorDBRef) {
- DBRef entryref = DBRefOfTerm(d0);
- if (entryref->Flags & LogUpdMask) {
- LogUpdClause *luclause = (LogUpdClause *)entryref;
- PELOCK(100,luclause->ClPred);
- UNLOCK(luclause->ClPred->PELock);
- } else {
- LOCK(entryref->lock);
- TRAIL_REF(entryref); /* So that fail will erase it */
- INC_DBREF_COUNT(entryref);
- UNLOCK(entryref->lock);
- }
- *ptf++ = d0; /* you can just copy other extensions. */
- } else
- if (!share) {
- UInt sz;
- *ptf++ = AbsAppl(HR); /* you can just copy other extensions. */
- /* make sure to copy floats */
- if (f== FunctorDouble) {
- sz = sizeof(Float)/sizeof(CELL)+2;
- } else if (f== FunctorLongInt) {
- sz = 3;
- } else if (f== FunctorString) {
- sz = 3+ap2[1];
- } else {
- CELL *pt = ap2+1;
- sz = 2+sizeof(MP_INT)+(((MP_INT *)(pt+1))->_mp_alloc*sizeof(mp_limb_t));
- }
- if (HR+sz > ASP - 2048) {
+ switch ((CELL)f) {
+ case (CELL) FunctorDBRef:
+ case (CELL) FunctorAttVar:
+ *ptf++ = d0;
+ break;
+ case (CELL) FunctorLongInt:
+ if (HR > ASP - (MIN_ARENA_SIZE + 3)) {
goto overflow;
- memmove((void *)HR, (void *)ap2, sz*sizeof(CELL));
+ *ptf++ = AbsAppl(HR);
+ HR[0] = (CELL)f;
+ HR[1] = headp[1];
+ HR[2] = EndSpecials;
+ HR += 3;
+ if (HR > ASP - MIN_ARENA_SIZE) {
+ goto overflow;
+ }
+ break;
+ case (CELL) FunctorDouble:
+ if (HR >
+ ASP - (MIN_ARENA_SIZE + (2 + SIZEOF_DOUBLE / sizeof(CELL)))) {
+ goto overflow;
+ }
+ *ptf++ = AbsAppl(HR);
+ HR[0] = (CELL)f;
+ HR[1] = headp[1];
+ HR[2] = headp[2];
+ HR[3] = EndSpecials;
+ HR += 4;
+ HR[2] = EndSpecials;
+ HR += 3;
+ break;
+ case (CELL) FunctorString:
+ if (ASP - HR < MIN_ARENA_SIZE + 3 + headp[1]) {
+ goto overflow;
+ }
+ *ptf++ = AbsAppl(HR);
+ memmove(HR, headp, sizeof(CELL) * (3 + headp[1]));
+ HR += headp[1] + 3;
+ break;
+ default: {
+ /* big int */
+ size_t sz = (sizeof(MP_INT) + 3 * CellSize +
+ ((MP_INT *)(headp + 2))->_mp_alloc * sizeof(mp_limb_t)) /
+ CellSize;
+ if (HR > ASP - (MIN_ARENA_SIZE + sz)) {
+ goto overflow;
+ }
+ *ptf++ = AbsAppl(HR);
+ memmove(HR, headp, sz*sizeof(CELL));
+ MP_INT *new = (MP_INT *)(HR + 2);
+ new->_mp_d = (mp_limb_t *)(new + 1);
HR += sz;
- } else {
- *ptf++ = d0; /* you can just copy other extensions. */
+ }
- *ptf = AbsAppl(HR);
- ptf++;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit+1 >= (struct cp_frame *)AuxSp) {
- goto heap_overflow;
+ if (share) {
+ TrailedMaBind(headp,AbsPair(HR));
+ } else {
+ *headp = AbsPair(HR);
- to_visit->start_cp = pt0;
- to_visit->end_cp = pt0_end;
- to_visit->to = ptf;
- to_visit->oldv = *pt0;
- to_visit->ground = ground;
- /* fool the system into thinking we had a variable there */
- *pt0 = AbsAppl(HR);
- to_visit ++;
- ground = (f != FunctorMutable);
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- /* store the functor for the new term */
- HR[0] = (CELL)f;
- ptf = HR+1;
- HR += 1+d0;
- if (HR > ASP - 2048) {
+ if (split) {
+ // must be after trailing source term, so that we can check the source
+ // term and confirm it is still ok.
+ TrailedMaBind(ptf,AbsAppl(HR));
+ }
+ ptf = HR;
+ ptf[0] = (CELL)f;
+ ground = true;
+ arity_t a = ArityOfFunctor(f);
+ if (HR > ASP - MIN_ARENA_SIZE) {
goto overflow;
+ ptf++;
+ HR = ptf+a;
+ pt0_end = headp+(a);
+ pt0 = headp;
+ ground = (f != FunctorMutable);
} else {
/* just copy atoms or integers */
*ptf++ = d0;
@@ -209,66 +366,61 @@ copy_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, int share, int newattvs, CELL *ptf,
derefa_body(d0, ptd0, copy_term_unk, copy_term_nvar);
- ground = FALSE;
- if (ptd0 >= HLow && ptd0 < HR) {
+ ground = false;
+ /* don't need to copy variables if we want to share the global term */
+ if (//(share && ptd0 < HB && ptd0 > H0) ||
+ (ptd0 >= HB && ptd0 < HR)) {
/* we have already found this cell */
- *ptf++ = (CELL) ptd0;
- } else
- if (newattvs && IsAttachedTerm((CELL)ptd0)) {
+ *ptf++ = (CELL)ptd0;
+ } else
+ if (copy_att_vars && GlobalIsAttachedTerm((CELL)ptd0)) {
/* if unbound, call the standard copy term routine */
struct cp_frame *bp;
CELL new;
bp = to_visit;
- if (!GLOBAL_attas[ExtFromCell(ptd0)].copy_term_op(ptd0, &bp, ptf PASS_REGS)) {
+ if (!GLOBAL_attas[ExtFromCell(ptd0)].copy_term_op(ptd0, &bp,
+ ptf PASS_REGS)) {
goto overflow;
to_visit = bp;
new = *ptf;
- Bind_NonAtt(ptd0, new);
- ptf++;
- } else {
- /* first time we met this term */
if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
/* Trail overflow */
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
+ if (!Yap_growtrail((TR - TR0) * sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
goto trail_overflow;
- Bind_NonAtt(ptd0, (CELL)ptf);
+ } else {
+ /* first time we met this term */
+ *ptd0 = (CELL)ptf;
+ if ((ADDR)TR > LOCAL_TrailTop - 16)
+ goto trail_overflow;
/* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
- if (ground && share) {
- CELL old = to_visit->oldv;
- CELL *newp = to_visit->to-1;
- CELL new = *newp;
- *newp = old;
- if (IsApplTerm(new))
- HR = RepAppl(new);
- else
- HR = RepPair(new);
- }
+ to_visit--;
+ if (!share)
+ *to_visit->curp = to_visit->oldv;
pt0 = to_visit->start_cp;
pt0_end = to_visit->end_cp;
ptf = to_visit->to;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oldv;
ground = (ground && to_visit->ground);
goto loop;
/* restore our nice, friendly, term to its original state */
- clean_dirty_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- HB = HB0;
- return ground;
+ clean_complex_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
+ /* follow chain of multi-assigned variables */
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return 0;
/* oops, we're in trouble */
@@ -277,62 +429,38 @@ copy_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, int share, int newattvs, CELL *ptf,
/* restore our nice, friendly, term to its original state */
HB = HB0;
while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
+ to_visit--;
pt0 = to_visit->start_cp;
pt0_end = to_visit->end_cp;
ptf = to_visit->to;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oldv;
- /* follow chain of multi-assigned variables */
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
return -1;
+ trail_overflow:
/* oops, we're in trouble */
HR = HLow;
/* we've done it */
/* restore our nice, friendly, term to its original state */
HB = HB0;
while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
+ to_visit--;
pt0 = to_visit->start_cp;
pt0_end = to_visit->end_cp;
ptf = to_visit->to;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oldv;
- }
- {
- tr_fr_ptr oTR = TR;
- reset_trail(TR0);
- if (!Yap_growtrail((oTR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- return -4;
- }
- return -2;
- }
- heap_overflow:
- /* oops, we're in trouble */
- HR = HLow;
- /* we've done it */
- /* restore our nice, friendly, term to its original state */
- HB = HB0;
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
- pt0 = to_visit->start_cp;
- pt0_end = to_visit->end_cp;
- ptf = to_visit->to;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oldv;
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (ADDR)AuxSp-(ADDR)to_visit0;
- return -3;
- }
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
+ return -4;
static Term
handle_cp_overflow(int res, tr_fr_ptr TR0, UInt arity, Term t)
- XREGS[arity+1] = t;
+ XREGS[arity+1] = t;
switch(res) {
case -1:
if (!Yap_gcl((ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL), arity+1, ENV, gc_P(P,CP))) {
@@ -369,97 +497,39 @@ static Term
CopyTerm(Term inp, UInt arity, int share, int newattvs USES_REGS) {
Term t = Deref(inp);
tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- if (newattvs && IsAttachedTerm(t)) {
- CELL *Hi;
- int res;
- restart_attached:
- *HR = t;
- Hi = HR+1;
- HR += 2;
- if ((res = copy_complex_term(Hi-2, Hi-1, share, newattvs, Hi, Hi PASS_REGS)) < 0) {
- HR = Hi-1;
- if ((t = handle_cp_overflow(res, TR0, arity, t))== 0L)
- return FALSE;
- goto restart_attached;
- }
- return Hi[0];
- }
- return MkVarTerm();
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return t;
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- Term tf;
- CELL *ap;
- restart_list:
- ap = RepPair(t);
+ if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
+ return t;
+ }
+ while( true ) {
+ int res;
Hi = HR;
- tf = AbsPair(HR);
- HR += 2;
- {
- int res;
- if ((res = copy_complex_term(ap-1, ap+1, share, newattvs, Hi, Hi PASS_REGS)) < 0) {
+ HR ++;
+ if ((res = Yap_copy_complex_term((&t)-1, &t, share, NULL, newattvs, Hi, HR PASS_REGS)) < 0) {
HR = Hi;
if ((t = handle_cp_overflow(res, TR0, arity, t))== 0L)
return FALSE;
- goto restart_list;
} else if (res && share) {
HR = Hi;
return t;
+ return Hi[0];
- return tf;
- } else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- Term tf;
- CELL *HB0;
- CELL *ap;
- restart_appl:
- f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- HB0 = HR;
- ap = RepAppl(t);
- tf = AbsAppl(HR);
- HR[0] = (CELL)f;
- HR += 1+ArityOfFunctor(f);
- if (HR > ASP-128) {
- HR = HB0;
- if ((t = handle_cp_overflow(-1, TR0, arity, t))== 0L)
- return FALSE;
- goto restart_appl;
- } else {
- int res;
- if ((res = copy_complex_term(ap, ap+ArityOfFunctor(f), share, newattvs, HB0+1, HB0 PASS_REGS)) < 0) {
- HR = HB0;
- if ((t = handle_cp_overflow(res, TR0, arity, t))== 0L)
- return FALSE;
- goto restart_appl;
- } else if (res && share && FunctorOfTerm(t) != FunctorMutable) {
- HR = HB0;
- return t;
- }
- }
- return tf;
- }
+ return 0;
Yap_CopyTerm(Term inp) {
- return CopyTerm(inp, 0, TRUE, TRUE PASS_REGS);
+ return CopyTerm(inp, 0, TRUE, TRUE PASS_REGS);
Yap_CopyTermNoShare(Term inp) {
- return CopyTerm(inp, 0, FALSE, FALSE PASS_REGS);
+ return CopyTerm(inp, 0, FALSE, FALSE PASS_REGS);
static Int
@@ -532,7 +602,7 @@ break_rationals_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *vout, Te
HB = HR;
to_visit0 = to_visit;
- loop:
+ loop:
while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
register CELL d0;
register CELL *ptd0;
@@ -543,9 +613,9 @@ break_rationals_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *vout, Te
if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- CELL *ap2 = RepPair(d0);
- fprintf(stderr, "%ld \n", RepPair(ap2[0])- ptf);
- if (IsVarTerm(ap2[0]) && IN_BETWEEN(HB, (ap2[0]),HR)) {
+ CELL *headp = RepPair(d0);
+ //fprintf(stderr, "%d \n", RepPair(headp[0])- ptf);
+ if (IsVarTerm(headp[0]) && IN_BETWEEN(HB, (headp[0]),HR)) {
Term v = MkVarTerm();
*ptf = v;
vin = add_to_list(vin, (CELL)(ptf), AbsPair(ptf) );
@@ -559,19 +629,19 @@ break_rationals_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *vout, Te
to_visit->start_cp = pt0;
to_visit->end_cp = pt0_end;
to_visit->to = ptf;
- to_visit->oldp = ap2;
- d0 = to_visit->oldv = ap2[0];
+ to_visit->oldp = headp;
+ d0 = to_visit->oldv = headp[0];
/* fool the system into thinking we had a variable there */
to_visit ++;
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + 1;
+ pt0 = headp;
+ pt0_end = headp + 1;
ptf = HR;
- *ap2 = AbsPair(HR);
+ *headp = AbsPair(HR);
HR += 2;
if (HR > ASP - 2048) {
goto overflow;
- if (IsVarTerm(d0) && d0 == (CELL)ap2) {
+ if (IsVarTerm(d0) && d0 == (CELL)headp) {
@@ -585,17 +655,17 @@ break_rationals_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *vout, Te
} else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
+ register CELL *headp;
/* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0)+1;
- f = (Functor)(ap2[-1]);
+ headp = RepAppl(d0)+1;
+ f = (Functor)(headp[-1]);
if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- *ptf++ = d0; /* you can just copy other extensions. */
+ *ptf++ = d0; /* you can just copy other extensions. */
- if (IsApplTerm(ap2[0]) && IN_BETWEEN(HB, RepAppl(ap2[0]),HR)) {
+ if (IsApplTerm(headp[0]) && IN_BETWEEN(HB, RepAppl(headp[0]),HR)) {
- vin = add_to_list(vin, (CELL)ptf, ap2[0] );
+ vin = add_to_list(vin, (CELL)ptf, headp[0] );
@@ -608,24 +678,19 @@ break_rationals_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *vout, Te
to_visit->start_cp = pt0;
to_visit->end_cp = pt0_end;
to_visit->to = ptf;
- to_visit->oldp = ap2;
- d0 = to_visit->oldv = ap2[0];
+ to_visit->oldp = headp;
+ d0 = to_visit->oldv = headp[0];
/* fool the system into thinking we had a variable there */
to_visit ++;
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + (arity-1);
+ pt0 = headp;
+ pt0_end = headp + (arity-1);
ptf = HR;
if (HR > ASP - 2048) {
goto overflow;
*ptf++ =(CELL)f;
- *ap2 = AbsAppl(HR);
+ *headp = AbsAppl(HR);
HR += (arity+1);
- if (IsVarTerm(d0) && d0 == (CELL)(ap2)) {
- ptf++;
- continue;
- }
d0 = Deref(d0);
if (!IsVarTerm(d0)) {
goto copy_term_nvar;
@@ -698,7 +763,7 @@ break_rationals_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *vout, Te
- Term
Yap_BreakRational(Term inp, UInt arity, Term *to, Term ti USES_REGS) {
Term t = Deref(inp);
Term tii = ti;
@@ -708,7 +773,7 @@ Yap_BreakRational(Term inp, UInt arity, Term *to, Term ti USES_REGS) {
*to = ti;
return t;
} else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- *to = ti;
+ *to = ti;
return t;
} else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
CELL *ap;
@@ -749,7 +814,7 @@ Yap_BreakRational(Term inp, UInt arity, Term *to, Term ti USES_REGS) {
arity = ArityOfFunctor(f);
HR += 1+arity;
- {
+ {
Int res;
if ((res = break_rationals_complex_term(ap, ap+(arity), HB0+1, to, ti, HB0 PASS_REGS)) < 0) {
HR = HB0;
@@ -766,7 +831,7 @@ Yap_BreakRational(Term inp, UInt arity, Term *to, Term ti USES_REGS) {
- static int
+static int
break_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *of, Term oi, CELL *HLow USES_REGS)
@@ -787,7 +852,7 @@ break_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *of, Term oi, CELL
if (new) {
/* mark cell as pointing to new copy */
/* we can only mark after reading the value of the first argument */
- MaBind(pt0, new);
+ TrailedMaBind(pt0, new);
new = 0L;
deref_head(d0, break_rationals_unk);
@@ -921,7 +986,7 @@ break_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, Term *of, Term oi, CELL
return -3;
- Term
Yap_BreakTerm(Term inp, UInt arity, Term *to, Term ti USES_REGS) {
Term t = Deref(inp);
tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
@@ -973,21 +1038,21 @@ p_break_rational3( USES_REGS1 )
- FAST EXPORT ROUTINE. Export a Prolog term to something like:
+ FAST EXPORT ROUTINE. Export a Prolog term to something like:
- CELL 0: offset for start of term
- CELL 1: size of actual term (to be copied to stack)
- CELL 2: the original term (just for reference)
+ CELL 0: offset for start of term
+ CELL 1: size of actual term (to be copied to stack)
+ CELL 2: the original term (just for reference)
- Atoms and functors:
- - atoms are either:
- 0 and a char *string
- -1 and a wchar_t *string
- - functors are a CELL with arity and a string.
+ Atoms and functors:
+ - atoms are either:
+ 0 and a char *string
+ -1 and a wchar_t *string
+ - functors are a CELL with arity and a string.
- Compiled Term.
+ Compiled Term.
- */
static inline
CELL *CellDifH(CELL *hptr, CELL *hlow)
@@ -1042,14 +1107,14 @@ Functor export_functor(Functor f, char **hpp, char *buf, size_t len)
return (Functor)(((char *)hptr-buf)+1);
-#define export_derefa_body(D,A,LabelUnk,LabelNonVar) \
- do { \
- if ((CELL *)(D) < CellDifH(HR,HLow)) { (A) = (CELL *)(D); break; } \
- (A) = (CELL *)(D); \
- (D) = *(CELL *)(D); \
- if(!IsVarTerm(D)) goto LabelNonVar; \
- LabelUnk: ; \
- } while (Unsigned(A) != (D))
+#define export_derefa_body(D,A,LabelUnk,LabelNonVar) \
+ do { \
+ if ((CELL *)(D) < CellDifH(HR,HLow)) { (A) = (CELL *)(D); break; } \
+ (A) = (CELL *)(D); \
+ (D) = *(CELL *)(D); \
+ if(!IsVarTerm(D)) goto LabelNonVar; \
+ LabelUnk: ; \
+ } while (Unsigned(A) != (D))
static int
@@ -1291,7 +1356,7 @@ export_complex_term(Term tf, CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, char * buf, size_t len0,
/* follow chain of multi-assigned variables */
return -1;
+ trail_overflow:
/* oops, we're in trouble */
HR = HLow;
/* we've done it */
@@ -1368,7 +1433,7 @@ ExportTerm(Term inp, char * buf, size_t len, UInt arity, int newattvs USES_REGS)
Yap_ExportTerm(Term inp, char * buf, size_t len, UInt arity) {
- return ExportTerm(inp, buf, len, arity, TRUE PASS_REGS);
+ return ExportTerm(inp, buf, len, arity, TRUE PASS_REGS);
@@ -1386,7 +1451,7 @@ addAtom(Atom t, char *buf)
if (!*s) {
return Yap_LookupAtom(s+1);
- return NULL;
+ return NULL;
static UInt
@@ -1458,7 +1523,7 @@ import_pair(CELL *hp, char *abase, char *buf, CELL *amax)
Yap_ImportTerm(char * buf) {
- CELL *bc = (CELL *)buf;
+ CELL *bc = (CELL *)buf;
size_t sz = bc[1];
Term tinp, tret;
tinp = bc[2];
@@ -1536,174 +1601,6 @@ p_kill_exported_term( USES_REGS1 )
-static Term vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
- register CELL **to_visit0, **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
- register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- CELL *InitialH = HR;
- CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- loop:
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
- vars_in_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
- /* do or pt2 are unbound */
- *ptd0 = TermNil;
- /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
- if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
- goto global_overflow;
- }
- HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
- HR += 2;
- HR[-2] = (CELL)ptd0;
- /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- /* Trail overflow */
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- }
- TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- to_visit -= 2;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- goto loop;
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- /* close the list */
- Term t2 = Deref(inp);
- if (IsVarTerm(t2)) {
- Yap_unify((CELL)(HR-1),inp);
- } else {
- HR[-1] = t2; /* don't need to trail */
- }
- return(output);
- } else {
- return(inp);
- }
- trail_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- aux_overflow:
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (to_visit-to_visit0)*sizeof(CELL **);
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- global_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL);
- return 0L;
static int
expand_vts( int args USES_REGS )
@@ -1734,972 +1631,11 @@ expand_vts( int args USES_REGS )
return TRUE;
-static Int
-p_variables_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
- Term out, inp;
- int count;
- restart:
- count = 0;
- inp = Deref(ARG2);
- while (!IsVarTerm(inp) && IsPairTerm(inp)) {
- Term t = HeadOfTerm(inp);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- CELL *ptr = VarOfTerm(t);
- *ptr = TermFoundVar;
- TrailTerm(TR++) = t;
- count++;
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- clean_tr(TR-count PASS_REGS);
- if (!Yap_growtrail(count*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), FALSE)) {
- return FALSE;
- }
- goto restart;
- }
- }
- inp = TailOfTerm(inp);
- }
- do {
- Term t = Deref(ARG1);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- out = AbsPair(HR);
- HR += 2;
- Yap_unify((CELL)(HR-2),ARG1);
- Yap_unify((CELL)(HR-1),ARG2);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t))
- out = ARG2;
- else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, ARG2 PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), ARG2 PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- clean_tr(TR-count PASS_REGS);
- return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
-static Int
-p_term_variables( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
- Term out;
- if (!Yap_IsListOrPartialListTerm(ARG2)) {
- Yap_Error(TYPE_ERROR_LIST,ARG2,"term_variables/2");
- return FALSE;
- }
- do {
- Term t = Deref(ARG1);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- Term out = Yap_MkNewPairTerm();
- return
- Yap_unify(t,HeadOfTerm(out)) &&
- Yap_unify(TermNil, TailOfTerm(out)) &&
- Yap_unify(out, ARG2);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return Yap_unify(TermNil, ARG2);
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, TermNil PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), TermNil PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- return Yap_unify(ARG2,out);
- * Exports a nil-terminated list with all the variables in a term.
- * @param[t] the term
- * @param[arity] the arity of the calling predicate (required for exact garbage collection).
- * @param[USES_REGS] threading
- */
-Yap_TermVariables( Term t, UInt arity USES_REGS ) /* variables in term t */
- Term out;
- do {
- t = Deref(t);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- return MkPairTerm(t, TermNil);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return TermNil;
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, TermNil PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), TermNil PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- if (!expand_vts( arity PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- return out;
-typedef struct att_rec {
- CELL *beg, *end;
- CELL oval;
-} att_rec_t;
-static Term attvars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
- int lvl = push_text_stack();
- att_rec_t *to_visit0, *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof(att_rec_t));
- att_rec_t *to_visit_max;
- register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- CELL *InitialH = HR;
- CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- to_visit_max = to_visit0+1024;
- restart:
- do {
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, attvars_in_term_unk);
- attvars_in_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- {
- CELL *npt0 = RepPair(d0);
- if(IsAtomicTerm(Deref(npt0[0]))) {
- pt0 = npt0;
- pt0_end = pt0 + 1;
- continue;
- }
- }
- to_visit->beg = pt0;
- to_visit->end = pt0_end;
- to_visit->oval = *pt0;
- to_visit ++;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = pt0+2;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- Functor f;
- CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit->beg = pt0;
- to_visit->end = pt0_end;
- to_visit->oval = *pt0;
- to_visit ++;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- arity_t a = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + a;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, attvars_in_term_unk, attvars_in_term_nvar);
- if (IsAttVar(ptd0)) {
- /* do or pt2 are unbound */
- *ptd0 = TermNil;
- /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- /* Trail overflow */
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- }
- TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
- /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
- if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
- goto global_overflow;
- }
- HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
- HR += 2;
- HR[-2] = (CELL)ptd0;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit->beg = pt0;
- to_visit->end = pt0_end;
- to_visit->oval = *pt0;
- to_visit ++;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = &RepAttVar(ptd0)->Value;
- pt0_end = &RepAttVar(ptd0)->Atts;
- }
- continue;
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit == to_visit0)
- break;
- to_visit --;
- pt0 = to_visit->beg;
- pt0_end = to_visit->end;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oval;
- to_visit -= 2;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- } while(true);
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- pop_text_stack(lvl);
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- /* close the list */
- Term t2 = Deref(inp);
- if (IsVarTerm(t2)) {
- Yap_unify((CELL)(HR-1), t2);
- } else {
- HR[-1] = t2; /* don't need to trail */
- }
- return(output);
- } else {
- return(inp);
- }
- trail_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
- pt0 = to_visit->beg;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oval;
- }
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- pop_text_stack(lvl);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- aux_overflow:
- {
- size_t d1 = to_visit-to_visit0;
- size_t d2 = to_visit_max-to_visit0;
- to_visit0 = Realloc(to_visit0,d2*sizeof(CELL*)+64*1024);
- to_visit = to_visit0+d1;
- to_visit_max = to_visit0+(d2+(64*1024))/sizeof(CELL **);
-goto restart;
- global_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
- pt0 = to_visit->beg;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oval;
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- HR = InitialH;
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL);
- return 0L;
-static Int
-p_term_attvars( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
- Term out;
- do {
- Term t = Deref(ARG1);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- out = attvars_in_complex_term(VarOfTerm(t)-1,
- VarOfTerm(t)+1, TermNil PASS_REGS);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return Yap_unify(TermNil, ARG2);
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = attvars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, TermNil PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f))
- return Yap_unify(TermNil, ARG2);
- out = attvars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), TermNil PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- return Yap_unify(ARG2,out);
-static Int
-p_term_variables3( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables in term t */
- Term out;
- do {
- Term t = Deref(ARG1);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- Term out = Yap_MkNewPairTerm();
- return
- Yap_unify(t,HeadOfTerm(out)) &&
- Yap_unify(ARG3, TailOfTerm(out)) &&
- Yap_unify(out, ARG2);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return Yap_unify(ARG2, ARG3);
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, ARG3 PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), ARG3 PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- return Yap_unify(ARG2,out);
-static Term vars_within_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
- register CELL **to_visit0, **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
- register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- CELL *InitialH = HR;
- CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- while (!IsVarTerm(inp) && IsPairTerm(inp)) {
- Term t = HeadOfTerm(inp);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- CELL *ptr = VarOfTerm(t);
- *ptr = TermFoundVar;
- TrailTerm(TR++) = t;
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- }
- }
- inp = TailOfTerm(inp);
- }
- loop:
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, vars_within_term_unk);
- vars_within_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- } else if (d0 == TermFoundVar) {
- /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
- if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
- goto global_overflow;
- }
- HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
- HR += 2;
- HR[-2] = (CELL)ptd0;
- *ptd0 = TermNil;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_within_term_unk, vars_within_term_nvar);
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- to_visit -= 2;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- goto loop;
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- HR[-1] = TermNil;
- return output;
- } else {
- return TermNil;
- }
- trail_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- aux_overflow:
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (to_visit-to_visit0)*sizeof(CELL **);
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- global_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL);
- return 0L;
-static Int
-p_variables_within_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables within term t */
- Term out;
- do {
- Term t = Deref(ARG2);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- out = vars_within_complex_term(VarOfTerm(t)-1,
- VarOfTerm(t), Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t))
- out = TermNil;
- else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = vars_within_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = vars_within_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
-static Term new_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Term inp USES_REGS)
- register CELL **to_visit0, **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
- register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- CELL *InitialH = HR;
- CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- while (!IsVarTerm(inp) && IsPairTerm(inp)) {
- Term t = HeadOfTerm(inp);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- CELL *ptr = VarOfTerm(t);
- *ptr = TermFoundVar;
- TrailTerm(TR++) = t;
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- }
- }
- inp = TailOfTerm(inp);
- }
- loop:
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, vars_within_term_unk);
- vars_within_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_within_term_unk, vars_within_term_nvar);
- /* do or pt2 are unbound */
- *ptd0 = TermNil;
- /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
- if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
- goto global_overflow;
- }
- HR[1] = AbsPair(HR+2);
- HR += 2;
- HR[-2] = (CELL)ptd0;
- /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- /* Trail overflow */
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- }
- TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- to_visit -= 2;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- goto loop;
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- HR[-1] = TermNil;
- return output;
- } else {
- return TermNil;
- }
- trail_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- aux_overflow:
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (to_visit-to_visit0)*sizeof(CELL **);
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- global_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL);
- return 0L;
-static Int
-p_new_variables_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables within term t */
- Term out;
- do {
- Term t = Deref(ARG2);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- out = new_vars_in_complex_term(VarOfTerm(t)-1,
- VarOfTerm(t), Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t))
- out = TermNil;
- else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = new_vars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = new_vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), Deref(ARG1) PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
-static Term free_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS)
- register CELL **to_visit0, **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
- CELL *InitialH = HR;
- *HR++ = MkAtomTerm(AtomDollar);
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- loop:
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, vars_within_term_unk);
- vars_within_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_within_term_unk, vars_within_term_nvar);
- /* do or pt2 are unbound */
- *ptd0 = TermNil;
- /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
- if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
- goto global_overflow;
- }
- HR[0] = (CELL)ptd0;
- HR ++;
- /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- /* Trail overflow */
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- }
- TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- to_visit -= 2;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- goto loop;
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- InitialH[0] = (CELL)Yap_MkFunctor(AtomDollar, (HR-InitialH)-1);
- return AbsAppl(InitialH);
- } else {
- return MkAtomTerm(AtomDollar);
- }
- trail_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- aux_overflow:
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (to_visit-to_visit0)*sizeof(CELL **);
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- return 0L;
- global_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- Yap_ReleasePreAllocCodeSpace((ADDR)to_visit0);
- HR = InitialH;
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL);
- return 0L;
static Term bind_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, tr_fr_ptr TR0 USES_REGS)
- register CELL **to_visit0, **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
+ register CELL **to_visit0,
+ **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
CELL *InitialH = HR;
to_visit0 = to_visit;
@@ -2796,13 +1732,11 @@ static Term bind_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end
return TermNil;
while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
to_visit -= 3;
pt0 = to_visit[0];
*pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
@@ -2827,388 +1761,7 @@ static Term bind_vars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end
-static Int
-p_free_variables_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* variables within term t */
- Term out;
- Term t, t0;
- Term found_module = 0L;
- do {
- tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- t = t0 = Deref(ARG1);
- while (!IsVarTerm(t) && IsApplTerm(t)) {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- if (f == FunctorHat) {
- out = bind_vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+1, TR0 PASS_REGS);
- if (out == 0L) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- } else if (f == FunctorModule) {
- found_module = ArgOfTerm(1, t);
- } else if (f == FunctorCall) {
- t = ArgOfTerm(1, t);
- continue;
- } else if (f == FunctorExecuteInMod) {
- found_module = ArgOfTerm(2, t);
- t = ArgOfTerm(1, t);
- continue;
- } else {
- break;
- }
- t = ArgOfTerm(2,t);
- }
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- out = free_vars_in_complex_term(VarOfTerm(t)-1,
- VarOfTerm(t), TR0 PASS_REGS);
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t))
- out = TermNil;
- else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = free_vars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, TR0 PASS_REGS);
- }
- else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = free_vars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), TR0 PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out == 0L) {
- trail_overflow:
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- }
- } while (out == 0L);
- if (found_module && t!=t0) {
- Term ts[2];
- ts[0] = found_module;
- ts[1] = t;
- t = Yap_MkApplTerm(FunctorModule, 2, ts);
- }
- return
- Yap_unify(ARG2, t) &&
- Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
-static Term non_singletons_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end USES_REGS)
- register CELL **to_visit0, **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
- register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- CELL *InitialH = HR;
- CELL output = AbsPair(HR);
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- loop:
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
- vars_in_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- } else if (d0 == TermFoundVar) {
- CELL *pt2 = pt0;
- while(IsVarTerm(*pt2))
- pt2 = (CELL *)(*pt2);
- HR[0] = AbsPair(HR+2);
- HR += 2;
- HR[-1] = (CELL)pt2;
- *pt2 = TermRefoundVar;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
- /* do or pt2 are unbound */
- *ptd0 = TermFoundVar;
- /* next make sure we can recover the variable again */
- TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- goto loop;
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- CELL *pt0 = InitialH, *pt1 = pt0;
- while (pt0 < InitialH) {
- if(Deref(pt0[0]) == TermFoundVar) {
- pt1[0] = pt0[0];
- pt1[1] = AbsAppl(pt1+2);
- pt1 += 2;
- }
- pt0 += 2;
- }
- }
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- /* close the list */
- HR[-1] = Deref(ARG2);
- return output;
- } else {
- return ARG2;
- }
- aux_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- if (HR != InitialH) {
- /* close the list */
- }
- return 0L;
-static Int
-p_non_singletons_in_term( USES_REGS1 ) /* non_singletons in term t */
- Term t;
- Term out;
- while (TRUE) {
- t = Deref(ARG1);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- out = ARG2;
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- out = ARG2;
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = non_singletons_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1 PASS_REGS);
- } else {
- out = non_singletons_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(FunctorOfTerm(t)) PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out != 0L) {
- return Yap_unify(ARG3,out);
- } else {
- if (!Yap_ExpandPreAllocCodeSpace(0, NULL, TRUE)) {
- Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_AUXILIARY_STACK, ARG1, "overflow in singletons");
- return FALSE;
- }
- }
- }
-static Int ground_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end USES_REGS)
- register CELL **to_visit0, **to_visit = (CELL **)Yap_PreAllocCodeSpace();
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- loop:
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
- vars_in_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- register Functor f;
- register CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (to_visit + 1024 >= (CELL **)AuxSp) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- to_visit += 3;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit += 2;
- }
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- return FALSE;
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- to_visit -= 2;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- goto loop;
- }
- return TRUE;
- aux_overflow:
- /* unwind stack */
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit -= 3;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- *pt0 = (CELL)to_visit[2];
- }
- return -1;
-bool Yap_IsGroundTerm(Term t)
- while (TRUE) {
- Int out;
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- return FALSE;
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return TRUE;
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- if ((out =ground_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1 PASS_REGS)) >= 0) {
- return out != 0;
- }
- } else {
- Functor fun = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(fun))
- return TRUE;
- else if ((out = ground_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(fun) PASS_REGS)) >= 0) {
- return out != 0;
- }
- }
- if (out < 0) {
- *HR++ = t;
- if (!Yap_ExpandPreAllocCodeSpace(0, NULL, TRUE)) {
- Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_AUXILIARY_STACK, ARG1, "overflow in ground");
- return false;
- }
- t = *--HR;
- }
- }
-static Int
-p_ground( USES_REGS1 ) /* ground(+T) */
- return Yap_IsGroundTerm(Deref(ARG1));
static int
SizeOfExtension(Term t)
@@ -3354,32 +1907,32 @@ int
Yap_SizeGroundTerm(Term t, int ground)
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- if (!ground)
+ if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
+ if (!ground)
+ return 1;
+ return 0;
+ } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
return 1;
- return 0;
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return 1;
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- int sz = sz_ground_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1, RepPair(t)+1, ground PASS_REGS);
- if (sz <= 0)
- return sz;
- return sz+2;
-} else {
- int sz = 0;
- Functor fun = FunctorOfTerm(t);
+ } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
+ int sz = sz_ground_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1, RepPair(t)+1, ground PASS_REGS);
+ if (sz <= 0)
+ return sz;
+ return sz+2;
+ } else {
+ int sz = 0;
+ Functor fun = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(fun))
- return 1+ SizeOfExtension(t);
+ if (IsExtensionFunctor(fun))
+ return 1+ SizeOfExtension(t);
- sz = sz_ground_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(fun),
- ground PASS_REGS);
- if (sz <= 0)
- return sz;
- return 1+ArityOfFunctor(fun)+sz;
- }
+ sz = sz_ground_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
+ RepAppl(t)+
+ ArityOfFunctor(fun),
+ ground PASS_REGS);
+ if (sz <= 0)
+ return sz;
+ return 1+ArityOfFunctor(fun)+sz;
+ }
static Int var_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0,
@@ -3550,52 +2103,52 @@ p_var_in_term( USES_REGS1 )
// And it has a few limitations -
// 1. It will not work incrementally.
-// 2. It will not produce the same results on little-endian and big-endian
+// 2. It will not produce the same results on litle-endian and big-endian
// machines.
static unsigned int
MurmurHashNeutral2 ( const void * key, int len, unsigned int seed )
- const unsigned int m = 0x5bd1e995;
- const int r = 24;
+ const unsigned int m = 0x5bd1e995;
+ const int r = 24;
- unsigned int h = seed ^ len;
+ unsigned int h = seed ^ len;
- const unsigned char * data = (const unsigned char *)key;
+ const unsigned char * data = (const unsigned char *)key;
- while(len >= 4)
- {
- unsigned int k;
+ while(len >= 4)
+ {
+ unsigned int k;
- k = data[0];
- k |= data[1] << 8;
- k |= data[2] << 16;
- k |= data[3] << 24;
+ k = data[0];
+ k |= data[1] << 8;
+ k |= data[2] << 16;
+ k |= data[3] << 24;
- k *= m;
- k ^= k >> r;
- k *= m;
+ k *= m;
+ k ^= k >> r;
+ k *= m;
- h *= m;
- h ^= k;
+ h *= m;
+ h ^= k;
- data += 4;
- len -= 4;
- }
+ data += 4;
+ len -= 4;
+ }
- switch(len)
- {
- case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16;
- case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8;
- case 1: h ^= data[0];
- h *= m;
- };
+ switch(len)
+ {
+ case 3: h ^= data[2] << 16;
+ case 2: h ^= data[1] << 8;
+ case 1: h ^= data[0];
+ h *= m;
+ };
- h ^= h >> 13;
- h *= m;
- h ^= h >> 15;
+ h ^= h >> 13;
+ h *= m;
+ h ^= h >> 15;
- return h;
+ return h;
static CELL *
@@ -3603,20 +2156,20 @@ addAtomToHash(CELL *st, Atom at)
unsigned int len;
- char *c = RepAtom(at)->StrOfAE;
- int ulen = strlen(c);
- /* fix hashing over empty atom */
- if (!ulen) {
- return st;
- }
- if (ulen % CellSize == 0) {
- len = ulen/CellSize;
- } else {
- len = ulen/CellSize;
- len++;
- }
- st[len-1] = 0L;
- strncpy((char *)st, c, ulen);
+ char *c = RepAtom(at)->StrOfAE;
+ int ulen = strlen(c);
+ /* fix hashing over empty atom */
+ if (!ulen) {
+ return st;
+ }
+ if (ulen % CellSize == 0) {
+ len = ulen/CellSize;
+ } else {
+ len = ulen/CellSize;
+ len++;
+ }
+ st[len-1] = 0L;
+ strncpy((char *)st, c, ulen);
return st+len;
@@ -3788,7 +2341,7 @@ Int
Yap_TermHash(Term t, Int size, Int depth, int variant)
- unsigned int i1;
+ unsigned int i1;
Term t1 = Deref(t);
while (TRUE) {
@@ -3933,7 +2486,7 @@ p_instantiated_term_hash( USES_REGS1 )
static int variant_complex(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, register
tr_fr_ptr OLDTR = TR;
register CELL **to_visit = (CELL **)ASP;
@@ -4022,16 +2575,16 @@ static int variant_complex(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, register
- /* now link the two structures so that no one else will */
- /* come here */
- to_visit -= 4;
- if ((CELL *)to_visit < HR+1024)
- goto out_of_stack;
- to_visit[0] = pt0;
- to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
- to_visit[2] = pt1;
- to_visit[3] = (CELL *)*pt0;
- *pt0 = d1;
+ /* now link the two structures so that no one else will */
+ /* come here */
+ to_visit -= 4;
+ if ((CELL *)to_visit < HR+1024)
+ goto out_of_stack;
+ to_visit[0] = pt0;
+ to_visit[1] = pt0_end;
+ to_visit[2] = pt1;
+ to_visit[3] = (CELL *)*pt0;
+ *pt0 = d1;
/* store the terms to visit */
if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
@@ -4175,7 +2728,7 @@ bool
Yap_Variant(Term t1, Term t2)
- return is_variant(t1, t2, 0 PASS_REGS);
+ return is_variant(t1, t2, 0 PASS_REGS);
static Int
@@ -4186,7 +2739,7 @@ p_variant( USES_REGS1 ) /* variant terms t1 and t2 */
static int subsumes_complex(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, register
register CELL **to_visit = (CELL **)ASP;
tr_fr_ptr OLDTR = TR, new_tr;
@@ -4415,8 +2968,8 @@ p_subsumes( USES_REGS1 ) /* subsumes terms t1 and t2 */
if (IsPairTerm(t1)) {
if (IsPairTerm(t2)) {
- RepPair(t1)+1,
- RepPair(t2)-1 PASS_REGS));
+ RepPair(t1)+1,
+ RepPair(t2)-1 PASS_REGS));
else return (FALSE);
} else {
@@ -4430,8 +2983,8 @@ p_subsumes( USES_REGS1 ) /* subsumes terms t1 and t2 */
return(unify_extension(f1, t1, RepAppl(t1), t2));
- RepAppl(t1)+ArityOfFunctor(f1),
- RepAppl(t2) PASS_REGS));
+ RepAppl(t1)+ArityOfFunctor(f1),
+ RepAppl(t2) PASS_REGS));
@@ -4682,7 +3235,7 @@ p_term_subsumer( USES_REGS1 ) /* term_subsumer terms t1 and t2 */
HB = B->cp_h;
return Yap_unify(ARG3,tf);
- } else if (IsApplTerm(t1) && IsApplTerm(t2)) {
+ } else if (IsApplTerm(t1) && IsApplTerm(t2)) {
Functor f1;
if ((f1 = FunctorOfTerm(t1)) == FunctorOfTerm(t2)) {
@@ -4817,214 +3370,6 @@ extern int vsc;
int vsc;
-static Int numbervars_in_complex_term(register CELL *pt0, register CELL *pt0_end, Int numbv, int singles USES_REGS)
- int lvl = push_text_stack();
- att_rec_t *to_visit0, *to_visit = Malloc(1024*sizeof(att_rec_t));
- att_rec_t *to_visit_max;
- register tr_fr_ptr TR0 = TR;
- CELL *InitialH = HR;
- to_visit0 = to_visit;
- to_visit_max = to_visit0+1024;
- while (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- register CELL d0;
- register CELL *ptd0;
- ++ pt0;
- ptd0 = pt0;
- d0 = *ptd0;
- deref_head(d0, vars_in_term_unk);
- vars_in_term_nvar:
- {
- if (IsPairTerm(d0)) {
- if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit->beg = pt0;
- to_visit->end = pt0_end;
- to_visit->oval = *pt0;
- to_visit ++;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- pt0 = RepPair(d0) - 1;
- pt0_end = RepPair(d0) + 1;
- } else if (IsApplTerm(d0)) {
- Functor f;
- CELL *ap2;
- /* store the terms to visit */
- ap2 = RepAppl(d0);
- f = (Functor)(*ap2);
- if (IsExtensionFunctor(f)) {
- continue;
- }
- if (singles && ap2 >= InitialH && ap2 < HR) {
- renumbervar(d0, numbv++ PASS_REGS);
- continue;
- }
- /* store the terms to visit */
- if (to_visit + 32 >= to_visit_max) {
- goto aux_overflow;
- }
- to_visit->beg = pt0;
- to_visit->end = pt0_end;
- to_visit->oval = *pt0;
- to_visit ++;
- *pt0 = TermNil;
- d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
- pt0 = ap2;
- pt0_end = ap2 + d0;
- }
- continue;
- }
- derefa_body(d0, ptd0, vars_in_term_unk, vars_in_term_nvar);
- /* do or pt2 are unbound */
- if (singles)
- *ptd0 = numbervar_singleton( PASS_REGS1 );
- else
- *ptd0 = numbervar(numbv++ PASS_REGS);
- /* leave an empty slot to fill in later */
- if (HR+1024 > ASP) {
- goto global_overflow;
- }
- /* next make sure noone will see this as a variable again */
- if (TR > (tr_fr_ptr)LOCAL_TrailTop - 256) {
- /* Trail overflow */
- if (!Yap_growtrail((TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *), TRUE)) {
- goto trail_overflow;
- }
- }
-#if defined(TABLING) || defined(YAPOR_SBA)
- TrailVal(TR) = (CELL)ptd0;
- TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
- }
- /* Do we still have compound terms to visit */
- if (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
- pt0 = to_visit->beg;
- pt0_end = to_visit->end;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oval;
- to_visit -= 2;
- pt0 = to_visit[0];
- pt0_end = to_visit[1];
- goto loop;
- }
- prune(B PASS_REGS);
- pop_text_stack(lvl);
- return numbv;
- trail_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
- pt0 = to_visit->beg;
- pt0_end = to_visit->end;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oval;
- }
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (TR-TR0)*sizeof(tr_fr_ptr *);
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- HR = InitialH;
- pop_text_stack(lvl);
- return numbv-1;
- aux_overflow:
- {
- size_t d1 = to_visit-to_visit0;
- size_t d2 = to_visit_max-to_visit0;
- to_visit0 = Realloc(to_visit0,d2*sizeof(CELL*)+64*1024);
- to_visit = to_visit0+d1;
- to_visit_max = to_visit0+(d2+(64*1024))/sizeof(CELL **);
-goto loop;
- global_overflow:
- while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
- to_visit --;
- pt0 = to_visit->beg;
- pt0_end = to_visit->end;
- *pt0 = to_visit->oval;
- }
- clean_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
- HR = InitialH;
- LOCAL_Error_Size = (ASP-HR)*sizeof(CELL);
- pop_text_stack(lvl);
- return numbv-1;
-Yap_NumberVars( Term inp, Int numbv, bool handle_singles ) /*
- * numbervariables in term t */
- Int out;
- Term t;
- restart:
- t = Deref(inp);
- if (IsVarTerm(t)) {
- CELL *ptd0 = VarOfTerm(t);
- TrailTerm(TR++) = (CELL)ptd0;
- if (handle_singles) {
- *ptd0 = numbervar_singleton( PASS_REGS1 );
- return numbv;
- } else {
- *ptd0 = numbervar(numbv PASS_REGS);
- return numbv+1;
- }
- } else if (IsPrimitiveTerm(t)) {
- return numbv;
- } else if (IsPairTerm(t)) {
- out = numbervars_in_complex_term(RepPair(t)-1,
- RepPair(t)+1, numbv, handle_singles PASS_REGS);
- } else {
- Functor f = FunctorOfTerm(t);
- out = numbervars_in_complex_term(RepAppl(t),
- RepAppl(t)+
- ArityOfFunctor(f), numbv, handle_singles PASS_REGS);
- }
- if (out < numbv) {
- if (!expand_vts( 3 PASS_REGS ))
- return FALSE;
- goto restart;
- }
- return out;
-static Int
-p_numbervars( USES_REGS1 )
- Term t2 = Deref(ARG2);
- Int out;
- if (IsVarTerm(t2)) {
- Yap_Error(INSTANTIATION_ERROR,t2,"numbervars/3");
- return FALSE;
- }
- if (!IsIntegerTerm(t2)) {
- Yap_Error(TYPE_ERROR_INTEGER,t2,"term_hash/4");
- return(FALSE);
- }
- if ((out = Yap_NumberVars(ARG1, IntegerOfTerm(t2), FALSE)) < 0)
- return FALSE;
- return Yap_unify(ARG3, MkIntegerTerm(out));
static int
unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share USES_REGS)
@@ -5035,6 +3380,7 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
int ground = share;
Int max = -1;
+ int lvl = push_text_stack();
HB = HLow;
to_visit0 = to_visit;
@@ -5056,7 +3402,6 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
*ptf = AbsPair(HR);
if (to_visit+1 >= (struct cp_frame *)AuxSp) {
goto heap_overflow;
@@ -5068,18 +3413,6 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
/* fool the system into thinking we had a variable there */
*pt0 = AbsPair(HR);
to_visit ++;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- if (to_visit+1 >= (struct cp_frame *)AuxSp) {
- goto heap_overflow;
- }
- to_visit->start_cp = pt0;
- to_visit->end_cp = pt0_end;
- to_visit->to = ptf;
- to_visit->ground = ground;
- to_visit ++;
- }
ground = share;
pt0 = ap2 - 1;
pt0_end = ap2 + 1;
@@ -5108,6 +3441,7 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
Int id = IntegerOfTerm(ap2[1]);
ground = FALSE;
if (id < -1) {
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
Yap_Error(RESOURCE_ERROR_STACK, TermNil, "unnumber vars cannot cope with VAR(-%d)", id);
return 0L;
@@ -5142,7 +3476,6 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
*ptf = AbsAppl(HR);
/* store the terms to visit */
if (to_visit+1 >= (struct cp_frame *)AuxSp) {
goto heap_overflow;
@@ -5154,18 +3487,6 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
/* fool the system into thinking we had a variable there */
*pt0 = AbsAppl(HR);
to_visit ++;
- if (pt0 < pt0_end) {
- if (to_visit+1 >= (struct cp_frame *)AuxSp) {
- goto heap_overflow;
- }
- to_visit->start_cp = pt0;
- to_visit->end_cp = pt0_end;
- to_visit->to = ptf;
- to_visit->ground = ground;
- to_visit ++;
- }
ground = (f != FunctorMutable) && share;
d0 = ArityOfFunctor(f);
pt0 = ap2;
@@ -5216,6 +3537,7 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
/* restore our nice, friendly, term to its original state */
clean_dirty_tr(TR0 PASS_REGS);
HB = HB0;
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
return ground;
@@ -5224,7 +3546,6 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
/* we've done it */
/* restore our nice, friendly, term to its original state */
HB = HB0;
while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
to_visit --;
pt0 = to_visit->start_cp;
@@ -5232,9 +3553,9 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
ptf = to_visit->to;
*pt0 = to_visit->oldv;
/* follow chain of multi-assigned variables */
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
return -1;
@@ -5243,7 +3564,6 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
/* we've done it */
/* restore our nice, friendly, term to its original state */
HB = HB0;
while (to_visit > to_visit0) {
to_visit --;
pt0 = to_visit->start_cp;
@@ -5251,9 +3571,9 @@ unnumber_complex_term(CELL *pt0, CELL *pt0_end, CELL *ptf, CELL *HLow, int share
ptf = to_visit->to;
*pt0 = to_visit->oldv;
LOCAL_Error_Size = (ADDR)AuxSp-(ADDR)to_visit0;
+ pop_text_stack(lvl);
return -3;
@@ -5328,7 +3648,7 @@ UnnumberTerm(Term inp, UInt arity, int share USES_REGS) {
Yap_UnNumberTerm(Term inp, int share) {
- return UnnumberTerm(inp, 0, share PASS_REGS);
+ return UnnumberTerm(inp, 0, share PASS_REGS);
static Int
@@ -5348,19 +3668,19 @@ Yap_SkipList(Term *l, Term **tailp)
s = l;
if ( IsPairTerm(*l) )
- { intptr_t power = 1, lam = 0;
- do
- { if ( power == lam )
- { s = l;
- power *= 2;
- lam = 0;
- }
- lam++;
- length++;
- l = RepPair(*l)+1;
- do_derefa(v,l,derefa2_unk,derefa2_nonvar);
- } while ( *l != *s && IsPairTerm(*l) );
- }
+ { intptr_t power = 1, lam = 0;
+ do
+ { if ( power == lam )
+ { s = l;
+ power *= 2;
+ lam = 0;
+ }
+ lam++;
+ length++;
+ l = RepPair(*l)+1;
+ do_derefa(v,l,derefa2_unk,derefa2_nonvar);
+ } while ( *l != *s && IsPairTerm(*l) );
+ }
*tailp = l;
return length;
@@ -5483,134 +3803,89 @@ p_reset_variables( USES_REGS1 )
void Yap_InitUtilCPreds(void)
- Term cm = CurrentModule;
+ Term cm = CurrentModule;
Yap_InitCPred("copy_term", 2, p_copy_term, 0);
-/** @pred copy_term(? _TI_,- _TF_) is iso
+ /** @pred copy_term(? _TI_,- _TF_) is iso
-Term _TF_ is a variant of the original term _TI_, such that for
-each variable _V_ in the term _TI_ there is a new variable _V'_
-in term _TF_. Notice that:
+ Term _TF_ is a variant of the original term _TI_, such that for
+ each variable _V_ in the term _TI_ there is a new variable _V'_
+ in term _TF_. Notice that:
-+ suspended goals and attributes for attributed variables in _TI_ are also duplicated;
-+ ground terms are shared between the new and the old term.
+ + suspended goals and attributes for attributed variables in _TI_ are also duplicated;
+ + ground terms are shared between the new and the old term.
-If you do not want any sharing to occur please use
+ If you do not want any sharing to occur please use
+ duplicate_term/2.
+ */
Yap_InitCPred("duplicate_term", 2, p_duplicate_term, 0);
-/** @pred duplicate_term(? _TI_,- _TF_)
+ /** @pred duplicate_term(? _TI_,- _TF_)
-Term _TF_ is a variant of the original term _TI_, such that
-for each variable _V_ in the term _TI_ there is a new variable
- _V'_ in term _TF_, and the two terms do not share any
-structure. All suspended goals and attributes for attributed variables
-in _TI_ are also duplicated.
+ Term _TF_ is a variant of the original term _TI_, such that
+ for each variable _V_ in the term _TI_ there is a new variable
+ _V'_ in term _TF_, and the two terms do not share any
+ structure. All suspended goals and attributes for attributed variables
+ in _TI_ are also duplicated.
-Also refer to copy_term/2.
+ Also refer to copy_term/2.
+ */
Yap_InitCPred("copy_term_nat", 2, p_copy_term_no_delays, 0);
-/** @pred copy_term_nat(? _TI_,- _TF_)
+ /** @pred copy_term_nat(? _TI_,- _TF_)
-As copy_term/2. Attributes however, are not copied but replaced
-by fresh variables.
+ As copy_term/2. Attributes however, are not copied but replaced
+ by fresh variables.
- */
- Yap_InitCPred("ground", 1, p_ground, SafePredFlag);
-/** @pred ground( _T_) is iso
-Succeeds if there are no free variables in the term _T_.
- Yap_InitCPred("$variables_in_term", 3, p_variables_in_term, 0);
- Yap_InitCPred("$free_variables_in_term", 3, p_free_variables_in_term, 0);
- Yap_InitCPred("$non_singletons_in_term", 3, p_non_singletons_in_term, 0);
- Yap_InitCPred("term_variables", 2, p_term_variables, 0);
-/** @pred term_variables(? _Term_, - _Variables_) is iso
-Unify _Variables_ with the list of all variables of term
- _Term_. The variables occur in the order of their first
-appearance when traversing the term depth-first, left-to-right.
- Yap_InitCPred("term_variables", 3, p_term_variables3, 0);
- Yap_InitCPred("term_attvars", 2, p_term_attvars, 0);
-/** @pred term_attvars(+ _Term_,- _AttVars_)
- _AttVars_ is a list of all attributed variables in _Term_ and
-its attributes. I.e., term_attvars/2 works recursively through
-attributes. This predicate is Cycle-safe.
+ */
Yap_InitCPred("is_list", 1, p_is_list, SafePredFlag|TestPredFlag);
Yap_InitCPred("$is_list_or_partial_list", 1, p_is_list_or_partial_list, SafePredFlag|TestPredFlag);
Yap_InitCPred("rational_term_to_tree", 4, p_break_rational, 0);
-/** @pred rational_term_to_tree(? _TI_,- _TF_, ?SubTerms, ?MoreSubterms)
+ /** @pred rational_term_to_tree(? _TI_,- _TF_, ?SubTerms, ?MoreSubterms)
-The term _TF_ is a forest representation (without cycles and repeated
-terms) for the Prolog term _TI_. The term _TF_ is the main term. The
-difference list _SubTerms_-_MoreSubterms_ stores terms of the form
-_V=T_, where _V_ is a new variable occuring in _TF_, and _T_ is a copy
-of a sub-term from _TI_.
+ The term _TF_ is a forest representation (without cycles and repeated
+ terms) for the Prolog term _TI_. The term _TF_ is the main term. The
+ difference list _SubTerms_-_MoreSubterms_ stores terms of the form
+ _V=T_, where _V_ is a new variable occuring in _TF_, and _T_ is a copy
+ of a sub-term from _TI_.
+ */
Yap_InitCPred("term_factorized", 3, p_break_rational3, 0);
-/** @pred term_factorized(? _TI_,- _TF_, ?SubTerms)
+ /** @pred term_factorized(? _TI_,- _TF_, ?SubTerms)
-Similar to rational_term_to_tree/4, but _SubTerms_ is a proper list.
+ Similar to rational_term_to_tree/4, but _SubTerms_ is a proper list.
+ */
Yap_InitCPred("=@=", 2, p_variant, 0);
- Yap_InitCPred("numbervars", 3, p_numbervars, 0);
-/** @pred numbervars( _T_,+ _N1_,- _Nn_)
-Instantiates each variable in term _T_ to a term of the form:
-`$VAR( _I_)`, with _I_ increasing from _N1_ to _Nn_.
Yap_InitCPred("unnumbervars", 2, p_unnumbervars, 0);
-/** @pred unnumbervars( _T_,+ _NT_)
+ /** @pred unnumbervars( _T_,+ _NT_)
-Replace every `$VAR( _I_)` by a free variable.
+ Replace every `$VAR( _I_)` by a free variable.
+ */
/* use this carefully */
Yap_InitCPred("$skip_list", 3, p_skip_list, SafePredFlag|TestPredFlag);
Yap_InitCPred("$skip_list", 4, p_skip_list4, SafePredFlag|TestPredFlag);
Yap_InitCPred("$free_arguments", 1, p_free_arguments, TestPredFlag);
CurrentModule = TERMS_MODULE;
- Yap_InitCPred("variable_in_term", 2, p_var_in_term, 0);
Yap_InitCPred("term_hash", 4, p_term_hash, 0);
Yap_InitCPred("instantiated_term_hash", 4, p_instantiated_term_hash, 0);
Yap_InitCPred("variant", 2, p_variant, 0);
Yap_InitCPred("subsumes", 2, p_subsumes, 0);
Yap_InitCPred("term_subsumer", 3, p_term_subsumer, 0);
- Yap_InitCPred("variables_within_term", 3, p_variables_within_term, 0);
- Yap_InitCPred("new_variables_in_term", 3, p_new_variables_in_term, 0);
Yap_InitCPred("export_term", 3, p_export_term, 0);
Yap_InitCPred("kill_exported_term", 1, p_kill_exported_term, SafePredFlag);
Yap_InitCPred("import_term", 2, p_import_term, 0);
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index 0ababa270..01576f7bf 100755
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -409,9 +409,7 @@ ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/OPTYap
diff --git a/H/YapGFlagInfo.h b/H/YapGFlagInfo.h
index e822ad1be..85997466f 100644
--- a/H/YapGFlagInfo.h
+++ b/H/YapGFlagInfo.h
@@ -167,7 +167,7 @@ opportunity. Initial value is 10,000. May be changed. A value of 0
YAP_FLAG(DEBUG_FLAG, "debug", true, booleanFlag, "false", NULL),
- // YAP_FLAG(DEBUG_INFO_FLAG, "debug_info", true, booleanFlag, "true", NULL),
+ YAP_FLAG(DEBUG_INFO_FLAG, "debug_info", true, booleanFlag, "true", NULL),
Says whether to call the debUgger on an exception. False in YAP..
diff --git a/cmake/Sources.cmake b/cmake/Sources.cmake
index a891c4621..6bd9429d5 100644
--- a/cmake/Sources.cmake
+++ b/cmake/Sources.cmake
@@ -65,6 +65,7 @@ set (ENGINE_SOURCES
+ C/terms.c
diff --git a/pl/boot.yap b/pl/boot.yap
index c146b1b4d..420f0b3a5 100644
--- a/pl/boot.yap
+++ b/pl/boot.yap
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
-* @pred system_module( +_Mod_, +_ListOfPublicPredicates, +ListOfPrivatePredicates *
+* @pred system_module( _Mod_, _ListOfPublicPredicates, ListOfPrivatePredicates *
* Define a system module _Mod_. _ListOfPublicPredicates_ . Currentlt, all
* predicates are in the 'prolog' module. The first
* are visible outside the Prolog module, all others are hidden at the end of booting.
@@ -37,21 +37,26 @@
system_module(Mod, SysExps) :-
system_module(Mod, SysExps, []).
+use_system_module(_Module, _SysExps).
system_module(_Mod, SysExps, _Decls) :-
+ % '$new_system_predicates'(SysExps),
+ fail.
+ system_module(_Mod, _SysExps, _Decls) :-
- '$new_system_predicates'(SysExps),
- fail
- ;
recordz(system_file, File, _ )
recordz(system_file, loop_stream, _ )
-'$new_system_predicates'([P|_Ps]) :-
- functor(P, N, Ar),
+'$new_system_predicates'([N/Ar|_Ps]) :-
'$new_system_predicate'(N, Ar, prolog).
'$new_system_predicates'([_P|Ps]) :-
@@ -77,9 +82,6 @@ system_module(_Mod, SysExps, _Decls) :-
% be careful here not to generate an undefined exception..
print_message(L,E) :-
(L = informational
@@ -247,7 +249,7 @@ initialize_prolog :-
:- c_compile( 'preds.yap' ).
:- c_compile( 'modules.yap' ).
:- c_compile( 'grammar.yap' ).
-:- c_compile( 'protect.yap' ).
+%:- c_compile( 'protect.yap' ).
:- ['absf.yap'].
diff --git a/pl/init.yap b/pl/init.yap
index 330bc76c4..950ff1049 100644
--- a/pl/init.yap
+++ b/pl/init.yap
@@ -97,9 +97,10 @@
set_prolog_flag(debug, false),
% simple trick to find out if this is we are booting from Prolog.
% boot from a saved state
- '$init_from_saved_state_and_args', %start_low_level_trace,
+ writeln(ok),
+ '$init_from_saved_state_and_args', %start_low_level_trace,
- '$db_clean_queues'(0),
+ '$db_clean_queues'(_),
% this must be executed from C-code.
% '$startup_saved_state',
@@ -186,7 +187,7 @@
get_value('$consult_on_boot',X), X \= [],
- fail.
+ !.
'$init_from_saved_state_and_args' :-
recorded('$restore_flag', init_file(M:B), R),
diff --git a/pl/qly.yap b/pl/qly.yap
index d562b31fc..ddcce2482 100755
--- a/pl/qly.yap
+++ b/pl/qly.yap
@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ Saves an image of the current state of the YAP database in file
trying goal _G_.
qsave_program(File) :-
- '$save_program_status'([], qsave_program(File)),
-open(File, write, S, [type(binary)]),
+ '$save_program_status'([], qsave_program(File)),
+ open(File, write, S, [type(binary)]),