% Thom Fruehwirth, LMU, 980129, 980311 :- use_module(library(chr)). handler pathc. option(already_in_heads,on). constraints c/3. % c(X,Y,N): the distance between variables X and Y is the positive number N c(I,J,A),c(I,J,B) <=> C is min(A,B), c(I,J,C). c(I,J,A),c(J,K,B) ==> C is A+B, c(I,K,C). % Only complete if both c(I,J,D) and c(J,I,D) are present for each constraint /* % Queries c(A,B,D). c(A,B,2),c(A,B,4). c(A,B,2),c(B,C,3). c(A,B,2),c(B,A,1). c(A,B,2),c(B,A,0). c(A,B,2),c(A,C,3),c(C,B,2). c(A,B,2),c(A,C,3),c(C,B,4). c(A,B,2),c(B,C,3),c(C,A,4). c(A,B,2),c(B,C,3),c(C,A,4),c(B,A,2),c(C,B,3),c(A,C,4). */